Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 4 Ramadan Late Night Majlis Day of Discrimination 03142024
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The importance of the history and actions of the Islamist movement is discussed, including the battles of the prophet sallua Alaihi, the importance of protecting the Muslim community, and the need for a strong stance on Islam. The Rasool sallahu alaihi wa sallam was designed to provide guidance and advice to the Muslim army, and the victory was a foregone conclusion. The Muslim army was dis Pretty and could not advance until the night, causing chaos and disaster. The Rasool's firing on a member of the Muslim clergy, which was a demonstration of his belief in the true character of his followers, caused a victory, and the Muslim army was dis Pretty and could not advance until the night, leading to the deaths of several veterans and the loss of many soldiers. The importance of acknowledging actions of companions and their actions as the ones who are the only ones who can correct the situation is emphasized.
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We reach this Mubarak 4th night of Ramadan,
which is the also the Mubarak night of
the first Jumuah of Ramadan, which is
the tarqip, the compounding of 2 blessings,
2 great blessings, 1 on top of the
other. Allah
allowed us to pray taraweeh
and to pray our isha and congregation.
May Allah
give us to make it to the
and accept it from us and make us
from the people who are written that there.
Next, our men emitted from the fire in
this Mubarak night, Amin.
So from today,
I wanted to continue with the
with the,
theme of
I had
a couple of other hadith that I wanted
from the to read, but it seems like
somebody took out my
bookmark from its place, and I'm not gonna
spend time,
re remarking it. So
we're going to move
And, the next segment I wanted to read
were from the battles of the prophet
in the,
surah of Mauna Abu Hasan Ali in Nadawi
entitled Nabi'ir Ahmad.
It's actually a translation from Urdu.
He also has a Seerah book that he
wrote in Arabic as well. This is the
translation from the Urdu. The Sira is the
same Sira.
A little bit about Moana Abu Hassan Ali
He's a Hasani Sayyid,
and his father,
Mohan Abdul Hai,
before him, a great sheikh,
in the city of Lucknow.
compiled the news atul Hawater.
So if you want
to find a book of Tabaqa that are
up to his generation or before, so roughly
equivalent to the Akabir of Deoban,
the Ayan of the masha'ih weather of Elmer
of Tariqa,
in the Indian subcontinent. The news at Al
Hawater is an excellent
resource in Arabic
for those who don't know how to read
Persian or Urdu. It's an excellent resource.
Mohan Abu Hanseidaw Hasan Ali Nadehuy was
a very active member of the Jamaat e
So, basically,
I don't know the what
came from out of,
if you can imagine that. Then after that,
he kind of,
switched gears and became,
very connected with the
in a more
line. And,
on top of being a student of knowledge,
the thing is in those days, there are
very few people from the Muslims of subcontinent
that considered
Farangi education.
That then later on will change,
partially because of the Fadianis crossing over and
then partially because of the impious heresy of,
sir Sayed,
started the Aligar,
Muslim College,
they oftentimes, the will kind of overlook
the severity of that.
Why? Because eventually,
the the the professors and the student body
at Aligar will
event invite the sheikhul Hind after who the
Darul Qasem sheikhul Hind is named after to
give Bayan over there, and they were so
impressed with his Bayan and his understanding of
and his command over speech
that they decided and they had it actually
written into the charter of Aligarh that from
now on, the Islamic studies teachers are all
going to come from.
And, because of that, the and
all these kind of
affiliated programs
more or less found a place over there.
But its initial founding was something that was
very far from,
the Sunni,
tradition. Of course, if you say this to
Urdu speaking elders from India or Pakistan, they'll
probably try to crucify you for it.
You know, none of them are here for
a reason for many reasons. At any rate,
he had a traditional
education despite his political inclinations.
But then afterward, he kind of goes toward
and toward,
Milan toward,
the the the path of the traditional.
He was first,
a of Moana.
Ahmed Ahmed Ali Lahori,
by aunts,
I sometimes,
share snippets of,
my mister Hassan,
he oftentimes will read,
read chapters from his, from his different books.
He was also the sheikh of one of
my sheikh's sheikh,
in. So the sheikh that I read the
Sahih from, his father,
who used to teach Sahih Muslim and.
Was also at.
then after him,
after his passing, he
goes to Moana
is the sheikh of my, my shaykh as
And so my sheikh, Sayid Nafeez
and Moana
Saydabu Hasan Ali Nadawi, and the third one
Moana Abdul Rashid Noamani, who was the kind
of, like, arch Muadith of the Benuri town
the author
of the,
the of,
which was then
edited and and, prepared
The 3 of them were kind of companions
with one another.
And so we also also have, like, a
a a connection with Moana,
through the as well. So we'll read,
excerpts from his
this translation of his Sira
with regards to the battles of the prophet
as a job for those people who
either say that
for Islam,
does not
involve sometimes going out, taking taking up the
path of Allah,
or for those who
may not
disavow it openly, but would like to pretend
it doesn't exist
and, market some sort of bunny rabbit edition
of Islam, which hasn't really been getting us
anywhere, hasn't been getting us too far, as
individuals or as Muslims.
The decisive battle of Badr. In the 2nd
year of the Hijra during the month of
the Muslims came up against the kafirs in
a decisive battle, the battle of Badr, which
was to prove the turning point not only
in the destiny of Islam, but the entire
human race.
All the subsequent conquest that the Muslims won
along with the empires they founded
come from the triumphant success achieved by a
handful of followers of Islam at the crucial
moment of battle. God identified the day as
the day of discrimination.
If you believe in Allah and that which
we revealed unto our slave on the day
of discrimination,
the day when the 2 armies met, Allah
in Suratul Anfal. The
circumstances that led to this battle were that
the apostle sallallahu alaihi wasallam received the news
of a great caravan with a large amount
of money and merchandise heading back to Mecca
from Syria led by Abu Sufyan.
A state of hostility had already existed between
the Muslims and the Quraysh.
They were doing all that was in their
power to play mischief with the Muslims, to
impede their progress, and to crush their rising
power. They spared none of their financial and
physical resources to achieve this, and their armed
detachments oftentimes advanced deep inside the boundaries of
Medina and its pastors to ambush the Muslims.
Abu Sufyan, at the time, a bitter enemy
of Islam,
then and so the apostle,
prepared the, Muslims to intercept the caravan.
Since it was a commercial caravan, the apostle
wanted to surprise attack it, so elaborate arrangements,
required for giving fight to an enemy were
not considered necessary. Meaning, they thought they were
going to just raid the caravan.
And context,
with regards to this,
is that also the Muhajiri when they left,
Makkumukaram, they were all shaken down. So they
had their wealth,
unfairly taken from them. Of course, when people
are at war, you don't need an excuse,
in order to harm the enemy.
That's how war is conducted between sovereign polities.
But, this is not something that was just,
enmity for the sake of enmity. There's some
background here.
Informed of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam's plans
to intercept him, Abu Sufyan sent a courier
to Mecca with an urgent request for reinforcements.
the Quraysh hastily assembled
an armed force. All the notable chiefs of
Mecca accompanied the force to which was enlisted
every man available from the neighboring tribes,
and this army went forth to the aid
of their caravan. The Quraysh were so flared
up that hardly a man remained behind in
The faithfulness of the Ansar. News came to
the, apostle
that a strong Maqan army was on its
way to engage him in battle. The Rasool
summoned his followers and asked for their counsel.
He wanted to appraise the reaction of the
and whom the people of Madinah for their
original pact with him entailed their defense of
him in Madinah and did not put them
under obligation to take part in military expedition
outside of their territory.
The Muhajirun
responded first and assured him of their help
and loyalty. The Rasul sallallahu alaihi wasallam then
repeated his question and the Muhajirun gave the
same reply. But the Rasul sallallahu alaihi wasallam
then put the question again a third time.
Now the Ansar realized that the question was
meant for them.
Sa'ad bin Mu'adh radiAllahu ta'alaan who immediately got
up in reply and said, oh, messenger of
Allah, it seems as if you mean us
and you want to have our answer.
Perhaps you think, o Messenger of Allah, that
the Ansar have undertaken to help you on
their territory alone.
I want to say on behalf of the
Ansar, the Oahu and whom, that you may
lead us where you like, align with who
you may desire, or break relations with whom
you may think fit. And you may take
whatever you desire from our property and give
us as much as you want. For whatever
you take from our property would be dearer
to us than that which you would leave
with us. We will follow you wherever you
would command us. But, God, if you march
us into Barq umdan, we will follow you.
Barq umdan being a place either in the
furthest part of Yemen, the furthest part of
the Arabian Peninsula,
or some people say it's actually the name
of a place in in in Africa, in
Said, by god, if you march us to
Barq Umdan, we will accompany you. And by
god, if you plunge into the sea, we'll
also plunge in with you.
Then Mirkad ibn Aswad
who got up and said, oh, messenger of
Allah, we will not say as the children
of Israel said to Musa, alayhis salam, go
you and your lord and fight. We will
sit here. We will fight with you on
your left and on your right and ahead
of you and behind you.
The messenger of Allah, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
was delighted by the replies given by his
and said, go ahead and glad tidings be
upon you.
The enthusiasm
the enthusiasm of the youth. When the detachments
went out from Madinah, a boy of 16,
whose name was Omer bin Abu Akas, also
accompanied the warriors stealthily because he feared that
if the messenger of Allah
saw him, he would turn him back as
a minor. When his elder brother, Saad bin
Abu Akas, saw Umer avoiding the gaze of
the messenger of Allah, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he
asked a reason for it. Umayr
replied, I am afraid that the messenger of
Allah would turn me back as a minor,
but I want to take part in this
God may perhaps honor me with martyrdom. When
the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said saw Umer, he asked him to go
back, but he started crying and allowed us
and was allowed to stay on. Omer was
killed in battle, and thus his heart's desire
was fulfilled.
The strength of the contending parties, the messenger
of Allah
rallied forth to the battlefield with 313
poorly equipped combatants.
The Muslim army had 70 camels and 2
horses on which men rode by turns. There
was nothing to distinguish a soldier from a
captain, even an eminent companion like Abu Bakr
and Omar or the prophet
bore no marks of distinction.
The standard of the army was given to
Musa'a bin Umer. The flag of the Muhajarin
was with Ali
and the, Ansar of and that of the
Ansar with Saad bin Muadir
On coming to know of the approaching army,
Abu Sufyan turned his caravan toward the coast.
He also sent word to the Quraysh army,
when he was at a safe distance from
the Muslims to go back as it was
no of no purpose for them to proceed
since the caravan was now safe. The Meccans
too wanted to return home, but Abu Jal
insisted on going ahead to punish the raiders.
His force was a 1,000 strong with all
of the veterans and noted warriors of Mecca,
and all of them were well armed. He
did not want to lose the opportunity to
give battle to the Muslims On coming to
know the names of the Meccan chiefs accompanying
Abu Jahl, the apostle
remarked, Mecca has brought pieces of its heart
to you.
The Quraysh army halted at a valley near
Badr, and the Muslims pitched their tents on
the further side of the enemy.
Hurbaab bin al Mundir,
however, called upon the messenger of Allah
to inquire.
He says, oh messenger of Allah, this is
a position.
This is is this position one that God
has ordered you to occupy so that we
cannot position ourselves elsewhere or is it a
matter of opinion and military stratagem?
Know the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said, it is a matter of opinion
and military stratagem,
and everything can be done to ambush the
enemy. Khurab then, said, oh, messenger of Allah,
it is not the position we should occupy.
He suggested another place nearer to the water
which was more suitable for giving battle to
the enemy. The Rasool, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, agreed
and ordered his men to move there. The
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and some of his
companions were the first to occupy the new
camp at night. A cistern was built and
filled with water from which the enemy was
allowed to,
replenish its drinking vessels.
God sent down rain,
during the night, which caused the, Kafirs great
by hindering their movement.
But it revived the vanishing spirits of the
Muslims by making the weather pleasant and turned
soft the sand,
of the the valley,
into a
compact surface.
This was a sign of victory as God
had disclosed in the verse of the Quran,
and God sent down water from the sky
upon you that thereby he might purify you
and remove from you the fear of Satan
and make strong your hearts and firm your
feet thereby.
The Rasool, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, is a
We find on this occasion that the messenger
of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam exhibited marvelous
qualities of a military tactician and strategist
would chime with his eternal and universal guidance
to mankind,
providing yet, another indication that the inspiration he
drew was of supernatural agency.
His battle formations, his responses to sudden and
surprise attacks by the superior forces and deployment
of his troops to win the battle against
the enemy superior in numbers needs to be
studied to appreciate the prodigious
military genius of the prophet
Preparing for the fight,
a booth of palm branches was put up
for the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam on an elevation overlooking the battlefield.
Thereafter, the prophet
traversed the plain and pointed out the spots
where the enemy chiefs were to fall dead,
to his companions
As it was found later on, his predictions
proved entirely correct, and not a single Quraish
chief was found slain at a place different
than that which was indicated by the Rasul
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. When the 2 armies
came face to face, the prophet
said, oh, Allah, here comes Quresh in their
vanity and pride. They contend with you, calling
your Nabi a liar, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
This was the night of Friday 17th Ramadan.
With the first flush of mourning, the entire
force of Quraish streamed out into the valley,
ranged itself in the battlefield
while the Muslims arrayed themselves before them in
the foreground
and in treatment to beseech the Lord. The
set the ranks of his force in order
and returned to the booth with Abu Bakr
putting his head on the dust. He supplicated
and beseech the Lord,
for divine aid. He knew full well that
the victory in the battle was to go
by numbers. If it was to go by
numbers and strength, prowess, and weapons,
between the two forces, the result was a
foregone conclusion.
He had no illusions for he fully realized
the Muslims were weak and few, and the
enemy were strong and numerous. He clearly saw,
the balance inclining in the favor of Quresh.
Now he sought to counterpoise it with a
heavier weight. Lamenting, he entreated the Lord of
the heavens and the earth who shapes all
ends and the means to come to the
assistance of the Muslims in their hour of
He appealed to Allah. Oh, Allah. If you
were to exterminate the small group
of Muslims, you will be worshiped on the
earth no more. In a state of extreme
exaltation, his hands raised in prayer
and on bent knees. He sent up the
prayer, oh, Allah, fulfill what you have promised
me. Help us, oh, Allah. So lost was
he in the prayer that the mantle on
his shoulders fell to the ground.
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu who was distressed to
see the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam in tears, consoled him and confronted him.
The prayer of the Rasul
briefly speaks volumes of his pure hearted companions.
His unflinching confidence in the help of Allah
ta'ala in the hour of need. His feelings
of humility and meekness before the Lord and
the serenity of his own heart.
At the same time, the Rasool, sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam's prayer sets forth in terms as
clear as crystal, the true position and station
of the
followers amidst the nations of the world. It
brings out the worth, utility,
and indispensability
of the people charged with responsibility
of taking his mission ahead.
It is this in fact,
it is in fact,
plain and clear enunciation that the responsibility
placed on these people is to surrender to
the will of Allah to bend down their
necks before him,
with a contrite heart and to summon people
to yield in obedience to him. And the
Rasul sallallahu alaihi wasallam's prayer was answered by
Allah with a resounding victory, which was beyond
the bounds of reason and probability.
It was but a demonstration of the truth
of his affirmation concerning the true character of
his followers.
The Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then came back
to his men and delivered a short speech,
stressing the merits of fighting in the way
of Allah. In the meantime,
and his brother and son, Shaiba and Waleed,
stepped forward in the fashion of the Arabs.
and Waleed were, was one of the chiefs
His brother, Sheba and Waleed, stepped forward with
him from the side of the.
In order to give challenge to the,
give challenge to the, champions of the Muslims.
3 of the Ansar came forward to give
them battle, but the Quresh asked, who are
you? We are the Ansar, they answered.
You have noble blood, the Quresh said, but
send us our peers, men of our own
tribe. Because they don't have any idea why
are these people fighting. Like, why are they
even involved?
The Rasul
now said step forth
Harith is the brother the eldest brother from
the brothers of Abdullah, the father of the
prophet who's the youngest,
or who was the youngest and then after
him, Hamza.
He sent his, he sent his closest blood
relatives, his 2 his his first cousins and
his uncle.
With swift dispatch, Hamza and Ali slew their
opponents, but Urbaidah and Utba still struggled with
one another. Hamza and Ali then made for
Utba and did away with him. They bore
away and brought Urbaidah back in their ranks,
for he had been badly injured. Later, Urbaidah
died of excessive blood loss.
So this is the,
setting up of the battle.
I want you to
pay attention to a couple of things.
Pay attention that when the prophet
it was his hour of need.
and whom were
the first to answer his call,
not once but twice.
Then the Ansar and whom having been silent
before, not out of cowardice,
but out of keeping their place
when called upon. They gave such a wonderful
answer to the prophet
They said that whatever you do, wherever you
come come command us to go, even if
you ride into the ocean, we'll ride in
with you. Look what they said. They didn't
say, is it farther? Is it sunnah?
Look at the Ansar, the Allahu and hooman
and given challenge by the,
not even waiting to step forward in order
to, accept the challenge.
And look at the vanity of the,
but they their caravan was safe, and they
could have gone home safe, but they all
had an appointment with the angel of death,
and at the ends of the swords of
the, companions
Look at,
what was
his desire inside of his heart.
Look at the
vanity and the arrogance of the enemies of
the Muslims,
Abu Jahl and and,
Shaiba and,
Al Waleed.
Look at the contrast of all of these
people, and you see a for
the evil people that they're just as evil.
And you see a a a a a
a a a a a a a a
an example for the circumstances. They're just the
same circumstance.
But you don't see a for the people
except for very few. Actually, I shouldn't say
that. Actually, there are people who step forward.
There are people you see that the
has come with them. It's not only for
you to share snippets on Instagram
or on
or to make memes out of. Rather, the
method of Allah to Allah is there with
them. This is one of the reasons people
love their companions,
is what
when they do it, it makes it look
good. It makes a person want to do
it. Why? Because of the purity of their
state. Now what happens, we sit with Muslims.
There are so many
God knows what kind of whatever they are.
They have their titles that they have.
And what are they doing? They're playing apologist
for the Munafiqin.
There are those people who are sitting, encroaching
on positions of power, positions of influence,
and the people who know better instead of
representing the prophet
and doing what the Rasool
did, which was to encourage the people to
go out in the path of Allah Ta'ala,
to encourage the people to sacrifice for his
sake, to encourage the people to stand against
Kufr, to stand against misguidance,
to stand against Zulm, to stand against theft
and misappropriation,
to stand against the killing of innocent people,
to stand against oppression,
to stand against all sorts of bottled and
falsehood. What are they doing? They're making excuses
for the Munafiqin who are sitting in their
and you're not required to do that. There's
this kind of bizarre,
thing nowadays that people think somehow or another
just because the
Rasool, you know, commanded people to follow the
amir, that that means what? That you
all of his stupid things that he does,
you try to explain them as if they're
good. Following the emir is, merely a matter
of expediency.
If the emir is doing something wrong, it
doesn't give you the right to run stop
signs and break the speed limit. That's what
it is.
Whereas the ulama, the people of Haqq, the
people who carry the names of the turuk,
the people who carry the names of the
salasil, the people who carry the ijazat of
the books of hadith and of the other
books of elm, the people who have the
jubba and qubba and big turbans and whatnot,
what are they doing? They sit in TV,
they sit on the places of Imamat, they
sit in the Manabir and in the Mehrabs,
and they sing lullabies to people to put
them to sleep. And when they're put in
a a a place where
they're cornered and they have to say something,
what do they do? They apologize for cowardice.
They apologize for nifaq. You don't have to
do any of that.
You don't have to listen to any of
that. If you're in a place where someone
is doing that, I say it's wajib for
you. Make hijra from that place and leave
it. Why? Because the companions,
they're not calling toward wanton and ridiculous violence,
bombing masajid and killing children,
whether they're Muslims or whether they're non Muslims.
But they did say the Haqq, and they
did stand for the Haqq, and they encouraged
one another.
They used to do that
to the point where even the children wanted
to be like them. They wanted to join
them. They cried like children when they were
not allowed to do so.
Whereas that purity of state inside, where is
it in people anymore?
Right? Where is it in people anymore? Rather,
people are looking for excuses to kind of
weasel out and peter out of doing I'm
not telling you you have to go and,
like, you know, liberate Gaza tomorrow, otherwise, you're
I'm just saying, what's the what's the deal
where we have to somehow excuse
bad behavior as if it's alright? It's not.
At least we should relish inside of our
hearts that we would like to be if
Allah gave us the opportunity, we would like
to be like those people were and that
we put them as the people who are
the quidua of the ummah, the people who
have tawfiq to do these things, whether it's
in Palestine. Palestine is not the only issue
that exists in the Muslim world. There are
issues in other lands in the Muslim world,
and there are issues in Chicago as well.
Not all of them require, like, physical violence
or, you know, military
intervention in order to fix. But where is
it the people who see what's right and
heart is not inclined toward giving
but their heart is inclined toward what? Doing
what all of us know is right in
the first place
or at least figuring out what that is.
Afterward, Allah gives certain people tawfi. He doesn't
give other people tawfi. The people are too
weak and too,
paralyzed by their own cowardice to to do
something, but they at least acknowledge it's right.
There's still some good in them.
Those people who, Allah ta'ala, gave them
physical strength and gave them financial strength and
gave them political strength and give them economic
strength and give them social influence and all
of these other things, and they still, afterwards,
just say, I don't have to do this.
This is not my problem. I don't have
to talk about this. I don't have to
do anything about this.
This type of pettiness, Allah
protected for protects us from it. It's better
to be a coward and just say, hey.
Look. You know, I'm paralyzed with fear.
The very thought of acting like a man
makes me, wet my pants. I can't do
it. But whoever it is is doing it,
that person is a good person. They're better
than me, and my are with that person.
Why? Because at least they have some portion
inside of their heart that hasn't been corrupted
as opposed to the state that we're in.
Allah give us tawfiq. May
Allah make us from amongst those who in
this Mubarak night and the Mubarak day of
Jumuah. It makes salat and salaam and the
and remember him and remember his ahuwal and
remember his commandments and remember his sunnah and
remember his companions
and whom that were the
of the Kamalat of his, of
of of of his mission as, a Nabi
sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
May its seed be planted, Mubarak seed be
planted in our heart and grow into a
strong tree one day,
that grows so fast, and that amazes people
so much that they wonder where did this
thing come from,
and how did it get there?