Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah Laughter and Kindness.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The Qataios narrates a video about a group of people eating and discussing the idea of love in Yemen. The narratives discuss the idea of being both sweet and sad, and how it relates to the idea of piety and praised pride. The narratives also mention a video about a messenger from Yemen who saw a group of people eating and called them out.
AI: Transcript ©
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Qata'a narrates Abu Naraym

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narrates in the Hilli'atul 'Auliya that Qata'a narrates

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Abdu'Abdu'Abdu'l Abin Umar alaihi wa ta'ala who once

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was asked,

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the companions of the Messenger of Allah SAW

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Alaihi wa Salam, the prophet SAW Alaihi wa

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Salam, did they ever laugh?

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Because people think that,

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people think that piety and righteousness,

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you know, perhaps they get the mistaken impression

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that it involves

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being stern or serious or sad all the

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time or upset or angry all the time.

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So did they used to laugh?

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And said, Abdul Abin Umar

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be pleased with both of them. He responded,

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yes indeed they laughed,

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but despite that,

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the iman in their hearts was greater in

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magnitude than the mountains.

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And Hadnad,

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narrates from Saibin, Omar al Qarashi,

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that Sayyidina Umar alaihi wa ta'ala anhu,

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he saw a group of people,

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a group of people from Yemen

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that their,

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you know, where they had,

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they were traveling and where they put down

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their, saddle bags.

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They were eating. They were taking food together.

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And so he he he saw the

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he saw them and he said whoever wishes

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look at those who resemble,

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the messenger

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sorry, the companions of the messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Let them look at like how much love

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these people from Yemen are are sitting together

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and eating with.

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And this is narrated in the comes with

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