Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah Provision for the Ultimate Journey ICC 01242020
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All praises to Allah, and may his peace
and blessings be upon his servant and messenger,
our master, Sayedla Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
My brothers and sisters, my dear brothers and
sisters, and honored noble brothers and sisters in
the house of Allah ta'ala on this most
honored and noble of days.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
he says in his book
that Allah ta'ala will make firm
those who believe with a firm word in
the life of this world and in the
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
in a hadith narrated by,
the Nurayna
Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al
Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al
Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al
Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al
Uthman al Uthman al Uthman al Uthala Anhu,
that when the messenger of Allah
finish with the burial of,
a deceased person,
he would say,
seek forgiveness for your brother and ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala for make to make him
firm at this time because indeed at this
time he is being asked.
And the,
hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
narrated by Al Bara'inu Azib radiAllahu
explains further what the meaning of
this du'a,
this prayer for Allah to make the deceased
when he's being asked means.
He said that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said,
The Muslim, when he is asked in his
will testify that there is no God except
for Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is his messenger.
And this is the meaning of the word
of Allah most high,
that Allah will make firm those who believe
with a firm word in the life of
this world and in the hereafter.
The firm word in the life of this
world is that a person should repeat,
That a person should repeat,
again and again.
And this is a command of the messenger
of Allah
sallallahu alaihi wasallam who said, jadidoo imamibibullahqum.
Repeat again and again. Making you again and
again your faith,
your imam,
by repeating the,
the the statement of
that there is no god except for Allah.
So hadith for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam that's well known to the
The one who their last words is our
that one will enter Jannah.
Brothers and sisters,
there's a link between the
There's a link between saying
in this world and saying
in the next world.
Do you think the person who spends their
days talking about cars and about houses and
about money and about jobs and about sports
teams and about, all sorts of things. Whether
they're halal or haram, it doesn't really matter.
It doesn't really matter. Someone will say, well,
watching sports is not haram.
It doesn't really matter. Do you think the
person who spends their days talking about other
than Allah Ta'ala is going to say,
Do you think the person who spends their
days saying 4 letter words,
talking about their
and their desires, what they want to eat,
and what they lust after, and what they
they desire, that they spend all their time
talking about those things that they're going to
say, lahillahi lillahi, Allah, magically before they die.
When a person is dying, that's the time
they have the least amount of self control.
That's the time when pretenses drop,
and the johar, the the the the undivided
and undiluted
essence of what's inside of a person's heart
will come up. It will well up that
a person may cheat
the creation for all the days of their
life, And in that moment, the reality of
that person will come up.
At any rate,
the Messenger of
Allah said, the Muslim when he's asked inside
the grave.
And he responds by testifying that there's no
god except for Allah, and that Muhammad is
the messenger of Allah. This is the meaning
of the words of Allah ta'ala that Allah
will make firm those who believe
with a firm,
in the life of this world and in
the hereafter.
This is explained in even greater detail in
a hadith narrated by Tin Niddhi,
by Sendh Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ta'ala anhu,
who said that the,
deceased when he is in tune, when he
is put in his
grave. And for the point,
or for the purposes
of these discussions,
with regards to, the hadith, etcetera,
The word grave means something different than what
it means lexically.
Lexically, a grave is a plot of land
in which a person is buried.
Obviously, not everybody is buried. Some people are
cremated. Some people, their bodies are left to
rot. Some people, their bodies are dropped in
the sea. Some people,
you know, their bodies may be, severed and
and put over
a number of different places.
The point
of qabar in the hadith of the messenger
of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the grave,
is what where the body finally comes to
rest after whatever is gonna happen to it
is gonna happen to it, whatever state it
finally comes to,
when it is,
when it is finally disposed of, whatever that
may be,
whether it's burial or anything other than that.
That this believer, when they're placed inside of
their grave,
they will
experience 2 angels coming to them.
They will experience 2 angels coming to them.
And the angels are described
as as.
They are black. Meaning what? Black here is
used metaphorically.
It's not a it's not a discussion with
regards to race. Black here is used metaphorically
what? That they're going to come in a,
in a darkness
that will,
the the the the deceased person to the
point where whoever that person is, whether they're
good, bad, or anything else other than that,
they'll know that these 2 angels, they mean
business. They're not here to joke around.
This is a very serious matter and it's
a frightening matter.
Everybody will in in one of the hadith,
it's narrated that the person will,
like, sit up at attention.
And obviously, the experience of sitting up is
not an experience that will,
be seen in this world, but it will
be experienced by these deceased in the world
of the barzakh. That person will sit up
at attention because they know that these 2
angels mean business and this is not the
time to mess around.
And they're described as blue as having blue
And they will say,
what did you used to say about this
man? And they'll be shown,
the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
in a way that they will recognize,
and the way that they'll recognize him. This
is one of the reasons why people should
sit in the,
dirus of hadith, in the lessons of hadith,
so that they can know how to recognize
the Messenger of sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
How many sunnahs of the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alaihi wasallam even of his appearance? People
are completely heblis of. That there will be
people who will swear up and down that
they were born in Islam, but they think
turbans is something that only * wear. Or
they'll think that,
the Izzar is something that only,
people from, you know, from a certain part
of Africa or Southeast Asia wear, or they'll,
you know, they'll look at the red hannah
in that person's hair that's, there to dye
it, and they'll think it looks strange even
though these are the eyes. Even though these
are the sunun of the Messenger of sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. By and large, many people
who might have left these things, abandoned these
things. If you're asked, what do you say
about this man and you don't even recognize
him, how are you going to give the
correct answer?
So the angels will ask, what do you
say about this man?
And then that person who
is a believer when he enters his grave,
he will say exactly the same thing that
he used to say when he was alive
which is that this man is the slave
of Allah and his messenger. I bear witness
that there is no god except for Allah
and that Muhammad is his slave and messenger.
And these 2 angels will then say,
indeed, we knew that this is what you
would that this is what you would say.
And then that person will experience the grave
to the point where it is 70 cubits
by 70 cubits. And it will be filled
with noor. It will be filled with light.
And, then,
it will, be said to that deceased person,
And the person will, at this point, experience
such a bliss and such an ecstasy
that in his excitement, he'll
ask for permission. Can I not go back
and tell my family?
Can I not go back and tell my
family, my loved ones, my relatives, the people
that I left behind about what Allah has
prepared for a person who dies on iman?
You You know, not everybody goes to Jahannam
even though, again, fanatical preachers like myself have
made a career out of scaring the bailout
out of people. Not everyone will go to
Jannah. There will be some people who did
good in the life of this world and
Allah will reward them with that and those
will be happy with what they have.
This is mentioned in the Quran. Allah mentions
it again and again.
That those people will be, they will take
glad tidings and they'll be people of happiness.
Allah mentioned that that he's murdered, he gets
killed in the worst way possible, and he's
literally ripped apart for his testimony
of and supporting the,
the message of the Prophet.
But as soon as the angel of death
comes to him, he'll say,
Woe that my people
would know.
Look how my Lord has forgiven me, and
look how much my Lord has honored me.
So that person in that moment when his
grave expands and it fills with light and
the bliss and the nama, the blessings of
Allah come down on on him for having
answered this question correctly.
In that moment, he'll ecstatically
utter, shall I not go back to my
people? Shall I not go back to my
family and inform them?
And they will say, no, rather sleep,
like a bride sleeps.
like a bride sleeps.
Sleep like the one who sleeps such that
nobody is allowed to wake them up except
for the one that they love the most.
And this is an expression of isa, honor.
If you're a lowly person, everybody will walk
by and kick you. If you're the slave,
everybody's servant in the house, everybody will walk
by and kick you, and they wanna wake
you up. If If you're the master, nobody
will disturb you except for the one who's
most beloved to you. And a hadith is
very beautiful that it mentioned this explicitly.
Sleep like a bride sleeps. Sleep like the
one who is not to be woken by
except for by anyone, except for,
the one that
the one that loves them the most. And
what is the,
what is the next words of this hadith?
It's very beautiful.
Who's the only one who wakes that person
up? The mostly the one who loves them
the most.
So they say sleep like the one who
nobody's allowed to wake them up except for
the one who loves them the most. And
they will sleep such until who wakes them?
Allah wakes them from their place of sleep.
ta'ala make all of us from amongst them.
Allah ta'ala give all of us the happiness
of being the mizdaqat, this hadith of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Then the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam mentions,
but if that person is a hypocrite, if
that person is one who openly professes iman
and inside their
heart is kufr, is disbelief,
is doubt that they claim that they have
no doubt but inside their heart is doubt.
Maybe somebody in this room right now is
like that.
We always have some, friends, from the different
who drop in and lend an ear to
the masajid in order to make sure that
nothing crazy is happening. Maybe it's you.
Keep doing your job. It's a good job.
But also, you should believe in Allah ta'ala
because you'll die one day as well.
And your agency is not going to help
you on that day. The only thing that's
going to help you on that day is
if you took
a covenant with the Lord.
Maybe there's somebody in this room who is
right now here
because it's what they've always done.
But the Ya'in hasn't entered their heart.
My brother, nobody's gonna kick you out. Nobody's
gonna make you raise your hand and stand
up and admit it in front of other
But my advice to you if this is
something that resonates with you,
is that more important than salat?
More important than fasting in the month of
Ramadan and giving zakat and going on Hajj
until everybody calls you Hajji.
Is what?
The first thing which is mandatory, the first
obligation and commandment of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
on every person of moral responsibility,
every sane, free, male, adult,
female, adult, free, or slave, every sane, adult
is what? That they should correct their imam.
This is worth your time to investigate this
thing if it's real or not Because if
it's real, you should purge your heart of
doubts because this day, like the messenger of
Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is about to
inform us, the person who goes to the
grave, and they don't have the yaqeen, they
don't have certainty in this matter, it's going
to end poorly.
And on the flip side, if this is
not something that is true, it's not something
that's correct, go enjoy the rest of your
Friday afternoon instead of listening to listening to,
you know, someone preach,
at you. You can go have lunch. You
can do something so much better with your
And so, the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, he, informs us that if that
person is a munafiq,
if that person is a hypocrite,
when he's asked this question, he'll say, I
heard the people say such and such. So
I said exactly what they used to say.
Meaning, not that I bear witness that he
that there's no God except for Allah and
that Muhammad is his messenger. Rather, I heard
people saying,
I used to say the same thing as
well. And the angels will similarly reply to
when he says that I that I heard
the people say,
something like this, but I don't myself. I
don't know.
They'll reply to him that we knew that
you were going to say this.
And then the earth is commanded.
the earth of the grave is told to
collapse on him. Again, this collapsing is not
something we'll see in this world. It's something
that's experienced in the barzakh by the mayit.
It's something that's experienced in the in the
in the the world of,
experience of the person who passes away. In
this world, we won't see it happen either
way. You're not going to put a webcam
in someone's grave and see it expand or
But that person in the grave will experience
and expand or collapse.
Allah will command the earth to cave in
on that person. That person will feel the
sensation of the grave collapsing,
in on him to the point where his
rib cage will will will break.
He'll feel his rib cage breaking, and that
person will be,
then under the, torment
of this condition until Allah
will raise him,
from the dead, until that person will come
to the day of resurrection. And what's in
front of him is going to be worse
than what he's experiencing at that time.
And all of this is summarized. All of
this is summarized,
by the hadith of the prophet
narrated by Sayna Musa'id al Khudr
who said that, when the,
janaza is prepared
and, the men carry it on their necks,
if that janaza is a righteous one, meaning
for a righteous person, that person will say
hurry, push me forward. This is one of
the reasons, by the way, that it's a
sunnah in
the deen of Islam that the person, when
they die, they should be buried quickly. The
person will say, hurry. Rush me. Rush me
to what's prepared,
for me. Why? Because it's good. There's khair
in it. There's good in it for that
And if it is,
not righteous, if it is,
the janazah of a person who is not
a, a righteous person, if it's a janazah
of a person who's spiritually broken,
that person will say,
curse be upon cursed be upon where are
you taking me? And they will scream,
and the voice of that scream will be,
heard by
everyone of God's creation except for human beings.
If the humans were to hear that scream,
it would be so frightening that it would
cause them to pass out.
So brothers and sisters, this is a very,
brief and simple reminder.
To make a long story short, to summarize,
everyone is going to die one day. It's
an eventuality. It doesn't matter how how young
you are. It doesn't matter how old you
are. It doesn't matter what race you are.
It doesn't matter if Obamacare is there or
not. It doesn't matter if you have health
insurance, no health insurance, or how much your
co pay is. None of these things matter.
You could eat right. You could exercise, diet.
You could, you know, everything's organic. All of
these things. Still, you're gonna die.
Still one day, you're going to die. It
is an eventuality.
It is a certainty. It is something even
those who deny the most, undeniable of facts
which is the existence of Allah
even they don't have the,
they don't have the gumption to deny it.
It's going to happen
and it is a long journey.
And just like people have 401ks
and they have retirement accounts for their pensions,
if you don't contribute anything into it, you're
not gonna get anything out of it on
the other side.
Allah ta'ala says in the Quran, He says,
Take provision for your journey
and know that the greatest provision is the
fear of Allah ta'ala.
The sub of the musul of this ayah
is with regards to Hajj That there were
a group of people who showed up in
Madinah to join the prophetic caravan
of Hajj. And the messenger of salallahu alaihi
wa sallam asked them, what have you prepared
for this journey? And they say, we prepared
nothing. We came trusting in Allah ta'ala. We
came trusting in Allah ta'ala. The Messenger of
chastised them. He was not pleased with this
He said, what? You say you're gonna trust
in Allah You came with nothing, and now
you're gonna go on the
on Hajj with the caravan. And when you
become hungry, you're gonna show your face in
front of people that that look how mesquite
I am, look how impoverished I am, and
you're going to put your hands, spread your
hands in front of people and beg. And
you're going to and you're going to put
your hands, spread your hands in front of
people and beg.
This ayah, even if it was revealed for
Hajj, this is from the Usul Tafsir that
an ayah that has a particular meaning in
a particular context, the general meaning of the
ayah is also correct.
Imagine how much worse it is if a
person doesn't If it's bad that a person
doesn't prepare for their Hajj, how much worse
it is for a journey that's much longer
than Hajj is. And the implications are much
more dire. The consequences
of failure are much more dire than the
consequence of not preparing properly for Hajj.
Brothers and sisters, Youmul Qiyam as a day
that's described as people
roving like stark
mad men.
And they're not asking for money and they're
not asking for food. They're asking for 1
They're asking for 1 Allahu Akbar. They're asking
for 1
They're asking for even one of these good
deeds that we take as the smallest of
deeds, and as the most insignificant of deeds
in order to save themselves from the hellfire.
Brothers and sisters,
don't ignore this thing and say, I have
practical I have practical,
needs to take care of today.
This is impractical for me to worry about
today. That day will come. All of you
know and I know that that day will
If you don't prepare anything for it today,
then you're going to be empty. Your hands
will be empty, and the one whose hands
are empty the day they enter the grave.
That person,
they that will be their permanent condition forever.
That person, their hands will be empty. The
person who's poor in this life, but they
bring good deeds with them, they'll be rich
forever. The person who's rich in this life,
they bring no good deeds with them, that
person will be poor forever.
The fukaha mentioned that it is haram to
build on a grave, to build a building,
or to, whiten or brighten a grave.
And one of the one of the reasons
people think this is is what is because
people will take the grave as a place
of worship. To be very honest with you,
I haven't read this in,
the books of Fiph. Nor do I think
it's true. People who say, La ilaha illa
hai, Allah will rarely be able to muster
enough generation to worship anything except for Allah
Ta'ala even if they are impious, even if
they're profligate.
The reason the Fulkaha mentioned that it's haram
is what?
Is because it's a facade, it's a farce.
If you make the grave nice, you build
it marble and gold and design it really
nice and people see it and it's like
Someone showed me the picture just this week
that there was a man who owned strip
clubs and bars.
He claimed he's a Muslim and Allah knows
best, you know, whatever his state was that's
between him and his Lord.
And his
funeral had so many flowers, so many flowers.
It looks like it must have had over
a 1,000 flowers in it. It was so
beautiful. Brothers and sisters, the beautiful, uh-uh, grave
is not the one who has flowers and
not the one who has building on it.
This is the reason the full Quran mentioned
that it's haram to build on top of
a grave because you're fooling yourself and you're
fooling other people.
The beautiful grave is not the one that
has flowers on it, not the one that
has, uh-uh, is brightened and enlightened and widened
and built on and has marble and gold.
The beautiful grave is the one filled with
good deeds.
And if you make the grave look beautiful,
you're fooling yourself and you're fooling other people.
The visiting of the grave is a reminder
that the only thing you'll take with you
is what? Not your degrees, not your money,
not your car, not your house, not your
family members, not your even most beloved people.
The only thing you take into your grave
is your deeds. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala fill
our graves with goodness, with good deeds, with
iman, with
the with prayers and fasting and with charity,
with the dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
and the service of the