Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah The Prophetic Majlis.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of having a special spot in public and respect for people, as it is common in publicity. They emphasize the need to be patient and enroll others in the conversation rather than giving small talk. The speaker explains that the use ofteen's weight in people's behavior is used to give more to people who need it, and that the prophet sallali alaihi wa sallam was given to people who wanted to be the richest. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being patient and enroll others in the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we continue with the same hadith.

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There's a number of hadith of the Prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam that any speech or

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any talk that doesn't have the dhikr of

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Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, or doesn't begin with

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the dhikr of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's

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aqtaq. It's like a person who, you know,

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it's like a human being who doesn't have

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Obviously still a human being but, you know,

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who would want that to be their condition

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on purpose? Who would want that for themselves?

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And so whenever people sit and and speak,

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speak or sit to speak

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when they're beginning and when they're done. They

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should always start and finish with the dhikr

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of Allah Ta'ala. Then you can talk about

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whatever you want to afterward. It will temper

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your your speech though and keep it, hopefully

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help keep it in in within the bounds

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of of goodness rather than,

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something evil or something that's a waste of

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time, which itself is sufficient in terms of

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A specific place reserved for himself when he

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would sit with people,

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and and and he,

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he would forbid other people from doing the

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same thing.

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He didn't have a spot reserved for himself,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And this is a

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a custom of the king's,

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of of of Jahiliyah

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that they would do that. There's a special

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spot and a special protocol they would sit

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in. They wouldn't mix with people or be

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one of amongst people rather. They would insist

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on a certain type of protocol whereas the

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messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he

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neither insisted on any protocol when he would

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sit with people and when he would go

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to the when he would

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when he himself would sit in a majlis,

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it wasn't fixed, that you can only talk

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to me at this time. You can't talk

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to me at any other time other than

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that. And when he would go to the

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majlis of other people,

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he would just sit where a spot was

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open rather than insisting to sit in a

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a spot or being insulted or not,

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being seated in a certain spot or in

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a certain position or certain chair or in

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a certain way or being greeted a certain

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way or or whatnot. And he was very

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easygoing about these things, and he he ordered

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the people also to be, easygoing about these

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things as well.

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And this is, like, you know, controversy,

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amongst the about

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even the way people should be greeted when

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they come in.

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there is,

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Jama'at of faqaha

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that say that it's even Makruh stand to

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greet somebody when they come in the majlis

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because the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam would

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would insist that people not stand to greet

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him. And some of the faqas say, you

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know, it's permissible if you're doing it, you

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know, if you're not if you're doing it,

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to honor somebody who's a worthy of being

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honored and b, you're doing it out of

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some sort of sincere intention

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rather than out of protocol, out of takaluf.

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And so,

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that being the case, I mean,

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rather than rather than dwelling on which one

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is right or which one is wrong, if

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it's a difference of opinion, then we respect

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other people when they make amal on it.

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But the point is is what? Is that

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you shouldn't have so much

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protocol with to cut off with people, so

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much affectation that you,

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insist on one thing or the other. If

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someone is doing something that's good, you know,

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that's fine. But a person shouldn't be like,

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oh, look, this guy didn't shake my hands

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with me. One hand instead of 2 hands

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or he didn't stand when he met me

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or he didn't do this or he didn't

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do that. Other person should be very easy

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going because that's the way the messenger of

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was and that's the way he ordered his

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So if you if you came to a

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people who are sitting, he would just sit

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wherever he was seated, and he would tell

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people also to accept wherever they're seated.

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And when he would sit with people, he

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would give every person he's sitting with their

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Meaning what? Meaning when he'd sit with people,

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he'd give a little bit of attention to

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everybody who who he was with rather than

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to talk talk only to 1 person and

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ignore the other people around him. And this

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is a part of, you know, common etiquette,

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common sense as well.

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And especially when somebody else is a stranger,

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it's easy to blow over them. Like, you're

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at a party or you're at, you know,

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sitting at a table somewhere or whatever.

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This is part of common courtesy and just

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being a nice person is not to, you

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know, at least to say a little bit

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of something. Even if you don't know anyone,

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introduce yourself or say something so that they

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feel comfortable engaging the conversation with you rather

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than feeling excluded. And so the messenger of

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Allah was such that whenever he sat with

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anyone, he'd give every person their share of

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the conversation,

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to the point where,

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everybody thought that he was the one that

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam honored the most.

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He was the most honored by him, that

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everyone was pleased with the way the prophet

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interacted with them.

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Whoever sat with him or stood with him,

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for for any amount of time and was

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in need of something, the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam would would

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enjoin him to to patience.

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Quran. Oh, you who believe, be patient and

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enjoin others to patience

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and make others firm in their in in

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in their, deen.

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So he would he would whenever someone would

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come to him with a need, he would

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give that person patience and then join them

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to patience,

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to the point where that person would come

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come back and be control over

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over whatever affair he's in or or or

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feel empowered. And whoever asked him, sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, to help fulfill a need, he

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would not send that person back either, except

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for that he fulfilled that need or at

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least he told him some some

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speech that would make him feel better or

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would make him feel ease. And when would

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he fulfill the need? When he could.

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And when he would he give him kind

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words? When he couldn't fulfill the need. The

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said, if he had something, he would give

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it. If he didn't have it though, because

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it's easy. You could say, oh, well, a

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rich person can follow sunnah because he just

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gives everyone give give give. I don't have

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enough to give everybody, you know. Even a

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relatively wealthy person, if they gave to everyone

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who came to them, they'll become

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bankrupt very quickly.

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There are many rich people who became rich

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just because they don't

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So, so what's the sunnah? The sunnah is

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if you have something to give, you give

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it. And you don't you don't if you

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don't have to give, you know, some everyone

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who comes and asks you for everything in

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the world, you can give them something. You

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don't have to give them everything. But if

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you had something to give, you would give

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and, if you didn't have anything,

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materially to give, you would at least give

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them good words that would make the person

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feel better.

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He was so generous,

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with the people, with his openness, and with

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his good, character that he became like a

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father to people.

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And they were with him in terms of

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of of rights and in terms of the

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hap. They were all equal to him. You

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treat them equally in terms of their what

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their rights were over him.

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Whenever he would sit, that sitting in that

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gathering he would be in was a gathering

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of of forbearance and a gathering of shyness,

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and a gathering of, patience and a gathering

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of trust.

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You know, it wasn't a place that people

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that people would lose their temper with one

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another or be, fahesh with one another, indecent

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with one another,

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or would lose their patience quickly, or where

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you would say something and then you would

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tell everybody else your secrets that you said

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them with confidence.

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It was such a in which voices weren't

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It wasn't a place where haram things were

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praised nor the place where people would

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talk about sins as if it's a good

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People have this some people do this also.

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Oi, I'm gonna do it before I used

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to pray, before I used to this I

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do this and none, and they boast about

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these types of things. That's something that's that's

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a haram and b, not the sunnah of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam were doing

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bad things are praised or boasted about.

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Uh-uh 2 people who are similar to one

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they would be honored. The one who would

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be more honored amongst them is the one

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who had the more

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2 people who came humbly,

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with him, they would be given

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a position

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with respect to who is older

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and whoever is younger, that person would be,

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mercy would be shown to them.

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And they would, prefer the person who has

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a need in that majlis. They would put

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them forward and let them speak about their

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need rather than, shooting the breeze.

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And they would take care of a stranger.

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They would be very careful to take care

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of the stranger. Allah

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give us to implement the sunun of the

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prophet beautiful

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