Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh Of Salah Taught – Part 10

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The transcript discusses various topics related to the night prayer, including the importance of praying for the Lord's presence, the use of shotoots to prevent sl recalls, and the importance of practicing meditation during the night. The speakers also discuss various misunderstandings and misunderstandings related to the sun, including the importance of praying for the sun's presence and the importance of catching the first window of the game. The transcript also discusses the importance of recitation, recitation, and sun for the customer.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Bismillah, alhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu ala rasoolillah,
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala.
Allahumma la ilma lana illa ma'allamtana innaka
anta al-alimul hakeem.
Allahumma alimna ma yanfa'ana wa infa'ana
bima'allamtana wa zidna ilma.
Wa arina alhaqqa haqqan wa razuqna ittiba'ah.
Wa arina albaatila baatilan wa razuqna itjtinaabah.
Wa idkhinna bi rahmatika fi ibadika as-saliheen.
Ameen ya rabbal alameen.
Ahlan wa sahlan everybody to our Fiqh of
Salah lectures.
As usual, we like to start with our
muraj'ah, our review, inshallah.
And last time we talked about, we were
talking about salat al-tattawah, right?
The voluntary prayers, and we finished that, alhamdulillah.
And we were about to begin salat al
-jama'ah, the congregational prayer.
And inshallah, we'll be discussing that today.
And these are some of the other topics
we'll be covering, bi-idhnillah, in the upcoming
So last week, well, last week we had
a week off because of our beautiful weather,
But some of the things that we talked
about was the night prayer.
What was the ruling of the night prayer?
When I say ruling, is it something like
sunnah, sunnah mu'akkadah, wajib?
Yes, sunnah mu'akkadah.
So we said that the night prayer is
sunnah mu'akkadah, and it's something that is
highly recommended, something that is highly emphasized and
And, you know, the Prophet ﷺ said, عَلَيْكُمْ
عَلَيْكُمْ بِقِيَامِ اللَّيْلِ فَإِنَّهُ دَأْبُوا الصَّالِحِينَ قَبْلَكُمْ
عَلَيْكُمْ, usually in the language, it's like an
obligation, عَلَيْكُمْ, right?
There's other narrations showing that it's not an
obligation, obviously.
But عَلَيْكُمْ is something that is emphasized.
عَلَيْكُمْ is something that is recommended.
And it's highly recommended for you to pray
the night prayer.
He mentioned four reasons in the hadith, and
I'll just mention them for benefit.
He says, فَإِنَّهُ دَأْبُوا الصَّالِحِينَ قَبْلَكُمْ It is
the way of the righteous before you.
So if you wanted to be someone who
was righteous, this had to be one of
your sunan that you did, which is قِيَامِ
And then he says, وَإِنَّهُ قُرْبَةٌ لَكُمْ إِلَىٰ
رَبِّكُمْ وَهُوَ قُرْبَةٌ لَكُمْ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمْ And it
is a means of القربة, to be close
to your Lord.
Why would that be the case?
Because all of us, alhamdulillah, everybody is praying
their five daily prayers, but the night prayer
is different.
Because you're sacrificing, what are you sacrificing?
Your sleep.
You're sacrificing your sleep, right?
And Allah says in Surah As-Sajdah, تَتَجَافَى
جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ They push their heads away
from their pillows, from their beds.
So they can call upon Allah خَوْفًا وَطَمْعًا
يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمْعًا Out of fear and
وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُفِقُونَ And then he says, and
then Allah says in the next verse, what's
the next verse?
يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمْعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُفِقُونَ فَلَا
تَعْلَمُوا نَفْسٌ مَا أُخْفِيَ لَهُمْ مِنْ قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ
And Allah says that nobody knows what Allah
has hidden for them as a reward.
Of something that is قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ
is something that cools your eyes.
Something really, you can't describe it in English.
قُرَّةِ العَيْنِ is what?
Something that cools your eyes.
Something that just makes you happy.
جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ And so Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala has hidden the reward of
people who pray the night.
جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ So He said, وَهَا
قُرْبَتَكُمْ أَيَا رَبِّكُمْ وَمَكْفَرَةٌ لِّلسَّيِّئَاتِ Number three, it
erases the sins.
Someone wants to clean their slate.
The best way to do it is during
the night.
Because we have the hadith.
Allah comes down after the first third of
the night.
And He says, Who's there to ask forgiveness?
And I'll forgive them.
Allah is coming and most of us are
Every night.
كلَّ لَيْلَ Right?
Who's there to call me?
And I'll answer them.
Who's there to ask me?
And I'll answer them.
And this goes all the way until Fajr.
Like now, 6ish, 648.
Until 648, this is happening.
This is a window of opportunity.
I think most of us are awake that
Especially in the weekdays if you go to
And so it's a golden opportunity in this
time, in this season, to try to practice
qiyam al-layl in that portion of the
And then He says, وَمَنْ هَاتُنْ عَنِ الْإِثْمِ
Number four, it actually prevents from sinning.
So someone say, I'm...
Shaykh, I'm stuck with this sin.
I'm addicted to this sin.
I have problem with my eyes.
This is one of the best ways.
The night prayer.
Anyways, there's so much to talk about the
night prayer.
لكن يعني These are some of the things.
And the Prophet ﷺ called it شرف المؤمن.
It's the honor of the believer.
So we said it's sunnah mu'akkadah.
طب How many prostrations of tilawah are in
the Quran?
Remember we mentioned sujood al-tilawah.
Anybody remember the number?
18 minus 4.
نعم How much?
أربعة عشر Yeah.
14 in the Quran.
And you'll see them in the Quran.
There's like a sign, right?
You'll see them there in the Quran.
And we said that sujood al-tilawah is
considered a salah.
So you should have your wudu and the
other shuroot of salah.
And this can be done in the salah
and outside of salah.
Shouldn't Imam say the verse of tilawah in
a silent prayer?
Salat al-duhur.
Is he supposed to do it?
No, we said it's makruh for him to
do that.
Something disliked.
And even some of the hanabilah, they said
that if you're behind the imam and he
just prostrates for no reason, and it's possible
that it's sujood al-tilawah, you don't follow
Someone said you don't even follow him.
طبعا, it's better to follow the imam in
that case.
But that's why it can confuse the ma'mum,
the follower.
So the imam should not.
It's sunnah to do the sujood al-tilawah,
And so if you're in the salah and
you just, I don't know, accidentally started reading
اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق Right?
So there's a sujood al-tilawah there, right?
And so you read it.
You don't have to do sujood.
It's something that is sunnah, right?
So even if you read a Qur'an
like that, that has sujood al-tilawah, you
don't have to.
طبعا, I'm skipping a lot.
I shouldn't remember to say this.
When should prostration of shukr be done?
We said there's another sujood which is sujood
When should that be done?
When do you do it?
Like when is it masnoon?
When is it sunnah to do sujood al
-shukr, of gratitude?
So when there's a ni'ma that happened to
you, something that, a blessing, you know, that
really, it's a big blessing.
You went for an interview, you got the
job, you know, Allah blessed you with a
InshaAllah, you were able to buy a new
Something like that, a ni'ma that you feel
grateful for it, very grateful for it.
You do sujood al-shukr or if something
very harmful was pushed away from you.
Something very harmful, you were, the doctor said,
Oh, you have this, you know, terminal illness
and then it's, find out it's a, it's
a, oh, it's the wrong person, wrong file.
You know, sujood al-shukr, you know, something
like that.
Or they're letting go, you know, of a
hundred employees and you avoided the cut.
Alhamdulillah, sujood al-shukr for that one as
And we said, this is just like salah,
but can sujood al-shukr be done in
Like you're praying maghrib, can you do sujood
al-shukr in salah?
No, we said no.
And some of the Hanbalis said that it
can actually, it will invalidate your salah.
So shaz al-shukr is done outside.
It's done outside and you need the shurut
of salah, the wudu, the qiblah, all those
things should be there.
We said no, can you perform salah?
We said no.
What are the five times we said, we
mentioned five times it is prohibited to pray.
Five times it is prohibited to pray.
Two long ones, three short ones.
Can we start with the long ones?
Let's start with the long ones.
We said the long ones are after two
What are the two prayers?
So there's two long times you're not allowed
to pray.
After you pray fajr, you prayed your sunnah
of fajr and you prayed fajr, you shouldn't
be praying anything until sunrise, which is, what
does it say there?
Yeah, 818, right?
There's another 15 minutes, we'll talk about it.
So that's the first long time.
So it's pretty long.
Like if you pray fajr, you know, 710
or seven o'clock from seven until 818,
no salah.
The only exception we said is, if you
forgot your two sunnah of fajr, you can
pray them right after fajr.
That said no other prayer after that.
So that's the first long one.
The second long one after asr.
As soon as you pray asr, you shouldn't
pray anything after that.
Okay, you shouldn't pray anything after that until
maghrib time.
So those are the two long ones.
Now the three short ones.
The first short one we said what?
As soon as the sun rises, okay, 818,
there's a short time, okay, where you shouldn't.
The sun is rising.
There's about 10-15 minutes that you shouldn't
So this is after the sunrise.
The second time is?
Before dhuhr, that short time when the sun
is its highest before tazur, before it kind
of leans over.
Okay, that time right before dhuhr.
So what dhuhr is like 1225.
So like 1210, you know that time you
shouldn't be praying.
Okay, very short time 10-15 minutes.
And then the third short time we said?
Right before maghrib.
Like right before maghrib when the sun is
Okay, you notice it's all to do with
the sun.
It's all to do with the sun.
The sun is rising.
The sun's at the top.
The sun is like, you know, it's like
those three positions.
And then you have asr and fajr and
Those are the times, right?
Yeah, so then we talked about the exceptions.
Yeah, the exceptions.
The Hanabali said the exceptions is, we said
the two sunnah of fajr.
Okay, any obligatory prayer that you've missed or
forgot and you just remembered.
So you just remember, oh my God, I
didn't pray asr.
And it's like now about to do maghrib.
You pray it, right?
Two sunnah.
We said the fard.
What else did we say?
We said salat al-janazah.
Right, salat al-janazah.
That's also acceptable.
The two sunnah of tawaf, right behind maqam
Because of the hadith, the Prophet ﷺ mentioned
don't stop anyone from praying in the masjid
Some ulama, they said anything that has a
Anything that has a reason.
Any salat that has a reason is allowed.
The Hanabali said, no.
The only exceptions we have dalil for is
those four.
Others, they did kind of analogy and they
said, well, even something like istikhara or something
like tahiyyat al-masjid.
The Hanabali said, no.
We have a tahreem and we have something
that is sunnah to do, right?
To when you enter the masjid to not
sit down except you have prayed.
Yeah, so la'allam ya'ani.
It's probably better to avoid it and you
have an excuse to avoid tahiyyat al-masjid,
the two rak'ahs of the masjid.
I personally, I don't do it in those
times of tahreem, right?
But if you follow the other opinion, la
ba'as inshallah.
Because we have dalils that are kind of
opposing each other.
But the Hanabali said those four.
Na'am, fadhal.
Na'am, na'am, na'am.
That's how they came up with it.
And we mentioned some of them last time.
Specific hadith mentioning that you shouldn't.
And you notice that they're related to the
sun, right?
The three short ones.
The sunrise, right?
The sun is at its highest, right?
And the sun at its setting.
And then the long times after Fajr.
The one after Fajr is very clear.
It's known.
And the one after Asr as well.
That's why the Hanafi, they said that it's
haram to pray Salat al-Asr late.
With no excuse.
This is Tahreem time, right?
So you're not supposed to pray it.
So it's different hadith?
No, no, different hadith.
One of them mentions three.
I believe one of the hadith mentions three
of them.
Yeah, like this one says, إذا طلع الفجر
فلا صلاة إلا ركعة أي الفجر.
Okay, look at this one.
لا صلاة بعد صلاة العصر حتى تغرب الشمس.
Right, so there's no prayer after Salat al
-Asr until the sun sets.
واضح يعني.
Like this is Nahi, right?
And so on.
And there's the hadith that mentions the three
short times.
So the Hanafi joined both those three hadith,
and they said these are the five times
that you're not supposed to.
طيب, now we can start with the congressional
We had a short kind of discussion last
time about the مسألة.
And we said, we're going to try not
to go into different opinions of the Ha
'i, except in مسائل that we think that
they are very relevant and people are just
going to ask about.
فهل المسائل المجتمعية ضرورية؟
So we mentioned that there are several opinions.
The majority of the Madhahib, the Malikiya, the
Shafi'iyya, the Hanafiya or the Ahnaf, they
said that it's not wajib, on the fard,
on the ayn.
So it's not fard ayn.
They said it's not obligatory on the individual
Muslim to pray jama'a.
They said it's not fard ayn.
The Hanabilah, they said it's fard ayn to
pray in jama'a.
Remember, we're not saying jama'a in the
We're saying jama'a, just jama'a in
And if you are at work and you
pray with three people, that counts as jama
If you're at home and you pray with
like two or three people, that counts as
We're not talking about the masjid right now.
So make sure you're not putting it together.
We're talking about jama'a prayer.
So the Hanabilah, they said, it's fard on
every Muslim.
So you're going to see that opinion here
in the Madhahib.
And then the Zahiriya said it's also fard
on every person.
But they also said that if you pray
by yourself without an excuse, then it's not
OK, the daleels of this mas'ala are
And if you go, the reason why I'm
not going to go into all the daleels,
because I think that maybe one day inshallah
we'll do a whole one hour on it,
because there's so many evidences to discuss.
And honestly, even myself, like I'm still like
in the middle because the daleels are so
strong on both sides.
I'll give you an example just to kind
of understand what the fuqaha'a have to
go through when they make a hukum for
this mas'ala.
So the Shafi'iya, the Malikiya, the Hanafiya.
One of their daleels, they said that, remember
we mentioned that the salah of the jama
'a is how many?
Some narrations say it's 25 times as much,
27 times as much, OK?
And so here they said, well, if I
say, if I say, for example, Hassan is
taller than Samir, OK?
What does that mean?
Taller, are they both tall?
Yes, we won't say he's short.
We would say he's tall, he's tall, but
he's taller, atwal.
So better or better, OK, better.
Both of them have fadl, OK?
And so it wouldn't make sense to say
the single prayer has fadl if it wasn't
Does that make sense?
Do you understand what they're coming from?
The other said, no, no, no, there's other
daleels where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned
al-afdaliyya, khayrun, for example, ashaabul jannati khayrun,
mustaqarran, right?
And so here Allah is saying the people
of Jannah are better, yeah, than the people
of Jahannam.
Are we going to say that the people
of Jahannam are in a good place?
They say no, OK.
And so then the other group, they respond
and they say, OK, no, no, no, we
understand that.
But here in this hadith, the Prophet ﷺ
mentioned the adad, he mentioned the adad, number.
So he said that there is at least
one reward, which means they will be rewarded.
But in that other example, and the language
accepts that.
So anyways, it's a long discussion.
You understand what I'm coming from.
The Hanabali have strong evidences.
We mentioned the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ
that he says, لقد هممتُ أن آمُرَ بِالصَّلَاةِ
فَتُقَامِ The Prophet ﷺ says, I have the
intention, the will to get someone to pray,
the jama'ah pray, ثُمَّ آمُرَ رَجُلًا فَيُصَلِّ
بِالنَّاسِ To get someone to pray, lead the
ثُمَّ أَنطَلِقُ مَعِي بِالرِجَالِ مَعَهُمْ حَزْمٌ مِّنْ حَطَبٍ
إِلَى قَوْمِ اللَّهِ يَشْهَدُونَ الصَّلَاةِ And I would
go with some other people with wood and
fire to the houses of those who don't
pray and burn them down.
Like this is very serious.
And even it's strange that the Prophet ﷺ
would be that harsh, which shows you how
intense this mas'ala is.
They're saying, okay, the Prophet ﷺ would not
do it for something that is mustahab, recommended,
Others said, no, the Prophet ﷺ is talking
about the munafiqeen here, like the rad, right?
The other dalil they used, the hanabal, it's
strong as well.
They said, صَلَاةِ الْخَوْفِ وَإِذَا كُنْتَ فِيهِمْ فَأَقَمْتَ
لَهُمُ الصَّلَاةِ When you're in battle with them,
okay, and the call of prayer, if there
was a time to have an excuse, they
said it would have been in صَلَاةِ الْخَوْفِ,
Right, and Allah ﷻ says, describes to us
exactly in detail how the first row is
praying and then, you know, of the soldiers
and then one row is protecting and then
they switch, yeah?
فَلْتَقُمْ طَائِفَةٌ مِّنْهُمْ مَعَكَ يَا فَلْيُصَلُوا فَإِذَا سَجَدُوا
فَلْيَكُونُوا مِّنْ وَرَائِهِمْ And when they do the
sajda, the others come in front.
So they said, well, if it's obligatory to
do jama'a in war, what about like
in the times of peace, right?
The others, they responded, they said, no, no,
no, the whole point of this ayah is
to describe how to pray in jama'a
in battle, right?
And obviously in battle, it's not going to
be one person, it's going to be jama
So you understand like there's a lot of
back and forth.
And there's other, so if you look at
all the hadith and you join them, some
of them are hassan, some of them are
sahih, some of them have, it's, you're going
to come, but something that is very strong
is a blind man, and I'll stop with
this, a blind man came to the Prophet
ﷺ, right?
And he said, you know, I'm blind and
you give me a rukhsa, an excuse to
not pray jama'a.
The Prophet ﷺ said, okay, you have an
But then he, the man is walking away,
he called him again, he said, can you
hear the adhan?
This is an important, can you hear the
The blind man, okay, someone who would have,
he said, I can hear the adhan, he
said, then, then you respond to the adhan,
And so some of them said, well, if
you can hear the adhan and you're proximity
to the masjid, like you're walking distance, and
you don't have an excuse, then it's wajib
for you.
And I'm comfortable with that one, it makes
You're in front of the masjid, and because
there's another hadith that says, the one who
hears the adhan and doesn't respond to it,
then there's no salah for him.
And that's why the Zahiriya said, if you
don't pray jama'a, your salah is not
La salata lahu, and this is almost saying
like, your salah doesn't count, right?
And so it makes sense to say that
if someone is next to the masjid, and
he hears the call of prayer, okay, then
for him, it would make sense for him
to be wajib if he doesn't have an
Does that make sense?
Someone is far, it would make sense that
for him, it would be something that is
highly recommended.
Okay, so we'll leave it at that, and
then we'll go with the matiniyah.
So these are kind of the four opinions.
Some said it's fard kifaya, as long as
there's one group praying the jama'a, then
it's okay for others to pray it at
their home, or for others to pray it
The hanabila are the ones that said it's
farda'een, and we're going to cover that
right now.
Others said it's highly recommended, right, and then
the zahiriyah, they said it's a condition for
the validity of the prayer, and that's a
bit extreme because we have evidences that go
against that.
We have evidence that go against that.
So that's kind of the job of the
faqih, right?
It's a tough job to take all those
evidences and try to narrow it down to
a hukum.
And then you have to look at fiqh
al-aqaliyat, the fiqh of the minorities.
So we can talk about the ruling in
an Islamic country with adhan and masajid, does
that make sense?
And then we can talk about, well, what
about the people living in a minority and
the masjid is far?
Is it wajib for him?
That's where you can actually narrow down the
hukum, and that's why I told you, if
you live next to a masjid and you
can hear the adhan or you would hear
the adhan if it's called, then you should
be going to the masjid unless you have
an excuse.
You have an infant with you, you can't
go, you're sick.
We'll talk about the people that have excuses.
Is that wadih now with masalat al-jama
'a, right?
And of course, al-afdal is to pray
And the hanabilah, they will tell you that
it's sunnah to pray jama'a in the
So it's far for them to pray jama
'a, but it's sunnah, so it's far to
pray jama'a, but it's sunnah to pray
jama'a in the masjid, right?
And of course, that's where the greatest reward
For the person should always be aiming for
the greatest reward.
Okay, in the name of Allah.
Did we start?
So he says here, okay.
Faslun fi salat al-jama'a.
He said, تَجِبُ الْجَمَاعَةُ لِلْخَمْسِ الْمُؤَدَّاتِ عَلَى الرِّجَالِ
الْأَحْرَارِ الْقَادِرِينَ Ya salam.
So he says, congregational prayer, okay, for the
five daily prayers is obligatory on those who
fulfill the following conditions.
So this is the opinion of the Hanabila,
And we said, this would make sense for
those who are next to the masjid, they
can hear the adhan, right?
Sorry, this is someone who's able in their
house to pray jama'a.
So they said, for men, so this excludes
The children, the women, tama'am.
Who's free, al-ahrar, so a slave would
not be wajib for him to pray jama
And al-qadirin, someone who's able.
So someone who's not able, it would not
be fard for them, right?
What's an example of someone who's not able?
Someone who's in a coma, unconscious, mureed, he
can't get up, tama'am, so it wouldn't
be fard for him.
So three conditions, men, they are free, and
they are able.
And then he says, and then he says,
وحرم أن يأم قبل So now he's going
to go talk about, yeah, so doing jama
'a in a mosque is sunnah for men,
And now he's going to talk about the
So the imam.
If the imam is here, is anybody allowed
to go and lead the salah without his
What about if the imam is late?
So here the same thing.
I'm going to, we're going to go through
the ruling, okay, the general ruling.
But also, what about if we're talking about
a masjid that doesn't have a specific imam
for the five salawat?
Okay, what about a masjid where it's, we
have multiple imams?
And so on.
So, but we're going to talk about general
ruling, and then we'll talk about the exceptions.
So يقول هنا, okay, وحرم, and it's prohibited,
تحريم, this is like, to lead a prayer
in the mosque that has an assigned imam.
This is the general ruling, okay?
And you know, in the Muslim countries, there
is an imam, and if the imam doesn't
come, the mu'adhin prays for him.
So, if both of them are not there,
then maybe that would make sense, no problem.
So, they said except, with his permission, so
the imam has given permission, or you know
that he's okay with it, with his permission.
So they said, إلا بإذنه, okay?
أو عذره, أو عدم كراهته.
So, so except there is his permission, or
there is a valid excuse.
What's a valid excuse?
Yeah, he's very late.
He's very late, the time is about to
end, the main prayer has been led by
the imam, and you came in late.
The imam did not come, or he's very
He didn't come, or he's very late.
Or number three, they said, if you know
he does not hate it, and he's okay
with it, that فلان, leads the prayer.
So this is something that each masjid comes
up with, right?
This is the people of congregation, they should
discuss, right?
Some masajid, they have a list of imams,
maybe we'll have that in our masjid soon.
And I think that's something that is, yeah,
and he recommended to do, so that nobody
comes and leads the prayer, someone who's not
qualified, because we're going to talk about who's
qualified to pray the salah.
And if someone not qualified leads the salah,
then we can all be sinful for that.
So the main ruling is that it's prohibited.
Unless you know that the imam is okay
with that.
So مثلاً, in this masjid, if the imam
doesn't come, and there's an understanding here, then
somebody steps up and prays.
And usually it's known who prays.
مثلاً, you know, in the northeast مثلاً, if
you pray in the northeast or other location,
usually it's Sheikh Hassan مثلاً.
And then if Sheikh Hassan is not there,
Sheikh Hatim.
And if Sheikh Hatim is not there, there
might be like, if Sheikh Ali is there
مثلاً, Sheikh Ali will lead.
And so on.
And usually the imams.
And then the hufadh usually.
And so on.
We talk about نعم, سؤال.
You have a question?
Then we say, then he says here, he
says now, and whoever does تقبير الإحرام before
the first salam of imam.
Okay, now he's talking about catching the prayer.
So the salah has started.
And then you came in and you're late.
What happens now?
So now he says, ومن كبر قبل تسليمة
الإمام الأولى أدرك الجماعة.
So what counts as catching the salah?
The Hanbala, they say, as long as you
say تقبير الإحرام.
Allahu Akbar.
That's how you enter salah.
Before he finishes his first salamu alaykum.
So let's say now we're going to pray
We're on the fourth rak'ah.
And the imam is about to say السلام
And the guy comes in.
Allahu Akbar.
Has he caught the prayer?
He's got the prayer.
He has caught صلاة الجماعة.
Has he caught the rak'ah though?
No, we're going to talk about that.
He didn't catch the last rak'ah, so
he's going to have to pray four in
But at least he got the reward of
joining in the jama'ah.
So whoever does تقبير الإحرام before the first
salam of the imam, he has caught the
Whoever catches the imam al-ruku' ومن أدرك
راكعاً أدرك الركعة يعني ومن أدركه, whoever catches
the imam أدركه راكعاً أدرك الركعة بشرط إدراكه
راكعاً وعدم شكه فيه وتحريمته قائماً Look what
he says.
And whoever catches the imam al-ruku' The
imam is doing ركوع, right?
He's in the position of ركوع.
He has caught the rak'ah with these
Number one, he caught him while he's still
in ركوع.
So let's say now the imam says الله
أكبر سبحان رب العظيم You come in and
you say تقبير الإحرام and the imam is
still in ركوع and you go down, you've
caught the rak'ah.
But he says then and you don't have
any شك, you have no doubt.
So now if it's a big masjid مثلاً
and you came in the back and you're
not sure, did he actually get up before
I said تقبير الإحرام?
Did he say سمع الله and you're like
الله أكبر So if you have doubt then
you did not catch it.
If you had doubt, you did not catch
And he says as long as you did
تقبير الإحرام while you were standing.
So he said الله أكبر and then you
went down before he came up سمع الله
الحمد then you have caught it.
Does that make sense?
Everybody understand how it would count that you
caught him?
If you caught him in ركوع and he's
still in ركوع and you don't have any
doubt that he was still in ركوع and
you did تقبير الإحرام while you were standing.
You did تقبير الإحرام while you were standing.
And when we talk about the تكبيرات الله
أكبر the actual saying We said the تكبير
الإحرام is a what?
Is it sunnah?
Is it wajib?
Is it rukun?
It's a rukun.
تقبير الإحرام when you enter salah this is
a rukun.
And so if you don't do it you
haven't even entered salah.
If you don't do it you haven't entered
The other تكبيرات that you change position from
are wajib.
So these are the ones that if you
missed one you would have to do sahoo
for it.
You would have to do sahoo for it.
Everything else is sunnah.
So if you and he's mentioning this because
he said the second تكبير to catch the
imam is sunnah.
The second تكبير to catch the imam is
So if you said الله أكبر you entered
salah and you said الله أكبر again this
is a sunnah.
Something that is sunnah.
It's not wajib.
So تكبير الإحرام is the rukun.
It's the pillar.
You have to do it to enter salah.
So if you enter and the imam is
in the rukun and you came in here
and you said الله أكبر to go down
not to enter salah and your intention is
not to enter salah you haven't entered salah.
This is important to understand.
This is why تكبير الإحرام is very important
to understand.
طيب And then he says وتسنوا ثانية للركوع
We talked about that.
The second one is ruku' Then he says
something interesting وما أدرك معه آخرها وما يقضيه
أولها So he's saying now وما أدرك معه
Whatever you catch with him with the imam
آخرها Let me ask you a question.
You've entered now.
The imam has prayed two rak'ahs.
إشاء He's getting up for the third one.
You join.
الله أكبر So you missed how many?
Two طيب The two you're going to pray
with him now He's just going to read
Fatiha صح؟
Okay Echoing Let's see بسم الله Yeah, so
the two that you prayed with him now
you're going to pray with him now are
his last two Okay Are these your last
two or your first two?
First two or last Who says first two?
It's going to matter why because when you
make up when you continue after are you
going to do you know دعا الاستفتاح أعوذ
بالله من الشيطان الرجيم Are you going to
read a surah with your Fatiha?
Okay So look what the Hanabalah say Okay
He says وما أدرك معه آخرها So he's
saying that whatever you pray with the imam
Okay That is your last two So just
like him that's your last two So whatever
the imam prayed it's yours as well Okay
وما يغضيه أولها So if you came in
the last two of Isha and he prayed
Fatiha to make up the first two you
should start with سبحانك اللهم و بحمدك أشهد
أن لا إله إلا أن لا إله إلا
أن لا دعا الاستفتاح And then أعوذ بالله
من الشيطان الرجيم الحمد لله رب العالمين And
you should read a surah طبعا If you
didn't it's not going to ruin your salah
But here he's talking about And there's a
different opinion that نعم Yes yes Like I
said even in the madhab there's another opinion
But this is the followed opinion in the
madhab that you know you would do whatever
you missed you have to make up You
missed the first two make up the first
two طبعا They said because you wanna the
salah should be complete should be complete assuming
that you prayed it Right And the imam
would cover exactly what you prayed with him
That's their logic It's اجتهاد يعني And there's
no clear proof which one is right I'll
tell you where the problem is here because
there's a hadith where the Prophet says فَصَلِّ
مَا أَدْرَكْتَ وَقْضِ مَا سَبَقَكَ And then he
says وَمَا فَاتَكُمْ فَقْضُوا And then in the
other narration وَمَا فَاتَكُمْ فَأَتِمُّوا فَقْضُوا فَأَتِمُّوا If
you say فَأَتِمُّوا there's two narrations Whatever you
missed فَأَتِمُّوا complete If you understand complete complete
means the last two were the same as
the imam you have to complete فَقْضُوا يعني
make them up So even from the linguistic
the issue is a linguistic differentiation here So
that's why there's those two opinions and whatever
you do ان شاء الله خير But the
opinion of the Hanbala is if you come
in the last two rak'ahs then your
first two you should read the استعاذة and
you should read a surah with it as
well واضحة اورون ذات مسألة؟
Responsibility of the imam Now they talk about
what does the imam cover for his followers
ماذا يتحمل؟
So here he says وَيَتَحَمَّلْ عَنْ مَأْمُومٍ Number
one قِرَاءَةٍ وَسُجُودَ سَهْوٍ وَتِلَاوَةً وَسُطْرَةً وَدُعَاءَ قُنُوتٍ
وَتَشَهُدًا أَوَّلْ إِذَا سُبِقَ بِرَكْعَةٍ So he's going
to now list a few things that the
imam covers for the ones who are following
him Covers يعني he's covering for them they
don't have to do it So he talks
about here the imam is responsible for the
following of the following for the following and
the follower is not responsible for them Number
one قِرَاءَةٍ So whatever the imam is reciting
you don't have to recite Right?
We said except if he's quiet you can
read That's something that is sunnah And so
you don't have to read al-Fatihah When
I pray isha right now you don't have
to read al-Fatihah Your job is to
listen and to reflect So recitation He says
but it is sunnah to recite for the
follower behind the imam in the following situations
When the imam is quiet Like if I
pray isha right now and I'm quiet Does
that break the salah?
Inshallah Good Okay It doesn't break your salah
And nobody's going to say subhanAllah for example
You're right We're going to pray isha quietly
What should you do?
It's recommended that you read al-Fatihah yourself
Okay If someone says subhanAllah the imam is
going to remember and he's going to read
and then خلاص you listen now Does that
make sense?
If we're in duhr you could You actually
don't have to read al-Fatihah Okay But
it is sunnah for you Why?
Because otherwise what are you going to do?
You're just going to stay there Right?
So it makes sense that you read al
-Fatihah when the imam is quiet Right?
duhr and asr And then he says follower
cannot hear the imam What if you can't
hear the imam?
You're like really far and you can't hear
him Then they said Yeah, it's recommended to
read al-Fatihah Like back in the day
they would have a huge masjid There's no
microphone You can't hear the imam reading al
-Fatihah So you read it yourself Okay Almost
as if you are praying in a quiet
prayer So number one he covers your recitation
Number two Okay He covers your sujood al
-sahu Okay So what does that mean?
Any issue that you have in your salah
you would do sahu Right?
For it The imam covers that for you
That's what he's talking about here sujood al
-sahu Any mistake done by the follower that
requires sujood al-sahu is overlooked behind the
imam So for example What are some reasons?
So I'm leading the salah and you're behind
me for example And you do something like
What's your question?
You have a question?
So, like, cover the other side?
Yeah, that's a good question So you join
Maghrib in the third rak'ah Tamam?
And you caught him in the ruku' So
now you're gonna get up Yeah, you would
pray Yeah, this is where You guys understand
this question?
Because you're gonna You've prayed one rak'ah
The first one Now you're gonna get up
and pray a second one Fatiha Okay, in
a surah Then you're gonna go and you're
gonna do tajahud Okay And then you're gonna
get up again So do you hear Do
do Fatiha Does this count as the third
one or the second one?
According to the opinion of the Hanabi This
would also You'd also read Fatiha as well
Because here you're trying to complete And even
if you did Fatiha in a surah in
all your rak'ah It doesn't invalidate your
prayer It's just the sunnah would only read
a surah in the first two This is
the sunnah of the Prophet And it should
be fine bismillah Yeah, so here if you
make a mistake in your prayer Let's say
you forgot to say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
from from Fatiha You forgot to say Allahu
Akbar to ruku' This is a wajib, right?
And this deserves a sahoo The imam covers
that for you Huh?
Yeah, so it's corrected for you You don't
have to worry about it Because the imam
covers that for you Does that make sense?
So you don't have to do a sahoo
after You shouldn't be doing a sahoo if
the imam doesn't do a sahoo Unless Are
you going to ask about the if you're
coming late?
Yeah, what's your question?
I made a mistake as a follower The
imam is not going to do the sahoo
No, but it's I mean, your mistake is
covered by him Because his salah is your
salah Do you know what I mean?
His Fatiha is your Fatiha His tahara covers
your tahara Obviously, you have to have tahara,
But here the sahoo is covered for you,
Any mistake done by the follower that requires
sujood sahoo is overlooked behind the imam Even
if the follower joined late and is making
it up the follower is still not required
to do sujood sahoo if she made a
mistake somewhere in the prayer And if you
now continue by yourself Okay If you continue
by yourself and you do mistake in your
separate salah then you should do a sahoo
It's recommended to do sahoo because that's your
own salah It's not the salah of the
imam He also covers for you sajda tilawa,
So let's say now we're in dhuhr and
you're behind the imam and you read اقرأ
باسم ربك الذي خلق And then in the
end, there is sajda Yeah So it's sunnah
to do tilawa But you don't do sajda
here and the imam is covered for you
So you get the reward for that sunnah
MashaAllah, the imam Dua for the imam Number
four The sutra, right?
The sutra So the imam has a sutra
Anybody walks in front of you, you're fine
Anybody walks in front of you while you're
in jama'a, it's fine That's why you
see like in the haram, people are walking
in front of the musallin and taraweeh and
back and forth That's fine because he covers
your sutra Okay Number five The dua of
Qunoot He makes the dua You just say
Ameen So he covers for you the dua
of Qunoot The first tajahud of the follower
Okay This is an interesting question here Okay
He says here نعم Yeah, so he says
here وتجهداً أول إذا سبق بركع What's he
talking about?
He's saying that if you come مثلاً in
a salah of four rak'ahs Okay طبعاً
every two you're supposed to what?
To tajahud So if you missed the first
one and you came in the second one
Okay Focus with me here You missed the
first one and you came in the second
one After the second one you're all gonna
sit down for tajahud This is his second
one Your first one When you get up
now and you pray the third with him
Okay And he goes down Is he gonna
sit for the third one?
He's not Because it's not time to sit
He's gonna get up But you're supposed to
sit because it's your second one Okay So
he covers that for you That's what he's
talking about Okay So when you pray the
second one you're supposed to sit But you're
the imam For him it's the third For
you it's the second So now he covers
that for you That's what he's talking about
here Right وتجهداً أول إذا سبق بركع Okay
نعم So here it says Yeah Every two
rak'ahs you must sit down for tajahud
But in case the follower will just follow
the imam and the imam's tajahud suffices Okay
Yeah Follower continues to sit after every two
rak'ahs while making it up When you
make it up Yes You sit after every
two rak'ahs When you make it up
Obviously that makes sense تمام And then it's
not mentioned here But the footnotes he mentioned
Also he covers your tasmeeh We don't say
سمع الله من حمده The imam says سمع
الله لمن حمده Okay You don't You have
a question?
تفضل So when he said the four days
The first what?
The first four?
You said?
The first two were missed Uh-huh What
happened then?
Uh-huh Ah
You're saying he doesn't say اللهم صلى على
محمد وعلى محمد You're saying he doesn't?
Are you asking if he does or he
Is that the case?
Or do you just say with the du
'a then say salam?
Ah Good question Yeah You're saying because he
already did the two tashahuds The first part
التحيات And then الصلوات على النبي صلى الله
عليه وسلم So does he do it again?
It's a good question Ah Do you guys
understand the question?
Ah So he's saying that Um When you
come in the salah Okay You will come
in the third rak'ah مثلا The imam
is gonna finish With the التحيات And then
والصلوات على النبي Right?
طيب إنت when you make up the last
two Okay When you finish your salah Do
you do التحيات And الصلوات على النبي?
Or do you just do half?
Because you missed half You missed the only
the first التحيات The jalsa for the first
one Yeah but you missed that one You
came on the third one Both
Yeah والله أعلم I'm not sure exactly what
the humble opinion would be Um I'm leaning
towards you would do both Because you to
finish your salah Okay you would you would
do both And it's it would be wajib
to do الصلوات الله أعلم I need to
uh look into that نعم فضلا In our
conversation before Um In this
situation I think the majority Uh would would
would read both Read both Uh the the
التحيات والصلوات على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Would you do it like a ma'rifi
or like a Yeah yeah you would do
both نعم And I think that's probably the
the majority opinion I'm not sure exactly in
the حمد للمذهب What it what it is
Inshallah I can look it up And bring
it up inshallah next class It's a great
question And then number seven we said التسميع
So those are the seven things it's covered
for you We said recitation سجود السهو Um
Uh سجد التلاوة Your سترة Your دعاء قنوة
دعاء Your first تجاهد if you miss If
you come late And التسميع سمع الله ومحمد
That's all covered for you by the By
the imam طيب What are some of the
sunnah for the imam I think we'll cover
this Yeah good We'll cover this and we'll
stop there طيب What are some of the
sunnah for the imam Uh so they say
here Um يقول هنا وسن له So this
is sunnah for the imam If you're the
imam It's sunnah for you what وسن له
التخفيف مع الاتمام التخفيف مع الاتمام يعني to
to make the salah light Okay But not
like to to to have any shortcomings To
make it يعني complete salah But to take
it easy So lighten it for the people
With proper completion of all steps Meaning do
not make the prayer long For the people
And do not speed through it as well
And try to be in the middle Don't
make it too fast But don't make it
long And you make it something that is
Easy for the people Um And I think
يعني the imam Depends where he Where they
are Sometimes it's a masjid With a lot
of old people Sometimes it's a masjid that
it's a mix Sometimes it's a masjid In
the university They're all young people MashaAllah It
depends يعني sometimes it's a dhuhr salah We
talked about the sunan of the Prophet ﷺ
He would make some salah longer Some salah
shorter Right Is it salah al-taraweeh?
Is it qiyam al-layl?
It depends It depends what it is You
have a question?
طيب جميل So that's the first thing Right
التخفيف مع الاتمام وتطويل الأولى على الثانية And
to make the first rak'ah longer than
the second This is from the sunan of
the Prophet ﷺ He would make the first
rak'ah Longer than the second And then
he says وانتظار داخل ما لم يشق And
from the sunan is to Wait for someone
who's entering So the imam is praying Here
it's easy I guess you can kind of
hear or see someone Someone is coming And
you're able to kind of Prolong it a
bit يعني To make him يعني help him
catch يعني it's mentioned here that this is
a sunnah As long as you're not making
it too long And if someone comes in
Okay And then you just keep reading Until
he makes wudu And he puts his socks
back on And then Okay That's مشقة على
الناس But someone's walking in Right And on
the side of the person entering He should
walk slowly Then we said that from the
sunan Is that you walk slowly to salah
You don't run to catch the salah Right
It's better for you to miss the rak
'ah And come in slowly Than to run
in fast And then you're like صلاحي لك
You're not out of breath And then you're
bothering everybody around you And so on تمام
Yeah So wait for people to enter the
prayer If it does not cause hardship Right
You can make your ruku' longer Maybe سبحان
الرحمن الرحيم So that people can catch But
you don't want to do 20 سبحان الرحمن
الرحيم And the guy is still not here
And then Right You can make your tajahud
longer Do an extra dua Yeah These things
I need to make it easy For the
people Inshallah Next week We're going to talk
about Who's supposed to be the imam?
Who's supposed to be the one who leads?
Is the one who has more fiqh يعني
عالم Or someone who is qara' يعني طب
The qara' Is it the one who has
a nicer voice?
Or is it the one who has more
Or is the one who has better tajweed?
Inshallah All of those things We're going to
discuss Who's not allowed to be imam?
Right Is a child allowed to lead adults?
Like a non-pubescent child Like a 12
year old Is he allowed to Or let's
say 10 year old Is he allowed to
lead adults?
Right This is a مسألة خلافية Right And
you'll see that the Hanabal say no Right
Even if he's like You know Unless there's
nobody that can read There's nobody that can
read Or if it's something that is نافلة
And so on We'll talk about So all
those Inshallah We'll talk about Is a woman
allowed to lead the men?
In any case?
There is an opinion That if there's no
one that is able to read The woman
might be able to lead But from behind
This is like almost impossible But let's say
Nobody here knows how to read Or it's
some country That there's only one Muslim And
the Muslim is a woman And there's no
جماعة And جماعة is فرض So الله يعلم
It's a Might be a hypothetical question And
so on Yeah And all these Inshallah We'll
discuss them بإذن الله In the next In
the next lecture Any questions?
نعم تفضل Say it again That 10 years
old He should not be imam?
Yeah So inshallah We'll talk about it next
week But yeah There's a يعني The حنابلة
They say that The young boy Who's not
بالغ He's not بالغ And he's not reached
puberty المميز يعني The one who can read
And he can differentiate things But he's not
بالغ Then he should not lead them In
فرض prayers He should not lead The imams
In فرض prayers He can only lead those
Who are his age يعني They're all non
-pubescent But if there's adults They should be
leading They should be leading والله We'll talk
about it inshallah Next week Any other questions?
فضل Go ahead فضل You
came in to pray Maghrib?
During Maghrib time?
طيب They should be praying Maghrib What happened?
What happened exactly?
They were doing Isha?
Ah okay okay جميل جميل Good question You're
coming And the masjid It's Maghrib time But
they prayed Maghrib And they're Bringing Isha back
Because of the weather etc طيب جميل You
haven't prayed Maghrib They're praying Isha Okay So
The opinion that I follow here Is that
You have to pray three They have to
pray four صحيح You come in and you
pray Maghrib So now if you joined From
the beginning with them If you joined from
the beginning with them Once they're finished They're
third Okay You're gonna stay sitting down Okay
So they're gonna get up for the fourth
You're gonna stay sitting down Okay And then
you wait Until the imam sits down And
says taslim You say taslim with him And
that would have counted as your Maghrib prayer
If you came late You finish with them
And if you missed the first rakah You
finish with them Because here they put the
أولوية The The importance of praying The prayers
in time Right And then you can Hopefully
somebody else will come And you pray jama
'a with them We'll stop there بارك الله
فيكم والسلام عليكم