Hamza Ayedi – There Are Two Blessings Of Health And Free Time
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Dear brothers and sisters,
He narrates that the prophet
that there are 2 niham, 2 blessings
that many people
will lose in,
Many people will be cheated in.
What are these 2, these two blessings?
They are
good health and free time.
he tells us about these 2 special blessings,
And we know that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
has blessed the son of Adam with so
many niam
that if you try to count them,
you'd be wasting your time.
You will not be able to enumerate them
in number and you will not even be
able to enumerate them in value, aslam.
Because if someone came to you right now
and offered you a $1,000,000
for your eyesight,
you would refuse them right away.
We are actually very wealthy. We have so
much niyam,
but the 2 niyam here that are mentioned
are good health and free time.
And it's interesting the prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam
used the word
and the word Alghabin
in the Arabic language,
it's used usually
in business transactions.
For you have
for example.
When someone makes a transaction, you buy something
or you sell something
and later you find out that you were
You were told that this is a fully
functional car.
You paid its price, its market price, and
then you go home and the engine, you
know, starts smoking.
And the mechanic tells you this car is
busted, it's worthless, and you lost your $20,000
investment. This is called the
is when you pay more than something is
There's a huge difference between what something is
worth and what you pay for it.
And also,
is when you sell something that's worth a
lot for something very little.
That's also called al khabin. You as a
seller can also be cheated and ripped off.
And Nabi salaam is telling us that our
life is like transactions.
You are a tajr, you are a businessman
in this life.
And by the way,
this concept of tijara is mentioned many times
in the Quran.
Allah tells
us, shall I guide you to a business
deal? Tijara business deal.
That will save you from a severe punishment.
This is mentioned in Surat Asaf.
Faheer and Nabi shalallam is saying that you
are a merchant, you're a businessman,
every single one of us here, and we've
been given the capital,
the capital investment.
That capital investment
is a suhatu alfarad.
You have this capital,
which is good health. And good health
is the ability to move, the ability to
to speak, to breathe,
to have energy.
And we mentioned what a great nama that
And Al Ulamah, they say asiha
it's like a taj, it's like a crown.
You know it's on top of your head,
it's worth a lot of money.
It's worth a lot.
But you don't really see it. It's on
top of your head, you don't really see
it. But
the people who are less fortunate,
the people who are ill, they can see
that, and they wish they could have what
you had.
When do you see the value of that?
It's when it's taken away, and now you
can see the the crown being taken away
from you, your health is going away, when
you go to the doctor and he tells
you have this disease, you cannot move.
Khallas, now you need someone to help you
go to the bathroom, or your kidneys are
not functioning, or you have to remove your
whatever it is,
or you have
this cancer
and you have a few weeks to live.
Now we realize the value of asikhab.
And then he mentions al faral,
free time.
And so many of us have free time.
Some of us realize too late
that the majority of their free time is
gone, but we all have free time.
But the question is, how do you spend
your free time?
How do you spend your free time?
For many people, they take their time
and they take their good health. And Nabi
salallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned 2 of them,
not by coincidence,
because you need 2 of them to really
to be the best that you can be.
Think about it. If you had good health
but no free time,
you can't do much.
If you had good health and no free
time, you can't really do much if you're
busy running around
and you don't have time to do ta'a,
to do good deeds,
to invest in your home, in the akhirah,
then it's not really beneficial.
It's not that beneficial.
But what if you had a lot of
free time, but you're sick, you're ill, you
can't move, you can't do much, you need
someone to support you?
For those of us who have been blessed
with alsihah,
wal farah, good health,
and free time, whether it's a lot of
free time or even a little bit of
free time,
then we need to make sure we are
using these very wisely.
Why? Because the time will come, Nabi Salam,
that many people
will be cheated from this, from these two
And imagine you've been given this capital,
and then you go invest them in some
horrible asset and then you lose. How would
you feel about that?
But you know what? In this dunya, you
can come back and recover,
but in the akhirah, you can't.
Fal gabin, when does it happen? When do
people realize that it's
raben? That they've been cheated, that they have
lost from their investment, their transaction.
You are trading your time.
You are trading your good health.
For what?
So there are people who are trading their
good time in obeying Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
in fulfilling their requirements.
And there are people who are using their
free time in wasting time.
And Nabi called it a nima, free time,
It's amazing now. It has become a nidma
for many people.
It's adaab for some people
to the point you see people just wasting
And then you ask them, what are you
doing? He says, I'm killing time.
The greatest one of the greatest assets that
you possess, time,
and we are killing it. We don't know
what to do with it.
One of the ulama,
he said, whenever I would come out of
the masjid after salatul asr, I would find
this group of grown up men playing board
games every day after asr
for hours.
And so he saw one of his friends
and he said,
if only time could be bought,
if only I could buy their time, I
would have bought all their time that they're
Because he realized how valuable time is.
And these niyams, your brothers and sisters,
every single one of us
will have to stand in front of Allah
Subhanahu Wa'ala and will be questioned, how did
you use these 2 niyam?
And the Muslim tells another hadith that the
feet of the son of Adam will not
when they're in front of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala until they answer
about their how did they use their free
time before they became busy?
How did they use their health before they
became sick?
It's not a question of if you get
sick, it's when. This is the sunnah of
life. A time will come
when you will not be independent, you will
be dependent on someone else.
A time will come when you will have
no free time.
You'll be so busy.
And this huge regret,
when will it take place?
It will take place on the day of
And people will not realize
what a horrible transaction they have made.
Trading that good health
and that free time
for all that waste.
See, when when we make that transaction, that
bad transaction,
what are we doing?
We are raising the value of this dunya,
which is worth nothing.
It doesn't even worth it's not even worth
It's not even worth the the the wing
of a fly,
as the prophet told us.
And we're trading our free time
and our good health,
which is the capital that can get us
Al Jannah. May Allah make us from the
house of Jannah, from the people of Jannah.
And we're making that trade, giving up something
so valuable
for something so
which is this dunya. But when do you
realize the horrible trade that you've made on
the day of judgment?
As a matter of
fact, one of the names of the day
of judgment is Yomut Taghabun.
We have a whole surah called
Surah Tukhabun, chapter 64.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us
That when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will gather
to the day of gathering.
That's the day when people will see
the result of that horrible transaction
that they have made.
They traded something very valuable
for something that's worthless. SubhanAllah.
But you know what's painful
is that people will say, oh Allah, return
us, so we can, you know,
do another deal,
fix our transaction,
but it's too late.
When death comes, they'll say, O Allah, return
And so it'll be too late.
So we need to, dear brothers and sisters,
make sure that we take advantage of these
this this capital that we've been given,
and that we will be questioned
about it.
Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for forgiveness and
try to make space inshaAllah. Try to make
Two blessings that many people will lose in,
will be cheated in on the day of
Asih Hatuwalfarar,
good health and free time.
The question for us is
how do you make sure that we're not
from those who are merbonin?
We make sure how do we make sure
that we're not from those
who are from the losers?
Number one thing, dear brothers and sisters,
the only reason a merchant, a businessman
will make such a foolish transaction,
meaning he will buy something
for for much less than it's worth, or
he will sell something
for much less than it's worth
is when is when they don't know the
value of what they're selling or they're buying.
For the number one thing we have to
realize how valuable that nima is that we
right now. That sukha that you have, that
good health.
The ability to just get up here and
come to the jumah.
The ability to just be able to shower
by yourself.
We don't realize this nima.
And free time. We don't realize that it's
something that is running out. You know, every
time a year passes by, it's very interesting.
We say we got older, we're older now,
1 year older. But in reality,
you're younger, you're smaller now because you have
less time.
Every time your birthday comes, you have less
time. You're closer to meeting Allah Subhanahu Wa
In fact, the number one thing is we
need to realize the value of what we
So now when we wanna
our good health,
when we want
to have bad habits of sleeping late,
of eating bad food, not taking care of
our health, and not using it for the
proper things,
now we have to realize,
what am I doing here? This health is
worth a lot. I need to make sure
that I use it
in a way that pleases Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. In a way that on the day
of judgment, I can say, look, Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala, I've used my good health for
x y z.
And we need to know the worth of
our time.
Your time, once it's halas, once it's gone,
it never comes back.
And we will be asked about every second
that we spend on this earth.
And so the number one thing is to
know the value.
When you know how valuable your time is,
you wouldn't trade it for sitting down and
watching TV for hours.
You wouldn't trade it for sitting down on
your phone and wasting time.
You wouldn't trade it for doing something worse
even haram, spending your hours watching haram or
doing haram
or speaking haram.
That all goes back to how you're using
your time.
And number 2, dear brothers and sisters, is
to actually
take action.
Now you know the value of this item,
then go sell, go buy, make the transaction.
Do care. In the same ayah, Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala tells us,
That is the day of Atagabun.
The day of the great loss.
Allah says after,
in the same ayah.
He's telling us the solution.
How am I gonna be how do I
avoid being
from those who lose,
from those who are marboonir on the day
of judgment?
He says,
Whoever has iman in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and that iman is true and it causes
him to do action. Amalansalihan.
Wayaamal salihan yukafiranhu
sayyat. Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala, number 1, will,
will erase his sins. And number 2, will
enter him into paradise,
and he'll give him home and
with rivers flowing under them.
They will be there forever.
That is a good transaction.
That is a successful businessman.
That is a successful trait. Dhaliqalfozul
Adil. And so number 1, dear brothers and
sisters, is to know the value of these
nia'am. Number 2 is to use them in
And Nabi salallahu alayhi wasalam, and I'll finish
with this, was asked, who is the best
of people?
Who's the best of people? He said,
life is long
and he uses that in doing good.
And who's the worst of people?
He's the one whose life is long
And he has a lot of sayyat, a
lot of evil deeds.
And so we need to make sure that
we spend our time and good health and
good. How do we do that? We make
sure we look at our schedule
and we make sure that we're not wasting
Don't leave free time because if you leave
it and you don't put something there, you're
gonna eventually do something useless. You're gonna pick
up your phone, you're gonna watch TV, and
so keep yourself busy with goodness.
It doesn't necessarily have to be you being
in the masjid or doing, you know, volunteering.
Just keep yourself busy and good. You have
a family, spend time with your family.
Come to the Masjid once a day.
Put some time for Quran.
The time that you're driving, the time that
you're traveling,
use that time for benefit
and remind yourself
that I'll be asked about this.
That indeed on one day Allah Subhana will
ask us about this name. Ask Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala to make those who listen to
the speech and follow the best of it.
Allah Ma'azul Islam al Mustameen.