Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Coping Financial Anxieties Shaykh Hamza Maqbul 42917
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The speakers emphasize the importance of acknowledging personal experiences and following Jesus's advice to avoid financial difficulties, as well as avoiding fraud and trusting Allah's teachings. They stress the need for people to avoid false accusations, avoid risk, and set stipulations to avoid distraction, as well as learning to accept risk and not feel like a distraction. The success of the AChaemenian Empire is highlighted, including its use of wealth and the influence of the gods on their behavior. The importance of accepting risk and not feeling like a distraction is emphasized, as well as learning to accept risk and not be a distraction.
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Pocus pocus like something from a Deepak Chopra
hippie ideal something or another that doesn't really
exist in real life. Or if it does,
it's glimpses that you see from somebody. It's
like a swan. You see the swan. It's
very graceful on the surface.
So you see like a swan,
on the surface. It's so graceful. It's like
on autopilot, but underneath the water if you
see it's thrashing.
And only a fool will see, you know,
the ice burg, the little nice part on
the on the tip of it. The intelligent
person knows most of it is underneath the
water. And if you don't, recognize and respect
that, then your ship might get sunk, even
if it's the Titanic. Right? So,
on the practical side,
everyone is here for the sake of Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
If you feel sleepy or tired
when you're in a session you're attending,
go get some coffee. There's there's caffeine in
the back, some whatever. If that doesn't do
it for you, there's like a coffee shop
across the street. You know, 3, 4
shots of, espresso.
If you if you it's like the last
of Bayan and you have to stay up
for it, then just take it with no
sugar. Just the straight water, the straight shot.
It tastes horrible. You're not, you know, if
you want something to taste good, you can
go eat a cake somewhere else next week.
If you need to stay up for the
whole day, then mix milk in it. It'll
keep the the the keep you awake for
a longer amount of time. Mahayani is a
nutritionist. He will tell you all about these
tricks. But, you know, you need to do
what you need to do in order to,
get what you want. If someone wants to
be a, you know, if someone wants to
make it to the NBA,
what what what should you do? What advice
would you give somebody? They're they all they
want is to be in the NBA. Right?
And their 12 year old kid in front
of you, what advice would you give them
other than the typical reaction of you're never
gonna make it. I said that to somebody.
He actually made it. So,
yeah. Yeah.
You you ever heard of Luke Ridenour?
You yeah. I went to high school with
him. He's a very nice person.
He's a very nice person.
He's a very decent person. And, he's just
this, like, you know, he's a white kid
who's probably shorter
than me. And, you know, he would always
play ball, and I actually said this to
him a a stuff for a long time.
I said, you think you're gonna make it
to the NBA? You'll never make guess what?
He made it.
And what what was it about him that
I remember all the time other than him
being a nice guy is that every single
time you see him, he has a basketball
in his hand.
Every single time you see him, he has
a basketball in his hand.
So if you wanna make it this is
make it to the NBA. This is something
you'll play for a couple of years, and
then you'll disappear even if you become Jordan
or whatever who plays now.
Now I mentioned Jordan, and I feel like
it must have been, like, what, when I
hear the word Wilt Chamberlain people, like, think
of, you know, for the
but, like yeah. If you wanna be, like,
whatever Jordan, even that, it's gonna end at
point. Right? If you want to make it
to Jannah, Marshall, that's
pays better than the MBA, and it's forever
and ever. And there are very practical things
you need to do in order to get
there. So these are the, like, little practical
tips. This is what this talk is going
to be about. This talk and the talk
tomorrow about family issues, these are not going
to be glorious and glamorous bands. Usually, you
you notice I stand when I speak.
This time, I'm sitting for a reason, because
this is not going to be a hyper
talk. This is not even going to be
me teaching you a own. This is just
like sharing some personal experiences
of how I cope with these things that
everybody has to cope with.
And it's not about it's not about being
like the graceful swan
Cinderella in life, that everything you do is
like so beautiful that you're shooting rainbows out
of your fingertips and then like, you know,
unicorns come in from the side and everyone
starts floating in the air and all this
good stuff. Right? Those things, even if they
do happen, maybe they they do happen sometimes,
but they only happen on the heels of
it not happening like a 1000000 times.
that's the part nobody thinks about, nobody is
nobody is inspired by. So if you're here
for the sake of Allah Ta'ala, you'll do
what you need to in order to get
your goal.
Right? Just like Luke Ridnar always have has
the basketball in his hands, you'll do what
you need to in order to get to
your goal.
And sometimes that means drinking caffeine,
a story that that my sheikh,
in Milana Bilal, for those of you who
know him, he also read, the Hasid Hadith
with him. He has one of the highest
Sanads in in in, in in the world
in hadith,
in terms of his as well as.
he said that there's a there's a narrator.
It's not Abu Dawood.
Abu Dawood that the alisi has hadith come
in almost all the the
the the, not all of them. He's He's
very important narrator of Hadith.
So just like
there are people who they would wish for
like, it would be their dream come true
to be in the NBA or to be,
you know, you know, maybe who any Canadians
in in the NHL or whatever. Right?
Like that would be a dream come true
for so many of them.
His dream was what? That I want to
be a hadith.
I want to narrate the hadith of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Now that's a very cutthroat field.
Just like it's hard to get into the
NBA. How cutthroat is it?
Bukhari met Imam Ahmed Bin Hamble. He doesn't
narrate a hadith from him in any of
his books. Why? Because he has all the
hadith that Imam Ahmed has from shorter chains
somewhere else.
Muslim is a student of Bukhari. He doesn't
narrate one hadith from him. Why? Because he
has all the hadith that Bukhari has from
from shorter chains, so he doesn't need Bukhari.
Although that sounds like a very strange concept,
he doesn't need Bukhari to narrate from.
It's a very cutthroat field. If you have
the same hadith with a short shorter chain
of narration, if your hadith your book is
filled with 10,000 hadiths, you know, adding one
name to the chain is gonna be like
40 pages, like, lost.
So you you go with the shortest chain
possible. And the person with the shortest chain,
then everyone comes to them. You may be
like a genius in the field of hadith.
If you're if you don't have the shortest
chain, no one's gonna come to you until
everyone else dies. And who knows who's gonna
make it that long? So Abu Dawood al
his his thing was I want to be
a muhaddith,
and that's what I want
so badly. It's like I want it more
than anything else in life.
Allah says in his book,
that that will not get anything except for
that which he strives for.
And that the thing he strives for, one
day he'll see it.
And and then that day when he sees
it, he will be rewarded or recompensed for
a full recompense.
This is one reason, especially my Desi brothers
and sisters, don't say to people
Say is a neutral term. It doesn't mean
good or bad.
It's a neutral term. In fact, if anything,
it means something bad because a person getting
recompensed or getting what they deserve is almost
never a good thing. In fact, as a
point of aqidah, it's
not a good thing. The what is the
supreme manifestation of the justice of Allah ta'ala?
This is aqidah question. Who hears gun on
SoundCloud and and listen to lectures 4 times?
What is the supreme manifestation in the creation
of Allah to Allah as justice?
What is
it? It's a hellfire.
The supreme manifestation of the grace of Allah
ta'ala's Jannah and the supreme manifestation of the
of Allah's justice is the hellfire. Literally, there's
a place created for every single one of
us in the hellfire. And if Allah ta'ala
were to put everyone in it, it would
be through his justice.
Even the as
as horrible as it sounds to say that.
But when you teach it when when it's
a matter tabbir of the haft even Rasool
Allah, his son said the same thing himself.
Why is that? Some of them, well, that's
not fair. How come you're saying that? That
sounds horrible. I'm gonna I'm out of here.
I'm going to the next masjid down the
road that makes me feel good about myself.
Don't worry. You'll feel good eventually. Just listen.
Right? That Allah created you from nothing,
and you're supposed to you're supposed to repay
him for everything he gave you. And all
the things you do to repay him, that's
a gift from from him as well.
So the more you repay him, the more
you're in debt to him.
If he was to cash in the account,
close the account out by the
end of the day, yours it's a very
simple concept. It's not, it's not something that
requires overthinking. It's not like a really, like
this deep philosophical I mean, it is deep
in the sense that it has a lot
of implications, but it's not complicated in order
to understand. So, but it's not complicated
in order to understand.
So, you know, don't say
to people. Don't say, may God give you
what you deserve.
God give you good in return for what
what good you did to me. So coming
back to this, issue, Abu Dawud
he wanted to be a Muaddith more than
anything else.
Whatever you strive for, it will be seen,
and then you'll be given the recompense for
whatever that was.
And somebody's like, well, I never can't
That's also a choice. And then whatever happens
afterward, you're also responsible for it as well.
So what
he wanted to be, more than anything else
in life was
what? Who narrate the hadith of the prophet.
Some people, like, kick and throw balls,
in in in different directions,
and, he wanted to narrate the hadith of
the the the sultan,
and the sultan
Okay. So what he did, he's like, okay.
I gotta do this thing. I'm gonna I'm
gonna I'm gonna do whatever it takes.
So imagine, if you're like a really weak
person, runty person, and you want to, like,
buff up, what you gonna do?
It's not not a good thing. Right? What
what's what's what's the way that, like, you
know, you worked out as much as you
can. It's not going nowhere.
what thought crosses a person's mind?
Performance enhancing drugs. Right?
Don't don't ever do that, by the way.
Literally wanted him to be a Muadid that
So he went to a master apothecary, you
know, the the the the the,
what we call now a pharmacist. But the
pharmacist is just the one who, dispenses the
drugs. He doesn't make them. Right? In those
days, this because things these things weren't industrialized,
so the the the
the pharmacist also made the drugs. Right? So
he went to a master apothecary to make
to to ask him, what is some drug
I can take in order to make my
like, really sharp?
So the master apothecary says, you don't want
to do this.
He goes, why? He says, because this drug,
there's a drug that will sharpen your memory,
but it's extremely expensive.
And if you misuse it, if you miss
you miss use the dosage even slightly,
it'll kill you.
He says, no. I gotta do it.
That's what I wanna be. I wanna be
a Bukhari, baby. I wanna be Muslim, man.
I wanna be in tiramisu.
He wanted it that bad. So apothecary says,
here. Go for it. Here here's the medicine.
You know how he sheikh so sheikh told
me, you know how he died?
He said that one day he was handling
the medicine
and, it slipped from his fingers, and it
splashed all over his foot. The amount that
absorbed through his foot killed him.
The reason I tell this story is to
say that these things are not magical. The
achievements that that that the
made, the prophet made. And every every generation
of the of of the
from that time until this one in an
unbroken chain in an unbroken
chain. Go visit the Haramain Sharifaim. See you
the way people are grabbing the door and
the covers of the Kaaba crying,
You know, see the way people are weeping
in front of the Kaaba of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam. See how the people are
making their zikr sacrifices.
See everywhere. The problem is we just all
we go, we go to work, we go
to the corporate office, and we go to
the mall, and we're like, oh, we're the
most religious people, you know. You won't find
those people in those situations usually.
And if you do,
you'll pass by someone and they'll be like
like a like a noor in their eyes.
And at that point, you don't have to
ask any questions. You know this person is
on a different setup, on a different.
And that's one of those takes one to
no one types of things. But you'll see
that. It's there. It's there. And you don't
need to ask. You know there's a story
behind it. Because if it was something,
everyone could do, everyone would have would have
had that that light inside of their eyes.
But the idea is what Those are all
decisions that people made, and those are paths
that they consciously undertook.
in the the the that path,
there are thorns.
In the path to do imagine you, you
know, you want to, you know, you can
narrate a 100000 hadiths from memory.
When you walk in the path and a
thorn comes into your shoe, your foot will
bleed. Now imagine if someone was there, like,
Imam Ahmed bin Hamdul is, like, walking to
Khorasan or to Egypt or to to to
to Yemen, or whatever,
and a thorn came in his foot.
Any one of us, if we were if
we were to put the thorn in our
foot just so it wouldn't hit him, maybe
this is an act a lot that would
send us to Jannah just for that. But
this is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Muhammad. Allah
his his his holy essence,
there's nobody is great in front of it.
This is his jalal.
Nobody is great in front of him. That
is a court in in which even kings
Even the
weep over over over what they could have
So what are what are we going to
do in that court?
And this is his Hikma and his decree
that he writes, that even those ones that
are so precious to us, right, the the
the the the
and who before
no, I'm sorry.
I'm also saying to Muhammad. You can remind
me. The Sahabi who's getting,
they took him out literally.
They took him out of the Haram.
Even sorry. I apologize.
They took him out of the Haram,
and they they they, because even the Mushrike
didn't spill blood inside of the Haram.
They took him outside of the Haram, and
they were gonna execute him. He asked for
permission to read 2 raka'as, and then they
mocked him. He read his 2 raka'as. They
mocked him. They said, look. Now you're about
to die a bitter death out of the
Haram in the in the desert. There's nobody
here to weep for you.
Don't you don't you wish that instead of
this foolishness that you you you, you know,
cast your lot in with, that he Muhammad
that he he was here to die in
your place
What did he say? He said he says
he says that, wallahi, I would rather I
would rather I would rather die than even
a thorn go into his foot. But
this is the decision of Allah that
even he he will die. The only person
has the ability to do that, make a
decision like that, or say something like that
without it being. The the worst thing ever
is what? It's Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. That's
the court in which even the they
are equally powerless as anybody else is. The
the the tyrants, the just, the best of
the best, the lowest of the low. A
person should fear Allah
because of that.
So this is something that he wrote in
his he he he wrote in his
about how he will deal with his creation,
that everybody will go through difficulty. If those
people went through difficulty,
And if those people have no right to
lift their eyes up into right?
Not just figuratively lift their eyes up, but
even literally.
the Aisha had commented
that that it's strange
how people enter into the Kaaba and they
look at the ceiling.
Whenever he went into the Kaaba out of
Adam, he his
his gaze was fixed to the floor.
He never saw the roof of the Kaaba.
And that's Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Why?
Because in that court, this is from his
teachings. That in that court, everybody is equally
equally insignificant.
And if those significant people
were insignificant,
then we're like double insignificant.
We are like, you know, like, we're the
0 that when compared to other zeros, the
other zeros look like infinity. We're like that
0. Like that's that's like not even mathematically
possible how nothing we are.
And so we have some math people here.
I understand, but that's just how it is.
So coming to the issue of financial difficulties,
and then we'll, we'll have like a little
about about,
dealing with family and things like that. Don't
be like, oh, why me? And, you know,
how come I'm going through all of this
and, you know, I wanna do good, and
if I just had a little bit of
money, I would have been able to do
this, that, or the other thing. This is
a wrong way of thinking.
Right? The the 3 days wouldn't pass, and
they would eat cooked food in their house.
Weeks would pass and all they would have
is dates and water.
Try it. Just as a, you know,
say, I love
Right? And so how what what's your proof
of that? I wear like a sandal pin.
I buy very expensive oud.
I went to a mulled and sang some
I love all of those things. I have
several sandal pins myself. I wear them very
happily. They make me happy to wear them.
If I had the money, I would buy
them, like, $10,000 of that, like, the Khaleedjis
put on the tip of their nose so
that when they do, like, the nose kiss
thing you know, that's like a in the
Eastern Arabian Peninsula, that's the traditional way of
meeting. Right? That they touch noses. It's very
touching. It's very cute.
you know, they have a special, like,
super expensive perfume that they use just on
the tip of their nose nose for just
for that, just to smell nice for that.
Just put a little drop right on the
tip of their nose. Right? I I would
I love I love going to the of
Nasheed. Moana Tamim, I feel like he doesn't
appreciate my artistic abilities. Otherwise, I would have
sang a
a a a nashid
in praise of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam right now. But what is the what
is the primary manifestation of love of Rasulullah
salallahu alaihi wa sallam? Is that you follow
That you follow him.
That if you say if you love Allah
follow me so Allah may love you.
And that he can forgive your sins, and
Allah is most forgiving and most merciful.
That's what it is. That's what it is.
Even if you never sing a nasheed in
your life,
your your following of him
is the most beautiful nasheed,
and the entire creation of Allah ta'ala and
the creator himself will bear witness to the
beauty of that nasheed on the day of
So you
love Rasulullah We put on our black turbans,
didn't we? Right? Why don't we try another
Which is what? Go 3 days eating, dates
and water. Buy the best dates you want.
Okay? Get some Fiji water. Where's our any
Fiji community members here?
Some good water,
buy your Fiji water
get the most expensive, nicest Medina'd out dates,
and and there's some really good dates out
there, by the way. We we kind of
we have a drought of dates. The the
organic Majul dates that we have now, there's
still some it's some progress. Although, as I
remember when we were a kid, like, it
was very difficult to find good dates.
Do it. Go ahead and see see 3
days how does how does it feel like?
How does it feel like? And then know
that Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he lived
like that for
his whole life.
He never ate the bread made, you know
how the bread we have? It's not coarse.
Right? We who here loves, like, whole grain
wheat bread? There's always some dudes who like
it, but, you know, mostly people don't.
Right? Keep it real. But, but, like, you
know, especially children, they don't like it because
it's difficult to eat. It's very coarse.
never ate the, the the the, white bread
He never ate the bread made of made
of flour
that that that was sifted. You know? Because
the wheat, there's a a a a shell,
and there's the wheat itself. They used to
just throw the whole thing in and crush
it. Right? Because sifting the shell out of
the flour is is it was like technologically
just not feasible for them to do. They
could have done it, but they just did
it. Only kings and people like that did
it. Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, if
someone were to do it, he would have
been able to ask someone to do it,
and they would they who which one of
us wouldn't have done it for him salallahu
alaihi wa sallam. And we're we're like the
the sandal pin people. You imagine the people
who who would rather die than a thorn
go into his foot.
Those people would have would have would have
given him a lifetime supply
on on the spot.
Rasulullah never never ate never ate the,
the the wheat, sifted wheat,
the bread made from sifted wheat. Rather, he
used to mostly eat barley. And barley bread
is such that you can't just eat the
You have to dip it in water or
something in order to soften it up, because
otherwise, it's not feasible to eat it. It's
so it's so coarse. And even that, that
was, like, a few times a month that
he used to eat
bread. So if you think that your financial
difficulties, you're wondering why am I going through
this, why the ummah going through this? Why
is this? Why is that?
Etcetera, etcetera.
This is not this is not a correct
line of thinking.
Because what you may not know is when
you're asking that your Allah gave you the
the of the people he loved
and the people he loves and the people
he'll show his love to.
And, he gave you his love, and you're
saying why? That's not nice. It's not an
appropriate thing to say. Radha
used to make dua Allah,
give me the company of the masekeen.
The masekeen are not just the poor. They
are the people who are so poor that
the person wakes up in the morning and
he know what he's gonna eat during the
day. Forget about tomorrow. It's a special type
of the word the general word for poor
The the specific word is a person who
wakes up in the morning, doesn't know what
they're gonna eat today.
Or according to some of the doesn't know
after 3 days what are they gonna do
to eat? Where are they gonna sleep? What
what are their basic,
you know, their basic needs, how are they
gonna be fulfilled?
used to
make dua, give me the company of the
and make me love the
and make me one of the
Which one of which one of us
which one of us, you know,
aspiring medical school students, wonder if a father
and mother make that dua for us.
You know who made that dua? Sayna
alaihi salam.
His dua for his family, Allah
And the the the
a Allah make the risk of the family
of Muhammad
their daily bread. Meaning just enough that they
they're not hungry.
Make the risk of the family of Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
their daily bread. That's it.
You'll see with very rare exceptions,
the family of the prophet
doesn't have hold any kingship.
The family of the prophet
doesn't hold political clout.
The family of the prophet
those people actually go through the most difficult
of tribulations in this in this world, even
though they are they are literally the living
memory of
prophet amongst us. The fact that they're here
wards off several different types of calamity from
Ummah because of their presence, but this was
his his
his what? His dua for the people he
This was his dua for the people he
He wasn't callous. There's no hadith about him,
like, you know, turning his children away. So
I have work to do. I'm in Nabi,
this time, and the other thing. All of
the children, they used to call his
his own children, he got gathered his wife
wives. He had some, a necklace,
and he said he they asked who's the
necklace for, and he says this is for
for the one I love the most. And
so he gathered all of them, and they're
all in suspense. And
umama, his, like, granddaughter from his daughter Zaynab,
she just runs by. He grabs her, and
and he puts a necklace on her, and
she runs off.
Right? Rasulullah
loved it. He was shown the martyrdom of
Husayn alaihi Wasallam,
who the place it would happen, how it
would happen. He wept bitterly Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
a side note, the fact that the family
of the prophet
is still Muslim itself is a miracle of
because of the difficulty they went through. What
was his for them?
Make their make their provision in this life
just just just enough to what? Just enough
to get by.
On the flip side, what did
Rasulullah say about this duniya?
The hadith about.
He's coming back with a with with a
great amount of tribute from the people of
of Jizya from the people of Bahrain.
Everyone in Madinah is broke and hungry. Everyone.
Including the household of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
This is part of leadership, by the way.
If your people are if you wanna be
leader and you want to be leader because
I want to be doing well and when
other people are,
then you will you will get beat down
in this world, and you'll get beat down
real hard in the on the day of
judgment. This is a curse, this type of
leadership. It's better to be a follower and
then you can take care of your stuff.
Allah won't be angry
with you. If you want to be a
leader and you're sitting sitting down and everyone
else is doing the work, that's not right.
So what happened, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he
bore the hunger with his people. They had
one stone in their stomach in the handap.
He had 2. So everyone is hungry, including
the Rasulullah
alaihi wasallam.
So when news came that he's arriving he's
arriving this day,
were kind of in the masjid
and kind of showing face, you know, like,
yeah, it's so hard. It's so difficult. And,
you know, they're trying to keep adab and
stuff, and it was it was root they're
at the extent
of like human patience
with this deen.
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam after the
prayer, he smiled and he looked at them.
He says, it seems
like you, maybe you know that Abu Arbeda
is coming with a large amount of money.
Don't worry, Insha'Allah. All of you come to
me and tell me what your need is,
and, inshallah, we'll give you we'll give you
whatever work we can.
And then he said something
strange. He says he's
so I don't fear for you poverty.
What do I fear? I fear for you
the dunya.
What I fear for you is the duniya.
The duniya is the material part of the
not the whole material world. The part of
the ta'ala.
Not it's not all of the material world.
This is the house of Allah ta'ala. This
is as if Allah
sublet us like a platform Jannah.
The person who comes here, it's a sign
that Allah wishes for them Jannah, the person
who avoids this place is it's it's not
a good sign.
But what, you know, even the masjid can
have dunya in it as well when things
become excessive and when things become ridiculous and
we, you know, gold plated, you know, whatever
faucet in the bathroom and things like that,
it no longer has any,
help for a person in their din, that
becomes dunya then.
By the way, the bathroom is not part
of the masjid anyway. But the the idea
is what? The idea is that that the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, I don't
fear for you poverty. It doesn't mean that
you won't be poor. It's that you'll it'll
be okay for you inshallah in the end
if you're
have your game together.
The thing I fear for you is the
dunya. What what is the dunya? That part
of this material world that's not in the
service of your dean.
That it will be,
it will be spread out in front of
you, like it was spread out in front
of the people before you.
And that you will vie with one another
for it.
Like they vied with one another for it.
You'll compete with one another
like the people before you competed with one
another for it. And that it will destroy
you just like it destroyed them.
What are we supposed to
vie with one another for? Right? The the
the the the the the sealed nectar of
Jannah. Let the people who wish to compete
with one another, compete with one another for
That that that,
compete with with one
for such a forgiveness and such a, agenda.
The expanse of which is is,
like the expanse of the heavens and the
That's what we're supposed to vie vie with
one another for. But instead, what are we
doing? What are we vying with one another
for? We're vying with one another for material
With material achievements. It's even infected our dean.
It's even infected our what? It's infected our
our dean.
has this happened to you that like someone
asks you, they're like,
are you Mufti or just an aleb?
And I'm like, I'm neither
I'm barely a student of knowledge.
No. No. No. You're just being humble. You
went to Madrasa. Right? I go, yeah. Did
you become a alim? I said, I
graduated from the Darshan alzami course. You know
what you should do right now? You should
become a wufdi. I'm like, oh, yeah. Really?
What's that all about? No. No. It's 2
years after
Alem, you become mufti.
I'm like, yeah. What's the what do they
They're like Alem, then mufti. You should do
it. What is that?
It's dunya thinking into into deen,
and the
it enters into people's hearts. Like, what are
doing? Are we like just yahoo then that
pray 5 times a day?
Are we just atheists that, like, have a
special diet that we do, like, for 1
month of the year? What are we? That
we do like for 1 month of the
year? What are a
That's why I fear for the duniya to
open up for you. So he for his
family, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, his dua is
what? Make it just enough to get by.
And for for for the rest of the
generality of the ummah. Right? For the elite
people, it's just enough to get by. And
for the generality, he's not making that dua
because maybe the rest of the ummah can't
deal with it. But what is this dua
for the rest of the ummah? Just be
careful. Ease up on this thing because it
will it will mess you up. It will
destroy you. Someone's like,
you know, dude down the street,
he he stands in the park all day
and everyone seems to respect him. He sold
me this thing for, like,
you know, for, like, whatever, $30. And he
said, just go home, take a spoon, put
it in the spoon, and put a lighter
underneath and drop it in a syringe, and
and and inject it into, into a good
vein. You know, you find a vein and
inject it in. And everyone who's done it
has said, it's totally amazing. It's totally
Umma doesn't want to listen. Like, this is
not good. And but Ooma doesn't wanna listen.
Doesn't wanna listen. Don't wanna care about
what that advice is.
And for his own the thing is you
can't just say advice to people. Say, I
stopped for a lot. This and that and
that. That's horrible. Don't do that. Then people
are gonna make
crazy. You're an idiot. This is what the
natural human reaction will be. You have to
put a filter because you don't want to
drive people away.
Maybe it's not
you know, syringe is for like medicine and
stuff, not for these types of things. Like,
you know, like, have you considered reading a
book or something? Like, no, no,
Allah, keep them away from this thing.
You Allah, keep them away from this. Keep
this thing in them. Keep keep them away
from this thing. And someone might say, well,
I'm not part of the family of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, so why are
you telling me this? Okay. Well, there are
by Allah's father and barakah. There are people
that are in this masjid,
I I would assume.
But more than that, this is, an
the people who are the family of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is every person fears
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And someone might say, oh, this is the
narration. I agree with it. I don't agree
with it.
But it is one of the meanings of
the word as well.
That that the word al, it also means
the people who are on the same as
you. The people who are on the same
wavelength as you, the people who keep your
company. It doesn't necessarily mean,
mean your your relatives. Because who has a
closer relation to the prophet
than Abu Abu Lahab?
Nobody. It's his paternal uncle.
Right? It's his paternal uncle, but, you know,
Abbas becomes
the the father of the Khalifa
and he becomes a mohajir, and he becomes
a person of such a high rank. And
Abbas's brother, Abu Abu Lahab, there's, like, literally
an entire surah in the Quran that's
there to, like, let people know that this
is not what you want to be. This
is how not to this not how not
to not how to do things.
So the idea is that, yes, everyone should
wish to be from the people of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Why? Because not no
one who has any connection with rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wasallam on the day of judgment will
be disappointed. No one. No one at all.
There are prophets from other ummas.
They will be looking for for him.
They will be looking for him.
They they gave their their own ummas, the
the glad tidings of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, and they told them, if you don't
believe in this nabi, even he hasn't come
yet. If you don't believe in him, you're
a They are trusting that their connection with
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that day
will pay off.
So a person should wish to be from
the from the Allah Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. This is obviously a very
very, like, theoretical framework that people should look
through look through. But the idea is what?
If you want to be successful in what
you want out of life and what you
want out of life is the deen of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, then this is the
way you have to look at it, and
it's completely flipped on its head with modernist
Because modernist sensibility is what?
What's better than $1,000,000?
And Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam described
this tendency in a human being.
He said that the the if a son
of Adam was given a mountain of gold,
he would not like anything other than another
mountain of gold.
And the only thing that will suffice him
is what?
The dust that will fill fill his mouth
in the grave.
Then that's enough of the dunya.
That's enough of the dunya. But until then,
this is a sickness that people are prone
to. It's an infection when it enters into
the body.
It will
make facade that will completely wreak havoc on
on on a person's heart, on their soul,
on their spirit, on their body to the
point where that's what we have. Right? We
have people like
you are already a billionaire. Why
do you need to pollute the water and
pollute the amount of cash
amount of money that's like airy fairy on
the books. Exist. There's not an the amount
of cash and the amount of money that's
like airy fairy on the books, there's like
no comparison. There's there's not even that much
cash. That much stuff doesn't even exist that
a person can say, okay. I want to
cash in all my money right now and
buy. You can't do it. It doesn't exist.
But it's like keeping score in, like, some
sort of completely pointless game between, like, people
who are are are are like, they're they're
sick. They're mentally sick people, and they'll take
all of us down with with them.
I don't know if I'm saying it right,
but there's a in Hindu,
which is like the Punjabi of, like, the
northern part of Punjab that's on the frontier
with with the Fashto speaking
The crazy people, the crazy ones, the ones
who are completely messed up, like insane. You
know, like,
most of us went to public school. Right?
Right? Some of us went to Islam. You
went to public school. There's always a crazy
kid. I remember the crazy kid in our
school. One of the jocks got into a
fight with him. Really strong guy from middle
He seemed like a really strong guy. He
punched this kid in the head so hard
that that kid started laughing and he broke
his hand. You never win when you fight
with the crazy kid because he's always gonna
do something crazy. The crazy kid was just
he walked away. He didn't even hit him
back. He just walked away laughing.
And this guy his arms in a cast,
like, his hand is all, like, plastered up
for, like, the next month. Why? You're never
gonna win. It does there's no the crazy
person, those people never
die. But when they do, they take 3,
4 people other, other people down with them.
The crazy one, he'll never die. But when
he does die, he's definitely gonna take down
like a bunch of people with him. Right?
This these kind of people, that type of
craziness, that's not that's not what we want
to do with our lives. Don't you understand
how it's not what we what we want?
There's no point to it.
Aside from all this, like, Dean and, like,
I'm gonna do Zicker until, like, rainbows shoot
out of my eyes type of, like, great
stuff. Even from like a very like common
sense level, there's really no point to any
of it.
So when you're living your life, there are
2 things that I'll give to you.
Okay? One is obviously a person should, you
know, the the people that they keep company
with, a
person will be with the one that they
And all they're thinking about, they're thinking about
each other from the other side of the
and they're not Why? Because you're with the
person that you love.
If you want to be with
and the Sahaba read about them. Read the
seerah of the prophet
Read about the sacrifices of the Sahaba
It will make their state look good.
It will make their state look good.
A person who hangs out with real estate
people, they'll know which place to buy houses
in, and how the market is, and what,
like, you know, type of halal Sharia compliant
loan is the best one and all of
that other good stuff. A person who hangs
out with the used car Muslim
community is pretty big on the used car,
They'll tell you don't buy a Accord or
a Camry because they're completely overpriced for the
same amount of money. You can get x
other car who devalue devaluates, like, much more
quickly, but it's a better car for the
money or it's just as good of a
car for the they'll tell you that. So
you'll keep your eye out for for it.
You hang out with basketball people. They'll tell
you which, you know, whatever, whoever is like,
you know,
you know, LeBron James, hit a home run,
you know, and won the Stanley Cup or
whatever. He'll tell you all that stuff, and
you'll be completely into all that.
I'm sorry. I'm not the cool shit. Okay?
Just kill me. Just shoot me outside of
the masjid, so we don't get the carpet.
Okay? I'm not the cool shit who's, like,
gonna be like, oh, yeah. Look, this and
that. And I know all this. I don't
care. It's like a ball, and you throw
it in a hoop. That's like as far
as I'm concerned, those are things that seals
should do at sea roar. If you can
get paid for doing it, good for you.
Okay? Otherwise, someone else getting paid for it,
really, I'm sorry. Who cares?
It's a game. You're grown men.
You're you're grown men.
You're grown men.
It's there's it's fine if you it entertains
you. I also sometimes watch dumb videos on
YouTube, but but I don't like I'm not
proud of it. Right? Just do it when
on the side one and then when you're
like done, then go do your real work.
But what is it? Read their stories. They'll
make it look good. They'll make it look
good to you. You'll get the the the
the inclination toward to
about that. But when you make financial decisions
in your life, there are some people who
are better at doing these things than other
Right? What's the point of, you know, what's
the point of buying,
you know, someone's like, oh, I'm wasting my
money in rent. I'm gonna buy a house.
It may be true.
It may not be
true. Think about, like, you know, go talk
to someone who'll tell you. They'll break down
the whole thing. This is like, you know,
the the ratio of the price of the
house to the to the cost of
house, and which thing is a better deal
here, which thing is a better deal there.
The, almost
all of them, especially the they're all businessmen.
Especially the from Quresh, they're all businessmen.
the ones who end up then taking the
control of the affairs of the, and they
did a really good job. Why? They're businessmen.
One of the things I lament about our
Muslim community in America, particularly,
is that we have very few businessmen, and
we have a lot of, employees.
People who are in because there's a very
different type of thought process when you're a
business man, and a different type of thought
process when you're an employee. That's why, you
know, like in South Africa, the the some
fundraisers for the Madars and the Masajid, the
local business people, they get together and they
think of what does this, institution need in
order to function.
And they'll between themselves, they'll pay for it
and it's done. Whereas here, we have to
have like,
Islam attainment, extravaganza
night at the hotel and this and that.
And they're raising a $100,000.
They probably paid 20, 25 grand for the
venue. That's not that's not extravagant. Those are
like the the respectable ones. There are some
of them that they paid 50, $70,000 for
the venue and for the fundraiser, and they
raised a 100,
And the thing is, in their defense,
people won't give until you entertain them.
But you don't have to be like a,
like, you know, Nobel Prize winning economist in
order to know that this is a really
inefficient and
frankly stupid system.
I apologize. My mother would grab my ear
if she heard me say stupid in the
mustard. Okay. It's not an intelligent system,
to say the least. Right?
So get advice from people who know how
to what? How to do things efficiently.
Sayyidina Umar
he said, I asked my my sheikh a
question about some,
of some economic matter.
Not has has not nothing to do with
and he said something to
the path of Allah Ta'ala. Your leg gets
broken. Your whatever. Your shirt gets ripped. You
have to buy another one. Your car someone
hits your car on the way to the
airport to go to hide or whatever. Right?
You're getting rewarded for that.
You went to, one store,
5 miles away, and then like 5 and
a half miles away, there's another store that
you could have bought the same thing for
There's no there's no reward in that.
You you just Allah gave you a certain
amount of,
of risk in this life, and you chose
to use it inefficiently.
That's your bad.
the synthesis of these two things, right, the
spiritual reasons for for for acquiring wealth and
keeping wealth and being able to manage
your, your things
and the world worldly reasons.
The sunnah is that the 2 of them
have to operate
together. What are spiritual reasons for acquiring wealth?
Trust in Allah
This is why business men make more money
than people with jobs.
The people with jobs someone gave you, who
here would love to have a job that
they make 400 $1,000 a year in? Right?
Yeah. I would shoot. I would love it.
You know why you're why those people make
400 $1,000 a year in those jobs?
It's because somebody else is making 4,000,000 and
they're just throwing a breadcrumb at them.
Nobody does any of these things out of
their human kindness. Nobody. Nobody. Why do they
do it? Because they're making $4,000,000 behind you.
What's the benefit of a job? You don't
have to worry
about contracts. You don't have to worry about
negotiations. You're not responsible for stuff. You don't
have to worry about licensing. All these, like,
a 100 things you have to juggle in
order to make the business work. You don't
have to worry about it. Just clock in,
clock out, clock in, clock out.
Whereas the the the owner doesn't get a
clock out. They don't get to go on
vacation. If something happens that needs their attention,
if they don't give attention, the business entire
business can sink in in in an instant.
Why is it that why is it that,
why is it that the businessmen
make more money than the employees?
My my feeling is that the reason is
in Allah Ta'ala is is one of the
asbaab of risk. It's one of the reasons
Allah Ta'ala gives you risk.
Hadith of the prophet,
if you trusted Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as
is his right that you should trust him,
you would have been like the birds that
wake up in their nests hungry in the
and, go to go back to their nests,
when it's time for them to rest full.
It would have been that easy for
you. What's an a sub of of risk?
A reason for not receiving receiving risk. A
reason for not receiving risk is what? Your
So what's a reason to receive risk is
to make Tawba all the time from Allah
to repent constantly from your sins. Allah
constantly from your sins. Allah says in his
forgiveness from your
from your Lord. He was always there to
you. Seek forgiveness from your lord. He was
always there to forgive you, and he will
send down the rain from the heavens
in droves. So much rain he'll send down
for you. The rain is what? The rain
is the thing that gives life to the
earth from which our risk comes.
It's like the the the rain is like
this beautiful thing. It's like the connection between
the celestial realm and the mundane realm
that Allah sends his mercy down. That's why
I don't ever say anything bad about the
Caffer will blame it on the rain.
I couldn't help it. I'm sorry.
Right? That's not that's not how we are.
Rasool Allah, some used to they used to
he used to go out in the rain
and and feel the mercy of Allah to
come down on. If
But the,
you know, he used to he used to
feel that come come on him. He he
used to pray he taught this ummah how
to pray for rain.
Even here I remember Milana Thayir did it.
At a rate. I remember the day I
was in the middle of the desert. I
was in Al Ain. I was in the
middle of the desert in the Arabian Peninsula.
The day I read Istisqah from my sheikh
you mem we we met him in Madina
Munawar. Right? You guys remember meeting sheikh in
Madina. Right? I remember the day I read
the the chapter on his discot, it rained.
And I I I mean, literally, we were
sitting outside, and we were reading, and it
started raining.
I I I said to Sheikh, I said,
I'm really looking forward to reading the Babunikal.
I was young young man back then, not
a old on a sub like I am
now. I was like I was like I'm
really looking forward to reading the
You seek forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
This is a great subab for for,
receiving risk from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
There are books about this. I mean, the
time is up. You can go read them.
You're not going to learn everything in one
Bayan. Go read them from the from the
from the and from the ulama.
The spiritual reasons for receiving risk and the
practical reasons for receiving risk. Just like it's,
you know, your body and your ruh, they're
and they they work well together. They function
well together. Just like that you have to
interface all of these things. That's what the
used to do.
Right? So the it's fine. It's part of
your deen as well. If you have a
business that you're in, like, everyone has to
find a place to live. Everybody has to
buy a car. Everybody You should have some
knowledge and understanding about these things. You know,
you should be able to, like, you know,
walk through the You know, you should be
able to like, you know, walk through the
mall, or through the marketplace, or through Craigslist
online, or through whatever,
and know, like, what things should cost.
Have common sense. Ask people, like, you know,
before you buy something for their advice, things
like that.
There should be a synthesis of all of
these of both of these things, and there
should be a trust in Allah
And finally, the last thing I want to
say, what time is the salat, Moana san?
130? Okay. Oh, we actually have time,
The last thing I wanna talk about everyone's
like, oh my goodness.
Okay. We won't go all the way to
1:30, but just a little bit.
The the the last thing I want to
say is that from the other side, look,
there's a gap between there's a gap between
what you have and what you need
for most
people. In terms of just dunya, I'm talking
about cash.
I'm talking about, like, a place to live.
I'm talking about, like, basic necessities of your
life and my life. Most people, it's like
that. There's a gap between what they need
and what they,
what what what they have. And because of
that, we get jobs. We, you know, we
do business. We do all of these different
things. Okay?
That gap, in order to close it, there's
2 ways of of closing that gap. 1
is that you can increase the amount of
wealth that you have. What's the other one?
Yeah. Reduce what your needs are.
Reduce what your needs are.
If you wish to show face in front
of people and say that
fear nobody but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
is being in debt going to help you
with that claim?
No. Because you are obliged to give back
to that person.
Even though being in debt is not haram
but it was something Rasoolullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam taught his companions,
to dislike
so much so that even there was once
a that
that that a person died and Rasool Allah
alaihis salatu some asked, does this person owe
any money to anybody? They said, yes. He's
some of the Sahaba on whom they were
moved them so much that they themselves, they
put forth the money to so his debts
would be paid just so rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam would leave the Janazah. But
paid just so rasoolallahu alaihi wasallam would lead
the janaza.
But the idea is what? The idea is
that a good thing or a bad thing?
It's bad if you don't need to do
Let me tell you something.
The entire the elite class of the new
world order.
You know, the people who put the weird
freaky pyramid in the eye on the back
of the $1 bill. Right? They're not people
who are interested in your welfare in the
dunya or in the akhirah.
Whoever they are, whatever that is, the the
biggest the biggest, like, shenanigan they've played on
the the hulk of Allah
is keeping people constantly in debt.
Keeping people constantly in debt is like they
realized it's actually economically a better way of,
cheating people than slavery.
That you should take someone,
steal them, put them in chains, and put
gun to their head, and force them to
work, and, like, lash them and pay them
nothing in whatever. They have calculated
that keeping people in debt is a better
way of of extracting
their blood than than than literally than slavery.
If it wasn't the case, trust me, they
have still kept
slavery. But they've realized that this is easier
to, like, you know, it's easier to slaughter
the lamb when you once you shot it
up with like, narcotics than than it is
when it's kicking and screaming. That's basically all
it is. You know, the there there there
were certain slaves that were brought to this
that were that were,
there were certain slaves that were brought to
this country that were they have the misfortune
of bringing Muslims to this country as slaves.
And after a while, actually, there are laws
not just in America, many many many, Western
that, you cannot bring a Muslim slave to
America. Because what do they do when they
come here? They teach the other slaves and
then, you know,
and it's on, baby. They're not, you know,
They're like, we cannot no. This this is
not this doesn't work. Them from somewhere else.
Don't bring them from Gambia. Bring them from
Angola because this is not going to work
out. By the way, if you meet African
Americans in this country and you meet Latinos
in this country, be very careful how you
speak to them. This person, maybe their forefathers
are Sadat, maybe their forefathers are Olama, maybe
their forefathers are Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Be
very careful how you speak to them.
If those people imagine,
if you were to say a good word
about deen, even invite them whether they accept
it or not. Maybe maybe their forefathers on
the day of judgment will
intercede on your behalf
because because if someone was in that position,
if we were in that position, wouldn't we
love that somebody,
do something in such a desperate condition?
So seek seek that seek that in them,
inshallah. And to remind them of that as
well that to you, you know, in this
country, you know, you're all a bunch of
there's a bad word that they use for
them that they they pretend like they don't
use anymore, but when the mics are off,
they still use it. So to them, that's
what you are. To us, that's not what
you are.
To us, that's not what
you are. That's not who you are. If
you want to join them, I can't you
know, we can't force anybody. If you want
to be with us, that's not what you
are to us. That's not what you are
to us. To us, you're you're you're our
noble brothers.
and then you're coming back to this coming
back to this thing, there's 2 ways of
reducing that gap. We always think of what?
More, more, more, more, more. You know the
sunnah of more is what?
Allah asked on the on the day of
are you are you filled yet? And will
ask Allah,
no, no, give me
more. Is there any more? Can you give
me more?
Is this good? Does a person want to,
you know, take the be be become like
a human walking manifestation of Jahannam?
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not. But that's what we've become.
Every time all we're thinking about is more
more more more more more more more. What
are you gonna do with all that more?
What are you gonna
do with all that more? Let me tell
you something. And the same people we're talking
about, like, drinking dates and water and things
like that. Allah
literally trampled the the dunya under their feet.
This is one of my favorite things to
say, and I think it's one of Muana
Tamim's favorite things to hear.
So we'll just say it again.
Just because. Just because it's just that amazing.
The first world empire
that I know of,
multinational, multi ethnic world empire,
it's not that of the Romans.
The Greeks didn't have an empire, Aslan. They're
unable to unite themselves in order to they
had nice ideas, and Aristotle was wonderful. Plato
and think they have good ideas. They're very
scholarly people. But practically, you know, just like,
you know, Greece right now is like kind
of essentially a failed state propped up by,
like, German taxpayers. It was like that as
well in the past. They just fought without
one another and whatever.
Right? The first great world empire that all
empires are modeled on afterward.
Western Europeans from This is an old sickness
that they have. They cannot,
they cannot,
acknowledge other people exist, but a lot of
the the the adab of kingship, they learn
from who? From the Persians.
The first Persian the first Persian empire, the
Achaemenid empire,
that's the one that was before that of
the Parthians and before that of the Sasanians
that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the
Sahaba Radiallahu alaihi wa sallam, the
giving it the k o punches never got
up again afterward
even though it's trying.
It's trying so hard, but it's not
That that that that first Persian empire,
they had such technology. They were able to
build cities. Like, a problem in building cities
is what? You need water.
So the the the maximum upper limit for
for cities was what essentially, it's a village
because you cannot build a city if you
don't have a supply of water. People have
to go somewhere else where they can have
water. Otherwise, they'll fight for water.
And so what they used to do is
they used to build these, canals,
where they would bring water from one place
to another. We associate aqueducts with the Romans,
but the technology of the ancient Persians
was actually superior to that of the Romans.
It was such a high high amount of
technology while Pythagoras gets, like, all the credit
for, like, you
know, triangles and all this other
that before Pythagoras was even born,
the the the first Persian
Empire, right?
Cyrus and Darius and all these and all
these whatever,
old ancient like king of king type dudes.
They have the technology
to that when you're building, right, if you
have a mountain between the stream and between
the city, you cannot build an aqueduct like
300 miles around the mountain. You have to
build it through. So there's a problem burrowing
through a mountain. A, not everyone can do
it through solid rock. B, it takes a
really long amount of time. So can't just
be building the city for 200 years, or
for a 100 years. So they have the
the mathematics
in order
to calculate without any
not just technology, science. Without any technology, the
science without GPS or any
that stuff, they have the science to start
digging on 2 opposite sides of the mountain
and meet in the middle. Because you have
2 work crews that can work. It has
makes effective makes half the time in order
to build the canal.
Now you can imagine that when that thing
is going miles through the mountain,
if you are just this much rock between
you and the other side of the tunnel,
you will never know. You will never even
know how far away they are.
But their their their their ability to their
ability to calculate these things were such that
they could actually make the tunnel meet on
on the side of the mountains, which meant
they could build build cities
in an amount of time that was like
unheard of from from from previous generations.
the kings of the Achaemenid Empire, they're actually
learned, one of the things that we said
from before, their palaces and cities were not
built by slave labor.
They paid everybody because they knew that when
you pay
multilingual empires. That's why they call themselves the
king of kings. They used to have,
whole functioning
nations that they would integrate into their empire,
and the kings of the nations would would,
give fealty to their to their ks, to
the point that and this is a power
this is a powerful state. This is a
state. The Parthian Empire, which is a nomadic
to the Achaemenid Empire, they used to do
battle with the Romans. And they used to
Right? Anyone remember the 1st triumvirate, Caesar, Pompey,
and Crassus. Right? Marcus Licinius
Crassus was like a battle hardened veteran general
of the Roman army.
You know how he died?
Right? The Parthians, they they they killed him
in battle. They destroyed his army and they
killed him in battle.
That's how tough those people were. These people
acquired and gathered
a massive
amount of wealth. We're talking about a 1000
years from the before the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam's bi athamu barakah or even more
than that.
Generation from generation,
3 dynasties. All they're doing, they're acquiring wealth,
putting it in the storehouse, acquiring wealth, putting
it in the storehouse. You think they're gonna
spend it on their people? Absolutely
tacweenie level.
They were doing it because they're greedy, but,
like, why were they doing it in terms
of the takweenie level. They were doing it
because they're greedy, but like why were they
doing it in terms of the grand scheme
of things?
So that
of the and the
Ansar. They'll go out in the path of
seeking the of Allah.
And no enemy will be able to stand
in front of them. Allah ta'ala will give
them victory over everybody.
And the ones who
are shahid Allah Ta'ala honors them. And the
ones who are victorious, Allah
honors them. All of the silver, all of
the gold, every cent that these people gathered,
all of their cities that they built, all
of their aqueducts and canals, all of the
walls that they built, all of these things,
one day, in one generation, all of that
money will be spent in order to spread
the deen of Allah
Every cent of it. They won't keep one
cent of of
it. And the barakah of that is what?
You and I were sitting in Masjid al
Just like those
gathered them to build all of these things,
some kafirs, they had a fundraiser, and they
built this mastid for us as well.
It's all the fadul of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. All of it.
So when I say think about the spiritual
asbaab as well, this is not hocus pocus
y, stuff that I'm propagating my own cult.
Masha'Allah. I
have no cult, and if I did, no
one would join it.
It's not attractive to people. You know? I
don't say things that make people, feel like
the special snowflake that they wish they were.
They learned this. They understood this, how to
harness this system, which we haven't described that
inshallah, you'll learn from sitting with the ulama
and sitting with the. They learn how to
harness the system in order to do what?
To do those projects that require an amount
of wealth, which is more than with all
due love and
respect, more than what you'll earn by being
a doctor.
If you want to establish the deen of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the earth, if
you want to sponsor the madaris and the
masajid and the and
the and deal with this. We we don't
even we don't even have like a Muslim.
We don't As Muslims, we we couldn't even
get together and open a grocery store.
Forget about empire and all of these things.
We couldn't even get together and open a
grocery store.
Logistically, it's beyond us to be able to
manage all that fresh vegetables are coming in,
They're going out. How are you gonna pay
rent insurances?
How are we how are we gonna rent
a place, you know, that's like big enough
in a in a plaza that, you know,
that how we're gonna afford the rent and
get the money, the financing, all of those
things. We don't we don't have to know
how to do those things.
How is it how is it that we're
going to propagate the the deen of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala? And if we don't know
how to even run a grocery store, do
you think the Sahaba radiAllahu anhu were sitting
in Madinah Munawara doing the MBA with the
went to Sandhurst War College,
and some
taught him, you know, this is how you
do this, and this is how you cheat
people, and
this is how you, you know, exploit people
and this is how you make, you know,
your enemies fight with one another and divide
and conquer and all of this other
that these people give to one another with.
No. But when you're when you're training comes
from a higher level,
the amount of planning you do in the
it will have in it. And you're harnessing
a source of of power and a source
of risk that's unlike the other and unlike
the other powers of this world.
This is why the Sahaba Radi Sa'id Nachal
bin Walid was like the best general on
the face of the earth.
He Rasoolullah
said that this is the sword of Allah.
And that's why the ulama say he wasn't
shahid despite his recklessness in battle.
Despite his what? His recklessness in battle. Who's
people are like, oh, Michael Jordan and LeBron
James and all these people. Oh, my goodness.
They trained. They're this
athlete in top. These people are nothing.
The man knows how to throw a ball
in the hoop. Hoop. Like I said, this
is like a trick for for for seals
in SeaWorld.
battle, he used to on horseback, he used
to fight with a sword in each hand,
and he used
to ride the horse and control the reins
with his feet.
Who taught him any of that stuff. Did
he go to the Shaolin Temple and learn
kung fu for like 30 years? Who taught
him any of these things?
I mean, these are literally people who are
used to call the Arabs? They used to
say these people are lizard eaters. They eat
lizards. They used to say these are lizard
eaters. They came out of the the desert.
Who are these people?
You see how horribly the the
treated the
emissary of the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam.
These people had no respect for them whatsoever.
This is not a joke brothers. This is
real. This is not Star Wars and Lord
of the Rings and, like, or Rudy that,
like, you know, or whatever. This is not
the the the stupid and pointless fake
stories of the kuffar.
This is real.
If it wasn't real, we wouldn't be sitting
They were able to tap into that. This
is how you should look for your risk.
And what did they do? Those were the
people. They learned this. They received this this
failed failed from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
They received the the the opening of
the divine gift onto their hearts May Allah
ta'ala increase
That Allah opens this divine gift into their
families, into their, into their health and their
wealth, into every single thing that they did.
Because they were able to what? They were
able to eat dates and water.
They were able to go hungry a day
without crying. Nobody's gonna die. Die. You and
I are not gonna die. Some of us,
honest to God, like, if we were hungry
for a day, it'd actually probably be good
for us.
They were able to reduce their amount of
not constantly ask for more, more, more, and
more. When it came to the dunya, the
so much money, spent so much, so much.
They spent you and I would think that
these people are crazy. They're spendthrift. They're, they're
insane that they need to save something for
themselves, and they're giving everything. So they're asking
The prophet
said, take half of your deen from this.
This that you think is like nothing.
Right? Take half of your from him. This
poor shepherd, the little shepherd boy that Abu
Jahl used to boss around. He's the one
who strikes the death blow on Abu Jahl
on the day of, of Badr.
This little shepherd boy that that that that
that that they used to make fun of,
this one, his scale and legs will be
more weighty in the scale pants than
the mountain of Uhud. When they asked him,
how come you don't take a a stipend
from the Baytul Ma'l because all the veterans
of of of the the the battle of
Badrin Uhud and things like that, they had
a stipend from the state.
How come you don't take your stipend?
It's halal money for for them. How come
you don't take your stipend?
And they said, we know you don't want
it for yourself. We know you didn't do
any of this stuff for you. We understand
you won't pay. I'm gonna get the reward,
things like that. But your daughters at least
your daughters, there
should be something for them. So what I
taught them.
They'll be fine. As soon as you read
every day,
you know, will give you risk. I taught
them, it'll be
fine. This is not like, you know, it's
not like a joke. They did I mean,
they actually practice it and it
it worked. You even as a person should
understand how it will work.
The person who buys something in cash,
buy your house in cash, you'll pay a
$500,000 for it. You buy it on a
mortgage, you'll end up paying $2,000,000 for it.
You'll end paying a 1,000,000 and a half
dollars for it. How does that make any
sense to anybody?
They will say, I don't have like $500,000.
Dude, like, 10 of you get together and
put like a $1,000 in the, bank,
and then, like, take turns buying the buying
the house, and the one who has it
will just pay rent. I mean, We don't
trust in a lot. We don't trust each
and say, how can we we don't trust
each other because people don't pay in. Still,
man, even if people like, 1 out of
10 people, like, takes off with the
All of these things, they're the map is
all there for people. And
the sad part is that,
you know, it's hard to find someone who
will take you by the hand and who
believe and say, Inshallah, it will be okay.
But it will be okay. It will work.
If it didn't work for them, then you
could say it won't work for us.
But we actually have it we have like
a practical,
model, practical example.
Buy buy the Toyota instead of buying Lexus.
Okay? If your husband is not the one
that, you know, who's gonna be like, no.
No. I need to, like, pay needlessly, you
He said to me he says the car
is about getting from point a to point
b. Everything else is vanity.
That's like so epic. It's like it should
have been said by some Roman philosopher or
something like that. Right? All of these things,
your house, your car, the food that you
eat. Right? The the, the, you know, the
clothes that you wear. All of these things,
if you think about it for 5 minutes,
you'll know that there's a way of doing
it cheaper and better than everybody else did.
You have, like, a tag on your on
your clothes. Sheikh Hamza.
Right? The the our elder, the Sheikh Hamza
Sheikh Hamza. Remember right back, back in the
90s, Ma'Sharla, when he was, when he was,
a little bit younger,
someone sat in the and they had a
name brand on
on, I know people actually attending this retreat
that have gotten yelled at from him by
this. That they have a name brand. Someone
had Nautica written on their shirt.
I'm not picking on Nautica. All the brands
are stupid as far as I'm concerned. Right?
It's had Nautica written on the shirt. And
he just, like, looks at him, like, with
a real, like, wry look. And he goes,
are they paying you for that?
And he's, like, like, no.
And he and the guy didn't
seem to get it. He's like, they should
pay you for that. You're giving them free
advertising for no reason. He's like, I wish
they paid them for paid me for that.
And he's just
That same shirt has that what what whatever
thing written on it. Even if you wanna
wear nice clothes. Right? A person
likes to wear nice clothes and likes to
wear nice sandals. Is that?
Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty. Right?
Go go to go next time you go
to Hajj. Right? Get your clothes tailored
fit for you.
Get the nicest cloth that will still come
out cheaper than
the dumb name brand for our sneakers and
all these things. All of these things, if
you sit and think about things for a
minute, there's a better way of doing it,
and there's a cheaper way of doing it.
Less you take from this dunya, the the
more that gap gets closed, the less you're
beholden to anybody else
and less time you right? You have a
certain limited number of breaths a lot I
gave you in this. Don't waste it on
all of these things. Everybody else is getting
a janitor for those. Fulan is Shahid. Fulan
is giving building massages.
People are entering into the fold of Islam
because of their and their.
Somebody's teaching somebody.
One of the most happy things I, you
know, that I ever did. There was someone
who became a Muslim. I said, how long
you've been Muslim? Not very long. I said,
do you know.
I first asked him, do you know. He's
like, yeah. I said, do you know.
Sit down. Let's take 5 minutes.
Right? There are people who've done that for
so many people. There are people doing all
of those things while we're busy, like wondering
how to,
you know,
how to pay how to pay,
you know, these stupid payments for things we
don't need. If your risk isn't written here,
go somewhere else where it is.
Get over all of this stuff. It's not
why you were
made to be, you know, why why you're
You know, whatever.
Paying stupid money for dumb stuff. I didn't
create the mankind.
A stain from their clothes. A little bit
of it may stay there. But get rid
of as much of it as you can.
Don't love it. Don't look for it. It's
it's complete. Said, Naysa alaihi salam, he saw
a dream. And the dreams of the Ambiya
alaihi muslim is the haqq.
He saw the dunya. Do you know what
form he saw the dunya in?
He saw the dunya in the form of
a and this is a this is actually
in dream interpretation, this is what it is.
He saw the dunya in the form of
a prostitute who's beyond her years. Her looks
and her age is completely
gone. She looks horrible. And he asked her,
what did you do with, everyone who loved
you? She said, I killed one of them.
I destroyed every one of
them. Is that like what you want? Is
that who you want to be married to?
Is that what you want for yourself in
your life? Everything other than what's what your
dean is. So don't be like, oh, well,
she said Dunia, and I'm not going to
have a job no more, and this, that,
and other. Pay your
know, pay
buy clothing and stuff for your children. Get
a car if you need a car if
you can't get by on public transport. Do
on public transport. Do all the things, you
know. After that, you know, sometimes I get
a little demotivated, demoralized. I want to go
eat sushi. And, you know, my wife, you
know, wants to say, okay, okay, wife, what
do you need? You know. Okay. Like, I
know we don't absolutely need it, but it
would just make it easier for me to
get along if every, like,
3 months that we, I don't know, we
went and
visited, like, you know, since, you know, my
cousin in the next city over. Okay? Then
do it.
It's not part of your dunya. Why? Because
you need certain things like that. You need
to do things like that in order to
not like go insane.
Right? But you have to be cognizant of
yourself. You have to know yourself first of
all. Problem is we don't even know ourselves.
We don't spend time alone in order to
think and reflect over things. Know yourself. Know
what is what is those things that you
And once you got them,
and there's even a little bit more on
top of it just to be safe.
Once you got all of that stuff, what
should you do?
Then know where to draw the limit and
and say what? Like, after this, we're not
we're not gonna kill ourselves. We're not gonna
bust our back for this. It's not worth
making orphans out of our children,
that we're at work and not spending time
with them. It's not worth making a widow
out of our wives,
or widower out of our husbands. It's not
worth, like, you know, our parents not seeing
our faces and our family not seeing our
face. It's not worth it. These things are
not they're really not the most important thing
in the world. They're a necessity,
but not the most important thing in the
Know what that is, and then once you've
Allah has given you the means to get
to that point, if he hasn't, then struggle
struggle, struggle, that's your jihad. Don't feel bad
about it. Don't feel bad about it. Once
you've gotten to that point, inshallah, by Allah's
father, ask him, make your istafar, make your
salawat on the prophet, salawat alayhi salawam, trust
in Allah ta'ala. All these
for getting risk. Once you've done all of
that and you got what you needed from
be able to pull back and be proud.
This is not what Allah created in me
for. I have something else I need to
do and go do it inshaAllah. Allah give
all of us so much tawfiq. Allah, anyone
who's in this majlis inshaAllah who's in school,
give them,
the tawfiq to get through whatever education they
need in order to get a respectable career.
Everyone who's working, allata, give them in their
work. Everyone who needs a job or is
in a job that's not for them. Allahu
ta'ala give them the job that they need,
and the job that they're seeking that's halal
and and
going to allow them to worship
Allah with the rest of their time and
not be a distraction. Anyone who is seeking
the halal any which way, shape, form, anyone
who's trying to get married, anyone anyone who's
trying to,
free themselves from debt, anybody who is trying
to physically, improve their health, anyone who's trying
to do any of these things, allata'ala may
make it for all of us. Inshallah. Say,
I'm in Inshallah. By the barakah of this
house of Allah ta'ala and the names of
the the prophets
the name of Rasulullah
being mentioned with and
the names of the and whom the sacrifices
and the barakah of this gathering that we
made which is a form of remembrance of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
for one another. How can we can get
to Allah ta'ala by the barakah of that.
If Allah accepts from anybody, if Allah accepts
from anybody, at least, You Allah, you accept
from your Rasool
If you accept from anybody in this,
except from us and answer our prayers and
make it easy for us and help us
against the part of ourselves that's not trying
to help us. You Allah accept us and
accept whatever meager ourselves that we offer to
and sacrifice
even though it's not worth what you have
to give in return. Accept it because of
your generosity and as a pity to us
and as a favor to us. And then
give us in its, in its stead a
better us that than we could have ever
made for ourselves and accept it from us
make us live in your rida in this
world the hereafter forever and ever with your