Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 25 1440 Ramadn Late Night Majlis Advice to the Ummah 05292019
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We continue
with our reading from the
the life of the hearts
pleasure of the beloved,
that we
start reading a,
an an excerpt excerpt from the introduction of
Moana Asafawi Tani's Jazal *,
a track that he wrote exploring the idea
of the consequences and the repercussions of actions,
and how a person can understand them, and
how a person can benefit
from their actions and steer clear of,
of harm from them.
So he
summaries of different chapters and sections.
So the first chapter,
explains the worldly harms of sinning.
The harms are so many that they cannot
be counted.
Nonetheless, we will quote a few Quranic verses
in a Hadith,
and then some details will be provided.
We all know the many stories of the
disobedient people in the Quran and the punishments
which are mentioned with them.
What was it that caused Iblis to be
flung out of paradise and thrown down to
the earth?
It was his disobedience on account of which
he became cursed.
His external features were distorted, meaning he became
He used to be beautiful, and he became
ugly. Even if you see in the English
language, the
one of the names for Iblis is Lucifer,
which literally means angel of light.
But Allah
distorted his, his external features.
His inner life was destroyed,
and instead of receiving mercy from Allah, he
receives curses
instead of receiving proximity to Allah, most high,
whose distance from him. This is what means.
Means to send something away, far away.
Instead of glorifying and extolling,
he resorted to unbelief, polytheism, lies, and immorality.
What was the thing that caused all of
the people of the world to be drawn
during the time of?
What caused the tornado to strike the nation
of to the extent that they were flung
to the ground
and killed? What caused a screeching sound to
descend on,
which resulted in their kidneys bursting
and all of them being destroyed?
What caused the people of
to be raised, to the skies, turned upside
down, and then flung back into the Earth
and stones being pelted on them?
What caused the punishment in the form of
a cloud to hover over the people
of and
for fire to rain down upon them? What
caused the people of Firaun to be drowned
in the Red Sea? What caused Qarun to
be swallowed by the earth together with his
house and with his treasures?
What caused a certain material nation to overpower
the Bani Israel
to enter their homes and to utterly destroy
them, and for another nation,
which was their enemy to overwhelm them and
destroy all that they had built. What caused
various types of calamities to strike
sometimes death, sometimes imprisonment,
sometimes their houses being overturned,
and sometimes tyrant kings ruling over them, and
sometimes them being expelled from their homelands.
What caused all of this? If it was
not the disobedience of Allah, what else could
it be? These stories are related repeatedly, and
the reason is given in these concise words.
Allah is not the one who wronged them,
rather they wrong their own selves.
Look at all the losses which these nations
had to suffer in this very world because
of their sins.
Ahmed says when Kubrus was conquered, Kubrus is
Cyprus was the first naval victory of the
Sahaba The the navy of the the the
Muslims. The first navy was
constructed under the supervision
of at the direction of,
of of and,
the people of Sham.
They, they their first naval victory at sea
was against the Byzantine empire,
allowed them to conquer,
the island of Cyprus.
Saidin Jabal bin Nadi radiAllahu anhu said that
he saw Saidin Abu Darda radiAllahu anhu on
one side crying.
Was one of the 4 authorized Quran teachers
from the Ansar,
and much like Saidna Abdul Abin Mus'ud
who was sent to the people of Kufa
to teach them their deen, Abu Darda was
sent by Saidna Umar
who during his reign to the people of
Sham to teach teach them Din.
And so he was he was present,
he was present at the conquest of of
Jubeir bin Nadir,
says that I saw him sitting to one
side crying at the at the occasion of
the conquest of of of.
I asked him, oh,
why are you crying on such a blessed
day in which Allah gave honor to the,
to Islam and to the Muslims
through victory.
He replied, oh, Juba, I'm quite disappointed that
you don't do not understand.
Do you not know how disgraced and valuing
this nation becomes in Allah's sight when it
disregards his orders?
Look at this nation which we defeated,
which was just recently in power. It has
disregarded Allah's orders, so it was defeated and
disgraced. You're seeing it right before your eyes.
This this is what there's a couple of
things to understand here. One is
that, the the
they knew what it meant for a nation
to be destroyed because they actually built 1.
People who receive something, like, ready made,
they don't appreciate what they have.
you know, if you grew up and your
father had a car and you went everywhere
in a car, then you don't know what
it means to have a car. Then when
you have to go around the bus or
walk places and bring groceries home, you know,
carrying them and things like that, then you
understand what it is later on. If you
grew up in a house, you don't know
how hard it is to get out. It's
difficult to get a house. It's hard to
get a house. But if you just grew
up as a kid in a house and
you just received it from your father or
whatever from your parents, then you don't know
what that, you know, you don't know what
that means. You don't have an idea. You
don't appreciate what it means,
to have the house, to maintain the house,
to pay for the house, to pay for,
you know, thing, you know, all of these
things. They're they're something that a person receives
it without any effort doesn't understand what it
They were the people of Jahilia. They were
the people who were disgraced because of their
disobedience of Allah to Allah, and then they
came out and then they started from 0.
They went from negative to 0, and then
from 0, they built up,
until Allah gave them great dominion,
and and great power and honor in the
world. And then for them to see in
other people lose that,
it was what was it? It's because when
they read the Quran, there's a difference between
when they read the Quran and when some
of us read the Quran. When they read
the Quran and they saw the warnings to
the the Kufar and the people of Kufar,
they they they they read it in the
context of that. Let this not happen to
me. Let me not be the one who
this is talking about.
Whereas when other people read it, they're like,
oh, look. Samud, what a bunch of knuckleheads.
And, Ad, what a bunch of idiots. And,
you know, Midian, what a bunch of morons,
these people are all a bunch of clowns.
Why is it that Allah put their stories
in the Quran? It's not so that you
can laugh at them. It's not so that
you can curse them. There's no benefit for
you nor does nor nor is it part
of worshiping Allah to Allah to curse them.
The reason is
what? That the happy person is the one
who takes a lesson from other people's misfortunes.
What is the reason that they're mentioned in
the Quran? It's because you'll follow the people
before you hands breath by hands breath to
the point where, if they went into the
lizard hole, you would have gone to the
lizard hole as well. That's the reason for
it. So they understood, they read the Quran
in that context. And when they would see
these these things happen, that it's their victory,
but it's a tragedy for somebody else.
They they would they would see,
the specter of their own tragedy in it.
And through taking,
an and taking a lesson, Allah
allowed them to avoid that tragedy.
But what's the problem? You see that the
entire has now become, become,
know, Great swaths of the have become what?
They've become the opposite.
That the people who are doing the disobedience,
the people who don't think and don't care
about it, people who think it's somebody else
that this is gonna happen to, they've they've
been there so long, and they've been doing
what they've been doing for so long. That
now you actually see these same tragedies raining
down on the heads of, parts of the
Ummah. And the only reason Allah hasn't destroyed
the Ummah yet is what? Is because the
dua of the prophet
it comes in the hadith of the prophet
the 3 concessions were given to this Ummah
because of the tears of Rasulullah
One was that that that this ummah the
no one from this ummah will go to
jahannum forever.
And the tears were what? Because the prophet
was hoping no one would go to Jahannam
at all. And when he was told that,
no, there are people from the that will
go to Jahannam, he started to weep for
days on end. And said that Jibreel, alayhis
salam, came back with the glad tidings. He
said that your lord has seen your your
your broken heart and your brokenheartedness
in this matter, and he gives you 3
concessions. He says that one is that no
one will go forever. If they go, they'll
go for a limited time. The second is
that the place where the water of Hulu
touches the fire cannot burn.
And the third is what? Is that Allah
won't destroy your at once, rather if their
sins get to the point where they deserve
the to come down, that Allah will destroy
some part of it and put it in
tribulation, and the other part will be protected
so that the can continue
going on and continue doing its work. But
it doesn't mean that our sins are not
actually, like, harming the Ummah. They they they
they they literally are. So he says what?
He says, oh, Juba. He says, I'm quite
disappointed that you do not understand.
Do you not know how disgraced, and valueless
a nation becomes in Allah's sight when it
regards his orders. Look at this nation which
we defeated. It was just recently in power.
It disgraced Allah's orders, and so it was
defeated and disgraced. You are seeing this right
in front of your eyes.
A narration of the Musnad of Imam Ahmed
states that Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salam has said,
a risk a risk
a person,
a man would be deprived of sustenance or
deprived of the risk that was written for
them on account of a sin which he
commits. Ibnu Majah narrates from Abdullah bin Umar
He said, we were 10 people sitting before
the messenger of Allah
He turned to us and said, there are
5 things I seek refuge in Allah,
from if you were to experience them. He
says there are 10 things that I would
seek refuge in
Allah if you were to experience them. One
is when immoral acts are committed openly and
publicly. They're immoral acts the the trans or
is is translating the word
in this indecency.
In in in in in in the unlawful
glance, in in the unlawful speech, and in
the unlawful touch,
which is, an indecency between, men and women,
and now even between people of the same
gender. So when immoral acts are committed openly
and publicly by a people, they will experience
plagues and illnesses,
which their earlier generations had never heard of.
The second is when they cheat in weighing
and measuring.
When they cheat in weighing and measuring, meaning
when when you are deceptive
in selling things to one another, they will
experience droughts, poverty, and tyrannical rulers, which is
way of exacting exacting vengeance for for the
haram income that people make. And 3, when
a nation stops paying their zakat,
the rains of mercy will be shut off
from it. In fact, had it not been
for the animals, they would not even receive
a drop of rain.
Had it not been for the animals, they
would not receive even a drop of rain.
when a people break break their confidence and
promises, Allah causes their enemies to overpower them
and to take their wealth and their property
by force.
one of his
said a person asked, say the,
the reason for a particular earthquake which had
happened. She replied, when people commit adultery openly
as if it was a permissible act and
they consume alcohol and play musical instruments,
then Allah most high is, overcome by his
own self respect, and he orders the earth
to to shake those people.
Right? That
Allah who gave a command and now it's
not being obeyed. It's not even being heeded
anymore. People don't even feel feel bad about
it anymore. Allah
his self his self respect is what? It
causes him to send destruction on the people.
And the thing is that the earthquake itself
is not the only type of destruction. I
mean, you you see, like, Allah to Allah,
when he punishes the people, there are number
of forms it can take. It can take
place in in in the form of earthquake
or some supernatural event or it can be
a natural disaster or it can be civil
war, you
that he turns he turns
that nation that was together and united at
one time
into groups. He's breaks it, fragments it into
groups, and causes them to fight with one
What is the what is the jazah of
all of this? You have entire nations of
the earth. They, in the classrooms, they they
preach to one another about how the earth
is being overpopulated, and they themselves have, like,
these horrific, like, negative,
birth rates. And now they say, oh, look.
We can't let refugees in because they're gonna
overwhelm us. Biden refugees are not gonna overwhelm
you. If you're marrying your boyfriend, then you're
you have no future. It's it's not rocket
science. You know, you don't have a PhD
in in in biology in order to understand
And but these are all punishments that come
down and the means for those punishments to
happen. The things that make people into those
people, those are all part and parcel of
the punishment as well.
So the Tinder
is going to become rife between people and
the, you know,
sliding into DMs and all these other things
that Muslims do themselves.
They have their own or whatever that they
they use because they're too much of a
bunch of losers to be able to score
on the regular Tinder anyway. Right? So,
you know, they all of these things, they
they have them, and they think there's no
there's no repercussion for any of these things.
They're not the means that you're getting away
with the sins. They are the means for
the punishment. And the actual punishment of all
of these things are not in this world.
They're in the hereafter.
They're not in this world. It's just the
appetizer in this world.
She said that she said that
when these things people do these things openly,
over overwhelming self respect takes
a hold, and he orders the earth to
to seize the people.
Sayyidina Umar bin Abdul Aziz
repeatedly issued the following decree in the city.
After praising Allah and sending peace and blessings
on the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he would say,
you are warned that an earthquake is a
sign of divine punishment.
I have written a decree to all the
cities for its inhabitants to go out into
the open and an open field on such
and such a date for the sake of
praying to Allah and
beseeching him. The one who has wealth must
also give him charity. Allah most high says
Successful is he who purifies himself, and he
gives zakat
with and then takes the name of his
lord and prays and supplicate as Sayna Adam
had supplicated
Oh, our lord, we have we have, wronged
ourselves. And if you do not forgive us
and have mercy on us, indeed, verily, we
will be from the losers. And supplicate us,
Sayyid Nannuh alayhi salam supplicated,
that if you do not forgive me and
you do not have mercy on me, I
will be from I will be from the
And supplicate like Sayedna Yunus salallahu alayhi salam
There is no god except for you.
Exalted are you above any fault or blemish.
I I was one of the,
This brothers and sisters, it's not just like
a fun to give.
I got I gave my, and now I
have likes, and now I'm gonna get invited
to speak at the next ISNA convention or
give at the MSA or whatever. That's not
what this is. This is actually people used
to do these things. Even ourselves, I remember
in in in, Madrasa, when we were in
Madrasa, I don't know if you remember this.
There was an entire,
like, a tragedy that hit,
you know, Pakistan while I was studying over
there. There's really bizarre incident that occurred. I
don't know if you guys remember,
or not or heard about it in the
first place, the whole last incident that occurred
that there was a a a very accurately
secularist government.
And there's a a madrasah, the Jamia Faridia,
Jamia Hafsa, right right next to the parliament
building in in the middle of the capital.
And so he wanted to he wanted to
take it out. And so what happened was
there was some some some, issue in that
madrasa that
a Chinese massage parlor opened up in the
which is basically it was a front for
it was a front for for for prostitution.
It's the same thing over here. You read
about it in the news recently. Actually, the
these kind of massage parlors that open up
in all of these places, quote unquote,
they're they're they're actually one of the largest
human trafficking scams that have been operating in
the world for years. Like, these women are
basically enslaved and they're forced to, to, you
know, for pennies and dollars,
to do these things,
essentially as slaves, and they move them around
from place to place where so one of
these places opened up, in the neighborhood. And
so they told the police, the police was
getting a kickback, and they weren't shutting it
down. And so they, took action into their
own hands, which admittedly,
politically, may not have been a good move.
And they shut the place down they shut
the place down by force. The students shut
the place down by force. And what happened
is that this thing escalated back and forth
to the point where the madrasa was and
it took, like, several weeks for this thing
to escalate to the point where it was
put under siege,
by the military.
And there were ulama, many of the big
ulama in in in Pakistan, they were there.
The actually, the governments called them together, all
the respected ulama of the from different parts
of the country to come and negotiate with
them a standoff a stand down. Okay? And
so what happened was,
they negotiated everything. The whole thing was agreed
upon that the the the the siege is
going to end and the standoff is going
to end.
Then the,
Masha'i got a call to get out right
They had only sent them in so that
they can send spies in to see what
was going on. They sent the special forces
in to basically massacre everybody.
The themselves
were very upset that they were they were
used like this, that they just sent them
in so that the the people who went
in with them could see what was going
on and report back outside.
And those army units, elite army units, like
seal team and this and that, that were
supposed to be
used to go and fight with,
go and fight with,
you know, like, basically, like, foreign special forces
in different countries. They were sent in, and
they massacred the they massacred the students of
knowledge and the the female and female students
of knowledge. And included in the massacre was
what? If you remember, and I think 2004
or 5, there was
a a,
there was a,
an earthquake in in Kashmir.
Entire villages were were destroyed in that earthquake.
There are several people who literally, like, only
4 or 5 people from a village of
3, 400 people survived. They have, like, women
and children and things like that. They have
nowhere to stay. So the madras actually used
to house them. So they had nowhere to
go. They had no, relatives, nothing. They were
also killed in the in the in the
in the siege. It was such a horrible
incident that,
it was a very it was a very
bad time. It was such a horrible incident
the gravediggers that they buried the bodies really
quickly overnight. The gravediggers said that,
that, because they're just illiterate, like, like, wage
wage day laborers.
They said that the boxes with the coffins
were so heavy. We, you know, we were
wondering what's going on with them. We asked
that have the Janazah been prayed. They're like,
we don't know. And they said, can we
pray the Janazah,
for for the bodies? And they said, yeah.
Go ahead and then just bury them quickly.
So they said that we wanted to know,
is it a man or a woman so
we can make the intention proper? They opened
the the the
the to the coffins, and there's, like, 4
or 5, bodies in one one coffin just
to make the body count look lower. And
we're talking about, like like, women in full
niqab, some of some of the bodies. Right?
This is something that's having this type of
nonsense is happening in Iraq. This type of
nonsense is happening in Sham. It's happening in
Egypt. It's happening in Palestine. In Palestine, at
least our brothers and sisters have the dignity
that it's happening at the hands of a
kafir. What are we gonna say in the
other places where it's happening from, you know,
at the hands of our own people?
And so what happened? You see this, like,
you know, I'm saying these are not stories.
These are not just like stories in a
story book. What in our madrassa, what happened?
This is the difference between having conference Islam
and between having, social media Islam in between.
Actually sitting with the with the
with the.
The gathered all the students of knowledge together
and for a good, like, hour, hour and
a half, everybody just sit down face the
qibla, close your eyes and read.
Why? Because these types of things are really
You remember we talked about, like, how certain
sins are actually punishments for other sins. Okay?
This type of weird, like, thing I described,
it's like a nightmare. It's freakish. It's like
This is not the this is not something
someone wakes up and wants to do. Like,
hey. Let's go let's go kill, like, whatever.
Like, a, you know, like, a a girl
in the club who's, like, trying to read.
You know what I mean? Nobody wait. That
just that the fact that a person would
do something like that, normal bad like, normal
sin is like what? Like, oh, look. Let's
go get drunk. Right? These are like you've
far gone, like, you've gone down the wrong
path, like,
very far gone and then Allah sees people's
fates through. Uh-uh through these types of things
except for the few people who have the
of of making and repenting after
after such a thing.
If there weren't people in the that
that would sit and make the of Allah
and make the have Allah,
These types of things will cause so much
ajeeb type of destruction in the in the
it's it's it's unimaginable
because it opens the door to all sorts
of other things. This is the reason our
al Islam is still there despite being overwhelmed
militarily, despite being overwhelmed economically, despite being overwhelmed
in so many different ways
that while some some crazy things like this
are happening, there are still some people, and
some part of the that are sitting and
making dua. There's still some people who can
stop fidgeting for long enough just to be
able to pray 20 rakas. There's some people
who can stop fidgeting long enough just to
be able to open, crack open the and
read a a separah in Ramadan. You know,
there are some people who can sit, you
know, someone who's like, okay. You know, like,
I can sacrifice that one of my sons
is not gonna become a doctor and, like,
you know, maybe make them do the history
of Quran before they go and be medical
school and become an engineer instead of what.
You know? If it wasn't for that,
these things would have been even more horrific.
And there are some places where these where
where where you see that actually this level
of horrificness has hit part of the ummah
and it hasn't hit other parts of the
ummah. If you don't think these things are
happening right now, you don't you're not paying
attention. I mean, literally, if there's a time
that a person needs to get their act
together, this is it. You see the whole
in China,
the, you know, this is one of the
great, Donald Trump,
give him and and, like, you know, put
him on the right path.
You you know how he's messing with, he's
messing with Huawei right now in China. Good
for him. Let him completely hit a home
run on this one. Let him hit a
grand slam on this one. Why? That's all
the same technology that they're using in order
to build these weird high-tech concentration camps, in
which is at this time between 23,000,000
Turkish speaking Muslims are literally in a concentration
camp right now. This the
the the the that we complain about how
long it is, they're banned from being able
to fast. They're forced to be to drink
alcohol and to eat pork right now. These
types of calamities don't come for free. And
this is, an in the Deen that that
in the akhirah, all accounting is individual.
In the dunya, the the the punishment and
the blessings is collective. So if out of
the 20 of us, 19 are good and
one's a a rotten person, because the goodness
of the 19, the 20th rotten person will
also live a good life.
then the 19 will go to Jannah and
the 20 20th will go to the fire.
And on the flip side, if 19 of
us are bad people
and one of us is pious,
the 19 bad people will go to the
fire and the pious one will go to
Jannah, but all of us will get get
taken out in the same together.
Fear and protect yourself from that punishment that
doesn't only afflict the wrongdoers,
from amongst you exclusively.
And so
these things are literally there on top of
our heads right now. The people in, our
brothers in Bosnia, literally, I I I've I
know people, Bosnian Muslims. They told me they
told me this. You know how we found
out we're Muslims? So he said, we didn't
even know. In the communist era, we didn't
even know we're Muslims.
I said, how? He said, one day, like,
our served neighbors started shooting at us. And
we're and, like, they're our neighbors. We grew
up together. We
used to, like, you know, play soccer together.
We go to the same schools, everything.
And then they started shooting at us. And
then they're, like, why are you shooting at
us? And we're taking cover. And they're, like,
you're Muslims. And they're like, what's that? And
he's like, well, Ottoman Empire and Turks and
this and that, and you don't believe in
Jesus Christ and blah blah blah. And they're
like, oh, wow. And then they're like, yeah.
We looked into it, and we started praying.
At one time, I remember one brother told
me about some horrific incident that happened in
Bosnia with him. And I was like, stuff
for a lot, man. I'm sorry you guys
had to go through that. You know? He's
like, no. It was great. Because if it
wasn't that we had to go through any
of that, he said, I wouldn't have even
known I was a Muslim.
So the idea is what? Instead of doing
these things the hard way
right? So I'm not saying this about those
that they're bad people. The only reason it's
it happens to one part and not to
the other is that we're being protected right
now by the dua of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sall. Otherwise, you and I know
people are not on there. You know, people
are not on task when it comes to
their deen.
As as individuals, some of us are as
a we're not, Like, as a group of
people, we're not.
Any 5 people of us can't get together
and do anything for the sake of Allah
ta'ala with any sort of loyalty or with
any sort of patience with one another.
The idea is what is that these these
things he's mentioning that that that said,
Omar bin Abdul Aziz, he told the people
get together,
sit, you know, sit in the open in
the field under with nothing between you and
the between the heavens.
And and and recite,
recite the recite the following verses.
said that Adam did. Like,
said that did. Recite these things, make this
part of your your your repertory.
Use these as the as the the the
shield that that blocks you from from from
from from being being afflicted from this harm.
Some of the evil that people have done
has been so much evil, and for so
long, one person's dua may not even be
able to word it off. But if you
ask for the Dua, what does it do?
It at least mitigates it. It at least
mitigates it. And who knows Allah
knows best that somebody whose dua is accepted?
Nobody will know in this dunya. Nobody will
know in this dunya. Why? Because when the
the calamity is worded off from our heads,
right, it's not like everyone's gonna get an
email about it. But that person will receive
the reward not only for their own piety,
but for their their having,
for their having,
benefited the,
benefited the entire qaum.
And these things they count, you know, they
count with Allah in
this world and they count with Allah in
the hereafter. Those are the people who Allah
The creation, they're the dependence of Allah
and the most beloved of the creation are
the ones who are the,
who do the most service and are most
beneficial to the dependence of Allah
This is who the prophet
He was the snooze button for the if
it wasn't for him, it would have all
been over by now.
This is who the Sahaba
were and the
who they are. Their ranks and their are
set by Allah that if somebody of them
dies or somebody of them,
leaves this world, Allah
will elevate another person into their place in
order for them to sit in these in
these like a like a like a guard,
like a security guard guards a door or
guards a gate. So in order to guard
the the not just the, the creation of
Allah through their prayers and through their,
through their through their piety. And, you know,
if people if people are not
if people are not
helping in that that that that program, then
what's going to happen? If the treasurer is
not being guarded, it's gonna get ransacked. It's
going to get ransacked. You know?
Andalus, what happened with it?
You know, kafirs are eating pork and getting
drunk right now in the, you know, in
the masajid and in in in the and
in the Madars and in the cities and
in the homes of our our our.
Even Hazam, the the the the house he
was born in is like a hotel right
now. You know?
It happened. It's gone. I'm not saying bad
about those people, but I'm just saying that,
you know, collectively,
the ball got dropped, you know, at some
point or another.
The same thing in the, the same thing
in Crimea, the same thing in the Indian
the same thing, you know, in large parts
of Cyprus, the same thing in what what's
now Ukraine, it was mostly Muslims. It was
mostly Muslims that that what's now Ukraine, people
were were enslaved and,
essentially, the men were massacred. The women were
enslaved and bred out,
by Slavic speaking people who conquered,
who conquered those areas. These things, they happen.
And if we think that they cannot happen
to us, we have something else. You know,
we're bar you know, we are we're
not we don't understand how the system is.
We are those lambs that are in line
for the slaughterhouse just because everybody else,
thinks that the that the the the that,
you know, look. Everyone else is going, so
I should go too. I'd be happy with
everybody else. And so we, you know, we
continue. And the thing is, what is our
our our line of thinking is is is
skewed with regards to, another way when
Hazratanmi mentions it. He says, ibn Abi Dunia
Nurius that the messenger of Allah said,
when Allah wishes to exact revenge from his
servants, children die in large numbers and women
become barren.
Malik bin dinar
said, I read in the books of wisdom
that Allah most high said, I am Allah.
I am the King of Kings. The hearts
are under my control. When a person is
obedient to me, I cause the king's heart
to be merciful to them. And when,
the people are disobedient to me, I cause
the hearts of the kings to be oppressive
toward them. Do not occupy yourselves in speaking
ill of the kings. You should rather turn
to me, and I will make them lenient
toward you.
This is this is not just, I mean,
a story that he he read.
himself said
that however you you are, this is how
Allah will put,
in charge of you and put over you.
And it's not like some sort of, like,
magical thinking.
If everybody if everybody is on the right
it's untenable for a a crooked person to
be their ruler.
If people themselves are crooked and they look
toward crookedness and they're susceptible toward crookedness, then
that's what's going to work for them and
with them because
just like oil doesn't mix with water. You
know? If the if the people are oil
and the the rulers, they'll mix one another,
you know.
It'll work. They'll gel with one another. It
will work like that.
And and so,
he he says, Malik says,
I I read in the book of in
the books of wisdom that Allah most high
said, I'm Allah.
I'm the king of kings.
Their hearts are under my control. When the
people are obedient to me, I cause the
king's heart to be merciful to them. And
when a person is disobedient to me, I
cause the kings to be oppressive toward them.
Do not occupy yourself in speaking ill of
the kings, rather you should turn to me
and I will make them lenient toward you.
Imam Ahmad
narrates from
that Allah said to Bani Israel,
when I am obeyed, I am pleased, and
I send down my blessings which are unlimited.
And when I'm disobeyed,
I become angry, and I send my curses
whose effects last for 7 generations.
narrates from Waqi'a,
a great Muhadith, Hanafi. Muhadith was also one
of the of Imam Shafi'i
who said that say that Aisha
wrote a letter to say the
in which he said,
when a person acts against the orders of
Allah most high,
then instead of, people praising that person, they
criticize and disparage that person.
There are many other Hadith. And so what
does this mean? This means what the people
whose hearts are alive.
Otherwise, the people whose hearts are dead, they're
they're they're,
you know, they're saying and not saying is
equal. So there are many other hadith and
statements of the Sahaba
in which the worldly harms of sinning are
mentioned. Some of the harms are now mentioned
in detail and in sequence in order to
make them easy to understand. I have divided
this chapter there into sections. Inshallah, maybe we
can continue with that later. But the point
of all of this is what these are
Mubarak nights, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgives. This
is one of the things I wanted to
mention from before is that a person shouldn't
get despondent if they did some sin in
the and they're like, oh my god. 7
generations were, you know, we're all up the
creek without a paddle now. What are we
gonna do?
The person who who who makes Tova from
their sins,
that person, the they're they're like the one
who has no sin in the first place.
And if,
the original effect of a sin will last
for 7 generations,
then know that Allah Ta'ala, when a person
does a good deed, he multiplies its effect
10 times at the bare minimum.
Just thinking of doing a good deed is
enough to get the effect of that good
deed. And when you actually have the tolafir
to do it
multiplies it 10 times, and the more sincerity
a person has, the more that that that
the the the effect of that good deed
is. And these are Mubarak nights. These are
the nights in which the sunnah is to
will forgive and wipe out the effects of
those sins and turn them into good deeds
as well. These things, if it wasn't for
this this, this Ramadan and for this fasting
and for these 10 nights and this and
and for the barakah that's in this
and the barakah that's there in the divine
name Allah Allah.
The barakah that are in the names of
the that's there in the and the prophet
This project wouldn't have reached where it is
right now.
And because of these things, we do have
a bright future, but you can't just, you
know, you can't it's just not just magical
that, like, of course, we're gonna we're gonna,
you know, we're gonna be alright just because,
you know, like, I went to IFS, you
know, so, of course, I'm gonna be okay.
It doesn't work
that way. Sadly and unfortunately, it doesn't work
that way. Allah give
us and accept our prayers and forgive us
and give us from his a'fu in these
Mubarik nights.