Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah Necessary Things To Get Right in the Last Days of Ramadn Scarborough 04052024
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The speaker discusses the problem of procrastination and leveraging time. They emphasize the importance of finding people who have a unique ability to spend time and effortlessly, and stress the need to be wary of circumstances and people. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of rewarding people for their unique abilities and helping them achieve their goals.
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One of
the worst things
a person can say
oh, look how fast Ramayana went by. You
didn't even notice.
If you are spending the time that you
should be spending,
by the time you get to the end
of the day, you will barely be able
to remember the things you did indeed beginning
of the day.
This is how Barakah works.
The problem is what? The problem is 2
1 is a universal problem, and 1 is
a peculiar problem for people in the time
and age that we live in.
An extraordinary
ability to waste time.
An extraordinary
ability to procrastinate, to put off those things
that they need to do that are there
for their benefit.
This is something you have to fight inside
of yourself.
Comes from inside. Part of it also comes
from the company that we keep.
So for the sake of the lord, I
beg all of you,
People will try to put a lot of
pressure on you, and they'll try to put
a lot of leverage on you
in order to come to their
party or their whatever event gathering, whatever you
Religious people are extremely valuable and highly experienced
stupid when it comes to this type of
leverage and this type of pressure.
that ask them to sacrifice some part of
their dunya,
a day that they're supposed to make a
lot of money or a day that's very
important for them for work or for school
or for
will change from a human being to a
rabbit box, crack back at you. Because what
do you think that was important for?
So I'm not saying you shouldn't be kind
of like that.
This is something universal to all human beings.
The second problem we have is what? Is
that the allies, the instruments of distraction that
we have
It is very interesting.
I grew up getting yelled at by my
parents not to watch TV and watch movies
and play videos.
reward our elders.
It's very interesting. You know what I'm getting
yelled at by them
situation has turned on its head.
Who grew up speaking English.
There was not all that much media for
people who spoke
Urdu or Punjabi or
enchanted from those states.
And even the most
There's a very good chance. There's a very
good possibility.
A preponderant possibility that the moon will be
seen on the 29th, and that's it.
Actual action itself on the day of judgement,
many people who hunger the love of these
things is actually
the superior part of the reward for life.
So this is part. Not all of the
part of the
occasionally, the reason and circumstances in which was
that are stuck with some of the
less intelligent men, they know how to do
this as well. This is what you need.
You've been going to do it.
To be that night, that you have something
that would take you to your destination on
the road.
Be careful. Be wary of those circumstances,
those states, and those people that are going
to set you off because one of the
reasons that the the power is taken away
from people and snatched away from people as
pull yourself out of those situations that are
going to aggravate you, that are going to
give you difficulty.
Is wider.
It is an obligation.
The obligation was explained
as being 2 fold. There's an inner reality
and an outer
reality. The outer reality is why is that
The primary
understanding should be amongst us
if there's a poor person struggling with their
rent, struggling with their bills, you give them
money so they don't have to struggle on
this, then they can
So the best thing you can do for
a psychological center is look for those people,
think about those people, ask about those people,
give them the money yourself.
It is a purification
for the woman who fasted from all of
the vanity
This reward that you get, this benefit that
you get, it's 100%
worth it.
It's 100%