Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh Of Salah Taught #11

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The transcript is a recording of a meeting where participants discuss various topics including recitation, the church's sermon, and the recitation of the sermon. They also discuss the leads and who leads the centers of the century, recitation, and the importance of proper recitation. The speakers stress the importance of praying in a row and not just by yourself, and discuss the use of praying in a certain area and the importance of keeping lines clear.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, bismillah,
alhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu ala rasoolillah, wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi, wa amin wa ala.
Allahumma la ilma lana illa ma'allamtana innaka
anta al-alimun hakeem.
Allahumma alimna ma yinfa'na wa infa'na
bima'allamtana wa zidna ilma.
Wa arrina alhaqqa haqqan wa arzuqna ittiba'a
wa arrina albaatila baatilan.
Wa arzuqna ijtina'ba wa idkhinna bi rahmatika
fi ibadika as-saliheen.
Ameen, ya rabbal alameen.
Welcome everybody to, I think this is our
11th meeting in fiqh of salah.
And as usual, we start with our muraj
'ah, we start with our muraj'ah.
So, we have, alhamdulillah, we're still doing the
congregational prayer, salatul jama'ah.
We started it last week, and we discussed
it, and today, inshallah, we're going to finish
that topic, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala.
Let's start with some review questions.
So, al-sual al-awwal, what was the
ruling, we're talking about the madhhab here, what
was the ruling on the congregational prayer, salatul
What was the ruling in the madhhab?
Obligatory, they said obligatory on, yeah, for the
five salawat.
But what was the shurut, the men, right,
the free men, and who are able?
So, al-qudra, wal-hurriyah, he's free, he's
not a slave, and that they are immature
What is the ruling of praying jama'ah
in the masjid?
So, remember we said, we separate between jama
'ah and praying in the masjid, because someone
can pray jama'ah outside the masjid, fil
-bayt, mathalat.
If jama'ah is obligatory in the madhhab,
what is the ruling of praying jama'ah
in the masjid?
Yes, who is speaking?
To come pray in the masjid jama'ah.
This was one, we were discussing this in
terms of what made some of the madhhab
say that it's obligatory to pray in the
But the Hanbala said it's obligatory to pray,
it's sunnah to pray jama'ah in the
So they said it's fard to pray jama
'ah on every individual, for the men, right?
But it's sunnah to do it in the
And this is convenient, especially for those who,
mathalan, they have a musalla in their work,
like people who work in downtown, many companies
have musallas in the schools and stuff.
So this is very convenient for them.
So it's sunnah to pray in the masjid
jama'ah, but you can pray jama'ah
in the house, in the job, wherever it
is inshallah.
If you say takbeerat al-ihram, right before
the imam says tasleem, the last tasleem, did
you catch the prayer?
Did you catch jama'ah?
So as long as you come in, takbeerat
al-ihram, Allah Akbar, and the imam hasn't
said the salam, the first salam, then you
have caught the prayer.
And you should do that.
If you come and you see them in
the last raka'ah, usually you can tell
if the imam is sitting in the tawarruq
position, or you have a feeling you came
really late, or you heard them while you
were doing wudu' that they weren't reading the
recitation, and you think it's the last one.
Some people wait, you shouldn't wait.
Come and join, come and join, and you
will have been included in the jama'ah.
We discussed some of the things that the
imam covers for the follower, the ma'moom.
What are some of the things that he
covers for him?
We mentioned maybe five or six things.
The recitation.
So the recitation of the imam is sufficient,
the fatiha is sufficient.
What else?
Yes, it's enough.
So if you do a mistake, the imam
covers it for you.
No problem.
What else?
What else?
The sutra.
Yes, the sutra.
In front of him, the imam covers that
for you.
What else?
We talked about the tashahud.
The middle tashahud, right?
If you come in late and you're supposed
to do the tashahud after the second one,
it's covered by the imam as well.
You don't say it.
The follower doesn't say it.
The imam says it.
What else did we talk about?
If you were to read tilawah in your
silent prayer, for example, and obviously you can't
do sajdah tilawah, it would be covered by
But aslan, it's not wajib to do.
It's not wajib to do that.
I think those are most of the ones
that we mentioned.
What are some of the sunnas for the
We mentioned three sunnas.
When the imam is leading, what are some
of the things that are recommended?
To make it a really long salah?
So it's recommended for the imam to keep
it short but complete.
It's a complete salah, but not make it
too long.
Except in the known times.
Salat al-khusuf, fajr usually is long, etc.
What else did we say is recommended for
the imam?
So the first rak'ah is always longer
than the second one.
These are things that are sunnah for him.
And the third one we said, if someone
is coming in, maybe make the shahood longer
so he can catch his jama'ah.
Maybe he can stretch another ayah or two.
Do an extra, subhana rabbiyal azeem, subhana rabbiyal
azeem, so the guy can catch the rak
'ah or the sajdah.
Some of the orders in the Qur'an
for the kara'ah to know.
The fuqaha disagreed about this one.
I believe in the Hanbali Madhab they say
that you should read it in order.
If you read in the first rak'ah,
you shouldn't start with nas in the first
Then you read nas again.
Some say you just read nas again.
So you should do it in order.
I think in the Maliki Madhab it's more
I think so.
The order as well?
Yeah, I think it's similar.
So now we go to faslun fee ahkaam
al imama and the rulings of the imam.
So choosing an imam.
So they say here, who leads the imam?
Who leads the salah?
Who's allowed to lead the salah?
Who's not allowed to lead the salah?
So they say al-aqra' Let's read the
Arabic first.
al-aqra'u al-'alimu Okay.
fiqha salatihi awla min al-afqah Okay.
Ish ya'ni?
Ya'ni al-aqra' wa al-'alimu fiqha salatihi
When we say aqra' Ya'ni the one
who has better reading, knows more Qur'an.
So they will say here.
Because we have a hadith.
ya'mu al-qawm aqra'uhum li kitaabillah So
what does it mean now aqra' here?
Someone who knows more Qur'an or someone
who reads better Qur'an or someone who
has a nice voice.
These are three things, right?
So someone might be a hafidh, reads properly,
and has a beautiful voice.
Make sure we put him in front.
But there's another thing.
So that's related to recitation.
But then there's the one who knows fiqh
So let's put them in three things.
You have the recitation, someone who knows fiqh
al-salah, the rules of salah that we're
covering here, you know sahoo and arkan and
And someone who's faqih, a'lim ya'ni.
If someone had great recitation, you know hafidh,
and he's a faqih, he's the first.
And if we had two fuqaha' with two
great recitations, you know, that's a great name.
Who do we put forward?
Because we're talking about al-Ahsan.
And then what if we have both of
them are old, right?
You go to other things, ya'ni, I
don't know.
Rock, paper, scissors?
There are other things, like they say, you
know, the one who's, what are the other
things that you can, I don't know, the
one who's been longer in the community, you
know, things like that.
That are known amongst us, you know.
Maghribi, Jazairi.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, so yeah.
Someone should not lead while others don't want
him to lead.
Yes, na'am.
Yes, this is mentioned in the more advanced
books of fiqh.
But yeah, if there's someone who people dislike
his voice or dislike his, he shouldn't lead.
And as long as it's legitimate.
It's not some racist thing or some, you
know, like, as long as it's something legitimate,
And this happens in the masajid.
Someone might lead and his voice is not
good and he makes issues and people don't
want him to lead.
The person should be addressed.
We're going to talk about things that a
ma'am, if he has them, he shouldn't
be leading and a person shouldn't be leading.
So let's say, Yeah, they're saying that the
one who has good recitation and just knows
fiqh as salah is better to lead than
the faqih.
You had a faqih, for example, right?
And that's why sometimes like a alim will
tell like a qara' to go ahead.
As long as the qara' has a good
recitation because the point is that the people
enjoy the recitation, but also that the imam
knows the fiqh of salah.
There's different levels, but that's what is mentioned
And remember I told you about the one
who has hafidh, has good tajweed, proper station,
and a beautiful voice.
What are we going to do?
What are we going to prioritize?
We're not going to prioritize hafidh.
This is important to understand.
It's not about who has more hafidh.
It's about who has better tajweed and the
As long as, and so if someone has
a decent amount, two juz' for example, and
he has good tajweed and a good voice,
he should lead.
Versus someone who's a hafidh, but he's making
And he has, we'll talk about, there's different
levels of mistakes.
There could be a mistake that removes the
And a mistake that doesn't remove the meaning.
A mistake that changes the meaning.
And a mistake that doesn't change the meaning.
We'll talk about that in detail.
So they say, the best person to lead
prayer is one who has the following two
One who knows the rules of recitation.
And in the madhhab they say that this
takes preference over the amount you have memorized.
So if someone says, no, he knows 25
juz' Okay?
But his recitation is not so good.
And this guy knows 10 juz' but his
recitation is beautiful.
We pick him.
He should lead because it's going to bring
more people to the masjid.
People will enjoy the salah more.
And he knows the fiqh of salah.
He should know fiqh of salah.
We're going to talk about what happens when
there's someone who is disliked to lead but
there's no one better than him.
They say, he leads those who are at
his level.
And the only reason why he's leading is
because there's no one better than him.
We'll talk about it inshaAllah.
Next they say, and this is a big
mas'ala, so let's talk about it.
They said, وَلَا تَصِحُوا الصَّلَاةَ خَلْفَ فَاسِقٍ This
is a big mas'ala.
They say that the salah is not accepted
behind a fasiq.
It's not valid behind a fasiq.
من هو الفاسق؟
They define here, so the author here defines
الفاسق is the one who من أتى كبيرة
أو داوم على صغيرة Whoever has done a
kabeera, a major sin, قتل, زنا, you know,
those major sins.
أو داوما صغيرة Or someone who just keeps
doing the minor sins and has no problem
with it.
They say, this is a fasiq.
فاسق is someone who خرج عن طاعة الله
This is the linguistic meaning.
And they say here, وَالكَبِيرَةُ مَا فِيهِ حَدٌّ
فِي الدُّنْيَا أَوْ وَعِيدٌ فِي الْآخِرَةِ They're saying,
what's a major sin?
A major sin is something that there's a
punishment mentioned for it, specific.
And a lot of the things we think
they're not kabaer, they're kabaer.
Like backbiting.
It's actually harder to come up with صغائر
When you try to come up, you'll see
that it's actually harder to come up with
minor sins.
Now this is a big problem.
So what kind of fasiq?
فاسق في العقيدة Or is it fasiq في
الأفعال So they say here, في الأفعال So
the author says, بُطْلَقْمًا This is the sharih,
the one who's explaining.
سواء كان فاسقًا من جهة الاعتقاد كالرافضي يعني
The one who is a fasiq from the
aqeedah Or من جهة الأفعال كالزاني Someone who's
like a fornicator.
طبعًا, this is a big مسألة There's another
opinion in the madhhab That it's مكروه It's
مكروه to pray behind a fasiq Some of
them go as far as saying فاسق مثلاً
Someone who Because they say someone who اتكب
كبيرة مثلاً Or داوما صغيرة And so they
say مثلاً Praying behind someone who And this
is a question that's asked a lot If
you believe that shaving the beard is haram
That someone داوما a sin And so they
say you're not allowed to pray behind someone
like that And that's فيها كلام والله أعلم
It seems like the stronger opinion is that
It's مكروه Now he says here وَلَا تَصِحُ
خَلْفَ فَاسِقٍ إِلَّا أَكْسَبْتْ فِي جُمْعَةٍ وَعِيدٍ تَعَذَّرَاءٍ
They're saying here If you're going to follow
with the opinion That your salah is not
valid behind a fasiq They said except in
a Jum'ah and a Eid That there's
no one except him There's no one except
him طيب وَلَا إِمَامَةُ نَعَم صح
It's known That's what it's intended here If
it's not known How would you know?
This guy He sells drugs He sells drugs
I don't know He does many other illegal
things Haram things And some people are saying
Because he used to go to Quran school
And let him lead or something like that
Or he's a big guy in the Qariyah
Or something like that That's what they're talking
about But someone who doesn't know about Someone
does a private sin Nobody knows How would
you know?
تَعْبَ مِنْهَا يَعْنِي Then that's different But someone
who's openly like And people know Then he
shouldn't be leading the salah And they're saying
that The salah is not valid Because they
have the hadith But the issue is that
This hadith has some weakness The only reason
I'm stopping Is because this is a big
issue And so many people ask about it
Because there's a hadith وَلَا يُؤَمَّن فَاجِرًا مُؤْمِنًا
وَلَا يُؤَمَّن فَاجِرًا مُؤْمِنًا So a fajir should
not lead a mu'min فاجر يعني someone who's
sinful نعم اتفضل ايش هو؟
المبتدع It really depends how you define a
mubtada' مبتدع قد يكون مبتدع من Someone might
call someone mubtada' Because there's a difference of
opinion here You know what I mean?
I know people who will say Someone who
recites the niyyah before the salah مبتدع And
I don't think that's a proper description Because
that is someone who's following An accepted opinion
Of the shafi'i madhab And it wouldn't
be considered a mubtada' A mubtada' is someone
who Is doing something that is disagreed upon
In all the madhab مثلا And he has
no problem with it Then maybe that might
be someone who's You doubt him Like something
haram Does that make sense?
So that's why This is a very grey
area And should be left to the puqa
'a Someone to say هذا مبتدع And sometimes
they'll say هذا مبتدع Because he raises his
hand after salah Because he sees that as
a bid'ah But Imam Ahmad doesn't Others
don't see it as a bid'ah It
doesn't make sense So we have to be
very Very careful with these things The jama
'a of the Muslims Is a big priority
I want to make this clear For everybody
listening The jama'a of the Muslims Is
a huge priority in the sharia The jama
'a of the Muslims Is a huge priority
And so To put the jama'a of
the Muslims In jeopardy because of something مختلف
فيه The hands here Whatever Putting a hat
Not putting a hat on the salah It
doesn't make sense This is not from hikmah
And that person might be Falling into sin
if he's doing that I hope that makes
sense Because we have to be more accepting
And the person As Muslims The more you
learn The more you educate yourself You will
see that The more accepting you are Of
other Muslims I'm talking about Things that are
acceptable And the fuqaha have discussed But the
people who read a few things And they
follow just one way And they start putting
other people down They cause more harm than
good It's a good question It could
be It could mean But I think If
there's other More capable people He shouldn't be
leading the salah And people shouldn't put him
forward And look This is a big debate
Because Let me ask you a question Would
a murderer Or someone who kills many people
Be a fasiq?
Would you consider him a fasiq?
Someone who Committed murder and killed This is
discussed In the books of fiqh And they'll
bring the dalil That some of the sahaba
Prayed behind Al-Hajjaj Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf
is known Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf caused a
lot of corruption And some of the sahaba
Prayed behind him Tabi'een prayed behind him
Okay And he's someone who Killed tabi'een
And killed righteous people Fuqaha and qurra So
There's a lot of talk about this But
to do it intentionally And you have better
people It doesn't make sense Allah knows Let's
keep going So Then they said Yeah Okay
Yeah They say Except if there's a Jum
'ah and Eid And there's no one except
him Then you do it Okay Now he's
going to start Talking about the imam Okay
Yeah So here he says after Wa tukra
And it is disliked So the hukm here
is Karaha It's disliked Wa tukra imamatu lahanin
Wa fa'fa'in Wa nahwih Okay It
is disliked for someone To be the imam
If they are a lahan Okay His grammatical
mistakes Do not change This is a lahan
Someone who He makes mistakes But they don't
change the meaning Okay He makes mistakes in
the karaha But they don't change the meaning
Maybe he makes a lot of mistakes If
he comes back Or maybe he's He's doing
like An imala Okay Changing the sound Or
making the The taa mufakham And the taa
muraqaq You know Soft Yeah Bismillah Instead of
bismillah These Is it changing the meaning?
No But this is called Lahan And they
say Wa fa'fa'in Someone who keeps
Repeating the fa' Okay Or Ta' Someone who
repeats the taa And stumbles And these things
So this is Disliked for someone To lead
the salah If they have that Okay Wa
nahwih Similar things Now we're gonna talk about
The things that Is not allowed For the
imam To have So who cannot be an
He says He says the following Wa la
imamatu Man hadathahu da'in A person whose
Hadath What's the hadath?
We're talking about tahara Ya'ni His tahara
Okay Ya'ni His impurity is da'im
Someone who has an issue Medical issue And
then he loses his wudu' All the time
He has a medical issue So that person
should Not lead the imam Lead the salah
Yeah Man hadathahu da'im Okay The one
who Is Is Na'am He can't stay
in wudu' Due to a medical need Right
The author is gonna Let me just list
them And then we'll talk about them So
Man hadathahu da'im Wa la imamatu Man
hadathahu Da'im Wa ummiyin Wa huwa man
la yuhsin Al fatiha Aw yudghim fiha Harfan
La yudghim Aw yulhan Fiha lahnan Yuhilul ma
'na Illa bimithlihi Illa bimithlihi So This is
an important phrase here Illa bimithlihi So they
say That person can only lead Those who
are like him Ya'ni If we have
If we have like 6 people All of
them have An issue with Keeping their wudu'
So then One of them can lead the
rest Wadih Does that make sense And you
can account that For all the rest So
The first one is Someone Who cannot keep
his wudu' Whether it's urine Or gas Or
other things Okay He cannot be the imam
Unless he's leading Others like him Okay That's
the first one And then he says Wa
ummi And who's the ummi He says Wa
huwa man la yuhsin Al fatiha The one
who cannot Properly recite Fatiha Remember why Fatiha
is what Rukun Rukun And it has to
be done Properly Au yudghim Feeha Harfan La
yudgham Au Yudgham Al idgham Is when you
merge He starts merging Right He starts Merging
words And letters That are not supposed to
be Merged together Okay Tab'an there's idgham
and tajweed But They're known Al tanween And
al tanween And noon al sakin Right But
he's there doing idgham That you're not supposed
to Do idgham Okay Aau yudhin feeha lahna
yuhiilooma'na Or he does elhaan Ya'ani
he changes the meaning Okay He reads improperly
He makes mistakes That change the meaning What's
an example Mathal when he says Sirata alla
dhina An amtu alayhim For those who know
Arabic If I say, سِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتُ عَلَيْهِمْ
The أصل is what?
سِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ أَنتَ Allah Subhanahu wa Ta
'ala If I say, سِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتُ أَصْبَحْتَ
أَنْتَ الْفَاعِلِ Now you're saying, I'm the one
who bestowed the blessings upon you, upon myself
And this is basically like كفر سِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ
أَنْعَمْتُ أَنَا عَلَيْهِمْ Right?
So this is something that changes the meaning
And this would be considered not permissible for
this person to lead the Salah So this
is لَحَنْ يُحِيلُ الْمَعْنَةُ The first one he
says, يُكْرَحْ اللَّحَنَ الَّذِي لَا يُحِيلُ الْمَعْنَةُ Does
that make sense?
So not all mistakes are the same This
mistake would be something that we would say
this person is not allowed to lead the
Salah Because he's changing the meaning of the
Qur'an And he can just that حَرَكَ
This is the importance of knowing when you
memorize Just the أَ we change it to
أُ Now you're saying I'm Allah SubhanAllah This
is how important it is Then he says
سُوْإِلَّا بِمِثْلِهِ Unless there's like five reverts and
they all have issues reading And there's nobody
else to lead them Then one of them
will lead even though he has these mistakes
طيب وَكَذَا So it's
obligatory on him to fix it قَدْ يَكُنْ
مَعذُور If he has an excuse Someone just
accepted Islam He's working on it But someone
who's like 40 years old He's a Muslim
for a high He's not excused He doesn't
have an excuse So that's why it's obligatory
on us طَلَبُوا الْعِلْمُ فَرِيطَةً عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ
Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim And
the things that are obligatory for you For
someone to learn how to say Fatiha It's
obligatory for them To say it properly It's
obligatory for them وَكَذَا مَنْ بِهِ سَلَسُ الْبَوْلِ
سَلَسُ الْبَوْلِ is someone who has a problem
with urination It keeps leaking They shouldn't lead
except those who like them وَعَاجِزٍ عَنْ رُكُوعٍ
وَسُجُودٍ Someone who cannot do ruku' or sujood
They shouldn't lead salah Unless it's a bunch
of people who have They broke their back
Like a bunch of people Something happened to
them All of them can't do that أَوْ
عَنْ قُعُودٍ وَنَحْوِيَ Someone who can't sit He
shouldn't lead those who The ones who are
fine and healthy أَوْ اجْتِنَاب نَجَاسَةٍ أَوْ اِسْتِقْبَالٍ
Or someone who cannot stay away from najasa
Who cannot remove najasa from himself So he
should not lead the salah Because remember Najasa
is from the shurut of salah When we
said the conditions of salah To be accepted
We have to make sure that there's no
najasa On your clothes or the place أَوْ
اِسْتِقْبَالٍ Or someone who cannot face the qiblah
For whatever reason He should not lead the
salah I can't think of a reason But
someone who cannot face the qiblah وَلَا عَاجِزٍ
عَنْ قِيَامٍ بِقَادِرٍ إِلَّا Or someone who cannot
stand Because al-qiyam remember is one of
the One of the arkan of salah Is
standing Having to stand They said He's not
allowed to lead someone who Someone who's sitting
Who cannot stand يعني Cannot lead those who
can stand Except the imam of a masjid
Okay إِلَّا رَاتِبًا يعني امام راتب مسجد رُجِيَ
زَوَالُ إِلَّتِهِ Except if it's the imam of
the masjid Who's praying sitting down And it's
expected that he will heal Okay He just
sprained an ankle Two weeks He'll be high
So it's allowed to pray behind him How
do you pray behind him?
ما رأيكم؟
Standing or sitting?
You follow the imam And we have a
hadith that the Prophet ﷺ said If you
pray behind imam sitting Then you should sit
like him And so yeah If the imam
al-ratib Is injured for a week or
two And he's praying sitting down Then you
pray sitting down behind him Just like him
Okay رُجِيَ زَوَالُ وَلَا مُمَيِّزٍ نعم فضل لا
لا الركوع والسجود They didn't It's not mentioned
here They said only someone who sits down
If the imam sits down So
you're talking about everything together Okay So the
example you gave is If you have someone
who Cannot read Fatiha He can read Fatiha
But he cannot stand And he's not the
imam of the high That's a good question
I don't know Wallahi The reason why I
don't know if they're in order I don't
think they're in order والله أعلم I don't
think they're in order Because here they're talking
about the arkan And the arkan we don't
There's no priority in the arkan If someone
cannot do a rukun of the salah It's
gonna The whole salah is not gonna be
accepted So what happens here If there's no
one better than two of those two Then
one of them has to pray Because he
said إلا بمثله If we have It's only
two people Yeah so one of them will
have to lead But if we have another
bunch of people Then one of them should
be better off At least But if we
have a bunch of people with With broken
knees And can't read Fatiha Then yeah Any
one of them will be sufficient Because the
salah has to be prayed The jama'ah
should be prayed But that's why he said
إلا بمثله That's why I said that phrase
is very important He can only lead those
who are at his level Does that make
Because معذورين Remember we said the salah The
shurut and the arkan Someone can actually be
معذور If he's in a darura Remember the
guy who had a bag on his head
And we said someone who cannot pray We're
gonna talk about The person What about the
person who is Who cannot find clothes He's
naked So مثلا قيام for him is Is
dropped He doesn't have to stand Why?
To cover more of his awrah So they
talk about the person who has awrah How
does he pray?
What about if there's a bunch of people
Who all of them have no clothes And
when you read these You're like how can
that happen?
Well it happens Happened in Gaza Happened in
places They're being tortured in different But what
if there's like three Muslims They can't cover
their awrah Can they pray jama'ah?
So they talk about it in the books
of fiqh They talk about that So that's
why إِلَّا بِمِثْلِهِ is very important نعم تفضل
نجاس نعم نعم الأصل That he shouldn't be
there نعم But for example Someone cannot remove
it It's stuck on him Yeah he shouldn't
lead the prayer Something happened He has a
najas on him I don't know Like a
dog came and urinated on him He shouldn't
come lead the salah Someone else should lead
the salah He should go change his clothes
Find a way, figure it out قبل انتهاء
الوقت طيب So we listed the one who
Has one of the following flaws الأمي We
said they cannot recite the Fatiha He does
idgham Where it's not supposed to happen He
makes grammatical errors That change the meaning Okay
Unless followers are the same We said that
Someone who cannot do One of the arkan
Right Cannot abstain from najasa Cannot face the
qibla Right The exception said We said the
one who cannot stand And prays while sitting
With two conditions He is the assigned imam
And his sickness is temporary Okay Then he
says ولا مميز لبالغ في فرد ولا مميز
لبالغ في فرد So مميز Someone who's Who's
below puberty But he can tell the difference
Between right and wrong and stuff But he's
not baligh yet Right So it's not It's
not obligatory on him to pray So for
someone who's not obligatory For him to pray
He cannot lead Those who are baligh Right
Okay So How old are you?
Are you baligh?
So he can't lead us Right If he
was Even if he was like He reads
like sheikh abdul basit You know Mashallah And
you know Except in In In In In
In In Right At home He can lead
you in salah Inshallah Yeah Yeah Yeah Taraweeh
is not obligatory Right That's why he says
Right So yeah Someone In the nafl prayer
He can Then he goes and says What
about the woman?
He says ولا ولا مرأة لرجال وخنث Okay
طيب So he says And a woman cannot
lead men And people of Undetermined sexual Al
-khuntha is the one who is intersex, an
intersex person.
What does that mean?
It's a medical term.
It's not a transgender.
Fi farq.
A transgender is someone who changed, right?
Changed their, changed or wants to change, OK?
The intersex person medically is the one that
we, in Arabic, we say al-khuntha, right?
Is the one who is born with two
And we can't tell which one.
Now, we have al-khuntha mushkil wa al
-khuntha ghair mushkil.
The khuntha al-mushkil is we cannot determine.
And we need some time to see which
one grows, which one works, which one doesn't,
from his sexual organs.
But the one ghair mushkil, we know who
it is.
It's just he was, and this is very
rare, like less than 1%.
Less than 1%.
Back in the day, how would the fuqaha
'a figure it out?
They would say, whichever one he can urinate
from, then that's his organ and that's his
Nowadays, you can find in different ways.
Actually, it's more advanced.
We can find different ways.
So they say, that person shouldn't lead a
The one who's undetermined.
The mushkil one.
If we haven't determined his, why?
Because he could be a man or he
could be a woman.
We don't know.
Lil ihtimal yani, right?
Unless it's just a bunch of people who
are khuntha mushkil, right?
Undetermined, people with undetermined *, then they can
lead each other, no problem.
The woman cannot lead, illa there is a
very minor opinion, and this is almost ijma'
yani, but the minority opinion, they said, if
there's no other man capable.
So they say, yes, here there's a long
discussion about, can the woman pray?
They said, woman cannot lead a man or
men, unless all the men are not able.
And the woman is able, but she leads
from behind.
This is the condition, the fuqa' they put.
No men are available.
They can recite Fatiha, masalan.
It is for nafila prayer, and she leads
from the back.
Not the front.
I don't know if this ever happened in
I'm not sure yani.
But this is discussed in some of the
books of Fiqh, naam.
Can a non-baligh boy lead his baligh
Wallahu alam, I'm leaning towards no, because he
didn't differentiate here.
He didn't differentiate.
Let me see if he says anything here.
Alfard, wallahu alam, no.
Wallahu alam, no.
Because here he says, wala mumayzin li balighin
fi fardhin.
So he didn't say, li rajalin or li
Wallahu alam.
I can look into it more inshallah, but
wallahu alam.
It's a good question.
And then he says, wala khalfa muhdithin or
Someone who doesn't have wudu, right?
Or has najasa.
This is an interesting question here.
He says, fa in jahila hatta anqadat sahat
li ma'mumin.
So, okay.
What they're talking about?
They're talking about imam and two people behind
him or everybody behind him.
So there's hadath and najasa.
Hadath, he doesn't have wudu.
Najasa, he has a najasa on himself.
It could be that the imam has a
najasa or hadath and he still leads.
Is that allowed?
No, it's not allowed.
If he does that, then nobody's salah is
Okay, that's why the imam, we have to
make sure that he's qualified.
If the imam is leading and he has
a najasa or he lost his wudu and
he doesn't know.
I'm not sure how that's possible.
But the people behind him know.
Maybe it's possible.
He has a najasa on his back.
He doesn't see it.
And all of you see it on my
And you're all too shy to tell me.
Our salah is not accepted.
Because we accepted the fact that we're praying
behind someone who's not supposed to lead.
Is that wadih?
They say here, okay, فَإِن جَهِلَا Both of
them, the one who's leading and the one
behind him, both of them, they are unaware
of any najasa or the imam not having
Until the salah is over.
And then in the end, the imam finds
out, Oh subhanAllah, I didn't make wudu.
صَحَّتْ لِمَأْمُومْ فَقَطْ The ma'moom, he's fine.
But the imam has to go make it
up after.
طبعا, if he never finds out, Allah Subhanu
wa Ta'ala will pardon that.
But if they both pray, none of them
knew going in the salah.
None of them knew.
They pray, the salah is over.
The ma'moom goes home, he's fine.
خَلَصْ The imam later finds out, Oh subhanAllah,
I actually didn't make wudu after I did
X, Y, Z.
And then he has to repeat his salah.
Does that make sense?
This way, this is from the...
And then he says, وَتُكْرَهُ إِمَامَةُ لَحَانٍ وَتُكْرَهُ
إِمَامَةُ لَحَانٍ We talked about it.
And then he talks about, Okay.
Yeah, he does not have wudu.
Okay, طيب جميل.
طب, now about standing in the congregation.
How does it work?
And this is important to know for Jum
'ah as well.
So he says, وَسُنَّ نعم.
خَلْفَ الْإِمَام It's sunnah for the followers to
pray behind the imam.
فَالْوَاحِد What about the single person?
Where does the single person pray?
What do you think?
Single person?
Behind the imam?
Next to him?
طيب, yeah.
Right or left?
Imam on the right and the...
طيب, جميل.
It's good.
It's gonna be fun.
So, نعم.
وَسُنَّ بُقُوفُ الْمَؤْمِنِ خَلْفَ الْإِمَامِ وَالْوَاحِدِ The one.
عَنْ يَمِينِهِ وُجُوبًا So they say that he
has to be on his right.
وُجُوبًا He has to be on his right
because of a hadith we have here.
Let me see if I circled it.
Actually, I wanted to mention something here.
وَسُنَّ وَقُوفُ Yeah.
He says here, لِفَعْلِنَبِي صَعَا سَلَّمْ Okay.
مَعَ أَصْحَابِهِ And then he says, وَيُسْتَثْنَى مِن
ذَلِكَ سُرَتَانِ Except two situations.
الْعُرَاتِ Remember we talked about the naked ones
who don't have clothes.
الْعُرَاتِ فَيَكُنْ إِمَامَهُمْ وَسَطُهُمْ وُجُوبًا If there's a
bunch of people who don't have clothes, they're
in their awrah, right?
Their awrah is uncovered.
Then the imam prays in the middle between
Like he doesn't pray in front of them.
Because it's أَصْطَرْ لِلْعَوْرَةِ If they were all
next to each other, there's less to be
But if he's in front of them, there's
more to be seen.
So that's the exception.
And then they said also, وَالنِّسَاءُ فَتَكُونُوا مَنْ
تُؤْمِنْهُنَّ وَسَطُهُنَّ نَدْبَنْ So if there's a bunch
of women, the one who leads the woman
is in the middle.
She doesn't go in front.
She's in the middle.
And this is the opinion of the madhab.
نعم So yeah.
So praying on the left, he says, فَلَا
تَصْيحُ عَنْ يَسَارِهِ لِأَنَّ النَّبِي ﷺ أَدَارَ ابْنِ
عَبَّاسِ خَلْفَ ظَهْرِهِ لَمَّا وَقَفَ عَنْ يَسَارِهِ وَجَعَلَهُ
عَنْ يَمِينِهِ Because of the incident, this is
in Sahih Muslim.
Ibn Abbas was on his left and the
Prophet ﷺ moved him.
And they say, if it wasn't something that
had to be done, the Prophet ﷺ would
have left it.
Because the movement in salah is not something
we talked about it.
It's not something that is needed unless it's
ضَرُورًا And because the Prophet ﷺ moved him,
it must mean that it was ضَرُورًا.
And if it's ضَرُورًا, it means that he
should always be on his right.
So that's how they got the حُكم.
So he should always be on his right
وَجُوبًا وَالْمَرْأَةُ خَلْفَهُ and the woman from behind.
So we talked about, so if there's many
followers, sunnah to stand behind the imam.
One person to his right, this is obligatory
we said.
And if one woman stands behind him, and
also it's okay if she stands next to
him on his right.
That's also an accepted opinion.
This is an important question.
Whoever prays on the left of the imam
and a whole rak'ah is finished, his
salah is باطل.
It doesn't count.
But why they say this is because the
Prophet ﷺ moved Ibn Abbas and his salah
still counted.
As long as he doesn't stay there for
a long time, he doesn't go through like
more than one rak'ah, he moves, someone
moves him.
He's a jahil, someone moved him.
Okay, then it's fine.
Or they talk about, what about if we're
praying جماعة and there's a line, and then
the line is full.
And like there's only one person.
Why do you see people trying to get
in or they push someone back?
Because of the hadith that there's no prayer
for the one who prays by himself, right?
And so for him, he needs to fit
in somehow, okay?
Or some people will actually tap someone to
come back with them, okay?
Or they'll wait for someone to come in,
Because it happened in the time of the
Prophet ﷺ, a man prayed by himself behind
the line, but someone came before the rak
'ah was finished.
So the Prophet ﷺ says, okay, don't do
it again.
The Prophet ﷺ told him, don't do that
again, okay?
So the person who's...
Yeah, if you pray left of the imam
and his right is empty, and the imam
finishes the rak'ah, then this rak'ah
is invalid for the follower.
Yeah, we just mentioned that.
If a follower prays alone in a row
by himself, which is what we're talking about,
without excuse, then his prayer is invalid.
Without excuse, now this...
Yeah, what makes an excuse?
Let's say مثلنا, I don't know, he's...
What would be the good excuse?
What do you guys think?
That's a good one, that's a good one.
Yeah, somebody...
He was in a line and then somebody
left the prayer or something.
What's he gonna do now?
So that's an excuse.
But if someone just comes to pray by
himself and there's space in the line, then
his prayer doesn't count.
So for sure that person, his prayer doesn't
That's why we say always make sure you
fill the lines.
So you have to make sure that you
that you don't pray by yourself.
They say you should tap someone to come
But what if another excuse would be, I
tapped someone to come back.
He doesn't want to.
He's like, I want the front line.
خلاص يعني, yeah.
They say he can also go stand next
to the imam.
Worst case scenario, يعني the salah is about
to finish, nobody wants to come join you.
There's no one making wudu.
You can come stand next to the imam,
that's fine.
You're gonna get a dirty look after from
the people InshaAllah your salah is accepted.
And of course to his right, not to
his left.
It says here, if the imam and the
followers are inside of the mosque...
Now we're talking about, when does it count
as a jama'a?
Okay, like, when does it count as a
He says, وَإِذَا جَمَعَهُمَا مَسْجِدٌ صَحَّتْ الْقُدْوَةَ مُطْلَقًا
As long as they're in the same masjid,
the imam and the follower, then inshaAllah it
counts as a jama'a.
And if there was a big space and
the line is over here and the imam
is right there, inshaAllah that still counts as
a jama'a as long as they're in
the same masjid.
بِشَرْطِ الْعِلْمِ بِانْتِقَالَاتِ الْإِمَامِ As long as the
person is aware of the intiqalat, he's going
ruku, he's going sujood.
So hearing the imam is not a shirk.
This is the question that comes in the
Can I pray from the five-star hotel
while seeing the haram?
This is the question that comes up.
Or what about the people who follow the
haram all the way back like in Al
-Ajjad area?
I don't know if you're familiar.
If you've been to Umrah and if you've
been to Makkah, you know what I'm talking
People pray with the imam in the haram
and the street somewhere.
And there's roads, cars driving in between.
And so Allah A'lam, that one would
not count.
You have to either see the imam or
you're connected with the other jama'as and
you can see the other lines, right?
You don't have to necessarily see the imam.
You can see the lines praying behind him.
Otherwise, it wouldn't count.
Otherwise, we have a hadith of Aisha that
mentions, okay?
Naam, fadhal.
Since people pray in jama'a, why do
people do that?
Because there's two situations you're not allowed to
To pray on the left of the imam
and ahead of the imam.
So some people will do that intentionally so
they don't mistakenly go in front of him,
But as long as you're equal with him,
you're fine.
And as long as you're with him, you're
But some people do that just for safety.
Because if you go ahead of him, there's
no salah, right?
This happens a lot in Medina, right?
In Medina.
Because people are used to Makkah.
They always go Makkah first and they can
pray anywhere.
You're always behind the, you know.
But in Medina, there's an area you cannot
And people pray in front of the masjid,
the imam.
And also here, if you're coming for juma',
you cannot pray in front of the imam.
I think it would be good to put
a line there in case we have an
But yeah, you cannot pray behind the imam.
So the imam usually is at that last
As long as you're behind that line, you're
I think so.
I think there's three spots maybe there That's
And that would be it.
I think I just want to finish this
last part here.
And then he says, وَكُرِهَ Maybe we should
stop here.
Yeah, I think we'll stop here.
I wanted to finish this part, but it's
Next, he was going to talk about is
the imam allowed to pray on a high
And is he allowed to pray on the
roof and we're all down here?
Is that allowed?
InshaAllah, we'll talk about that and other things
that are makrooh.
And we'll stop here inshaAllah.
If there's a question, we have two minutes
for the iqamah.
Any questions about the content that we covered
Kullu wadah?
BarakAllahu feekum.
JazakAllah khair.
InshaAllah, we'll continue next time.
And next week, inshaAllah, we'll also start talking
about ashabu al-adhar.
The people who are excused, right?
From the salah.
You know, the sick and the ill and
And how they pray.