Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Riyd alSlihn The Clothed Naked Ribt 02252024
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The speaker discusses the concept of being alone with non-fascist women and advises against leaving things laying around and avoiding coworkers. They also stress the importance of avoiding secession and being a Moore, and emphasize the need to be cautious and stay in oneself to avoid embarrassment. The trans culture is a way to undermine women's clothing and men should not be too uptight about things. The speaker also discusses the "has in a human being" and the trans culture, where fashioners are showing off their appearance as a man or woman, rather than just wearing a flashy shirt. The speaker also mentions that men are often seen as fashionable and fashionforward, but not necessarily the same as women.
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The chapter regarding the
prohibition of being alone with
non Nahrul woman.
The word
in, like,
normal talk means a foreigner, but more properly,
it's like a stranger.
Somebody that you don't usually hang out with.
And so depending on context, it can be
a foreigner or stranger. Generally, in thick books
and things like that,
there are less
related to whether someone's from a different country
or not, more related to whether they're your.
So is
used as an antonym to is your
unmarriageable kin.
Those people with whom there is more relaxed
laws with regards to separation and hijab.
And so the is the the the the
person of the opposite gender who is
who the commandment of hijab stands with.
So this is something really important. It's like
common sense,
you know, or at least it should be.
But common sense is not as common
that a man and a woman should not
be alone together.
It's generally something that is,
for the benefit of both. It saves a
woman from being,
or molested or, God forbid, something worse, being
or or even worse than that. And it
also saves a man from,
his own temptation, which can be used as
a manipulation against him.
And it also saves him from, false
the he said, she said thing is completely
you know, so many times, it's completely impossible
to litigate
and figure out who's telling the truth and
who's not. And all it is is a
splotch and a stain on on on both
parties, both the accuser and the accused, and
there's really no good that comes from it.
So a person just stay away from it.
This would have saved
Brett Kavanaugh from a number of bizarre,
you know, days of, whatever
senate testimony for his
confirmation hearing in the Supreme Court. This would
have saved a number of you 2 ish
type cases
and not you 2 ish, me 2 ish
type cases. This would have saved a lot
of people from a lot of things. And
the thing is, look. Okay? Someone will say,
well, it's really insensitive. Are you blaming the
victim? I'm not blaming the victim. I'm just
saying, look.
Better than being a victim who doesn't get
blamed is just try to avoid being a
victim at all. And some people can't avoid
it. I get that. I feel really bad
for them. In fact, some people could have
avoided it and they make mistakes, and I
still feel bad for them.
I'm still not like, you know, like, you're
a horrible person. But
to use that as
a reason or a driver of animus to
other people
to not
make better choices safety
wise and to not, like, you know, protect
themselves, that's just dumb.
That point I gotta draw the line and
say no. My my sympathy runs out for
you. If you're a male, you know, don't
go into a a room with a female.
The the door is closed. You know, there
are some things that are necessary that people
like that you know, like, if this is
the only doctor and you're
you know, really, like, grievously injured or whatever.
Right? And there are ways to get out
of kaloa. There are windows. There are
booths. There are whatever.
Even then, if there's a need, then people
should interact.
If there's no need, then even avoid those
so that everyone can keep their dignity and
avoid tuhmah, avoid accusation.
There's more to say about it. Some of
it will unfold
during the course of the reading of the
hadith of the ishqab,
and some of it we can discuss later,
and some of it we'll have to say
for another time.
Who narrates that the messenger of Allah
says, I warn you, I caution you, I
warn you
with regards to entering in,
into seclusion with,
females, mean women, basically, women that are not
your relatives.
Not your wife, not your mother, but, like,
just strange women.
someone from the Ansar said, how about how
about your brother-in-law? How about your in law?
defines it. It could be your brother-in-law,
meaning the sorry. You're how about the brother-in-law?
Meaning, how about if it's just my my
my brother's wife?
Or how about if it's just my nephew's
wife? Or if it's just, you know because
a person's nephew is
So what if it's just like my nephew's
What if it's just my brother's wife? Obviously,
your brother is your maherm. Right?
Or some
the the wife
of a a Mahram, basically. What if it's
just the wife of a Mahram, which is
a woman who's not directly related to you,
so she's not directly a Mahram, but she's
the wife of Mahram.
The prophet
responded that,
your that a brother-in-law is like death.
yes, that avoid that, like, the plague. Why?
Because it thinks there's already some sort of
familiarity. You already know someone. Right? You're not
gonna, like, you know, get to know a
random woman on the street. A woman is
not gonna get to know a random man
on the street. Usually, even non Muslims or
people who are unconcerned with the Sharia.
You know, women avoid people like that or
men avoid it. You know, men may not
avoid so much in this culture, but women
will oftentimes try to keep their distance from
someone who's random. But someone who you already
those are the people if you let your
guards down and trust them, they're the ones
who are gonna take advantage all the time.
And so you have this whole discourse,
you know, between people like when we go,
all men are pig. Okay. Yes. All men
are pigs. Now that you know that, don't
leave your stuff laying around.
Someone's like, oh, women are like this. Men
are like, okay. Good for you. You made
that this big thing, like, instead of waiting
for the Nobel Prize Committee to give you
a call, just protect yourself from this type
of stuff. The prophet
said that
the, brother-in-law is like death,
so avoid avoid him. If it's the Maharam
are very explicitly mentioned
in the Quran.
Whoever is the
whoever is the spouse of the Maharam is
the is not the is also not a
is also not a.
So be very careful. Be extremely careful, even
more careful around those people. Why? Because there's
already familiarity.
So familiarity can lead to misunderstanding or lead
to bad impulses
that will be unchecked on both sides.
This is the same thing. Right? I remember
his mom, Abdullah Madoon,
from from the south side.
I remember he came and gave a talk
one time in the Pacific Northwest.
And so he goes, my favorite is when
I, like, walk somewhere and I see someone
that I know.
And I know, no, no, no. Brother, imam,
that's that's that's my, that's my cousin.
And he's like, your cousin is still not
your mom. Like, it's still hard for you
to hang out with your cousin.
He was, that's my favorite. No. That's my
Okay. A, it's not your cousin. But b,
even if it is, then it's still it
doesn't really make a difference.
Just be careful. Be careful. It doesn't mean
you have to be, like, a weirdo around
them and, like, be, like, all, like, weird
and awkward and things like that.
Just, you know, it could be as easy
as, like, you're you're sitting in a majlis
and, like, the other people that remove you
from khalwah.
Like, other people are are there, like, your
parents are there, your uncle and aunt is
there, whatever. People's
also used to have some sort of common
sense. Maybe they don't have common sense anymore
with regards to shar'e,
norms. So people get up and leave, and
then it's just the 2 of you sitting
You know? You don't have to be like,
oh, this is haram. Oh my god. We
have to go now.
That's awkward. You make someone feel bad. You
make someone feel awkward. It's just weird. You're
acting weird. They're acting you know? Then they
feel weird, etcetera.
What can you do? You've been oh, you
know what? I remembered. I have to go
and, like, buy my dog a bone. I
don't know what it is. Just make some
excuse and just get up and leave.
And no awkwardness. No nothing. No one feels
bad. You didn't insult anybody. You didn't hurt
anyone's feelings. You didn't whatever. And you also
obeyed the dictates of the Sharia.
If a dude says, no. No. No. No.
It's okay. You can go by later. Just
sit for for a minute. That's the time
you don't sit for a minute.
You know, if if if if whatever, like,
your whatever your brother's wife is like, hey.
No. Just, why don't you stay for a
little while? Like, no. I really have to
go right now. And instead of saying it
in a way that's a question, just get
up and leave while you're saying it, and
that's it. Save yourself a lot of trouble.
Save yourself a lot of trouble of many
different multiples and varieties. The least of which
is that you humiliate yourself and break your
brother's trust. The worst of which is you
wake up without your wallet and one of
your kidneys.
You guys are laughing, but guess how this
stuff happens?
Obviously, it goes both ways. Right? Let a
man never be alone with a woman. Let
a woman never be alone with a man,
except for if there's a maherm present.
In particular, it's more important that it be
a maherm with a woman. Technically speaking, if
there's a third person there,
outside of the bare minimum,
definition of khanwa,
but it's still improper.
Really, if it's someone from the opposite gender,
they should have a there. The women in
particular should have a there.
Obviously, there's a barrier. There's a a a
big barrier to anything inappropriate happening if anyone's
there or if it's your maheram or someone
you respect or whatever. But really, it should
be the maheram of the woman that should
be there just so that, because the inherent
of women and the inherent
and relative
excess of aggressiveness in situations like this on
behalf of a man, and there's obviously exceptions
to that rule.
By the way, this is a book of
the soul of.
There are a lot of Sufi gatherings
in which there's free mixing in this country.
My god.
Lipstick hijab banquets
where the brothers will put on
half a bottle of, like,
and the sisters will have very freely, sequiny,
jobs and Jill Bobs and whatever. And there's
a a lot of beauty
all around.
look, if you wanna hang out with a
pretty girl,
then go do that. Don't kid yourself into
thinking it's Dean. If you wanna hang out
with guys, you know, go do it. Don't
do it. But you know what I mean?
I'm just just saying, like, you're right now,
a person is piling one disgusting thing on
top of another.
Don't try to pretend this is deemed. People
do that. Right? That's why why they go
to conferences.
That's why they go to, these kind of
weird misgathering.
That's why they try to go go to
all of these different things, and it's in
the name of Dean. The thing is, you
know what? If you're a with the day
in person, you're not gonna go to, like,
you're not gonna go to a club. You're
not even gonna enjoy it over there. You're
not gonna drink. Even if you drink, you're
not gonna enjoy it.
You're just because you're not habituated to it.
It'll take you a while to
enjoy drinking. It'll take you a while to
learn how to dance. It'll take you a
while to learn the names of the different
songs and things like that. Right? It's not
your habit. So you're gonna do debauchery in
a way that's culturally appropriate for whatever you're
used to.
It's the same thing. Why is it why
is it that, like, you know, in Dubai,
there's, like, a separate nightclub for the Russians
and there's a separate nightclub for the Tamil
It's not that, like, you know, all of
them don't enjoy, like, enjoying themselves or either
of them have any compunction regarding these things
with regards to a sharia. It's just people
like to fit in where they're comfortable.
If you're going to go and
enjoy yourself in a way that's pays no
heed to the din, don't use the din
to do it because you're screwing up 2
really horrible things at the same time, and
a person's basic acro should be that they
should only screw up one horrible thing at
And then after that, I hear people like
that because the the thing is there are
layers. Size like an onion. Right? There's layers.
So those people are actually genuinely still more
religious than I would say 80% of the
the the population.
So then they'll go in front of the
non religious people
and be like, yeah, these guys are extremists.
I don't know why, they're so stuck up
on separation
on on,
not, you know, like free mixing and whatever.
And they'll say weird things to, like, all
these people are just, like, they have problems
and they're perverts and they're over sexualized things
and what do you mean over sexualized? Why
in the * are there, like, like, what?
6, 7,000,000,000 people now in the world? It's
cause obviously this thing has some sort of
attraction to
it. There are rabbis making a lot of
money from that attraction in a very bad
way. Right? There's a rabbi who owns *
and there's the other, like, whatever. There's a
a a Zionist who owns *.
We mentioned that before in the ancient times,
we start temple prostitutes. It's a very efficient
way of having, like, a fundraiser for your
place of worship, I guess. Right?
And so everything
can come up by the, like, everything is
returning to the ancient Jahiliya,
the Jahiliya, the ancients, the Aqdamin.
But, and I'm not saying that is about,
like, a free mixing mode. I'm not making
between those things because that's a bit too
far. But the the issue is this is
that, you know, then they'll then they'll say,
like, oh, this is like you're being too
you're not being too uptight about it. You're
not being too uptight about it. I'll tell
you the stories that I heard from the
from the hamka. You can tell me, then
you can decide after hearing the hadith of
the which one is the and which one
is closer to the sunnah, which one is
reasonable, which one's unreasonable.
There was a story once I heard,
no. I'm not trying to make any attribution
or anything. You can say, oh, it's just
like a like a fake like, the police
or whatever.
Right? But the the meaning of it is,
I think, deep.
That, there was full on such and such
place. There's a mazar of a wali of
Allah people come in, like, bring perfume to
the mazar, and they put perfume to the
mazar. Why? Because,
that was a famous sheikh. He became well
because he was a handsome young man.
one time,
a wealthy and powerful woman
who herself was very beautiful,
tried to entrap him,
into Kunik Zina.
she said, if you refuse, I'll yell and
scream that you, that you assaulted me, and
they're all gonna believe me. None of them
are gonna believe you.
So he said, okay. Let me go to
the restroom and, like, at least refresh it,
like, freshen myself up, like, prepare, like, you
know, beautify myself or, like, whatever. Make myself,
like, put myself together first. So he went
into the bathroom, and then he took feces
and rubbed it all over himself
and came out like that.
And, she was so disgusted. She said, get
the * out of here. Just get out.
And, that's how he escaped from that. And
he said that that man for the rest
of his life, perfume used to come from
him. People used to smell that this person
has, like,
a a a a unnatural, fragrance.
And, you know, the thing that that most
people won't believe is that this person even
existed or whatever. But, you know, that that
that they would have some sort of natural
fragrance. You know the thing I don't believe?
That there's a dude who would be trapped
by a beautiful woman in, and he's gonna
totally get away with it, and he still
had the himna to, like,
no. Like, I believe it happens
but when it is, that's the karama. That's
the actual karama.
The perfume and stuff, you can always call
and, like,
get that. That's
expensive and difficult to find good sometimes,
as say the will tell you, but you
can find it. This where are you gonna
find people like that from?
The story in the Quran is what
About Right? That that he was stuck in
the exact same
dilemma. Right?
And then the the way Allah
saved him because the
they're protected by Allah
and so Allah showed him the
the specter of his father who is also
a Nabi in the room with them. That's
gonna kinda harsh the mood a little bit,
isn't it? Right?
She was taken by him, and he would
have been taken by her. She was beautiful
as well
except for he saw the the Burhan. The
word Burhan is there's two words
that are used in the Quran in general
for a proof of something. 1 is Hajj
and 1 is burhan. You've have you taken
Manthik yet? Right? The Burhan is like the
complete irrefutable
proof. It's like the the master proof, whereas
the Hijjah is like a proof a proof
that someone can still argue with.
But the burhan is the one that closes
every single door of every single other possibility.
That Allah showed his burhan to to,
that if it wasn't that say that Yousef
alaihis son saw the burhan of his lord.
And when his father is saying, like, you
cannot do this right now. Like, this is
not gonna work.
And so he, like, he, like, he made
a he bolted. He made for the door.
you know, people think that that's the unbelievable
part. I think the unbelievable part is that
the are in a human being,
and they're so strong.
And the only people who say no to
things like this are people who are gay
or people who, like, just don't get enough,
like, vitamin d or something like that. You
know what I mean?
That's that's the thing. And the only way
you'll survive this is by making smart choices.
So why why put yourself in fitna and
things like that? And afterward, stay in yourself
and stay in your ruach with a stain
that's, you know, that that that won't come
That won't come out. Allah will forgive you.
You won't forgive yourself. You'll always remember. It'll
always be humiliation on you. You'll wonder how
is this gonna affect my children. You'll wonder
what will my forefathers say afterward. You know?
And after that, everybody, you know, everybody likes
Everybody likes beauty. If you don't, something's wrong
with you as well. That's a separate set
of problems that you have. But just, you
know, do it in the right way, not
not not like this.
said that the messenger of Allah
said that the the the the sacredness, the
of the the wives of the Mujahideen. There
are people who go out in the path
of Allah, their wives obviously stay home. They
don't go and fight with them.
That the inviolability of the wives of the
with regards to the men who who stay
from going out in the path of Allah
is like the inviolability to them with their
Don't talk. Don't smile. Don't
make chitchat, conversate none of that. Just that's
it. You interact with them like you would
interact with your mother.
There's no man from those who stay back,
behind the Mujahideen who go out in the
path of Allah
that will betray the trust of, of the
Except for the punishment on the day of
judgment was that that person will be stood
in a place, stopped in a place, and
the Mujahid that he he betrayed his trust,
will be,
be told not take from this person's deeds
however much you want to until you're until
you you are ready to forgive him.
Now, obviously,
the prophet
after that, he he asked the the companions
what do you think?
Right? So what do you think? You think
he'll take one good deed or 10, or
how many do you think he'll take?
How many?
All of
He'll do the Yomol Kiyama,
Hissab, and Kitab,
and Sahifa equivalent of making him bite the
And guess what?
He deserves it.
Gotcha. So don't don't don't don't be that
person. This is when there's opportunity, it's described
as kiyana. This doesn't mean, okay, fine.
Nobody. So nobody even goes out in the
path of Allah anymore. The point is this
is that this is treachery. When you betray,
when you take
wrong advantage of someone who trusts you for
some other reason.
It would be one re one thing. Right?
You know, somebody is like, you know,
You know, he pick his nice mood master
and say, I'm
very interested in your Hijab looking very spiritual,
sister, left me at the Kawa house. You
And, and and then then she's like, oh,
done one.
You were looking for something. She was looking
for something. Something happened. Inshallah, it was halal,
none of my business, whatever. Right? If it
it's a bad thing that happened. Right? But
one thing I there's a you have there's
a trust involved in it.
You're a school teacher. You're a police officer.
You're imam, you're
a sheikh. You're
a student or not. If someone is coming
to for advice, You, you know, like, you're
a groundskeeper at the Masjid or you're a
volunteer at the Masjid. You're, you know, someone
who, like, I don't know, has people's passwords
at social media corporation because you're, you know,
like, you know, because you're behind the scenes
in the IT part or whatever it is.
You know, you see people's personal profiles. All
of that is treachery. Right? And the point
is is is
that this treachery, if it's not exactly the
same as what prophet described, but this is
the punishment of someone who betrays another with
regards to these matters. So be very careful.
Be very careful about it. Sometimes it's okay.
It's better. I'm not telling you to, like,
whatever. You don't have to, like, live it
up in party or go out like a
predator or whatever. But
make sure not to abuse your your trust
that you were given,
in this manner because that's just gonna make
a problem that's really bad into something that's
much, much worse.
Many times people do that, especially religious people
do that because they don't have any game.
You know what I mean?
So also don't be a loser.
You know, it's okay to go to the
gym and cut your carbs a little bit
so that someone might wanna talk to you
without you having to, like, I don't know,
go through people's, like, secret personnel profiles at
work or whatever.
Yeah. Allah
protect us. Allah protect us. So
wild world out there. Our forefathers built a
world in which we didn't even have to
talk about these things much of a much
as think about them.
But, here we are. This world this age
has its own kind of weird needs and
necessities and perils and dangers that it exposes
a person to. So just go in with
your eyes open and be careful.
You don't screw up your for the sake
of something stupid in the
this is a chapter regarding the prohibition
of men trying to resemble women,
and women trying to resemble men in their
clothing and in the their movements
and in other things than that.
Here we are.
in a number of a'athar that this is
going to happen at the end of the
time. At the end of time, this will
happen. Both both men will act like women,
women will act like men. And
that men will go and take their,
their, carnal desires to other men instead of
to women, And women will suffice their carnal
desires with women instead of men, which is
a very messed up state to be in.
It's like a very sick and perverted and
messed up state to be in. Is bad
enough, but that's, like, really, it's just a
sign that you're like, forget about your humanity.
You're not even a functional animal anymore at
that point.
Says that Allah that the messenger
the men who,
act effeminate
and the women who act, masculine.
And in a different narration that the messenger
was a little cursed,
the men who try to resemble women and
the women who try to,
resemble men.
So, obviously, this whole trans thing is just
It's completely Haram and it's something that Allah
that Allah that the messenger of
Allah cursed.
And the word of Laana is a very
it's a very harsh word and its meaning
is to be far from the mercy of
Allah ta'ala, devoid of the mercy of Allah
It's basically
a little piece of Jahannam here in this
life because that's what Jahannam is, is being
removed from the mercy of Allah Ta'ala at
That's the one common thing between all of
the different levels of Jahannam is that none
of them receive any mercy. The punishment may
be more or less, but theoretically would be
sufficient for somebody if they just don't have
the mercy even if nothing else is going
on. That's enough punishment for a person to
think there's nothing worse. I could not possibly
conceive of anything worse than this.
And so, this is this is a very
my own thing.
So if you feel like this and if
you feel like that,
you know, if you're naturally by the way,
this is.
Right? Meaning, going out of your way to
be something you're not.
If you're born with a
high pitched voice,
If somehow or another, you seem to like
the color pink or you like interior decorating
or you like, you know, whatever. Right? Or
as a as a girl, like, somehow or
another, you really like wrestling more than, like,
volleyball or whatever.
That is who you are. Don't let it
that that you know, but you're not going
to * because of that.
focusing in on these things and letting them
displace the the thing that the Lord created
you as.
And this is one of the bizarre things
in this culture, at least growing up. I
noticed there were a number of boys who
were just naturally a little bit effeminate.
And even though you're gay, you're gay, you're
gay well, maybe the guy just is genetically,
that's his disposition and that's it.
They can get married. They don't have to
get married if they don't want to, but
they could get married. It had nothing to
do with being, quote, unquote, gay. Right?
Maybe some of them even didn't have the
same * attraction, but because that's the the
pick box that the society put them in,
At the end of the day, it turns
out it ends up turning out to be
a self fulfilling prophecy.
Maybe some of them actually struggled with that
and they hit it or whatever, but it
seems to me that there's some certain ones
amongst them that really didn't. But then later
on, because society people just kept saying that
to them again and again and again. It
broke them
whether it's males or it's females.
Don't listen to other people.
You know, if there's one thing that that
you have that may be a little bit,
you know, like,
abnormal for your gender or whatever, you don't
have to, like, celebrate and make it the
main thing, you know. Focus on those things
that you have that are masculine as a
born male and as feminine as a born
female. And the other things within reason, it's
okay to, like, you know, whatever.
I don't know. Like, a dead lift heavyweight
if you're a woman or, like, you know,
if you're a man, it's okay to, like,
you know, if you like like, I'll tell
you something. Like, for example,
I you I have a a fondness for
Not wearing it,
but, like, for example, like, my mother, may
Allah have mercy on her. I designed a
number of rings for her. You know, I
took a lot of time. I would go
through, like, catalogs and, you know,
you know, pick this the stones, look at,
like, in the jeweler shop, they sell the
stones separately and then coordinate the colors and
then have the ring
poured into a mold that's custom made and
the whole thing, like, pay a jeweler to
make the ring.
I did it twice and then the third
time my mother actually had a ring that
had a bunch of stones in it and
the ring was falling apart. So she said
here, just take these stones and this is
the gold. Why don't you just get the
re ring remade however you think is nice?
Allah, have mercy on her. I mean, Allah,
I give have mercy on all of our
mothers and give them the give them the
from the hulia of this life and the
hereafter. I mean, in our fathers as well.
I mean,
it's not like the most manly thing in
the world. Right? But it's not because of
that, like, one day I start wearing pink
or you know what I mean? It's just
a thing. You just keep it in the
in the place that it is, and that's
it. Right? You don't have to let it,
like, eat you alive.
You don't have to let it, like, push
into other
other places. It just is what it is.
Let it be. You like flowers. You like,
you know, fancy clothes. You like whatever. Just
okay. It may not be the most manliest
thing in the world,
but just let it be what it is
and don't let it outgrow whatever it is.
Or as a woman, like, you know, something
whatever the opposite might be. Because what? If
you go out of your way to kind
of, like, buck your gender,
it's a it's a it's a type of
facade that undermines your fitra so much so
much that if this part of your humanity,
you kill it, like what other parts of
your humanity will be left unscathed after that.
Who said that the messenger, Allah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, cursed the man who dressed like
and the woman who dressed like a man
in the way
in the of
a man.
A woman who dressed in the heya of
a man and a man who dressed in
the heya of a woman. Right? One thing
is trans in the sense that, like,
somebody takes, like, hormones or, like, goes to
a surgery or whatever.
The other thing is just like dressing up.
Some people, they just they, they're what they
call drag queens and things like that. They
should dress up
a cross dresser is what the word I'm
looking for. Even that's not cool. That's not
That's that's that's not alright. Women should wear
men's clothes, women should wear women's clothes. With
the caveat, actually, that
normal women's clothes in the society
are progressively becoming unwearable by more and more
unwearable by human beings, and men's clothes are
becoming more and more like that as well.
I went to go and study at Madrasa,
then I came back and I noticed, like,
every man in America is wearing butt tight
jeans. When I was going to school, we
would have said that such a person as
you know? But, like, nowadays, that's the only
thing you can find. Like, I will go
looking for a pair of pants that don't
have stretch in them,
and I will fail.
You have to order them on the Internet
now because they don't sell them in stores
So, Lord, help us. The point is is,
like, okay. Yeah. If you get something, you
know, some things are kind of, like, unigender
or whatever. If you're wearing if you're a
woman who buys, like, a pair of, quote,
unquote, men's pants, but they're not, like, so,
male or whatever, and they're actually baggier and
more modest, and then you wear a hijab
on top of it. No one's gonna say
you dressed like a man. Right?
So, you know, know, with those caveats,
because sometimes the things that the genders are
wearing nowadays,
like, especially women's clothes, they're just so indecent,
like, a woman can't wear them. But there
are things you can do to make make
it clear that you're not a woman. You're
not going out of your way to resemble
the opposite gender. You just don't wanna wear
something that's, like, that's super butt tight and
ripped and
He said that the messenger,
said there are
2 types that are in the hellfire. I
haven't seen them.
I haven't seen them yet. Like, meaning I
haven't seen them yet,
but they're yet to come.
They have, sticks with them
that are or, like, it's like sticks with
them that are they resemble
the tails of of of cattle,
and they, like, hit them with people.
So one is a group of people that
have these, like, kind of sticks with cattle,
and they go go run beating people. So
that's one of those 2 groups.
The second is
women that are wearing clothes,
but they're naked.
And so the he gives a number Nawi
a number of possible interpretations of this. One
is that they're clothed in the blessings of
but they're naked of any sort of sugar,
of any sort of thankfulness to Allah Ta'ala.
But the other
Ihtima Allah's possibilities that he mentions is that
they're wearing clothes that cover part of the
body, but they expose part of the body
that should be covered.
As if to use the part that you
clothe as a way of highlighting
the part that you're exposing,
which is
your or, like, for example,
the other thing he mentions is that they're
wearing clothes, but the clothes are so thin
or so translucent that really they're not hiding
anything even though they cover the entire body.
This is the art of dressing to seduce
that you have some sort of feature of
yours that you're trying to flaunt.
Right? In women, there are certain features that
are considered feminine.
You know? So someone who has one of
those features may not have the other, so
they'll dress in a way to kind of
showcase whatever
it is that they're trying to, show off
to to somebody. So some dresses, you'll see
the chest is open. Some dresses, you'll see
the back is open. Some dresses, you'll see
will be sleeveless. Some dresses, you'll see will,
like, have, like, a like, a high line
on the bottom so it shows the legs.
Some, like, they'll have all of these different
types of things.
There's a couple of different models
to doing this, but the actual, like,
artists, the the,
like, the big that are, you know, really
good at what they do. Right? Because one
model is just walk around like a freaking
chimpanzee without any clothes on. And America is
filled with people like that.
Northern Europeans are generally like that.
Scandinavia, Germany, Germanic speaking places like the Netherlands,
Germany. They're they're usually filled with people like
that. They're just completely they're just walking around
without any clothes on,
just like a like a flash market.
for example, like, places where there's actual fashion,
like Italy. Right? What will happen is the
designers will design for the person something that
they're closed because clothing has a type of
dignity in it. Right? But it will show
something that kind of, like, entices and seduces
the person who's looking at them. So you
may not see it as much as a
flash market, but the point is that you're
trying to attract someone's attention. It's just a
little bit more more, sophisticated and well developed
game. So something like that, I imagine, is
what what what what's what's being stated. And
then they're the same thing. Like, they'll do
that, like,
God help me. YouTube is
the commercials on YouTube every day is like
a new that I didn't expect, like, yesterday.
And they're just more and more of the
ads, like, all the time as if they're
gonna, like, come to my house and pull
a tooth out before I buy, like, YouTube
premium. And I just pay this phone disappears
one day, and I just never have to
worry about any of these things again. But
one of this annoying one of the mere
the legion of annoying commercials I have, they
someone's selling a t shirt for men. Right?
You're a freaking man, dude. Like, just go
get a job and make money and, like,
you know, get political power or something. You
know, like, what is this? You don't have
to dress you don't have to dress like,
you know, to flaunt your body or whatever.
That's kinda unmanly as far as I can
tell. Like, unless you're, like, a male,
anyway. But the point is is this is
that so they're they're like, oh, such and
such t shirt is
wide in the stomach, but tight in the
arms to make your arms look this is
same. And I'm like, god. This is the
same, thing that the, like, women's dressmakers,
they they this is their art. They're doing
this for men. Lord, help us all.
And then that's probably the attitude that gets
men to wear these, super,
non heterosexual,
tight pants and all this other nonsense. Anyway,
so describes it as
that they're clothed, but they're also naked.
Ma'ilatun mumilatun.
This also has a number of a number
Ihtimaalat, possibilities, Nawihir Rahim mentions. One of them
is that
they they they are
inclined away from the obedience of Allah
and they also they also push people other
people away from the obedience of Allah
One of them has to do with,
that they, that they walk around,
they they strut around
and they,
they, they also
let's see. This
is. And they they, they also, like, push
back their,
their their scapulae.
Meaning what? That they stick their chest out
when they walk. Like, they're, like, they're showing
off basically when they when they walk. Right?
Because it's a sign of it's a sign
of confidence in males and females as well.
Like, a a person who's, like like, really
self conscious or has low confidence,
usually their shoulders are are hunched forward
and their their neck is down
bent. Whereas, like, a person who's like, you
know, this kind of like the whatever, all
of these weird manosphere,
little Twitter accounts and, whatever.
TikTok's going around, you know, like Jordan Peters,
who himself is like a loser. He looked
like he probably got jumped for his lunch
money on a relatively regular basis,
until he was, like, 23 or something. You
know? But he's like, yo. Put your shoulders
back and walk into the room with some
confidence. And it's like,
yeah. But
yeah. Because it's true, but no. Because you
said it.
now it makes it look like loser just
because you said it. Otherwise, it was cool
just like a minute ago.
But, you know, that's for a
man. And for a woman to be like
that at her house amongst her, like, family
members or to, like, show her
vitality like that for her,
you know, her husband or her family. Or,
like, if women are in a gathering of
women and they wanna flex on one another,
that's not sexual. Just social dominance. That's fine.
Whatever. Right? It is it has its other
set of issues with it, but it's not
what we're talking about here. And it definitely
is not as perilous.
But he's saying that that that that they
walk, they strut around, and they kind of
puff their chest out in order to, like,
kinda show their,
show themselves in front of,
in front of other people. And one of
the other that he gives
is that,
that they they they do their hair in
a certain way. That it means that they
do their hair in a certain way, which
is the way that the prostitutes used to
do their hair in order to get attention.
Right? That's why prostitutes
oftentimes their makeup is, like, way super over
the top.
At least some class nondiscreet
nondiscreet class of it. Why? Because it's just
there to get your attention.
It's just there like a neon sign, basically,
equivalent a human being equivalent of neon sign
just so that you attracts the eye involuntarily,
so that they get attention.
At any rate, whatever of these this means,
that they they they inclined toward a certain
thing, and they make other things incline.
And their heads are like the humps of
They're the humps of camels that are that
lean to a side. Meaning, what? That they're
they'll have big hair.
That they'll have big hair. And so,
Nawi mentions that they actually make their hair
and then they wrap things around it,
like cloth or something. Right? So it could
be it could be, like, some sort of,
like, stylized hijab, but it could be also
like a scarf and, you know,
women who don't
know the difference between a Sharia and a
and a and a
Ford Mustang.
You know, in Europe, it's a style. Some
of them do that. They it's just a
way of making their hair bigger or whatever
or more,
decorating the hair or whatever that they'll be
walking around. This is a whole class of
people who will be in the hellfire. This
class of, you know, female influencers,
if you will, will be in the hellfire.
May Allah protect us from being that in
our sisters and our mothers and
those who we love.
I think this is a good place to
Are there any