Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh Of Salah Taught – Part 5
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The speakers discuss the importance of practicing "AP" in avoiding mistakes, and the use of " Subhanak" as a way to avoid mistakes. They also use "AP" to differentiate between their breathing and their body, and "AP" is removed from any imperfection. The transcript describes a person who uses their body, eyes, and breathing to differentiate their breathing, and discusses the power of "AP" in avoiding mistakes.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man walaha.
Allahumma la ilma lana illa ma alamtana inna
kanta al-alimun hakeem.
Allahumma alimna ma yinfa'na wa yinfa'na
bima alamtana wa zinna ilma wa alina alhaqqa
haqqana wa wazughna ittiba'a wa alina albatila
batirana wa wazughna istinabaha wa adkhilna bi rahmatika
fi ibadika as-salihin.
Ya Rabb al-alameen.
Welcome everybody to day five of our fiqh
of salah series or course.
And as usual we like to start with
our muraj'ah bi-idhnillahi ta'ala.
So alhamdulillah last week, so we've done so
far the ruling of the prayer, the iqamah
and the adhan.
We spent two weeks on the conditions, the
shuroot of the salah.
We're going to review those quickly.
And today inshallah and next week we'll be
discussing one of the most important chapters which
is babu as-sifat as-salah, which is
the chapter on the description of the prayer.
Why would that be the most important chapter
or one of the most important chapters?
Yeah, so this is the one that really
describes how to pray.
So now in this chapter he'll explain to
you exactly how to pray.
And so of course we know salah is
one of the most important ibadahs really in
our deen.
And we discussed that a person without salah,
it's almost like he's not even a Muslim.
So that's why it's one of the most
So if you missed zakah and you missed
suyam, yes that's not good if you have
to fast and pay your zakah.
But as-salah is up there from one
of the most important chapters.
And he says it's the most important chapter
because if you didn't study the chapter on
salat al-khusuf, right, okay, it's not a
big, big deal.
Because one of those not obligatory prayers, it's
not a big deal.
But the main obligations for a person who's
baligh, then it is mandatory for him too.
And as you can see we have a
lot to cover for the fiqh of salah
Some of the chapters are a bit shorter.
This one is a bit from the longer
Let's start with some review.
As-sual al-awwal.
Usually I have candy, but we already have
sugar here.
So alhamdulillah you're all active now.
So the first question is how many conditions
are there for the validity of the prayer?
We mentioned shuroot.
If you can have a hand.
MashaAllah, yes.
So we have six shuroot for the validity
of the prayer.
These are the six things you have to
have qabla bidayat as-salah.
Before maghrib right now, you had to have
had these six things.
What are the six?
Who's got all six of them?
You told me last time.
Fadhal ya.
Bismillah an-niyyah.
You can ask your neighbors to help you.
An-niyyah, what else?
So at-tahara, really, the one that we
covered in the beginning.
At-tahara, an-niyyah, what else?
Dukhool waqt as-salah, the time of the
salah has to enter.
Al-qibla, we need to be facing the
We need to face Mecca.
What else?
Covering the awrah and one more.
Avoiding the najasat.
You have to start your prayer without having
any najasat.
Unless you don't know about it.
Those six, you should know them.
Again, tahara, the entry of time.
Covering the awrah, the qibla, removing najasat.
And the last one is an-niyyah.
Number three says, if a person unknowingly prays
with a najasa, is his prayer valid?
It's a good question.
You enter salah, you have no clue but
there's a najasa on you.
Something impure.
I don't know, there's something on you.
You change the diaper and there's something on
Or whatever it is.
Something that has a najasa.
And you prayed and you had no idea.
This is a fatwa right now.
Jameel, good.
And we know this from Hadith Jibreel.
So he said that.
Not Hadith Jibreel, the main hadith of Islam
and Iman.
But the hadith when Jameel came to the
Prophet and he informed him that he had
some najasa on his shoe.
And the Prophet removed it in the middle
of salah.
We learned two things here.
That you can remove your shoe or your
clothes during salah if there's a najasa.
That's fine.
And number two here that the Prophet wouldn't
have known.
And if someone wouldn't have known and just
prayed and never ever would have found out.
Because there's no way for him to know.
And if he finds out later, oh my
God, I prayed the najasa, it's better for
him to repeat it.
In which places are we not allowed to
We mentioned seven plus the roofs of all
those seven.
What are the seven?
Let's go to the seven.
So graveyard.
Where people shower.
The places where the camels eat.
In the middle of the road.
I think you need just one more.
He deserves a big box of cookies.
Well done.
That's really good.
And he went in order too.
So those places we're not allowed to pray.
And there are roofs as well.
Those places we're not allowed to pray because
of the najasas.
Number five.
In what two situations is the condition of
facing the qibla excused?
Do you remember we said that it's a
But there are two situations where you are
Is the volume.
Should I intentionally put it down?
But I guess I will intentionally put it
back up.
That's better inshallah.
We talked that from shuroot, from the condition
of salah, is that you have to be
facing the qibla.
But we said there's two situations where it's
It's excused.
Who remembers those?
So a musafir who's praying an afilah.
A musafir who's praying an extra prayer.
Like a sunnah prayer.
Then for him the qibla, and we have
a hadith that the Prophet did that multiple
And it's clear because he's going from where
he was going from.
From Mecca to Medina.
The qibla is right behind him.
If you think of the geography.
We have Mecca and then Medina is north.
So if you're going this way, and he's
praying on his camel, there's no way he's
facing the qibla.
The other way you're facing it.
And what's the other situation?
Someone who's not able to, or out of
Someone who's sick, unable to.
For example someone, I don't know, he's paralyzed
and he can't move the bed or something
like that.
That person is excused.
Or someone who's doing it out of fear.
And his life is in danger or something
like that.
We talked of some similar situations.
Or he just doesn't know.
He doesn't know.
So inshallah that shart is excused for him.
Can you ask a non-Muslim for the
direction of the qibla?
Yes, Salim.
He has no other option and he's a
trustworthy person.
He's not intoxicated.
You can ask him inshallah.
And he'll tell you the direction.
That should be fine inshallah.
You always try to do it yourself.
If you know, use your phone.
But if you remember, our phone is always
In our fiqh classes.
So we can inshallah benefit.
Can you make your niyyah after takbeerat al
The last condition was that you have to
have the niyyah.
If you say Allahu Akbar, and now you're
like, okay, I'm praying maghrib now.
Can you do that?
So we said that a niyyah.
Some of them had a difference of opinion.
The Hanbala, they said the niyyah is a
It has to happen before.
Remember we said conditions have to happen before.
Because as soon as takbeerat al-ihram is
said, you are in salah.
And we said if you enter salah without
a niyyah, it will be a nafila.
And we said also we can go from.
Is that the next question?
Yeah, that's the next question.
Can you change your intention after takbeerat al
Can you do a different salah?
Yeah, Ahsan, so fard to nafil.
So if you get in, and initially it
was a maghrib salah, a fard, an obligatory
And you're like, you know what, I want
to pray two sunnah.
You're allowed to do that.
But vice versa, no.
The opposite, no.
If you enter with a sunnat al-fajr,
like let's say the time is running out.
I think now it's 8.06 or something.
Time is running out.
You don't realize.
You say Allahu Akbar, and your intention is
to pray sunnah of fajr.
And you're like, oh, there's no time.
You saw the watch in front of you,
like there's no time.
Can you change?
You can't.
Either you finish it and you pray.
If you really think that you're not going
to make it, you end the salah.
Because remember we said that the fard, it's
more wajib, it's more important to get that
in time than your sunnah.
Even though the sunnah is a very high
level sunnah, the sunnah al-fajr.
Let's start.
So the author now goes into babu sifat
And for those who sometimes forget, we're doing
akhsal muqtasarat.
This is a Hanbali introductory book.
And we're going to try to read the
Arabic as well, inshallah, just for the benefit.
So he says, babu sifat al-salah.
So this is the chapter on the description
of the salah.
So the first thing he mentions is the
Before you start your salah.
So he says, يُسَنُّ خُرُوجِهِ إِلَيْهَا مُتَطَهِّرًا بِسَكِينَةٍ
وَوَقَارًا مَعَ قَوْلِ مَا وَرَدْ So he says,
it is from the sunnah to do your
wudu at home.
From the sunnah, that you do your wudu
at home.
طبعاً, if you can't, no problem.
It's a sunnah, it's not like you're sinful.
But it's better to do your wudu at
And you go to the masjid calmly.
We have a hadith about that.
And so sometimes we see people running to
the salah.
We shouldn't run for the salah.
You're not going to be able to pray
You're going to be breathing heavily, etc.
You might say, well, I can hear them.
This is more common in the Muslim countries,
where they have the megaphone on.
And so you can hear him.
If he's reading, for example, first you're walking
You see this, like when I was in
Now they've stopped it, subhanAllah.
But he'd be reading Fatiha, and you're walking
to the salah, you're late.
And then you're like, oh, there's time, there's
Then he's like, And then the guy's like,
oh my God, I have to run.
So they run, and they just kick their
This is not from the sunnah.
This is not from the sunnah.
Does it invalidate your prayer?
No, but it's not from the sunnah to
do that.
So he says, With calm, and waqar, and
dignified manner, I'm going to do something great.
I'm going to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta
This is kind of the psychology that you're
telling yourself.
I'm going to meet and stand in front
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I'm going to one of the houses of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And he reads the dua for going to
the masjid.
There's some different narrations of different duas.
The ones that, one of the most, I
guess, popular ones that you see, this is
narrated by Ibn Abbas, I believe, here.
He says in the hashiya, which is, And
the dua, basically, it's you.
This is you going to the masjid.
This is you going to the masjid.
You say this dua, and it's a beautiful
And basically you're saying, Oh Allah, put noor,
light, in my heart.
Put noor in my eyes, in my hearing,
in front of me, from the top of
It's a very beautiful dua.
And inshallah this will give you more benefit
from the salah.
Because we can go to the masjid, or
we can pray our salah, and check it's
Inshallah we won't be asked about it if
we did it properly.
But we want to get more out of
If you remember, we talked about we want
to get more out of the salah.
This is one of the first steps.
One of the things that the salaf mention
about getting khushu' and salah, and getting benefit
from salah, is the way you prepare for
And so even in tahara, we mentioned, remember,
we said, Even sometimes, even if you have
wudu, do wudu again, because it gets you
ready for salah.
Do this dua, it'll get you ready for
You're asking Allah to put noor in your
May Allah put noor in our hearts.
And if you don't know the dua, you
can try to memorize it.
It's very easy.
And then we are in front of the
masjid now.
And of course we enter with which foot?
The right foot.
And what dua do we say?
I think we have it on the wall
Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasool Allah.
Allahumma iftahli abwaba rahmatik.
Allahumma iftahli abwaba rahmatik.
Which means, you say, Bismillah wassalatu wassalamu ala
rasool Allah.
In the name of Allah.
And then you send peace and blessings upon
the messenger.
And then you say, Allahumma iftahli abwaba rahmatik.
Oh Allah, open before me the doors of
your mercy.
What a beautiful dua to enter the masjid
And of course then there's a dua when
you leave.
Allahumma nasa'aluka minfadlik.
Oh Allah, I ask you from your fadl.
So it's really beautiful.
If you get into that, insha'Allah, it
will help you get ready for salah.
Bi-idhnillahi ta'ala.
So these are from the sunan.
And then he says, you find this in
some of the books of fiqh.
He says, bi-sakinatim al-waqar, ma'a
qawli ma warad.
That's the dua that we mentioned.
Wa qiyamu imamin fa ghayri muqimin ilayha, inda
qawli muqim, qad qarmat as-salah.
So then he says, and this is not
something you have to do, but it's something
that they say is recommended, that you stand
for the prayer.
The hadith is a bit weak, but in
the madhab they say you stand when the
karma is, not when the karma starts, when
he says, qad qarmat as-salah.
Which qad qarmat as-salah means what?
Basically that the salah has been now called,
qad qarmat as-salah, that the qama has
been made, and it's time for you to
get up.
And people do it, even in the Islamic
schools they do it.
And that's fine.
If you don't do it, that's fine.
If you don't do it, that is fine.
And in the Hanbal, they say that you
get up when the imam is there.
This is an interesting question.
Do you have to wait for the imam?
Can someone else go in front of the
In the books of fiqh, in the places
where the imam is designated for salah, so
here, a few masjids have it, most masjids
don't, I don't think so.
But when you go to Saudi Arabia and
other countries, there's an imam for the salah,
and there's a muaddin, and they live with
the masjid, they live next to the masjid.
And so he's supposed to be there for
all the five prayers.
So in that case, you're not supposed to
start until the imam comes.
And if the imam is not there, usually
the muaddin is there.
It doesn't happen where he just doesn't come,
like it happens here.
Like for us here, it's a bit more
difficult, the imam lives a bit far, sometimes
he has different situations.
So here, you wouldn't wait.
And we get this from the hadith of
the Prophet, he says, don't get up until
you see me leave the room, because we
know his room was with the masjid.
So this is where you have to wait
for the imam.
But that's only if there's an imam who's
prescribed for the masjid five prayers.
Does that make sense?
Here, it's okay, and if the imam doesn't
come, and some masjids have a list of
people to pray the salah, we don't have
one yet, but maybe we'll get one in
the future.
So now that the salah is about to
start, so now we're about to start the
salah, the beginning of the salah.
So the first thing you do is what?
Takbeerat al-Ihram.
And takbeerat al-Ihram is so important, and
even just to reflect upon its meaning.
Takbeerat al-Ihram is when you say, Allahu
Akbar, you raise your hands.
The author, he says here, he says, وَيَرْفَعُ
فَيَقُولُوا اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ So he says now, Allahu
Akbar, وَهُوَ قَائِمٌ فِي فَرْضٍ طبعاً, in a
fard, you have to be standing.
We'll mention later that standing is one of
the arkan, an obligatory prayer.
In a sunnah prayer, you don't have to
And if you prayed your sunnah of maghrib
right now, sitting down, no one can blame
There's no blame for that.
So he says, Allahu Akbar to begin the
prayer, and he must be standing in the
fard prayer, right?
In the obligatory prayer, you have to be
standing, unless you have an excuse.
What's an excuse?
Yeah, even the person who can stand, he
should stand.
If he has a problem with his knee,
he stands, okay?
And then when he's going down, yeah, he
can sit on the chair, for example.
But even he should stand.
What's another excuse?
There's a place you can't stand, for example,
and the roof is too low.
We talked about, and this is a big
difference of opinion about the plane, right?
Do you still have to stand up in
the plane?
A huge group of ulama, they said you
have to.
Because it's not an excuse.
Others said, well, you can't really, it's hard
to get up in the, I don't know,
for some people it's too short, and then
there's no khushu' if you stand up, etc.
That could be one of the situations where
you don't have to do that, but we'll
talk about it when we get to the
Now we're just describing the salah.
So he says, Allahu Akbar, right?
Saying Takbir ul-Ihram is a rukun, and
standing in fard is a rukun.
Rukun means what?
What's a rukun?
Because now we're using fiqh terms.
Rukun is a pillar, and we said pillar
is like a shart.
If you forget it, you have to redo
the act of worship.
A rukun is a pillar.
Without a pillar, the building falls.
So without your rukun, after we finish the
description of the salah, we're going to talk
about arkan of salah, and we're going to
talk about wajibat of salah.
The pillars of salah, and the obligations of
So those things happen inside the prayer.
And the difference between them, we'll talk about
it inshallah next week, is that one of
them, salatul sahoo will suffice, and the other
one, you have to redo it.
You actually have to redo it.
So he says, this must be said when
he is fully standing, yani Allahu Akbar, only
the words Allahu Akbar accepted, and nothing else.
I think in Imam Abu Hanifa, he allowed
to say other things that are similar.
The Hanafis say no, it has to be
said exactly, because we don't have any other
reason to change it.
So you say exactly, Allahu Akbar.
And this is a beautiful saying, if you
reflect upon it.
You are basically, when you're going to pray,
and this should help with our khushu, you're
about to enter salah, and you're about to
stand in front of Allah, and basically you're
saying Allahu Akbar.
We're just going to, on a side note,
Akbar, in the Arabic language, is what kind
of word?
Yeah, superlative, it's called superlative, right?
And usually you say, مثلاً هذا أفضل من
وهذا أكبر من هذا.
وهذا أسرع من هذا.
Faster, bigger, smaller than.
This is called a superlative, right?
You know your English graph, it's good.
So here, it doesn't really say, it says
Allahu Akbar.
It doesn't say أكبر من ماذا.
For some of the ulama, they said, this
is you saying Allah is Akbar than anything
that you were doing.
Akbar than the PlayStation, Akbar than the TV,
Akbar than the work, Allah is greater than
your, we have some excuses sometimes to finish,
if you're eating, you finish your meal, as
long as there's some time.
So Allah is greater than anything that you
could be doing.
And so when you hear the adhan, Allahu
Akbar, and you have to think about Allah
is greater, and you're like watching TV or
something, Allahu Akbar.
Drop what you're doing.
Because if you understand that and you say,
no, no, I'm going to keep watching.
What are you kind of saying?
Yeah, you're saying that, you know, مشاهدة التلفاز
So it's not really, it's not, you shouldn't
do that.
He says here, there should be no gap
between the two words.
You shouldn't say Allah Akbar.
You shouldn't do that.
And you say it while you're raising your
You say it while you raise your hands.
So he says here, وَهُوَ قَائِمٌ فِي فَرْضٍ
رَافِعَ عَنْ يَدَيْهِ إِلَى حَذْوَ مَنْكِبَيْهِ المناكب المناكب
These are the manakib.
This is kind of your shoulder, where the
shoulder meets the arm.
So he says, you put your hand up
So when you say Allahu Akbar, we're starting
the Salah, you say Allahu Akbar.
There's other narrations.
And something to mention in the Salah, in
the Fiqh of Salah, is that you will
find some different narrations.
And so the Ulama, they said it's fine
to do different ones.
Like, we have narrations where he would do
it up to the ears.
We have a hadith where he would go
up to the ears, right?
And a hadith where he would go up
to here.
And even in the holding the hands, we'll
talk about that.
And so it's flexible.
You shouldn't make a big deal about it.
Unless we have a clear hadith saying that
you shouldn't do X or Y or Z.
So here he says, you do it here,
this is the Madhhab, but you can also
do it by the ears, that's fine, right?
And your hands, they say they should be
flat, parallel.
So that's what he means by hadhwa manki
bayhi, by his shoulders.
So yameeni meaning he's right.
Are we there?
Your hands should be raised up to the
shoulders, your fingertips should be parallel to your
shoulders, like we said, like this.
Allahu Akbar.
Saying the takbir should be with the movement
starting with Allah.
So, Allahu Akbar.
Two things you have to be careful about
is don't say it before and then move
your hand, and don't move your hand and
then say Allahu Akbar.
Try to do it while you're doing it.
The Hanbal are strict on that.
They say you have to do it with
the intiqal, while you're doing it.
Allahu Akbar.
Like that.
Does that make sense?
So you shouldn't say Allahu Akbar like that.
And you shouldn't go like this.
Allahu Akbar.
Try to do it together while you're doing
And that's going to go for everything else.
While you're going from standing to ruku, while
you're coming up, while you're going to sujood,
you should also do them together.
He says here, it's recommended all movements of
takbirat should be done simultaneously and not before
or after the movement.
So now he says, yeah, so this is
what he says now.
You take your right hand.
How do you hold your hand?
You do it here.
There's people who go like this.
I don't know if the camera can see
it, but maybe after the whole description, we'll
do like a whole maybe demonstration here.
But you hold your left, he says, you
hold your left wrist with your right hand.
So this is your wrist.
This is the ku'a.
The ku'a is right here.
It's like kind of the bone that goes
with the thumb.
So ku'a yusra waj'al huma tahta
So he holds it like this.
He holds it like this.
As-surrah, what's the surrah?
As-surrah is your?
And so he mentions here the navel.
And so technically you're supposed to, the hanabilah,
this is one of the narrations, and this
is the narration of Ali radiyallahu anhu.
You put it like this.
So you kind of lock it like this.
And you put it like this.
And so you see people, they do those
salah like this.
But what about this?
What about this?
The madhab actually, there's technically three opinions.
The one I just showed you, which is
the most common, tahta surratihi.
what's the surrah again?
What's the translation?
Belly button, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Just I forgot about it.
Then he says the other opinion is that
he can put it in the middle here.
So that's also accepted.
None of the actual madhab say you put
it up here.
And this became very common.
But none of the actual madhab, none of
the four madhab mention putting it on the
breast here, like on the chest high up
Even though it's very common to do.
And actually in the madhab it's makrooh to
do that.
It's makrooh to put it up here.
So in the madhab either you put it
like this, below your navel, okay?
Your belly button.
Or you put it in the middle.
Or you can switch between both.
Yeah, that's fine.
And he says same for women.
Same for women.
So in the madhab it's disliked to put
it here because none of the madhab went
with that opinion.
And I believe there's a hadith about that.
It has some weakness, but that's why he
mentions that.
So we're good with that.
So now we've put our hand here.
Okay, Allahu Akbar.
Says person should look at the place of
his sujood.
وينظر مسجده وينظر مسجده مسجده يعني مكان السجود
مسجده يعني مكان السجود So now you might
say, where am I supposed to look?
So he says he looks at his place
of sujood.
He looks at his place of sujood.
He's not looking around.
He's not looking up.
وينظر إلى مسجده في كل صلاته ثم يقول
So in his whole salat except when except
they say when you're in your tashahud and
you're doing your tashahud and you raise your
finger you can look at your finger.
There's some narrations about that when he when
he did the salam he would look at
his finger.
So he should look at his place of
During tashahud he looks at his raised finger.
He should start with the dua الاستفتاح.
So dua الاستفتاح now, so you've said Allahu
Akbar Do you go straight into الحمد لله
رب العالمين?
It's recommended to do what?
There's multiple duas.
The ones that is the most, I guess,
popular You know سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك وتبارك اسمك
تعالى جدك ولا اله غيرك In the Hanbal
they prefer this one because there's a lot
of praise of Allah So you're praising Allah
سبحانك اللهم You're praising Allah وبحمدك وتبارك اسمك
تعالى جدك ولا اله غيرك.
And so it's really a beautiful dua.
You're praising Allah while you're standing in front
of him There's other duas that you can
Some scholars they say it's good to memorize
more than one and change.
Why would they say that?
It doesn't become routine فتغير.
One day you do this, one day you
do that It's good to know both of
them If you don't say this, is your
salah valid?
Your salah is valid.
This is just something that is recommended ولا
اله غيرك And then he says ثم استعيذ
الاستعاذة So now he does the استعاذة.
What's the استعاذة?
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان فاذا قرأت القرآن فاستعيذ
بالله من الشيطان الرجيم Allah says if you're
going to read the Quran then seek refuge
in Allah from الشيطان الرجيم.
الاستعاذة الاستعاذة is asking or seeking protection in
Allah from الشيطان الرجيم And this should be
done in every rakah or in the first
rakah only?
First is enough If you forget the first
one, do it in the second one But
you should do the استعاذة because Allah told
us فاذا قرأت القرآن When you're about to
read the Quran فاستعيذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
And if you don't, he might come and
bother you in your salah طبعا الاستعاذة, there's
different versions of it I think we covered
it in the class on Surat Al-Fatiha
So this is something of a sunnah Your
salah is still valid And then you say
the بسم الله Which is بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم The question of Is the بسم الله
part of Fatiha or not?
And do we say it out loud or
It comes into this chapter here And obviously
you know that some scholars they said بسم
الله الرحمن الرحيم is part of Al-Fatiha
And another group said what?
That بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم is not part
of Fatiha And the Hanabali take the second
opinion that it's not part of Al-Fatiha
Because of the famous hadith Qudsi That Allah
says that I've broken my salah in half
between me and my slave And he starts
mentioning the Fatiha And he does not start
with بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم And so that's
why in the Madhab you don't say when
you're about to pray You don't say بسم
الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب You say
it quietly And then if you're praying loud
And then you say الحمد لله رب العالمين
So you say the بسم الله quietly Because
it's not part of Al-Fatiha According to
the Madhab If somebody prays the salah and
he says it out loud Is that a
It's not a big deal They're just following
another opinion Don't break your salah and leave
It's acceptable It's an acceptable opinion He says
then recite Surah Al-Fatiha So he says
here ثُمَّ يَسْتَعِيدُ ثُمَّ يُبَسْمِل So الاسْتِعَاذَ is
وَالبَسْمَلَ is بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم What's الحَوْقَلَ
There's a name for حَوْقَلَ طيب جميل ثُمَّ
يُبَسْمِلْ سِرًّا ثُمَّ يَقْرَى الفَاتِحَةَ مُرَتَّبَةً مُتَوَالِيَةً وَفِيهَا
إِحْدَى عَشْرَةَ تَشْدِيدَةً This is interesting So now
he says, now he reads Al-Fatiha Al
-Fatiha is a rukun We have a hadith
from the Prophet What's the hadith?
That لَا صَلَاةَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَقْرَأْ بِفَاتِحَةِ الْكِتَابِ
There's no salah for the person who does
not read Al-Fatiha Al-Kitab And this
brought some problems, why?
Because some of the madahab they said Some
of the ulama said Well now even the
one who's following Because now when we're talking
about صفة الصلاة You have to now use
your brain and say Well there's the imam
And there's the ma'moom And there's the munfarid
There's the imam, the one who's leading And
then there's the follower And then there's the
individual Who prays by himself So sometimes the
rulings here will change So what was the
Well some of them said Well if the
hadith says there's no salah Then when the
imam is saying the Fatiha The one behind
him Does he have to say it or
So a group of them said Well the
hadith says there's no salah for him So
he has to say it How is he
going to say it?
Some said well he says it with the
imam Some said he waits until the imam
is done And then he says it Really
fast The hanafis say no Everybody relax The
follower, the ma'moom He just follows the imam
And so whatever the imam has done It's
sufficient for everybody behind him And it's a
very strong opinion And it makes sense Because
it doesn't make sense that Allah would want
you to read the Quran that fast And
not understand it And it doesn't make sense
that the imam has to wait for you
Some said the imam should give a pause
After he's done his Fatiha So then the
guy behind him reads it And it doesn't
make sense that you're reading while he's reading
Because the whole point is that he's the
imam And you're listening to him It makes
sense The others said no, just in case
What if his salah is not accepted It's
jihad Whichever one you follow But the madhhab
says You don't have to do it yourself
So he says now This is a rukun
If you don't read Fatiha And if you
get up from salah And this happens many
times And you get up from your first
rakah And you're like Was that a rakah?
Did that count?
It didn't count You skip Fatiha So if
you go straight into any surah without Fatiha
You have to redo that rakah You have
to redo the rakah and salah Is salatul
sahoo going to be enough?
We're going to find out later it's not
enough For the arkan, salatul sahoo is not
enough For the wajibat, if you forgot them
Salatul sahoo will be enough That chapter is
coming InshaAllah maybe in two weeks It must
be said in order without gaps So he's
saying you have to say it in order
Just so you actually say the Fatiha properly
And then look how strict they are They
say it has 11 tashdeedat What's a tashdeedat?
A shadda What's a shadda?
If I have a word For example Rab
It has a shadda right?
The word rab How many baz does it
One opinion is one Any second opinion?
It has two actually Because when you say
Rab It's Rab And then the other one
is The mutaharrika But in Arabic Instead of
writing two baz next to each other One
with sukoon and one with fatiha Or damma
or whatever They just put a shadda So
whenever you see a shadda it's actually Two
letters I know amazing So they say If
someone says Alhamdulilah Rabbil alamin He's basically Left
out A letter from surat al fatiha And
they say khalas Then his salah might not
be valid That's how strict they are That's
why al fatiha is so important to memorize
it properly Make sure it's checked by your
sheikh Because if you're making mistakes in it
If you're missing a whole word Your salah
might not be counting Because of salah Unless
you have an excuse You're a new Muslim,
you're learning It's a bit flexible So he's
saying you're not reciting them Means you are
skipping letters thus invalidating the prayer So they
actually say He says here So he says
you have to say those Tashteedat And their
proof is The hadith I mentioned There's no
salah for who doesn't read surat al fatiha
And that's why especially for the imam The
imam We cannot let someone Who does not
know the fatiha pray Because it can invalidate
All of our salah, all of us Because
if you're going with the hamd al madhab
And you're saying that the imam suffices If
the imam messes up His salah It might
also mess up all our salah And that's
why it's important that we make sure That
the person who leads salah, and for you
and for me And whoever is here Before
you step up to lead the salah You
need to make sure that This is your
responsibility That you know surat al fatiha very
well If you don't then you shouldn't be
leading The salah So he says here Then
he says And when he's done with it
He says So imam is the imam And
the ma'moom is the follower What does it
In the loud prayers And we're going to
talk about which ones are the loud prayers
And the other salah that you read loud
in Which ones are they?
We'll talk about them right now But here
he says you say ameen out loud In
the loud prayers Both the imam and the
follower So right now if we pray isha
right now The imam will say ameen And
the follower say ameen It's better Quietly
There's no need to do it loud There's
no need for him to do it loud
He says it so he can hear it
Yeah so there's no need for it Does
it ruin his salah?
No Because it's from dhikr of Allah SWT
But it's We don't have any narration or
anything that you say it loud The ameen
We have a narration Saying ameen It says
here This is hadith Abu Huraira But
in the other ones it doesn't say Here
we know for sure that he would say
It would raise his voice So the asal
is that you say it So you can
hear it yourself It's right here So women
do not say out loud Unless there's no
men If there's no men they can say
ameen So They can say ameen To themselves
And we'll see here that In the salatul
jahariya In the loud prayers Where you read
out loud You can opt to not read
out loud Like it's not haram to do
that So if you pray isha at home
It's better to do it out loud or
quietly Even the person who Stands up after
the The one who comes And continues with
the imam Like he comes late In maghrib
you see some of them read loud That's
your option and you can do it quietly
You don't have to do it loud So
it says the imam should also Shortly pause
before saying ameen And then women do not
say anything Out loud unless there's no men
Now he talks about So So
now he says It is sunnah to do
fajr So now we're talking about which salats
Do you read loud Fajr and jummah And
eid And salatul kusoof The eclipse Salatul istisqa
I don't know if you've ever done one
here before But salatul istisqa Was when you
asked for water And maghrib And the first
two in maghrib Maghrib and isha He says
here The first two in maghrib and isha
Those are prayed loud It is not makrooh
to not do them out loud So you
can do that That's up to you It's
not makrooh to not do them out loud
The one behind The follower Can he say
it out loud Here the author He says
To read loud It's makrooh For the one
who's following the imam Behind He starts reading
loud It's makrooh to do that So you
should keep it quiet Because you're going to
be disturbing other people And the person who
prays by himself It's up to him So
if you want to pray isha At home
Do you have to do it loud?
You don't have to do it loud If
someone joins you You should do it loud
Then it makes sense for you to do
it loud So he says here It
is not dislike to not do them out
loud It is dislike for the follower To
recite behind the imam in the loud prayers
It's dislike to do that Because he's ordered
to listen In the madhab the follower doesn't
need to recite fatiha We mentioned that You
don't need to recite fatiha You should be
fine And the ijtihad of Imam Ahmad and
his students It's sufficient It's not his opinion
only And then he says When praying a
loud prayer alone It is up to him
whether to recite out loud or not Same
with one who joined the prayer late Behind
the imam in a loud prayer And the
person who comes And he reaches the last
rakah of maghrib He can get up and
pray the ones he missed Out loud, it's
up to him Or he can do it
quietly Both are accepted So
now he talks about If you read some
of the narration of the sahaba They would
break up the quran In how many parts?
Anybody know?
We know there's 30 juzah But they had
this Tradition where they would Try to do
khatm al quran every 7 days So they
would break up the quran In 7 parts
The last part is called al mufassal The
last part is called Al mufassal And by
the way this is not something unrealistic I've
I know shuyukh personally That do that Worst
case scenario they finish it in 10 days
The quran And a lot of them they'll
finish it in 7 days So they'll break
it up into 7 portions Right The last
portion is from qaf Until surat an-nas
From surat qaf chapter 50 And they call
this al mufassal And so they say From
qaf to nas is the mufassal This is
the 7th part And they say that in
fajr He can read the long ones Like
from qaf to mursalat From chapter 50 to
chapter 77 And then he says in maghrib
the short ones Like duha to nas And
the rest of the salawat he can read
from the middle Like from naba to layl
Right And then you have duha to nas
Do you have to do that?
No And you can read similar length surahs
If that makes sense So for example he's
saying that In fajr you can read from
qaf to mursalat How many pages is qaf?
3 or 4 2 and a half So
you can read 2 and a half from
baqr Or something It's the equivalent of it
This is nice because this is what the
prophet would do And it makes sense In
maghrib salawat People are coming, they're tired You
make it short In isha it's a bit
more lax In fajr it's a bit more
lax From the sunnah of the prophet he
would make fajr the longest He would make
fajr the longest And if you go to
the haram To masjid al haram in mecca
Masjid al haram in mecca You will see
that Maghrib is short Fajr is long And
isha is in the middle So this is
the surahs you would read Is it bad
if you read long?
It is makrooh And it might be Allah
knows You might be sinful if you do
it as an imam And it's too long
Because we have the hadith of muad Remember
we mentioned Muad he would pray with the
prophet And then go and lead his people
And then one time he read too long
And then a person actually left the salat
And then he complained to the prophet And
so the prophet said Are you someone who
is going to cause fitna Cause people to
leave salat So yeah a person has to
be careful If he is praying too long
If he is by himself No problem Go
ahead and do baqarah That's why the prophet
The salawat that he prayed long It's the
ones that he prayed by himself You have
a sahabi next to him And he will
tell us the narration I can't remember the
name of the sahabi But he prayed baqarah
Surah al baqarah Surah al nisa and surah
al imran In two rakahs So the prophet
would do that And you can do that
yourself So he will go into ruku' now
So now we are going into ruku' So
now he says So now we have something
called Al ruku' So al ruku' is basically
when you are going like this That's al
ruku' So he says So you have to
do takbir So you do Allah And then
while you are doing it You go into
ruku' So you do raise your hands You
do raise your hands here So you raise
your hand And you go down to ruku'
What's the ruku' Ruku' is your knee right
So when you do your ruku' You go
Allah And then you put your hands on
your On your knees Put them on your
knees Insha'Allah when we finish the whole
description We will do a whole demonstration insha
'Allah So everybody can see So he says
His hands His both hands His two knees
The asabi' are open Don't close them Leave
them loose Just leave them natural He
balances his back And this is something that
is recommended If you are able to kind
of Make your back flat Then this is
something that is recommended It's from the sunnah
He will go into ruku' by saying takbir
And raise his hands He will put his
hands on his knees And separate his fingers
He will straighten his back And I'm mentioning
here the hukum So someone knows if I
don't do it Or my back hurts or
whatever Or I see someone not do it
There is no blame upon him You can't
just go tell him It's something sunnah You
get extra reward for it We should try
to Because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
told us Pray the way you saw me
pray The way you see me pray And
so the more you try to get closer
to the sunnah The more rewarding your salah
is Raising the hand Where?
Here Where did I say sunnah?
It's saying here Separating the fingers is sunnah
You need to raise your hand Takbir And
inshallah once we finish the whole description We're
gonna basically All the things that I mentioned
here We'll label them as Ruku' Wajib And
as a sunnah So you'll be able to
basically go through the whole description And be
able to label every action Here I'll try
to sometimes put Just so people know Then
he says he will straighten his back And
then he says what?
And this is said how many times?
What's the minimum?
If you just say it once That's enough
That is enough But that is fard That
is a wajib You have to do it
If you don't do it once Then you
have to do it Sahu So he says
here subhana rabbil azeem And the word subhanak
Subhanallah Sometimes you don't understand It's a very
powerful word Here you're basically You're removing You're
saying oh Allah you're so far from any
imperfection That's what subhanallah That's probably the best
way you can think of it How far
from any imperfection you are oh Allah Subhanallah
So subhana rabbil azeem Far removed from every
imperfection Is my Rabb The great The least
Perfection he says here He says here If
you want to be kamal Complete You do
it three times If you do one that's
sufficient One time is fard Some narrations mention
that The imam should do it ten times
That's like the best There's no real proof
You can do it as many times as
you want As an individual you can do
it as many times as you want There's
no There's no reason to stop We know
that Which salah has really long rukuh We
did it here like A few months ago
Yes Remember how long And this is from
the sunnah You're going to say it three
times Probably more Do it more A person
praying alone can say it any amount of
time And there's no problem You're doing tasbeeh
You're glorifying Allah There's nothing wrong with that
You're in a state of rukuh Then he
raises his head And hands and says Now
he says Now he raises his head Because
I'm in rukuh So my head is down
like this He raises his head And
his hands With them And he says So
now he raises his hands What does it
Allah listens And hears the one who praises
him And this is beautiful Because Right after
that You're going where now?
You're going to sujood And that's the best
place for dua And if you really reflect
upon that You're saying Allah listens to the
one who Praises him So if you want
Allah to Listen to your dua and your
sujood That's coming up Make sure that you
praise Allah And Allah is telling you Allah
will listen Answer the dua and listen To
the one who praises him What should you
A lot of praise And that's why here
When he's straight What does he say?
All hamd belongs to you And then you
can add even more And there's even other
dua Basically it's increasing The hamd of Allah
Because it's going to increase your Chances of
your dua being answered Who says that?
I'm going to say it right now So
he says here So this is the imam
The follower So in the madhab The follower
He just says So The imam does it
Both of them The imam The long dua
And also there's another These duas The imam
does it and it's sufficient for everybody else
And it's sufficient for somebody else I think
there's another riwayah in the madhab The ma'mum
can do it as well It's not a
big deal It's pretty flexible So then he
raises his head and says Allah here is
the one who praises him And an individual
must say it as well But the follower
should not say it The follower should not
say it So the individual If you're praying
home by yourself But if you're a follower
Hamd belongs to you And he doesn't say
anything more Recommended to add other adkans Mentioned
in text for imam or individual only The
imam or the individual only Not the follower
And we said Some of them And there's
another one Your hamd goes as wide as
the samawat The heavens And the earth That's
how wide your hamd goes Basically just expressing
Increasing the hamd for Allah And then he
says He should not say anything more You
have a choice of whether to place the
hands on the back So now You can
put your hands back here Or you can
leave them down So in the madhab you
can do both Both are fine I think
there's narration showing both of them You can
do both of them We can cover this
one as well So now We're about to
go into what?
Into sujood And this is the closest place
that a abd is with his lord This
is the closest place that a person is
with his lord And so now you're going
into sujood So then he says takbeera And
he prostrates on seven parts What are the
Who can tell us?
So there's a hadith And the prophet says
I was commanded You guys tell me
So aljubha is here And it includes the
nose So that's one What else?
Two, three Four, five, knees Six, seven, the
feet And so this is very important Why?
Because sometimes you see people When they're praying
they raise their feet on the back You
guys have seen that before They raise their
feet on the back I don't know, they're
trying to fly or something But they raise
their feet on the back And so that's
not allowed in the salah They have to
touch Look what the hadith says I've been
commanded To prostrate To prostrate on seven Right?
And he mentioned the seven So this is
a command So you have to make sure
that you Are on those seven So now
here's the question I'm going from Do I
go on my hands first Or on my
knees first?
So there's a big difference here Because we
have two hadiths Right?
We have the famous hadith Of What's the
sahabi's name?
Where basically he says that I saw the
Prophet Go down on his hands first Okay?
And then there's the other hadith I don't
know if I have it right here Yeah
And there's the other hadith Of Abu Hurairah
Where the He said that the Prophet said
that A person should go down like the
camel Maybe you've heard that hadith before Buruk
al jamal Buruk is the way the camel
goes down And he said that the camel
goes down With his With his arms first
Have you ever seen a camel go down?
It's a very Unique way It goes down
like this So sheikh al albani made that
hadith Sahih and he made the first one
weak So that's why there's a difference of
opinion But in the madhab you go down
on your On your knees first So knees
first then hands Do not raise your hands
before Going into sujood So if I'm here
Okay Do I now say Allahu akbar go
down No he says you don't raise your
hand You don't raise your hand when you're
going from Standing to sujood You don't raise
your hand for that So the seven parts
we said The forehead, two hands, two knees,
two feet And this is fard you have
to do it That means if you don't
do it Then you have to pray sahoo
for that Jameel If forehead alone without nose
Can you do the forehead without nose It
should be fine He says forehead alone without
nose It's enough But But it's sunnah to
do both of them And if you don't
have to have Something in between, don't Like
people sometimes have a hat or something It's
just better to go Directly on the earth
Prostrating with bare knees Without covering is disliked
We know the dawrah is up to the
knees Up to the rukbatain And so it's
disliked for someone to have That covered Because
it could actually You might lose your salah,
Because your awrah has to be covered And
if you're covering right on the line Some
people they pull their shorts down And they're
like I'm covered And then it goes up
Then your salah technically if you don't cover
it back You could lose your salah Because
remember we said that If you uncover your
awrah for a little bit Something small for
a little bit It should be fine if
you cover it again But if you leave
it for a long time Then your salah
will be invalid So it's disliked to leave
the knee uncovered What about the knees?
Do you keep them together when you go
And your feet?
Or do you spread them out a bit?
He mentions here that it's from the sunnah
To separate the two knees and feet You
spread them Not too wide, but you don't
put them together And then what do you
say when you're in sujood?
Subhana rabbi And here you're praising Allah again
And same thing, minimum is one That's the
fard The most complete is Adna al kamal
is three And now we get to the
iftirash And we'll probably stop right here And
then he says he gets into the position
of Iftirash Well iftirash is basically When your
left foot is under Your back And your
other foot is standing So the left foot
is under And then This is me right?
For you it would be the other way
Your left foot is under your back And
your right foot is standing Or it's flat
like this But it's facing the qibla This
is called the position of Al iftirash And
this is now where He's coming and he
says Let's stop here inshallah And we'll continue
from there We're almost done Pretty much done
a whole rak'ah I think We said
that He says oh Allah forgive me three
times And then he does the sajda Then
he gets up Then he gets up He
can get up like this Like when he's
getting up He can get up using his
Supporting of his knees or his thighs That's
fine he can do that On
his knees There's no problem with that He
can also use the floor to get up
There's no problem to do that Now we
get back up to the top And then
inshallah from there we'll continue Next week we'll
stop there for the adhan BarakAllahu feekum Wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh