Hamza Ayedi – ShaBaan A Gateway To Ramadan

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The importance of planting intentions for a great deal of time is emphasized, along with forgiveness, finding one's own deeds, and planting for a busy month with events and practicing forgiveness. The use of rukhsah, a concession given by Allah for fasting, is a unique thing in the month of Jannah, and preparing for a busy month with events and practicing forgiveness is emphasized. Forgiveness is a combination of forgiveness and finding one's own deeds, and a national holiday is discussed with a photo of a football player being a highlight.
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Bismillah, alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolillah, wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi, wa man wala.
Allahumma la ilmah lana illa ma'allamtana innaka
anta al-alimul hakeem.
Allahumma alimna ma yinfa'na wa infa'na
bima'allamtana wa zidna ilmah.
Wa arina al-haqqa haqqan wa razuqna ittiba
Wa arina al-baatila baatilan wa razuqna ijtinaabah.
Wa adkhilna bi rahmatika fi ibadika as-salihin.
Ameen ya rabbal alameen.
Ahlan wa sahlan everybody to our lecture tonight
about Sha'ban, a gateway to Ramadan.
The month of Sha'ban, wa ma adraaka,
what is Sha'ban?
What will make you understand what Sha'ban
And I wanted to begin with a story.
And I'm just curious, how many of you
here have ever ran a marathon?
Show of hands.
Walking to the supermarket is not a marathon.
Like an actual marathon.
No, no, we need kilometers here.
No meters.
You've ran a marathon?
How many kilometers?
Allah Allah, khalas, then you'll understand.
Masha'Allah, 42 kilometers.
Subhanallah, every year, they usually have like a
marathon for Palestine.
Like a run for Palestine.
Anybody do that last summer?
Nobody here?
So, actually, last year in the summer, I
decided I'm going to do it.
This was like two months before.
And for those who, the reason why I'm
asking is because I want to see how
people understand what it means to run a
Running a marathon, you can't just show up
on the day and be like, yalla, bismillah,
roll up your sleeves.
You'll probably end up in the hospital.
I'm not exaggerating, you'll probably end up in
the hospital.
You know, I knew what it takes, because
I've done one a long time ago.
And you need a lot of preparation.
You need to be preparing maybe, we can
say weeks, months, depending on how long the
marathon is.
What's the longest you've ever prepared for a
Regular runner.
But if you're rusty, you would probably need
two, three months.
Subhanallah, you know, I told myself, I'm going
to run, I think they had five kilometers
and maybe like 10 or 15.
So I was like, I'll do the lesser
one, but I'm going to do it inshallah,
I'm going to prepare.
And I said, a week passed by, inshallah,
inshallah, I got busy, I'll prepare inshallah.
Another week passed by, until literally it came
the week before, and I was like, khalas,
you know, I'll just run every day.
I ended up running just one day before.
Sorry, one day from that week.
And I'm like, okay, khalas, better than nothing.
Okay, so I show up at the day
of the marathon.
It's a run, yeah, it's not a marathon.
It's a run, yeah, a run.
But it's a decent distance.
You know, everyone's excited, I'm like, bismillah, and
so we're running and literally, I mean, right
before the first kilometer, I'm like, out of
breath, I feel like I'm about to vomit.
You know, you get conscious, confused, dizzy, right?
It was one of those really difficult moments.
And I'm like, oh my god, I need
to stop.
But then I convinced myself to keep going.
You know, until, until, until I got to
the end.
And these kids are running by me, and
these young, you know, I started good, and
then I'm like falling behind, and all these
people are going ahead of me.
And that feeling when you see people go
ahead of you, you know, there's, if you
ever went through that feeling, it's very painful,
humiliating, you feel like you're powerless.
People are passing by you, they look at
you, you're like, you're puffing and huffing and
SubhanAllah, for me, it was, Alhamdulillah, I made
My standards were high, you know, top 10
or something.
Then the standard was just make it.
You know, then I was like, just don't
stop, just keep going.
Alhamdulillah, I made it alive.
It was very painful.
Lakin, I learned a big lesson.
I learned a big lesson.
And subhanAllah, this is, I wanted to mention
this story, because a lot of us, when
it comes to Ramadan, we treat it like
the way, you know, I treated that marathon,
We go to the month of Ramadan, and
we're like, yalla, Bismillah, okay?
But we're not ready for it, we didn't
prepare for it.
Wait a second, are you supposed to prepare
for Ramadan?
Yes, we are supposed to prepare for Ramadan,
Just like exactly we're supposed to prepare for
a marathon, because at the end of the
marathon, you want to reach the high spot,
And at the end of Ramadan, what do
you want to do?
You want to reach the high spot, you
want to get out of Ramadan as a
new person, as a better person, as a
person who has achieved, you know, thousands and
thousands and maybe millions of hasanat.
Because that is the month, this is the
best month.
And before we understand the importance of preparing
for it, we need to understand the greatness
of this month, right?
And so this is, Allah subhanAllah, you know,
has chosen, you know, specific times, like He
favored Laylatul Qadr, He favored this month, the
month of Ramadan, out of all the months,
It's a month where Allah subhanAllah forgives and
He takes the most people out of the
hellfire, right?
And so all these things about Ramadan, the
month that the Qur'an came down, the
month where Allah subhanAllah takes the most people
out of Jahannam and enters people into Jannah,
And as-siyam, the main act of worship
that happens in that month, this is an
act that Allah subhanAllah says, this is for
We know other acts of worship that you
get ten hasanat, you know, you get this
many hasanat, but as-siyam, Allah didn't mention.
He says, this is something that could be
multiplied, multiplied.
Allahu a'lam.
For this great month, many of us go
to it like that.
Another example is, you know, think of a
Imagine a farmer came to the, you know,
he just bought a farm and then he
came to the month of harvesting and he's
like, Bismillah, let's harvest.
We'd say to him, what are you talking
about, Habibi?
You have to first plant the seed, you
have to water, you have to, it takes
time, subhanAllah.
The ulama, they say that the month of
Rajab, which just passed, today is what?
What's the date today?
The first of Sha'ban.
Today is the first of Sha'ban.
But what came before it?
And Rajab is from, it's an important month,
It's one of the sacred months.
إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ إِثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا
مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ There are four months that
are Muharram, right?
Muharram, Rajab, and Dhul-Qi'ah, Dhul-Hijjah.
So these are sacred months.
They're special months, right?
But there is a month that people neglect.
And of course we have the month of
Ramadan, we know its place.
But there's a month that comes between Ramadan
and Rajab that people neglect.
And that is the month of Sha'ban.
And that is the month of Sha'ban.
And so the ulama, they say that in
Rajab, you're supposed to plant the seed.
رَجَبْ شَعْبَانْ رَمَضَانْ رَمَضَانْ is what number?
Number in the month?
تِسْعَ صَحْ Number nine, okay?
So Sha'ban right now, we're in the
eighth month.
Before it comes Rajab.
رَجَبْ شَعْبَانْ رَمَضَانْ Okay?
Memorize that.
So in the month of Rajab, what we're
supposed to do, think of a farmer, you
gotta plant the seeds, right?
This is the time where you're really like,
okay, you know, it's been this many months,
okay, got rusty, a lot of sins, you
know, fallen behind.
It's time to, you know, get ready and
get back, you know, get back to business.
And so this is the month where you
start making the intentions, and start planting the
What do I want to achieve in Ramadan?
You know people, now we're finishing January, but
what were people doing in December, in the
beginning of January?
They were what?
Yeah, they're what?
Resolutions, right?
And so people who prepared for the resolutions,
by the way, they're the ones who actually
end up achieving them.
And people who just wake up, okay, well,
everybody on TikTok and Snapchat is doing resolutions,
let me just do some.
يلا بسم الله.
One month, خلص, they're gone.
And this is what happens with a lot
of people in Ramadan.
They enter the month of Ramadan, they're gone.
You were in the first line, and they're
And then for many people, they enter Ramadan,
and it's a painful experience.
And many people, when you see Ramadan is
coming on the mimbar, okay, you can see
it from their faces.
It's like, oh my God, it's that month,
no coffee, no this, no that.
So for them, it's a negative feeling.
And this is the kind of feeling I
had after that run.
When you don't prepare for something, and you
put yourself through that pain, it can give
you a negative feeling.
And that's the feeling some people have with
It's a negative, it's a bad relationship you
have with the greatest month.
And you see people on the other hand,
they're dying, they're waiting, they're so excited about
It's like they're about to buy a new
car or something, you know.
They're about to graduate or something.
Like, it's a month that they're thirsty for.
How come these guys are like this, and
other people are like, oh my God, I
don't want to see Ramadan.
And they can't wait till it's over.
And they're counting the days.
Like, they're on the calendar, they're like, yalla,
Where's Eid?
And then Eid comes, and really, it's like,
it's Eid, he has a thawb jadeed, and
his qalb is maghreed, as they say.
You know, it's Eid, he doesn't really have
anything to celebrate, he didn't really achieve much.
You know, he gets new clothes, but he's
the same.
His heart is still sick, he didn't become
a better person, he didn't increase in taqwa.
A lot of these things happen because we
don't, we don't prepare for Ramadan.
And so, you know, maybe some people would
have seen this title, preparation for Ramadan, eh,
I know Ramadan, I don't need to come.
Lakin, I promise you, this is one of
the most important lectures, inshallah, they will attend.
Because in this lecture, you will see the
importance of preparing for Ramadan.
We've got 30 days, maybe 29, we've got
30 days, inshallah, and in this month, inshallah,
if you take care of it, if you
prepare, if you put the effort, you will
have the best Ramadan in your life, bi
And this is the time to plant that
seed and to make that intention, that inshallah,
this month of Ramadan, I'm gonna be a
new person.
Because Ramadan is a month for us to
become better people.
It's a month, and Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala has made it in a way where
it's easy for you to become a better
It's easy for you to give up bad
It's easy for you to build new habits,
And so this is a golden opportunity.
Forget New Year's, January, this is the perfect
time, okay, there is no other time of
the year, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
you know, the shayateen are chained, and everything,
the red carpet is there for us, but
many people don't want to walk on the
They're like, I'll go somewhere else.
And so, Sha'ban is that month, is
that amazing month, okay, where we can prepare
so we can have a great Ramadan.
And so, in Sha'ban, now you wanna
water the seeds.
You've planted the seeds in Rajab.
We just finished Rajab, we can still make
those intentions, you know, this month, this Ramadan,
this year, I wanna have the best Ramadan.
I want Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
forgive all my sins.
I want to have a relationship with the
I want to enjoy Qiyam al-Layl.
I want to give a lot of Sadaqah.
I want, I want, I want.
I want to come out, having given up
this bad habit I have.
I want to come out.
This is the time to plant those intentions
right now.
Does making intentions cost you any money or
It doesn't really.
Right now, as we're speaking, you can make
those intentions, subhanallah.
But this is the month to do that.
And then now, you need to water your
If you don't water your seeds, if you
made intentions in Rajab, okay, let's assume we're
in Rajab, okay, and you don't water your
seed, is it gonna grow in the month
of harvesting, which is Ramadan?
It's not gonna grow.
And so in Rajab, you're supposed to plant
your seeds.
In Sha'ban, you're supposed to water them
and take care of them.
And how do you do that?
You start getting ready.
So I want to have a relationship with
the Qur'an, and I want to enjoy
the Qur'an in Ramadan, I'm gonna start
reading slowly in Sha'ban, right?
I want to be from the Mutasaddiqun.
And Nabi ﷺ used to be the most
generous in Ramadan.
Does it make sense logically that someone who
never gives at all in Ramadan, he's gonna
become a very generous person?
It really doesn't make sense.
A person prepares themselves slowly, slowly, slowly.
Does it make sense that a person will
enjoy Qiyam al-Layl in Ramadan, and he's
never done it the whole year?
It doesn't make sense, right?
He's gonna force himself, right?
And it's painful for him, right?
Versus someone who's prepared and practiced in Sha
'ban, he's watered his seeds, then on the
month of Ramadan, he will enjoy that.
And he will tell, and he will wish
that the Imam read more.
Haven't you noticed there's some people that say,
Ya Shaykh, it's too long.
You know, it's like, six pages.
It's too long, Shaykh.
You know, when I was in Riyadh, there's
some masajid, they're like, four pages, khalas.
It's too much for them.
I'm like, shoo hada.
They take the days off, and it's like,
Isha is late, and some people just can't
handle more than four pages, right?
And then there's people who come and they
attend, right?
And they're used to Qiyam al-Layl in
Sha'ban, and so they say, Ya Shaykh,
make it longer.
I wish it could be longer.
You know, they're not like, waiting and like,
trying to get out of, you know, as
soon as the Imam says salamu alaykum, they're
SubhanAllah, this goes back to preparation for that,
for that month.
And it's easy now to say, yes, you
know, Ramadan, I want to be forgiven.
I want to get this many deeds, right?
If I was to ask you, who here
would like to be from those who Allah
Subhanu wa Ta'ala will make Jahannam haram
for them?
You raise your hand.
And then say, how many of you are
willing to do the work?
Most of us will raise their hand.
But when it comes down to doing the
work, most of us will not do the
And Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala tells us
in Surah At-Tawbah about the hypocrites.
Surah At-Tawbah is one of those surahs,
it's the surah, it's the only surah in
the Qur'an that doesn't have Basmala.
And it's the surah that they call Al
-Fadhiha, because Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala exposed
the hypocrites.
Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala exposed the hypocrites.
In one of the ayat, Allah Subhanu wa
Ta'ala talks about the hypocrites when they
had to go to the Battle of Tabuk.
The Battle of Tabuk, it didn't actually take
place, but it was going to be one
of the most difficult battles for the Muslims.
They were about to face one of the
superpowers, right?
The Byzantine Empire.
And so, and it was a difficult time,
and it was a hot summer, right?
And so, a lot of the hypocrites start
coming with excuses, right?
You know, we have family, we have kids,
we have jobs, we have this, we have
that, and they start making excuses.
Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala says, Had they
really wanted to go for battle, they would
have prepared for it.
But because they didn't want to go to
battle, because they came to the Prophet saying,
we want to go, we want to support,
But in reality, in their hearts, they didn't
want to.
They just wanted an excuse, and they didn't
want to really go and do the work.
And so Allah exposed them, He says, Had
they wanted to go out and assist in
the battle, and fight for Islam, okay?
Then they would have prepared for it, because
to go to battle, you have to prepare.
You can't just be like, yallah, bismillah, let's
go guys.
If someone wants to climb Mount Everest, do
they just go, yallah, bismillah?
They're preparing for months, right?
To battle, you're preparing for months, right?
And so, Allah says, they didn't prepare aslan,
so they didn't really want to go.
Because you know, someone who's preparing, and then
something emergency comes up, you know?
Some terminal illness.
At least they've prepared, and Allah knows their
And their preparation is a proof of their,
of their niyyah.
And their lack of preparation is a proof
of that their niyyah was not to go
So Allah says, وَلَاكِنْ كَرِهَا اللَّهُمْ بِعَاثَهُمْ Actually,
Allah did not want them to go because
they actually didn't want to go.
And because they didn't want to go, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala caused them to stay
And Allah said, you stay there, وَقِلَا قُعُدُوا
مَعَ الْقَاعِدِينَ You stay behind with the boys
and the girls, with the boys and the
And this is a humiliation for them, right?
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, had
they come out with you, they would have
been a problem, they would have been a
burden for you.
And so one of the signs that our
intention is pure, the intention we're making in
Rajab and Sha'ban is that we actually
prepare for it.
That we're actually watering, watering those seeds in
the month of Sha'ban.
عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت, لم يكن النبي
صلى الله عليه وسلم يصوم من شهر أكثر
من شعبان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم did
not fast a month as much as he
would fast Sha'ban after Ramadan, right?
فإنه كان يصوم شعبان كله وفي رواية كان
يصوم شعبان إلا قليلا عائشة saying that, when
we used to notice the Prophet ﷺ, after
Ramadan, the month he would fast the most
is the month of Sha'ban.
And he says, in one way he says
he would fast all of it.
كله يعني معظمه يعني most of it.
In Arabic كله doesn't always mean all of
it, but most of it.
يعني 20 days, 25 days, 26 days.
So the Prophet ﷺ used to fast a
lot of Sha'ban.
And the question is why?
Why would he do that?
What's so special about Sha'ban?
In another narration, Usam ibn Zaid رضي الله
عنه he noticed the same thing.
He noticed that the Prophet ﷺ is fasting
a lot in Sha'ban.
قَالَ قُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ لَمْ أَرَاكَ تَصُومُ
شَهْرًا مِنَ الشُّهُورِ مَا تَصُومُ مِن شَعْبَانِ Like,
I don't see that you fast a lot
of fasting like Sha'ban.
I don't see you fasting this much in
any other month like Sha'ban, right?
قَالَ ذَٰلِكَ شَهْرٌ يَغْفُلُ النَّاسُ عَنْهُ بَيْنَ رَجَبٍ
وَرَمَضَانٍ He said ﷺ there is a month
that many people are heedless about.
This month comes between Sha'ban and Rajab.
I told you that sorry, this month comes
between Ramadhan and Rajab.
This month comes between Ramadhan and Rajab.
We said that Ramadhan is the ninth month
and Rajab is the seventh.
So what comes between them?
The eighth month which is Sha'ban.
So he ﷺ said a lot of people
are heedless about it.
They don't pay attention to it, right?
غَفِلِين يعني يَغْفُلُونَ They're heedless.
They don't pay attention to it.
Allah ﷻ says in Surah الْأَنْبِيَاءَ اِقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ
حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِي غَفْلَةٍ مُعْرِضُونَ That the time
of hisaab, the day of judgment is coming
closer and closer and many people are in
a ghaflah.
They're heedless.
They're just playing and wasting time not realizing
that every day they're coming closer to that
day, to meeting Allah ﷻ.
So ghaflah is when you're heedless.
Like you're not aware of what's happening.
You're not aware of its importance.
So he says there's a month between Ramadan
and Rajab that many people are heedless about.
وَهُوَ شَهْرٌ تُرْفَعُ فِيهِ الْأَعْمَالُ It is a
month where the deeds are raised.
تُرْفَعُ فِيهِ الْأَعْمَالُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ The deeds
are raised to the Lord of the worlds,
Allah ﷻ.
So he says, so now this is the
فَأُحِبُّ أَن يُرْفَعَ عَمَلِي وَأَنَا صَائِمُ So I
would love that when my deeds are raised,
I'm fasting.
So I love that when my deeds are
raised to Allah ﷻ, I'm fasting.
And we see in other narrations, this concept
of the a'mal being raised to Allah ﷻ.
The a'mal are raised to Allah ﷻ in
three different time portions.
What's the first one?
Anybody know?
Daily, when?
Daily, daily, in the day.
Fajr and Asr.
So there's angels that come in that time,
and they raise our a'mal to Allah ﷻ.
And so Allah asks, how did you find
He said, we found them, they asked the
And he knows, Allah knows the answer, but
it's there to be a witness.
He asked them, how did you find my
They say, we found them praying.
And that's why Salatul Fajr and Salatul Asr
are such important prayers, because the angels come
and they record, and then they go tell
Allah ﷻ, we found Muhammad and Fatima and
Abdullah and all these people, they were praying.
So this is the first time, in the
They come in the Fajr and in the
Asr time.
And the Prophet ﷺ, the believer should be
praying in those times, so that when it's
raised to Allah ﷻ, they are met while
they are praying.
What's the second time?
What's the second frequency, I guess?
In the?
In the week.
Monday and Thursday.
And so Monday and Thursday, the Prophet ﷺ
told us that also the deeds are raised
to Allah ﷻ on Monday and Thursday.
And that's one of the reasons why the
Prophet ﷺ, what?
He would fast those days.
He would fast Monday and Thursday.
The same reason, because he wanted that when
the deeds are raised, that he is fasting.
So here we see how great the act
of fasting is.
And the Prophet ﷺ, he told us that,
whoever fasts a day, whoever fasts a day,
then Allah will push his face away from
the hellfire 70 years.
70 years.
70 years just for fasting one day.
And so, number one, they are raised in
the day, Fajr and Asr.
Number two, they are raised in the week,
Monday and Thursday.
And number three, they're raised annually when?
In the month of Sha'ban.
In the month of Sha'ban.
And so this is the month also where
the deeds are raised to Allah ﷻ.
What does it mean that they are raised?
People do actions.
People do a'mal, right?
Now these actions have to go up, right,
to Allah ﷻ.
And some people, their deeds don't go up.
Or when they go up, they're not in
the best state.
And subhanallah we have the hadith.
And this is a good time to talk
about the 15th of Sha'ban.
This always comes up about the 15th of
What's so special about the 15th of Sha
The 15th of Sha'ban, this is the
middle of the month, right?
And we have some narrations.
A lot of them are da'if.
Others, some of the ulama, they said that
it's hasan nighayri, like it's acceptable hadith.
And that is the hadith where, about Abu
Musa al-Ash'ariy, about the messenger of
Allah ﷺ, he said, إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَيَتْطَلِعُ فِي
لَيْلَةِ النِّصْفِ مِن شَعْبَانِ That Allah ﷻ will
look down upon His slaves on the middle
night of Sha'ban.
فَيَغْفِرُ لِجَمِيعِ خَلْقِهِ And He will forgive to
all creation.
Allah ﷻ will look down and He will
forgive all of the creation.
All the creation.
إِلَّا إِلَّا Except for two people.
Anybody know the two people, the two kinds
of people?
Someone who has shahna' and someone who is
All the creation, Allah ﷻ will forgive them,
except a mushrik.
A mushrik is someone who associates partners with
Allah ﷻ.
And a mushahin.
اش يعني مشاحن What's a mushahin?
Someone who keeps grudges.
A mushahin.
And this is very interesting.
Like I said, this hadith, and it's a
good time to talk about this night.
There's a lot of exaggeration from some people
on this night.
And some of the ulama, we have some
narrations actually where Ibn Abbas ﷺ would actually
spend this night praying and read the Qur
'an and spend it in ibadah.
Some people try to fast on this day.
Some people try to pray qiyam al-layl
and do special adhkar, etc.
We don't really have any authentic proof that
the Prophet ﷺ used to do special things.
Some of the sahaba and tabi'een would
try to do extra deeds.
Because the more good deeds you do, the
more likely Allah ﷻ will forgive your deeds.
So this is taqarrub to Allah ﷻ.
So if someone says, I want to read
Qur'an or I want to pray the
night or I want to fast, okay, then
there's no problem.
But to specify the day for fasting and
not the rest of sha'ban is not
from the sunnah.
The sunnah is to actually try to fast
as much as you can in sha'ban.
The sunnah is to try to fast the
Mondays and Thursdays in sha'ban.
The sunnah is to try to fast the
ayam al-bid, like the middle days of
the month in sha'ban.
That is closer to the sunnah.
Some people, you know, we have this thing
where we try to find the shortcut, like
the 27th night of Ramadan and, you know,
the middle of sha'ban.
But that's not the sunnah of the Prophet
But it is a special night and we
have this hadith.
It's an acceptable hadith.
It's a special night.
But the place where I wanted to talk
about is that Allah ﷻ will forgive all
the creation except the mushrik, okay, or someone
who has shahna, has a grudge.
Because we have a hadith.
We have a hadith that, that, that the
doors of Jannah are opened on Monday.
And the day of Thursday.
We mentioned this a few minutes ago.
So, these people will be forgiven except, okay,
except a person that had grudge with another
So, it will be said to the angels,
take a look.
So, wait for these two people that have
grudge between each other until they make up.
Until they reconcile.
Until they figure out this grudge or this
beef they have between each other.
So, you say, Three times.
Wait for these until they make up.
Delay their forgiveness until they reconcile.
Delay their forgiveness until they reconcile.
And so there are people that they're doing
good deeds and when the time comes for
these deeds to go up to Allah ﷻ,
they are held back.
Because they have a grudge against someone.
People, a person doesn't talk to their brother
for years.
The other day, I was talking to a
person, she hasn't talked to her father for
six years.
Six years she hasn't talked to her father.
How are your deeds being raised to Allah
And so one of the things that we
need to do, inshaAllah, we're going to talk
about this in Sha'ban, is that we
need to make sure there is no shahna.
There is no grudges that we enter Ramadan
with a clean heart.
And this is one of the easiest things
to do in terms of effort, but it's
one of the hardest things to do.
One of the most difficult things to do
is to forgive someone or to let go
of something when they were wrong.
Or somebody who wronged you.
Especially when it comes to family.
Lakin we know our obligation when it comes
to family.
And then Nabi ﷺ is telling us that
Allah will not forgive that person.
And Allah will tell the angels, wait, wait
until they make up.
Think about how many people you have you
cut off intentionally.
Whether it's a brother in Islam, whether it's
a far relative or a close relative.
Think of how many people you've cut off.
Those relationships have to be fixed.
And so a person might fast the whole
month and they have this shahna.
Allah ﷻ will their sins be forgiven.
Allah ﷻ.
And so, what are some of the things
that we can do in the month of
And we'll conclude with this, bi-idhnillahi ta
What are some of the things that we
can do in the month of Sha'ban?
Okay, number one is fasting, obviously.
And Nabi ﷺ said that, you know, the
reason why he fasted so many times, so
many days in Sha'ban, because this is
the month where the deeds are raised to
Allah ﷻ and he wishes that when they
are raised, he's fasting.
When it comes to fasting, number one, we
have our obligatory fast that we missed from
last Ramadan.
So if you have any fast that you
missed from last Ramadan, you need to make
sure that you make them up.
You need to make sure that you make
them up.
And if another Ramadan comes and you haven't
made them up, then you are sinful.
If another Ramadan comes and you don't make
up those fasts, then you are sinful.
You are sinful for those days.
You are excused and you had eleven months
to make them up.
So this is like your last chance.
So those are number one priority.
You need to make up those days.
That is going to be dain.
It's going to be something that you owe
Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgment.
So you have to make up those obligatory
fasts, number one.
Number two, there's the voluntary fast, right?
The voluntary fast, we said Mondays and Thursdays.
And we have from the Sunnah, the middle
days, الأيام البيض, in the middle of the
Those months are also from the Sunnah, right?
The closest to the Sunnah.
It's a Sunnah mu'akkadah to pray those
And of course the whole month.
The whole month, it's a great month to
The only day I would say don't fast
is the month, is the day right before
the viewing of the moon, of the month
of Ramadan.
That day, just so you can separate between
Ramadan and some ulama said there's karaha for
fasting on that day, the last day.
So just leave that day out.
But the rest of the month, try your
best to fast in that month.
And remember, the person who's fasting in Sha
'ban, how's his fasting going to be in
It's going to be very enjoyable, right?
It's going to be very comforting.
Because now he's ready.
What happens for those of us who haven't
fasted for 11 months, and then now we're
fasting in Ramadan, right?
We are like, we crash in the first
day, and we have headaches, and all those
things that come up, right?
And it makes Ramadan less, yeah, less enjoyable,
But if you prepare, and you fast a
few days in Sha'ban, then you will
enter Ramadan energetic, ready.
Your body has adjusted.
Your heart has adjusted, subhanAllah.
And remember the reason why we fast.
Why do we fast?
What's the illah of fasting?
نعم, الله سبحانه وتعالى says, يَأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا
كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ قَبْلِكُمْ
لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ This is the illah, this is
the reason.
So the main reason, okay, the main hikmah
of fasting, Allah mentioned siyam in general here.
The main reason for fasting is that in
the hopes, لَعَلَّكُمْ in hopes that you can
gain taqwa.
In the hopes that you can gain what?
Taqwa, God consciousness, fear of Allah subhanahu wa
So imagine someone who's been fasting, you know,
few days here and there in Sha'ban
and he enters Ramadan with a high level
of taqwa.
How is his recitation of the Quran in
Ramadan with the shayateen chain and everybody around
him fasting and qiyam, how is his relationship
going to be?
It's going to be different.
He's going to actually enjoy it.
He's going to find peace.
He's going to have tadabbur, you know.
أَفَلَا يَتَدَبُّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ أَخْفَلُهَا Many
of us cannot contemplate and understand and enjoy
the Quran because there are chains, there are
locks on our hearts from the sins.
And the key is with shaytan and he's
run off with it subhanAllah.
And we let him run off with it.
And the month of Sha'ban is the
month to get that key back.
And the month to unlock those locks on
our hearts.
To have our heart ready for the month
of Ramadan.
So fasting is one of the best ways
because fasting gets you physically ready and it
gets you spiritually ready.
And it gets you spiritually ready.
Number two is reading the Quran.
Shahr Ramadan is the shahr of the Quran.
And it's the best month for us to
get closer to the Quran, to the book
of Allah.
It's the best month to build a relationship
with the Quran.
It's interesting, in the month of Ramadan you
know, there are people who will not touch
the Quran for 10 to 11 months.
And in the month of Ramadan they will
do a khatmah.
They will read the whole Quran.
It's amazing.
It's a blessed month.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes it easy
for people to do that.
And so imagine someone now who, you know,
some of the ulama they say that the
month of Sha'ban this month that we're
in right now they called it the month
of the qurra.
Why they call it the month of the
Because this is the month where the qurra,
those who recite the Quran in Ramadan, they
start preparing.
And those who used to own shops they
would close their shops in Sha'ban.
You know, we're closed.
Sorry, we're closed.
This is the month of preparation.
Because they wanted to reach Ramadan in optimal
Ready for that marathon.
Ready to just * everything they can from
that month.
Because that month is short.
And subhanallah that month makes such a big
A person who lived one extra year, one
extra Ramadan might go so many levels higher
than someone who missed that Ramadan.
And we don't know.
And Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam there's some
discussion about the authenticity of this hadith.
But he would say, you know, Allahumma barik
lana fee sha'ban, wabalighna Ramadan.
Oh Allah bless us in Sha'ban and
give us the ability to be alive in
Can anybody know, can anybody guarantee here if
we're gonna be alive in Ramadan?
Lakin, you know what's amazing?
What's amazing is had, if you plant the
seeds, and you make the intention to water
them, and you plan the intention to have
the best Ramadan, guess what?
If you don't make it, if I don't
make it, and that's a very big possibility,
if we don't make it to Ramadan, insha
'Allah all of that is written for you.
Allahu Akbar.
All of that is written for you.
And Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam told us,
the person who makes an intention, a sincere
intention, and he's not able to fulfill that,
then Allah writes it down for him.
Allahu Akbar.
Allah will write down right now if you
made an intention to have the best Ramadan,
that you had that great Ramadan.
So why would someone not do that?
So the second thing is reading the Quran,
reciting the Quran, getting used to reciting the
Quran, you know, starting to spend some time
with the Quran.
So that's number two.
Number three is trying to pray some qiyam.
And so, it's amazing how a lot of
people will force themselves to go to taraweeh.
And they'll push through.
And you know, high five for that, and
that's excellent.
Lakin, how is their experience with qiyam al
Is it enjoyable?
Is it painful?
Some people are like barely holding on.
Some people are just waiting for like, you
know, al-shafa' al-witr.
You know, they're just waiting for al-shafa'
al-witr just to, you know, because it's
so painful.
And some people are just enjoying it.
And some people stay and pray until they
do 20.
Allahu Akbar.
And they go home and they'll pray more.
And they'll wake up.
Because they got their body used to it.
And so one of the greatest advice the
ulama give about qiyam al-layl is if
you are someone who does not pray qiyam
al-layl at all.
Then start with just praying that one witr
before you sleep.
That one witr that you pray, and a
witr is a sunnah mu'akkadah.
It's a extremely recommended sunnah.
And so that one rak'ah of witr.
Is that difficult?
One rak'ah of witr?
It's not that difficult.
That rak'ah of witr, pray it for
7 days in a row before you sleep.
Or just after isha.
Start with after isha.
Just pray that one rak'ah.
And then do it right before you sleep.
Another week.
And then another week, wake up before fajr.
Alhamdulillah, we haven't increased the hour.
It's coming.
It's coming soon in Ramadan.
But, you know, fajr is still a bit
So if you're up at 6, you can
still pray qiyam.
Delay that right before fajr time.
For another week.
And you'll see now that it's easier for
you to get up for qiyam al-layl.
And then maybe increase, add 2 rak'ahs,
and then 5 rak'ahs, and then 7,
and then it becomes a habit.
This is how you build a habit.
Ramadan is great for that.
But the problem with Ramadan is many people
go from zero to yalla, bismillah, hour and
a half.
And then it's so difficult for them that
when Ramadan goes by, they will never go
back to it.
Because they went in hard, it was painful,
it was not an enjoyable experience, and they
didn't take the right steps.
They didn't take the right steps.
Similar to the example, any students here?
Any students, students, university?
What happens when you cram the night before?
What happens after the test?
Do you remember anything?
You don't even want to look at the
You don't even want to see them.
But it's possible to get a good grade.
It's possible to benefit, right?
You get a good grade.
But then you come out and it's like,
your friend asks you, what did you put
on the answer?
He's like, I don't even know what I
You know?
You were studying for 20 hours.
And subhanallah, a lot of people are like
that with Ramadan.
Lakin, the one who prepares, the one who
studies like two weeks before, very few of
us do that.
But those who study like weeks before a
test, you know, they're the ones who enjoy
the test.
They're the ones who benefit from that knowledge
after the test.
And they'll get their grades.
And it's the same thing with fasting and
Qur'an and Qiyam.
The next thing is, and this is one
of the most important, is forgiveness.
And forgiveness, two things.
Number one, having a tawbah nasuha, a sincere
tawbah to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And the Prophet ﷺ told us that the
one who has a sincere tawbah, Allah will
forgive him.
It's guaranteed.
Allah will forgive you.
Whatever you did, لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُوا الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًۭ Allah forgives all
the sins.
Allah says, قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَا الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا All
My servants who have done the extremes, they've
done everything.
They didn't leave any sin unturned.
They've done everything.
Allah says, لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ
اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُوا الذُّنُوبَ Allah forgives all the sins.
So number one, we have to ask for
forgiveness and make tawbah.
Number two, which is related, is we need
to forgive others.
Remember that shahnaa, that guwaj we talked about?
We need to let go of that.
We need to forgive others.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, in surah an
-Nur, He tells us the story, right?
Of al-ifq.
We don't have time to go through it.
But one of the key moments in that
surah, surah an-Nur, is the incident with
Abu Bakr radhiAllahu anhu.
Abu Bakr, his daughter was accused of zina.
Aisha radhiAllahu anhu, the wife of the Prophet
So his daughter was accused of zina.
A relative of his daughter, okay, is one
of the people who spread.
He was a believer but he made a
He spread the rumor.
And what's interesting, Abu Bakr used to, used
to give him an allowance.
I want you to imagine, one of your
relatives, you give them an allowance monthly.
Maybe they're back home, they're not well, they
need money.
So you send them a monthly allowance.
And then they spread rumors about your daughter.
How would you feel?
So naturally, Abu Bakr said, I will not
spend on him.
I will not send him anymore.
He's upset.
It became a big incident and everybody is
talking about it.
And so Allah ﷻ revealed an ayah.
Allah ﷻ revealed an ayah that don't let
those people who have fadl, who have, who
are doing good deeds, right?
From the muhajireen.
Don't let those people stop doing those good
And to forgive.
And then this is what I wanted to
focus on.
And then Allah says, wouldn't you love that
Allah would forgive you?
Abu Bakr, when he heard this ayah, he
said, yes, of course I would love that
Allah would forgive me.
The implication here or what's being implied here
is that as if Allah ﷻ is saying,
if you want Allah to forgive you, then
forgive others.
And the more you are willing to forgive
others, then Allah will forgive you.
Some people will say, I don't want to
They wrong me.
They don't deserve it.
Subhanallah, if Allah ﷻ wanted to take us
to account for what we did, Allah says,
مَا تَرَكَ عَلَى ظَهْرِهَا مِن دَبِّ وَلَوْ يُؤَخِذُ
اللَّهُ النَّاسُ If Allah ﷻ was to take
people to account for what they actually do,
we wouldn't even be standing here.
Look how merciful Allah ﷻ is to us.
And so Allah ﷻ is telling us, have
some mercy on other people.
And Allah ﷻ will forgive you.
And so one of the ways for us
to gain forgiveness in this month, and that
night of Shaban, is that we forgive others.
Remember He said, accept one who is a
mushrik, and the one who has shahna, who's
got beef, who's got grudge with other people,
who is not willing to forgive.
And like I said, it's one of the...
there's no effort.
What do you have to do?
You have to lift a box?
You have to like run a marathon?
You just have to really sit down, and
just humble yourself, and just forgive that person.
Pick up the phone, and call that cousin
that you haven't called in 10 years because
of, you know, he didn't return that 100
bucks, subhanallah.
Petty things.
Things in the dunya, right?
Or he said something, or you heard someone
told you that he said something about you.
And maybe it's not even true, subhanallah.
And shaitan breaks that relationship, and your deeds
are not being graced.
So that's one of the greatest things to
do, is to try to get that out
of the way, forgive others, you know, connect
with those relatives.
And Allah ﷻ told the Prophet ﷺ, خُذِ
الْعَفُّ, take al-'afu, pardon.
Like, it's as if it's something that you
This is something you take.
Al-'afu is something you take.
You know, when people talk about forgiveness, yeah,
they see it as, I'm giving up something.
I'm on the weaker end of it, you
Allah ﷻ says, Allah ﷻ talks about al-'afu,
pardoning people, as if it's something that you're
He says, خُذِ الْعَفُّ, it's something you take.
خُذِ الْعَفُّ, subhanallah.
And so, when we look at al-'afu, and
pardoning people in that way, and subhanallah, we
have a hadith, some said it's da'if,
some said it's hasan, yeah, that on the
Day of Judgment, right, on the Day of
Judgment, imagine, when all the people are there,
okay, an angel will call out, اين العافون
عن الناس?
Where are those people who used to pardon
اين العافون عن الناس?
And so the people who used to pardon,
it was a habit from the pardon, they
will all stand.
And so now the angel will say to
them, enter Jannah without any حساب.
Enter Jannah without any questioning.
You people will enter Jannah without any questioning.
And it makes sense, يعني because, يعني the
نص makes sense because Allah told us that
when you forgive, Allah forgives you.
When you forgive, Allah forgives you.
Like the hadith of the person who used
to lend people money, and he used to
pardon them when they couldn't pay it off,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, right, will ask
him, what good deeds do you have?
And he says, I don't have much, except
that I used to pardon people who had
And Allah says, I am more merciful than
you, so enter Jannah, subhanAllah.
And so pardoning is one of the greatest
things that we can do.
And the last thing, and I'll finish with
this, is dua, right, preparing our duas.
You know, the month of Ramadan, one of
the unique things is the Qur'an, but
one of the unique things when you read
the ayat in the Qur'an, is that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about dua,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, إني قريب,
أجيب دعوة الداعي إذا دعان It's the month
of dua.
And so because it's the month of dua,
we don't want to go in, like some
people, you hear stories, people go to hajj,
and they go on the month of Arafah,
and they're bored, they don't know what to
Arafah, the greatest, like really the greatest day,
the day where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is hosting, like these are the guests of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala forgives the people of Arafah.
And some people come and sleep.
Because they went there unprepared.
And then you have people making dua and
crying, and there's so many things, subhanAllah, how
shaitan tricks people.
And so sometimes people come to Ramadan, and
they don't make dua, they don't take advantage.
And so one of the best things you
can do is at least prepare five or
six or seven duas, you know, that really
will, from the dunya and akhira, that will
bring you closer, will make you a better
And write them down, and memorize them, and
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala every day.
And remember that if a dua falls on
one of the, on Laylatul Qadr, it will
be accepted 100%.
And so if a person, imagine a person
makes dua in the last 10 nights, every
day, every day, every day, for sure Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will accept that dua.
And so many stories were heard about that.
So in conclusion, what are the things that
we can do?
So we can be practical about this.
Number one, fast.
Make sure you do your obligations before the
Fast, get yourself ready.
Get acquainted with the Qur'an, start reading
the Qur'an slowly, slowly.
Don't start with two juz' tonight, if you're
not used to, you haven't read in months.
Start with a page, five pages, seven pages,
ten pages, and so on, right?
Read the Qur'an.
Try to do some qiyam.
We said start with a witr.
Just at least one witr.
Now, before you sleep, make sure you pray
your witr.
If you didn't pray your witr, pray your
witr, do it for a week, try to
do it then before fajr, okay?
Number four is forgiveness.
Make tawbah to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and forgive others, right?
And I would say forgive others first and
then make tawbah and inshallah the tawbah will
be accepted and the last thing is make
Prepare your duas and inshallah bi'idhnillah, we
will have the best Ramadan in our lives.
And that's an intention.
None of us here has the excuse to
leave without making that intention.
Mahroom the person who reaches Ramadan without making
that intention.
Nobody here has the excuse to leave and
go to sleep tonight without having made that
intention at least.
At least, right?
That's all I wanted to say and we'll
open the floor for questions inshallah.
Questions about Ramadan.
Ali inshallah, I think next week we'll be
having a session or the week after on
the fiqh of fasting, the questions about fasting.
Also tomorrow inshallah in Fairview we have our
fiqh of fasting lectures starting tomorrow inshallah in
Fairview at 6.30 bi'idhnillah ta'ala.
So you're welcome to attend those inshallah.
So can you fast Fridays in Sha'ban?
No problem.
It's okay to fast.
So he's asking the question about the traveler,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave us a
concession, a rukhsah for the musafir, right?
For the musafir, okay, because it's difficult, right?
So it's a rukhsah.
This is the debate between some of the
Is it better to try to fast, or
is it the sunnah, is it actually the
sunnah to fast, or is it the sunnah
to not fast, right?
And there's a long discussion about it.
But what makes sense is that you have
a rukhsah, it's okay to use it.
There's no blame for a person who uses
it, right?
But if a person is doing like a
short travel, I don't know, like he's flying
from here to Edmonton on a half an
hour plane, just fast.
Because it's better to gain that fast in
Ramadan if there's no difficulty.
But sometimes there's difficulty, like I remember once,
you know, when I was in Riyadh, from
Riyadh to Mecca is how long?
It's like, you know, a thousand kilometers or
something, right?
It's like going to Vancouver or something, or
Kelowna, somewhere there.
I was going with these shabab, my friends
from Toronto, and we were going, it was
Ramadan, and so they wanted to go do
So I said, shabab, it's a long trip,
we're going to be very tired, we're driving,
it's hot, let's just, right?
And so the leader of the trip said,
no, let's fast, we're fasting.
And he was the driver of the car,
so he said, let's fast.
And it was one of the most difficult
We reached, and they wanted to do Umrah,
and the problem is those of you who
have done Umrah know, Umrah takes effort, right?
And literally we reached and we're doing, you
know, tawaf and sa'i, and I'm about
to fall on the floor.
I'm just waiting for the adhan came like
when I'm doing sa'i, right?
And the guy who was giving out the
tea and coffee, I just took the whole
It was very difficult.
And I said to myself, subhanallah, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala didn't want us to go
through that difficulty, we shouldn't have fasted.
So if someone knows it's going to be
a difficult travel, then don't fast.
You have the rukhsah, and you're not blamed
for that, right?
And you're getting, I mean, by Allah you're
not blamed for that.
It's not like you have less iman or
No, it's fine.
Take the concession, but if it's like a
short travel, you know, like someone is going
to Red Deer, drive to Red Deer, just
There's no problem.
It's like an hour and a half or
Good question.
Do you have a question?
Please go ahead.
Uh huh.
So what's your question?
So if you forgive that, does it count
as forgiveness?
The sister is asking, when it comes to
afu, forgiveness, pardoning, right?
Do you have to go to the person
and be like, Abdullah, you know, all this
time I didn't talk to you, I'm so
sorry, you know, I shouldn't have, blah, blah.
Or can you just do it in your
This goes back to, what is it, what's
your relationship with that person, right?
There's some people that if you told them,
it might get worse.
So I would say step one is to
forgive in your heart.
Step one is to forgive that person in
your heart.
You know what?
That cousin that, you know, spread those rumors
about me, I forgive him.
Oh Allah, bear witness, I forgive him.
This is something you sit down and do
it by yourself.
I forgive that person.
Oh Allah, I forgive that person.
And now the second step, I would say
the second level, okay, of ihsan now here,
is to call up that person, because he's
still cut off.
You still, if you've intentionally cut him off,
they're still cut off, right?
And so Allah is saying, wait until they
So you have reconciled halfway.
You still have to, you still should call
that person and reconcile with them.
And okay, you might say, well, he might
say, no, I don't want to talk to
Khalas, you've done your job.
You now, your a'mal will be raised by
Ibn Allah Ta'ala.
When it comes to you, you've done your
due diligence.
That person is between him and Allah Subhanu
Wa Ta'ala, right?
And that's why, salat al-rahim, let's talk
about salat al-rahim for a second.
Salat al-rahim, the ulama, they say salat
al-rahim, and toosal man qata'ak.
Salat al-rahim, like connecting with the kins,
the relatives.
It's not about, you know, tit for tat,
like, he calls me, I'll call him.
He doesn't call me, I don't call him.
Some people, this is their, this is their,
like, their their aqeedah when it comes to,
you know, dealing with people.
But that's not what salat al-rahim is.
Salat al-rahim is connecting those who cut
you off.
Someone cut you off, you try to connect.
They don't call me back.
That's it.
You try, that's it.
And you're getting great reward for that.
Don't forget that you're getting great reward for
So yes, you should try to call that
person up, you know, reconcile with them.
If it's something bad you did against them
and they don't know about it, then you
could, you know, do a sadaq for them
or make dua for them.
Maybe that's a different topic.
But yeah, you should try to reconcile with
that person.
You should.
You should try your best.
Their reaction is not your responsibility.
مَا عَلَيْكَ إِلَّا الْبَلَغُ Your responsibility is to?
Is to what?
Is to give the message.
If they accept or not, that's their responsibility.
It's a good question.
Now, any other questions?
So everybody's ready for...
Shaaban started.
Yeah, the race started.
But this is the time inshaAllah.
Try your best inshaAllah to do that.
Try your best and inshaAllah this will be
the best Ramadan.
No, no.
You don't have to fast.
The Prophet ﷺ, it was from his he's
asking, do you have to fast every day
of Shaaban?
No, no.
That's not what I...
The hadith says that the Prophet ﷺ would
fast after Ramadan.
Shaaban is the month he would fast the
And so he'd fast most of it.
Aisha said like all of it, meaning like
most of it.
Pretty much most of it.
Like sometimes she says we would watch him
fast and we don't know if he's ever
going to break his fast.
So yeah, you try to fast as much
as you can.
And like I said, I would say you
If you say I can't do all of
it, focus Monday, Thursday.
Because that's, you know, you're getting, that's the
time where the actions are raised.
And you know, the ayyam al-bi't, right?
The middle days of the month.
And so on.
And you try your best.
Try to fast a few days.
And la yakallifu Allah nafsan illa wus'aha
Any other questions?
So ayyam al-bi't, Monday, Thursday?
Yeah, and the rest is free for all.
Any other sunnahs I'm forgetting?
There's a popular view that what?
Ah, that he fasted the first 15?
Allah alam, I've never read any narrations relating
to that.
He said there's some, there's an opinion that
the Prophet would fast the first 15 and
then rest in the other 15.
Allah alam, I'm not sure about that narration.
But this hadith is very clear.
Like she said, most of it or all
of it.
So, is half most in the English language?
I would say half, you know, most of
it is more than half.
Allah alam.
I didn't, I don't know if there's any
Everyone ready for the race?
Jazakumullah khair.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.