Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hajj Workshop V.mp4
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Welcome to
our last fit class
at least for a while.
That the benefit keeps happening one way or
the other.
At any rate, we wanted to wrap up
talking about Hajj,
So there were a couple of issues that
we didn't finish. Because when we spoke about
Hajj before,
we talked
about the way that a person, if he
or she did how it would be. So
we have to still talk about how does
Tamatur work and how is it different than
ifrad, how is Kiran different than ifrad,
and also some of the penalties for breaking
some of the different conditions of,
different, different conditions or different, violations types of
violations that a person can commit in Hajj
and which ones invalidate the Hajj and which
require what kinds of
penalties to rectify.
So first, we start with Ifrahd. Okay?
We we talked about how you're supposed to
do it. You come in the Makkah Mukarama
in Iram
from the Miqat,
then you do,
then you do,
then you go,
Slaughter or shave your head.
And then the next 3 days, you stone,
you know, the 3 pillars. And then when
then when you leave you're
done. Okay?
So there's one thing you'll notice that that
that about Ifrad is that Ifrad doesn't require
a sacrifice.
Okay. Ifrad doesn't require sacrifice. If a person
wants to make a sacrifice of had Hajj
is called al Hadi, and the sacrifice of
of umrah sorry. The sacrifice of id is
It's a you can say or you can
Okay? And Urdu, we use the word
Right? Is actually an Arabic word for sacrifice,
but it's a general word. It's not it
does it's not the,
it's not the word. The specific word for
the the the the the sacrifice of Hajj
is what? Hadi. Hadi. Okay. And the specific
word for the sacrifice of
is what?
So this is we use the same word
for both of them. Okay?
Because the word
even in Arabic is it's it's more
general. It's a more of a general word.
And, this is one thing that's wonderful
it's a it's a I guess, in some
backwards way, a sign of honor for the
Desi people. If you watch the Saudi television
station and see who who's, like, making
and who's, like, you know, in Medina, it's
just a whole lot of, like it's like
basically, like like
almost half the Ummah they see people between
Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
and like, you know, like Nepal and like
all the people from those countries that live
in other countries, it comes out to quite
a bit of people. This is the father
of Allah. He gives to whoever he wills,
and he doesn't accept from anyone except for
someone who has,
whatever they're wherever they're from. But, you know,
like, the there's a there's a Saudi post.
Right? Saudi, the post office. Like, you know,
here you can get money orders and pay
bills and things like that at the post
office. There, one of the things the post
office does is they sell a token for
hadith, you know, for a hadith. If you
have to give a hadith, you can buy
the token from them. They give you a
number, and then you can call and verify
that it's been slaughtered or not. They have
a whole system for it. It's not a
perfect system, but it is a good system.
It's, like, logistically a very difficult system to
implement. So they they have that system. Right?
And so the guy at the Saudi Saudi
kiosk, the Saudi post kiosk,
he'll go outside. He's just an Arab, he's
Right? They won't give those jobs to the
people. Right? So he's an Arab, and he'll
have a megaphone, and he'll stand in front
of the kiosk, and he'll say,
like, that's it. He won't say he won't
say He won't say any other language. He'll
just say because, you know, that's like that's
the low hanging fruit right there. You know
what I mean? You could say something else,
but no no come. So
Yeah. Anyhow, so we'll talk about all of
those different things. So the Hajj of Ifrad,
there's no hadi in it.
Okay? If you do a hadi, it's a
nephil. It's it's a nephil hadi. It's not
a a hadi that you have to do.
Like the prophet
when he did when he did Hajj. Right?
There's a difference of opinion. Did he do
Quran or did he do Ifrad? Okay?
But, but,
he did he sacrificed a 100.
Oh, dude. I'm gonna burn the mustard. This
is bad.
You're gonna pick it up? Yeah. I'll pick
it up. I got
it. No. No. It's fine.
Sharif, do you mind getting a, like, a
cup of water or something just so I
can put that water down just in case
this thing actually starts burning properly.
Yeah. I'm gonna step on
it. Alright.
Well, if something bad happens, at least they
have audio evidence.
You can't lie about it later.
Oh, there's a bottle of water right there.
It's empty. It's empty. Yeah.
You're like It's
It can smolder
at the same time? Yeah. That's why I
just wanna soak it with water. It's just
soap. Just in case.
In case.
Can't find the cup, but it's No. That
should be good, Marshall.
Okay. You mind shutting the door?
All those listeners, I hope I'm not sure
you gotta join in the join in the
We put it out. Okay? It's out. Okay.
I didn't burn the mustard down.
Honestly, the carpet needed changing anyway.
Yeah. It's not it's not like the newest
carpet in the world, to be honest with
you. Okay?
And nobody listens to these things anyway. So
Exactly. Random, like, random, like, web web web
trolling, like, bots from, like, Ukraine and Russia.
Yeah. I'm not that.
So yeah.
So anyhow, the, the Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
during his Hajj,
sacrificed a 100 camels,
which is definitely not in any way, shape,
or form, like, necessary.
It's sunnah for a person who is able
to sacrifice whatever they wanna sacrifice. One of
the reasons for that is that,
traditionally, the people in Minna, obviously, not everyone
can afford to bring an animal. It's difficult
to bring animals.
So, when you sacrifice a lot, then you
get to feed the the pilgrims as well.
For that reason, the the
the most reward in the is for the
animal that,
that is the best animal,
the most high quality animal, big or small.
Okay? The most reward for the hadi is
the biggest animal because there's more mouths to
feed in Hadjidet
than there is typically in in in a
person's home because everyone else, when they're at
home, they're sacrificing as well. So it's not
as big of a concern trying to feed
So there is no there is no there
is no,
Wajib Hadi.
There's only Nafil Hadi for for for Hajj.
For, sorry, Hajj of Iprab. Yeah? Okay. That's
not the case for tamato. For tamato, there
is you have 2 options.
The 2 options are to,
the 2 options are either to
give a hadi
or or to fast for 10 days if
you can't afford it. Right? You can do
either. It's not like a necessity that if
you can't afford it. You can do either
but there's it's superior to give the hadith
if you're if you're not if you're able
to. Right? So the way that 10 days
fast happens is that you do 3 in
3 days fasting in Hajj.
If you're able to get them all done
before the Eid, great. If you're not, then
you're, you don't fast on Eid, but you're
allowed to then fast the other 3 days
that you're in Mina. Okay?
But it When are you allowed to start
the fast those 2 days? Once you once
you once you've entered into the months of
Hajj, and you're in Ihram, and you're actually
in Hajj.
Right? So 3 in Hajj
that's the meaning of the ayah. Okay? And
then you do 3 days in Hajj and
then when you get back home,
or when you're done with Hajj, you can
you can do the other 7 days whenever
you like. Okay?
That's that's the, stand in for the hadi
for those who who can't afford it or
who choose to to fast instead.
And so there is a, you know, the
Qurbanir with the the hadi is wajib.
The first hadi is wajib
for tamatuh. Okay? And it's also wajib for
Why is that? Okay. There's a difference of
opinion amongst your ulama. Okay? The Hanafis, they
say they say what? They say that the
the the sacrifice of the matul in Quran
is just because that's the way it is.
There's no reason for it.
Okay. Just that's the way it is.
Malik and Shafiri and the other
the other, imams, I shouldn't speak for the
others, at least the Maliki's they say that
reason for the for the wajub of giving,
blood, spilling blood for
and for,
is that because when you do tamatuh I
should explain how you do tamatuh first. Okay?
There are 3 there are months at the
months of Hajj. Right? Shawwal,
Lulkada, and Dhul Hijjah. Okay. Those are called
the quote unquote the months of Hajj. Those
are the months that if you arrive in
in them, you can take the hilam of
Hajj in those months. You can't take it
before that. Okay?
So if you take the hilam in those
months and do umrah instead of Hajj,
you'll be in Makkah already.
And then you'll just hang out in Makkah
and then on the day of
remember the the day the day that you
hang out in Mina before you go to
On the day of, then you'll take the
the the
hiram again, but from Makkah Mukarama.
Okay? And then you'll take the hiram and
then you'll go into the same stream of
of of events that we decided didn't, discussed
before with one more salient difference. The second
salient difference is what? Is that the the
the the sai'i? Remember we said there's a
sai in Hajj. Right? If you do umrah
then you're you the umrah stands in place
of Tawafu kudum and that sai that goes
with it. Okay?
So now you have to do so so
because you did you're doing with Tamato, the
the Tawafu kudum is excused
because you you already you already caught them.
You're already in Mecca. You can't do a
entrance when you're already there. Right?
So you have to so what you do
is you take the ihram,
for Hajj from Makkumukarama.
You go tarawiyah to Mina and then go
do all other stuff. You go to Arafat.
You come back, muzdalifa,
Right? Stone, sacrifice,
shave your head, do the Tawaf alifada, and
then after the Tawaf alifada, you have to
do asai as well.
Why? Because you haven't Yeah. Only 1. For
Tawaf Only Well,
for Tamato, we're only discussing Tamato right now.
Okay? So for Tamatul, you have to do
a after the
as well.
Why? Because you haven't done a Sahih of
Hajj yet. You did a Sahih of Umrah.
Right? I don't think we discussed how to
do Umrah, but doing Umrah is very easy.
You take the haram from the mikat.
Right? You come, do then
do and then shave your head and Umrah
is done.
Okay? So,
so yeah. So why is it then that
Tamato requires
a another hadith that that Ifra doesn't? Malik
says the reason the reason that the matter
requires a hadith that ifrad doesn't is because
you took the the your ihram from the
correct place.
Right? From the mikat way out there, from
the mikat when you came in for your
But now you're there and you're you're you've
already crossed the mikat, you're you've and you
haven't taken the hiram of Hajj yet.
So to make up for that, you have
to sacrifice an animal. And this is indeed
the case. If a person comes to Makkah,
you know, and they didn't take even if
they're mufred, even if they're doing the niyavifrad,
if they cross the mifat and come to
Makkah and they haven't done the Haram, you
had to do the Haram from inside Makkah,
the penalty for that is that they have
to give it done.
Okay? The penalty for that is that they
have to give it done. The second proof
of this is what? Is that in the,
by the text of the Quran itself,
if a person from Makkah, a resident of
Tamato or Tehran,
they don't have to give they don't have
to give a sacrifice.
Why? Because they're the the the reason that
Malek explains it is because their houses are
mikat, so they're not in that sense, they're
not violating that term. Okay? So this is
There's a long discussion amongst the fuqaha as
to which is superior.
Right? Let's start let's describe Kiran first then
we'll describe describe that discussion. So Kiran is
what? Kiran is that when you say right
at the Right? When you're at the you
have 3 options. You can either say
right? That I'm doing I'm doing
for the haraam of Hajj, which is ifrad.
Or you say,
that I'm doing the haram of Umrah, and
then I'll do the the haram of Hajj
later when I'm in Makkah. Right? That is
Tamato. Right? Quran is when you say
that I'm doing one one, Ihram with the
nia of both Hajj and Umrah.
So what's the way that you do that?
The way you do that is that you
come in to Mecca and do a Umrah
which is what? Talaf
Sahih. Okay?
But then you don't shave your head. You
don't release because that one eharam, you gotta
do 2 birds with 1 stone with that
Okay? So you stay, then you stay in
in in,
what you call you stay in a from.
Okay. Until until
then all that other good stuff, you know?
And then when you're, and then when you're
done with finally with the the stoning on
the day of Yom and Nakhr, then you
have the
that you shave your head and then everything
is halal except for sexual relations. Right? Malik
added another
another caveat. He said that after after the
Tahalul Asgar, after he stoned the first or
the last pillar on the day of Yom
and Nahl, right, on 10th of the Hijjah,
He said that it's also Makru to wear
Any any idea why?
Makru Nahl, it doesn't it's not haram. It's
not break the it's not a breaking of
the Haram, but it's
Why? Because, you know, if you you smell
good then, you know. It could lead to
Yeah. You know what I mean? Let me
tell you something. Right? A couple of things.
People always ask me, Shaykh, you know, the
perfumes here have alcohol in them. Can we
use them? I was like, you can use
them if I guess, I mean, there's some
scope for permissibility. It's a difference of opinion,
but you can use them if you want.
Want. The actual nice utur that we have,
the traditional ones, they smell way better. They
smell way better and I know a lot
of, like, kind of slightly
religious guys
that are a little bit Badmash that abuse
that fact. So don't don't abuse the itr,
please. Yes. That's not right. It's a sunnah.
You shouldn't abuse it that way.
The smell is a very raw and primal
Yeah. Anyhow, so
coming back coming back to the the discussion
at hand,
the, what you call
coming back to the discussion at hand, at
hand, the he says that it's for a
person to wear
and that's something none of the other faqaa
said. So the discussion at hand is that
the the the person doing Quran,
then when when he shave his head and
all that stuff, the
then when he does then
he's released from the hiram of both Hajj
and Umrah.
Right? He's really because he's done Umrah and
he did Hajj. He also has to sacrifice.
Why? Because same thing. He did one
that counts for the and the other the
the the, you know, there's a that he
should have taken that is missing in the
middle. So to make up for that haram
that's missing, then you have to sacrifice it.
Is what we do with Tiram? Right. That's
the other thing with Tiram is you have
to do with both sides. You have to
do the of Umrah and you have to
do after the?
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, okay,
he did what? He did a fraud.
And what happened was when he arrived in
Makkum Karama,
he told the sahaba radiallahu anhu what?
Do do to matu.
Why? It'll be more convenient for you because
you're gonna sit in ihram for the whole
time. You can't scratch. You can't do anything.
You can't whatever. You cannot have relations with
the with the wife. You can't do any
of these things. If you do them, it's
a sin then. Right? So why put yourself
in haraj? Just go ahead and release yourself
from the Haram. So they said, You Rasulullah,
you Rasulullah, Hagami, you're not
doing tammatah?
He said, Because I
brought the sacrificial animals with me,
Okay. And the and the is that they
should be sacrificed in and
because the animals are also there, I did
of them. I've already consecrated them for sacrifice.
I cannot release myself from from my Haram
until I sacrifice them. And I and I
brought them with the sacrifice for for the
Hajj the hadi of Hajj not not before
so he said, I can't do it, but
you guys do it. Okay? And so then
the sayna Jabir, Abdul Jabir bin Abdullah,
he says to Rasoolullah
he says, how can we how can we
show up on Arafat?
That he said that how are we gonna
how are we gonna show up to Arafat
our private parts are still dripping
* and he made a like this with
his hands. Okay? Which is
interesting. It shows that the
who were not like Victorian era super takaluf
people. He was I mean, that was the
question he had. He asked the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he didn't mean disrespect by
it and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
didn't take it like that. He says, no.
He says, this is better for you if
you only knew. Okay?
the Hanafis, they say that the Tamatuh is
superior to
the to the ifrad. Why? Because the prophet
told the Sahaba to do it. Right. Malik
says that the ifrad is superior because that's
what the prophet
did. Okay?
I say that that that,
you know, for us,
for us, it's not necessarily important that we
champion one issue or the other. We probably
don't know enough to even be able to
make an informed or or or or,
intelligent decision regarding that. But look what makes
sense to you. Okay? If you're gonna be
in a haram for, like, a week, for
2 weeks,
and it's just gonna be fitna for you,
it's difficult, you know, like every time you
scratch some people every time you scratch your
beard, something comes out, you know. Some people
are more hairy than others. Some people are
more, like they get more, you know, creeped
out with the shaft, with the disheveledness than
other people. It's gonna be a problem.
Then do tamato.
If you want to do efrat also, you
can do efrat as well if you think
it's a better or more superior way of
doing things. If you want some of some
people are gung ho, right? I think Imam
said that the the Quran is superior. Why?
Because it's more difficult. You go through more
in doing it.
So if you're gung ho and you wanna
do that, good for you, you know. I
think it's superior to perform them separately,
the Hajj and the Umrah separately. You could
do your Hajj Efrat and then afterward you
come back with you come back and do
your Umrah. Right? And it's interesting. Every ihram,
every ihram
for Hajj or Umrah has to combine between
Haram and Hill. Right? The Haram is the
area around and
and the Hill is the so Haram is
the area around
around the Kaaba, and the hill is the
area outside of that. Right? So every every
every ihram has to have haram and hill.
So when you want to take the of
a of a umrah, you have to go
outside to outside of the hill.
What they call
and then come back. Right?
But you can take the haram of Hajj
when you're in Tamato. You can take the
haram of Hajj from inside the Masjid A
Haram. Why? Because Arafat is outside outside of
the Haram.
Yeah. You don't have to go to Masjid
Al Aisha. Yeah, right. You can do it
from inside of, from inside, from right in
front of the Kaaba, you can take your
haram, read your 2 rakahs. In fact,
they the Faukaha recommend that. Why? Because the
sacredness of that place, you know. So that's
that all of it is up to you
depending on your capacity to make sacrifices, depending
on your capacities to,
your capacity to stay in a haram, depending
on how gung ho you are about doing
stuff, you know. Some people come to Hajj
and they're like on the last leg of
life. They have very little, you know, they're
very old and they're very in a very
really bad state in terms of their health,
you know, don't don't be fooling around and
stuff at that point. Just do whatever is
easy for what's easiest for you, you'll receive
the reward because even that's so hard. You
know? So don't put yourself in haraj and
don't put other people around you in haraj
at that point. So the point is that
all of these I think the point that
I want I want US students to take
home is that all of these, all of
these different,
methods of performing Hajj, they all have their
their individual benefits,
and their individual,
rewards and their individual
purpose for why they are.
So if it seems to fit you, one
seems to fit you more than others, it
wouldn't be it wouldn't be permissible if it
wasn't a good thing.
And all of them are Qawhid Hajj. In
the old days, people used to get into
big big debates about this, not worth getting
to debate. Right?
then the
Fazali Hajj book that he wrote, he actually
includes the
the story about one of the from the
He went and he did, Tamato and everyone
else in his Hajj group was like, oh,
yo, you really messed up bad this time
and you know, we're not even gonna talk
to you because you're just just not taking
this Hajj thing seriously and blah, blah, blah.
You know, they were hard on him. And
so he saw a dream in which the
prophet came to him and congratulated him for
a Hajj that's going to be accepted.
The point is is that, like, yeah, there's
that stuff is great, but there's more to,
like, what gets your Hajj accepted than just
that. Has to do more with what's in
your heart than than because otherwise, if it
wasn't if those weren't legitimate methods, the prophet
would have never allowed it.
So that's that.
Now we come to the the the
the different the different
violations of Hajj and how they are to
Isn't there a hadith of Rasulullah that,
you've given choice, you would choose something easier?
There's a, yeah, there's a hadith about the
that if he if he had if he
was given 2 choices, he would choose the
easier of 2 things,
except for
in something in in the case of something
that would displease Allah.
So one of the one of the conditions
of the haram is what? Is that you
can't kill you can't kill stuff? This obviously
doesn't apply to domestic the slaughter of domesticated
It it applies to
to those things that you kill that a,
you either you don't need to or those
things that are wild. Okay? It implies
Everything. Okay.
So there's a there's some exceptions. Right? There's
no harm in killing or for for a
person in harm to kill a rat, a
snake, or a scorpion.
A feral dog. What is a feral dog?
A feral dog is a dog that maybe
somewhere back it was domesticated, but it's become
wild again
and no longer it's, like, now dangerous for
people. Feral dogs are a problem. In the
south, every now and then, people will get,
like, in the year a couple of times
in a year, a pack of feral dogs
will attack a person to kill him and
eat him.
So or or as well as wolves or
any other wild beasts which become hostile and
birds whose harm is feared also may be
killed like crows and kites. Right? If there
are animals that are, like, scavengers that become
aggressive and start attacking people,
or you fear that from them, then those
animals you can kill. There's no penalty for
them. Snakes, rats, scorpions, except for what? They
say that if you're in Madinah Munawara,
that if there's a snake, that you tell
it 3 times, you know, that, to leave.
Why? Because the
come and visit Medina also in the form
of a snake. So if you don't tell
it, it won't know to leave.
A person in Ihram, on Hajj or Umrah
must avoid sexual relations
with women, vice versa,
stitched clothing,
hunting, killing animals including insects, or grooming oneself
by removing hair, skin, nails, and the like.
He must not cover his head as opposed
to female pilgrims.
He must,
he may not shave his head or cut
his hair except for if there's need, like
if he gets lice. If a person gets
lice, they can shave their head.
But if he does shave his head, he
must either fast for 3 days,
feed 6 poor people 2 muds of food
each, which is basically half of the amount
or slaughter a sheep, which which he may
slaughter in any land he wishes. Okay? This
is for what? This is for a violation
of ihram.
Okay? This is different than a hadith.
Right? There are 3 broad classes of
of of penalties in Hajj. Right? One is
violation of ihram.
The second is jazavsayed,
the the,
the penalty for hunting or killing. And then
the third is what?
is the hadith for having messed up or
missed some wajr part of Hajj. Okay? So
we're talking about the violation for of e
Haram. If a person violates, makes makes a
major violation of ihram, like he cuts his
hair or he wears stitched clothing
or he uses perfume. Right? These will require
Either fasting 3 days
feeding 6, indigent people,
half the amount of,
or sacrificing a sheep, and he can sacrifice
it where? In any land he wishes.
Okay? So you have to, like,
feed people over there or anywhere? Anywhere. You
can feed them anywhere.
That's it. That's the last of the.
It's the last verse. Finish the last of
the iter. Masha'Allah. Oh, that should say.
this is, this is for, basically, for all
the major
violations of of haram except for 1, except
for sexual relations.
If someone has sexual relations in haram, that
person really has messed their hijab
bad in the worst way possible. Okay?
That person has to sacrifice a camel,
and then it's for them to return
the next year and make the Hajj up.
That's like a real problem.
There's more issues with it as well. We're
not gonna get into it because hopefully nobody
does it. It does happen,
but it's rare. You know, it's very rare.
Statistically, it's not something we have to talk
about right
now. A woman may may wear hoofs and
stitched clothing in her state of e Haram.
Other than these things, she's prohibited from all
the things that a man is prohibited from
in ihram. The ihram in of a woman
is in exposing her face and hands. The
hiram of a man isn't exposing his face
and head. A man may not wear unless
he doesn't find any sandals, in which case
he, he can wear but he has to
cut them down below the ankles.
Okay? So to cut them down below the
ankles and
and expose the toes. Now in the Hanafi
madhab, there's a there's a that some part
of the top of the foot also should
be exposed. This.
Right? They say the ankle bone. There's no
such thing as an ankle
bone. I think anatomically, it's actually, like, what,
5 different bones. Right? Right. Your tarsals Yeah.
Yeah. Metatarsal
joints. Your tarsals and then metatarsals. Right? So
basically, your tarsals have to be somewhat exposed,
not completely
but so, like, you know, these types of
sandals would work. Right? And the malek doesn't
have that that condition
and that's clear from the person who,
has the on that the person should although
they could, I guess, theoretically, could cut it
low enough that it it it exposes some
part of that, but the ankle has to
be exposed somehow. Right?
And then you cut the toes open as
well. So you can't wipe over them. You
have to actually take them off to to
wash your feet when you make wuduwa as
A man may not wear hoofs unless he
doesn't find sandals,
which is what he should be wearing. If
he must wear hoofs, then let him cut
them down below the ankles. The pilgrim should
that a pilgrim should make,
the Hajj of Ifrad is better to us
than making Tamatuh or Quran, and that's obviously
just in the Naqvi school, of course. If
a pilgrim makes kiran or tamatuh and isn't
a resident of Makkah, he's obliged to obliged
to give a hadi, which he slaughters at
okay, if he brought it with him to
If he didn't bring it with him to
Arafat, he must slaughter it in Makkah,
preferably in Marwa after entering with it from
outside of Makkah. Now you remember we talked
about we talked about the,
haram has to be a combination of the
haram and the hill.
You know, every haram has to be a
combination of haram and hil. The same thing
is true for the slaughtering animals.
They have to they they have to be
brought in from the they have to be
brought to the Haram from the hill.
They cannot just be bought inside the Haram
and slaughtered there. If you buy them inside
the Haram, you have to go take them
outside and bring them back in. So it's
better just to go out and buy them
from outside and bring them in.
we said there are 3 classes
of penalties. Right? One was we talked about
the the penalty for breaking the conditions of
Ihram. What is that penalty? 1 of 3
So either, you transfer 3 days Mhmm. You
feed 6 people Mhmm.
Like, 2 meals 2 muds. 2 muds. So,
like, half of zakatul fitr. Okay? Or Make
a sacrifice.
Or you make a sacrifice. Okay?
So that's for what?
For iham. Violating a term of iham.
The hadi is what? The hadi is either
fast 10 days
take an animal
from outside the Haram into the hill. If
you bring the animal with you to Arafat,
then you can sacrifice it in Mina.
If the animal
didn't come with you to Arafat, then you
have to sacrifice it in Makkah.
Now he says here that it's Mustahab to
sacrifice in in in Mina or sorry, in
Marwa. Right? You can't do that anymore. It's
completely haram. If you try to sacrifice an
animal in there, it's just gonna become gross
as part of the masjid. You can't sacrifice
an an animal inside the masjid. You can't
do that. It's haram. Okay?
This is from way back in the old
days. Right?
This is from way back in the old
days. Okay? Otherwise, the sacrifices that are supposed
to happen in Makkah, they can happen in
any part of Makkah.
So hadith of the prophet that all the
streets and all the alleys of Makkah or
Manuhara are a place that you can sacrifice.
Okay? So in that sense, you don't even
have to use a Saudi official Saudi system,
token system for sacrifice. You know someone who's
in Mecca will do it for you. Just
buy an animal, bring it in from the
outside, and buy it, and then sacrifice it
anywhere in Mecca, you're you're good. Okay? As
long as it's within
the legal definition of
If one isn't able to sacrifice a hadi,
only then may he fast for 3 days
during Hajj, meaning from the time he enters
the Haram until the day of Arafat. If
he isn't able to do that, he fasts
on 3 days after Eid. He then fast
7 more days when he returns from Mina,
after which he can fast where and when
he pleases.
Tamatr is performed by entering Ihram with the
intention of Umrah during the months of Hajj,
then performing it and being released from Ihram
during the months of Hajj. He then makes
Hajj that year before returning to his land
or something in that scale of distance. So
for example, what if a person makes
umrah and, like, Shawwal.
Right? From Pakistan, flies to
flies to,
Jada, makes umrah and Shawwal, and then goes
back to Pakistan.
He can still come back with the
with the ihram of, with the ihram of,
Ifrah, then he doesn't have to sacrifice anything.
It's not merely that you have to go
back to the mikat. I think the Hanafi
if you go back to the mikat, then
the it's waived as well. I'm not sure.
Don't quote me on that. But Malik says,
well, you have to go back to the
land you're from. So if you're from Egypt,
you have to go back to Egypt.
Right? For the lands that are much further,
they say, okay, at least you have to
go to, like, Egypt or Sham or something,
the next set of countries. You can't just
do do it by traveling inside the Arabian
Right? But the thing is if you don't
go back, then
like, for example, a lot of groups will
go make Umrah, then they'll go to Madinah
Manawara. And Madinah is obviously outside of the
but still if they come back with it
from in that same year and do Hajj,
then they're still considered even
they have to come and bring another
make bring another eharam. Okay?
Even though they didn't have the original
intention for that? No. It's any anyone who
makes umrah umrah in the months of Hajj
with any intention.
As long as they don't go back to
the land that they're from, they're they're also
obliged they're also considered in the.
Is that a person make a Haram?
With the intention of Hajj and Umrah at
the same time? If he intends Umrah only
and then afterward he sorry. Sorry. He first
intends Umrah, then intends Hajj on top of
it. If he spontaneously intends Hajj on top
of an Umrah that's already in process, he
may do so all the way until before
he completes his tawaf,
and it is permissible after until he finishes
his tawaf, and is disliked afterward, but he
may do so all the way until he
makes his 2 rakaat, after which he cannot
validly do so. Such a Hajj will be
considered quran. So for example, if a person
makes labbay for umra only and then in
the way it's like, oh, I wanna do
Hajj 2 and same ihram, you can do
that all the way until you finish your
But once you've done your 2 rak'ahs, then
you can't they need to proceed finish your
umrah, and you can't you can't make the
the the niya of the I Haram of
The residents of Mecca are not obliged to
present a hadith for performing tamaatuh or qiraan,
for the reasons we mentioned before. If one
completes an umrah before the months of Hajj,
then performs Hajj in that year, the person
is not considered to have performed So if
you go and do,
what you call,
in Ramadan
and you just hang out in Makkamukarama,
you're not considered to be Tamato.
This should be your law.
Yeah. It's in the months of Hajjal, yeah.
If one hunts and kills an animal,
he's penalized,
by the obligation to sacrifice and distribute
in the manner of the hadith in the
manner of the hadith, the likeness of what
he killed in grazing animals.
What turns out to be,
what that turns out to be is judged
by 2 upright Muslims who are knowledgeable.
The place of this sacrifice is Mina if
the animals,
are brought with the pilgrim to Arafah. If
they aren't, then they should be slaughtered in
Mecca. They should be brought in from the
inside. The pilgrim has a choice between this
or between an expiation of feeding the indigent
by looking at the value of the animal
hunted and staple food,
in the staple food of the area in
which the animal was killed and feeding the
poor over there. He may also
fast based on the number of days that
he is to fast.
So he may he may also fast basing
the number of days that he is to
fast on the number of of food the
expiation comes out to. A portion of should
be counted as a full day. The point
is is what?
K. And
if a person kills a wild animal that
the in it while in Haram, they weren't
supposed to kill it. Okay?
So if you kill
a rhinoceros,
okay, you bring 2 ulama,
and they look at the rhinoceros and then
they do a estimation.
How many sheep's worth of meat is in
this rhinoceros or how many camels worth of
meat is in this rhinoceros? What's the value
of this rhinoceros?
Okay? They'll estimate that and they'll say 10
camels, 5 camels,
you know,
a sheep and 2 camels or a camel
and 2 sheep. Right?
And they'll tell you that. Okay?
Then you have the option of either slaughtering
that those animals like a hadith, like in
the same manner that the hadith is slaughtered,
brought in from the outside and slaughtered in
Mina if it comes with you to Arafat,
slaughtered in Mecca if it doesn't. Okay? You
either can do that
or you can,
Right? You say, okay, how many muds of
food would come out of this? You estimate
again. And however many muds, you have to
fast that many days.
So if you kill, like, an elephant, for
example, you'll be fasting for the whole year.
Right? So don't kill an elephant. Luckily, there's
not let many of them left to kill.
But, but yeah. Right? And then and then,
like, if there's a, if there's a, what
you call,
if there's a fraction of a mood, then
that also counts as a full fast day.
The third option is
sorry. The the the third
sorry. Yeah.
The third option is what?
So the second option is fasting. Right? The
third option is feeding.
That you have those 2 look at and
say, what's the value of the animal killed?
And they'll tell you a number. If they
tell you 2 different numbers, you use the
average. Okay?
And then and then you feed that many
indigent people, but the feeding should be in
the land where the animal is killed.
So that's that's the 3rd broad group of
category of stuff. Now if you kill, like,
a a a an insect,
there's there's less,
less penalty.
Okay. Again, if it's an animal that attacks
you or harms you somehow, like a scorpion
a bee or like, you know, an ant
that the the fire ants or whatever,
then there's no there's no you can kill
them. There's no harm in killing them. Mosquitoes.
If they're attacking you, you can kill them.
Yeah. Anything that harms you, you can kill
them. There's no there's no penalty for it.
I don't know what it is for an
insect, like a non harmful, like someone like
like, smashes a butterfly or something. I don't
know what it is, if it's the same
or not. But I know, like, every, like,
every, like like, animal, like like, reptile or,
what you call a mammal, bird, whatever,
the minimum the minimum just outside this that
you have to you have to slaughter a
sheep for it. So, for example, if you
kill a dove, you're not gonna say, oh,
this is a fraction of a sheep. No.
The minimum there's like a minimum like, when
you jump in a cab, there's a minimum
charge. The minimum charge is what? Is, is
that you have to slaughter a sheep. So
is it gonna be intentional or unintentional? I
don't know. Whatever.
They used to the Sahaba used to keep
Right? There's
a hadith about,
he's a hero of the Ansar.
He's like a tough guy, like in battle,
he's hardcore guy, you know. So say, Abu
that he was traveling with the caravan of
Hajj but as a guard.
So he wasn't in in in Iran.
He was traveling as a guard,
and he wasn't in Haram. And so say
the saw there's an animal came really nice
animal came very close, very close,
and, like, he's like, oh,
I can't kill it. Then he thought
is not an ihram. Right? Then he thought
I'm an ihram. If I even tell him
about the animal, maybe it's going to be
considered you participated in his hunting.
So that's how seriously they used to take
that. That he he he's like, ah, he's
like burning up. He's like and by the
time he woke up, like, say I wanna
be, uh-uh, look over there.
he but they he didn't because of that.
So performing a umrah at least once in
your lifetime is sunnah muakada.
And these shafiz are the fatwa that it's
far to perform umrah at least once. That's
one of the reasons that they do
that they do also is because if you
can only,
whatever, do it once, you know, some people
they have very limited opportunity to go to
the Haram Shari, right? So that's a good
reason to do Quran. If you're only gonna
be able to go one shot and you
have to leave, you don't know if you'll
go again, you may as well do Quran
because it's if
not far
to to do Umrah at least once.
And so people may not have time for
If you're there for a very short amount
of time. Yeah. Okay?
It is, it is, it's
desirable for the person who's leaving Maqamukaram
after performing Hajar Umar to say,
Uh-uh, it's for that person to say,
We we will return to Allah ta'ala,
in our deaths
and and we return and and repent to
him, worshiping him, praising him as our lord.
Allah has kept his promise and gave victory
to his servant, peace be upon him, and
himself destroyed all those who gathered against him.
Any questions?
So, I mean, so you you said you're
gonna, like, divide,
like, the, like, if you do it,
the Hajj is gonna drop. Okay. Yeah. So,
okay, remember we we classified the the of
Hajj into 4 tiers. Okay? The first tier
is rukan. If you don't do it, the
Hajj is invalid. Okay?
So what's what are those things? Ihram,
tawaf alifada, Arafat,
and sai. Okay?
Imam al Hanifa considers the sai, if you
don't do it, that you can just give
a dum for it. So that's the difference
of opinion. Okay? And he considers the the
the ihram to be a prerequisite, so it's
technically not part of Hajj but something you
do before Hajj. Right? This is a technicality.
He also considered Hajj is not valid without
it, but generally in the Hanafi books, they
say there's 2 2
for Hajj, but it's semantic issue. Right? There's
they consider there to be 3. The rest
of the consider 4, which is what?
Sayi, Tawaf,
and Ihram. Okay?
So those are the ones, at least according
to the text we just read, the Maliki
text, those are the ones if you do
if you don't do them,
no Hajj for you. Okay? Even with dam
and everything.
You can slaughter whatever you want to. Nothing
will nothing will help you. Okay?
Then the the second the second group of
things are those things that if you don't
do them,
you're gonna have to give a dam in
order to expiate for them. Okay? What do
those include?
For the person who is able to catch
it. So what if you're traveling
and you you know, it took you so
long to get to, to Makkah
that if you go to Tawaf al Khudum,
you'll miss Arafat or you're there's a chance
you're afraid of that. Right? Then you can
go straight to Arafat and just,
you know,
is mas'it's forgiven,
and you, just do the after the
Okay? So
for the person who is not rushed,
that that's that's wajib, meaning if you don't
do it, you have to give it down.
what you call,
staying the night in, sorry, staying the day
in Arafat.
Right? Remember we said that the that's
that's after at least one second after the.
Right? Stay staying there at least one second
of the day. That is a that is
that is
a part of Hajj. Meaning, if you don't
do it, you have to give a sacrifice.
What else?
Stay in
at night. Right? There's a different difference of
opinion amongst the too. How much you have
to stay? Abu Hanifa says you have to
stay the whole night. Malik says you have
to at least stay enough to, like, just,
you know, get you know, read your salat
and sit there for, you know, 10, 15
minutes or whatever
and then you can go. Right? But everyone
agrees, or most of the agree that staying
in is also wajib.
Okay? What else
is? Stoning on 10th of is
stoning on 11th, stoning on 12th, stoning on
13th for the ones who didn't leave Tajil.
Those things are all. Okay?
for the Hanafis
is. Mhmm. But for the for Malik, it's
not. Okay?
For example,
doing the within the time allotted.
That's also So Malik considers the time allotted
to be all the way until Maharam.
Right? Abu Hanifa considers it to be known.
The 10th of the and the 3 days
But whatever the time allotted, to do it
within the time allotted is
To take the the ihram from the mikat
is also wajid.
Okay? So with the stoning, right, what if
a person doesn't throw one stone during the
whole Hajj? Right?
They have to do one sacrifice for 10th
and then one sacrifice for the other 3
Okay? What if a person
stones 2 pillars on one day? I'm sorry,
one sacrifice for each of the 3 days.
So 1, 2, 3, 4. Four four sacrifices
if they don't throw 1 stone. Right? What
if a person stones 2 pillars on the
11th of the and
doesn't stone the 3rd? That person has to
give one sacrifice.
What if a person stones
first two pillars and 6 stones in the
or in the third pillar?
They have to give a sacrifice for it
Any any naks, even they say even if
you throw the stone and you don't say
Allahu Akbar
when you throw.
If you throw more than 7, then just
you're but,
you you know,
it's not there's no penalty for that. If
you do it on purpose,
then it's haram. It's haram, but there's no
penalty for it. It's a sin you should
make toba from it. For not you shouldn't
make up your own make up your own
Hajj, you know?
Gotta do the nabi sahl sam Hajj, not
the your own Hajj.
Yeah. So these are these are these are
the things that if you if you do
them if you do them sorry, if you
don't do them, you have to then give
a dam,
a hadi in order to
rectify your Hajj, right? And if you don't,
then Hajj is not valid until you rectify
The 3rd group, the 3rd tier is what
the sunnahs, those things that the prophet
with emphasis. But if you don't do them,
the Hajj is somewhat deficient but it's not
it's not
So there's difference of opinion. For example, staying
the night in Mina,
on the night of 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th.
Sorry, 10th, 11th and 12th.
Malik considers that to be wajib, that you
should be there for more than half the
night. Right? Imam al Hanifa considered it as
So sunnah is that thing that if you
did it, great. If you don't do it,
your your Hajj has some sort of nuxan.
It's a little bit a little bit short,
but it's not not in a way that
that requires being made up. It's just you
just missed a lot out on a lot
of reward. And then there are certain things
that are musta have. They're just recommendations. If
you did them if you didn't do them,
great. If you did them, even better.
Other questions?
Shaving your head if you're gonna break
Yeah. The Umur and Hajj. So if you're
if you're doing the if you're doing the
the the umrah of tomato. Right? Yeah. It's
recommended to to not shave all the way
to to cut but leave a little bit
so that you have something to cut also
for when you make a tahalul from Hajj.
You said last time that I mean if
somebody's hair is not
If somebody's hair is less than
less than a finger section length, then you
have to shave it.
No. If it's if if if it is
anywhere, then you have to shave the whole
thing. Yeah.
Because it's hard to shave heart part of
the head and not shave the rest of
it. If you shave one part, you have
to shave the whole thing. And,
no. No
according to Malik. Yeah.
Yeah. How about, like, if you break,
hair from
your beard or head?
Like, during the
Just like 1 hair or 2 hairs, then
you just give some sadaqa in lieu of
that. Yeah.
If there's a Jannah,
getting Hajj Mhmm. Required to go to Surat
of Jannah, but If it's on the day
of if it's on the day of Arafa
or if it's on Yom and Nahar, then
no. Then don't have Actually, it's not you're
it's not required in any of them. If
Nahr, or any of the
the first or second day of Mina, and
if you stay then the 3rd day of
Mina, none of them, you're not required to
do Jannah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you consider mister
Fani? Yeah. In fact, it's it's actually in
in fact, it's, if if that's going to
distract you from your whatever from doing what
you need to do, then it's actually better
not to. Go find Yeah. It's better not
to. But there's a Jumay and Masjid Namira.
There there is no Jumay and Masjid Namira.
Masjid Namira is only open once a year.
And even if Hajj happens to fall in
the Jummah, there is no Jummah.
We're out of time.