Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh of Salah 12

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The transcript discusses various topics related to religion, including recitation, prayer, and the meaning of the word Makrooh. It also touches on the importance of praying for others, including those who have excuses and difficulty praying. The importance of praying for others in difficult situations is emphasized, and the importance of staying in prayer and protecting their safety is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of praying for others who may not be able to do so, and the need for proper behavior and posture.
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Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Bismillah alhamdulillahi wasalatu
wassalamu ala rasoolillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
wa man walah Allahumma la ilma lana illa
ma'allamtana innaka anta alAAaleemul hakeem Allahumma a
'alimna ma yafa'na wa anfa'na bima
'allamtana wa zidna ilmah wa arihna alhaqqa haqqan
wa razuqna ittiba'ah wa arihna albaatila baatilan
wa razuqna istinabah wa atilna birahmatika fee ibadika
as-saliheen ameen ya rabbal alameen Welcome everybody
to part 12 of our fiqh of salah
So, as usual, we So, alhamdulillah, last week
we were just about to finish the congregational
prayer We'll finish it today, insha'Allah Wa
aydhun, insha'Allah, we will talk about Salatu
Ahl al-A'zhar Ya, the people who
have the excuses Okay, tayyib Let's start with
the muraja, insha'Allah Let's start with the
raja' Bismillah The first question We talked about
who is qualified to lead the prayer And
we talked about two concepts Or two criterias
Anybody remember the criterias we talked about?
Now we want to find out who's going
to lead the prayer What are we going
to figure out?
We're going to look at the length of
their beard Right?
And the length of their pants This is
what we do, right?
But, from a filthy point of view This
is where ilm comes in fruition We want
to be able to apply our ilm How
are we going to be able to know
who leads the prayer?
What kind of jacket they wear?
Out there How?
We talked about two things last week His
ability to read, to recite the Quran And
his fiqh And when we talked about fiqh,
we said He knows the fiqh of salah
And then, someone who's a faqih That is,
a a'alam Okay?
Obviously, someone who's a faqih, he knows the
fiqh of salah But does every faqih have
a nice voice?
And is a hafidh?
No So, who do we put first?
You've got here, mashallah Today we're going to
have, mashallah A mufti, right?
A faqih You know, a hafidh A qara
who's half hafidh but he has a very
beautiful voice Who are we going to put
It's going to be a tfadhal, tfadhal battle
You know, like, tfadhal, tfadhal In the madhab,
we talked about We said, al-aqra The
one who has the best recitation He knows
the tajweed And if both of them knows
the tajweed, knows proper recitation We put in
front the one who has the nicer voice
With the condition that he knows the fiqh
of salah He needs to know fiqh of
salah Because if he makes a mistake, he's
going to ruin all our prayers If he
doesn't know how to fix it He misses
a rukun You know what I mean?
For example, he's leading the salah in dhuhr
And he doesn't even read Fatih We have
a problem That's what we said And we've
seen If he's, for example A alim Obviously
he knows fiqh of salah And he's a
hafidh And his recitation is beautiful Allah Akbar,
Allah bless this man It's very rare to
find that Okay?
And then we have another one just like
him But one of them is older, we
put the older And so on You use
those criteria But the most important two things
His recitation, his hafidh And we put the
recitation in front of the hafidh If someone
is hafidh And someone is, let's say 15
juz' But the one with 15 juz' has
a nicer recitation Better voice We put him
As long as the imam of the masjid
is there And make sure that he's okay
with that Okay Cool?
So no more pushing people by their Beard
length The pants length Okay Or by how
many times he's been to the masjid We
do it with ilm Okay We talked about
praying behind a faziq Right?
We talked about salat Behind the faziq Who's
the faziq first of all?
Who's the faziq?
So the one who has done kabira A
major sin, and we said a major sin
is any sin That has a punishment mentioned
in the Quran Or sunnah Or someone who
Is okay with doing minor sins Just doing
it Because by the way some of the
ulama they said A minor sin can Become
a major sin How?
When you do the minor sin so many
times That you don't care What's the major
sin here?
The major sin is you Not caring that
you're sinning against Allah Now it's a major
sin Because now you're like who cares Allah's
not gonna judge me Or I don't care
about Allah watching me The believer does a
minor sin Repents Minor sin repents That's fine
But we said The main opinion in the
madhab They said no salat behind the faziq
And we said that's a bit problematic And
we have another opinion in the madhab That
it's makrooh to pray behind the faziq Right?
Of course what is the definition Of a
faziq exactly?
I told you some Some went as far
as saying Well shaving the beard According to
them is Major sin And so Sorry minor
sin But he's shaving it all the time
And so he would be considered A faziq
So we're not gonna pray behind him Some
of them went as far as that This
is And we said They can only lead
those who are just like them Okay What
is the ruling of praying behind him?
We said yeah One of the opinions is
It's haram to pray behind him And one
of the opinions is makrooh And so it's
always better to Make sure that the one
leading the salat Is not some alcoholic Someone
who's known in the community to be Has
bad akhlaq And things like that So it's
better to not do that Who is not
allowed to lead the prayer?
We mentioned a few people Mention to me
Those specific situations Mention some of them Bismillah
Who are some of the people?
Someone who cannot recite the Fatiha Someone who
Someone who's not balird He can only lead
in the In the nawafil He can only
lead in the non-obligatory prayers So someone
who's mutamayyiz He's 10 years old He reads
like 2 days But he can't lead us
Unless there's nobody that can recite Fatiha Then
it's daroor And we also said that the
woman cannot lead Unless nobody can lead But
she leads from behind Who else?
The one who cannot do sujood The one
who cannot do ruku' The one who cannot
stand up We said except the imam The
imam of ruku' and sujood We said that
If he has a sickness That is going
to heal Then we can pray behind him
And we pray the way he prays What
Did we mention something else?
Those are the main ones we mentioned We
finished with Where does the follower The ma'moom
If it's just two people You can have
an imam And where's the other person?
On his left or right?
Left or right?
Right, naam, he's going to be on his
right Is he allowed to go on his
If he goes to his left, salat accepted
or not?
We said it's not accepted We have the
hadith of the Prophet He moved Ibn Abbas
He moved him during the salat And during
the salat you're not allowed to move Unless
it's something daroor Something that is mandatory Or
something that is a dire need But the
Prophet moved him during the salat So that
shows that you have to But is there
any situation where someone can pray On the
left of the imam?
Small area Small area Let's say if there's
someone on his right Then someone can be
on his left That's okay As long as
there's someone on his right and someone on
his left For example, we're in a situation
where there's no space We'll put one on
his right and one on his left That's
fine But naturally they pray behind him Okay
Nice We stopped there.
Let's continue So we stopped here We said
So here now he's going to talk about
what is makrooh So what is makrooh?
Remember our rulings Something is haram Makrooh Mubah
Mustahab And it's wajib So makrooh is something
that What's makrooh ya Saad?
Ya Siddiq?
What's makrooh?
We're given a ruling We need to know
what the ruling means It's dislike So what
does that mean in terms of reward and
It would be sinful You wouldn't be sinful
if you did it But if you avoided
it Okay then you get reward for it
If you avoid doing these things You get
reward for it But you're not sinful for
doing it So from the dislike things for
the imam Number one they said That the
imam prays above At a higher level Than
the follower Okay Zira' Zira' is about 55
centimeters Where did you get this from?
They said this was Hadith of the Prophet
would pray on the step of the minbar
And that was about zira' Okay When he
would show the sahaba how to pray He
prayed like that so that they could all
see In the beginning times And so the
prayer was fine It was accepted So they
say that's good Anything that's that high or
lower it's fine Anything higher is disliked They
didn't say it's haram They said it's disliked
because the Prophet didn't do it He just
did it once or twice in the beginning
So people can see him So for the
imam to pray Higher than like 55 centimeters
I mean 55 centimeters I don't know Maybe
halfway here to here How high does this
Up to here right?
55 centimeters Okay Half a meter Something less
is okay This is the height of the
Prophet's minbar And then he says And for
him to pray in a mihrab In an
area that prevents people from seeing him Imagine
like I'm praying there And there's like a
wall blocking me Or something like that or
a curtain I don't know in some places
And people can't see the imam That is
something that is Makrooh So the imam should
be viewable Should be seen by the people
The imam is put there so people can
actually Follow him and see him Number three
He says وَتَطَوَّرُهُ مَوْضِعَ مَوْضِعَ الْمَكْتُوبَ What's he
saying here?
He says And he prays his voluntary prayers
in the place He led the prayer The
imam he prays When he leads the salah
He's not supposed to pray his sunnah there
They said because this might confuse some people
Some people walk in But then everybody leaves
And some people walk in and they think
it's another jama'a Or something like that
So it's better for him to move and
pray somewhere else That's why you see the
imam usually gets up and prays Somewhere else
on the side and so on They say
it's Makrooh to pray in the same place
That he led the salah And then he
says وَإِطَالَتُهُ الْإِسْتِقْبَالَ بَعْدَ السَّلَام And facing the
qibla for a long time After finishing the
salah So when the imam says salamu alaykum
It's Makrooh for him to just keep facing
the qibla He should turn and face the
people He should turn And face the people
Unless he has a reason to not do
that Now we're going to go to the
ma'moom The follower What are some things that
are Makrooh for the ma'moom It says وَوُقُوفُ
مَأْمُومٍ بَيْنَ سَوَارٍ تَقْطُعُ الصُّفُوفَ عُرْفًا And it's
disliked for the follower Standing behind Columns without
need What does it mean?
In some of the masajid there are pillars
And that's why If you go to some
masajid They will skip the row of the
pillars Like I was in I saw it
in Riyadh I saw it even when I
was in Algeria They would have, for example,
pillars And so they would have a line
And then they would do a line They
would skip the line with the pillars Then
they would do a line after that Because
of this Some ahadith, they did qiyas They
said this cuts the line What about in
some masajid They said only for daroor Once
you fill the masjid, it's okay For Jum
'ah, it's okay, that's fine But it's better
To make a line full Without the pillars
blocking it That's why he's saying It is
permissible for people To have different rows in
various parts of the masjid Even if they
are not connected to each other That's why
I said In some masajid Sometimes the pillars
are huge There was a masjid in Riyadh
They tried to copy Masjid al-Nabawi The
guy had a lot of money And he
made a masjid just like Masjid al-Nabawi
But the pillars were so big If I
told you how big they are You wouldn't
believe me The pillars are as big as
that room behind you That's a pillar That
really cuts the line But they would skip,
except in Jum'ah They would skip that
line Except in Jum'ah Remember last week
we said The follower He's part of the
salah as long as he If he's in
the masjid As long as he hears the
imam He's part of the salah And he's
following And for someone outside the masjid As
long as he sees the imam Or he
sees those praying behind him Then he is
praying with them Does that make sense?
Okay Yes Yes That's
what he's saying Like even if there's space
in between That's fine Yeah yeah Usually like
I said I've seen it in masjids There's
pillars The first line has no pillars The
second line has pillars They would skip it,
go to the third line And they would
pray there It's fine because you can see
him You can hear the imam Just imagine
that we made the lines wider Than this
And it's like In the first line you
skip a line You pray in the second
line There's nothing wrong with that Actually the
lines are complete And there's nothing in the
sunnah That says they have to be this
close Or that close or that far It's
just a matter of logistics and space And
then he says So all the things I
mentioned They're disliked Unless there's a hajjah And
the hajjah we said For example the Juma
prayer There's none of space, we fill it
up What else we talked about Any of
the things that were mentioned If there's a
hajjah The imam praying above The followers Sometimes
you have to do it Because of a
hajjah Like they're in a basement And we
can't For a hajjah But what about the
followers Praying ahead of the imam for a
hajjah It was not mentioned in the disliked
here Because this happened I think in Where?
No I'm saying upstairs It happened I think
in Masjid Abu Bakr I think now they
closed it Masjid Abu Bakr in 52nd They
had this issue where When they were expanding
In Juma The followers they would actually Be
ahead of the imam They would be in
front of the imam But they're on a
different floor So some said that You can't
pray because They're ahead of the imam But
what about for others?
Even here we make sure that Nobody's ahead
of the imam Because you have to be
behind The imam was put there So he
can be followed I don't know a fatwa
that says you're allowed to do that And
then he says ...
Okay, so now they mentioned the Karaha of
someone Because we have It's disliked for someone
to attend the masjid or jama'a With
a bad smell from onions And garlic Because
we have plenty of hadith ...
Let them stay away from us إنما الملائكة
تتأذى مما يتأذى منه بني آدم that the
angels are hurt by that which the son
of Adam is hurt like a bad smell
so you can do qiyas on anything bad
body odor whatever you do if you have
a bad smell then you shouldn't pray jama
'a it's makruh for you to do that
some said it's even haram some said it's
makruh even if there's no one in the
masjid you're the only one because it's a
place where the mala'ikah are and they
said even if it's somewhere else in a
public place why is it makruh to pray
jama'a outside the masjid if you have
a bad smell it's very simple it's not
as secret and hard as why?
because you're hurting the guy next to you
I don't know if you've experienced it but
I've experienced it like praying next to someone
with a bad smell mafia for sure so
now you are ruining other people's prayer this
happens in taraweeh a lot if people come
they just ate like 7 course meal and
then they start burping and then it's just
like and I've seen people who break their
salah and leave I've seen it before when
we were studying some students they're coming from
poor countries so they're not used to showering
every second day or third day they'll shower
once a month they're used to that they're
coming from poor countries so they come and
pray and you can smell the smell I
don't know if they're used to it but
people from the western countries they couldn't handle
it so they would leave the salah or
change the role break their salah so you're
hurting the other musaleen now he's going to
talk about excuses to leave the jama'ah
or the jama'ah he says so you
might say what's an excuse for me to
leave the jama'ah or the jama'ah
what are some excuses okay so he says
here so who's the first the one who's
sick right so the one who's sick he's
allowed to be at home for the one
who believes that jama'ah is wajib it's
an excuse for him if he's sick if
he's not well if a fear is coming
will make him worse or slow down his
healing because someone might say what do you
mean how would I know how do I
know if I can miss juma'ah if
you think that you're going to get others
sick then you have an excuse you have
a flu and you're going to be sneezing
and everything and you're going to be touching
things and people are going to get sick
and you feel like you need to even
wear a mask then you are excused you
don't have to come to juma'ah you
don't have to feel bad about it this
is a rukhsah for you and actually you're
doing everybody else a favor and you're rewarded
for it you feel it's going to affect
you healing or slow down your healing this
is what an excuse would be so maridun
and someone who needs to is urination or
defecation someone who has to use the bathroom
someone who needs to use the bathroom he
can leave the juma'ah or he can
stall his juma'ah until he gets rid
of it so someone really has to go
to the bathroom do I go to the
juma'ah or do I go use the
bathroom you go to use the bathroom use
the bathroom make wudu' and then come as
soon as you're finished because a lot of
people do that they're like oh let me
catch the juma'ah but he really needs
to go this is makrooh you're not supposed
to do that we talked about intihar what
else he says okay let's talk about this
and the one whose food is in front
of him if food is in front of
you he says okay so it's not like
juma'ah is like in half an hour
you're like you know what let's just go
eat so you put food in front of
you and then you're like you can't do
that but for example you're someone who went
to a mat'am to a restaurant and
you made an order and they're taking a
really long time you swore you're not going
to come back but you're already here so
the food comes and it's like oh my
god it's juma'ah time now do you
have to leave no, you stay you eat
your food and then you go pray another
juma'ah that's fine okay because if we
have a hadith like that that if the
food is the food is presented and the
person is hungry why because he's going to
go hungry and he's like thinking about food
oh my god if you really need the
food you eat it like that like that
yeah, he needs the food he's not baligh
if they know that they're like I don't
have to come anyways it's from the hikmah
to try to avoid the salah and the
juma'ah time and if someone's like I'm
going to eat my lunch during juma'ah
then no that's not that's not that's not
acceptable yeah he's like oh khalas or his
wife is like I don't want my husband
to leave I put the food on the
table jameel in the next one he says
okay and now he's going to list okay
six things that a person might fear for
so number one so those who fear the
following six so the first thing he said
sick one who has to use the bathroom
one who has food in front of him
and then he says the one who fears
the following six so the first one the
one who fears his wealth might be lost
you might lose some money somebody's like you
think that somebody entered your house for example
and is going to choose steal something or
for example you saw someone get into your
car or you come out of the house
you're going to juma'ah and you saw
your window broken for your car what should
you do call the police huh is that
like call the police and then go to
juma'ah or what no you have to
this is where ilm is important here you
have the right to stay there because if
you leave what could happen it's an emergency
it's an emergency someone might take your car
the whole car but then you might say
oh you know I have theft and I
have vandalism vandalism is I'll get the cash
first we divest steal a car now can
you somebody give him money he will benefit
in the trouble of his car he will
he's like famous for her he will remember
that this would not be mad but he
get it that's why it works ok so
he's saying that there was a story where
an imam somebody gave him money he left
it on top of his car he went
to the khutbah and he continued he remembered
in khutbah he remembered in the khutbah but
he still left the money that's interesting because
he's the khateeb here.
I mean if I was up there and
I'm like oh my god my wallet's still
on top of the...
I mean I would probably go get it.
I know people will be like, I seek
refuge in Allah, Sheikh, how can you send
all this good?
You can just say, sit down, do dhikr.
It's not going to bring the jumu'ah,
because this is a daroorah, because yeah there's
emergencies, like what are you going to do?
So one who fears his wealth might be
lost, right?
Then he says, or he's scared that his
relative or friend might, he might die, for
He's visiting a sick person and he's really
close to dying or he's in his last
Here he's in a time where yajooz lahoo,
to be with him, and he says, I
was just going to see if there's a
hadith here about it.
He says, That's interesting.
And actually, one who fears being harmed by
the ruler.
You're a wanted man, regardless, maybe you're guilty
or not guilty.
This happened in the time of, you read
this in some of the stories of the
sahaba and the tabi'een, when there was
a lot of fitna.
For example, what's his name?
Al-Hajjaj was looking for, if you guys
read in the history, the fitna al-qurra,
the ulama and the qurra, they went against
Al-Hajjaj, right?
And he killed a lot of them.
And so some of them that survived, like
Saeed, one of the tabi'een, he actually
just went to hide.
He went to hide in Mecca, in the
haram area, so he would never be seen.
So he might have missed some jama'ahs,
some jum'ahs, so people don't see him
in the public.
If he really fears for his life, then
maybe he has an excuse.
If there's rain or snow, slippery roads, you
feel it's dangerous to drive, maybe on the
long highways and things like that, then you
have an excuse.
If there's fog, etc., that you think it's
harmful, snow, hail, bad weather, even if it's
really hot, like in some countries it's really,
really hot, and you think that's going to
harm you, then qad yakoona a'udhu.
This is interesting here.
Al-ghareem is the one who is in
What's he talking about here?
He borrowed money from somebody, and you owe
him money, and you all go to the
same masjid, for example.
طبعاً he's saying ...
There's a person who is able to pay
it, but he avoids the jama'ah so
he doesn't pay it.
For that, that's not what he's talking about.
He's talking about the person who is not
able to pay it, and he knows that
God might harm him, or might do something
to him, so he might have an excuse
here, he fears for his well-being, his
life, whatever, so for him, he might be
able to avoid the jama'ah, or even
the jum'ah here.
Maybe he goes to another jum'ah.
It's not talking about the person who is
able to pay, and then he avoids the
طبعاً nowadays, you can catch him different ways.
What's up, nobody waits for you in the
People call the police, etc.
But yeah, this is one of the excuses
they mention.
He says ...
Or he fears missing his company or group.
مثلاً he's going on a trip, and he's
going on a bus or a plane, and
he's transitioning, transit, right?
And there's a jama'ah, but he might
miss the boarding.
So what does he do here?
It's okay, أصلاً he's a مسافر.
But let's say another situation.
I don't know, what's the situation?
Yeah, like there's a bus stop, okay?
Those of you who take the bus, I
took the bus for a long time.
And you never know, they come early, late.
10 years ago, they never had schedules.
10, 15 years.
Now they have, masha'Allah, they tell you
a live time, yeah?
Before, you're like, it's supposed to be 9
.20, and he comes 9.45. Or he
comes like one minute earlier.
So you're like, you fear missing the bus.
There's a few brothers who sometimes come here,
and they take the bus.
They're like, oh, I might miss the bus.
And there's no bus after, okay?
So it might be okay for him to
مثلاً here is the azaan, it might be
okay for him to leave.
So those are the people.
Now we go to, okay, and this one
is very short.
I think we can finish it.
Now we go to فصل في صلاة أهل
So now we're going to talk about those
who have excuses.
Maybe the title should have been Prayer of
Those Who Have Excuses.
So the people of the أعذار, العذر is
an excuse, right?
What's in شريعة, and this is important to
understand, what are the أعذار?
The main أعذار are what?
We'll talk about one of them right now.
Sickness, نعم.
What else?
سفر, travel.
Okay, what else?
So we said مريض, أو مسافر, أو خائف.
The one who fears for something.
And that's pretty much what we kind of
covered a bit now.
But now we're going to talk about how
they pray, what they pray, etc.
So the أهل الأعذار, they say the sick,
the traveler, and the one in a state
of fear, and anyone in a similar state
of difficulty.
Okay, they get some special rulings.
Okay, because we have a fiqh principle that
المشقة تجلب التأسير.
المشقة تجلب, it brings ease.
Okay, المشقة تجلب التأسير.
And we have many verses, يَا فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ
مَا سَتَطَعْتُنَ يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ الْعُسَىٰ Allah wants
ease for you.
وَلَا يُرِيدُ بُكُمْ الْعُسَىٰ Allah doesn't want difficulty
for you, right?
In شريعة, when something is difficult, it has
مشقة, then the شريعة tries to ease that
for people.
Not in all instances, but with things that
we have proof for.
So anybody who's in a difficult situation, they
have excuses.
But those are the main ones.
So how do they pray now?
So now let's say someone is مريض.
We kind of discussed this before, but now
he's going to go into detail.
He says يُصَلِّي المَرِيضُ قَائِمًا The sick person,
the أصل, is that he prays standing.
فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَقَاعِدًا And if he's not
able to pray standing, then he prays sitting.
فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَعَلَى جَنْبٍ If he's not
able to, he prays on the side.
Which side?
The right, preferably the right side.
Has anybody experienced that before?
Praying on their side?
I think most of us have prayed sitting
down, maybe with a broken ankle or a
sprain, then it's okay.
You represent your face facing the Qibla.
نعم, you're facing the Qibla, نعم.
So like this.
نعم, like this, I think.
Yeah, you'd be sitting on your side.
So you'd be sitting on your side.
If that's the Qibla, I'd be sitting like
If you can't, on your right, on your
And if you can't, if you can't sit
on your side.
What's next?
مُسْتَلْقِيَنْ All the way, like this.
This is the Qibla.
This is the Qibla lying on your back.
فَمُسْتَلْقِيَنْ This is called مُسْتَلْقِيَنْ Okay.
طَبْ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ Because in all these
phases we're going to talk about, he still
does the movements he can.
طَبْ If he can't even do movements while
he's back, like he lays back, what does
he do?
They say, they say with the eyes.
طَبْ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ With
his heart.
And the last resort is خَلَصْ يعني فَافَذِ
الْعَافِلِ Whoever is unconscious, مجنون or something like
that, an insane person, then it's not wajib
for him to pray.
He's not مُكلَّف.
He's not مُكلَّف, right?
Because we said the عافل is one of
the conditions of Salat.
فَعَلَ جُرْبِنِ الْأَيْمَنِ أَفْضَلْ وَكُرِهَ مُسْتَلْقِيًا مَعَ قُدْرَتِهِ
عَلَى جَنْبٍ وَإِنَّا تَعَيَّنَ So he's saying that
it's مكروه to go on your back if
you can go on one of the sides.
Because the fuqaha are trying to go because
we have a hadith where one of the
sahaba they said نعم صَلِّ قَائِمًا فَإِنْ لَمْ
تَسْتَطِعْ The long hadith where the Prophet ﷺ
told him the different phases.
So now he says وَيُمَأُ بِرُكُوعٍ وَسُجُودٍ وَيَجْعَلُهُ
أَفْضَلْ Okay?
So let's review what we just talked about.
So he prays standing if he's able.
If he cannot, sitting.
If he cannot, then lying on the side.
Right side is better.
And if he cannot, either side, then he
can do it on his back.
So that's four.
Number five.
Yeah, and here just an important note is
that you need to go in that order.
And you can't be like أنا مريض.
I'm a little bit tired.
I'm going to go straight to the back.
And go lie down and pray like that.
You have to go تدبر جعني.
If you can't stand, you sit.
Because some people take this with ease.
Because if I'm sick, if I have an
issue with my ankle, but I can stand.
Or I have a knee issue, I can
stand but I can't bend the knee.
Can I sit on the chair?
No, I can't sit on the chair.
If I'm supposed to be standing, I'm supposed
to be standing.
So in the time of standing, if I'm
able to stand, I stand.
But in the time of مثلاً السجود or
رقوع and I can't do it properly, then
I can sit.
Is that واضح؟
So the person has فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَسْتَضَعْتُهُ Okay?
Fear Allah SWT.
Have Taqwa of Allah SWT as much as
you can.
Okay, so you cannot just lay down right
You have to try to.
And this can change throughout the prayer.
So now we said, if he's unable to
do proper رقوع and سجود, then he uses
He'll use gestures.
Like for example, طبعاً we said if he's
sitting down, you always have to make sure
that the رقوع is different than the سجود.
So مثلاً if you go رقوع like this,
the سجود should be lower.
Okay, that's the main criteria.
The رقوع, if you do رقوع like this,
the سجود should be lower.
If you're praying sitting down.
This is for someone who cannot do the
سجود and the رقوع properly.
But in Taqwa, there was no chairs in
the time of the Prophet SAW.
How would they do it?
We have a hadith that she said, رَأَيْتُنَا
يُصَلَّنَ يُصَلِّي مُتَرَبِّعًا اش مُتَرَبِّعًا We said like
Yeah, like how all of you are sitting
actually, most of you.
Like they would pray like this, okay?
And they would do the رقوع and the
سجود like that.
Does that make sense?
So you can do that in the Masjid.
You don't have to get a chair.
People are just used to getting chairs.
But you don't have to get a chair.
If you need to stand, if you can
stand, you stand.
But when you go to مثلاً to سجود
or رقوع and you can't do them, you
can do it while sitting down like that.
Is that واضح?
With practice, you'll be able to do it.
طيب If you cannot even do gestures, then
you should make gestures with his eyes.
Some of the ulema, they say مثلاً he
blinks when he's doing رقوع.
And سجود.
طمام He goes up and down or he
With the نية.
With the استحضار.
I'm praying.
And مثلاً I'm about to do رقوع.
الله أكبر Right?
And then سمع الله والحمد.
I look up.
And so on.
واضح يعني فَاتَّقُ اللَّهُ عَمَا صَدَعْتُهُمْ The important
thing is the heart is there and he's
If he can't with his eyes, then with
his heart.
يعنيش Even his eyes are paralyzed.
طمام Then he prays with his heart.
طمام And the only person that doesn't pray
ولا يسقط فعلها مادام العقل ثابت يعني As
long as the intellect is there, the mind
is there, the person is عاقل.
Then he needs to pray.
نعم فإن هذا فكام فَبِقَلْبِهِ مُسْتَحْذِرَ الْقَوْلِ وَالْفَعْلِ
نعم He says here فَإِن طَرَأَ عَجَزٌ أو
قُدْرَةٌ Okay?
فِي أَثْنَائِهَا إِنْتَقَلَ وَبَنَى What's he saying?
He's saying So let's say you start praying
طمام And all of a sudden you just
You just can't.
Now you have to do sitting.
Do you have to restart your Salah?
He says no.
You just You transition.
In the middle of the prayer You're praying
right now.
And you feel dizzy مثلا Or you're like
Oh, this is really hurting.
مثلا طَرَوَيْحِ الْإِمَامِ Or he decided to go
like Ten pages Five pages And you're like
I can't do this.
Are you allowed to go down?
You go down.
You don't have a chair.
What do you do?
You go down and you sit.
And you're still praying.
عَدْ I know people are going to be
like What's this guy doing?
But that's what you're supposed to do.
You don't break the Salah.
You just go down.
And if you're able to go back to
high standing Eventually you do that.
So you don't break your Salah.
You continue.
And you transition While you While you do
As long as he's saying The prayer cannot
be abandoned.
As long as he's saying The prayer cannot
be abandoned.
I wanted to show a video But there's
no audio.
But you guys have seen the video Of
the guy He says If you could make
three wishes It's an old video But it's
one of those videos that really Went viral
a long time ago.
I think it was a Saudi man He
was paralyzed.
You guys seen the video?
And the person asks him If you could
make three wishes Right?
What would they be?
If you could make three wishes What would
they be?
I don't know if I can It's right
It's this one here.
Maybe you can read the text.
So he says to him Okay Yeah He
says But if I ask you, Abdullah About
the most important things That you lost and
missed And wish you could have it after
You've been paralyzed.
He's paralyzed.
I can't forgive you.
So he said wishes There are three wishes
that That he said That tire me emotionally.
So he said And this is He's patient.
He says I wish I could prostrate to
I wish I could prostrate to Allah.
We take this for granted.
And now he said There is a verse
in the Quran On the day of judgment
When the shin of Allah is exposed And
people will be told to pray To prostrate
Who are the ones Who won't be able
to On the day of judgment?
Those who didn't pray in the dunya They
won't be able to prostrate.
Ibn Abbas said that Their backs will just
stay straight.
Because they didn't prostrate in the dunya.
When Allah's shin will be exposed Okay?
They'll be told to prostrate to Allah Right?
So this is an ayah that he reflects
And he said I can't.
And then Yeah He says people see me
like this And they're sad.
He said People see me now paralyzed And
they're sad for me.
He says but When I was standing and
running And I didn't pray Nobody was sad
for me.
SubhanAllah People are sad for you now But
nobody cared When you were not praying.
When in reality People should be sad for
you When they don't see you praying.
When they don't see you prostrate When you're
able to To prostrate.
SubhanAllah And then he says The second wish
Is to be able to Turn the pages
of the Quran.
SubhanAllah The man is paralyzed.
And we take this for granted.
I'm turning the page of this book.
He said I can't even turn The page
of the Quran.
SubhanAllah This is a blessing That we take
for granted.
He says it's like It's like a mountain
for me.
I can't move it.
He can't turn the page Of the Quran.
SubhanAllah He says the third wish Is in
the time of Eid Okay At the time
of the gathering That I could enter my
house And hug my mother.
SubhanAllah Because his mother She's the one that
actually Takes him to the bathroom Changes him
Because he's paralyzed.
SubhanAllah He doesn't have that.
As a reminder Not to take for granted
The ne'am that Allah SubhanAllah Has Has
given us.
The next thing That we wanted to cover
Okay Yeah We'll cover this one right now.
I think that's it pretty much.
So Alhamdulillah We were able to cover In
InshaAllah Next week What we will be covering
InshaAllah Is Shortening the prayer So This is
like a Hot topic InshaAllah We'll discuss it
next week.
Shortening and combining The prayer And we'll also
talk about Salat Al Khawth Right Salat Al
Khawth Shortening and joining They're all related to
The people of Adha.
Right Shortening for the For And joining for
the one Who's traveling Or if there's Something
outside That's preventing rain Or snow And Salat
Al Khawth The fear prayer Right It's mentioned
in the Quran Salat Al Khawth For the
one who has Is in a battle Or
something like that We will be talking About
that In Allah Ta'ala So And we'll
leave it there For some questions InshaAllah We
have about Any nine minutes Until the Iqama
So today Whatever questions You wanted to ask
Today's the time InshaAllah Bismillah I saw a
hand Saeed I thought I'm going to say
it now And Bizarre is to Sanbashiyat Al
-Qa'ibi Today The prayer Al-Qa'ibi
The One of the longest Prayers In the
Day of Judgment But Do you think Yeah
Depends I mean They read A long surah
Yeah I mean You got to read That
Yeah That's fine Actually He has more An
excuse to do it Even if you're not
sick Because It's from the Prayers And we
said The prayer It's more lenient You can
actually You can actually Be sitting in it
Even Tarawih You can sit You're not blamed
for it But you get half the reward
If you're not sick So That's the only
difference If you're going to pray Sitting down
You get half the reward If you're not
sick If you're sick And you pray Sitting
down It's the same reward Because you wouldn't
Breathe standing If you could Yeah, clear?
That's a good question Yeah Go ahead So
I saw You used to do Tarawih Things
like this Yourself I know what you're going
to say I know what you're going to
say Yes, Hugo You used to This Ah
Musqueam people Yeah They know the last ayah
Because the Imam like Slows down And he
makes the mad And they're like Oh, get
up Is that Where did you see This
in Back home Okay I saw this in
the Haram More often Yeah So his question
is In Tarawih Because For example In the
You know In the Some masajid They do
20 rakaat And they do the khatmah And
it's long So What people do Is Your
question is They're not even in the prayer
Like they're not even in the prayer But
they only do this With the first rakah
Yeah So what happens is Tarawih is Matna
matna Right?
Two two two Right?
So they finish the two Okay And the
Imam gets up So they're like Okay The
Imam's getting up The Imam started Allahu Akbar
And they're sitting down They haven't entered the
salah And And they're still sitting down And
the Imam's reading Reading He finishes They usually
do a page Or a page and a
half So he's reading And then the Imam
Is trying to And then he's about to
finish You know You know And he's like
Oh Oh And then he gets up And
so Are you allowed to do that?
There's nothing to prevent Someone from doing that
Is he Losing from his ajr Probably Unless
he has a udhur Right?
Yeah Unless he has a udhur Um Because
Yani If you Here's the thing And this
is what I tell people About that The
shariah Gave you an excuse To sit down
So why aren't you In the salah?
Yani If you are tired In nafila You're
allowed to sit down In taraweeh You're allowed
to sit down Without an excuse But if
you have an excuse You actually have I
have a back problem Sometimes Taraweeh is too
long for me Right?
Because I have flat feet So it's painful
for me sometimes To stand too long If
you have an excuse But You still get
the full reward Sitting down Why are you
Not in the salah?
You know what I mean?
So So you're losing from the salah That
way If you do it intentionally It's like
It's playing with the deen Right?
It's a It's a It's a heila This
is what Bani Israel did It's Yani I'm
not doing qiyas on that But Bani Israel
Allah told them Don't fish on Saturday They
said Okay We're not going to fish on
Saturday We'll just leave the net Friday And
pick it up Sunday You know So Okay
You think you're playing around With Allah SWT?
So The person should do that Like those
people You know Some people What they do
With hajj For example With hajj And this
happened a lot Of course You're not allowed
to do hajj Unless you have Like a
certification Or a tasreeh What's a tasreeh?
What's a tasreeh?
Okay Let's say authorization So you have like
some kind of A number or a license
or something So You're not allowed to do
hajj So even people who are there Like
in You're not allowed to They'll check you
At the border Of the city So A
lot of the people Who wanted to go
And not pay You know They would go
And you're supposed to Go in with ihram
So they'll enter They'll let you go in
the city If you don't have the ihram
on And you don't have So if you
don't have A tasreeh Right?
Authorization And you don't have Your ihram on
They'll ask you What are you coming here
You'll be like Oh I'm just here to
visit Right?
But your intention Is to do hajj And
so they will lie Get in They've missed
the miqat Remember when we talked about hajj
You have to do your ihram Before the
miqat They've missed the miqat So now they're
lying And they'll be like We'll pay the
kaffar As long as we get in To
do hajj We've saved like money Right?
But this is istehzaab al-din Because now
you're saying Allah SWT says وَأُمَيُّ أَظَّمِ الشَّعَاءِ
إِلَى اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ Yeah It's
from the taqwa of the hearts To To
To To do ta'zeem And to have
respect And so someone lies First of all
Which is a major sin Okay And then
he You know Because Are you supposed to
do hajj If you're not mustateeh?
You're not supposed to Aslan لِمَنْ اِسْتَلْطَىٰ عَلَيْهِ
سَبِيرٌ But this is the wrong understanding Someone
will say Well no It's not the right
of the hakim to do that No This
is the right It's the right of the
hakim To make rules To protect the people
Aslan If you kept If you opened it
up for everybody What is going to happen?
Everybody will come with chips مِن كُلِّ فَجٍ
عَمِيرْتِ Yeah Yeah Everybody will come And you
should see it And people died in stampede
Remember in the stampede Seven years ago maybe
There was a stampede in the haram And
people died Right And so This is the
right of the hakim Of the ruler to
do that I don't know how we got
here But the point is Yeah People Trying
to find These things in the sharia That's
not the right attitude The right attitude Is
to have respect for the sharia And the
rulers Yes But it could fall into Something
doing Like these people They're going to lie
And then do a kaffarah Intentionally الكفارة is
for خطأ Mistake or الكفارة التجبر Something that
you forgot Or you made a mistake Not
intentional And some ulema will tell you If
you do something Okay Intentionally Okay Then that's
That's a sin You're doing something intentionally Yeah
فَعَنْ قَصْتِ الله يعني الله يعني May Allah
SWT Guide us If there's any other questions
We have like another We have a minute
or so Amam بركة الله فيكم والسلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته