Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Fatw From The Miyr Is He a Reformer or Deviant Innovator.mp4

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The collection of fatwa and legal rulings from the Middle East and Africa, which were created by a scholar from Spain, is discussed. The use of shaming and bragging in Islam, as well as the culture habit of certain people associated with actions, is emphasized. The importance of acknowledging and praising the qualities of the um salallahu alayhi wa sallam, as well as listening to women and the sharia rule is emphasized. The importance of learning to be beaten and pounds is also emphasized.
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I wanted to start today's
a an interesting fatwa
narrated in the
Is a collection of Fatawa and
legal rulings, court court precedents,
etcetera, from the ulama
of North Africa
West Africa and
It it was, put together by
Al Imam
Alwan Sharisi.
Juan Sharisi is a,
is a scholar who was from,
what is now modern day Algeria,
and he
served in a court,
near his near his, home.
And he gave a fatwa that the local
ruler didn't like.
So the ruler says that I'm not gonna
kill you, but you have to leave right
now. You have to get out. If I
see you again, that's it. So he left.
1 of his students was in in Morocco,
and so he went to his student
who was a very wealthy student. So he
says, okay. Just stay with me and do
whatever you like. So he says, well, I
want access to libraries.
They gave him access to the big libraries
of FASS. And so what he would do
is just read books all day, and then
he gathered together these,
these different fatawa,
and different legal rulings about different things.
And he put together quite an interesting collection.
Interesting not only because of what it teaches
you about fiqh, but also in general what
it teaches you about deen,
and it gets has a lot of very
interesting cultural snapshots about that period.
So this is not something completely unrelated
to Malek I Fik, although it's not gonna
be something that you pull out of,
of of of the, you know, kind of
the the the book on tahara and salat,
kind of going with the theme that we
talked about last time about,
impressing what the importance of
of this knowledge is and how it it's
actually relevant to something that people need in
their lives.
So the title of this
the the subheading is
the fatwa regarding
a man who is trying to
and correct the society
who belongs to
the the tribe of the, and he's being
opposed by the people of the tribe of
of, Akkaz or Akkaz. I don't really know
what these are. Some of these names may
actually be
Berber names. I don't know what the voweling
proper voweling of it is. Maybe somebody who's
listening knows what the names of these tribes
are in Morocco or wherever.
They can let me know.
And this is it's an incident that happened
in the middle of the 8th century.
years about about 13 the middle of the
and the Hafiz of Hadith Abu Abbas al
was asked about the legal question regarding a
that's that that's called Dawud bin ibn Hasan
from the tribe of Juznaya.
And so the questioner says, you know the
their, you know, their deen is you know
what the what the situation of their deen
is, and it's not hidden from anyone. Their
affair is not hidden from anyone. Basically, you're
saying that they're not very religious people in
general as a tribe.
So he said that that
that, he has
brought in new matters amongst us because of
which our,
unity has been fractured.
And many people have
inclined toward his way of doing things.
And he started amongst us many different affairs.
We never heard about them nor have our
forefathers before us.
And the things he brought in. We never
heard anyone from the people of knowledge, nor
anyone from the people of virtue and Deen,
from before
ever having commanded to them.
And we never heard,
change the things that were there from before
to the point where many things that we
do, he calls them a and whoever follows
them is disobeying Allah
he for forbade the people, the Murids from
I don't exactly know, but he says I
think it means like the state of constantly
in with
and clapping and singing.
from shaving, shaving the head.
And he says these things are
and a number of other things.
A number of other things,
that are that are known to be from
the signs of the
That that
even some of the some of the there
are so pious there.
The they they perform miracles.
And he says, all of your miracles are
from Iblis.
the the things that you're doing are Impias
Innovations and the dean.
And he,
he basically attributed their entire way of doing
things to,
and he is harsh about
And and,
he snuff he snuffs out their their their
their deeds, whatever they're doing.
And just like that, he,
and forbade the men from mixing with the
in commands to lowering the gaze.
And he also,
claims that, that it's that women should not
speak in front of
men, and that that there's fear that if
the women,
chat openly in front of the men, it's
going to become a fitna. And we never
heard anyone,
give this command before or or or talk
about this before.
And from what he commands us to is
or commands to is whoever comes to him,
he makes sure that that person has made
the it comes to him. He and makes
Tawba at his hands. He makes sure that
that person does the Tawba correctly with all
of its conditions.
he says that not only do you have
to feel bad about what you do, what
you did wrong, but you also have to,
you have to, you know, fulfill what whatever
Haqq has been left, including the Haqq of
Allah Ta'ala in terms of Farai'il. So you
have to make up he says you have
to make up your prayers and fasts and
things like that. You can't just make and
And that a person has to have complete
in everything that that that you do, and
that a person is not allowed to show
off, and that a person is not allowed
to seek,
which is which is funny. Very few people
like, if you tell most people that nowadays,
you say you're not allowed to seek leadership,
they kind of freak out. So these guys
are freaking out. This guy told us, we're
not allowed to seek leadership or be arrogant
or have jealousy for one another or backbite
people or tail bear or think think highly
of ourselves.
That person he says that you're not allowed
to it's haram
even to walk toward with your own 2
feet toward that which is haram.
And he constantly talks about that it's haram
to listen to those things that are haram.
That to accept all of these things in
your heart, this is a a condition of
true Tawba. If you don't accept these things,
then your Tawba is is bogus. That's what
he says.
And that all of these things, if someone
should do one of them, he claims that
this is like a destruction and a calamity
for someone's
deen. And he also forbids a person who
comes and makes tobad his hands
from mixing with brigands,
people who basically rob one another for a
living or to eat their food or eat
the food of anyone who doesn't fulfill the
rights of others.
So he then also the person who comes
and makes toba at his hands,
what does he do? He
starts to ask them details about their dealings.
Person after person, he'll ask them details about
their their dealings with other people, their business
in terms of of how they accept cash
for sales,
do they transact in Riba?
How do they transact their partnerships?
How do they deal with collateral,
and other things like that from from business
And he he
he he,
this this edition of the the book is
unfortunate. It carries a lot of mistakes. You
kinda have to read through them sometimes.
So he he looks through, like,
he looks through their their their transactions,
contracts they've signed,
how are they executing
Like, you know, nowadays, we have currency exchanges.
In the old days, people used to just
transact in,
gold and silver and things like that. So
the exchanges of gold and silver, that's not
treated like a normal sale. So how are
the those, sales transactions,
And he found that many of them, the
way that they do business, it's just a
it's just different types of
And he also
with regarding
the details with them with regards to
swearing oaths by Allah,
and he found that that many of them
have broken a number of oaths and have
to give the kafarat for that to make
those up as well.
And he he
basically investigated to the point where he found
that most of the people's wealth is riba,
the amount of their wealth, which is riba,
and the amount of their wealth, which they
owe as expiations,
is greater than the amount of of clean
wealth that they own.
And, so basically,
he found that, like, all these people have
all this,
money that's for whatever reason, it's just haram
money. So he commands them to just take
all that money and give it out to
the poor,
and the needy and the destitute.
And he said that the person who has
expiations due to broken oaths that they made,
he he told them, pay you know, get
rid of the riba first. And if you
wish to,
you can make up your expiation through fasting
instead of payment or if you wish to,
you just pay later.
So he says and also from his affairs
that whenever,
one of the Quran reciters comes to him
and stays with him,
He'll tell him,
it's haram for you to,
for you to just continue
recite the Quran,
as a profession and to
teach it and learn it, I suppose.
As long as you are ignorant of the
those bare minimum things from the sharia which
Allah ta'ala made everybody
legally responsible to know, which includes the rulings
of wudu and salat and fasting
and other things,
that are individual responsibilities to know. And as
for reciting the, the Quran,
all of it is, enough. It's all it's
all optional
except for the recitation of the Fatiha
and a Surah with it, which is then
a sunnah. The recitation of the Fatiha being
a fard
and learning
at least a a Surah being a sunnah
for your prayers.
And he also commands people to strive against
the nafs and,
and and to
to work it, to exercise it, meaning to
put it through difficulty,
and to
purify it from
those calamities that are blameworthy, that reside inside
of it, like being impressed with oneself or
showing off
or having,
or arrogance
or anger,
and other things
like that from those things that are blameworthy.
And he also forces them to,
get stop making reba stop backbiting and stop
tail bearing against one another.
And many of many other things than that
from a number of things that he claims
are haram.
So he says to the Quran reciters that
this is what's far beyond you and on
top of that, the
And as far as everything else that that's,
knowledge of sharia, other than that, it's if
someone else is taking care of it, you're
not responsible.
And and he claims that this is the
proper and straight,
So, Sidi, tell me of how can he
say that about the Quran, which is the
best of
of of of the worship of Allah ta'ala.
He calls it
nafo, and he
says, that these other things that that that
that I said that are far if you
can, you know, fulfill those things,
then after that, you can go back to
the Quran.
You can go back to the Quran,
which is a nafal for you if you
wish to.
And he even made some of the Quran
he is engaged as their time in reading
the Risala
and in reading
while putting them through different,
the struggles against their own nafs.
And from amongst that, he also,
makes the people who take Tawba at his
he makes them,
or prohibits them from,
from marrying their daughters or for from marrying,
ladies that are under their wilayah
to a person who sins openly
like the one who is,
habitually takes the.
Like, oh, come to my house. If you
don't come to my house, I'll divorce my
wife. Or if you don't do this, I'll
divorce my wife. Or if this doesn't happen,
I'll divorce my wife, which is an unfortunate
habit of certain people,
cultural habit of certain people, or just bad
personal habit of certain people. Just yesterday, someone
called me with this issue, and it's just
seems really silly.
And it's a sin also, as you can
tell from the siyak of the of the
of the istiftah.
That he, forbids,
for forbids those people who take Tova at
his hands from marrying their daughters and the
the women in their charge
to people who,
are brigands or thieves
or those who eat the money of riba
other types of sin like that.
And he says that every every person, even
if he's a student of knowledge,
if he,
if he his,
he gives his wife permission to go out
or if he
which is different than if a person doesn't
give the permission. He gives his wife permission
to go out without covering
or or he doesn't,
turn his sight away from those things that
Allah Ta'ala made haram,
or or he doesn't leave
He doesn't leave backbiting,
or other things like that. That that person
is a fasrq. He is a a profligate,
and his shahada, his witness is not acceptable
in court, and it is not permissible to
take him as an
When he,
this is actually something that happened to me
at MSI, I guess.
When he's done with the when he's done
with the salat, he gets up directly, and
he doesn't make dua after the the prayer.
So when uncle got up on me about
So I'm like, it's not a sunnah. And
he's like, no. It's very important you're making
things up. Everyone does it. So he's
like, okay.
So for Ankaru Alihid Alika, so people are
like, what is this? He doesn't make dua
after the prayer.
What call I have him in a sunnah
and he says, no. This is the sunnah
to not make a collective dua after every
Whoever wants to make dua they're allowed to
let them make their own dua Insha'Allah.
So the and another thing that he did
was that he made
the stop making tasbih in the morning time.
And so just make the and that's it.
This is a thing that happens in many
parts of the Muslim world.
The will, like, add add add their own
kinda, like, you know,
burger and fries and a drink with, with.
And they'll do, like, some things before and
do some things after, and then they'll do
some things to wake people up, and they'll
make their announcements, and god knows what. So
he said that, he said that he stopped
the of our area from doing that. He
said, just give the adan. That's enough.
That's that's all.
He said that this is the
sunnah. Even though
even though the the was just making the
as a way of announcing the people who
wake up for Fajr, he's not saying it's
a per se.
He said and also,
from the weird things that he does is
that when people meet him,
he tells them just to shake hands, not
to kiss his hand because
the the kissing of of of the hand
is he considers it
And he also,
And he also
told people to stop
saying the special greetings of the evening and
of the morning,
and just says all these things are and
the only sunnah is to say
So he stopped people from saying Khadafez, I
guess. I don't know.
And so some of the people that he
hangs out with when they married their daughters,
they married them for a quarter of a
of, of of, what you call, of,
Right? For which is the minimum in in
the that's the minimum amount the Mahar can
be validly.
If if there's a Mahar that's set less
than that, the will force
will force,
sadaq al mithal that that that amount is
not accepted, and then whatever the normal
would be for a marriage like that, it
will be it will be instated,
if you make an amount if you choose
an amount lower than that.
So he said he said that this this
person is complaining that this guy is
some of his associates. They married their daughters
for a quarter of a dinar as Maher.
And, and and
he says that that's a good thing even
though nobody in our lands ever does that.
That's not a normal custom for us.
And he says that he says that our
customs are,
whenever we say we never heard, we never
heard of this practice before
amongst our people.
And he also calls it a bid'ah whenever
we tell them that tell them that, oh,
you we don't, you know, we don't need
your what are all your ideas about Dean
because you're from the
the tribe of the
and it's known that you're off.
So the the
the people are
the generality of the people, they listen to
what what our this guy was making the
complaint, what, quote, unquote, our olamas say,
when our olamas
warn the people about this person.
he confuses us with these things that he
commands us to and prohibits us from.
And we know from the the the
in our area,
those people who are so pious that because
of their barakah, the rain comes down.
Because of them Allah ta'ala awards off calamity
from us that they they say that that
they warn us against this person and say
stay away from him.
And it's also he
he he vexes us when someone says,
from the,
from the of the
that say that his this guy's
are wrong. He says that,
those people who are saying that these that
I'm telling you are wrong,
all of them follow the sharia of Dajal.
They're all Dajals themselves.
And he says to the to the to
the generality, to the masses when this confusion
comes, he says, look. If you guys wanna
know who's on the Haakkuk and who's telling
the truth and who's not, then,
why don't you why don't you,
ask the the the the the the,
the great Fokaha, you know, the top carnivores
of, you know, whoever they are. Go to
the big cities and ask the Muftis
that are there.
And he says that whatever go to them
and ask them what the what the truth
and and whatever they tell you, then follow
it. And whoever is
amongst the and amongst the the students,
whoever is the one who is,
messing with
the, leave that person until that person makes
toba from from messing with the of the
So he says that,
that it is incumbent. It's I warn you
that you should only follow the people who
are the great imams and and
who are well known,
for their deen and for their taqwa and
for their uprightness
that are well known amongst the the the
all of the lands of the Muslims.
Those people who are completely dissolved in the
Deen and they perform its service always.
So so this
complainant is asking then the the Muftis of
fast. He says, so uncover the reality of
this affair,
this affair that has caused this confusion
confusion and vexed our our intellects.
With regards to the things that this man
is commanding to
And how should we punish this man if
if it if it's true that what he's
doing is a bida and he's calling people
toward bida.
And if it turns out that this guy
is actually calling us to the Sunnah, then
what should be the punishment,
that we should give meet out to those,
students who,
who were mentioned who,
who uh-uh said that he this guy is
messing with Dean.
So it's a long complaint.
And I want you to notice that probably
80% of the things that he's complaining about
is, like, actually stuff that
be a complaint of many people nowadays except
for in those days they had the
the common sense of, like, going to a
Mufti and asking if they say, okay, we'll
go to Fassar, go to one of the
big cities with big Fekaha and ask about
it. Whereas nowadays, people are like, yeah. We're
not gonna ask anyone. We're just right about
this stuff.
the the,
the who was asked,
Abu Al Abbas Al Khabab
Al Khabab,
He then
responds. He says,
He said, I read your question
and, pondered over it.
He says that,
I I see that you have
you have,
such a man.
If he is like you described him to
I I didn't think that that, we would
ever be able to find a person with
even the tenth of the qualities,
that you describe in him left in the
And that is the guidance of Allah to
Allah. He guides with who who he guides
with it, whoever he wills.
And this is the,
this is the the
confirmation of the hadith of the prophet
that there will always be there will never
cease to be a group of people from
that are openly that openly stand for the
the the command of Allah comes, meaning until
He says that and this is and and
these people
as as you describe this man to be,
and those are the ones you those are
the ones truly because of whom Allah sends
down the rain, and because of their barakah
Allah has mercy on his
And it comes in the in the Sahih
Hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
the many virtues
of the person who will revive even one
at the time of the facade, at the
time of the the,
falling apart of the ummah,
and those ahadith are well known, are are
are are well known and understood.
And, and the facade of the Ummah has
come to such a point,
when the person who stands with such with
these mentioned qualities, these beautiful
qualities, and the one who dawns,
dawns these
and praiseworthy attributes,
people now have shock. They'll have doubt
with regards to that person's virtue, and they
will also,
then have to ask about them.
And then he quotes a a two lines
of poetry.
So he says that you you have come,
and your coming has not been,
is is not hidden to anyone except for
to the idiot who doesn't know what the
moon is.
And how can anything be right in the
minds of the people
if you say to somebody, look, it's daytime,
and they ask you what's the
so he says,
So he says that it's a it's it's
it's a a duty or responsibility
on the one who,
isn't able to understand,
such a reality
that they should admit,
that that virtue belongs to its people
so that,
so that they don't get
crowded out
they were unable to do good deeds. And
then on top of that, piled on on
top of that on their head is that
they should deny the haqq.
And so he says, you said in your
that he came to you with so many
affairs that you've never heard about them before,
neither you nor your fathers,
And it is,
authentically narrated from the prophet, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, who said, Islam started as a strange
affair, and it will become strange again one
So glad tidings to those to the strangers.
And it comes from the prophet
that from the signs of the last hour
is that those things that are ma'aruf that
are known to be good,
people will start to say we don't, you
know, we don't know what this is. This
is something evil.
And so and he says that also it's
narrated from the prophet that
such a time will come over the people
that the one who holds on to his
deen will be like the one who is
holding on to a cinder, to a burning
red cinder.
And the person
who practices his deen on that day, that
person will get the adjar of 50 of
They they said, radhiallahu anhu, you mean 50
of them? And the prophet
says, no. 50 of you because you find
in your path toward good helpers, and they
will be alone. They won't find anyone to
help them.
just a slight,
I guess, comment regarding this hadith is that,
obviously, it doesn't mean that there are people
from the time
that we live in that they're going to
of a haqqam higher than that of the
Sahaba, much not not even one of them,
much as 50 of them. But meaning that
the the great amount of good deeds that
the Sahaba
did, Allah will reward us for the small
slight things that we do at a rate
higher than that. I shouldn't this is another
thing actually. We shouldn't say it's us
because things haven't gotten that bad yet. They've
become silly
for sure, but, like, things will get a
lot worse. Like, you'll have, like, a time
where the jaw will say, okay. You pray.
You don't you know, like, you're gonna your
family is gonna starve to death. That's what's
being talked about. Right? So it's a sliding
And so he gives a reason for the
for the same deeds being rewarded,
even though the people come with far fewer
of them. But the same deeds deeds being
rewarded, less later on because those people, they
were they would help each other toward the
khair, where sometimes a person will be in
a situation even amongst Muslims where people will
oppose each other toward the khair and help
each other towards sha'rawalahuwalaqawata'illabillah.
So as for your question regarding this person
Juzna'i from the the tribe of the Juznaia,
And and and you said that their din
is, you know, is well known how you
know, implying that it's well known how bad
it is.
He says, I'd know no difference of opinion
amongst any of the imams and that it's
not a condition of a person's uprightness
or his virtue
or his,
being righteous,
or his
actions being considered good, his good actions being
considered good, or that or his standing for
the truth.
None of the imams have considered a condition
for any of those things that that that
their tribe has to be a good tribe
or a virtuous tribe.
So this is also, like, kind of in
your face for a lot of people who
who, from inside and outside of the Ummah,
either accuse,
you know, the teaching of being racist or
some people even from inside the Ummah who
wish it was.
Because there are some people who see themselves
as better than other people, and they start
to justify it.
And this is all nonsense. It doesn't it
he's he's saying it's all. It doesn't matter.
Well, come
in father
Alright. So the hadith is written in the
middle of the 1300 by the way. I'm
sorry. This fatwa.
So then how many how many people righteous
a righteous man used to be even a
mushrik. He he once used to be a
polytheist, and then Allah Ta'ala gifted him with
guidance, and he turned into
one of the
the the the great leaders of virtue of
this ummah. And Allah Ta'ala,
glory be to him, said in his book,
verily the most
noble and honorable amongst you with Allah is
the one who has the most taqwa,
the one who fears Allah ta'ala the most.
And the Sahih Hadith of the prophet
are very clear
the lack of concern with a person's lineage
when it comes to taqwa.
He says, and as you're as far as
you're saying that that,
you never heard of anyone from the people
of knowledge
and the people
of righteousness
disavowing or saying bad about these practices that
this man says bad about? The reason for
that is that you've never met a person
of knowledge or a person of righteousness
in the first place,
which is unfortunately the case also in our
for a lot of people as well. Like,
well, nobody ever said anything about this. Just
because you know you never
had before. That's all it means.
So all those things that this person has
commanded you or forbidden you to, all of
them, they're explicit texts,
that the
will give will tell you about,
with regards to those things he commanded and
And the books of the people of knowledge,
they weren't filled up with anything except for
with the things that you mentioned.
He said if I were to
write for you all the things that the
olamah wrote about those things in in favor
of what he said,
then this,
you know,
this fatwa, it's not you know, I can't
write it long enough to to fill all
of those
So he says that all of those things
that you, mentioned that this man is commanding
to, all of them are well known amongst
the ulama
except for the only thing I can think
of is is is that he forbade,
forbade hearing the voices of women. And he
says that I don't I don't know of
any of the ulama who forbade that,
from a person
other than, someone who takes some sort of
perverse pleasure out of it. For that person,
it's forbidden. Otherwise, it's not haram to hear
the voice of a woman like it is
haram to see the
the to look at the the body of
a woman
or vice versa for that matter. So he
says that that's the one thing that he
says that maybe he's pushing it a little
bit on. But even then, he says that
there's a reason you know, there is a
condition in which even that can be
that can be correct.
says all I know is that he,
that that sorry. The Sharia forbids listening to
women for the purpose of taking pleasure from
that or to listening to them singing.
It says, as for listening to the voice
of a woman from behind the hijab
you know, just in a normal way without
any doubtful,
feeling or or intention,
then I I don't consider that to be
something that's haram.
And the rest of what he came with
is correct and it's the haqq and it's
something listening to it is binding on you.
He says, so whoever helps him in those
things and is an aid to him and
gives him,
power and and assistance
in, reviving the sunnah of the Rasul
That person has taken their share of that
which comes with, with regards to the virtues
of of reviving the sunnah.
And he says that whoever,
argues with him and harms him and turns
him away from,
that which, was mentioned in your
question. That person is trying to extinguish the
sunnah and snuff out the haqq
and is assisting in the,
of falsehood. And then he quotes the book
of Allah ta'ala, and those people will know,
one day,
to which side have they they turned themselves.
And as far as you saying that some
of the students have knowledge,
they say what this man is saying is
then know that it's always been the affair
of the people of virtue
that Allah ta'ala has put over them or
put against them, those people who harm them
so that their will be increased with Allah
most high.
And since as far as what the ruling
is for the person who,
harms this, such a man,
or says that he is a person of,
Indeed, the one who says such a thing,
that one is the the impasse innovator,
and the ruling regarding them is that they
should be,
they should be,
which is a euphemism for punishment
in the Arabic language. It should be taught
adab by being beaten and jailed. Obviously, we
cannot beat and jail people here. If we
try, then that's gonna be the end of
the rebat, and, you know, that's not what
we're here for.
This is a time when they still have
the in place and they still have, like,
Sharia rule,
which is definitely not what we have in
America or really in most of the Muslim
world for that matter. But, you know, for
that for that,
I guess, time and place, that's what the
the the the the Mufti, he says that
your the the judges of your land should
beat and jail these people until they, stop,
stop lying about the deen.
But it is telling to see that that
that's what such a person deserves according to
the the of the.
He says
That that person,
harms a Muslim, that person is a fail.
So what do you think about the one
harms the one who is standing for the
haqq and, calling toward it?
And this is a kind of a short
summarized answer to your question. As for as
for a detailed answer to your question, that
would require,
like, like, just a whole another, like, a
whole another literary work.
And he says, I'm only giving you this
as assuming that all the things that you
said in your question are the the
way that they are.
is with Allah. He has no partner.
Pick what's best for him
and show a lot gentleness to him
with his with his.
So this is a a a a this
this still happens. In the old days, it
used to happen. It still happens to this
day. Sometimes a Mufti will write a fatwa,
and he'll send it around for review from
the other Muftis to see what is your
opinion. They'll make with one another.
And so, Abu Imran is like the alpha,
like, top carnivore of, like,
of of Muustis and fast.
so he he writes he writes his own,
like, like, little sentence, like, on top of
that, you know,
his endorsement,
so to speak. He says that's the the
the the the the teacher, the
the leader,
the the majestic,
Mufti Abu Imran.
He says
in regards to the specific question that was
asked to him after saying
And so he adds his endorsement to this
fatwa. He says that,
everything that this man that you mentioned said,
it is the haqq and it is impermissible
for you to veer away from it. And
the one who,
the one who says that this person is
wrong, that person is a sinner.
And, Allah to Allah in his hands is
that he gives by his grace.
Musa bin Mohammed bin written by Musa bin
show his gentleness to him. And then there's
another there's another, what you call,
And, also,
the the
and the judge.
And to be a in the old days,
it's not a simple matter. It's like a
big it's a big deal. You know?
It's a really big deal. Like, maybe only,
like, you know, in a city that has
thousands of ulama, maybe only 1 of them
or 2 or 3 of them maximum will
be appointed as judges.
the, the,
the teacher, the,
the the one that that that even the
king calls upon to make with
the leader Abu,
Abdullah, Mohammed bin,
Abdul Mutman benefit us from his own. He
wrote in his own hand,
he wrote in his own hand that what
the fatwa that the 2 above mentioned
2 above mentioned
and, honored
wrote is correct, and there's no doubt about
Written by Mohammed bin Abdul Mutman. May Allah
show his gentleness to him and give him
make his feet firm.
So I wanted to
share that also as a kind of like
a a lesson in our enrichment
about what the what the point of this
this knowledge is, this illness,
that it's there for Islam.
It's not necessarily gonna be something that's easy
and peachy and gonna win friends and
help you win friends and influence people. But
the is
the and whoever stands with it, Allah keeps
that person in their protection no matter where
their background is from or what their,
you know, you know, what their circumstances are.
Will raise a certain people to do that.
So may Allah
make us all people who
who, you know, learn the ilmen, value it,
and put premium on on on not just
learning it, but first learning it and then
practicing what we learn to the ability that
the the extent of the ability that we're
able to. So I I, after making with
some people,
although many people are enjoying reading this other
book, we're gonna maybe put it in the
fridge for a while,
just because it's
it gets so technical so quickly that it
may not I kind of
realize it may be a little bit beyond
our our,
scope. But inshallah, from next week, we'll start
reading the rusala again.