Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah Abu Ubaydah b Jarrah.mp4
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Khakim narrates in his Mustadrak
a strong narration,
from the tariq of Abu Sa'id al Makburi
That Abu Ubaydah Tubal Jarrah,
he's one of the Asharama Rashireen Biljana.
He was the one that he was Aminu
Hadih Ummah. The
prophet gave the the lakkab the title of
the trustee of this Ummah.
And, he trusted him, amongst other things, with
the money.
He was the treasurer of the of the
Muslim state, the first treasurer that the Muslim
state had, and that's a great maqam. It
said that Sayid Omar alaihiallahuhan who held him
such great esteem
that he gave wasi'ah after I did die,
he should be Khalifa after me, except for
Abu Ubaydah dies before Omar, so that never
And so he died in Sham. He was
a he was a governor over, the provinces
of Sham, and he died when a a
a plague hit Sham.
So when he,
caught the plague, he said to Mu'ad bin
Jabal alaihi alahu anhu, who was a young
man compared to the elders of the Sahaba,
a young man from Madinah and from the
who was very knowledgeable. The prophet
praised him for his knowledge of fiqh, of
halal and haram. He said to Mu'adh when
he caught the plague, oh, Mo'az, leave the
prayers of the people. Say that Mo'az will
also later die from the same plague.
So, oh, Mo'az, leave the the people in
and so Mu'adh led the people in prayer.
And then shortly thereafter, Abu Ubaydah ibn Jabahi
passed away.
And Mu'adh stood up and he told the
people, oh, people,
make repentance to Allah to Allah from your
sins with a sincere repentance.
For verily, a slave of Allah doesn't meet
him in the state of repentance from his
sins except for it is his right that
Allah over Allah that he should be forgiven.
Then he said,
oh, people,
verily you have been,
hit with a calamity,
with the loss of such a man.
I I I I make the claim right
now that I have not seen,
from the slaves of Allah
such a person ever,
like him who who you had less to
fear from him and who was, more pious
in his heart and who was, further away,
you know, in danger, meaning being with him
he or sorry. He was he
was, a a a a a a a
mean he was a, not a foolhardy person.
He was a person who was cautious in
all matters. He didn't subject people to
nor a person with a more pious heart,
nor a person whose danger was fur is
further away from you. When you're with him,
you don't have anything to fear from him,
nor a person who had more, intense love
for the hereafter,
nor a person who is more sincere to
the generality of the Muslims.
So ask Allah ta'ala and invoke Allah's mercy,
upon him, and then go out into the
for the salat over him. And this is
this is a practical matter as well,
as a side note, that is haru means
go out into the sahara, go out into
the desert for his janazah. It's a it's
a dawil that the sunnah, the janazah is
not held inside the masjid, it's held outside
of the masjid. I know there was some
some confusion from certain people. The is when
happens, people come to the masjid that don't
come to the masjid regularly. So you have
to mention it again and again. So they
say, oh, how come they're not allowing the
into the masjid? It's not that. It's a
sunnah to go outside. Right? So if
I'm I'm a.
Right? And so if Abu Abed Abdul
wasn't led into the masjid, right,
you know that this is not like a
dishonor. It's a sunnah. Right? If his was
outside the masjid, then it's something that we
all should want for ourselves as well because
these were the people who were closest to
the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So it's something that inshallah if we if
you know something happens, someone has a question
about it, just mention it to them that
this is a sunnah. It's not there's nothing
wrong with it.
So he said, invoke Allah's mercy upon him,
and then go out into the desert in
order to pray his,
his janazah.
For by Allah,
you will never have another leader over you
like this ever again.
And so the people gathered together,
and the body of Abu Ubaydah was brought
out, and Mu'adh ibn Jabal went in the
went in the front of the procession. This
is another sunnah that when there's a funeral
procession from the place of Janazah to the
place of burial, it's a sunnah for the
people who are walking on foot to go
in front, not to go in back like
the al Asara. Although they say that for
people who are riding, it's better to go
behind the the Mayyid.
So say the Mu'adh ibn Jabal was the
first one at the front of the funeral
and he went to,
Sayna Abu Ubaydah's grave, and he entered into
the grave,
and, also Sayna'amr bin Aas in the hab
bin place.
All 3 of them entered into the grave
to place him in the grave properly
And so once he was placed inside of
his grave,
and they,
they, what you call they,
they put the dirt, on top of
on top of him.
Mu'addun Jabbal says to Abu Ubaydah, oh, Abu
I praised you,
and I didn't say anything in my praise
of you which was wrong or untruthful,
that I I should fear that one day
this should be a cause of a problem
for me from Allah Ta'ala.
Meaning what? It's a sunnah it's a sunnah
in in Islam when someone dies, you know,
like kafar have UEGs. Oh, he was so
great. He was this. He was that.
I miss him so much. You know? We
love him. So but when the guy was
alive, nobody
cared about him. This is something I've experienced
again and again. In Islam,
there's it's you shouldn't
you shouldn't give speeches about the deceased when
they're dead. Why? Because it doesn't benefit them,
and half the things people say anyway are
lies at that point. What you should do
is give sadaqa for them, make dua for
them, do something that will actually benefit them.
But in this case, you know, Muhammed bin
Jabal stands at the grave of of of
of his elder and of of the of
this other Sahabi, Jalil Qadr Sahabi, that he
loves. And he says, I I know I
said these things, good things about you, but
I don't fear that I'm gonna get get,
like, punishment from Allah to Allah because I
said it. Because everything about what I said
was absolutely true.
And by Allah,
I know what I know about the people
who remember Allah ta'ala with a great remembrance
and from those who walk on the earth,
with humility
and those people who when people of say
anything to them, they just,
they don't engage them. They just let them
let them go. And what I know about
those people who, when they spend,
they don't waste money on people, but they're
not cheap either,
and they find a path between those 2,
which is important for a father or for
a leader or someone who has to spend
on people or dependent on them, not to
waste money and spoil them and not to
be so cheap as to cause them, grief.
So what I know about all these groups
of people, you, by Allah ta'ala, were amongst
those who obeyed Allah ta'ala and who are
humble and amongst those who have mercy on
the orphan and have mercy on the poor
and helpless, and you are the one who
hated the most,
people of treachery and hated the most the
people of arrogance. Allah,
you know, be pleased with, all of them
and give us a tawfiq of of of
taking from their noble akhlaq.