Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah The Prophetic Companionship.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the personality of shia and Sunni, highlighting the importance of shia in valuing emotions and showing respect. They stress the importance of showing respect and understanding the meaning of "the upside" when showing adab to sensitive individuals. The speakers also emphasize the importance of not arguing with people and not giving advice on their conduct.
AI: Transcript ©
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Continuing with the same

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narrated by Saidna.

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Al Hassan from his father Saidna Ali radhiallahu

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ta'ala anhumah

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This is also something to say

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for the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam. This is not like a shia of

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the shia. Although they insist on saying it

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and they don't, they don't say Radiallahu anhu

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after the name of the Ashab, but it's

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also a practice of many of our Sunni

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ullama as well. The difference between shia and

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Sunni is not has nothing to do with

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who, loves the family of the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam more than the other.

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This is something it's a misconception.

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If anybody doesn't love the family of the

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prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam more than they

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love their own family

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at least in their heart, you know, you

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don't have to spend money on them. In

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fact, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam forbade

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it in some sense but in your heart

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if you don't love his family more than

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you love yourself, it's like a part of

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your iman is deficient, it's it's disabled,

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it's hobbled.

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So he narrates,

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continuing with the narration,

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Faisal Tuhu'an,

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when they would sit with him.

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And so, Sayna Ali Faqalak,

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was constant in

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his joy. He's always he always exuded a

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type of joy. It's not the the kind

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of bubbly

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smile for a picture type of, you know,

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happiness of stupidity, but true happiness

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that comes from inside even though a person

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may not be bubbling over, but there's a

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sense of belonging and a sense of purpose

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in life.

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He always exuded a type of joy. Sahal

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al Khuluq, he was always easy in his

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in his manners with people.

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soft with people.

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The Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam wasn't

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harsh nor was his, company heavy to bear

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nor did he walk around screaming at everybody

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nor was he a person who was excessive

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in his speech

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or or or or obscene in his actions,

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nor was he a person who walked around

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pointing out everything that's wrong with stuff. He

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would correct people when the time was there

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for it, when it was appropriate, but not

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everything he said was just like, this is

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bad, this is bad, this is wrong, you're

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a liar, you're the stubborn

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He he wasn't he wasn't the person who

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just went around looking for deficiencies and things.

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But Amazah, he wasn't the person who everything

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he did all the time was just joking.

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The greater part of the greater part of

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you know,

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speech was seriousness

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and even even even his, joking

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or his lighthearted moments were serious as well

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because there is in it for us a

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And and so even though it may have

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been joking, but even that is serious because

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it's a it's a sunnah for us.

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And but he was such a person that

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if somebody if somebody hoped for something from

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him that they wouldn't give up hope because

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he he wouldn't he wouldn't give them reason

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to give up hope in him.

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He forced himself to give up 3 things

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. 1 is Mira. Mira's argument,

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not the type of not the type of

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argument which is

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like, I'm I'm gonna make a fool out

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of you type of argument or I'm going

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to shut you down. You know? It no

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longer becomes about the haqq, but it becomes

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He he he forces us to completely, like,

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abandon that.

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And excessiveness,

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and those things that don't concern him.

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And he gave up from the people

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doing with the people three things.

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He didn't used to like

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He didn't blame anybody

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nor did he used to, like, point out

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their faults and their their their errors.

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And he didn't use to talk to them

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in such a way to search out people's

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Some people say that, like, oh, I heard

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so and so, this and that. Is it

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true really what happened? And they just wanna

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know like the bad things about people or

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bad things that happened to them or or

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just to get the down low, you know.

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He wasn't interested in the down low

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He was more interested in the most high.

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He didn't used to speak about anything except

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for it would be something that it could

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be hoped some some some

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reward from Allah could be obtained through it.

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When he spoke sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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his julasa, the people would sit with him

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would be as if

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there were birds sitting on their heads.

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There are birds sitting on their heads. What

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does that Hisham, what does that mean?

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What does that mean?

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If someone is sitting like there's a bird

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sitting on his head, what does that mean?

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How is he sitting?

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Very attentive.

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Very attentive, very still.

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Because if you move obviously, bird is not

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gonna land there in the 1st place. If

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it does, it's definitely gonna fly away. So

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they're so still as if the as if

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birds were sitting on their heads. This is

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something important also. I mean, it's worth repeating.

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When you read the hadith of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam with Isnaab, the adab

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is that you listen just as if you

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are hearing from the messenger of Allah

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And you and I never had the opportunity

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to meet the prophet

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in that sense during his life.

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But you still can show adab with him,

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and you'll still reward. You know, some people

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are sensitive to these things, some people are

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not. If you're not, then go You

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enjoy yourself. You have no in Punjabi. You

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don't have have any, then go have fun.

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Go enjoy yourself. Right? But for the person

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who's sensitive to this thing, know that this

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is the way you can show adab to

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the one of the many ways you can

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show adab to the prophet, salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, fulfills haqq. And when you meet him,

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this world, in

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your dreams or in your visions, and in

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the next world when you meet him, salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, in the hereafter.

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Right? The the you feel with him this

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is something that happens, like, if you meet

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a celebrity from TV, watch a show all

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the time or whatever, you meet him in

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real life, it's awkward. Why? Because you feel

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like a connection with the person and that

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person's like, who is this guy? You know?

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It's not like that the messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. You know, there'll be

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some some real connection. That connection will benefit

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you on that day. It's not just to

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be a lot it's not just, oh, I'm

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your biggest fan. Can you sign my autograph?

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No. It'll be like, yeah. This guy used

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to have adab for me in this world.

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Just let him in with me. You know?

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I mean, it's it's something that,

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that will have benefit. It's that's our imam,

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know? Who will make with

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Allah except for with his permission, he's the

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one who's gonna be say

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raise your head and ask for something so

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I can give it to you and make

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intercession for someone so I can accept your

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intercession. That's that's, like, the first thing that

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will happen on the It's not just that

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it's like the first thing the first good

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thing that will happen on

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to us is is that.

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So, you know, take this opportunity. So then

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when they would sit, they would sit as

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if there were birds, perched on their heads.

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By the way, that's for the Arabic, when

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the Arabic is being read with Isnaab.

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This thing, like, you know, I'm talking is

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that if you have to go, you can

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go. But at least when the Arabic is

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being read, you should sit with the adab

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as if it's, as if it's, you know,

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he's physically present as

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if he's physically present sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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When he would stop talking, that's the only

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time they would talk.

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when when he would talk, they would always

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be silent

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which is also the adaf we should show

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with our teachers and with our elders and

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with the righteous.

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That they don't argue. They didn't used to

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argue with each other in in his presence

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This is also important. Right? Tanazrah is what?

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Like, arguing with each other? Don't argue with

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each other,

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in his presence, alayhis

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salaam. And don't argue with each other in

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the presence of your elders, in the presence

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of your teachers, in the presence of your

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the the righteous people of your, you know,

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hold back from that. You have hakumima, you

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have hakumna minhhu. He would laugh at the

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same jokes that they would laugh at. The

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same things that that they thought was funny,

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he would think it's

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as well.

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And he would find, like, wonderful or strange

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what they would find wonderful and strange as

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He would, he would, what you call, be

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with people and with their bad manners,

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he would be he would be patient with

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them and their bad manners and their bad

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speech and their bad way of asking him

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even though they would like

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the expression is literally like they would milk

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him with their speech.

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And I think that that's something people would

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understand. They just squeeze every last drop out

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of him, sallallahu, so he'd still be patient

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with their with the speech of a stranger,

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a kharib, someone who doesn't know any better.

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This is another thing. Often times we hear

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about the good alhaq of the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam and we're like, yeah. Everyone

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should be like that with me.

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That's not the point. The point is you

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should be like that with other people. Right?

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This is mentioned the gharim. Right? If you

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come to the masjid and you've been like

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going to school and you, you know, was

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going to Jummah Fatha for a while, you

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should also then subject your own conduct to

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scrutiny. Don't expect other people to give you

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good Aflac, but you should be in a

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position that you're not expecting Aflac from them,

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but you're giving it out to to others

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He would say

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if you see a person who has any

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go ahead and help him.

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He wouldn't accept the praise of anyone except

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for if that person was just praising him

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because he didn't he did something good for

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them and just as a adab, he's making

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like, someone says

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Right? That's.

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You did something good for them. They give

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you a dua. He would accept that, but

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other than that, he wouldn't accept praise from

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people. He wouldn't accept people that that that

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that that, you know, sycophantry from from people.

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He didn't use to, cut off a person

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when when they're speaking,

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until it was proper for that to happen.

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And so, the way he would end his

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speech with people is when that person was

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done talking or when it was time to

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get up

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Give us the barakah and the tawfiq of

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implementing the beautiful sunnah of the messenger

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