Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 1439 Ramadn Late Night Majlis 9 Tazkirah Mashyikh MashyikhiChisht Tabuk and Hajj 05252018
AI: Summary ©
The Mubarikase of Islam is the last campaign to kill Muslims, and the use of jewelry and watts in political speech is discussed. The Church of Islam's deception of the name Islam and the importance of strong Islam identity is emphasized. The importance of praying for others, not just for one person, is emphasized, and advice given to the people to not speak ill of one another's race, not be ungrateful, and not be ungrateful, and to not be ungrateful, and to not be ungrateful, and to not be ungrateful, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers, and to not be ungr developers
AI: Summary ©
For those few of you who are
immediate listeners, I apologize for the delay in
I've been driving the whole night from,
from, Chicago to Indianapolis
where, the Masjid Salam has been kind enough
to allow the pulpit to be given to
Islamic Relief in order to
exhort the pious
and fasting Muslims in order to give for
the orphans of the Ummah of Sayyidina Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So I just arrived,
in India Indianapolis and hope to get a
little bit of sleep after this recording.
And then right after July, I get a
shoot back to
back to Chicago in order to,
raise money for those
same beloved orphans,
on Friday night. So please make du'a inshallah
that Allah open the hearts up and that
Allah allow
us to be used for the service of
the Ummah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So we continue with the 9th year of
Mubarik Hijrah of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
In the 9th
year, the expedition
to Tabuk was undertaken.
Tabuk is a place North of Hejaz,
in the North western quadrant of the Arabian
This was the last,
campaign, martial campaign
of the most noble prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
On Thursday, 5th of Rajab, the messenger of
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
marched from Madinatayiba,
the most pure, with 20,000 of his companions
to break the power of Heraclius, the Roman
he defeated in the battle of Mu'ta,
the Romans still cherish the idea of attacking
Madinah Munawwara.
fortify it and keep it protected from all
of its enemies until the end of time,
and every day increase it in its honor.
On this occasion, the heat was extreme and
the companions were suffering
the dire straits of their poverty. A great
effort was therefore made in order to raise
funds for this campaign.
The ladies even contributed whatever jewelry they possessed.
Despite this, the state of the Muslim army,
despite the state of the Muslim army of
their poverty,
the Romans became very fearful and petitioned for
The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam accepted
their request, and a pact of peace was
After a stay of 20 days at Tabuk,
the Messenger of Allah
returned to
and the entire journey was an ordeal of
2 months.
the the the leaving of the
army from Madinah Munawara to Tabuk was
for no other reason except for to finish
the unfinished business from the Battle of Mu'tah.
The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
went out
avenge the losses that
were incurred
and to show the Romans that it wasn't
just a one time show, that anytime they
set foot into the Arabian Peninsula,
they're going to
be met with, force and with power, and
it wasn't worth it for them too to
set foot on the the watan of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam.
On his way back to Madinah Munawara, the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam set fire
to a place known as Masjid Dharar.
It wasn't a true Masjid, rather it was
established by the hypocrites as a venue of
conspiracy for plotting against the Muslims.
So basically,
the hypocrites of Madinah Munawara,
because of their inability
to openly
and deride the deen of the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam,
They had to profess Islam outwardly
but, they were not really into it. And
so one of the
stupid ideas that they had was that they'll
make their own quote unquote masjid,
so that they don't have to go to
the masjid of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. And that way they can show that
that they're, you know, still, you know, ostensibly
but, not have to
basically get with the program of Islam.
this is unfortunately a tendency that some people
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
because of his knowledge of Wahihi
and of the unseen. He knew that this
Masjid was
built for no reason other than Nifaka so
he had the permission from Allah
to burn it down.
many of us,
we take Islam as an identity,
and it's just a political thing for us.
There are many people really,
I don't know why they even bother coming
to the masjid
except for they have some sort of political
stake in it.
And so when any matter of deen or
regarding deen or the sacred law of Islam
or the spiritual teachings of Islam are invoked,
those people are the first ones to
flip out and have an allergic reaction to
the deen, and oftentimes they will make their
own groups and then they will use the
name of Islam or the word of Islam
or Muslim,
or the symbolism or imagery
or the terminology of Islam
in order to retain that culture and that
that identity,
without any sort of deen whatsoever.
And Allah
spare us from having such an empty and
hollow Islam
And the Messenger of Allah
he, you know, he burned the Masjid of
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala himself,
censured and blamed
those who made the Masjid of Dharar,
and Allah Ta'ala praised and honored the Ansar
of the Allah Ta'ala Anhum. And he said,
That an actual Masjid, the real Masjid is
built on the fear of Allah
If the fear of Allah is something that's
going to be mocked and jeered or it's
going to be dismissed off of hand, then
you know how flimsy the the the basis
of that masjid is. That the basis of
a masjid is the fear of Allah
In such a masjid are those men who
love to purify themselves, and Allah
loves those who purify themselves.
And here, you know,
lest people get mixed up in gender,
politics or issues,
The word rajal and rijal,
when used in the,
the the context of the spiritual
teachings of Islam.
It has to do not with a biological
rather with
a set of qualities. There are certain qualities
a lot that I'll put in. Masculinity,
some of which are desirable even in a
Those are not the biological qualities. Rather, those
are the qualities that are good in a
man, honor, uprightness,
etcetera. Just like there are certain qualities that
are beautiful in a woman, that also if
a man were to take them, it would
make them beautiful as well, which is like,
shyness or or bashfulness
or shame, depending on the context, or like,
having softness
with other people.
And, so
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala praised the Masjid of
Quba, which was the first Masjid that the
Ansar built. Allah give all of us the
tawfiq of visiting
it in Madinah Munawwala
as the model of what a Masjid should
be made like,
not this Masjid that was built on nifaq
and on hypocrisy.
In the 9th year of the Hijjah, the
first Hajj in Islam was also affected.
The first Hajj of Islam was executed in
this year, a detachment of 300 Muslims under
Saidna Abu Bakr, Siddiq,
left to make the necessary Hajj arrangements.
Thereafter, Saidna Ali radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu,
ta'ala wajahu,
dispatched to announce the total disassociation,
from the Kuffar. These verses of Bara'ah of
severing ties with the Kuffar
and anallying pacts are mentioned in the Suratul
Bara'ah. Bara'ah is another name for Suratul Tawba.
In this year, this 9th year of Hijra,
basically the Messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam
announced that
that no,
no sanction or quarter
to the
idolatrous religion that was
prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula would be given
any longer by the Muslims.
Any pacts that were currently valid, once they
expired, they were not going to be renewed,
and, that idolaters were no longer allowed to,
bring their idols or or perform their idolatry,
in any land that the, that the Muslims
had sovereignty in. And,
this is actually
a part of our sacred sharia that the
worship of the idols of the mushrikeen, Lat
and Raza,
and Manat, and Hubal, and, all the other
and Isaf, etcetera,
that that religion is the only religion that
receives absolutely no sanction or protection by our
Rather, wherever it's, it was found, it was
and by Allah's father, it's been, wiped off
of the face of the earth for so
centuries for over a 1000 years.
this Hajj was the announcement
of this complete,
this complete
and, lack of of any pact or
or or continuance of of relations with this,
completely. Jahil,
an ignorant religion which was made up by
in order to make a fool out of
the Arabs.
the messenger,
by Allah's mercy, he
wiped from the face of the earth the
blight of
that false deen.
In the month of the Al Qaeda of
the same year, Abdullah bin Ubay
ibn Salul
the Ra'is al Munafiqin,
the the leader of the hypocrites. This is
not only the president, but he's also a
He died.
Purely out of the goodness of his heart
and on the account of his kindness and
lofty disposition,
the Messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam presented
his own,
his own shirt, his own kamiz,
in which,
Abdullah bin Obay was
buried. He also participated in the funeral and
when the most,
noble prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was about to
lead the
the janaza prayer, the funerary prayer. Said, Nama
radiAllahu anhu objected saying that Allah Ta'ala said
about the munafiqeen,
if you were to ask forgiveness for them
or not.
Even if you sought forgiveness for them over
or first forgiveness for them 70 times, Allah
would never forgive them.
The Messenger of Allah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
who is a mercy to all the worlds,
if I were to know that they would
be forgiven if I asked more than 70
times, I shall do so.
Upon hearing this response, said no Umar, radiAllahu
anhu, became silent.
Thus, the messenger, most noble, led the funeral
Thereupon, the following verse was revealed to him.
Do not ever perform the janazah, the funeral
prayer of any of the,
of any of the, hypocrites or non believers,
nor stand ever at their gravesite.
This verse for all time prohibited the Messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
or his companions from the participation
in the funeral and burial of
any kafir.
The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, this
his softness and his kindness to,
the son of Abdullah bin Ubayh,
who was a fervent and ardent believer.
His father on many times,
on many occasions, he
uttered the,
words of disrespect
and words of disbelief,
and words of just plain,
just just just plain hostility toward the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam. And the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alaihi wasallam restrained his companions from
harming him. And there's a very famous hadith
of Bukhari that once said, Nama radiallahu anhu
upon hearing the words of Kufr
from Abdullah bin Ubayh asked for permission to
dispatch him. And, the messenger of Allah sallallahu
alaihi wasallam said no. Said that I don't
want the people to say, Muhammad.
I I don't want the people to say
that Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam kills his own
companions. Because from the outside, people would think
this man became a Muslim,
and he he didn't want Islam to be
looked at as
a matter of terror, that it's a punishment.
Whoever becomes a Muslim,
their life turns for the worst.
Like all a lot of, you know, kind
new age and modern utopian movements like communism
and and and fascism and whatnot, the people
the Nazism, that people
you know, their people fervently brought these movements
because they thought that they were gonna be
something good, and then they themselves get caught
up in them, like the French revolution, like,
Maximilien Robespierre,
that he becomes a great exponent of the
revolution only to be the next head
lopped off of the guillotine. The messenger of
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wasn't like that, and
he didn't want Islam to be seen like
that. So we should be also careful in
our harshness with one another,
lest we turn Islam into that thing that
the messenger
of Allah didn't want it to be. So
the messenger of Allah
out of honor,
to the son of Abdullah bin Ubay, he
he honored Abdullah bin Obay so that he
wouldn't feel the stigma at the time of
his father's death of the hypocrisy of his
father. In fact, at one point, Abdullah bin
uttered the words
of kufr and blasphemy,
and his own son came to the Messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and said, You
maybe there's still some jahili and some ignorance
left inside of me. If you were to
have my father killed for his insolence at
this time, then please,
allow me to dispatch him because if someone
else kills him,
I I don't know. Perhaps the rage and
anger of Jahili, of ignorance, will overtake me,
and I'll try to,
I'll try to take vengeance on that person
for having killed my father. So let me
do it with my own hands so I
don't have to,
I don't have to then, kill another believer
because of this because of this thing I
don't know in my heart. Is it going
to be something I can control or not?
And the Messenger of Allah
the mercy to mankind. He told him, don't
worry. No one's gonna kill your father today.
Just go home. And, and don't worry about
it. But, this is the Messenger of Allah
his final mercy that even though Allah revealed
to him, seek
forgiveness for them 70 times or don't seek
Sort of seek forgiveness for them or don't
seek forgiveness. Even if you sought forgiveness for
them 70 times, Allah will not forgive them.
The Messenger of Allah still looked for
that for that for that
that that slight opening and that light at
the end of the tunnel that maybe if
I sought forgiveness more than 70 times, it
would make a difference. And then when Allah
Ta'ala closed that window completely, then the messenger
of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam desisted from
seeking forgiveness for that specific person and for
such people.
And this is also a beautiful lesson for
us as well. Never to close the doors
of mercy on other people, and never to
close the doors of praying for other people.
You may dislike certain people in your life,
but no one should hate another man, so
much that it wouldn't make them happier that
that person received guidance than than than that
the person not received guidance.
And, you know, you may dislike certain people,
but you should never pray for a bad
end for another person.
You should never pray for a bad destiny
for another person because the messenger of Allah,
his enemies were much more foul and disgusting
than yours and mine's are. And he never
he never made that prayer for any of
them. He never he always told the last
dying breath of every one of his enemies.
His most fervent and ardent wish was that
Allah give them guidance and that that they,
they they enter into Islam and that he
could cast aside
the enmity that that the truth dictated that
he have for them, and embrace them as
And whoever is able to do that, let
them do it, and it's not easy. It's
easier said than done. And whoever is not
able to do it, at least let them
put their foot down on their ego enough
to admit that that is a superior way
and let them ask Allah,
for for that,
that it should enter into their heart and
let them force themselves to pray for their
enemies. A sincere prayer.
Pray for their enemies again and again, and
the more it hurts than to do so,
know the more it hurts to do so,
the more reward you're getting and the greater
sign of your sincerity it is. And maybe
take away that enmity from a person and
maybe by that enmity being taken away, Allah
will give them guidance. And even if they
remain rotten and horrible until the day that
they die on the worst type of kufr,
will have a slave that that that submitted
to the master and the slave that's the
submitted and the most obedient to the master,
that's the one that's most worthy of being
rewarded. The slave that most resembles the most
beloved slave, that's the one that will be
also next in turn most beloved.
Najashi, the Negus,
and king of Abyssinia also died during this
year. The messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wasalam
was informed of,
the negus' death through the medium of revelation.
He assembled his companions and performed the
Janaza, the funeral prayer of the Nagas of
in absentia.
This is what they call Janazatul Ghayib.
said that this was not a normal,
this was not a normal practice of the
messenger of Allah, rather this was exceptional that
through miraculous means Allah
opened a window
space in front of,
in front of, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam so that the body of the negus
was actually there. And the Messenger of Allah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam prayed his Janazah.
And this is Hazrash Sheikh Zakaria explains
this that both in the Maliki and the
Hanafi Madhhabs,
this was considered
an exceptional practice.
Whereas in the Shafi'i Madhhab,
this is
permissible for those who cannot reach the body
that they should be able to pray the
Janazah of a body in absentia.
Either way, whoever the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam prays their janaza,
that person is truly fortunate and truly blessed.
And whoever dies on Iman,
a Nabi prays their Janaza or they have
no Janaza at all, whoever dies on Iman
is fortunate and blessed. If we couldn't be
from the former, at least we ask Allah
to make us from the latter.
But the the Negus of Abba Sinia was
a great man and he rendered great service
to the Muslims and had great justice and
had a great,
opening because of
because of his
pure heartedness and kind heartedness to those companions
of the messenger of Allah. Allah gave him
the, gave him the tofir to die and
Iman and the messenger of Allah Alaihi Wasallam
should lead his janaza.
Say the Qasum,
the daughter of the messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam also
passed away in this
The 10th year of the Hijra of the
Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was when
he himself performed Hajj.
This Hajj was known as the Hajjatul Wada
or the Farewell Hajj.
It was known as such because he passed
away 3 months after this Hajj.
So this is from the many faba'il and
from the many virtues of Sayna Abu Bakr
Siddiq that
the pillar of Islam,
the pillar of Islam known as Hajj was
inaugurated by him.
That the first Hajj in Islam wasn't
attended by the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam personally, rather he instructed Said Abu Bakr
on how to perform the Hajj and the
imara of Hajj
was done by Sayedna Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala
And then the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam himself then would make Hajj,
right before his passing.
And it's so beautiful that the life of
this world,
for the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
only, and only for
the fulfilling of the amana and the trust
Allah gave him of revelation, of which there
were 2 types. There's the revelation in word
which is the Quran itself.
Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wasalam,
after the last verses of the Quran were
the last verse being, and fear,
your lord,
to whom you will be returned.
Meaning a very clear sign of of the
passing of the messenger of Allah
He passed away.
And also from the great,
pillars of the Sharia.
Hajj was the great last pillar that remained
in the prophetic practice
that he had to he had to, fulfill
it in order for his own deen to
be complete, and he had to show it
to the people so that the sunnah could
also be complete.
And just a a a few months after
performs his Hajjatul Wada,
he'll pass from this world.
And the beauty is that he wasn't made
for this world
nor is any believing person. Rather he came
and he did what he needed to and
then he went on to the
most high of companionship.
And he went on to the life that
was truly alive, and he went on to
the, Watan, the homeland and the native land
of every,
rule and every
spirit of of iman,
which is not Pakistan and India
or Palestine or Syria or Egypt or the
Arabian Peninsula
or Poland or Russia. It's what? It's Jannah.
It's Al Jannah. And he went back. He
went went went back. And sometimes,
fellow Americans,
you know, in their impetuousness,
give us some unsolicited advice and say, go
back where you came from.
Inshallah. Inshallah, my brothers and sisters, one day,
all of us will go back where we
came from. By
All of us will go,
We'll all go,
And it will be happy day,
and it
will be the most
that you've ever experienced, inshallah. That Allah will
command his angels to hand us our book
of deeds in our right hand side by
his father, Mehrbani, inshallah.
And he will,
command them to show us honor and grace,
and we will be entered and called from
the Gates of Jannah. And Allah will give
us a maqam forever and ever with his
This is from Allah's father. Nobody knows for
certain that they're gonna get it, but we
have a good opinion of the Lord, and
we love Allah, and we love His Rasool
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and we love the companions
of the Messenger of Allah, and we love
the Salat, and we love La ilaha illallah,
and we love the divine name, Allah Allah.
And we love the Hajj, and we love
to give sadaqa, and we love to give
zakat, and we love to fast. And we
love all of these things. And our hope
is that that the our most fervent and
sincere hope that is that even though we're
not allowed to
say that we have it a 100% in
the bag, but,
inshallah, our good hope is that Allah Tawil
give us that that that that tawfeeq that
one day we can act on
advice that may have not been so,
altruistic in its giving, but we can act
on this advice and go back where we
came from, inshallah.
And no one's gonna bat an eyelash and
want to come back to this world, thereafter,
He departed
from Madinah Munora on Saturday 25th of Al
after the Dhuhr prayer, and he reached
on the 4th of Al Hijjah.
More than a 100,000 companions accompanied him on
this occasion.
On the occasion of this Hajj, he delivered
several discourses.
The essence of all of his talks were
that the people should learn the laws of
Islam well because we may not hear,
or in the future meet again.
Amongst his advices and admonitions he gave were
the following,
that your blood, wealth,
and honor are sacred,
and to be honored by one another just
like the sanctity of this day,
of the Mubarak Day of Hajj,
and the Mubarak month of Hajj, and the
most sacred land of Allah Ta'ala.
And that soon, you'll be gathered in the
presence of Allah Ta'ala after your death, and
you'll be questioned regarding your deeds. And that
all customs of Jahiliyah, of the time of
ignorance, have been crushed underfoot.
Revenge that you,
that you desired for this blood that was
spilled in the time of Jahiliya, and the
age of ignorance is not to be followed.
All the debts, of rebah are to be
waived from one another,
we must not adopt
after the prophet
said, we must not take the way of
Kufr after my death by slitting each other's
throats. And here the word Kufr,
means gross ingratitude to Allah Ta'ala and it's
the same word for disbelief.
They said, do not go and slip into
a state of grossing gratitude to Allah Ta'ala,
a state that is in and of itself
like the state of disbelief
by by killing each other.
And, you know, the the point was mentioned
a couple of points before that you that
the Muslims have to honor each other's,
honor and property and lives.
And that's a continuum because the person who
can say ill about his brother, that person
can physically harm their brother, and the person
who can physically harm and steal from his
brother, that person will kill his brother one
day. And you see the entire Muslim world
is filled with people killing each other, spilling
each other's blood, and having no respect for
the sanctity of
of of the life of a person who
and the messenger of Allah
pleaded with this ummah that don't return to
the ways of Kufr and don't be so
ungrateful to Allah Ta'ala for the gift that
he gave all of us,
that we should kill one another after he
passes from this world. And so anyone who
wishes to take this, advice,
and heed this advice and take this advice
Let them not speak ill of his their
brother or their sister. Let them not speak
ill of one another's race. Let them not
speak ill of one another's,
one another's gender identity, ethnicity.
Let people refer to one another in terms
of honor and honorable terms and protect one
another rather than,
speaking ill of one another, lest we be
the one who opens the door, that will
lead to something much, much worse and much
more terrible.
Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave the advice
people should obey their rulers that
over them according to the book of Allah,
and that the messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam told the men to fear Allah
Ta'ala with regards to their
women, with regards to their
wives and sisters and mothers, and to fulfill
their rights in full measure.
He said, I'm leaving with you 2 things.
If you hold fast to them, you'll never
go astray after me.
The book of Allah Ta'ala and my sunnah.
After having
concluded his discourse,
he said, oh people, on the day of
judgment, you will be on the day of
resurrection, you will be questioned regarding me. What
will you say?
The assembly
responded, we shall say that you delivered Allah's
law to us.
Thereafter, raising his finger toward the heavens, he
exclaimed, oh Allah, be witness.
At the time of sacrifice,
he sacrificed 100 camels. He slaughtered 63 with
his own blessed hand, while Saidna Ali radiAllahu
slaughtered the remaining 37
as if it was a slaughter of 1
camel for
each year of his Mubarik life Sallallahu Alaihi
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala give all of us
tawfiq of acting on thee or for to
act on the advices of the Messenger of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And may Allah Ta'ala make us amongst those
who are grateful,
who are grateful for his blessings. May Allah
protect us from ever being ungrateful that we
should ever
harm another person of
and thereby
hurt the heart of the prophet
and incur the anger and wrath of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
who made every person and every heart that
says La ilaha illallah sacred, more sacred than
the Kaaba itself.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala give us tawfiq
to love one another and to give life
to one another. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives
tawfiq to the Ummah of the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam that those people who don't honor
one another that that the
the the value of of and the ability
to give value to one another enters into
their hearts
and that we can turn
a new leaf and live a better tomorrow
than the today that we were living. Allah,
give all of us so much