Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Great Sacrifice Comes Great Acceptance Ibrahim AS Clifton 08182017
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So we spoke a little bit earlier today
in the Khutbah about Sayna Ibrahim alaihis salatu
wa salaam. And
these days are days where we remember,
the rights of Hajj,
which are
connected with Sayidna Ibrahim Alaihi Islam from a
number of reasons.
One reason is that like we mentioned from
before the visitation of the house of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is a primordial right of
It doesn't even originate
with Banu Adam, with mankind.
Rather the they say that there are 3,
all 3 of them are in line with
one another.
One is the the lowest one which is
the one that's indicated by the Kaaba.
According to the the is not the Kaaba
rather and it's not even the point where
the Kaaba is.
Rather, it's a line or technically, I guess,
according to
according to geometry, it's a ray that originates
at the at the place where the Kaaba
is and then it goes into the sky.
So if the
was appoint itself, then the people praying on
the roof, for example, of the thirds the
3rd floor of the Haram Sharif wouldn't be
facing the tableau because it would be
below them.
Although many of the ulama have expressed,
their displeasure with the idea that there's a
place where you can stand in the in
that's above the Kaaba,
that's a separate that's a separate issue, and
it's more or less settled because they built
it the way they built it. Although classically,
they wouldn't allow that. There was no building
that was classically that was allowed in the
Ottoman times and before that, it was allowed
to be built higher than the Kaaba itself.
idea is that it's a a line or
a ray that extends upward from where the
where the Kaaba is and it goes into
the heavens.
And then it crosses a place in the
Samat Dunya
and the lowest of the heavens
which is known as Al Baytul Ma'amur,
the the inhabited house.
And so Al Baytul Amur, what it is
a place where the angels they worship and
they make tawaf,
and they worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
the Al Baytul Mamur is
a celestial
of celestial
craft. The angels built it themselves.
And so the idea is that when Saidna,
Adam Alaihi Salam, when he came to this
he petitioned Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. He says
that I miss the
sacred presence that I used to feel in
And I know that you're there, but I
feel cut off from from communicating with you
with the sacred communion that all all of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's creation in Jannah has.
That's direct and uninterrupted.
Because here we know Allah is there and
we call on him, but we don't hear
him. Whereas there,
whoever calls on Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
receives the answer immediately and is innately
filled with the the awareness of Allah to
Allah's presence.
In fact, this is the, aqidah of the
Muslims at the highest pleasure of Jannah is
that you'll be able to see Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
And this is a theologically this is a
complex issue because the idea is that,
how can you see
Allah the one who's,
the one who's
existence is,
something that cannot be encapsulated into anything. How
can you see him? And this is one
of those points of that even the
even the the they say that the Muslims
just accept it. That Allah says this, it
can happen and so how it's possible, he
knows best.
we're forbidden from even thinking about that because
the the question itself
becomes something kind of
beyond a person's ability
to fathom.
But at any rate,
say to Adam Alaihi Salam missed the presence
of Allah Ta'ala, so he petitioned Allah Ta'ala
that that I I I miss your presence
and I know that you're there, but I
don't feel the the communion that I had
with you when I was in Jannah. So
what should I do? And Allah sent them
sent him then the revelation that go to
such and such place.
You will find,
you will find
my house over there, and you will,
be able to enter it. And when you
enter it, enter as if you were in
which is what the people when they're in
Jannah, it comes in the Hadith of Rassulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
that their nails are uncut,
their hair is uncut and they come in
state. Right? Because we're we're human beings were
animals in the sense that we're not you
know, we're obviously not plants or whatever. We're
biologically, we're very similar to animals. We're also
very dissimilar to them in very important ways,
but the idea is that the the human
being in this world
is like if you took like an animal
out of its natural habitat and threw it
somewhere else. The human being is not,
from this world.
He and Shia is not meant to live
in this world forever, and as long as
we're in this world, we're going to be,
awkward at best.
And that's why, the Shah'ir, anyone read the,
Riald al Salihim,
with the with Sheikh Ismail.
If he doesn't read it regularly, you should
petition him to,
read it to you then actually show up
to the Darfs afterward.
In the Riald Salihim,
Imam Nawi
he he quotes, three lines of poetry.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has certain very
intelligent slaves.
divorce they divorce this world. As if the
this a marriage between a person and between
the dunya. So they gave divorce to this
world out of fear of Allah's punishment.
And they looked at this world and
once they were certain that it is not
the homeland of any living person.
The fact that you're alive
means that this place is not where you
because this place is the abode of death.
There's nothing in this world would lose forever.
So the idea is this is that this
is something that our ulama understood from before.
There's a weak hadith even attribution of it
to Rasulullah
salallahu alaihi wa sallam is precarious at best.
But, there's a weak hadith that the Ulema,
transmit and that they quote from time to
time that.
That to love a person's homeland is is
is from iman, is from faith.
The meaning of it is not that you
go out and, you know, get get a
flag out and, you know, set off firecrackers.
If you wanna do that, you know, I'm
not gonna say it's haram, but that's not
the meaning of the hadith. That you're from
America and you,
you know, scream and shout or from whatever
other country you're from.
No country is unique and in that the
sense that every people from every country think
that their country is the best,
and their country is unique in participating in
that. They're not unique.
Rather the meaning of this hadith is is
that the Wataan, the original homeland of of
of Banu Adam is what?
Jannah. It's Jannah.
The love of that what and the love
of that homeland. That's the iman that's being
referred to in this hadith.
So at any rate, what happened is Allah
Allah told Sayna Adam Alaihi Wasallam that when
you come come
with adab of a person who's in Jannah,
which is you don't cut your hair, you
don't cut your nails. Just like every other
animal that Allah created, it has
a a way of being to feel at
home and has a way of of existing
free from guilt or sin or or anything
like that. We don't say if a human
being kills,
even steps on a cockroach for no reason,
it's a sin.
Whereas you might see a lion will hunt
a gazelle and eat it. There's no sin
in it. It's what the gazelle does, and
it's what the lion does. Everything is completely
in harmony and equilibrium.
And so the the idea was that that's
the that's the place where,
a human being can feel like that, not
in this world.
And so Allah told Sayna Adam, when you
come to this place,
come to come with the,
the the adab of a person who's in
Jannah. And so you don't clip your nails,
you don't cut your hair,
you don't use the you don't you don't
you don't use the facilities, you don't go
to the bathroom, you don't, people ask this
question, do will you go to the bathroom
in Jannah? There's no need for for any
of that in Jannah.
That a man and woman don't have relations,
in that place. That's these are the adab
of all of that does happen in Jannah,
but at least in in the the Haram
Sharif Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
commanded that these things are prescribed. So he
told say that Adam, alayhis salam, come in
a state of purity and come in the
special state.
And while you're here, you can stay and
you can,
call on me and you'll feel my sacred
presence. And when you your human needs overtake
you, then go back out
and deal with whatever business you need to
deal with, and then when you wish to,
you can come back again.
And so this, this is the origin
the origin of the the al Masjid Al
Haram which is in Makkum Karama.
And this is, something to understand that when
Allah to Allah puts Sayna Adam alaihis salam
in this world, even the Arabian Peninsula itself
was not,
was not the dry and barren desert that
it is today.
Rather it was lush and green
and abounding with, with life and with water
and with things like that. And this part
of the adaba of coming to the Haram
Shireen, if you can't kill anything, you can't
uproot any plants,
even to this day,
the wild even the insects is haram to
kill them,
with the exception of, like, a scorpion or
something that's very like a snake or something
like that.
But generally, the the animals you can't kill
Although domesticated animals you can slaughter them, but
the wild animals you cannot kill them in
that place.
And so,
that Kaaba and that Masjid Al Haram that
was there at the time of Sayyid Adama.
Anytime like if you're like Whether you're in
a Haram or not. In that If you're
in a Haram,
wherever you are you can't kill stuff.
And if you're in the Haram, the boundary,
the sacred boundary that's around Maqamu Karamah, whether
you're in a Haram or not, you can't
kill stuff.
domesticated animals don't count for that. For domesticated
animals, they can be sacrificed, but,
the wild animals and the plants and fauna
and flora of that of that place, you
can't do anything to damage. It's haram. It's
a sin. You can't do anything to damage
any of them.
And so at that time, it was filled
with life. And
And the Kaaba and the Masjid Al Haram
which was built at that time,
this celestial made Kaaba that was built by
the angels.
And when the flood of Sayna, Nuh
came and washed out, washed out the Arabian
amongst other places,
At that time,
the Allah commanded the angels to lift this
entire master of haram and Kaaba out of
this world, and to place it in Al
Baytul Mahmud. This second that we spoke about.
And the 3rd which is above that, which
is in the highest of the heavens is
what? It's the archer of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, the throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That the angels are constantly
making around it and praying toward it. They
face it when they pray, and when they
when they make the dhikr of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And, that's that's their tibla as well. As
for seeing
Allah this is something that none of the
none of the creation has done.
This is something that will be given a
gift that will be given to the human
beings in Jannah.
People may see it tajalli of Allah Ta'ala
that Allah Ta'ala may show them some sort
of sign of his existence. But the idea
of seeing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, this is
something even the angels haven't done. Even the
angels have a qiblah,
in the in the heavens to which they,
they they,
project their petitions to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Otherwise, nobody from his creation has seen him.
the idea is that the reason we associate
Sayidna Ibrahim alayhi salam with Hajj is firstly
because after the flood of Sayidna Nuh alayhi
place was shown by revelation
to Ibrahim
where the Kaaba was.
And it's well known that the Arabian Peninsula
in the time of Sayyidina Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
a time when the Arabian Peninsula is barren
and desolate. It was a desert,
which indicates that the time between Sayid Ibrahim
alayhi sama and us is much shorter than
the time between Sayid Ibrahim alayhi sama and
Sayid Adam Alaihi Salam.
That that was a great majority of the
the history of mankind was was before. Now
already near to the end. And so what
do you think about Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
And so the first thing is that by
by revelation he was shown that place and
Allah gave him and say in Ismail alayhi
salam, the honor of rebuilding his his Kaaba
according to certain specifications that come from, Wahi,
from Revelation.
And with the divine aid, they rebuilt that
that Kaaba,
and after several years of interruption in the
visitation of the house of Allah
they showed the people now how to make
the rights again, and those rights and rituals
were were revived.
And in honor of Sidna Ibrahim alay salam,
certain rights and rituals were added.
The ritual of the tawaf of the house
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is primordial.
The ritual of the prayer, the salat is
However, the ritual of going back and forth
between Safa and Marwa is in honor of
Saydah Hajar alaihis salam.
The the the the wife of Saydah Ibrahim
alaihis salam, and the famous story about her
taking the child with her and going back
and forth looking for water, and then Zamzam
comes. The ritual of stoning,
stoning the Jamarat and Mina,
This is a ritual that is, commemorates
an act of Sayna Ibrahim alaihis salam.
The other rituals, however,
which are camp setting up camp in Mina
and going to,
going to
and coming back from Arafat. These are, these
are all
old rituals that predate Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam at the very least.
we continue with the story that we mentioned
in the Khukba, but because of time constraints
we could not we could not complete.
Which is that, Sayedna Ibrahim alaihis salam, what
did he do? He's he, smashed the idols
of of the of his people and then
he puts the the axe in the hand
of the the big idol, and then afterward
decides to what? He decides to tell his
people that the big one is the one
who destroyed them.
And the people obviously say that that's impossible
because they're made out of wood and stone,
and he said, then why do you worship
them? And then they respond with what? With
burn him.
Set him alight.
few people know
what that actually meant. It wasn't like, you
know, in Europe, Catholics and Protestants used to
burn each other at the stake, so you
have like a like a post and they
put firewood around and they just burn a
Rather the,
the the high priest of his people,
Alaihi Salam,
made an announcement
that we are going to have such a
big burning
for this person. It will be an exemplary
And so they had people dig a ditch,
and that ditch was
dug deep into the ground. And then after
that, walls were erected around a a a
large area.
And what happened was he told the people
that fill
this this this pit with the wall around
it, fill it with with firewood and with,
combustible things, and it took years. The Mufassiroun
say, it took years to fill that that
pit up.
And he told the people
does this act of piety of adding to
the the fuel of this fire,
if you need anything from your gods,
take a piece of wood
and petition them. Like, give me such and
such thing,
and as an act of piety, because I'm
putting fuel in the fire to burn this
And Shaitan would see that their prayers get
answered like that. So the people for years,
they built up this huge fire.
Now imagine if this is something that the
people are anticipating
for such a long time, when the fire
is actually lit, it's something that nobody is
going to miss.
It's going to be something everybody is there,
to is there to see together.
So obviously, when such a person is burned,
it's going to be an exemplary punishment. And
I think this is something that's lost on
a lot of us is that sometimes, for
example, when we see stuff on on CNN
and on Fox News,
where they
want to talk garbage about Muslims, and we're
like, what kind of weird
situation are we in now that, like, the
have this strange ability to turn,
what's the din al hap in into
a kind of a a a a a
some sort of like object of derision and
some sort of like circus freak show that
the entire world now gets wrong information about
Islam and they think so horrible about it.
This is nothing new. This is an ancient
This is an old practice and this is
an ancient practice
because what happens This is something very important
to understand. There's nothing new in this world.
There's absolutely nothing new in this world. Human
beings are the same human beings that they
were from before.
The same stuff people are doing in airplanes
right now, someone was doing in a ship
before. Same thing people are doing on, in
cars right now. People were doing, on camels
and horses from before. The same things people
are doing the massages now. People were doing
massages before. Same things people were doing the
marketplaces now. This is part of the hubris
and the arrogance of of the age that
we live in, which is a special stupidity
that we carry that other people didn't, is
that we think what? We think that we're
somehow special and we're different and everybody else
is not the same. In fact, otherwise, this
idea that somehow,
being advanced is like a sign of Kufr.
himself says in his book,
That when our
verses are or our signs are recited in
front of them. They say these are the
tales of the ancients. And who's saying that?
The Quraysh in the time of the prophet
which is essentially stone age society. Even for
the time they lived in, they were considered
So this is all none of this is
new. This is all the same nonsense that
people have been sprouting out sprouting out before.
Certain details from the outside look different, otherwise
it's all the same. So their their propaganda
in that day was what? Is that build
this huge fire, we'll make a huge,
deal out of this. We'll make a big
show and spectacle out of this. And,
when they lit the fire, it literally took
days for it to light, and when the
fire was finally lit, they had a problem.
What's the problem? The fire is burning so
hot, no one can get anywhere near the
fire. And you you know that from, you
know, from your own personal experience, if you
ever light a bonfire,
you can't really get close enough to touch
it. It's so overwhelming in its heat
that your body will,
will, like, involuntarily,
like, not
come close to it because it knows that
this is going to burn me.
And so if that's for like a like
a bonfire in a high school pep rally,
then how do you think it's going to
be for,
for such a huge,
fire that's that's, lit? And so the
say that say Shaitan came to,
Sayidna Ibrahim alayhi sama
in the form of says he came to
the sorry. The qaum of Sayidna Ibrahim alayhi
salam in the form of a man who
said you have this problem
that you can't get this person into the
fire. I have solution for you. And what
was the solution is that he showed them
how to build a catapult. Catapult.
In the Arabic,
Arabic language, the word for catapult is manjanirk.
So I'll show you how to build this
and you can,
toss him into the fire.
And so they they, you know, they they
thanked him and they built the catapult and
they they they, what you call calibrated it
throw him in, and he sits in the
in the catapult in the
and he's about to be,
thrown into the into the fire.
And, what happens,
the angel Jibril Alaihi Salam comes to him
and and tells him that I'm an angel
of the Lord. If the I've come to
save you. And,
or sorry, he doesn't say it like he
said, I'm an angel of the Lord. If
you wish, I'll I'll help you at this
point. He gives him an option. And say
that Ibrahim alayhis salam because remember, he's a
young man. He's even his his prophethood hasn't
started yet. So he says to him, he's
gotten all to this point by what? But
just by using his brain. And I've come
to this conclusion after a long time
that, people fear poverty, people fear hard work,
they fear a lot of things, but there's
almost nothing in life that most people fear
more than, like, actually using their brain and
thinking about things
because they know once they start doing that,
it's going to undo a lot of the
things that they've done in their in their
life or a lot of the things that
they take for granted or are convenient for
them. So say that Ibrahim alaihi wasallam used
his brain and it got him into this
into this mess. He used his brain again,
which is what? He says to the angel
alaihis salam, that I have no need I
have no need for you,
today. Allah ta'ala will take care of me.
I have no need for you today. Allah
will take care of me. And this is
the iman of Sayidina Ibrahim alaihi sama. I
want everybody to, pause and,
think about the fact that if an angel
came to us to save us from anything
that we're ever in. If an angel got
us out of
a speeding ticket,
we would think of our ourselves as very
pious and righteous people.
This is an angel that came to save
his life
and he not only, didn't care, he didn't
take the, he didn't take the help either.
It's a hadith of the prophet that there
will be 70,000 people from
There's 70,000 people from his that will
be entered into Jannah
without any,
any question or without any account.
They just show up
and they're they're basically let straight in.
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he described them as those people who,
neither depended on depended on any sort of
nor did they seek
incantations from other people. And everything they did,
they just trusted in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And this doesn't just mean incantations because this
is a whole issue of, for example, if
you enter into a place and you,
say dua before you enter for protection, there's
nothing wrong with that. But the idea is
this is that some people trust the the
the the the du'a and some people trust
Some people wait to see a dream before
they do what what the right thing is.
Some people just do it anyway. Some people
wait for some some sign or miracle to
do what's right, some people do it anyway.
There's some people Allah shows them some sign
in their life and because of that they
they repent and take the path of righteousness.
Those people are good. And there are some
people who take the path of righteousness from
the first place, those people are better.
And so, this is the imam of Sayyidina
Ibrahim alaihis salam that he he he said,
I don't need anything from you this day.
My lord will take care of me.
so what happens is that that the catapult
is let fly, and he's asked, does he
want help again? And he refuses the help
And the most,
amazing thing is what? Is that when he's
approaching the fire, the fire itself will ask
him. And someone might say, what does that
mean? This is
an understanding that the ancients had, and it's
an understanding that also Islam validates.
That every
everything in this world
that is inanimate,
whether it be physical things like rocks and
stones, fire, chemicals, things like that, or whether
it's an idea,
like the idea of hatred, or the idea
of love, or all of these things, abstract
All of these things, they have a concrete
existence, and and they have a personality that
you will be able to interact with at
some different level, at some different realm.
Even the deeds that you do, they have
a, they they they have the form of
a person in some different realm. Many of
them you'll come face to face with them
on the day of judgment.
So Allah lifted the veil and showed him
showed said Ibrahim, alayhis salam, that the fire
the as a as a person.
And that fire asks him,
that that,
you know, what would you like me to
do for you? And Ibrahim Alaihi Salam still,
he says, I have not no need for
you. I have no need from anyone this
day except for my lord. He said, he
didn't come all this far only to,
ask for help from the created things because
I came here just, just because of my
desire to have a connection with the creator.
So the
the the text of the Quran is that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
Ibrahim. And
say that that that Allah said to the
fire, oh fire be cool and be,
safe for Ibrahim
alaihis salam. They say that if Allah only
told the fire to be cool for him,
it would have become so cold. He would
have frozen to death when he entered into
it. Out of out of the fires,
fear of Allah to Allah when it gives
a command that it should fulfill the command,
And so, Sayed Ibrahim enters into this huge
fire, which is going to burn for 40
he stays in that fire. It's such a
huge fire. It will burn for such a
long time. It's not like he was just
there for like 2 hours and people are
like, oh, he's not burning. They can't see
what's going on and the fire burns for
a long time and it's just a celebration
of of the people of Batal. It's a
celebration of the people of Ibrahim alaihis salam.
And so he's in there and it burns
for 40 days, and he remarks,
later on in his life, that those days
were the best days of my life. When
asked what did you do in that fire
for that time, he said, I received sustenance
Allah gave him supernatural sustenance that he could
survive at that time, and he said, I
led the angels in prayer,
in this in this time. That he received
some sort of, of a special knowledge and
some sort of,
special help from Allah,
to make him a stronger and more perfect
which is the help that
the the the prophets alaihis salam really received
maybe. Something akin to what Rasulullah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam received by, going in the Islam
Mirage and visiting,
Jannah and visiting the throne of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and what's beyond it. And so
what happens is that after this 40 days
40 nights when the fire is done, it's
already burned out.
what happens is that that they come to
inspect the the the the the the the
the smoldering remains of the fire. They see
that they see that this person is is
unharmed and he's still alive.
And so,
idolaters to this day, they're all very superstitious
And so they completely freak out when they
see this, and they get him out and
they say, okay. We're not gonna do anything
else to you. Just get out. Just leave.
Right? This is so many idolaters are very
superstitious people.
The, partition of India and Pakistan happened whatever,
how many is more than 7 decades ago.
There are many that are, in Hindu neighborhoods
to this day.
And the Hindus, some of them were so
anti Muslim that they literally took over those
neighborhoods and those houses by force, by killing
And they expelled every last Muslim from from
from entire cities, but they're scared to enter
into the masjid.
They're scared to enter into the masjid. And
I remember reading an article about this, that,
there were there was an earthquake in Gujarat.
I think like 2,000 or so, something like
that. The Hindus got so freaked out. They
actually asked the Muslims to come across town
and to open up the masajid and start
praying again,
in order to protect their neighborhoods from what?
From from
they know what's going on, who and who
it comes from, from the punishment of Allah
to Allah. And then once they see that
the Muslims are actually like there's 5 times
prayer, they're coming very regularly, and say, no,
no, no. Bad idea. They lock it up
again and say go home. There's the earthquakes
are done now. Right?
The idea is though that a person whose
intellect is compromised so much
that, that that they're
able to worship wood and stone.
Those people, all sorts of bizarre thoughts and,
bizarre, ideas come into their heads and they
don't know how to differentiate between one and
the other. So a person maybe, for example,
a very talented computer programmer or a very
talented engineer or doctor or lawyer or be
proficient at a very small piece of the
pie when it comes to knowledge.
But holistically speaking, it's completely dysfunctional side of
their head. So what happens is that they
they they let him go, alaihi salaam. And
that he meets the,
he meets the the the king of Babylon
in his time
and he,
you know, asked him, you know, I the
king just wants to see who is this
person that all of this big fuss happened
with. And he says he's they say bring
him and he goes and meets him. And
says, he says that,
tell me about your god that you worship
instead of the gods of your people. And
he says he's the one who gives life
and death.
so he orders 2 slaves to come into
the room and he says, I choose this
one has life, I I choose this one
dies, and they kill him.
Sayna Ibrahim alaihi sama says what? He says,
well, my god is the one who causes
the sun to rise from the east, so
why don't you make it rise from the
And, he says, whatever. You can go now.
You can leave. And this is this is
the proof of, of Sayedna Ibrahim alaihi sama,
and this is why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
not only gave him prophethood, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala then
gives him the the honor that he should,
what, reconsecrate the the Kaaba,
and the Masjid al Haram, and the rights
of Hajj, All of these things,
that Allah should give him his,
2 sons in old age, and, he had
other children after that as well. And that
Allah should give him a special promise which
is what?
Which is that nubuah, prophethood will stay in
your family and tell the
which is what that no prophet will come
except for he has to be from the
line of saying Ibrahim alaihis salam, which is
another indicator. It's another indicator that what? That
a majority of human history is gone already.
That Allah sent a prophet to every nation
and that are all already had finished
by the time of Sayidna Ibrahim alaihis salaam.
That majority of human history is gone. There's
very small amount of time left That these
people will be the vanguard, they'll be the
flag holders of until
the end of time.
Now this is what this is all to
a certain point.
There's one more test at the end of
all of these things, and there are many
things that Sayyidina Ibrahim alaihi wasalam goes through
before this and between these things that we
don't have time to mention.
But these,
these tests are all to a certain point.
Allah Ta'ala will test Sayedna Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
with one last test. And it's the most
difficult test that he has, more so than
smashing the idols and more so than doing
all these other, all these other things because
they have to do with what?
that that idol worship is wrong is is
something that, everybody should be able to do.
Nobody will be excused for Even
if a Nabi doesn't come to him,
the ulama say that if a person lives
out out in the woods or something like
that and never speaks to anybody,
that person will not be excused or forgiven
for worshiping idols. That person should know just
like anybody else. If you have knowledge or
if you don't have knowledge, if you meet
people, you don't meet people. This much anyone
who has a sound mind Allah accepts them
to understand
that the one who created the heavens and
the earth can't be part of it.
Like the the analogy we gave in the,
that we gave in the Khutba, which is
that there's no carpenter who builds a table
that is that he's a part of. You
can't do that. It doesn't work that way.
That's rationally impossible.
Everybody is expected to know this much,
in front of Allah If they cannot bring
this much, then there it's willful,
ignorance and and and and those things that
are the rights of Allah ta'ala.
He's broke the idols of his people and
this is something that we're also very,
very avid to do. That when we see
something else happening in someone else's house that's
haram, we're very avid to hate it and
talk garbage about it and say bad about
it, and really anyone who has any common
sense should.
If somebody gave me the opportunity right now,
I myself would tie up a rope and
rip down like a
statue of Stonewall Jackson. I would take a
picture of myself standing on top of it
and put it up on Twitter and Facebook.
And even if they send me to jail,
I I probably show it to my cell
mate and they would probably give me high
five for it. Right? So I don't I
don't mind that at all. That's just part
of being a regular human being. Right?
Sayidina Ibrahim alaihi salam alaihi wa ta gave
him all these tests that he went through.
He went through all of them. The last
test was the most difficult one, which is
Which is it had to do with him
looked at Ibrahim alaihis salam and saw what
is the thing that you love the most
in this world. And he saw that the
thing that he loved the most is his
son. His son for for for a couple
of reasons. One thing is a person obviously
a normal human being every normal human being
should have love for their children.
And unfortunately,
I, I by Allah Ta'ala's father, I have
one of the honors Allah Ta'ala bestowed me
with is that
a brother who read, Nahu Arabic grammar from
me, he went on to establish the Khalil
Center, which is a practice of clinical psychology
based on human, on Islamic values.
you know, he the brother because he read
some books of from me, he put me
on the board, although I didn't I didn't
really have much to do with building it.
It was a lot of hard work from
him and from some other individuals, but,
he told me that they have he he
regularly have clients that come in
that are people resent their children,
that's a sign of how unnatural and messed
up our lives have become now. That husband
and wife don't love each other,
children don't love their parents, and parents don't
love their children anymore. Khair,
it's not just a so as a, you
know, culturally relevant,
way of delivering this,
I want to disclose the fact that there's
a time where parents used to love their
a lot. And so he was from that
time. But that that's not all that it
It's not just that. It's not just that
he received,
all of his children, alayhis salam, through miraculous
That he was his wife was already, had
gone through menopause. He was already,
nearing if not over a 100 years old,
And, he received these children through miraculous means
after years of Dua and asking Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
It's not just, the idea that,
when when they be when you become old,
if you live out in the desert,
it's not like if you're hungry, you can
go to the Kroger and buy groceries. You
need somebody to chop wood. You need somebody
to go hunt. You need somebody to do
there's like tasks and chores
that, are missing from the house nowadays that
that they were there. And if you're sick
for a day, if you can't get up
out of bed, you'll die because no one
will be there to bring you water or
food, and you'll die a a a bad
death because you won't be able to use
the bathroom. There'll be no one to clean
you. It will be very,
hard death for a person to go through.
It's not just those things either. What it
is is that, Sayyidina Ibrahim alayhis salam had
the hope and the desire that ta'ala gave
him the the the the promise that what?
That the and the prophethood would be in
his progeny.
That the work of calling toward Allah,
and the work of of of of preserving
the deen of
which is an honor in this world, and
it receives so much,
reward in the hereafter.
Allah ta'ala asked him to do something that
will completely cut that off.
And so it's like a part of din
that a person is missing. So imagine a
if they're disappointed, who's gonna be more disappointed?
Tomorrow is your birthday party and like, you
know, the restaurant you had reservations
on canceled
canceled on you, or a person who's going
leaving tomorrow on Hajj and they,
can't go on Hajj anymore.
The second thing is going to be more,
more disappointing. Why? Because the amount of selflessness
you have to do you have to have
inside of yourself in order to,
in order to do something for the sake
of Allah ta'ala, that there's no benefit in
it for you. The journey just to get
to the point where you think about it
is so it costs so much.
And then afterward,
your hope and your desire in
Allah brings you so far. Selfish people will
never know what any of these things mean.
Because the first journey they didn't take, and
the second journey they can't even imagine what
it means. So Saiedid Ibrahim alaihis salam, this
whole journey he he came through and he
thought this is going to be something. This
is I everything led up to this. I
did so much for this, and he had
so much hope in it. And now Allah
said, what? That that's not part of the
that's not part of plans or at least
he so thought that it's not part of
the plan. So he shows Ibrahim alaihis salam
in his dreams that he has to sacrifice
and slaughter his son.
this is there's a couple of things to
note. 1 is that when a person sees
something in a dream,
even if the dream is a true dream,
the realm of dreams is what? The realm
of dreams. You see things in the realm
of dreams as
as metaphor.
Why? Because the dream, you don't see it
in this world, you see it in a
different realm.
And like we said, ideas and inanimate things
and a lot of stuff that we don't
really think about in this realm as, having,
life, they're alive in other in other places.
So sometimes you might see something and you
might see,
you know, some friend of yours doing something,
and it's not your friend you're seeing and
it's not the thing that they're doing. The
friend represents something. So the dream requires interpretation.
However, from the when they receive,
when they receive,
when they receive a revelation,
because the revelation has to be clear.
When they see those things in a dream,
it's not it's not a,
it's not a representation
one thing for another. Rather, what they see
is what has to happen. So Sayid Ibrahim
alayhis salam will sacrifice a number of things,
trying to see is this is this a,
is this what I saw in my dream?
Was it a metaphor for, another thing or
was it exactly the thing that I need
to do? And so after going through all
of this process and seeing the dream again
and again,
completely removes all doubt that the thing I
saw is the thing that I have to
that I have to do. So he calls
his, son. Now this is another this is
important note that when you talk to,
your Christian and Jewish,
neighbors and friends and whatnot, and you'll say,
oh, it wasn't Ishmael. It was Isaac.
The fact of the matter is that which
son it was is irrelevant for for the
moral of the story.
And so don't let them dodge,
learning the lesson that they're supposed to learn
from that story by getting mired in details,
which is what usually people do. They fixate
on small things and they miss miss the
big big picture. Because even in our own
tradition, there are narrations of the that
some of them said that that it was
ishaka alayhi sama and not Sayidina Ismail. Although
the overwhelming majority of them, said it was
Sayidina Ismail alayhi sama. And the siak of
the Quran. The fact that the Quran mentions
the birth of said in Ishmael then mentions
this story and then afterward mentions the birth
of Ishmael.
It seems to indicate that it was in
Ishmael and certain of the prophet
son of the 2 sacrifices.
One of them being
because of that, the said that it was
him. But the point is that even if
we concede this this small point, the bigger,
lesson is,
yet to be,
learned and understood.
So Sayedid Ishmael Alaihi Sam, Sayedid Ibrahim Alaihi
Sam when he comes to the the conclusion
that he has to sacrifice him,
he calls him and he says that,
I I was shown by Allah that I
have to
slaughter you in your
in slaughter you. I was shown in my
my dreams that I have to slaughter you
as a sacrifice for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So what's your what do you have to
say about all of this?
So, oh, my dear father,
do, the thing that you were commanded and
you will find me inshallah from amongst those
who are patient.
It comes in the of this,
of this that one of the things he
told his father this is just a summary
of what he said to his father. One
of the things that said to his father
is that when you bind me because,
the sacrifices were bound. He said, bind me.
And when you,
when you bind me,
bind me in such a way that,
that my face is away from you or
that my face is toward the ground and
that you
pull the knife from behind my, for that
you you you stand behind me and then,
put the knife in front of my neck
and, slaughter me from behind.
Lest you see the look in my eyes
and mercy overwhelm you and you waver in
the the moment that you need to be
in in in executing the,
the command of the hookah of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
And this is a very amazing this is
a very amazing and moving,
conversation between the 2 of them. That both
of them are in line and they're in
sync with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They're in
sync with with one another with regards to
the deen of Allah Ta'ala.
This is something that people miss out on
so much
that when we do things together,
we get so much more done and we're
able to achieve a thing that we're not
able to do when we're alone. We're combative
with one another.
And the first level you rectify is yourself.
The second level according to the sunnah is
your own family. In fact, he gave the
call of Islam
to his family members first before going public
with it. And then after that, it's your
community. And after that, then it's your nation.
And then after that, it's the, the the
whole mankind. That there's priorities
in in regards to all of these things.
And, you'll receive more reward for for observing
this hierarchy
say, Ibrahim Alaihi Islam has this extraordinary
conversation with his son.
what happens is Shaytan tries to,
tempt the boy by saying what? Your father
was going to kill you. Are you gonna
stand for this? And he,
repels the Shaytan.
And then afterward, he goes to,
for he first, he goes to say, Ibrahim,
tries to talk him out of it and
say, Ibrahim repels
repels the shaytan.
And then after he goes to the sun
and and and tries to,
tell him that your old man is gonna
kill you and he repels the shaitan. And
then the 3rd 3rd one he goes to
say the Hajar alayhi salam that Allah gave
you this boy after so long, after so
many years, and now he's going to just
kill him and it's going to, mean that
there's no one to take care of you
in your old age, and this is gonna
happen, that's gonna happen. And she said that
if Allah commanded him to do it, then
then there's there's good in it. So she
repelled the shaytaan as well.
And this is, the commemoration of what the
stoning shaitan in 3 different places
in Hajj.
The Jamrutul Aqaba, Jamrutul Usta, Jamrutul Kubar, Jamrutul
Usta, and Jamrutul Aqaba.
That that the 3 places that you stoned
the shaitan 7 times each.
When you're when you're in hajj, you stone
the last pillar once on the,
10th of Dhul Hijjah, and then you stone
on the 11th and 12th and the 13th.
You stone all 3 of them 7,
stones each.
The 13th is optional. Whoever wants to leaves,
leaves early, all the Americans leave early. And,
all the people who have love of Allah,
they all stay in stone all 3 days.
You'll see the nations of the earth, all
the rich people will bounce,
and, all of everybody else will will will
stay in stone.
The people who came with great love and
fervor and prepared their whole their whole life.
Those people, I it really will lie, Alim.
It's like,
I every year the year every year,
I go on Hajj.
When we say who wants to do it,
there's maybe 1 or 2, 3 people after,
like, a
long encouragement will stay. And,
like, the other 300 people from the group
are gonna bounce. And those are the years
where I myself stay. If
I don't stay on the group, why even
ask about it?
Comes in the Hadith of Rasool Allah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. This is something that we
mentioned in the Khutba as well. The barakah
of the sacrifice, do you think if it
was your sacrifice and my sacrifice,
ta'ala would have given us that much reward?
Absolutely not.
The barakah of the stoning of the the
the the Jamarat. Rasulullah
said, for every stone that's cast at the,
at the, the Jamarat
in that time.
Allah ta'ala forgives such a sin that if
they were to be taken account
for it, it would have dragged a person
into the hellfire.
So imagine you have a 3rd data stone.
You have 21 more stones to,
cast at the at the Jamarat. The person
would be out of their mind not to
take it unless they're extremely sick. They're about
to die or something like that. They would
have gone through the difficulty.
But, you know, if you try doing so,
you'll see that the the entire North American
camp in in, in in Mina is abandoned.
They don't even serve food because nobody stays
at at those places. That's another that's another
thing. Allah give all of us.
At least if we have a chance, we
should all make Niya that
next time you take us for Hajj that
we that we, we have the the the
strength and the the iman and the fortitude
to go through the difficulty in the heat
and and and benefit from it. But imagine
what what does that mean that the original
like, what should what must have gone through
the original
people from whom all of this barakah starts.
Right? What must have gone through the mind
of saying, Ibrahim, the heart of saying, Ibrahim
alaihis salaam, or must
stoned the Shaitan who was coming to them
with the thing that they
wanted. And this is a very, it's a
very strange it's a very strange,
episode from the prophetic history of mankind.
Why? The Jews to this day, they discuss
it. Right? Remember we said that the the
sacrifices are bound.
In Hebrew, they refer to the occasion of
this occasion as the,
Aqeda in in in Arabic also means one
of the meanings of this to bind something,
to tie something up. So they referred to
to it as the the binding of of
of of of
of Islam.
They they don't understand what the point of
an eruv was. To this day, the the
rabbis, they say we don't understand. We have
to speculate. We don't know why why would
God ask,
Abraham to kill his son,
Alay Mus Salam. Why would he ask him
to kill his son? And, they they speculated.
They considered to be theologically problematic.
In fact, it is a position of the
to to say that, say, Ibrahim alaihis salam
failed the the test. And what should he
have done? He should have told God, no.
It's unjust for you to ask me to
kill another person and I'm not gonna do
it and that he failed to test. I've
heard this from a I've heard this from
a rabbi. Actually from several rabbis.
And as a Muslim, we kind of laugh
at that. Why? Because the idea is this
is that if the commandment comes from Allah,
we hear and we obey.
And the point of the the the prophets
and the point of the is to do
what? Is to take the people whose,
relationship with Allah is broken in 2, make
it whole again.
Right? What kind of island is going to
tell a person, look, God commands you to
do stuff. You shouldn't listen to him. That
even the person who has a good relationship
with Allah, you're breaking in. It makes no
sense whatsoever.
you know, this is something that obviously our
our, you know, our neighbors and our friends
and people, many of whom wish good for
our community. We wish good for their community
as well. But in terms of theology, we
have to suffice by saying that we have
a very rigorous,
disagreement with you,
with regards to even considering this position to
a matter of debate. Because if any Muslim
ever came up with this position
that Ibrahim alaihis salam failed the exam. We
would make that clear. This is this man
is a kafir. Get him out of our
masjid. He can go he can go and
open his own worship and his own cult
because this is not anything to do with
Islam. And I think we should be intuitive
to a person of sound mind why why
that's the case.
I've looked at the Christians. What is their
their interpretation of this this event?
They said, oh, well, maybe God was just
doing this
as a precursor to the sacrifice of Christ,
on the day of judgment. And so again,
we have to, you know, with all love
and respect for our Christian neighbors, and friends,
and well wishers, and and and and fellow
you have to wonder,
can Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is just.
Right? And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is just.
And because of his justice, you say he
can't forgive people. You say he can forgive
whoever he wants to because all the rights
belong to him in the 1st place. He
created the entire mankind and the entire universe
from nothing. Everything belongs to him anyway. He
forgives who he wills, and he,
takes to task whoever he will. No no
no. He has to forgive he has to
punish every sinner because of his just because
of his what?
His Because of his what? His justice. This
is part of our aqeedah, by the way,
as Muslims. That people go to the fire
because of Allah's justice, and people go to
Jannah because of Allah's grace.
They go to the fire because of Allah's
justice and they go to Jannah because of
Allah's what? His fable, his grace.
So the idea is this is that if
you say he has to be just to
everybody, how are you gonna tell us about
his grace in the first place? The idea
of grace is goes out the window anyway.
Right? That's why Allah
commands us not to be just with one
another. He commands us to forgive one another
to be even one step higher. Okay. Fine.
He's just He has to punish every sinner.
How is punishing the one person who never
committed a sin just?
Makes no sense whatsoever.
Right? So we're sorry. We have a very
rigorous disagreement with you theologically speaking, and we
feel like you have You missed the boat
with regards to this story. What is what
is the the deen teach us? It's something
that, masha'Allah, it's so simple and so beautiful
that even our children understand it.
And something making a lot of sense and
being very easily explained is not a sign
that there's something wrong with it. It's a
sign actually that it is the truth.
Right? Lies are difficult to understand because they
don't actually exist. The truth is easy to
understand because it makes so much all the
pieces of the puzzle fit together. Right? What
is the explanation of the people of this
deen? That Allah created the heavens and the
earth. He has a complete right over everyone.
He asked Sayyidina Ibrahim to do it. Sayedna
Ibrahim alayhis salam did what he asked him
and what happened.
It comes in the, the right that Sayedna
Ibrahim alayhis salam actually took the knife and
ran it over the throat of his son,
and ran it back and forth. And he
was so like in the zone when he
was doing it. It's Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
when he's,
when he's running the the the knife over
the throat of, Sayedna Ismail al Islam.
The Mufassilin say that Allah miraculously
causes his stroke to become hard like metal.
So the knife can't go in, but he's
still doing it. He's still trying to get
in there. And so he's saying, Allahu Akbar,
Allahu Akbar. And the
angel said that Jibril alaihis salam, he shows
up to give him the glad tidings that
that this, this was a test.
And so he says to get his attention,
and he's still in the zone. He's not
even listening. He's still saying,
He's trying to cut the cut the the
throat of his son. And Sayyidina Ismail sees
what or realize what happens. Allahu Akbar saved
me. He bailed me out of this.
Allah Ta'al saved me. He says,
Praise be to Allah ta'ala. This is the
takbir of this is the takbir of the
iday, and this is
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
a a a Allah to Allah. And when
the peep Muslims go out for their Eid,
this is the Takbir that they say.
Say that Jibril Alaihi Salam will come and
stop him once he realized that this is
not happening and this is no longer the
commandment of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. He calms
him down
and they untie the the the,
the the sacrifice
Sayedna Ismail alaihislam.
And then Sayedna Jibril brings
a celestial sacrifice to be put in its
What sacrifice is that? Mufassilin
say that the 2 sons of Sayyidina Adam
alayhis salam, both of them made a sacrifice.
Allata accepted from one of them and it
didn't accept from the other. He says to
his brother,
Allah only accepts from those who fear him.
That that animal that was sacrificed and was
and because of which,
the son of Adam alaihis salam was murdered.
That sacrifice was then at that time taken
to the heavens
and preserved in that place. Sayyidina Jibreel will
bring that ram down again,
to this earth, and he'll substitute him substitute
that ram that this is Allah gives you
this animal now. This is the
puts it, in the place of your son.
So sacrifice it for the sake of Allah
Ta'ala. And that's how this practice was inaugurated
of making the sacrifice on the,
on the, on the day of Eid, on
10th of the Hijjah.
The simplest of lessons that should be learned
from this. It's very important to understand, and
it's something that sits inside of the heart
of every believer.
Allah Ta'ala asks from everybody great sacrifices.
You listening?
Allah asked great
sacrifices from every person, every believer.
But he takes the sacrifice almost never.
He'll ask everybody for great sacrifice
but he'll almost never take the sacrifice.
What happens? You're gonna do what's right and
you say, oh I'm gonna get fired from
my job, and I'm gonna lose this much
amount of money, and I'm gonna become homeless,
and my family is gonna hate me. This
is gonna happen. That's gonna happen. 100 things
are gonna happen because I'm gonna say the
truth or I'm gonna do what's right.
What ends up happening?
Most more often than not nothing.
More often than not nothing. More often than
not it's completely anticlimactic.
What happens
even if you lose something Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala first in this dunya gives you something
better and then he gives you something better
in the as well. Allah ta'ala asked for
a sacrifice from saying Ibrahim alaihis salam, but
he didn't take the sacrifice from him.
And this is
a important lesson regarding
many things in the Deen. That outwardly it
seems that the act you're doing is something
with the limbs. Money is changing hands.
You're praying. You're eating. You're not eating. You're
doing all sorts of different things.
But the reason that the wisdom for all
of these for all of these different things
the Allah asked us to do, whether it's
the acts of worship or whether it's how
we deal with our parents or our children
or spouses, or how we transact financially, or
all of these other different types of,
of of commandments and the deen.
What happens on the outside, the reason it's
important is because it it more often than
not results in a change inside the heart.
The idea of the sacrifice was what? Is
that Sayed Ibrahim alaihis salam, there is one
thing left Allah ta'ala wanted to show show
himself and show Ibrahim alayhis salam and show
everybody that what Even though Allah Ta'ala has
knowledge of all things even before they happen.
That what
was it necessary, he would have done it.
Right? That was the thing he loved the
most and if it was necessary, he would
have done it. Now what does that lesson
does that teach you and I?
If the the thing Allah wants to see
is a change inside of the heart.
If you do it
yourself voluntarily,
that change inside of the heart,
you'll spare yourself from having to go through
so many difficulties with regards to the deen.
That thing that
you need a little bit of push for
your heart to get to that point,
Allah from his mercy,
he'll send a storm of circumstances
down on you
to get you to the point where you
get that little push where your heart can
say, okay. Yes. I would have done that
for Allah ta'ala as well.
So a smart person is the one who
does what?
Who works on their heart and gets it
to that point in the first place. And
this can be done from a number of
different methods. And we're not saying that we're
gonna you know, we're smarter
high point that's so far so much further
away than what we're going to ever attain.
Allah gave them a gentle nudge as well.
For us, sometimes we get the gentle nudge
just for the, like, step 1 of that
journey that they already traversed for a 1000
But at any rate, for us we can
take that lesson as well.
That by preparing the heart
that it loves Allah Ta'ala more than it
loves other things that you would do for
the sake of Allah Ta'ala what you wouldn't
do for other people, etcetera, etcetera, by visualizing,
by practicing, by making the dhikr of Allah
to Allah, by saying your prayers,
by strictly and stringently observing the Sharia, etcetera,
You can get your heart to a point
that you may absolve yourself from having to
go through a great number of difficulties.
And there are some people
Allah loves them so much that if they
don't put in the effort themselves, he'll throw
a storm of circumstances at at them.
And those people will get to that get
to that point through having to go through
external difficulties. This is something that a lesson
that the companions of the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam they they learned.
That instead of having to wait to go
through difficulty,
they imposed those mujahhadat and those difficulties on
So that what? It doesn't come involuntarily
from the outside,
but they in metered doses they chose to
simple. They chose to live simple. They chose
to spend from their money. They chose to
go out in the path of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and deny themselves the comforts and
the luxuries of life,
so that they don't be those people who
are enjoying, enjoying, enjoying, and then one day,
bam. You know, this whole set of stuff
comes up on them.
And their physical life falls apart,
but Allah saved them from their akhirah falling
This is a lesson we we don't think
about, we don't understand with regards to our
own our own lives. We think we say
we're completely
scot free.
Loves the people
way too much to allow that to happen.
So you either choose to take those things
on and to mold your heart on your
own schedule,
or if you leave it to the last
minute it'll hit you, but it will hit
you so hard you're gonna cry before you
At any rate, on the day of judgement
when people are going to Jannah, whether they
pick the first way or the second way,
everyone will be happy that they're there. But
on this side, we can understand why one
is superior to the other. And we know
that the best of the ummah, which is
the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the
sahabah radiallahu anhu. The best people of this
ummah were the ones who chose to what?
Impose it on themselves in metered doses because
The slow and steady wins the race. Everybody
knows that. Right? So this is something that
we see,
as a lesson.
Sayedna Ibrahim alayhis sala, even him, allata, asked
him for that sacrifice, but it's not like
he took it. It it would have been
his right that he let the knife go
through the throat of Sayna Ishmael alaihis salam,
and Sayna Ibrahim would have been completely broken
inside. Allah Ta' would have given him such
a reward, and his son such a reward,
and his wife such a reward, that nobody
in the creation would have,
felt bad for pity for them. Everyone would
have been jealous for of them. He could
have taken that sacrifice and it's his right.
He created the heavens and the earth from
nothing, but he didn't.
Right? That's that he didn't. He he what?
He he did that thing and it it
showed it. Sayyidina Ibrahim showed Allah showed everybody
that this is what is in the heart
of my slave. That it's only for me
and it's for nobody else other than me.
After after Sayin Ibrahim alayhis salam will pass
this test, he'll be put through no more,
difficulty, no more test. Why? Because he's reached
the maqam and the level that
Allah created him for.
And because of that,
his name is
out of the creation, the the the the
name that's second after the name of our
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And in following
his every act, there's so much barakah and
reward for us as well. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala give us
a tawfiq of understanding the lesson from his
sacrifices. Allah ta'ala give us a tawfiq of
being people who follow in his footsteps and
be people who represent the middle of Sayidna
Ibrahim alaihis salam. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give
us the Tawfiq of visiting his sacred house
again and again. Allah gave us the tawfiq
of visiting the the the the court of
Sayidina Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in Madinah
Munawwara and presenting our salaam there again and
again, and being able to enjoy its its
its happiness and enjoy its enjoyments and benefit
from its its blessings. Allah,
accept the Hajj from those people who are
going on Hajj this year. Allah,
except from, all the people who are making
tawaf and saiyeh, and all the people who
are in Arafat, all the people who are
in Mina, all the people who take up
ihram and say, Labayk, Allama Labayk. Allata, give
us a tawaf of being amongst them, inshallah,
this year and every year afterward,
Allata accept from us and give us a
katima and an ending on iman that the
best of our days is our last day
and the best of our moments is our
last moment, and the best of our words
are our last words.
Accepted from us and give us a death
better than our life, and a time the
grave better than our death, and a resurrection
better than our time in the grave, and
a gathering better than our resurrection and a
judgment better than our gathering, give us to
drink from the and
give us from his Shafa'a,
from his intercession on the day of judgment,
and give us a maqam with him and
Allah's oliya forever and ever in Jannah, a
maqam that never perishes and never ends. Allah
give all of us so much toaf people