Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah He Taught You What You Knew Not.mp4
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Allah reminds the believers of his
blessing upon them
by saying
it is like
when we sent down to you a messenger
from amongst yourselves
who recites to you
our ayaat,
our signs,
our ayaat, our signs and verses the Quran
as well. And
means both to recite and also means to
It means both to recite and it also
means to follow.
That He follows the Signs and He also
recites the Signs.
And He purifies you.
And not only does He teach you the
book, but He also teaches you the wisdom
of its interpretation.
His sunnah
which is also part of Wahi. It's a
of people
the book of Allah Ta'ala is only wahi
that the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was
sent. Rather it's a hadith
narrated by
a revelation.
That the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, his
speech is not something that's done from vanity
or capriciousness.
Rather everything he says is a
It is a revelation which is revealed to
And so that he teaches you both the
book and also the hikba, the interpretation of
the book.
And he's there to teach you
that which you didn't know from before.
Which means what?
The Wahi is not there for you to
say I'm
intelligent. I have Facebook, Internet, iPhone,
I have,
what you call,
Android. I have all these things. So now
I'm going to interpret it because nobody else
understood it other than me right now, and
I'm gonna interpret it to make it, you
know, fit with what I know.
Rather, he's the one who's teaching you the
thing that you didn't know from before, and
he's gonna teach me the thing I didn't
know from before. So what is the haqq
receiving the knowledge that we didn't have from
before? The haqq is that we sit stay
quiet and we listen and let them do
the speaking
rather than say we know what you're going
to say. You stay quiet for a second.
Let me do the speaking. The deen is
what it is. There may be certain parts
of it that you don't understand.
It's okay and it's good, it's act of
piety to say I don't know.
And there may be certain things that you
that doesn't feel comfortable with you or doesn't
make sense to you. That's not the deen's
that's my problem and your problem.
This is one of the things Imam Ghazali
he writes in his works again and again
that it's a type of it's a type
of logical,
fallacy. It's a type of weakness of the
aqul for a person to think.
I didn't understand this, therefore it doesn't make
sense. Your and mine not understanding something is
not a dalil that that thing doesn't make
sense. There's a 1,000 things in the world
that we don't understand. If someone can explain
to me quantum mechanics,
go ahead and explain to me. But just
because nobody in the room can explain it
to me, doesn't mean that it doesn't make
sense. All of these things, the calculations, the
numbers don't lie. And so if it can
be like that for something that's from this
world, then imagine the knowledge that encompasses
the the the the the gheib, the unseen,
the sabaa asamawat and the arshah adim.
In Canada, shay and warahahu.
He's there to teach you the thing that
you didn't know from before. And you'll only
be able to appreciate it when you can
come to the sunnah and say, I don't
know. How many times do I say something
is a sunnah? He said, brother, well, I
never read about it before.
Okay. There's like a lot of things that
you haven't read about before. There's a lot
of things I haven't read about
before. I'm very careful. People ask me, is
there a hadith like such and such?
I said, maybe I I haven't heard of
it. It doesn't mean that the hadith doesn't
exist. Who's you know, who hears a hafas
of all the hadith of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam? Even the sahaba weren't radiAllahu
Even Sayid Nabu Bakr radiAllahu anhu, when he's
sitting with the senior sahaba, none of them
have heard a hadith and then somebody will
come in from the outside and say, oh,
I heard the prophet say this. So if
Abu Bakr and Amrul and Ali radhiallahu anhu
and say Na'artman radhiallahu anhu can sit there
and someone from the outside can say something
to them that they didn't know from before,
then who are we? You know? It's not
it's it's not seeming. It's it's something we
should always remember. Whenever the book of Allah
or the the the hadith of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has recited to us.
We should have this thing inside that there's
something that we didn't know from before. We
might learn something today.
And and and that's why we say at
the end of, everything we say, Allah knows
best. And then Allah to ask us,
He says, so remember me so that I
remember you I may remember you. Remember
me and I will remember you.
It's a
but it's
the interesting thing is Allah knows about everything
at all times but he makes tafsiz of
remembrance of you,
connected with your remembrance of him. Meaning what
the strength
of that bond between
the strength of
his tawaju on you is directly
related to the strength of your remembrance of
So what honor is it? We have, billions
of bacteria, millions of bacteria on our hand
at every time, and we wash our hands
with soap and kill all of them or
kill like most of them, and we don't
even bat eyelash about it. And the mithal
of Allah Ta'ala in front of those bacteria
or in front of us is greater than
the mithal of us in front of those
bacteria by an infinite degree.
And so if you were to come to
the house of Allah and say Allahu Akbar
and, you know, Subhanu Rabir Allah, Subhanu Rabir
Alalim, etcetera,
And you remember him and he also then
his comes on you also. It's a honor.
It's a honor from Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala.
You know, if you were to if you
were to make zikr of Barack Obama, he
doesn't care about you.
So many people,
you know, they were crying when he got
elected, and then they realized he's a politician.
He's a human being. You know, like, they
thought, oh, now someone's there who cares about
still nobody's there who cares about us. Maybe
this will happen also. You know? Everyone says
we should have a caliphate, caliphate. Okay? We're
not talking about ISIS or or Daish or
Maybe real caliphate and no violence and they're
not great, whatever. And there'll be a Khalifa
sitting in the Dawul Khilafa in Madinah and
you'll think, oh, now this guy will he
won't care about you. There's like a 1,000,000,000
other Muslims that he has to take care
of. You're
You're gonna write him a letter and he
won't write you back. Well,
that's not what the prophet said that who's
gonna care about you? Who's gonna care about
you? Allah is the one who cared. That's
what his teaching was whether there's a khalifa
or not. This is a real honor from
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He says remember
me so that I and I'll remember you
as well.
And be thankful
to me.
And don't don't be ungrateful. Right? The word
the istilahi meaning of the word kufr in
in in in Islam is disbelief.
But the original meaning of the word kufr
in the time of Jahiliya
is ingratitude.
There is a a couplet a couplet from
Jahili. I forget what Shahid said it.
So didn't one time we let you go
of one time. We had a chance to
get you. We let you go one time.
But then after that, you're ungrateful to us.
And, being ungrateful is not from the shiyam
of Kirami. It's not from the attributes of
noble people. So fear
so fear on yourselves,
the the way that time turns,
the way that time gives a turn to
each person
time is,
surely something that will cheat every every one
of the creation one day.
So that's that's that's the the original meaning
Arabic of Kufr. One of the original or
older meanings of Kufr in Arabic
is, it's not
the there's a meaning behind it as well,
but that's what the majaz was used in
in Jahili as well. So
I gave you all of these things I
remembered you, so just be thankful to me.
Don't be ungrateful to me.
Allah give all of us
still faithful.