Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Spiritual Revolution and the Spring of Hearts Ribt 02182024
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The speakers discuss the concept of culture and how it is a reflection of one's behavior. They explain that everything is happening in a way that is not just a list of words, but also a list of actions and ideas. The speakers also discuss the concept of "bringing" and how it can lead to "bringing", which is a term used by many people to describe their experiences and struggles. They stress the importance of working harder to remove slags and building a revolution, and provide advice on achieving success and learning to read.
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I want to connect a couple of things
As a reminder for myself and for others,
in order for the Ramadan to be more
with good energy and
a benefit.
Obviously, everybody understands that
Ramadan is the month of the Quran.
Not everybody. Because I remember before I went
to study, someone said, Oh, the Ramadan is
the month of the Quran.'
And then x y z and he kept
talking. I was like, how is Ramadan the
month of the Quran? What does that even
Obviously, it's stark ignorance.
Allah Ta'ala himself says, we read the ayat
in the beginning from the real salihim shahu
ramanal ladheeunzilafiheel
ila akhirul aya, that this is the month
of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed.
Then there's this whole discussion, what does it
mean it was revealed
in Ramadan? It was revealed in Laylatul Qadr.
What does that mean? Inna anzalnahulul Qadr if
it's ayat are
given to the Rasul SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam over
the course of decades.
That this Mubarak transcription of these words were
brought from the luh Mahood into the sama
ad dunya
and with it came immense barakah.
A reminder what the Quran is because for
many of us experientially, the Quran is
the Nur Anik Haydah that we read,
that we had a Bismillah party, that we
had an Amin party. I never had any
of those things by the way.
But many of us have it and I
endorse this, it's good, it's a good thing,
mashallah. I think, you know, at some point
or another, Arabs used
to mock
Desis for having these things, because for them
it's just Arabic, they're just learning how to
But now sadly we have to have these
things for the Arab children children as well
because they don't know how to read anymore.
Even in Arab countries, forget about in America.
So go ahead and do it. Throw a
party for your kids. The point is is
Culturally, this is the way we experience it,
and this experience is actually into our minds.
You have to grow out of it though.
Just like a boy, when he's a little
boy, girls are gross, and then at some
point they stop being gross. Or sometimes they
become very whatever it is, they grow out
of it.
And vice versa for the ladies too.
They grow out of it. You have to
grow out of it.
What is the Quran?
The letters of the Quran are like a
They are dalil to that of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. The letters are created, the huroof
alif alifbatatha are created.
The sounds of the Qari reciting are created.
The pages of the mushaf are created.
But somehow or another through them there's a
wasila, a connection that invokes the kalam of
Allah Ta'ala. It invokes
Allah Ta'ala's eternal and uncreated Sifa, which
the Mbiya
heard and which you hear with your ears,
but also with your heart, also with your
hands, also with your feet, with your head,
with your chest, with every part of your
This has an effect on a person.
This is why certain ayat of the Quran
will have your sins forgiven, certain ayat of
the Quran
will cure the sick, certain ayat of the
Quran will heal different disabilities that people have.
Certain ayah of the Quran will get you
out of a speeding ticket. Certain ayah there's
something in the Quran for everyone, for everything.
Why? Because it's an invocation of the only
one who's a musabbih al asbaab, the only
one who makes any effect occur in this
universe, who is Allah. Everything is intermediated between
us and Allah.
intermediated only by between us and Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
Think about it. The entire heavens and the
earth, the big bang occurred, they say, occurred
from a singularity, an infinite amount of matter
and energy in an infinitesimal
By definition, the word singularity implies it's completely
But from it, we see
all kinds of variation.
Allah Ta'ala is the one who made it.
Allah Ta'ala is the one who did it.
And Allah Ta'ala made it make form. Not
based on
that because negative attracts
positive and it repels negative.
And because of this force and because of
that force. I'm not saying those things don't
They have a reality at some level. But
from singularity, you see all of this
This is a proof for a person who
ponders and who thinks
that there's day and there's night. There's all
sorts of variation in the creation.
That's the sign of creation that everything should
be in some sort of duality. There should
be one thing and there's another thing.
All of it implies that the one who's
doing it is doing it not out of
Like positive is compelled to
be attracted to negative and to repel positive.
This is the call of the Tabaya'in that
somehow or another all matter has a particular
set way it has to behave,
which is what it kind of looks like
at certain level. But in the big picture,
none of it makes any sense.
In the
at some level, we see everything tends every
system tends toward chaos and decay.
But then you look at the grand order
and you realize that's
not the entire story.
All of it distracts a person from connecting
to the only one who's doing anything in
the first place.
All of these things in them, there's a
sign that the only one doing anything in
the first place is Allah.
This is not just something that you have
to talk about the big bang, that's some
sort of
And I use the word intentionally. It's not
a revelation at all. There's some sort of
new revelation science that technology tells us. The
ancient people, you know, the philosopher, you know,
Ghazali wrote a rut against the philosophers. This
is the standard desi,
dialogue, which then stupid people from the other
aqwam then listen and repeat as well. They
say, Oh, Ghazali was, you know, he was
against the Muertazila, and he was against the
philosophers, and because of that, he stunted all
of the intellectual growth in the Muslim world.
This is a standard thing with stupid people
who don't read Arabic, say.
You know the philosophers he was talking about,
it's not just philosophy, the love of wisdom,
Ghazali is against it. Right? I challenge anyone
to prove to me from anything he wrote
that he hates wisdom.
The philosophies he's talking about are the peripatetic
philosophers, the people who were the ones who
are basically the custodians of the of pagan
Greek thought.
Upon which, you know, upon the flat platform
of which, you know,
platonic and other types of old Hellenistic thinking
were built.
One of the things that the
one of the things that the
or philosopher,
not philosophers, the peripatetic
philosophers. But those particular school, that particular school
that call themselves the philosophers, even though they
were a particular school of philosophy, they weren't
all of philosophy. They used to think that
the world is a place of chaos and
disarray and mischief, and the heavens are perfect.
They all move in one perfect order.
Bahay, what kind of perfect order is the
stars are going supernova,
and planets are doing the crashing into each
other, and like have you seen Uranus? The
thing was literally tilted on its side and
it's like,
rolling instead of like rotating in its circle.
It's like rolling on its side and, you
its rotation is retrograde.
It's against
the the grain of the entire rest of
the solar system. Venus, its rotation is retrograde.
All of these marks of chaos and of
calamity on literally every single planet in the
solar system.
You see order in it, and it tells
you order is possible.
You see chaos in it as well, however.
And all of these materialists around the scientist,
well, evolution guided this to this and to
that. Does evolution guide people? Does Allah God
guide living things?
I'm the one all of the, like, macho
Muslim Twitter, like, gets up on me for
being evolution movie.
But even I didn't buy into evolution that
much just to think that it has some
sort of intellect or will of its own.
Well, you see the universe did this, and
then the universe did that, and the universe
does the universe have anything that it's gonna
do? Other than rocks like smacking into rocks,
and colliding with each other, or joining up
with one another causing fires and cut What
does any of it do? The only one
doing anything is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. A
person who ponders, they realize Allah Ta'ala is
the only one doing any of these things.
All of these things are pointers that remind
people of Allah Ta'ala.
But from the Ashra, from the highest and
from the most noble in their rank, even
though anyone can grab a hold of any
of these things and still get to Allah
is what this Quran that was brought into
this world. And the Dalil of it is
the person who follows this Quran,
no longer kills.
The Dalil is the person who follows this
Quran, no longer steals.
The person who follows this Quran no longer
lies. The person who follows this Quran no
longer cheats. The person who follows this Quran
does everything
that a person knows is good and abstains
from everything a person they know is bad.
The only person who hates the person who
follows this Quran
is the one who hates goodness themselves,
and even then it's takabur, it's Iblisism. Why?
Because they say, I like people to do
that good to me, but I don't wanna
do that good to anybody else. I don't
want anyone to force that person to do
that good to me.
So I wanted to talk about just one
small thing, because obviously all of these things
are the Dhikr of Allah Ta'ala. If a
person is illiterate and unable to read alif,
you know,
roast beef sandwich. They don't know the difference
between any of these things. They can still
remember Allah Ta'ala. They can still take a
path to him.
But in particular,
the immense barakah of this Quran that's connected
with this month.
The tajalli of which comes down from Allah
to Allah in this month.
Because of which the fasting is
more than just fasting would have been.
Even though fasting was the
sign of the righteous in every ummah until
this one. It gets
Why? Because all of your good deeds are
aware. What are they? They're like a net
you catch. They're a place where the the
jali comes and that you can accept and
receive it. So a person who does a
little bit of good in Ramadan will catch
a little bit of that tajalli. Person who
does a lot of good things will catch
a lot of that tajalli.
So the Ramadan is part of that net,
that sail that's there to catch the wind.
The taraweeh is part of the sail that's
there to catch that wind.
The sadaqah and generosity is part of the
sail that's there to catch that wind.
What is also part of it is the
recitation of the Quran.
And it's connected with fasting and it's connected
with Ramadan. 1st because Ramadan is Unzilafiqir
Quran, so it's the reason for all of
this khairn and barakah to come.
And with it also there are a number
of other Quran. The hadith of the prophet
salallahu alayhi wa sallam, hadith Qudsi,
that on the day of judgment,
fasting in the Quran will come and
argue on behalf of the person getting judged.
So you'll be in the middle of your
judgment, I'll be in the middle of my
It will be going good, it will be
going not so good.
That's how those things go.
Because math is kind of like that. Like
it's, you know,
it is what it is. It's not going
to be in your favor against you.
It's just gonna show you what's there.
And so, they'll be intercessors. They'll come in
a anthropomorphized
And the fasting will come and say, You
all of this, you know,
accounting that's happening,
Just forgive him. Why? The idea is that
the fasting will have
a noble maqamath Allah Ta'ala and
he'll be allowed to cut in.
Who's the one who can
with Allah
except for with His permission?
Then obviously fasting is something Allah Ta'ala honored,
the recitation of the Quran is something Allah
Ta'ala honored. So they're given the ability to
intercede with him, with him, Jallahu A'la, in
the middle of
someone's accounting.
So the fasting will say that this person
gave up their food for me.
And the recitation of the Quran will say
this person gave up their sleep for me.
Because Ramadan, if there's something other than hunger
that a person goes through, what is it?
You sleep.
The idea is that the talawi has supposed
to be much of the night.
You're gonna lose sleep from the recitation of
the Quran. Whether it's a tarawih, whether it's
you opening the musaf and reading from it,
whether it's you reciting the thing that you
know from memory. The best way of reciting
the Quran is what?
It's in the salat.
Then afterward if a person cannot do it,
then they read
from the mushaf or from their memory or
whatever, and all of those things will cause
you to lose sleep. That they'll cut into
your hisaab, and when it's not going your
they will time out and just ask Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to tilt the
hisaab in your favor or to admit those
things that are going against you.
That what is the munasaba of this Quran
with the
month of Ramadan?
Is that thing, they come hand in hand,
a person has to understand that, and they
have to stack their Ramadan
with their recitation of the Quran.
You have to get over the the feeling
of being a kid,
having to go to class, or having to
read your Qur'i, or having to whatever. You
have to get over for some of us
that weren't fortunate. The ones who were beaten
by our Qur'i, salam al shayl, are very
The ones who didn't have anyone to teach
us, we don't even have that much
habit from before. We have to force ourselves
to do it.
It's difficult. When you have to learn how
to read as an adult, it's difficult.
You stutter.
You don't have that nice ebb and flow
that you hear somebody who reads with fluency.
I myself suffer from this thing. You guys
hear it every week. You're the few people
who like put up with it. I myself
suffer from it. I stutter. It's difficult for
me to read the Quran. It's difficult for
me to read Arabic and to comprehend it,
like visually,
also in speech, but for other reasons.
But you have to struggle, and push, and
hustle, and get through it just to get
those couple of moments.
And the person who
is able to, should at least finish 1
recitation in the month, the person who can
do so should finish 2 recitations, 3 recitations.
What was the Ramadan of the mashaikh that
we saw?
There are those who finish the Quran
once a day, those who finish the Quran
more than once a day, we've seen those
people, they're still alive. You can like still
meet them. There are people like that in
There are people who their hizbus that they
finish every 3 days, they finish every 7
days. These things are very armed, they're very
If you're not there yet, but you have
to write for yourself some time
and take every spare moment. This is how
because we're talking about like the soma of
the hosus and the hosus and hosus. How
are you gonna get to that point?
One of the best ways of keeping haram
out of your eyes, ears, mouth, and tongue
is to
give your eyes, ears, mouth, and tongue so
much to do that they don't have time
for other things.
A person cannot
wonder about Teslas and about real estate prices
and about
politics and about this and that. They can't
wonder about that. And if they're struggling to
read and they can't even read fluently, they're
gonna have even less leeway in order to
let their
mind wander
and recite on autopilot. So in some sense,
it's actually a blessing.
But a person has to hustle to get
through every haraf that they should get, every
haraf in the Quran in their mouth, every
time they do it. If they can do
it once, they should do it once, twice,
3 times, 4 times, they should do it
again and again. These are the things that
they teach you fiqh, simultaneously they teach you
akhida, simultaneously
they're your tasawaf, they're your taraqi,
they're everything that you wanted, everything that you
ever needed.
So I wanted to share because if you
look at the title of the talk, it's
the Ramadan is the spring
Spiritual revolution.
Why? Because what was the
Arab revolution? It was the Arab spring.
I'll let you judge what your opinions are
about it. We can drink
and Yerba Mate afterward, and discuss what our
opinions are about that. No need for me
to comment. Maybe some of you know more
about it than me.
But the revolution
doesn't start from protesting outside.
It doesn't start through economic boycotts.
It doesn't start through political candidates. It doesn't
start through fighting in war.
I'm an advocate of all of these things
in the right time and place.
And I say whoever is a pacifist and
who says that you never do any of
these things, this person is a shaitan who's
like trying to sing you a lullaby and
put you to sleep.
But still you have to understand. You have
to understand.
Connecting with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is superior
than connecting with
physical means.
Allah is the thing that makes things happen.
Physical means are not the things that make
things happen.
It's part of the beauty of things that
when Allah decrees a thing that happened, it
happens in such a way a person art.
It's art. It's a beauty that a person
couldn't put together even if they wanted to.
It's a beauty that a person couldn't put
together even if they wanted to. It's a
beauty that a person couldn't put together even
if they wanted to.
It's art. It's a beauty that a person
couldn't put together even if they wanted to.
So in the moment when you look and
see the way the planets are, the way
the atoms are, all of these things, it's
Even though you know every single item amongst
them is suffering from the same chaos that
you and me are physically, going through the
same decay that we're going through, but there's
a beauty in it. Why? Because when Allah
decrees a matter, it happens so perfectly a
person thinks that it happened on its own.
But only a fool would think that that
level of beauty is possible without some sort
Some sort of doing
by choice.
So if a person wants to bring the
revolution into their life,
you have to first bring it from the
bottom up.
The Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did that with
his companions radhiallahu on whom.
They were the most uneducated,
the most hapless,
the most
weak, the most
unprepared people in the history of mankind.
They had many good things about them. I'm
not trying to say that they're bad people.
They're actually they had many good things but
from material means, they had nothing in their
When looked at the Persians, the Romans, the
They literally used to refer to their own
past as what jahiliyah, ignorance, the age of
And Allah Ta'ala through this thing made
them such people that they ruled the east
and they ruled the west. We're talking about
Sicily and Spain, and we're talking about
Morocco and Mauritania, and we're talking about Sudan,
and we're talking about Malaysia and Indonesia.
You're going from couscous to like, nasi goreng
and everything in the middle.
And lest the person think that was just
a fluke, sometimes things happen one time and
then it's done, right? It's a flash in
the pan.
In the east, in the west, fighting the
Mongols, fighting the Crusaders, fighting all of these
The brunt of the black plague
came on the Muslim lands. The brunt of
the Mongols came on the Muslim lands. The
brunt of all of these difficulties came on
the Muslim lands.
The Farinja, their forefathers completely owned and enslaved
our forefathers.
Such a slavery, our
people as like nations are still not free
of it.
Why is it that no one is accepting
their deen and they're accepting our deen?
There's something there that's more subtle and more
powerful than what?
Than physical asbab.
And I just wanted to share this one
thing. You guys sit, whoever,
comes here and
forces yourself to sit in this majlis.
And I stutter through, and sometimes I forget,
and sometimes I misplace things, and I just,
that. I read my duas, you know, like
the last dua that I read, like you're
like, Oh man, I'm about to fall asleep.
I got work tomorrow. I got this and
that. And the one light at the end
of the tunnel, his du'a is almost over.
It's narrated from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Such a dua.
I'll tell you about a friend of mine.
grew up in a communist
where there is no Jumaa,
where there's no Adhan, there's no Masajid, there's
no Janazahs, there's no Ramadan,
there's nothing. When you die, you get buried
in the same graveyard as a Kafir, and
you go to school,
and they tell you you're a descendant of
an ape.
This is how they describe it themselves.
And you don't talk about religion unless you
wanna go to a gulag.
When he had opportunity,
he left home,
smuggled himself, everyone's trying to get out of
Afghanistan. Well, at least they were until relatively
Smuggled himself in those days into Afghanistan and
then into Pakistan. Everyone's trying to get the
* out of Pakistan. He smuggled himself into
Imagine illegal immigrant to where?
Afghanistan and then to
Someone should explain to this guy, need to
immigrate other places.
All of the danger, for what?
So that he can learn the deen of
Allah ta'ala. He said, I showed up to
madrasa in jeans and a t shirt.
He said, people were looking at me. It
wasn't that I was trying to be cool
or modern, everyone thought we were trying to
be cool.
He goes, I felt like I was ashamed.
I felt like, you know, because I see
everyone else wearing shawwar kameez. By the way,
that's something our forefathers learned from the Uzbeks
and from the
Central Asians, from the Sogdians and the Persians.
That's what they used to wear. That's their
other is not the
native dress of the people of the subcontinent.
You ever seen what Gandhi used to wear?
Like he had that weird doti tied up
like underwear and would walk around in it?
That's what they used to wear. You see
even the, you know, one would expect that,
you know,
but they're like
jinns and stuff they worship that they call
Even then they have that thing tied up.
None of them have a shirt on, do
When their priests walk around with thopis and
with like turbans, they learn that from us.
That's like fake.
Otherwise, they used to have sadhus that used
to walk around naked like with no clothes
on at all.
That's what they consider to be like level
7 taqwa, like super taqwa of spirituality or
whatever. Not taqwa, whatever their thing is, their
spiritual thing is. That's what they used to
look up to.
So these so these guys are from those
places that
brought this dignity to the subcontinent.
even he won't dress like that, even he
will dress in the Central Asian dress, right?
Because he's dignified.
He's like, we felt like we we they
all thought we were trying to be cool
wearing jeans and a t shirt and the
madrasa, he goes, it was nothing. It's just
we were like broken. That's what we escaped
So these guys went through their madrasa 1
by 1 by 1 by 1, told all
sorts of heartbreaking stories
of poverty,
They never saw their parents. 20 years, they
never saw their parents.
They said, My parents came for Hajj. Somehow
they made it to Hajj, and we got
a call, and we
got a visa through some connections to go
And so we just saw each other for
15 minutes and cried because some of these
communist, post communist countries, they're they have like
literally government minders that will
he said that there are more muhabarat with
the Hajj group than there are actually hujjah.
There are more government minders and informants than
there are actually people there to perform the
He said because of that, the minders figured
out what happened, they sent my parents home
before the hajj happened.
They said, We flew home on a hajj
flight, only 2 he said, They only flew
the 2 of them were sitting in the
plane. Nobody else was coming because they first
take the pilgrims
to Hajj and then they take them back
on Hajj flights. So there was almost an
empty plane.
So imagine how much difficulty someone like that
went through.
People are like, Oh,
my khalisab was mean to me or this
or that or You know, there are people
who went through a lot of difficulty in
order to get some modicum of
deen. This man,
he Because I learned some Uzbek
in college and university, I tried speaking with
him because they're from Central Asia.
He said, well, you remember you did that
one time? Then I didn't see him again
for like years.
He's like, you remember you spoke, was back
with me one day? He's like, yeah. He
goes, I got creeped out of my mind.
He said, I That's it. The The KGB
sent someone to kill me. This guy's like
flexing on me. When when do you see
a Pakistani walker on speaking Uzbek? I learned
it at university because
they needed translators for, after 9:11. So they
said whoever wants to learn Uzbek, it's free.
And I've never worked as a translator for
for really anyone,
except for maybe Mufti Palinpourri,
and that was a volunteer job.
But you can imagine.
He said, I only saw you coming and
going from class in the majlis of
the Alana for a long time. Then I
thought, I'm being paranoid. Maybe this guy's legit.
You know, his story checks out. So
we had some chance to hang out, we
had some chance to meet, and you were
there. We went and met him, Masha
Allah. One of the things he said in
that majlis was what?
He said, Out of all of my experiences,
if people ask me to like summarize it,
one of the things I would tell them
is what?
This dua, this dua,
if nothing else, this dua could only have
been said by a nabi. He said, if
you have no other thing that you can
tell somebody, what is the dalala of the
Prophet Sallallahu Wa Salam's nubuwa?
It's this dua because this dua made me
survive through very dark days.
He said, when I wanted to get married,
I asked my because
they're like,
know, they're human beings. They came as teenagers.
They've been studying for 10 years, teaching for
5 years. That's something they wanna get married.
They've, you know, but they have nobody to
show face with. So he says, Don't worry,
we'll pay your Maher,
go find a bride inshallah, we'll find some
brothers who'll pay your Maher, just find a
bride who will marry you, go find amongst
your Qom and, we'll we'll make it happen.
They said, We went to our qaum, nobody
would give their daughters to us.
We got heartbroken and frustrated, and
was, nobody, you know, we're not getting anywhere
with anyone. He said, Bedi, I I knew
this was gonna happen. I just wanted you
to see for yourself just so you don't
say afterward we you know, afterward that, oh,
I should have married someone from my home.
They forced me to marry a Pakistani.
Because I knew none of them will give
you their daughter. So don't worry, we'll find
you someone. You don't need to worry about
These are the guys, they're these are the
guys, they were telling that that what?
This du'a, this is the one that this
is the du'a that let me survive
through all of my difficulties.
And what is it?
Oh Allah,
I'm your slave and the son of your
slave man and the son of your slave
I'm the son of your slave man and
the son of your slave woman.
My forelock is in your hand. Meaning what?
You could drag someone around by the face.
They're completely you're completely
hapless in front of them.
You drive you have the power. If you
want to, you drag me around by my
Whatever your command is, that's what's gonna come
to pass in me.
I have no justice other than what you
give to me.
I ask you by every name that you
The name of Allah Ta'ala is a great
The names of Allah Ta'ala are great things.
As many languages as there are, there are
names of Allah Ta'ala, the languages of the
birds and of the,
of the animals.
All of them are great. The languages of
things that we don't think can speak in
this realm, we don't hear their speech, but
in another realm, even they speak the praise
Allah All of them are great, all of
them call to Allah
and that's the link between them and Allah's
madad without which
matter doesn't exist on its own. Energy doesn't
exist nothing exists on its own.
I ask you from all of these names,
not just the 99 or the ones we
know in Arabic or the ones that are,
you know
Imagine how people were talking about the kuffar.
They are how
bereft and how
completely deprived they are of the madrifa of
Allah ta'ala.
That you have in this country, pastors will
get up, they worship Allah, and we worship
God. I go,
What kind of stupid thing is this to
The word God is a Germanic word. It's
not even Greek,
much less anything from the Ambiya alaihis salam
that you learn.
And the idea that you don't even know
Allah Ta'ala's name that's in your own scripture
and you
What is
this? Rather we know Allah Ta'ala has so
many names.
Someone says, I ask Allah, there's from them
is the Isam Avan.
That name if a person calls on Allah
to Allah
by it, Allah answers them immediately.
It's in Sahih hadith,
including the islam adham. All of Allata'a's names
that are known
and unknown.
I ask you by every name that you
That you named yourself.
Or you sent down in your book.
Or that you taught to even one of
your creation. There are some names only Allah
taught 1, nobody else knows them.
Or you preferred yourself
against all of the creation and you kept
the knowledge of that name? Only with you
and no one will ever know it except
for you. I ask you by all of
these names. What, what do I will a
person ask? They have an opportunity to ask,
what will they ask?
That you make the Qur'an the spring of
the Arabs?
That you make the Quran the spring of
my heart.
This is the opportunity. This is the Ramadan.
This is the request for others. And also
maybe because I huff and puff about these
things in front of others, maybe I'll feel
some shame and push myself as well. That
the Quran is a spring of the heart.
A person starts reading,
you understand, you don't understand, how much do
you understand, how little do you understand.
The thing is that your mind has all
kind of like static and flak inside inside
of it,
and your heart
has all kind of static and flak inside
of it. Much of Ramadan is wasted. People
make tovah from ahead of time. Much of
it is wasted just kind of getting rid
of the after effects of the sin because
the heart is clean. Once it's clean and
the bottle is open,
then the khayr pours in very quickly.
So but if you didn't prepare for it,
then it a lot of it, you're sitting
there reading, and you're like getting bored, and
you're getting,
you know, like, agitated and you're getting,
you know, annoyed and you're this and you're
that. What is it? It's the bad feeling
of all of that nonsense getting pushed out.
The salek, when he goes,
when he oscillates between good states and bad
which happens, I guess, more nowadays because there's
so much bad around us and because we've
also become so lazy with our saluk.
What ends up happening? Some bad thoughts come
to you in Ramadan, can't blame the shaitan
like we talked about from before.
Such horrible thoughts come to a person. What
is it? It's just a slag coming out
because what's happened? Like, you a blacksmith, what
does he do? He heats the iron the
the iron up,
then he hits it with the with the
hammer, right? And then the sparks fly off
of it. You can watch these things on
YouTube, inshallah, if you want to. Go watch
like a blacksmith.
crap that falls off the side. It's kabbath,
it's literally called like impurity.
There's kabbath that falls off the side of
it, right? It's not the kabbath like from
a human being, or from an animal, or
whatever. Right? What is it? It's slag. It's
all of the, it's all of the,
things in the iron other than the iron
that are burning up and falling out the
sides. And when you hit it, it basically
pushes it out of the crystal and matrix
of the metal.
So what's happening is that
the Ramadan has come, you started sitting down
to read, the iron has become hot. And
now what's gonna happen, you're gonna experience the
slag falling to the side. Don't have these
thoughts and don't have these experiences and then
oh, I'm a bad person, or maybe I'm
not really into it, or this is not
The more slag you have, the longer you
have to you're gonna have tunnel through it
in order to get to the point where
that metal is pure.
I promise you, if you have only 30
seconds, 15 seconds, 10 seconds, one second, an
instant of that purity
in your feeling, you'll say, all of this,
all of the difficulties I went through my
life, all of the hardships I went through
the life, all of the fasting, all of
the salat, waking up, all of it was
100% worth it. This is the Haqq.
What's the problem? So much impurities, so we're
gonna have to work all that much harder
to get the slag out.
Because either we ourselves or somebody in our
family decided, Let's move to America.
Some other people who were making decisions were
like, hey, let's become an Arab Socialist Republic
instead of like, I don't know, following
the Kitab and Sunnah.
Someone's like, oh,
no. The Turks don't wanna get along with
Arabs. Arabs don't want to get along with
this person, that person, that everyone, you know,
if I steal from him, he's gonna steal
from me tomorrow anyway. Everyone made these decisions,
now we're in the place that we're in,
but there's no,
you know, like the Yolukiyam, it's not like
a food court. You basically have only 2
options you can go to, and really one
of them is not really an option. So
So you only have one place you can
go. You have to put in the time
and effort and energy. What I'm telling you
is this is very Ramadan. You guys are
pious people, that's why you're here so you
probably experience it all the time anyway, whether
it's Ramadan or not. But if
a person needs reminding, because I need reminding
as well,
because you dip in and out of these
states, and then when you're in it, you
think there's nothing else, that why would anyone
ever want to disobey Allah and when you're
out of it, you're like, well, who's gonna
follow all of this Islam stuff, right?
You forget what it's like to be on
the other side. So let's remember together
that what this was the dua of Rasulullah
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam after all of these, antajaluquran
al kareemarabiyaqalbi
that You Allah make this
generous Quran.
This is noble Quran,
the spring of my heart.
make it the light of my vision
that shows me like what to do because
people have all sorts of choices. God knows,
you know, should I take the vaccine? Should
I not?
a million wasawas have afflicted every single one
of us in this majlis.
And that's just like, that was like in
the past. God knows what kind of weird
things are gonna come up in the future.
And the thing
that allows me to transcend my
Was the haba
hammi, and the thing
that allows me to
cast away
my anxieties about the future.
My huzin from the past and my ham
in the future.
This is a medicine a person should take.
All the modern, like whatever,
therapy commercials and whatever will be like, well,
you know, you can't replace the doctor.' Okay
fine. If you have a clinical issue go
to a licensed therapist. I'm
not talking about that.
If you're just a normal person
and you have issues,
you know what good for you. If you're
not depressed nowadays, you may not be paying
attention, your uncle may not function properly.
If you think this is depressing, imagine growing
up with like in Jahiliya.
If you think the Arabs at your masjid
are crazy.
Imagine their forefathers,
plus drinking alcohol, plus worshiping idols.
It's not just them, like ours were crazy
too, but they're probably weak sauce, like the
Arabs would have like put them down, so
it's a little more, you know?
Seriously, like a good Oh, man. You think
you think like a Muslim desist are annoying?
Go go go to the party of like,
you know, the average Hindu and sick household.
Their men are all drunk to the to
the tea.
My father attended a party one time.
I shouldn't have said that.
Allah forgive all of us and our parents.
I mean.
He said when he was leaving because he
didn't drink, obviously he's not gonna
he shouldn't have attended because the company, but
he himself didn't whatever. He didn't eat anything,
drink anything.
And so when he was leaving, because everyone's
he said one of the sickening aunties, she's
like, she
so you guys don't get drunk?
He's like no.
Because you guys don't get like, you guys
don't get drunk and beat your wives up?
Literally beat up your women?
He's like no.
So she was kind of intrigued by the
concept and he just
went off into the night.
How are you going to get over that?
A 1000000000 of these people here and a
1000000000 of those people there.
But look, our forefathers did it.
At the end of the day, nobody goes
to visit the monkey temple. What did they
go visit?
Taj Mahal,
the Red Fort,
Badshahi Masjid.
Not only can they make it, not only
can they survive, they found beauty in their
All of these madares were built like
small islands in like
an ocean of hostile idolaters.
You can survive, you can thrive, you can
be successful, you'll find beauty in this life
and in the hereafter.
But the thing is you have to build
the revolution
step by step according to this particular plan.
If you try to wing it and do
it on your own, take your own shortcuts,
it's not gonna work, and even if it
is successful, it's still gonna be failure.
Because it will be all of that type,
all of it destined to live and die
in this world, and perish in this world,
has no naseeb from the hereafter.
This is my recommendation to others. This is
my recommendation to myself, to my beloved children
who are here, and to my honored and
noble brothers and sisters who came to visit,
that have this idea that I'm going to
read the Quran as much as I can
outside of my prayers and outside of my
fasting, that I'm going to listen to it
in the tarawih, and that I'm going to
recite it from the mushaf myself in my
free time, in my free moments. If a
person can't read like 17 khatms or whatever,
I myself read so slow. Sometimes because I
have to travel and do all these other
things in my own slowness, in my own
laziness, whatever. I finish 1, I finish 2,
I finish 3. I think the maximum I
ever did was something in that neighborhood between
3 and 4. I even, like, I
sequester myself into a room, I still can't
read more than that because of how slowly
I read.
But still these are experiences a person reads
which strange things you'll read, and it will
bring a tear to your eye, it will
bring joy to your heart.
You don't know which thing will happen, and
it will like, be like that strike from
the hammer.
It will hit your heart in such a
way, all the slag will be cast aside
and you'll have 5 minutes of purity.
That's like really important. You know those people
who did 40 years? Okay, that's a long
way away.
Let's have 5 minutes, let's have a minute,
let's have 5 seconds, let's have a second,
a moment of it. And we can say
that, look, we, you Allah, at least we
were Muslim for
a second of our life.
So forget about the rest of it and
accept this one second from us. Ta'ala give
us tafir.
WassaAllahu ta'ala wa rasoolahi wa salli yasawihi