Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Riyd alSlihn 10232016 Not Finding Fault With Food and Eating With Blessings
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So So we continue inshallah with the,
Kitabu ada with Ta'am,
the book regarding the
proper way of going about eating.
So the second sub chapter,
talks about the prophet
that he never
he never used to voice fault with food.
the chapter regarding the
the recommendation
to praise the food food, whatever food is
put in front of 1.
So the the the kind of intro
written by Ibnu Alan,
one of the commentators on the rial of
he says,
he says,
there's a great,
hikmah and wisdom in not finding fault with
things to eat.
And there's a great and wisdom in praising
the food that you have in front of
you. Again, this is the genius of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and his
on the spiritual path,
that he found the vehicle to earn Allah's
pleasure in everyday things.
Things that everyone has access to.
Was his discourse
rarefied? Then no one would be able to
follow a sunnah except for very few.
But the commentator, Ibnu Alaa says
the first
of the two matters, which is not finding
fault with food.
The reason it's forbidden
because of the evil
involved in
saying something which is
a a type of a type of, a
negative thing
regarding the one who created everything
and perfected its creation.
Meaning Allah
is the one who caused the circumstances to
get together, to come together
in order to,
the, the food available, whatever it was. And
it's as if you're objecting to his choice,
for what he chose to feed you right
And in forbidding a person from saying what
they wish to say
regarding the food, it breaks the heart.
You wanna say something, it breaks your heart.
The hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
it's attributed to the nabi sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam even if it may not be of
the most sound attribution, but the meaning is
correct. That gives glad tidings to the person,
the glad tidings to the person who has
a broken heart because you'll find Allah ta'ala
where you find a broken heart. That somebody
wanted something, and Allah wanted something else, and
so the person
in having to
hold your desire inside, it hurts,
and that pain,
in in the kind of the the the
the the shadow of that pain,
the the heart comes close to Allah by
being broken.
And then he says something even more interesting
He said that,
in not saying whatever fault you find with
the food, and not vocalizing it on your
tongue, your heart breaks.
And in saying something good about the the
the the food afterward, after
not liking it,
You have the opposite effect, which is what?
Instead of now saying something against the one
who brought you the food, now you're saying
something in praise of Him. By saying good
about the food, you're saying good about Allah
saying something good about the food, you're saying
good about Allah Ta'ala. But what are you
doing? You're indirectly saying that? How wonderful of
a choice Allah made for me, and how
pleased I am with His choice.
And if holding back your negative comments breaks
your heart,
then saying something good about the food will
put it back together again.
And one might say, well, why do I
have to break it and put it back
together again? Because the heart needs some remodeling.
Right? Just like a home needs to be
remodeled when the windows are broken and when
the when the, you know,
the fridge doesn't
smells bad, and it's filled with stains, it
needs to be remodeled.
So in order to remodel something, you have
to break it break it apart, and then
rebuild it again.
And so this is what this is this
process, the spiritual process of the remodeling of
your heart that happens
through something very simple, something very everyday.
That what? By refraining from saying something bad,
you refrain from objecting
against Allah
and your heart breaks a little bit, and
by saying something good, you're praising Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala's choice for you, and your heart
becomes whole again. And that's the power of
positivity and negativity. Both of them, a person
has to use the use them as tools
in their spiritual path, and both of them
are powerful things. They actually mean something. Words
that you say, they mean something. It's not
just like, you know, sticks and stones will
break my bones, but words will never hurt
me. Words are more powerful oftentimes
than, than than sticks and stones. Why? Because
words are abstract,
whereas whereas,
sticks and stones are physical.
And the more abstract something is, the higher
the higher its nisbah is toward Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
That, The Messenger of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
never ever found fault with food.
Meaning he never used to say, This is
horrible. This food is horrible. I don't like
this food. Blah blah blah. He's not he's
he never found fault with food.
Rather, if you if you desired the food,
if you liked it, what did he do?
He'd eat it. And if he didn't like
it, he'd leave it.
What does that mean? It means that he
actually there's certain things he didn't like to
That's okay.
If you don't like to eat certain things,
you don't have to eat them. Just don't
say bad about them. Don't say anything bad
about them. If he liked the food, he'd
he'd eat it. If he didn't like it,
he'd leave it. So the
the commentator he mentions, there is one incident
in which the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
was sitting with a group of his companions
when they brought when they brought bub.
Bub is a type of, like, lizard, large
lizard in the desert.
Okay. Some tribes of the Arabs used to
love eating
They used to like eating the lizard.
And so the
the Quraysh, as a custom, they didn't used
to eat that.
Some people from the tribe still would eat
it, but most of them, they were not
accustomed to eating that. That's something a little
bit further in the eastern part of the
Arabian Peninsula.
I remember I used to teach English in,
in in the Emirates.
And there was one guy, he's like, Oh,
you'll never believe what I'm gonna go do
this weekend, but don't tell the boss because
he's not gonna give me the days off
for it. I'm just gonna call in sick
or whatever. I'm like, okay. Cool. What are
you gonna go do? I thought he was
gonna do something crazy, and he ended up
doing something even crazier than I thought he
was gonna do. He said there's a type
of dub. There's a type of and and
he obviously doesn't speak a lick of Arabic.
He's like, there's a type of dub that,
you know, you know what that is. Right?
I'm like, yes. I I know what a
dub is.
So he goes, there's a type of dub,
and, like, they're building the airport over its
over its habitat.
So we're gonna take it in the car,
and like take it to another place where
where they'll survive, because they're they're they're not,
you know, they're I don't think they're technically
endangered, they're not doing so well, you know,
in terms of population numbers.
So he was explaining to me how like,
you have to be careful. It's a cold
blooded animal, so the car gets really hot.
If it overheats, it'll die, but if you
turn on the AC, it'll die. You know?
So you have to keep the temperature, like,
you know, a certain whatever. So he's telling
me about his his dub dub dub antics.
so yeah, the some of the Arabs used
to eat that. Right? The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam, the Quraysh didn't eat it, he just
really didn't like it. So they tried serving
it to him, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, and he
says, he says,
He says, I have no need for it.
what what was he saying? Was he saying,
Oh, it's gross. No, he's just in a
polite way saying like, you know,
that's not something we can do.
I mean like there are a lot of
halal things not everyone can eat. There's certain
things if someone, if you were to try
to make them eat it, it would make
them gag.
Right? There are certain things,
like some, you know, like if someone were
to cook like intestines or something like that.
Some people enjoy eating that. And in Mauritania,
those are the things when they slaughter the
animal, they eat those things first because they
go bad. Whereas the meat, you can dry
it out,
and preserve it. But like the stomach and
the organs, they eat those things first. Right?
So I tried eating it. I I just,
like, I couldn't do it. Like, it was,
I don't know. I'm
not like boasting about it or whatever. It's
just if you're not accustomed to eating certain
things, you just can't eat it. Right? But
the point is you don't have to say
anything bad about it. The most you just
say, like, no. I'm good. Thank you. Right?
That's basically like the it's
just like the classical Arabic way of saying,
no. I'm good. That's that's I'm good. That's
Right? I'm, you know,
that I have no need for I'm relieved
of need from eating that.
But he didn't say anything bad about it,
and the companions that were sitting with him,
they all of a sudden, they were attuned
to his disposition. They said, you know, should
we stop eating it? Is there something wrong
with eating it? He's like, no. It's halal.
It's not haram. I just I have no
need to eat it. So they they kinda
continue to dig into the dub.
Muslim. Imam Muslim narrates from Sayyidina Jabir bin
Abdullah radiwa ta'ala Anhu that the Nabi sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he
his family for,
for for some
So is what? Is a word in Arabic
refers to food that you eat with your
bread. Right? The idea was that the the
bread that you eat is, like, your main
food that you're eating, and then you have
to have your bread to dip or flavor
with something. So it could be it could
be a liquid like a soup, or it
could be something solid.
And generally when people think of idam, what
did they think? Like some sort of soup,
or broth, or meat, or or vegetable, or
some dish, you know, that you that you
eat with your bread.
So he asked for some idam,
and he was told by the members of
his household that, We don't have anything
The only thing we have is vinegar. We
have some vinegar. That's the only food that
we have to eat with the bread. Now
remember, Nabi
he used to eat barley bread. He didn't
used to eat the bread of wheat, but
he used to eat the bread of barley.
Barley bread becomes extremely hard, extremely quickly.
It needs to be eat dipped in something.
If you have nothing else to dip it,
and you have to dip it in water,
otherwise chewing it becomes very tedious.
Interestingly enough, it's also much more healthy than
than the the wheat bread that we eat,
especially this kind of Franken wheat,
you know, kinda gluten nightmare
that that that our friends at Monsanto have
have produced for us and and others like
Barley is
has an extremely low
glycemic index,
which means that it slowly releases energy throughout
the digestion process,
versus on the other end we have like
Bleached White Rice which is essentially just like
eating sugar. If you're diabetic,
you know you may as well break out
the insulin.
It's not it's not super good for you.
So the Nabi SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, when he
asked for idam, it's not even because he
was like, Oh, like let's you know, get
this get, you know, get a feast going.
It's because you have to eat the bread
with something.
And so they said, we don't have anything
except for vinegar, which is not water, but
it's basically the next best thing. You know?
So someone would think about like, okay, my
next meal is gonna be dripping
super hard bread and vinegar.
Right? Many people would not be enthusiastic about
that. So they said they said, You Rasulullah,
all we have is vinegar. He says, Then
go go ahead, bring the vinegar then.
Bring gotta eat. Right? Bring the vinegar. And
then when he's eating very joyfully, happily, he's
dipping the the bread in the vinegar, and
he says, what a what a wonderful
dip for your bread vinegar. What a wonderful
dip for your bread vinegar.
Right? Which means what? There's like a I
mean, that's Masha'Allah, I think there's a lot
a lot there.
a discussion amongst the ulama. Why did the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam do that?
So Qadir Iyab and Khababi,
the the the 2 kind of Maliki Muhaditin,
they said that
they said that,
the reason the reason for this is the
prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, was encouraging people
to to do with less from the dunya.
He He was encouraging people to do with
less from the dunya, be happy with simple
And this is also there's there's a lot
of there's a lot of good there, there's
a lot of khair there. Why? Because if
you make your habit simple
for eating and drinking simple things, and for
just having simple things in life, then you'll
be happy. You'll be happy yourself. It's just
like drinking coffee.
If you drink coffee
as a habit without sugar, then you'll get
used to drinking coffee without sugar. You drink
it with 1 sugar, then you'll get used
to it with 1 sugar, and some people,
they drink the coffee and tea with, like,
6 spoons of sugar in it. For them,
their coffee and tea tastes exactly
the Atkins diet one time many years ago.
you know, like you don't you cut out
carbs completely tasting lettuce is sweet, cucumbers are
sweet, all kinds of things you don't think
of as sweet. You taste the sweetness in
all of them.
Right? It's just a matter of what you
make your habit into.
And so, Khattabi and and,
and and Badriyah,
they said that this was the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam's way of encouraging people to
live simply.
Hafiz ibn Hajr,
some of the other, some of the other
they said, no. This wasn't the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam,
this wasn't the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam purposely
you know, eating simply, in the sense that
if something else was there, he probably would
have eaten it. If something more fancy was
there and served to him, he would have
probably eaten it. But what was it? It
was just him being happy with whatever he
And I think both concepts, you know,
is is in Khalil Center because both concepts,
you have like a lot of choice,
over, like, how you feel in life.
You know what I mean? Obviously, you can't
just tell someone who's going through, like, profound
pain and suffering, like, suck it up, choose
to be happy. Because that may be a
little bit much, but at the same time,
it's not completely the other way around where
you're like a rag doll getting thrown around,
getting thrown around by life. You also can
make little choices,
little choices that have cumulatively a very large
effect on you.
And, and so this is one of the
the things that the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa
he, you know, he he just he he
chose to be happy with what he had,
and the,
you know, the
the result of that was that he was
actually happy.
That he, he,
sallallahu alaihi wasallam, it wasn't his, it wasn't
his the reason for saying
the good about the
the the the vinegar wasn't necessarily
because he's like, vinegar.
But what? He want he himself he himself
didn't want to,
you know, it wasn't his own disposition to
make any sort much of a comment about
food anyway, because if he likes it a
it's a sign that his, like, nafs and
his desires are,
you know, like he's giving wind to them,
and if he says something, you know, bad
about it, it's as if he's objecting
to something Allah, a gift Allah gave him.
Rather, more what it was was him being
happy himself and making the people around him
Making making they came in saying, like, all
we have is vinegar, and he was like,
vinegar. This is good. And what made him
happy and it made the other people around
him happy as well.
Abu Hurair radiAllahu alaihi wa sallam, who narrates
that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi wa
sallam said,
if one of you is invited to someone's
house, then let them answer that invitation.
This is not just for people who are
like your friends or your family, it's for
anyone. If someone invites you, don't be like,
no brother, don't have time. Don't be like,
oh, that's nice. InshaAllah. Next time you know,
if someone's actually inviting you to their house,
then then go go to their house,
because visiting one another will be
an occasion for for for, you know, for
for the bonds of love growing between
people. He said, even if you're fasting, someone
invites you. So the thing is, invitations are
there are different types.
There's a certain invitation that is It's it's
obligatory to attend
according to most of the So if someone
invites you to a or to a wedding,
then you you have to go.
There's some details regarding that also. The Fokaha
say that some some parties they're like 3
days long because they can't accommodate everyone in
the same day. So
if the, if you're invited on the 1st
day, it's obligatory to go unless you're not
able to,
and if you're invited on the 2nd day,
it's permissible to go. If you're invited on
the 3rd day, it's actually to go because
you're humiliating yourself. You're like a 3rd class
invitee. It's actually better not to go on
the 3rd day.
There's a lesson in that also that, you
know, you should be humble, but you shouldn't
allow people to humiliate you. There's a difference
between the 2 of them.
so that's one thing, that's an obligatory
invitation to take.
Other invitations that are not, like, official like
a wedding in that sense,
they are they are recommended.
They're recommended that a person attend those invitations,
if they're able to, and then there are
there are, you know, Makru and Haram invitations.
Makru one is, like I said, the getting
invited to the 3rd date, or another, you
know, like, you know,
gathering in which is, like, kind of like
a a a gonna be some sort of,
like, waste of time or some sort of
distraction for you, and you have other things
to do, that are more pressing on you.
Haram. It could be haram. Right? If you're
invited to a place, people are gonna drink
alcohol and,
know, backbite or say bad things or, you
know, put make a negative state on your
on your heart, then
then it's it can be hard on to
attend. So he we're talking about here 2
types of invitations. The one that's wajib and
the one that's recommended, which is most invitations.
And most people who, like, pray 5 times
a day and whatnot don't don't keep, like,
the close company of people who are gonna
drink and all that stuff anyway. But,
but we're talking about what? Those invitations that
are recommended and those ones that are wajib.
So Sayyidina Abu Huraira radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu narrates
at the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said, What? He said, If one of you
is invited,
then answer the invitation.
And even if he's fasting,
let him go
and make dua for the people.
The word you use literally
means let him do
The word salat doesn't just mean the regular
prayer that we have 5 times a day,
but it also can make be mean to
make dua for people and invoke Allah Ta'al's
blessings for them. So if you're gonna fast
and you're not gonna eat, at least make
dua for them and whatnot.
You partake in there in the invitation somehow.
And if you're not fasting,
then it's recommended for you to eat something
from from what's put forward to you.
you know,
if someone puts food forward, if you're not
super hungry, or you don't like what they
have to, they've cooked or whatever,
just eat a little bit. Eat a bite
full, and then make some excuse or whatever.
But it's recommended that you don't just kinda,
like, boycott their food.
Rather you eat a little bit because eating
together will increase
people and their love.
So this is a chapter regarding
what to do if someone's invited to
a meal,
and then someone else tags along, and you
can't shake them off.
Right? Because sometimes someone tags along, and you
don't have the heart to, like, break them
off. Usually that's me. I'll be like, yo
man. I'm going. You're not invited. I'll see
you later. But,
that's not Nabi Salsam wasn't like that. Right?
He was a very kind person, and he
was very always concerned about people, about their
feelings, and about how they're
you know, you know, he didn't wanna break
anyone's heart ever Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So Sayna Abu Masroodil
Radhi Allahu Wa Ta'ala Anhu.
So say Abu Masud al Badri, his name
The reason he's called Badri is what? It's
not because he attended the battle of Badr,
but because he used to live
near Badr. Right? The name Badr
means a number of different things. 1 is
there's a place,
the second is there's a well. Right?
The third is that there was a yearly
market that was held
a yearly market that was held there as
well. So when someone says badar, they could
be referring to the market. Market means what?
There's the time in the year that merchants
knew they gathered around, and all the people
in the area would do their their their
shopping and things like that. Obviously, you're not
gonna open a Costco in late late antiquity,
Arabia. Right? So goods sometimes they're very difficult
to find, so the the the merchants would
bring their goods at an appointed time and
So it could mean any of those. It
could mean any of those things. And then
in the context of Islam, Badri also means
the person who who witnessed the battle of
Badri. So this is Aqbatibnu Amir,
Aqbatibnu Amir
The reason they call him Badri is not
because he was there at the battle of
Badri, he wasn't.
He was called Badri because he had he
lived he lived in the the area of
which is at some distance for from Madinah
He said,
he said that,
the messenger of Allah Subhana Wa Salam was
once invited by by somebody,
that person was
a Sahabi by the name of Abu Shurayb.
So Abu Shurayb, this is in the commentary.
Abu Shurayb. Right? So the hadith says that
he was the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was
invited by a man to a meal that
he had prepared.
And he told them,
come, come 5 people, you and 4 of
your guests.
Right? You and 4 of your guests.
And it's very possible that the 4 guests
were Sayna Abu Bakr, Sayna Amar, Sayna Uthman,
Sayna Ali
because they used to
was the crew, that's how they, you know,
they used to roll together like that. Radhi
Allah Ta'ala and Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
And so and but Allah Allah knows best.
so what happens is he he says,
he he says, you know, come with 4
guests of yours, whoever you wish
to call. I've prepared a meal. Come join
join us for a meal.
And so what happens is that
another person stuck kinda hung out with them
and was walking with them and kind of
just just stuck with them.
So the prophet
when he got to the door of Abu
he said what? He says he says to
him discreetly, he says this guy kinda stuck
stuck along with us. Okay.
If you want, let him in. If you
want, I'll just tell him he'll go go
home now. He'll just he'll go back.
And, this is the the the the the
beauty indeed.
The the generosity of the Sahaba, radiAllahu ta'ala,
anhu, maisun, that's okay. Let him in, inshaAllah.
Let him come and eat.
And this is a time, by the way,
where food was extremely scarce.
Food was extremely scarce. It wasn't like just
ordering another bean burrito from the Taco Bell.
Food was extremely scarce at this time, and
some of the subsequent hadiths will will see
that that it was extremely scarce.
they he he let them in. What we
learned from this is what?
Is that
someone who
isn't invited to a party. Right?
The prophet
didn't just force him in because he knew
that this person wasn't invited. He gave them
the option that, look, like there's a situation
as a favor to me. Basically, if you
wanna let him in, that would be great.
If not, I can tell him to go
away. But he still he still asked. He
didn't just
pull the whole crew in. He did pull
the whole crew in a couple of times.
Okay? There's a number of a hadith where
where he did bring a bunch of people
with him that weren't invited.
1 of the one of the there are
2 classes of examples of that. 1 is
when the the the host of someone, the
prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, knew very well,
wouldn't mind.
When you're personally, like, you know,
at ease with a person like, for example,
if your mother tells you, you know, come
over and have dinner at home,
and your brother's with you, like, can he
come, or should I just tell him? Obviously,
it's silly. Right? He's your mother's not gonna
mind. Just let him come. You know you
know what I mean? It's not a it's
not that's that's not you don't have to
follow, like, some protocol
that rigidly that you have to ask when
there's really no need to ask.
The second set of circumstances, there's a number
of times where the prophet
people ate from his table
100 of people were fed from his table.
the most famous of There are a number
of times actually that happened,
more than once, and there is even times
that it's things like this have happened to
the Sahaba radiAllahu anhu, even without the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam being physically present in
his person. But,
the the idea is what? Is that that,
you know, the most famous of those times
was an incident during the the battle of
And I believe it was Sayyidina Jabir radiAllahu
anhu, he ran home to his wife. He's
like, ah, Rasulullah invited everybody. She's like, did
you tell him to invite everybody, or did
he invite everyone on his own? And then
he's like, no. He invited them on his
own. He said, don't worry, inshallah. Things will
work out. If he's the one who said
it, it'll work out, which is like a
real, you know, like that's
you gotta salute the the the iman, Masha'Allah,
of the Sahaba
It's a chapter regarding,
that a person should eat from the part
of the food that is closest to them,
the the prophet
and reprimand to the person who doesn't
follow the
protocols of eating while eating.
Abu Salamah was a companion of the Messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He was from
Mahzum, which is the same
clan of Quraysh that Abu Jahl was from.
There being a day night difference between them,
And so he was shahid
I believe in the battle of Uhud.
so say that to Umu Salamah, his wife.
She said, When Abu Salamah
who died, I used to wonder how am
I gonna find a husband after
Abu Salama that was as wonderful to me
as he was. And then Allah Ta'ala by
other than she Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam proposed
marriage to her, and married her.
other than say the Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala Anhan,
none of the wives of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam were virgins when he married
them. They were all women who were either
divorced or or widows.
Salamah came to the house with,
several children.
She came to the house with several children.
Umrah was, was one of those children. He's
6 years old when he entered as the
the the stepson of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
So one can imagine, you know,
like, nowadays step stepfather,
stepchildren, it's like, it sounds like it's like
the fight has already happened or has already
I think the baby shut the speaker off.
so someone, one of the sisters can go
turn it on again.
this is the example of what
Omer Abnoo, Abi Salamah,
comes and eats, and he kinda breaks the
adab of eating, and this is how the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam reprimanded
him. So that that that he said, I
a young boy
in the home of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, and when I would eat, I would
just like pick from all the different parts
of the plate. So one day the messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
oh, oh, young boy. Right?
Mariam and Aisha, you know, like, how sometimes
I go, hey, kid. What's going on, kid?
Right? So prophet
says, hey, kid. He says he says he
say Bismillah before you eat,
eat with your right hand, and eat with
from the part of the plate that's close
to you,
which is not really yelling at him at
all. That's actually teaching whether it's a very
nice thing to do. Masha'Allah.
So that's that's what the prophet
did, and so he remembered that when he
grew up, and then he narrated the hadith,
which is another lesson to us because oftentimes,
as we come from 2 different extremes,
some of us, like hardcore parents, you know,
Shadid and harsh on the kids for everything,
and then some parents are like super hands
I don't think I don't think I mean,
obviously, you shouldn't, like, yell and scream and
hit your kids and stuff like that, like
like a real stern individual unless you want
them to grow up hating you. But at
the same time, that's also not a license
stop teaching them stuff because sometimes they may
not even listen to you at the time,
but they're learning. They're learning. And when they
grow up and no one else is looking,
they'll do exactly what you told them to
do because that's the only thing they that
you that they know because you taught them.
So people should always, you know,
is a hadith of the prophet. So never
never take the stick away the stick of
away from the from from the heads of
your your kids,
which doesn't mean
like, literally, you beat them with a stick,
but it's a metaphor. It's a metaphor for,
like that you should always enforce inside the
in whichever way is appropriate.
And he is, he is a a Sahabi.
He's one of the Ansar,
he's one of the tough guys of the
a tough warrior.
Some a group of a group of Bedouin
caval raiders came and tried to jack Medina
one time,
and, he said, I didn't know what to
If I went for reinforcements, they'd get away,
But if I faced them alone, you know,
it'd be a tough fight. So he's like,
what the heck? So he grabbed his bow,
and at full sprint running after him, he,
he he shot all of them off of
their off of their camels while they're trying
to get away.
So it means he's a good shot, and
he's pretty he's tough guy, Masha'Allah.
You know in Turkey how like when they
make, du'a,
subhanahu rabeel,
Alil A'alwahab.
That's actually a hadith narrated by Salamat Abnu
that, that that that a person should should
praise Allah Ta'ala with these names before asking
for dua Allah Ta'ala answered prayers.
So sayin
So you you wanna be Turk, man. You
gotta learn how to do the whole bow
and arrow thing, man. Just note to self.
said that a man
ate with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
once with his left hand, and the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gently reminded him to
eat with his right.
And he said, oh, I'm not able to.
But he didn't say that for any reason
except for because of his arrogance that he
didn't wanna listen to what the prophet
So So the prophet
and may you never be able
to. And his that hand the right hand
was crippled. He couldn't raise it after that
as a punishment for his for his arrogance
in front of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
a Nahu issue,
when you use the
you probably knew this, you you may not.
Okay? So when you make of the Madi,
you say.
Right? You you weren't able to. You say
it means may you never be able to.
If you use Right? Like for example,
He didn't do it.
May He never do it.
When you use the the as negation with
the past tense, it has a meaning of
the future,
strangely enough.
So the prophet
said, may you never be able to. And
I was saying that this person is he
was he was just doing it out of
his arrogance, that he didn't wanna be told
what to do. None of us wanna be
told what to do. When the prophet
says something, then you should you do it.
You don't.
Even if you can't do it or if
you don't wanna do it, just
do yourself a favor and shut up.
There's a lot of things that are haram
and the deen.
Okay? Just do yourself a favor and shut
up. Don't argue about it. If you do
it anyway,
I'm not endorsing it or allowing, but I'm
saying if you do it anyway, that's less
of the issue than than trying to argue
about it.
Trying to argue about it will will make
you end up getting thrown out of Islam.
Being a sinner, all of us are sinners.
Trying to argue about the haqqah of the
prophet will get you thrown out. If the
only thing this person had was that they
couldn't raise his right hand to his face,
that's not a big deal.
The fear is that by doing things like
this you'll be deprived of Iman. A person
has to be very careful about those things.
And if they did it in the past,
then seek
forgiveness for Allah Allah Allah accepts Tawba from
So this is a chapter regarding
eating 2 dates at a time, and doing
stuff like that,
when you're eating together with a group of
people except for if other people give
you give you permission to do so. So
what's the idea with eating 2 dates at
a time? That you're like
you're like gobbling down the food that you're
sharing. There's like a bowl of dates in
front of you. Doesn't have to be dates,
it could be anything. Right? There's like a
bunch of stuff and you're just like scarfing
it down. It's it's you can't do that.
You can't do that. It's it's, it's bad
adab, and it's it's haram. Unless you're unless
you ask permission from the people you're sitting
with, even then it's makruhl. Because
indicates that you prefer yourself over over your
brothers which is not the state the state
of iman.
Suhayman Rahimuhuwwaha'ala.
Who is a Tabiri. He
from the middle generation of the Tabirims. He's
not a Sahabi.
He said
that, I stayed
I stayed for some time in Makkamukarama,
during the during the government of Abdullah bin
Zubair Radiallahu Anhu. Abdullah bin
bin Zubair, as a quick reminder, he was
the first child
born to the Muhajirin in Madinah Munawala.
There were a number of children who were
born before him, after hijra,
and they died in their infancy.
And so some of the some of the
yahood of Madinah,
they wanted to taunt the Muslims, so they
said, oh we put a curse on you,
none of your children are gonna survive. And
so when Saidna Abdulladin Zubayr
who was born and he survived, he grew
up, he was like the pride of all
of Madinah. They all loved him because they
loved him, they pride that this is a
sign that your
your, you know, whatever mumbo jumbo
cursed, whatever. It didn't work, and we'll be
be just fine.
So he
he will set up his own caliphate which
is recognized by the Sahaba radiAllahu anhu as
the legitimate caliphate of the Muslims
against Banu Umayyah,
and that caliphate will last for some decades,
and then Banu Umayyah will seize it back
from him in his old age,
that's something for the history books. But while
he ruled in Maqamukarama
and the surviving Sahaba radiAllahu ta'ala Anhul, by
and large almost all of them, they recognize
the legitimacy of his government.
This Jadla took Lou Suhaim, he said, I
stayed stayed with him
for some time in Makkumukarama, he ruled from
Makkanah from Madinah.
And so
he said that 1 year there was
a famine
and a scarcity of food, and you can
know, you know, Makkumukaram is a pretty desolate
in terms of agriculture.
when there's not much there, there's not much
there. So he said that myself and a
group of people, we
we had like some dates and we're sharing
them, we're eating them together. He said, Abu
Abin Umar
who he passed by,
and he said,
he said he said what? He said that,
when you're eating like this, don't
eat 2 dates at a
time. Because I heard the Prophet
say, don't eat 2 dates at a time,
except for if you're
the people you're eating with, you ask them
permission, they give you permission to do something
like that. If they don't mind, it's fine.
But if you don't know, or if they
do mind, then it's haram for you to
do something like that.
Now there's a
discussion, a difference of opinion amongst the ulama
regarding this
last exception,
except if they don't mind.
So Imam Khastalani was one of the commentators
on Bukhari, and his Irshad al Sahri, he
mentions his opinion
that is agreed upon by Abu Dawud at
Thialesi, not the Abu Dawud
Sahib al Sunan, but he was another Muhadith.
And masha'Allah, we have an interesting tradition. Jirsi
Saab told us Abu Dawud Tialisi,
he was a person he wanted nothing more
than to be a Muaddith.
You know how, like, people, like, they wanna
be like in the NBA so bad they'll
do anything. They'll take steroids to be in
the NBA. Right? So Hudaw was a Tiales,
he wanted like to be like a big
Muhadid, that was like this thing he wanted
to do. Right? So he went to the
to the to the sorry, the apothecary, the
saydali, the the the pharmacist. He went to
the apothecary and said, give me, like, the
max, like, medicine that will help my,
that will help my memory.
It's like Ritalin. So what whatever. Right? Whatever
I need to do to get ahead, you
know, in Hadith.
So so he goes,
give me give me give me, like, whatever
super creative medicine. I'll do whatever I'll do
whatever you say. And so he gave him
a medicine. He says you have to take
exact the exact dose, not more, not less.
If you if you take it the wrong
way, it'll kill you.
So he's he's like, okay. So he would
take it, and he became this like super
Jis Hassap said the way he died one
day, he spilled it, and it spill on
his foot, the bottle,
and so that just that much of it
that much of it spilling on his foot
killed him.
Than Bukhari, and Bustillani obviously
is come centuries later because he is a
commentator on his book,
and Sharaba,
They all say that
this last part, that the exception
of whether or not the Prophet
said that don't eat 2 dates at a
time when you're eating with other people. Could
be anything, it doesn't have to be dates,
whatever it is, don't just like, basically don't
eat in a way that's different than the
way that your companions are eating,
don't eat more than what your companions are
except for with their permission accept what's from
their permission. This is the HDihad of Abdullah
and Omar according to,
according to these
Hafez bin Hajar,
they say, no, there are other
there are other narrations of hadith that indicate
that this is also from
the wording of the Prophet
And there's like a long
there's a long discussion regarding
that. I just mentioned this because so you
can know like the amount of scrutiny to
which the Muhadithin subjected the Hadith of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
So the chapter regarding,
the proper remembrance of Allah
when eating, and also what things we do
in order to make our food not
satiate us.
Overeating is a problem,
and, it's a problem if you have a
lot of food. If you don't have a
lot of food, then you have what you
have, and you're not filled up with it.
Right? That in and of itself is a
So this hadith is narrated by who? By
Washi bin Harb,
who was
the freed slave
of Hind bint Utbah
Obviously she became Muslim and he became Muslim
later on. He was the one hired by
him to assassinate Sinda Hamzah
the uncle of the Prophet
Interestingly enough, he also narrates,
a handful of hadiths from the Prophet
as well.
he boasted
that even though he had the, he had
the dubious,
the dubious distinction of being the one who
assassinated the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's uncle,
he says, in my jahiliyah I killed the
best of people,
And then in my Islam, I killed the
worst of people also.
Musayla Matul Khadab,
from Banu Hanifa, who the false claimant to
who the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was
very angered at.
He's the one who
then aimed his javelin at him and took
him out on the battlefield. So
he narrates this hadith
that the Messenger of Allah
spent his life in the path of
Allah and he settled in his old age
in Hymps
in Syria.
Allah gave its people help. He settled in
Hymps in Syria.
So he narrates, he says that, some of
the companions of the
prophet they said,
Messenger of Allah, we don't
have enough to eat. He's saying basically
they said that we eat, but we don't
have enough to be full. We're not satiated
by our food.
And so he said, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, it
seems that you guys eat separately.
It seems that you eat separately. They said,
yes, this is correct. We
eat separately. What happens? Everyone has a little
bit of food. They kind of hide and
eat it separately. Right? Right? It seems that
you guys are eating separately.
He says, come together. Bring your food together.
Right? Bring it together, and then
make the remembrance of Allah over it. Say
Make the remembrance of Allah ta'ala over that
food, and Allah ta'ala will put barakah in
it for you.
Allah ta'ala will put barakah in it for
you. He
will, He will make it, He will make
it enough for you. He'll make it enough
to satiate you. InshaAllah, I think this is
a good place to stop and stop here
inshaAllah for the
next week.
Reminder inshallah, if you're going to come to
hear the hadith of the Rasul
try to try to come on time.
Try to come come on time. Don't come
too early because Khalil Center has to use
the space, but try to try to come
on time. Try not to be a minute
late or 2 minutes late. Obviously, I'm not
gonna write a tardy slip and then send
you an attention.
I'm not gonna kick you out of the
class. I'm not gonna any of those things.
But Allah ta'ala who sees it, it's something
that, you know,
that you should be cognizant of. Whatever you
do, you should always do
in order to make Allah ta'ala. The desire
should be through the action that that you
make Allah happy with you,
that you should do it. This, Allah ta'ala
would be happy to see this, then you
should do it. Obviously,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is unimpressed with anything
we can do.
But the things that we do in our
heart that we think that this will we
pray that this will make Allah happy, it's
far more impressive than the things that impress
It's far more impressive to Him than the
things that impress us. So come in a
way that you would think that however you're
able to, you know? Like a dog.
A dog is not gonna write a a
PhD thesis on quantum physics.
What can it do? It can stand. It
can wag its tail. It can go fetch
whatever you throw for it. Right?
There's a limited amount of things that we
can do to show Allah, Ta'ala, you know,
that we we wish for his happiness.
So whatever it is we can do, I
mean, we can't do anything to impress him,
but what we can do from ourselves that
that that that we can show him,
he doesn't he he doesn't,
he it's not that he doesn't see those
things, and he's not happy with them. He's
happy with them because he understands,
you know, our limited nature, who we are,
what we can do, what we can't do.
So if you can't, you know, if you
can't do anything else, then just do whatever
you would think is the best that you
can do to make him happy.
Even in the small things in your life,
that will be a lot as well.
Any questions?