Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh Of Salah Fiqh Of Funeral And Funeral Prayers Taught #16

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The hosts of reassurance sessions for COVID-19 classes discuss the importance of death and remembering it, emphasizing the need to be patient with one's health and prepare for it. They also discuss various hair-related procedures and their recommendations, including shaping hair and washing hair, and mention upcoming classes and a potential hearing test. The operator is cautioned not to touch the body and should use hot water and clipping nails.
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Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, bismillahirrahmanirrahim, wa
salatu wa salamu ala rasool Allah, wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi, wa man walah, Allahumma la
ilm lana illa maa allamtana inna ka anta
al alimul hakeem, Allahumma a'allimna maa yinfa
'ana wa infa'ana bimaa allamtana wa zidna
ilmaa, wa arina la haqqa haqqan wa wazukna
ittiba'ah, wa arina albaatila baatilan wa wazukna
ijtinaabah, wa adkhilna bi rahmatika fi ibadika al
salihin, ameen ya rabbal alameen.
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, welcome everybody to day
16 of our Fiqh of Salah classes, and
walillah alhamdulillah we really actually completed Kitab al
-Salah, and now we have Kitab al-Janaiz,
right, so alhamdulillah we finished the ruling of
the prayer, the Iqamah, the Adhan, the condition
of the ability of the prayer, Sifat al
-Salah, description, the pillars, Sajdah al-Sahih, we've
covered that, At-Tatawu' volunteer prayers, Jama'ah,
the prayer of the Mareed, of the sick,
Al-Qasr, wal-Jama'ah, shortening and combining,
we've covered that, Salatul-Khawf, the prayer of
fear, Salatul-Jum'ah, Eid prayer, Salatul-Fusuf,
we've covered that, and Salatul-Istisqa'ah, the
rain prayer, we've covered all of that, alhamdulillah,
it's all online, you can review it, bismillah,
and we're planning to have a test for
everybody, bismillah, maybe in three weeks, when we
finish Kitab al-Janaiz, we'll do all of
All of it together, bi-idhnillah, and I'll
share these slides with everybody, bi-idhnillah ta
So today, bi-idhnillah, we start Kitab, Kitab
al-Janaiz, Kitab al-Janaiz, the chapter of
funerals, and we have a few topics, washing
the deceased, and we'll talk about kind of
Janazah, what does it mean, the significance of
it, some of the rulings about the dead
person, what's recommended, washing the body, shrouding the
body, the deceased, the Salat, the funeral prayer,
we're probably going to cover that next week,
with the burial and visiting and mourning the
deceased, all of this is in this chapter.
Someone might ask, what does this have to
do with Salah?
Why do they include it with Salah?
Well, because you have Salat al-Janazah, and
it makes sense to include that with it,
and so they include all the other things
that come with Salat al-Janazah, the actual,
the person, the deceased, and all the things
related to it, and this is something that
the Fuqaha do continuously.
Well, I've got some questions here, let's do
some review inshallah for last week, last week
we covered Salat al-Eid, and we've covered
Salat al-Fusuf al-Kusuf, and Salat al
-Istisqa, just quick questions, what is the ruling
of the Eid prayer?
Who remembers the ruling of the Eid prayer?
Try again, so this is something that, it's
a communal obligation, a group of people do
it, then that is sufficient.
Some of the ulama saw it as individual
obligation, and some saw it as highly recommended
The Hanbal, they said that it is a
fard kifaya, regardless, if you can go, you
should go, even the women who are not
praying, we recommend them to go, so you
can understand the significance of this Salah.
When is it prayed?
When is the time frame?
We said time frame, Salat al-Eid.
We literally said, yeah, so we said literally
like the dhuha time, from the dhuha time,
after the sun rises, 15 minutes after that,
until really zawal, until zawal, you can pray
Salat al-Eid.
What is the ruling of the eclipsers, Salat
al-Kusuf al-Fusuf?
This is a sunnah, yeah, sunnah muakkadah, highly
recommended sunnah, and how is it done?
How many rak'ahs is it?
Two rak'ahs.
Yeah, so two rak'ahs, two full units,
and every unit has two actual ruku'a,
okay, two actual bowing, right, when you bow,
ruku'a, there's two of them in every
full unit.
So eventually you're going to pray, you're going
to do four, four ruku'a, right, and
it's a long prayer, you start, you read
long surahs, and it's done during the time
of the eclipse.
Any individual can do it at home, we
said, but it's more recommended to do it
in congregation.
When is the rain prayer done, like when
is it mashroor, when do you do rain
prayer, whenever you feel like it, or something
has to happen?
Yeah, so it's called Salat al-istisqa, yeah,
and in Arabic usually when we have the
prefix, okay, ist, talab al-shay, to ask
for something.
So you're asking for rain, so it's when
there's drought, a well has gone dry, a
river has gone dry, a lake is going
really low, and it looks like the crops
are going bad and there's no rain.
This is when Salat al-istisqa is done.
Cool, now I remember what we did last
So, Kitab al-jana'iz.
What does janaza mean?
If I asked you guys, if you heard
the word janaza, what's a janaza?
Jana'iz is the plural of janaza.
What does janaza mean?
Ish al-janaza?
Salat al-jana'iz is the root word.
It's the most important thing.
Give me whichever one you want to know.
Make it both.
So really it refers to two things.
Either the actual body, it's called the janaza,
The actual body is called the janaza, right?
And that's why they call Salat al-jana
'iz because you pray on that body.
Also they say, al-janaza.
Some say janaza, jinaza.
Like there's two ways to say it.
Some say that, this is what the author
is saying here, actually the sheikh who's doing
this, sheikh Ahmed al-Qa'imi, the sharih.
He says, Right?
It's talking about the dead person, the deceased
Al-na'ash is the thing that you
carry, the coffin or whatever you want to
call it, that you carry the casket, or
whatever that you're carrying the dead with.
That's also called janaza or jinaza, right?
And some say both of them are correct.
So is it from the root jana or
Well, Allah A'lam, I'm not sure.
I can't comment on Allah A'lam.
I'm not sure what the real root is.
I think covering, right?
To cover something.
To hide.
To hide, yes.
The jinn, they're called jinn because you can't
see them.
So obviously this is a time for us
to kind of step back.
And when we talk about al-jana'iz,
and every once in a while if you
have, if you're on the Facebook groups for
the jana'iz here, or your WhatsApp groups,
literally every day or every second day, every
third day, this is jana'iz here locally.
I'm talking about locally.
Overseas, how many people die every day?
Al-mawt is a haqeeqah, subhanAllah.
People will debate about anything.
Halal, haram, this, that, religion, God.
But nobody can deny death, subhanAllah.
It's a haqeeqah.
Nobody, this is one of the things that
there's ijma' of the whole humanity, right?
SubhanAllah, actually, this reminds me, one time I
was in the bus with a co-worker,
a very old, old man.
And we were talking about religion, and he
wasn't agreeing with me.
So I started stepping back, trying to find
common ground.
I said, let's talk about death.
Something that, I said, death, this, this, this,
something that we all agree that is going
to happen.
He said, I'm not sure about that.
Like, khalas, you know, this guy, he doesn't
want to talk.
So, subhanAllah, some people will debate.
SubhanAllah, the human being, they just like to
Lakin, al-mawt is a haqeeqah, subhanAllah.
It's a haqeeqah.
And, aynama takoonu, Allah says, Wherever you go,
mawt will come to you.
Al-mawt is the fa'al, the subject.
It will come to you.
You don't have to go.
It will come to you, subhanAllah.
Even if you are in well-fortified fortresses,
or under the, you know, in a bunker
or whatever, al-mawt say ateek, subhanAllah.
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, he
told us, Remind yourself about the destroyer of
pleasure, which is al-mawt, subhanAllah.
And so, this is haqeeqah.
Al-Quran talks about al-mawt multiple times.
And when we talk about kitab al-jana
'iz, it's a good time for us to
remember death.
Some people like to say, no, why are
you trying to ruin the mood, etc.
But, lakin, this is something that we have
to remind ourselves about.
Every one of us, one day, it will
be said that, you know, are you going
to Hamza's janaza?
Are you going to Muhammad's janaza?
Are you going to Abdullah's janaza?
You know, and you can put your name
in there.
It's gonna come, the day is gonna come,
where we will be put six feet under.
And nobody is gonna care about you.
Everyone is gonna go back to their life.
All your wealth, your children, your health, kul
shay, it's gone.
And you will only be there with your
good deeds, subhanAllah.
But this is something, it's a good time
for us to remember death.
Every person, every soul, will taste death.
Okay, Allah SWT told the Prophet, peace be
upon him, He said in the Quran, You
are going to die and they're all going
to die.
Basically, innaka mayyit, you are dead.
This is maadhi.
Okay, this is his hal.
You are dead, you are a dead man
Our time is already set, and every one
of us will have to pass, and meet
Allah SWT.
So with that, let's start with kitab al
So the first thing the muallif talks about,
Okay, he says, So now he's talking about
ad-dawa, like treatment, in curing yourself, medication.
This is an interesting mas'ala in fiqh,
Because there's a debate about it.
Is it wajib for you to medicate yourself?
You are sick, okay?
Whatever it is.
You could talk about, I have a headache,
is it wajib for you to take tarma?
Oh, it's not wajib to take tarma, okay?
You can be patient with that.
And that's not a big debate, no big
But what if it's something serious?
And if somebody has a serious illness, is
it wajib for him, is it obligatory?
Like, am I sinful if I don't take
the medication?
So this is a big mas'ala.
In the madhhab, actually, there's kind of two
When I say riwayah in the madhhab, like
two opinions that can be extracted from Imam
Ahmad's words, okay?
That's what a riwayah means.
And so in the first riwayah they say,
So they say that it's bad for him
not to use medication.
And now, when they go into detail, they
say the one who is able to have
sabaq, and it's not going to affect his
iman, okay?
This is one opinion of the madhhab.
And they take this from Abu Bakr as
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq is a big daleel
because he's from the four khulafa' and the
Prophet ﷺ said, take from my sunnah and
the sunnah of the khulafa' rashideen.
And who's the best one from the four?
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu.
So Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu, it's interesting, when
he was dying, they said to him, are
you going to get cured, right?
They said, ...
I do whatever I like.
He didn't want to, okay?
He didn't want to get cured.
And some say this is ...
It's closer to ...
Because we have that hadith about the 70
You know the hadith?
What's the hadith?
Anybody know what I'm talking about?
Like they will enter Jannah without hisaab.
And the Prophet ﷺ says, they don't ...
One of the things that they don't do,
they don't ask for people to cure them.
I don't have the whole hadith memorized.
But it ends with, they don't ask for
ruqyah and they depend on Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and we have other evidences, right?
where the Prophet ﷺ gave people the choice
you know, do you want me to make
dua for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
cure you or do you want to be
patient and go straight to Jannah and so
the Prophet ﷺ, that shows that it's not
really, I mean, there's a way to look
at it and that's why we get the
other opinion they said that using medication is
afdhal and this is one of the opinions
of the main ulama of the Hanabilah why
they say this?
because they said this is a hadith and
this is a command from the Prophet ﷺ
ya'ni, medicate yourself Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala has a disease and a cure and
so you should cure yourself, okay?
so that's why, ya'ni, Allah a'lam
really, it comes at the end of the
day if you're someone who, you see more
benefits in being patient maybe something is like
terminal let's say cancer, mathalan ya'ni, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us cancer, 1
in 4 people, 1 in 5 people now
get it and so you have things that
are, ya'ni, debatable chemo, radiation, these things
are very harmful, right?
they can make it very difficult for the
person some people can be cured from it
but here a person might say, well, I
don't want to suffer ya'ni, I don't
want to lose all my energy, lose all
this and die from suffering, ya'ni so
they'll say, I'll be patient, right?
I'll be patient with that and if a
person is able to be patient and it's
not going to affect their iman they're not
going to start leaving the deen and stuff
like that so that might be something that
is a reward the person is rewarded with
that wallahu ta'ala a'lam tayyib so
that's an important mas'ala so they say
it's better and they'll opinion that it's okay
yajuz lahu and some said it's actually a
wajib for him to take it tayyib what
are some of the sunnahs?
so now we're going to talk about before,
ya'ni, before the death so the person,
okay yaqul huna wasanna isti'adadun lil mwti
now obviously the Rasul Allah told us to
remember death so what is recommended for us
when it comes to death But we just
just read about death like what is it
to them?
So they say from the Sunnahs is to
Stay dead only emotes to prepare yourself for
What does that mean for personal for death?
And I sit in in the in the
in the white sheets and just wait for
the angel death to come What does that
Let's say that little note.
What do you guys think so?
October right Yeah Giving back the rights, right?
Yeah, if you've wronged someone to ask for
forgiveness from that person, do you have any
debts is there a wasiya you have to
Is there a will you have to write
like because we have the Hadith of Ibn
Umar that it's not okay for a Muslim
Who has something right?
He has wealth.
Okay to go to bed.
We're not having written a wasiya, right?
So we'll see is something that some of
the ulama said that it's a wajib Okay
from that Hadith because the Hadith makes it
very very clear.
That is something extremely important.
So these are things right Tawbah Increasing in
good deeds.
We should always be prepared for death.
Is it possible that we die right now?
Very possible any second right now.
I might not finish this halaqa.
I might not finish this slide.
This is a reality subhanAllah We don't think
about it like that, but something could happen
to all of us right now and die
I did the people of in LA except
expect that fire to come Ajib subhanAllah, right?
It came but it's unlike that unexpected neighborhoods
are gone You know some of the neighborhoods
now, right?
They look like Gaza subhanAllah Gone without even
one one, you know bond or whatever being
dropped from a remote yeti You know, you
don't know.
I know people.
Yeah me one of the mashayef.
I used to know in Riyadh two of
his daughters.
Okay, they went to sleep healthy didn't wake
up the next morning Any healthy young woman?
SubhanAllah Allah subhanAllah tested him with those two.
May Allah subhanAllah make a cause for him
to go to Jannah So it's death can
come anytime subhanAllah.
So you prepare yourself, right?
It's the done with moat where Iqtharu min
dhikrihi Remembering death.
Why from the Hadith?
Iqtharu dhikrihi hadi min laddat, right?
And this is something that reminds us this
dunya is not here because this dunya subhanAllah
you go to work You get motivated you
start doing things you get busy with work
career I'm gonna get a house here and
so can you kind of forget about death
death is still there You still have to
be ready and technically speaking.
We're not saying sit home and do nothing
No, no live your life and use that
as a means for you to raise your
ranks But don't get distracted from the ultimate
thing that could happen any second, which is
a moat Yeah, and you don't get distracted
from moat.
So to be ready is like I'm ready
I'm ready in a few hours I'm ready
in tomorrow.
I'm ready for death.
Yeah, and that's not something simple That's something
that needs thinking right something so big.
We should still sit down and think about
it, right?
So those are those are said Iqtharu increase
in the remembrance of death Not just sit
and remember but do the things that remind
you and prepare you for death And then
he says From the Sunan is to okay
where I added to Muslim in and to
visit right and to visit a sick Muslim
Okay, and to visit a sick Muslim.
So this is from the Sunan a highly
recommended Sunan, right?
We have the Hadith Allah's one in Hadith
could say Allah says I was sick He
didn't visit me and the person said to
What do you mean?
You were sick.
He said one of my slaves was sick
and you didn't visit him, right?
And so you know visiting this is something
highly recommended.
He says here a lady moved to the
end Okay So here they say that the
one who's an innovator Innovator is someone who
either is an open sinner someone who's like
a any does open sin or has An
innovation in the Akita.
Yeah, and he believes something totally Not acceptable
by Alice in Ojemaa some of the ulama
like here They say that it is not
something that is from the Sunnah to visit
that person, right?
And then they also mentioned the dhimmi right
the one who's non-muslim who's living under
the protection of the Muslims But then they
say no unless you're jaa.
Yani You expect this to me maybe breathe
him closer to Islam.
Then there's no problem with that.
You know, he's an enormous one I don't
think there's a problem with that.
Well, I'll tell Alan.
Okay Taman when you visit a sick Muslim
someone who's sick in the hospital you go
there and you remind him of death of
death Right and you remind him to make
Toba, right?
So what I added to Muslim in the
middle of today in what a hero who
at Toba will wassaya So now when you
visit a sick person, okay, are you gonna
go there and just remind him of you
know that you know?
You still have a house to pay off
and you remind him or you still have
a career you remind him what to make
Right remind him of his obligations wassaya, right
at Toba will wassaya Now and so that
now he says, okay, you remember of making
Toba and and and doing good deeds But
now what happens?
Okay when a Muslim is close to death
so if I that No, Zala be he
Oh, no, Zala be he and if now
it's You can tell those who have experienced
that you can tell when someone is close
to Dying, you know, it's like you get
a feeling.
Okay So it says when the person is
close to dying way that no Zala be
he okay when a Muslim is close to
death The following things are recommended.
Okay with a no Zala be he Sunna
ta'ahudin Ta'ahudin ban li halqihi bima
'in aw sharaabin It is recommended to give
them a bit of water or a drink
or juice or something.
Why why is that recommended?
Because you know at that time the person
becomes really thirsty and what do you want?
What do you want him to say?
Huh to sing a song to say the
shahada and so you want to make it
easy for them so they say you try
to make it easy because now khalas the
person is close to death and Sakarat al
-mawt, okay Ta'ahudin ban li halqihi bima
'in aw sharaabin The pangs of death.
Nobody's experienced that unless they were they're dead
You know, so nobody can tell you I
but there's a pain and there's a there's
a fear and there's you know thirst and
and subhanAllah, so You help him by giving
him some water or some drink right bima
'in aw sharaabin Wa tandiyati shafateehi right to
make his lips wet, right To wet his
lips with a cloth, right?
and then number number three says Wa talqeenuhu
la ilaha illallah.
Al-talqeen is to get someone to say
something Right or to explain something to someone.
That's what one meaning al-tafheen.
Al-talqeen is to get someone to say
it, right?
We say someone memorized a surah al-talqeen
by repeating.
Talqeen is like repeating after someone so you
want to remind him tab3an when a person
is at Yani death is upon him.
He's not thinking right.
He's scared things are happening, right?
You don't want to freak that person out
You want to make them calm and you
want to remind him about la ilaha illallah
right because he's not thinking probably think of
the time when you were panicking or you
got into a car accident or You know,
are you thinking straight?
Adrenaline is high.
You're scared subhanAllah and the person might be
seeing things.
You can't see It may be he's seeing
the angel of death in front of him
subhanAllah You remind him to say la ilaha
illallah Some ulema say do you say la
ilaha illallah or do you say qul la
ilaha illallah?
Yani that's both are fine.
So you remind him to say la ilaha
Tab how many times and Do you hold
him and go say la ilaha illallah?
What do you do?
How do you do it?
What do you guys think?
Like do you do do you are you
Are you soft?
Because subhanAllah, you know, what's interesting what's interesting
subhanAllah may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala yathabitna
inda almoot give us Ease at the time
of death and make us make it easy
for us to say la ilaha illallah We
say that I mean if I told you
now say la ilaha illallah, can you say
Everyone here will say la ilaha illallah, right
Yeah like in at the time of death,
ah It's not up to you yathabitullah allatheena
amanu bilqawli thabitu filhayati al dunya fil athirah
Allah is the one who gives you the
ability to say the kalima.
Now, why say la ilaha illallah?
Because subhanAllah we have a hadith We have
the hadith laqinu mawtaakum la ilaha illallah Say
to your people who are to your to
your close Right brothers and sisters who are
on the on the time of death la
ilaha illallah And he says man kana athirah
kalamihi minad dunya la ilaha illallah dakhalal jannah
Whoever the last words he says la ilaha
illallah enters jannah subhanAllah, but it's a big
deal, right?
But if the person doesn't say la ilaha
illallah, does it mean he goes to hellfire?
No, that doesn't mean that that doesn't mean
that right like it when someone dies with
la ilaha illallah That's a huge sign that
that person bidhillah is from the people of
jannah So you do it softly and they
say you do it thalath marat three times.
Okay, you do it three times.
Okay, and Then they say if he's quiet
Okay, khalas.
He doesn't do it Khalas take it easy
because you don't want to get him to
say leave me alone And I'm sure you've
seen video videos or stories from people who
dealt with these things It gets to a
point where a person's like get away from
me Yeah, maybe someone who's not very close
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and I've
heard stories like some of them I say
if they saying like a person was on
and they told him listen, I say la
ilaha illallah They would put some Quran and
and because he never he wasn't used to
He didn't really pray He would say turn
off the Quran.
I don't want to say la ilaha illallah.
Put some music on for me Subhanallah, can
you can you imagine at the even at
the time of death whatever you were doing
in this life You will probably do at
the time of death So you do it
they say here you instruct him to say
la ilaha illallah If it does not then
do not repeat more than three times if
he begins to speak again, then instruct him
So let's say he's quiet then he talks
again and instruct him kindly to say it.
Okay, if he does then khalas That's enough
and they don't don't make sure you always
say it louder.
Well, let me take a picture Let me
take a video khalas.
I mean the guy is under stress I
know you're laughing but some people will be
like the over.
Let me take a video of him saying
Yeah, I mean people now, you know, sometimes
you see now with the with the phones
It's not a lot.
Sometimes you see people recording something really scary
Or somebody that could have used help and
then you watch and then you ask yourself.
Why is it?
Why aren't you helping him?
You know, you know what?
Why aren't you helping him any that person?
Maybe he needs help.
Maybe sometimes people get overwhelmed with these Recording
Okay, and then they say Now what the
Allah will I use a do a lot
of that?
You don't do more than three in there
and yet to come for you.
I do the British pin Yeah, me with
cut with kindness right easily.
Okay, and upon, you know Usually it's someone
that's close to them, right?
But it could be something that you're not
close with maybe you're driving someone Maybe you're
an uber driver and you're driving someone and
he's a Muslim and it's a car crash
and maybe he's on his eye You don't
know him.
So you go easy.
Okay, you go easy with them, but what
they're all at.
Oh, what else is recommended?
They say what they're all at to Al
We are seen reading Al Fatiha and Yassin.
We have a Hadith about Yassin It'll allow
Motakum Yassin and some say that there's some
weakness in Noah.
We said it's a life Hadith there's some
weakness in that Hadith But a lot of
the ulema use it and and they say
Fatiha in a person and they say really
any Quran Right.
He talks about death a lot.
Okay, and so it makes sense probably to
read Yassin, but there's no problem with that
There's no problem with reading Yassin on on
the on the person who's death if you've
read Yassin it reminds you about death It
talks about human Kiyama and when they get
up from the grave and all these things.
It's all about remind the person About Al
-Mawt, right?
Indahu wa tawjihuhu ilal Qibla Also directing the
body to the Qibla, right?
It's it's something Sunnah when you slaughter when
you bury the person right to make them
face the Qibla Yeah, I mean, this is
something that is closer Insha'Allah and then
now what about after death?
So this is Before before death.
So now what about after death?
So now they say wa idha mata he
says wa idha mata now if he now
khalas He the last breath came out.
He's dead.
Wa idha mata when he dies what's recommended
number one taghmeedu aynayhi Taghmeedu aynayhi meaning closing
the eyes closing the eyes We have narration
actually from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
Aghmada aynayhi abe salama Right abe salama radiyallahu
anhu the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam actually
covered his eyes So this from the Sunnah
right to cover the eyes someone khalas it
passes away you cover their eyes.
This is from the Sunnah taghmeedu aynayhi wa
shaddu lahyayhi Okay, and to to kind of
put his his close his jaw, right?
So Lihya is a beard right, but really
it's called lihya because of the this part
here This is called lihya and they say
they say it's recommended to close Al lihyayni,
Because When we talk about the dead person,
right we're talking about This is it has
a khurma.
It has a sanctity, right?
And so there's a respect for the body,
It's not something that is mutilated or something
that is uncovered.
It's respected.
All right, so it has a khurma So
it's it's not nice for to leave the
mouth open like that Maybe something will come
out or it just doesn't look it doesn't
look good, right and and a person wouldn't
like that alive Why would they like it
when they are passed away?
So some some of the things that the
ulema do qiyas on right so to close
So you tie it with a band or
something you tie it To the top of
the head, right?
Okay also from the Sunnah Is to make
his joints flexible, okay What a you know,
my fossil a who at the leanest to
so how do you do that?
Like when when the one now you're handle
a most of your joints are good Come
on, but when the soul leaves right and
the and the blood now is cooling and
it's starting to get more jammed anymore And
your stiff you wanna kind of you want
to move so what they say is that
you move the joints up and down You
might move the knees up to the chest,
This is the person who's gonna get him
ready, right?
You want to do that?
so when you're washing the body You don't
have difficulty because when you're washing the body
gonna have to move things and you have
to move the right This we don't this
is a you know, we don't appreciate this
name that you can do that Imagine it
was so stiff that you can't move.
This is a nervous problem It's a good
time for us to remember this name.
Imagine it was difficult for you to even
turn your head You know found this is
an Emma.
Yeah, I need that.
We don't appreciate so so so so we
do we We do tell you and I'm
a fossil It says we're kind of oh,
yeah, right and removing his his to have
his clothes I'm on this some they say
you do that.
So the body is not overheating and it
starts smelling and going bad Okay, and then
they say what's it through before bin or
Oh, how did that in?
Oh now?
We have a lot me.
Okay, come on and you you cover the
person Okay cover his private parts aura right
the aura in this while he's alive It's
also the aura when the person is passed
away, right?
You cover his aura with a cloth because
now you're preparing him for you don't know
one day you might you you might have
to wash You know a relative, right?
You know and someone might ask Is a
man allowed to wash a female not if
is a male allowed to wash a female
Yeah I don't it lock except Away, so
advice versa, right?
The husband can wash the wife and the
wife can wash the husband, right?
Or if someone is a colleague to me
is less than a mummy is a someone
is less than mummy Is someone who's like
a young boy, right?
Then a male or female is fine that
they're really obviously usually it's relatives who want
to do that But in general men wash
the men and the woman wash The woman
right so from the Sunan is to cover
his private parts with a cloth, right?
I was it through and then it says
well We'll do had either tin or nahuiha
ala botany to place something heavy like an
iron on his belly.
Why do we do that?
Why do we do that?
Because the stomach is gonna swell.
Okay, and and also we want to try
to extract anything that is the intestines and
stomach Okay, we want to extract anything I
know this might sound something that is maybe
many we're gonna talk about some of the
things that might not be pleasant and you
might maybe get grossed out or something that
the The human being doesn't like what's wrong.
This is that this is what we are
one of the olama.
He said that yeah I mean, oh son
of Adam.
Why are you so arrogant?
You know, why you want to get better
arrogance, right?
Yeah, I mean you your beginning is a
drop of sperm that if it drops on
any one of us would get disgusted Okay
and wash right And your your ending is
it is a body that stinks, right?
And nobody wants to be next to it
Nobody will be able to sit with next
to you more than a few hours subhanAllah
and in between you carry Feces subhanAllah akramakumullah,
You're the carrier of feces.
So why are you being so arrogant subhanAllah?
But at the time of death you see
that you need we have to extract that
we want to clean the body So we
put something on his stomach, right?
So we want to put him on a
on a kind of like a bed right
and you'll see that they will say But
we make his head a bit higher So
you've has anybody actually done it here before
anybody done here before Is that what even
help us?
You've done you've washed the body before.
Yeah, and you've seen how the now I
helped Oh helped my show.
So Like it's not a flat bed Usually
it's tilted a bit and you can any
the good the nice ones You can tilt
them like electronically or with that with a
hinge or something.
Why because you want the water to flow
down Yeah, you want to you're cleaning you're
cleaning now.
You want the body the water to flow
down, right?
so Covering his private parts placing something heavy
right to expel the Excretions to put him
on a table or a stand to wash
him, right?
We put on a table or stand his
head should be higher than his feet so
water can roll down his body Right, we
place him on the declining position from head
to feet so head up and feet and
feet Down right when had it on the
Hua vigil a he what is the wrong
that he is a he and to prepare
him quickly Right, if there's no reason to
delay you prepare him as quickly as you
can you prepare him as quickly as you
can We don't want the body to start
smelling bad or to kind of start decaying
or anything like that to happen, right?
So we try to do it as fast
as we can Now and to do this
quickly and then he says Why a jeepoo
fee Nehwi to free key?
Wasiati now Now here they're talking about.
Okay, it's also recommended to Try to get
his Yanni all the other things Okay, his
his shrouding his his covering his burial as
soon as you can Yeah, if there's no
need for delay, don't delay it.
It's it's it's recommended to increase to make
it But now they say it's obligatory to
do The following after Muslim's death, which is
basically the will and his debts and that's
what he's saying here if you know what
a free key was he yet a he
and what What God I think this is
an interesting mess only because We have his
So if someone made a will or Wasiya
the one when do you do it?
Do you wait after or do you do
Do you do it?
Right away.
Okay, this could have even in the method.
Okay, is it why did to do it
right away?
That's one opinion the second opinion that it's
soon not to do it right away And
if there's a if there's a reason to
wait then then then there's no problem for
that But you have to execute his will
because this is an amana, right?
Tamim and sometimes only few people know the
will and though the ones who this might
be going to They don't know it subhanAllah,
but this would be a serious a major
sin for someone to hide that that That
that will from from it's it's right.
It's right people and obviously paying the debts
and This is something serious.
Well, I'm someone passes away.
He's gonna leave a Inheritance money, right?
And so the inheritance is not is not
distributed until what?
until we pay for his burial and Kevin
and all those things and we pay his
debts and if there's any like People that
he owned he owes things right or anything
that he owes Allah subhanAllah.
What do you mean?
It was Allah subhanAllah.
What do we mean?
I mean by that he owes Allah subhanAllah
something Maybe a fasting or maybe more serious
something like Hajj someone who was wealthy healthy
Able to go Hajj and he didn't do
Hajj or maybe he made an oath Okay,
so someone has to pay that for him
and and the the the inheritors are obliged
to do that for him before they Split
the inheritance, right?
Whatever is left, then they can spread it
to them.
So paying his debts and we have subhanAllah
Any a Dane is something serious, right?
It's not haram to get a Dane okay,
but it's it's it's dislike to do that
why because the one death can happen anytime
and the person who dies with a Debt,
If someone doesn't pay for him, we have
narrations indicating that a person is punished in
the grave Right and Rasulum, there was a
Janazah one time and and the person asked
who can pay the the the debt of
this person about that I believe all they'll
honor said I'll can pay it and then
sometimes on the next day.
Did you have you paid it?
He said not yet.
The next day.
Did you not yet the third day?
He said I paid it He said now
the punishment has stopped and so it's something
serious that you have died with that.
You have a But I stand here or
somebody's new I'm good.
It was say, yeah Sorry, he died he
owed people money He left wasiya and he
has money as well.
But on the wasiya cannot be more than
a thuluth.
Yeah, I mean technically some So the wasiya
is to pay the debt Yeah, I mean,
that's fine.
Yeah, if he will see I says pay
the debts for my money Yeah, that's fine.
And it makes sense to do that.
I mean the one because it will see
you can be Favors he wants done and
distribution of money and it's not just they
don't say it's from there, right?
It's on them Now it's on them.
Yeah, because he would have done his his
due diligence the man It's it's it's better
recommended for him If if he can do
it while he's alive, and if you have
any debts pay them right away Well, come
on, it's not allowed for a Muslim To
appear so that the Dane to delay paying
the debt while he's a Moosa someone who's
easier for him like in a monster.
Someone is in difficulty.
That's okay.
It's understood but someone who's able Okay to
pay the debts.
It's not allowed for him to not pay
It's why different to pay it To pay
the person that he that he owes Jimmy
Jimmy Type, so let's talk now about a
hostile me yet.
We're talking about washing the deceased.
He says what either Wait, I have a
V rusty.
He okay, sir.
Oh, what the *?
So the first thing he wants to do,
okay To cover the deceased private parts an
aura, right?
And come on the aura of we've talked
about in Tahara the aura of the of
the male man the aura of the of
the Of the old Okay, the adult male
and we talked about the aura of the
of the the one who's under blue, right?
The moment is okay, and we talked about
the aura of the of the woman so
you want to cover the aura it is
obligatory to cover the deceased because is it
hara is it Halal to look at the
Aura of a strange person.
No, right.
It's not it's not it's not Halal It's
how I'm to do that and that counts
in life and death Right, and obviously is
it is it Halal now to you for
you to touch someone else's private part?
Obviously, no, unless it's husband wife, of course
So and that's it's even more more any
more severe to touch Right.
So so even even when you're washing the
the parts, you'll see that he was gonna
talk about using a cloth or You can
use gloves Yeah Nowadays, I think some people
will use gloves you can use a cloth
and they will recommend using as I'm getting
three cloths Two for the both private parts
and one for the rest of the body.
You can wash it and wipe other things
Okay, so it says here What you don't
have the rest of the a set of
our other he covers his private part was
Sunnah So through clearly he I know you
and right and it's Sunnah also to cover
it the whole place I don't do it
an open field if you don't have to
obviously like In places like in other place
like that Maybe they don't have a place
even spinal a rooftop to do it then
they might do it in an open area
But it's Sunnah to do it in a
closed area where people can't see it, right?
Because you wanna you want to respect the
dead person You don't people looking right and
even they say it's not allowed for a
person to just be there and not and
just observe for No reason maybe unless he's
someone who's training or someone who's helping but
for someone to just be there for no
reason That's not something that is Recommended, of
course, you know, if someone was to ask
are we allowed to report it?
No, obviously, it's not or something That should
be recorded.
That's my dad.
Oh, look Okay I mean, yeah, it's it's
this light for someone who is not helping.
Okay It's this light for someone who's not
to have someone present who does not have
a particular task assigned Okay, those who are
not involved in washing who are not doing
We're not holding right?
So those people it's this light for them
To be there.
Okay Thumma Noah was Emma.
So now he begins with the with with
the Nia and Right and the Tasmia when
we do was was sold in in this
we talked in Tahara Russell We have to
make the near right and this is a
record you need to make the the Nia
Otherwise, it's not it's not gonna count as
a bad, right?
And so this is a condition for it's
a short, right?
You have to have the Nia which is
a short some of them I say drunken
But we said it's a short and you
also have to say this Mila But when
this Mila if you forget it because it's
a wadid then it's the person is is
forgiven So the same thing for him you're
doing it for him Okay, and this was
it to Manoa was Emma, right?
Well, my coffee was the hyen Yeah It's
just like the washing of the of the
someone or for the someone who's who's alive
when you do whistle You know the Nia
right the intention and you do the best
man You say this Mila and now you
do a whistle for him.
You're doing whistle for him Come on So
we want this person to you know, meet
Allah subhanahu wala in the best of ways
in the state of Tahara, right?
Inshallah is resurrected in the state of Tahara
Okay, and then he says, okay Hey, you
don't make your photo Ross.
Oh, I don't have a lean.
You know, you know, could be you know,
could be jealous Okay, so now he raises
his his head Okay, Ross.
Oh, I don't have a lean except the
one who's pregnant if it's a woman is
You don't want to do it Allah, I
mean, maybe the there's a the infant is
still alive or it might cause it to
come out We don't want that to happen.
Unless we'll talk about the the one who's
Hamel, right?
What's the ruling for that?
But they say you you bring their head
Okay, so Unless it's someone who's Hamel.
Well, I'll see what now the rift in
remember now We're still trying to excrete anything
that's in the stomach right in the intestines.
Okay with ease Okay, then the washer should
raise the deceased head and body unless it
is a pregnant woman close to the position
of city Right.
Remember we're like this kind of tilt Okay,
then the washer should press on the stomach
gently to expel any streets, right and then
pour water over the body So we're trying
to get things out of the body subhanAllah,
and it's not easy.
And for those who've done it It's not
easy And it's whenever something comes out you
pour water and it goes down and you
usually have a bin or something in the
bottom Where all the the filth comes out,
okay Bit of clean way after all now.
Ahina even yes, whenever Something comes from the
stomach from the back from the behind right
from the front.
Okay, you wanna put as much water Yeah
Try to make it because you want to
purify that place to me.
I look for a lady He took a
10 Fein fein G be happy now so
now he wants to Yeah, put on his
on his hand a piece of cloth and
and to wash and to clean right?
Then the washer ups a piece of cloth
on his hand to do a stinger for
the deceased, right?
Listen, ja is what is what we do
when we wash our private parts, right?
Listen, ja when you use the bathroom and
listen ja is to use water and right
and we said we cannot touch the private
part Of another person so he uses a
cloth or gloves.
Okay, so it is haram to touch the
disease proper parts without a barrier Okay Applies
to a deceased who is seven years of
age or older, right?
We said mumayyaz the seven or between between
seven and puberty is mumayyaz, right?
And so anybody younger that's fine.
Okay, because it's not it's not aura for
them, right?
So You would you would use a glove
or a piece of cloth?
Yeah, and then it says waharoma massu auratihi
man lahu sab'un.
Okay Now and then he says then the
washer, okay Thumma yudhfilu isba'aihi wa'alaihima
khirqatun mabloolatun fi famihi fa yamsihu asnala So
now we want to clean inside of his
Okay, we take a wet cloth.
Okay, and we clean inside of his mouth
and his teeth Okay His mouth and his
So then then The washer should place a
piece of small cloth on the two fingers
and then makes it a little wet and
then he then Cleans the inside of the
of the mouth the teeth and also the
Okay Yeah, you clean as much as you
You don't have to go any really deep,
Washer should be careful not to use too
much water This is the alternative to washing
the deceased nose and mouth for wudu.
Remember we're doing ghusl for him We're trying
to do wudu for the for the mayyit.
Okay, and then he says Asnanehi wa fee
munkharaihi fa yadhdhifu maa Yeah, he cleans his
nose bila itkhaali maa and you don't want
to put water into the nose It's gonna
probably cause something inside the body Thumma yuwaddi
'uhu, then he does wudu for him, right?
Then the washer performs the rest of the
wudu for the deceased.
This is recommended.
Yeah, this is something that is Masnoon, it's
recommended to finish the whole wudu, right?
The hands, the head, the feet.
Okay wayaghsilu raasahu walihyataihi bi raghwati as-sidr
wa badanahu bithuflih So now we want to
Now the washer washes the deceased head and
beard with the form of as-sidr, right?
As-sidr is a type of Yeah, it
has a nice smell, okay, it's like a
oshab, right?
And From the lotus tree, right?
The form of it.
Those who've done it Know what that looks
like, okay And this is something that's recommended
in the Sunnah.
Then the deceased body is washed with the
remaining of it Okay So from that form
he washes the beard and the head like
the most noble part and then the rest
of it you wash the Rest of the
This is something recommended.
Okay, and They say that it's makrooh to
use things like soap.
Okay It's makrooh to use things like soap.
Okay, and Unless unless you have to like
unless there's something that won't be removed with
with with soap or anything like that Okay,
and then he says thumma yufidhu alayhi almaa'
then he puts more water on him, right?
And what's from the Sunnahs from the Sunnahs
also is to do it To pour the
body from the Sunnahs is to do it
three times Whatever you're doing to do it
three times right to do it three times
and to start from the right side These
are all from the recommended actions, right?
tathleetu wa tayamun, right and to do it
from the right side wa emrar yadihi kulla
marratin ala batnihi and to keep going over
the stomach try to get whatever is left,
We want to keep doing that right and
pouring the body every time the washer cleans
the body You should press on the deceased
stomach, right?
So every time he does this on the
on the stomach He put water right with
every with every time he does that if
the deceased continues to expel Extrudes right if
things are still coming out then the washer
should increase the the pressing as well until
all of us felt We want to make
sure that by the end of the wash
by the end of the yani before we
finish the wudu and the ghusl Everything comes
comes out Okay, and then he says fa
illam yanqi zada hatta yanqa So if three
is not enough we keep doing it until
he is he is cleaned.
We do it until he is Cleaned, okay
wakarao ikhtisaron ala marratin It's makrooh to do
it just one time wa maa uharrin and
to use hot water It's makrooh wa ashnanun
like soap and other things bila haja unless
you need it, right?
wa tasreeh sharii and to comb his hair
Because they say if you do that you
might the hair might start falling off, right?
You might damage the hair or you might
do anything like that So they say it's
it's not it's disliked right and from the
sunan also is to use kafur, okay?
wasanna kafurun I was wrong on time, we're
almost out of time wasanna kafurun fil wasidrun
fil aqeera fil aqeera So it's also sunnah
to use camphor, right?
Something that smells really nice.
It's a kind of a type of Worship
right and a sider right in the last
This is something recommended.
We also want to make him smell nice,
So this is something from the sunnah that
is recommended to use kafur, camphor and and
sider of the lotus tree You can mix
them with water and it has like, you
know It cleans and also leaves a very
nice smell on the on the body and
also they say wa khidabu sha'rin This
is basically to put henna on the hair
for a woman.
You can put henna on her hair Okay,
they say avoid black because of some of
the narrations about black but you put henna
maybe, you know a color Close to black
not black.
Okay, and for them for the male like
his beard Okay, you can do that.
Wa qasoo sha'ribin and any like long
mustache if it's long you can trim it
for them Okay, wa taqleemu adhaafir Right the
the nails you cut their nails, right?
You're preparing them.
Okay, if they're long Wa tansheef and then
you dry them.
Okay, trimming the mustache and clipping the nails
and to dry the disease before wrapping Okay,
some of the dislikes thing to do is
to wash Yeah to do it only once
to use hot water Toothpick or soap we
mentioned those things unless you have to unless
you have to and brushing the hair and
we're almost done here He says Yeah, and
then he says Wa yujannabu muhrimun maata ma
yujannabu fee hayatih Okay, if someone dies in
a state of ihram, okay So the muhrim
who dies in the state of ihram, maybe
he's in the time of Umrah or hajj,
Whatever is haram for him during his life
in ihram like what?
Like perfume, cutting Nails, hair, right?
All those things you you stay away from
The ihram to him, to respect him Okay,
so if someone dies in the state of
ihram Then whatever is forbidden for the person
while in the state of ihram is also
forbidden after death So you don't put perfume,
don't cover the head or the face, don't
put any stitching on them, right?
You don't want to do any of that.
Okay Wasiqtu al-arbaa ashhur kamawludi hayyan So
now he's gonna talk about As-siqt, they
say As-siqt alladhi istakmala arbaata ashfurin yughsal
wa yusalla alayhi walaw lam yastahilla kamaa fil
-iqnaa This is one of the major books
in the madhhab.
So they say that If a woman Has
a child, okay, in her stomach and he's
above four, then he has the rights like
all the other, right?
He's washed, he's wrapped, all those things, okay
If he's under then then no So if
a woman loses her child while four months
or more in pregnancy Then the child's body
is washed.
If a woman has a miscarriage or Abortion
in less than four months of pregnancy, then
the body of the deceased child is not
It's not washed Okay, because that's when the
rooh is blown into it This is one
of the opinions of the ulama, right?
After the four months, so Less than four
months, it's not washed because the rooh was
not blown into him.
It's not really a person.
After four months Yes, you do that and
you wash and you give them the four
rights I mean the prayer, the washing, the
wrapping, the burial.
That's for a woman who's four months or
more وَإِذَا تَعَذَّرَ وَسْتِ مَيَّتٍ لُمِّمْ Interesting, so
if someone you cannot wash their body, what
are we gonna do now?
What might be a reason we can't wash
his body?
Like in COVID, there was a lot of
This was a mas'al in COVID We
don't want to touch.
Some people said from medical recommendations.
We don't want things to spread What if
his body is burnt or it might cause
damage or whatever it is, right?
What's already damaged?
It's hard to wash it, right?
So then you do tayammum.
The person does tayammum for him.
The ghassan, the one who's supposed to be
washing Does tayammum for that person.
They use tayammum وَسُنَّ تَكْفِينُ رَجُلٍ فِي ثَلَاثِ
Yeah, we're almost done.
It's sunnah for the male to use three
pieces, shrouding the deceased.
It's sunnah to use three wraps Okay, it's
sunnah to use three wraps.
You know what?
Maybe we'll stop here.
We'll do the shrouding inshallah next class inshallah
So we'll stop here, but inshallah next week
we're gonna talk about shrouding Like wrapping.
What do we wrap them with?
What's the minimum?
What's the recommended?
What about a woman?
Is the same as a male?
Right, we'll talk about that bi'ithnillah.
We'll talk about salatul janazah, the actual prayer
of janazah We'll talk about the burial and
then we'll talk about like visiting like what's
what's what does sharia say about visiting and
Mourning and grief and all those that bi
'ithnillah inshallah that will be next week We'll
stop That's
a good question, I'm not sure I'm not
sure inshallah.
I'll get an answer for you by next
week inshallah because that that baby has to
has to be washed and buried and so
Yeah, so how does it removed I'm like
I don't know if there's any doctors here
can it be removed while it's While the
the mother is dead Yeah, Allah.
I'm not sure if it needs to be
removed with it with a caesarean Surgery or
any kind of surgery then if there's a
hajj for it, yes, it will be removed
that way But if it can come out
naturally, which Allah, I guess when the body
is dead It cannot If it's relaxed, yeah,
Allah Allah.
Yeah, so maybe Allah Allah.
Yeah, this is something that needs some research
Maybe some to look it up, but inshallah,
we'll have an answer for next week Allah.
Jazakum Allah khair wa salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh