Hamza Ayedi – Fiqh of Hajj and Umrah #3
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Brothers and sisters to part 3 of our
series on the fiqh of Hajj
and Umrah. Journey of the soul. Type. Let's
get started. We have a lot to cover
today inshallah. We wanna try to finish the
the whole fiqh of Hajj and Umrah.
So Alhamdulillah, last
last 2 weeks we covered the, you know,
kind of introduction to fiqh, the madahab.
We covered the virtues and wisdoms of Hajj,
the rulings of Hajj and Umrah, the taste
of Hajj and Umrah. We finished right at
the fiddiya last time. Last time we finished
at the at the fidya. And inshallah, today
we're gonna cover the rest of the of
the topics because next week there's no halaqa,
next week there's no khalakah. And then the
week after,
Sheikh Nabeed
will be taking over and he will be
doing 40 hadith
on the topic of wealth in Islam. 40
on the topic of wealth. Tayl.
Jameel, ready for some review?
Jameel Tayd.
It seems like some some people already left
for hajj. Obviously hajj is very and hajj
will be begin next week insha'Allah.
So most people who wanted to do hajj
would've already left by now. Tayyab, let's begin.
Let's do some reviews. So,
last week we covered the conditions for hajj
to be obligatory. Remember we said that there
are conditions, okay? For hajj and umrah to
be obligatory on the person. Yeah. Let's quickly
go through them. What are the conditions? Who
remembers all 4 of them?
I already told you it's 4. Who remembers
all 4 of them?
So the first one, it has to be
what? Mhmm.
Muslim. Has to be a Muslim.
Has to be free. Has to be free.
So he has to be free. Obviously, what
does free mean? For those who are wondering,
free and he's not a slave. That time
there was a slavery.
And he's aaql, he's sane. Okay? So that's
condition number 3, al takleef. And then number
4 is?
So he has to be able,
financially and physically, financially and physically. And we
said that the hannah billahi actually they said,
If he's not able find
physically, and he's able financially, he has to.
He has to get someone else to do
it for him. He has to. If it's
a sickness that Yoni is not expecting
for it to be healed. Type.
What are the 3 kinds of Hajj? We
mentioned 3 kinds of Hajj.
Okay. Keep those in mind because today we're
gonna go through them, and we need to
keep those in mind. We said at tamatar
is when the person comes and he starts
with umrah.
He leaves umrah, he finishes umrah, he gets
out of the ihram of umrah, and then
he kind of chills for a bit at
that's a tamatuh, the word for tamatuh.
And then he gets into hajj, okay? In
the ihram of hajj,
at the time of hajj, tamam. And then
we said, Quran is when he combines hajj
and umrah together with the same intention. And
then we said that,
the last one ifrad is where he does
just hajj by itself. And then after he's
done, he do a umra, jameel. But what
is a haram? We keep saying the word
haram. What is a haram? Let's quickly review.
What is a haram?
It's a state. Namsah. So it's not just
the clothing that you wear, it's also the
the state. It's a state that you get
into that you when you make the when
you make the intention.
What is the mikat? We mentioned we talked
about the mikat.
Another important,
aspect of Umrah and Hajj. What is the
So the mikat, we say he said there's
prescribed that there's mikats from all the directions
around around the haram. Okay? And these are
the locations that you have to
make your for Hajj or Umrah before you
enter. Okay? So if you imagine Mecca in
the middle, there is points around it where
you have to do your
before you enter. Before you,
before you enter. So that is the the
the mikats. There's different, mikats. I think actually
if you put it in your Google map,
it will show you where they are. I
think so. I tried it once. I'm not
sure if they took it off. Type alfidya.
And that's where we stopped last time. What
is alfidya?
It's a compensation for for something that the
person might have missed. So it's compensation
for a mistake that a person,
might have made in the Hajjr. I'll tell
you, Jimmy. Jimmy. Those I picked kind of
the most important things that we're gonna be
covering. So last time, so today inshaAllah we're
gonna cover the fiddiya.
What is prohibited in the haram areas and
in the state of ihram. There are things
that you're not allowed to do, in the
haram areas.
And while in the state of ihram.
We're gonna talk about entering Makkah. In the
books of fiqh, they talk about when you
enter Makkah, what is recommended to do. So
we'll go through that entering Makkah and then
we're gonna describe Umrah and then we're gonna
hajj. We're gonna describe umra and describe hajj.
And then we're gonna talk about the pillars
and obligations of hajj. Now we're gonna talk
about after in the end when we go
through everything. We're gonna go back and say,
Okay, what are the things that are the
pillars, arkan?
You have to do them. If you don't
do them, your hajj is invalid. And then
what are the wajibat?
The obligations.
The wajibat?
That you have to do them. If you
don't do them, you have to pay a
fidya, compensation
type. And then we'll talk about the pillars
and the obligations of Umrah.
We'll talk about missing arafah because arafah is
is the Prophet said,
Hajj is arafah. And so arafah is a
very important aspect of of
of hajj. What happens if you miss it?
Then if we have time, we'll talk about
the sacrifices. If we have time inshaAllah,
we'll talk about the sacrifices. If we run
out of time, I think muhrab is at
We'll have to,
I guess sacrifice it. We'll have to let
it go insha Allah.
we we kinda covered fidya, most of it
last time or half of it. So we
said that fidya or expiation is a means
of compensation
for a missed action or violation of a
hajj related law. Right? So we said
we talked about the 9 muhduraat. The 9
things that are haram for a person to
do when they're in the state of ihram.
Okay. So if he does them after,
or one of them while he's in the
state of ihram, then he has to pay
a fidya. He has to pay a compensation.
So we said it shouldn't be regarded as
a punishment but as a means of rectifying,
uh-uh, or renewing his commitment to the hajj,
or the umra.
And we said last time that for example
if someone
does one of those 9 things that we
mentioned. Like what? Let's mention some of them.
Like clipping the hair, like clipping the nails,
cutting the hair. What else?
Yeah. Marriage contract,
covering the face for the women.
What else?
Wearing a maqeet, right? Clothing that
covers the like the body
and so on. So we mentioned 9 of
them. And so if any of them it
says if someone does any of the 9
things while in the state of Haram or
in the sacred haram, in the area of
haram of Mecca, he's required to pay a
fidya to make it up. Okay? So methadone
shaves, puts on perfume,
clips his nails.
A male covers his head, right? So you're
not supposed to cover your head for the
male or a female covers her face. So
these are some examples.
And we mentioned that the fidya can be
in one of 3 ways.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us,
So the fidya is paid either in siyam,
3 days,
uh-uh or,
sadaqatin that you feed 6 people.
Okay? Or nusuk. And nusuk it's
a sacrifice.
Yeah. So you slaughter a sheep. So those
are the 3 options. Those are the 3
for efidya. And we said, you can actually
do it yourself or you can get someone
there if you're there from the authorities and
you pay and they will do it. They
will do it on your behalf. They will
do it on your behalf.
there's also a fidya for hunting.
There's a fidya for hunting. It's not much
of a problem now but this was something
that's common. Obviously the the people would hunt.
And so if you hunt an alam in
the haram area of Mecca or while in
the state of ihram, So we're talking about
the haram area. What I mean by haram
area? If you haven't been there,
the area of Mecca and Madinah, they have
places that are sacred.
They're called the haram. Okay? It's a haram
area. And in it there are things that
are haram. So if you do something if
you actually hunt there, then there is compensation
if you do it in Makkah. In Madinah,
no. We're gonna cover insha'Allah.
So, you have one of 2 cases. You
have one of 2 cases. So the fuqaha,
they divide the animals,
in 2. In 2, in 2 types. So
we have the hunted animals
that have equivalent animals. Okay?
An animal that has an equivalent for it.
Okay? That the sahaba or the prophet mentioned
in the hadith that there's an equivalent for
them. And then there's another category that don't
have an equivalent. Okay? So there's 2 kinds.
There's ones that have equivalent, and
ones that don't have an equivalent, ghayl mithli.
Because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in Surat
Al Maidah, and we're called,
All you who believe,
don't hunt the animals, okay,
while you're in a state of Ihram.
Okay? So whoever does that then he has
to pay a compensation,
Someone something that is equivalent
from a nam yani from the from the
domesticated animals.
If there is an equivalent, then we'll talk
about insha'Allah. So the first one is the
equivalent. In this case, you must slaughter the
equivalent animal. If you cannot find the equivalent
animal, then you can ask an expert for
its price and use the equivalent money to
buy enough food that suffices for
sadaqal fitr for the poor. Okay? So remember
sadaqal fitr for the poor, like for example
now it was $10. And so if you
cannot find the equivalent, if there's an equivalent
for an animal, let's say you killed like,
I don't know, like an ostrich. Okay?
And then the equivalent the sahaba methanaland said
is a sheep. Okay? So you,
the kafarah is that you you slaughter the
sheep. Okay. If you cannot find the sheep
slaughter, then you you you get the price
of the sheep. So let's say they tell
you, how much is the sheep here now?
Like now we're gonna pay like $300 maybe.
Okay. For that. And so then you get
the equivalent for that.
Okay. For kafarats,
sadaqatil fitter. So let's say sadaqatil fitter is
10. And the the the
sheep is 300. That would feed how many?
30. Right? If it's 300 divided by 10,
that's 30. So you would feed 30 people.
You would feed the equivalent
of 30 people.
If you don't have the money for that,
okay? Then you do you fast for each
day for each person.
Okay. Let's let's just step back for a
second. Too much shirk. So if you, if
you can slaughter the sheep, okay? And distribute
it, that's good. If you cannot afford it,
if you cannot find the sheep methylene, then
you you you get the price for it.
Let's say we said it's 300. Okay? And
then basically,
you feed the number of people that it
would that it would include for each for
each, sadaqah fitter. And sadaqah or fitter or
or is
$10 per person here. And so that would
be for 30 people. Let's say you don't
have the money aslan to get the sheep,
so you would fast for each person that
it would feed. We said here in this
case it would feed 30 people, so you
would fast those 30 days. You would fast
those 30 days. This is for someone who
hunts. The ban hunting here doesn't count. It
doesn't and the sheep the cows, the the
sheep, not the domesticated
count. We're talking about other animals that are
not, domesticated.
Otherwise, there are any people who can't eat
in the har, obviously.
So that's for So he gives an example
here. If if the value of the animal
equal enough to feed 12 people, 12 poor
Did the battery just die?
Type. If it was enough to feed 12
people then if he couldn't afford it, he
would fast he would fast 12 days. He
would fast
12 days. He would fast 12 days. Type.
Can you guys hear me? I can raise
my voice until we get the battery. Type.
Then he says, The hunted animal has no
equivalent. So we talked about the one that
has equivalent. But what about the one that
has the one that has no no equivalent?
The one that has no equivalent.
Give me a second here.
Back in business type. So, let's talk about
the one that has no equivalent. Okay? So
the What I mean by no equivalent? The
prophet didn't say that the equivalent of this
animal, methylene is a cow or it's a
camel. Okay? And the sahaba didn't didn't decide.
Okay? Because in the ayah in Surat Al
Maida, okay?
If you don't find equivalent,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, then you find
2 men. Okay?
You get 2 people to decide who you
trust, or to decide what is the equivalent.
So if you're for the ones that are
not equivalent, you feed according to the value
of the animal.
Okay? So example, if the value allows him
to feed 5 poor people, then he must
do so.
5 people. And then we said, if he
can't afford,
what does he do?
He fast for those 5 people, Ascento.
So fast each day for each poor person.
If the valley allows him to feed up
to 5, then he must fast 5 days,
5 days type. If someone is doing haj
tamato or haj giraan
Jimmy. So let's let's imagine,
3 people.
3 people just so we have an example.
What's your name?
Abdul Wahid. Abdul Wahid. Masha'Allah. And what's your
Farhan? Abdul Hakim. Abdul Wahid Farhan Hakim. Type,
Abdul Wahid, you're gonna be doing tama'tu.
And you'll be doing a fraud, Abdul Hakim.
Jameel. So, Abdul Wahad and
Remind me your name. Farhan. 'Abdu'l Wahat Tamato,
Farhan, Quran, and,
Abdul Hakim. You'll be doing ifrad. Remember. We're
gonna ask you guys. Play. Jameed.
So it says here, the hunted animal has
the we covered that. If someone is doing
hajj tamatuh. Okay? So abdulillahaj you're doing tamatuh.
Right? So if you're doing tamatuh or hajqiran,
okay? Farhanazululqiran,
and cannot
afford to do a sacrifice which is required
in his case. Remember we said the 3
kinds of hajj,
we have the tamato and qiraan, okay? They
have to do a hadi, they have to
do a sacrifice
to ma'am.
It's called al hadi because back in the
day they would carry the animal with them.
And if he's coming from, I don't know
from the east, he would come traveling with
his with his animal. Alhamdulillah, you don't have
to do that.
I don't know if you can put You'll
probably put animals in planes but you have
to pay a lot of money. So, back
in the day they would carry with them
that's why it's called hadi. So if someone
had to do tamatta or tiraan and he
cannot afford it, okay?
Then he must fast 3 days in Mecca.
And this is mentioned in Surat Al Baqarah
when Allah Subhan says,
And so whoever is not able to slaughter
the animal, then he would fast
3 days in Hajj, in the time of
7 days when you come back.
This is for the one who's who's not
from Al Mas'il Haram and he's not from
the people of Mecca. For the people of
Mecca, they're exempt from that. But for for
us who are coming from outside Mecca, and
you don't have and for most Hajj groups,
you would pay for it anyways. Part of
your group is, part of your package I
believe you pay for the for the for
the for the for the hadith. Okay? But
if if for some reason,
you you cannot afford it or something happens
to it, then you would have to fast
3 days. And they recommend that you do
the 7th, 8th 9th.
So, that would be,
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, like of this year. Sunday
would be 7th of Dhul Hijjah.
8th would
be Monday and 9th would be would be
Tuesday. So you would fast those 3 days,
and then you would do 7 when you
return home. 7 when you return home. That
is to compensate for the hadi, the the
sacrifice that you were supposed to do on
the 10th day. We're gonna talk about it
insha'Allah. On the 10th day, the yomun nahab,
you're supposed to slaughter,
an animal.
Is the 7 days when we first arrive
or is the 7 days when we first
arrive or is the 7 days when we
first arrive? Or is the 7 days when
we first arrive? It's flexible. As soon When
you arrive, insha'Allah, as soon as you can,
you fast those 7 days.
5. Jimeel, if someone could not do one
of the essential parts of Hajj due to
being restricted in some way Do you remember
when we said that when you do your
the the some ulema recommend that you do
a condition.
You say, O Allah, I'm entering ihram and
if something blocks me or stops me then
my exiting of the ihram is wherever I
am. Because if you don't do that then
you'll get you get into trouble. So he
says here he should have the conditional intention
mentioned above. Now if he doesn't do that
intentional, that condition, when he does his intention,
then he has 2 options.
Okay? Because
remember, uh-uh, if something prevents you from finishing
your hajj,
you're still in ihram.
Because Allah
says, complete. And so the ulama took from
that that you have to complete it. And
when you're in the state of ihram, you
have to get out of it some way
or the other. So you have two options,
either you slaughter an animal as a compensation
and finish hajj next year. You would have
to come back and do your hajj that
is wajib on you or you fast 10
days in Mecca,
okay. If you cannot do the first option
and then go back to your country
but you're still required to do hajj the
following year if you're able. Remember because the
Hanabi says, uh-uh
It's it's obligatory on the person,
uh-uh, right away.
Right away you have the money and you're
able, then now it's wajid for you to
do hajj
or umrah. Fajh, hajj or umrah.
he says here, Fidya is overlooked if you
do not if you do one of the
following out of ignorance, force or forgetfulness
while in the state of ihram. If you
remember the things we mentioned, the 9 mhdura,
the 9 haram things that you're not allowed
to do while in the state of ihram.
He says, These ones, the 'ulama mentioned
taban we are following the methan, right? The
uh-uh, the fiqhi text. If you if you
do one of these out of ignorance
and you didn't know, right? Or force, someone
forced you, you need to do it. Or
Then you don't have to pay If this
is done out of ignorance, force or forgetfulness
for these ones. Wearing fitted clothes for males,
remember because you're not allowed to wear fitted
clothes, right? If you have the 2 pieces
of cloth that cover your body, then you're
not allowed to wear like pants and something
that covers your body. Okay?
Like a shirt or etcetera.
Or covering the head for males or wearing
perfume or wearing perfume. Why these ones? Some
of the ulama, they said if you notice,
what's unique about these ones? Anybody can tell?
What's so unique about these ones?
For the males, right? What else?
It kind of separates class and things that
you can afford.
Right? And we're supposed to try and go
down and pull up equality. Okay. That's
Jamil. But the other ones are what? They're
kind of so, from the other ones that
are kind of from the minor like
the hair or the nails. So they say
because these ones are not part of your
body. Okay? And it's not natural for you
to have them. Okay? It might be like
something done out of ignorance or forgetfulness,
We're almost done the fidya. So, the meat
of slaughtered animals for fidya of violations,
related to a haram and the haram area
in Makkah should be given to the poor
of Makkah or the areas of Makkah. And
this was the sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. And the exception is if
it's fidya for shaving the head, wearing fitted
clothing for males or anything that similar to
that, then that can be done in the
in the in the country or whatever it
happens at, the the actual the actual,
And fasting in the form of fiddiya can
generally be done anywhere. Okay?
So the fasting for the fidya can be
done anywhere. The the 7 days that we
Sorry not the 7 days the fidya. That
you you couldn't afford
to to feed, 30 people then you fast,
for those 30 days. It can be done,
anywhere. Anywhere
And slaughtering an animal for fidya means either
a goat or sheep. Okay. Remember because we
said, fidya to min suyam, ausaddaqatin,
ausuk. So either you fast, uh-uh,
or you give charity for the people, you
feed the people,
or or nusuk or slaughter. Okay? So it
can be a goat or a sheep or
1 7th of a camel or a cow.
It could be a goat or sheep or
a 7th or of a of a camel
or a or a cow.
Type jimil. We're gonna stop for questions like
in 15 minutes and then we'll we'll continue.
So if you have questions just just hold
on to them. Type, finding equivalent animals. So
remember we said that there's some animals are
equivalent, some of them are not, don't have
equivalent. So finding equivalent wild animals for fidya
related to hunting violations,
fall into one of 2 categories. Okay? So
there are some of them that the that
the sahaba radhiallahu anhum,
that they did hukum for them. So they
said that methylene for an ostrich,
equivalent of it is a sheep methylene. Or
they said,
uh-uh, yarbu' which is like a mouse that
is found in the areas of Mecca and
stuff is, I don't know a small goat
for example. And so some of them to
sahaba and you'll find their narrations where they
said, This is the equivalent of this. Okay?
So those wild animals which the companions,
adjudicated for them, so they found equivalent for
them. And those wild animals which the companions
of the prophet did not adjudicate for them.
So in such case, it should be referred
to the judgment of 2 upright specialists. That
we mentioned in Surat Al Maidah, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala says,
that you find 2
upright people,
trustworthy people and they will judge.
the people that are trusted.
2 specialists will convey which animal is most
to hunted. So obviously now in the haram,
it's easy. You don't have to you just
go there to the authorities and they will
tell you. And they will tell you. And
and this is And I know this is
not something that very common, but Yeah. And
in the future it will become common. Wallahu
'alayhi wa'ala. And it will become common where
people are are hunting. And maybe it's more
common for the people of of, of the
and the locals.
So those wild animals which do not have
an equivalent, their local value should be determined.
So you just ask the authorities, their specialist,
and they will know what the value of
it is. Play it, jameel.
Awesome. So what is prohibited in the haram
areas? So we have the haram of Makkah
and the haram of Madinah. It's good to
understand that in the haram of Makkah,
okay, if you do something that is prohibited,
then you have to pay a fidya. You
have to pay compensation.
If it's in the area of Madinah, no
there isn't. Okay? So what is prohibited? So
in Mecca, the following are prohibited while in
the state of ihram
or you're in the haram area itself. Okay?
If done, then it requires compensation.
Okay? This is in the haram of of
Mecca. What are the things? So it is
prohibited to hunt or kill the wild animals
of the haram area of Makkah. Okay? It
domestic uh-uh it excludes affwan
like we mentioned. It excludes the domesticated animals
like cows, and sheep, and camels,
etcetera. Okay? So any wild animals, not domesticated
So those are prohibited in ihram and in
the haram areas.
It is also prohibited to cut its trees.
The trees of Makkah in the haram area
and also in the state of haram, it
is prohibited to cut its trees
it was planted by someone there. And if
you yourself planted it there, someone from the
locals then it should be then it should
be fine.
And there's a special type of plant uh-uh,
al idkhir. The Prophet mentioned that this one
is okay. It was used for scents
back in the day and so the Prophet
said that this
one is okay to cut or to remove.
Similar in Madinah, but in Madinah, the haram
of Madinah, you don't have to pay a
fidya. But it's it's not allowed to to
to hunt or kill the wild animals just
like Makkah. Okay? And it's prohibited to cut
its trees and it's prohibited to cut its
grass. Okay.
For some of us this is something new.
But yeah, that's a sacred area, it's a
haram area and you're not allowed to to
that. But the prophet made an exception for
those who need to feed their animals. So
if you need to feed your animals, then
that is allowed
uh-uh. Entering Mecca. So we're about to enter
Mecca now. So I want you to to
Before we actually we enter Mecca, any questions?
So far I know this is a lot
to to kind of but remember the goal
of this is not for us to kind
of become
The goal of this is just to go
over all the main topics of of hajj
and umrah. Any questions so far?
Yeah. You just
Yeah. It grows and the the animals eat
it and it just grows.
Yeah. I mean it's not like here and
here it grows and it gets over there
and there's not so much, vegetation.
If it's dry and it's dead, then that's
fine. But we're talking about the actual,
the actual grass that's there.
Yeah. In Mecca like there isn't some, there
isn't lots. And if you see in the
roads and stuff, those are put by the
people there. Like the the government puts them
and they have to like put water for
But Allahu Alaihi wa'ala from the prediction of
that the
Arab Peninsula is gonna return to be green.
And it used to be green and that's
from the
the signs of the day of judgement.
So let's enter Mecca. Everyone ready? So we're
about to enter Mecca. Tabai in the books
of fiqh, And by the way, I I
brought the books I I said I'm gonna
bring and show. So this is the book
that we talked about. Let's take a quick
pause here. So this is the,
the the actual metin is this one. The
actual book is this one. So it's called
Right? So this is one version.
The author here has put it into like
bullet forms. It's very easy to read. So
this is the actual netin that we're covering.
Obviously we're not covering all this. We're just
Remember in the first part of the
the Hajj. Hajj and Umrah. So like the
the last part of the
we said
broken up in 4 parts. We're just covering
the last part of the ibadat which is
the fiqh of Hajj. This is the translation,
which is done by Sheikh Musa Ferber. Okay.
It's called Hanbali acts of worship.
This is just the translation of the first
part which is the acts of of worship.
And this is the other one that I
which was basically an explanation with footnotes. And
this is called Al Hawashi, As Sabihaat Alaaqfar
Al Muftasarat,
by Sheikh Ahmed Al Qa'aimi.
And this one is really nice because it
it explains the actual metin, the text. And
then it it has the the
So you can see like literally,
the the text is like right here and
all this is commentary.
And it's helpful like because it goes through
kind of the details,
of even like
contemporary measurements
and the cost of things. And so it's
kind of modernized. Alhamdulillah. He goes through all
of that. And then there's another
nice book actually, that is very nice that
was, I got it recently.
It's called
So Doctor. Amr Bahad,
if you remember we covered a poem about
good manners.
The same author, he wrote a book,
question and answer,
in the same order for that book. So
it's really good for like review and stuff.
So he goes over the whole book, question
and answer. Question and answer is called
by Doctor. Amir, Bajid. Type. So those are
the books. Bismillah. Everyone ready for Mecca? So
who's the tamata?
You're tamata. Right? 'Abdull Wahid. And Farhan is
Quran and type Jimmy. Remember now, we wanna
keep that in mind that we have the
one who's doing tamatuh. Okay. We have Abdul
Wahhad, and we have Farhan who's doing Quran,
and we have
ifrah. Right? So these are 3 kinds of
hajj, remember. And the the first one, the
the one doing tamatu Abdul Wahhad, he comes
and does umrah first
and then he gets out of it. Okay?
So now 3 of them will enter Mecca.
Let's just say all 3 of them are
entering Makkah. Usually the one doing tamedu'a, okay?
Abdul Wahad will do it before them. So
he might have already done umrah right now,
he probably already entered Mecca,
he did his umrah, he got out of
ihram, and he's probably like relaxing in the
He's having a good time, whatever doing athkar,
fasting, whatever he's doing there. Okay.
And then the others probably are are heading
there now. Okay? The the the
and the the
So Farhan and Abdul
Hakim, they're heading there now to do their
hajj and umrah together or the hajj by
Clear everyone?
So we're entering the the Holy Mosque. Okay?
Al Masjid, Al Haram.
So when entering Makkah, the following actions are
So that you enter during the day. This
is from the sunaniyan. This is not something
that you have to do, but from the
recommendations you enter it during the day. And
you enter from a high place. You enter,
from a high place. And you enter from
the door of Bani Sheyba.
The door of Bani Shayba doesn't really exist
Back in the day,
the haram actually was much smaller than now.
But now like the haram probably
covers all of Makkah that was during the
time of the prophet.
It's been expanded so excuse me. So much
that the door of Bani Sheyba is not
really there. So from wherever you enter insha
Allah, it should be fine. Whoever sees the
is to raise his hands and say what
has been narrated.
The author mentions from the from the adkar
and the and the duas. And so it
is recommended when you see the kaaba the
first time that you make dua. There are
some there, some hadith,
the the authenticity is debatable
that say that the first time you see
the kaba and you make the dua, the
dua is accepted. Okay? So whether it's it's
sahih or not, make dua. When you see
the Kaaba the first time, make dua. You
can't see the Kaaba from outside the masjid.
You have to like enter the masjid.
Okay? And then you'll see it through the
pillars, you'll be able to see the Kaaba.
And subhanAllah, if for those who've seen it
before, it's a very magical
moment. Yeah. SubhanAllah. Like it's a moment of
awe and it's a very humbling experience.
Even though it's just a cube but subhanAllah
it's the the house of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. So whoever sees the kaaba is to
raise his hands and make dua.
When the pilgrim sees the kaaba in order
to do tawaf, he should stop reciting the
talbiyah. If you remember we said once you
put once you go into ihram mode, okay
you have your state of ihram, you start
doing the
And you always say that. Once you reach
and you see the Kaaba, you stop. Once
you reach and you see the Kaaba, you
stop doing the talbiyah.
Right? And now what do you do?
What's next?
Who remembers?
Let's get you guys involved.
You guys are doing Hajj, you don't know?
What do you do next?
What do you do for the men? I'm
talking for the men. So you have your
ihram on your shoulders. What is recommended? To
So if you remember we have 2 pieces
of cloth.
One that covers the the bottom part of
your body and one that's over your shoulders.
When you see the kaba that for the
men, you're supposed to do what's called
You uncover your right shoulder. It's a it's
a I wanted to put some videos about,
anyways it's very simple. You have the the
the the shawl or whatever it is covering
your head, your back. And so you just
raise your hand, it's gonna fall behind. You
raise it and you throw it behind. And
you throw it behind. So you uncover your
right shoulder. This was the sun of the
alaihi wasallam. So he should stop reciting the
talbiyah and then the person should do tawaf
around the kaaba counter clockwise.
What does it mean counter clockwise?
And clockwise is is 12, 1, 2, 3,
that's clockwise.
Counter clockwise is the opposite. Okay? So you
go that way. Do you mean And if
you're there like and you'll see people moving.
And it it That place is never empty.
So if you're totally lost
and you're going the opposite direction,
you'll probably be going to the hospital because
it's very very very crowded.
So you go counterclockwise
and it's recommended for the man.
So obviously here he tucks the middle of
the top wrap under his right shoulder we
and he exposes the right shoulder.
Then the right shoulder is exposed for the
tawaf of Umrah for the rest of the
of So this is for the first tawaf
that you do. Right? So it says here
for the tawaf of Umrah. Okay? So for
or the first tawaf of of Hajj Piran
or Ifraat. So all 3 of you guys
will do that for your first tawaf. For
your first
And then it says, the person is doing
tawaf for either umra.
Okay? Remember, so now you're doing either for
umra. So if you just came and you're
doing tawaf,
if, if,
Abdul Wahad is doing tawaf, so he's doing
his tawaf for umra.
Or you have,
those who just arrived whose Farhan and Abdul
Hakim. You guys arrived for your Quran and
for your, ifrad. So you do your your
your your tawaf for
that. Like what happens after? So Yeah. So
basically this is a tawaf. So this is
the Kaaba.
Okay? And starts from where? From the Hajar
al Aswad. Al Hajar al Aswad is this
one, the black stone. There's
a lot to say about it. The prophet
said that this originally is a rock from
Jannah. It used to be white and from
the sins of Bani Adam, it turned black.
The Hajar Aswad there is not really all
of Hajar Aswad.
It was broken, it was actually stolen.
And if you read the history, it was
stolen from, for for a long time. And
it was returned back and there's only few
pieces of it left and so they actually
molded it together and only a few pieces
of it are actually from Al Hajar, Al
Aswad. So we have here in this corner,
right before the door, you have Al Hajj
Al Aswad.
Then you have the Yemeni corner. This is
something that we'll talk about later. Okay. The
Yemeni corner. And so and this is Hajar
Ismail and this is Maqam Ibrahim. This is
Ibrahim. So you start your tawaf, we said
So you start from Al Hajar So from
Al Hajar
all the way back to it, that would
count as as 1. That would count as
as 1. And then you would have to
do 7. You would have to do 7.
So if you look from from the top
of the Kaaba,
you're looking at the Kaaba, why is this
semi circle there?
So originally actually subhanAllah the kaaba used to
be that shape. It used to be that
shape but when the time where they rebuilt
it, they couldn't afford to close it. And
then the prophet when they had the the
the money, they he didn't wanna cause like
a fitna amongst the people. So the that
he found is that that they leave it
the way it is. And so when you
do tawaf,
are you allowed to go inside here?
It wouldn't count as tawaf. If you actually
went inside the hijrah of Ismail,
okay? It wouldn't count as tawaf because it
would it's it's as if you're going inside
the Kaaba. Okay? So you have to go
around it, you have to go around it.
This is where the Hajar is.
If you go there these days, there's a
green light. There's actually a green light on
the top and it will you will know
where the Hajar is. Because when it's so
and some people will be doing tawaf where
they're not all on the main floor. Some
will be on the other floors. Some will
be on the roof. Okay? So on each
level you'll see a green light and you'll
be able to know where to start.
So you begin the tawaf at the black
stone facing it or any or part of
it. Tai with the entire body.
Do you have to kiss the black stone?
What do you guys think?
If if everybody had to kiss the black
stone, like hadd will never happen. Because it's
literally like And if you've been there before,
subhanAllah, I've done umrah so many times and
I've never been able
to. Because like I appreciate my life more
than, you know. It's a sunnah. It's a
sunnah of the prophet
and it's recommended to do it. It is
recommended to to kiss it if you can.
It is recommended, number 2, to touch it
with your hand and then kiss your hand
if you can. What if you can't? It
is recommended to if you have a stick
or something or a bag like you touch
it, you touch it and even Abbas said,
you you also
kiss that thing.
Now if you can't, what do you do?
Then you just raise your hand. Okay. You
just raise your hand and you say Allahu
Akbar. Okay. And that's what most people will
do. They will actually go by, they will
face their body, and they will say, Allahu
Allah is the greatest. Allahu Akbar. And they
will go. And they will start their tawaf.
I mean it's very
Has anybody here ever touched the black stone?
Good for you. I don't know how you
made it. You touched it too?
3 times?
Masha'allah, you you deserve an award. Whenever I
went, it was very hard. Literally, it's so
it's so crowded
that you don't have to walk there. Like
once you get into the crowd, you just
stop and they will push you there. The
the the the the people will push you
there. But it gets so tense, subhanAllah, like
you can you can barely breathe. It's actually
very dangerous like I got scared once, I
ran out of breath because it was so
it was so,
Yeah. And there was so much pressure. And
every time I did it, I was with
my wife almost. Right? And one time we
had our little
my little daughter. So you know, like if
you go in there, your baby's gone. So
if you can, you do it. If you
and if you ever drop anything in that
It's gone. It's gone.
So that's what you do. It is recommended
to do quick strides. So ar ramil ar
ramil is also recommended for men to do
the first 3 rounds
walking fast.
Okay. This is for the people who are
not from Ahl Ahl
Uh-uh Makkah.
When they come, they do the ramil. They
do the first three rounds
okay, fast pace if you can. If you
cannot, it's not a problem. Okay?
It's called arramil. Okay? And then the rest
you do them. This is only done for
the tawaf of Umrah or the first tawaf
of Hajj Quran or Hajj Ifrad. Okay? Because
remember those guys will be doing more than
one tawaf. Okay? Because we have tawaf and
then we have tawaf
We have tawaf that you do right at
the end. Okay? So you just do it
for the first one.
After the the tawaf, the person prays 2
units before,
behind Maqam Ibrahim.
Remember we said there's at the end after
the black stone, there's a place called Maqam
Ibrahim. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in Surat
Al Baqarah,
Take the, the place of of Ibrahim, Maqam
Ibrahim as a place of of of prayer.
So it is the sunnah to pray turak
as there, anywhere behind it is fine. You
won't be able to pray right behind it
because people are walking there, people are doing
tawaf. Like tawaf never stops.
Tawaf never stops because tawaf is done for
umrah. It's done for hajj and it's done
for uh-uh normally. Like it's it's a sunnah,
it's a high you know what I mean?
The sunnah to just do tawaf. So you'll
see people there wearing normal clothes and doing
tawaf. So tawaf never stops
except when? Except with salah.
Except in salah. And even in salah, if
you ever been in the haram, like they'll
make the lines for salah, and people start
doing tawaf between you and the other line.
They'll keep still being do tawaf,
and and they'll keep going. And then they'll
try to squeeze in the line.
So you have to be patient in those
times, in those places.
And it's mentioned here that you can pray
those 2 sunnahs even if it's in the
prohibited times,
of of salah.
And if it comes a prayer of farr,
then that should be fine. And remember now
when you're about to pray,
your shoulder should be covered. So once you're
done your 7 rounds of tawaf,
for the males cover your shoulder now and
then pray, pray the 2 rakas. When you
pray the 2 rakas which are recommended,
then is also recommended to go back and
touch the black stone. Okay. So again, only
if you can. If you can't, Allah so
you say Allahuqbar and you leave. You say
and you leave. And the problem with that
is that you're coming across the the the
traffic. Because remember Hajj al Aswad is here
and then Maqam Ibrahim, if you pray in
this area,
if you really wanna touch the black stone,
you have to walk back and just get
in the traffic. Like you literally have to
go back couple of meters behind so that
the traffic can push you in. Because you
don't wanna like you don't wanna harm anybody
and there's always those wheelchairs,
right? The wheelchairs are the worst because if
they hit you from the back or from
the side, and those guys don't stop, Right?
They just keep going. And it's very painful.
Usually you're you're and you're bare footed. So
you have to be very careful. But let's
push. So now you go to Asai.
Okay? So when you leave,
the place of tawaf, okay, Al Ka'bah, then
you go to Asai. Asai is the place
the the the mount of Safa and Marwa.
Right? And this is the place where Hajar
alaihis salam If you remember the story of
Hajar alaihis salam, when the prophet Ibrahim alaihis
salam, he went to literally a desert. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered him to take his
wife, Hajj al, to a desert. Okay? And
then he said, Just leave them there and
go. Okay? I know it's a very scary
thing, but he said just leave them. And
then, you know, and then Hajar, Ibrahim literally
left him there, his wife and a baby.
I want you to that's why subhan'al Ibrahim
was tested with the biggest test. And he
had the biggest, certainty and yaqeen in Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And then so as he's
leaving, Hajar said, Did Allah promise you? Did
Allah command you to do that? And Ibrahim
said, Yes. Allah command you to do that.
So then she said, Then Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will will not leave us. And so
But she did her job. She didn't just
sit there and chill and wait for like
some magical water to come. She would leave
okay in there and then she would go
look and run between a sufaal marl.
Run looking for people, anybody, water, food. And
so we are actually
uh-uh-uh doing what Hajar did alaihis salaam. It's
good to know that because you realize the
importance of this ritual.
And so you have Asafaa Al Marwah. And
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
This is in Surat Al Baqarah. So it's
recommended to say that Ayah once you reach
there. Okay? And so you start from Safa.
You start from Safa and then you go
to to Marwa.
What's this green area here? This green light?
Anybody know?
Nam. So in these areas, actually this is
the area where Hajar would go a bit
faster, okay? And so it is it's sunnah
for us too for the males to go
a bit faster. You kind of jog in
those areas. It's literally like there's a green
light on the top so you won't miss
it. You see it and you'll see people
running a bit faster. You go there and
you run fast and then you slow down
again and then you keep going. Okay? So
this is what we call
The the total around is about 3.5 kilometers
like it's quite a walk. Like the hajj
and umrah are pretty exhausting. Especially hajj. So
if you're not used to walking, you will
feel it. You will feel the walk. Like
3.5 kilometers like that's about like, I don't
know like 5,000 steps maybe. But,
Jimmy. So that's Sahih. So then the person
does Sahih starting with Safa. You start from
which is a client until the can be
seen. Tabaa now you can't do that because
the the the mounts are the mountains are
covered. Okay? Then you say the Zakariya 3
and there's a dua that you say, uh-uh-uh
and it's it's quite a long dua. You
say it and then you make dua for
yourself. And then you make sua for yourself
facing the the kaaba, facing the kaaba. Okay?
And then of course, you come down and
you go tomorrow and you do the same
thing. So from
to is 1. And then to is 1.
And so you have to do 7 of
those. So if you start in where do
you finish?
Where do you finish?
Marwa, right? If you start in safa, you
have to finish in
Marwa. Let's do it. So you go from
to Marwa, that's 1. Okay. Marwah to Safa,
2. Safa to Marwah,
3. Okay? And so you should be finishing
where? In Marwah. You should be finishing in
Marwah. It happened to me actually once,
I ended up in Safa so I knew
I did something wrong. Okay? I knew I
did something wrong. So obviously, you have to
build on your yaqeen so you do an
extra one just to make just to make
And we talked about running in the green
then the person distance from Marwa and walks
in the place designated for walking.
Tayb. And we talked about that. The back
and forth is done with 7 laps and
every lap,
each way is counted as 1 lap. Okay?
We mentioned that
so we can get through the material. So
description of umrah. So now,
let's let's go through the description of umrah.
Umrah is very easy. And we mentioned that
umrah is is very short. It's 4 things,
okay? Just keep that in mind. Umrah is
sai and
So it's ihram,
sai, and then halp. That is Umrah, 4
things. Umrah is very simple. Like we said,
you can literally get it done,
okay. If you're an athlete, probably in an
hour. Okay. And if there's not much crowded
the average person maybe 2 hours etcetera. So
it's actually very short. So you can do
actually like more than 1. Of course you
have to leave and do another ihram.
That's the first thing is for ihram for
Okay. So one who's inside of the haram
area, he must go outside of it and
put on the ihram. Okay? Obviously if you're
in the haram area, you have to you
have to go outside the haram area And
and they call the area of alkhil. And
then and so in Mecca, it's like the
Masjid of Aisha. You go from there, you
do your your niyya. Okay? Your your hram,
you enter the the hram, or
hajj and then you come back in. Okay?
You or umrah here. We're talking about umrah
and then you come back in. 1 who
lives in Makkah but is outside of the
Haram area. Okay? He's outside of the Haram
area, he can put on the ihram from
his house and doesn't need to go to
the mikat. You don't have to go to
the actual mikat. He can do it from
house as long as he's outside the Haram.
Remember the Haram area is like this. As
long as he's outside the haram area, okay,
he can do his haram from there and
come inside inshallah.
One who is outside of the mikat point,
he must begin from the mikat. So if
you're outside the areas of the mikats, you
have to start from the from the, from
the from the mikat area. Okay? So then
he does tawaf. We said tawaf is 7,
right? So he does the 7 tawafs.
After entering to haram, he does tawaf around
the kaaba 7 times and then he prays
2 units behind Maqam Ibrahim.
Then he does between
He does between
Some of you are are wondering why are
we repeating things? This repetition inshallah will help
you will help you, help you,
stick in your mind. So then we do
Okay? The 7 of them
as we described before and then you cut
your hair or you shorten it. You cut
your hair or you shorten it,
You are done. So literally you can actually
like sometimes there's people at the end of
Like they have scissors, okay and they'll they're
they're ready to cut your hair. Right? There's
an opinion in the shafi'i madham that cutting
the hair is literally just 3 3 strands
of hair that would be counted. So some
of them even carry their thing but in
the the Hanabi they say you have to
cut from every side. That would be considered
This is a linguistic,
any understanding.
So you'd have to cut from every side.
So either you trim or you shave it
or you shave it. And so usually like
of Marwa, you go outside and usually there's
barber shops everywhere. And you go cut your
hair there. For the woman, it's easier. Technically,
she just has to cut what? She has
to cut a size of an
and is like this like just like a
the the top of the fingertip. She just
cuts like that much from her hair and
then she's out of she's out of ihram.
Right? A woman only cuts a small fingertip
from her hair, jameel.
So that's kind of umra. So we have
al ihram.
Okay we have al ihram
and then you enter, you do tawaf, 7
rounds, okay that's number 2 and then you
have a so
you go from
to back to back to back to back
to you finish at on the 7th one.
Okay and then you find a barber and
you cut your hair and you're done. That's
it. You're done. You're done Omar. You have
to cut your hair. Yeah. Cut or trim.
So you have to. Yeah. You have to
either cut it or trim. And there's barbers
there. I think it's like 10 riyals. Some
will try to rip you off for 20
but just ask a couple of people.
So that's it. That's umrah 4 steps.
Let's go to hajj. Hajj is a bit
longer so so let's let's focus here. So
description of hajj, so one who is in
Mecca, so we have at Al Mutamatyah,
Abdul Wahad and we have Farhan,
Al Qarin and we have Abdul Hakim who's
doing the ifraat type.
So when he was in Makkah, it is
recommended for him to make ihram for hajj
on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah which is
yom at tarwayyah is called. The 8th of
Dhul Hijjah is when like let's talk about
now. The 8th of Dhul Hijjah will be
on on Monday,
which will be on Monday. So the 8th
of Dhul Hijjah is on Monday. So whatever
happens on Monday So remember hajj I want
you to just picture it. Hajj is
the 8th day which people start in minna,
the 8th day.
The 9th day which is Arafah.
The 10th day which is Eid day for
us, yomun naha. Okay? The day of the
slaughtering and and and the the cutting the
hair and doing a lot of other things.
And then basically you have so those are
the 3 days and then you have 3
more days which is
they're called. These are the days where the
hajjaj will be out of their ihram
but they will be going and they'll be
throwing the stones.
Okay. They'll be throwing,
the stones. Okay. And those are 3 days.
So literally technically hajj,
it's 1 to 3, it could be 5
to 6 days depending if you go stay
in Mina. Okay? Because technically you can start
hajj from Arafa because Mina is something that
is recommended. So now we have an idea
of what hajj is. Okay. So you have
Mina which is recommended to be there and
sleep there. And then you have Araha which
is the most important day. Okay? And then
you have, Yom and Naha which is the
second most important day. And then you have
those 3 days after. Okay 11th, 12th and
13th which is our ayam at tashariq where
they go and they stone those 3 those
3 pillars.
So it is recommended for him to to
go to Mina on the 8th day, so
to get into ihram and go to and
sleep in Mina. Okay. It is also recommended
for him to sleep in Mina. And Mina
is the place of those tents. Like 1,000
and thousands of of tents over there. So
the sun rises, so he slept there. After
the sun rises, he leaves for Arafah on
the 9th day. So he went to sleep
there on the 8th day, he sleeps there,
he wakes up and then he leaves for
Arafah on the 9th day. Arafah is the
9th day of Dhul Hijjah. So you can
stand anywhere in Arafah except a place called
The prophet mentioned that this is not counted
as part of of Arafah. Do do all
the people stand on the mountain?
Do all people stand on No. There's there's
not enough space to put, 1,500,000
or how many 2,000,000 people on that mountain.
So a lot of people will be actually
on the lower areas and some people actually
can't climb it. I mean, if you're not
very fit, or you're old, or you're sick,
or you're or you're injured, it's not easy
to climb the Mount Arafah.
So you can stand anywhere in that place
except that area. Duhur and Asr are combined
in Arafah
at the earlier time,
okay, which is the time of Duhur. Remember
when you combine salawat, let's say you wanna
combine Duhr and Asr. You can pray both
of them, okay, at the time of Asr
or both of them in the time
of of Duhur. So here you do
both of them in the time of of
duhr. So he makes abundant dua,
right? And so this is like the the
time and you have to understand people go
there, Nowadays, people go there like from morning
So it's a lot of hours, right? And
so it's a time for a lot of
dua. And for us who are not doing
hajj, it's also the time the day when
we're fasting. Right? And the prophet said, the
one who fast the day of Arafah,
that insha Allah his sins from the past
year and the sins for the next year
will be, will be forgiven. So insha Allah
And the best of dua is the dua
of of Arafah. And the prophet also said
the day where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala takes
out the most people from the hellfire is
the day of Arafah, the day of Arafah.
Minor sense. Minor sense. No. Now, for for
for for fasting Arafah. For fasting Arafa, most
of all Ahmad said, It is the minor
sense. Yes, it's the minor sense.
So he makes a lot of dua. The
time allowed for standing in Araf. So Arafah
is interesting. So if you go there before
you have to stay until Maghrib.
Okay. If you go there before Maghrib, you
have to stay there until Maghrib and then
you leave. Tabo what if you come after
If you come after Maghrib, then you can
just as long as you stay there for
like a minute, a second or a half
an hour, as long as you stay there
for a bit then it's considered that you've
actually done the the the pillar. You've actually
gone to to Arafah. So
the person who comes before Maghrib,
for most western people they will get there
before Maghrib and stay
until Maghrib and then they will leave and
they will head to they will head to
uh-uh Musdelifa.
If you come after Maghrib, all you have
to do is just stay there for a
bit and then and then leave.
Jameel, this is the complete time allowed but
does not necessarily mean you must remain there
this whole period. Yeah. You don't have to
stay the whole period. Generally today the groups
like I said, play.
So let's quickly kind of let's see where
we are now. So we've done our we've
entered Mecca, we've done our
tawaf, right? We've done our
and now we are what?
We are we are done
Okay? We are done
from the mount of Now we're heading to
Now we're heading to Musdalifah. So we went
to Arafah, we finished the 9th day and
we're heading to
Musdalifah. We're heading to Musdalifah,
So then now he goes to a to
an area called Mus Delifa after the sunset.
Okay? With tranquility, You any hudu? You don't
wanna you don't rush there. The sunnah is
to go there,
in a decent pace. So now this is
the 10th night of Dhul Hijjah. Okay. When
I say 10th night, what does that mean?
It's not the 10th day. So in is
in Islamically,
the the the day starts after Maghrib. So
what today is Dhul Hijjah, the 5th of
Dhul Hijjah.
So the 6th of Dhul Hijjah starts after
Maghrib today. Okay? And we say that's the
night of 6th.
So so now we're we're in the 9th
You've you've you went to Arafa, you did
your dua and you're leaving. Okay? So now
is the 10th night of Dhul Hijjah. And
so now you're heading to Musdalifa. Okay? Maghrib
and Isha are combined
at the time of Isha. So now you
at the time of Isha. You you put
them for later, you pray margarab 3 and
Isha 2 and then you spend the night
there in Muzdalifa. You spent, you spent the
night in Muzdalifa.
And then of course, if you go there
before midnight,
you stay there until midnight then you leave.
Okay. If you come right after midnight, you
don't have to stay there
until Fajr. So then after praying the Fajr
prayer, he goes to Al Masharil Haram. Al
Allah Subhata says. So this is a small
mountain in Muzdalifa,
he he climbs it and he makes dua
and he recites these ayat. In Surat Al
and then at Fajr in Muzdalif so he
does Fajr in Muzdalifah there. Okay. The 10th
day of the Hajj has begun. So now
this is Yom Al Nahhar. This is the
day of Eid for us. This would be
Wednesday. Okay? So now is the 10th day
of Dhul Hijjah. So now this is where
a lot of the things happen. Okay? And
I want you to keep in mind, du'alamah
mentioned 4 things. So in order to get
out of your ihram, you have to do
4 things. Okay. You have to do 4
things. As long as you do 2 or
uh-uh 2 of them, you can leave your
minor ihram. What does it mean minor ihram?
So everything becomes halal for you except except
Everything becomes halal for you except *. When
you do all 4 of them,
then uh-uh everything is halal for you. Okay?
The 4 things the they will say, uh-uh
you remember them by the word
Okay. So is for rami, okay, throwing the
Noon is for nahr,
slaughtering, okay? Which if you do it, it
will be done by the government so you
can assume that it's done. Okay? So Rami
is throwing the stone,
is is slaughtering.
You you cut your hair or you trim
it and ta
is Now there's 2 tawafs that we have
to remember. This
the main or
is called as some of the tawaf is
This tawaf
has to be done and then there's tawafil
with that. The last tawaf you do when
you're about to leave Makkah and the masjid,
al haram, tayl.
So now he moves to Mina. Okay. So
he's done from his dalifa, now he moves
to Mina and now when he reaches uh-uh
Muhasr, there's an area called Muhasr between Muzdalifah
and Mina, he quickly goes and takes 70
Who's done Hajjiyah?
Why 70?
in the 10th day, you have to stone
7 stones.
Okay? And the in the main in the
main pillar.
And then on the other 3 days, you
have to do 21 on each day.
Okay. Do the math. 21 times 3.
63, right?
And then plus 7, 70. So you gather
all those, at that time. Okay? Uh-uh. So
you don't have to waste time later. Okay?
It's not but it's recommended. Okay. And the
pebbles, you don't take like boulders. Okay.
You take basically
something that is between the size of a
chickpea and a and a hazelnut. Something between
the size of a chickpea and a and
a hazelnut.
So far so good? So what we've done
now, we've done, we've done, we've gone through
Arafa and we've done, we've gone through Muzdalifa.
And now basically we got our pebbles and
we wanna stone now,
Al Aqaba. Okay? We're gonna stone and then
do the slaughtering
and the other things on on the 10th
day on the 10th day.
So then his stones only
This is the main one. So he only
stones that 7 pebbles. 7 pebbles. Okay?
He stones that 7 times and he must
throw them one after the other. So you
can't just go bring the 7 just be
like this. You know, Allahuqwa. You have to
throw 1 by 1. Okay? And taban,
you can and if we had more time
we would talk about this the symbolism of
this. This symbolizes you
defeating shaitan.
So basically you are you are stoning shaitan.
This is
it's a very
subhanAllah, it's very interesting if we studied from
a I guess from
a psychology point of view. You can see
how beneficial this is for a person. Sometimes
you just have to do it physically. Yeah.
And so this kind of symbolizes
that you are defeating shaitan. Okay? You're defeating
your enemy. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tell us
that shaytan is your enemy so treat him
as an enemy. And so you throw the
pebbles, okay?
1 after the other. Okay? And with each
row he raises his right arm until the
whiteness of his armpit can be seen and
he makes takbir. And you say, Allahu Akbar.
And you just try to hit that area.
Okay? You try to hit that area. And
you don't throw it too far, so hit
somebody on the other side. And you don't
throw it too close, you hit somebody like
right in front of you. So ma'am, so
you just have to be careful. There's small
rocks but I mean they could hurt.
Then he sacrifices animal. So for us we
won't be doing that, the government would do
that so we can assume that they did
it. Okay? So remember, so now he did
the rami, okay? He did the nahar, okay?
Uh-uh and now what's left?
So now he does the halk. So now
he trims his head or he shaves
his head and we said the woman only
trims like or cuts fingertip size of her
hair. Then after this point everything becomes halal,
remember we said except *.
Okay? And so now you have removed the
major the major, uh-uh,
state of ihram and you're in the just
the last step. Okay? What's left?
A tawaf. We still have to do our
tawaf al ifada. Okay? Then he goes to
Mecca to perform tawaf, ziyara, tawaf al ifada.
Both names are correct. He does that tawaf,
this is a pillar which means without it
hajj is invalid. You have to do it.
This is one of the pillars. Then he
can also perform if has not already done
so. So he could have done before or
he can do it now. The order is
is not a problem but a has to
be done after tawaf. You cannot do before
tawaf. And so tawaf and usually are done
Okay? But if you've done your like your
first tawaf and you didn't have time for
okay? You can leave your your for later.
So if you didn't do it, you do
it now. Then he forms a sai'ih
if he's not already done so.
After the right, everything becomes permissible. So now
he's out of ihram
and everything now is permissible
for him. So everything that was halal for
him before, now it's a halal for him.
So it is recommended to drink Zamzam now,
to drink water and to make dua.
Whatever you make intention for it, you get
it insha Allah. But you have to really
believe it and you have to then you
have Yaqeen. A lot of said,
you know, uh-uh they say we would go
there and make dua for memory and then
we would get it. Make dua that would
get become scholars and then we become scholars.
And so zamzam has a very powerful effect,
subhanAllah. Sometimes people drink it and they just
treat as normal water. Right? But it has
that powerful effect.
Does it work here as well? Some said
it has to be in Makkah.
That's a debate we can
talk about later.
So so now we've done all of that.
So basically we've we've thrown the stone, we've
sacrificed the animal,
we've removed the hair. Okay? And now we're
gonna return so we did the tawaf and
the sai.
Okay? So now we're out of the ihram,
what's left
now? We're done day 10, we still have
those 3 days.
Let's go to the days of tashri.
then he turns to say in Mina for
3 nights. So now he goes to Mina,
back to Mina to 10th, okay? For For
3 nights. You can see why hajj is
harder than Umrah, okay? Because it's a couple
of days and it's exhausting. Alright? And people
back in the day would have to walk
a lot. Now you got trains and the
things are a bit easier. But it's still
exhausting. It's still exhausting, it's frustrating,
not everyone is nice when things are hot,
people are hungry, people are thirsty.
The worst part of people comes out. SubhanAllah.
So it's a very testing time.
Or like imagine I've heard stories where people
like their bus for Arafah
like is stuck. Right? They can't get to
Arafah. And so if you don't make it
to Arafah, what happens?
Allah's your your $20,000
is gone. You have to come back and
do it again. Right? And so it's a
very frustrating and you need a lot of
sabr. So then he goes to Mina for
the 3 nights.
So Allah subhanahu says,
in the in the in
the in Surat Al Baqarah, Allah says,
If whoever wants to do 2 nights, then
that's fine.
We said there are 3. Whoever wants to
do 2 and he's in a hurry, he
has to leave then that's fine, he has
to leave before Maghrib.
And whoever wants to do 3, no problem,
he can stay for the 3. So he
has an option to stay for only 2
and then leave. He throws the stones everyday.
So remember we we gathered 70, We finished
the 7, the main ones on the 10th
day. How many are left? 63. So you
what do you do? You divide your stones
into 21, 2021
and then you have to do 7 on
each on each of those rocks. There's rocks
there and you have to do the major
one, the middle one and the minor one.
And so you do 21 on the 11th
day, 21 on the 12th day and 21
on the 13th day. And you do it
after zawal. What's zawal? It's when the sun
is like at the highest point
right right before
duhr time.
He stones all 3 jamarat
with 7 pebbles each. So 777
that's 20 one on each day. It is
recommended to do it before praying duhr prayers.
So after Zawwal before duhr, for those who
want to leave after,
2 days and not remain for all 3
days, they must leave before
as we mentioned. So you have to leave
because remember the day starts
from Okay? If he he's still in in
Mina, Maghrib time on 12th day, he has
to stay for the 13th day. He has
to stay for the 13th day. They are
obligated to stay the night and stone all
3 jamarat
the following day. Then he performs
This is obligatory which means missing it. Okay.
It doesn't invalidate your Hajj but you have
to pay fiday. We're gonna talk about that
in a bit inshaAllah.
Jameel, let's go through that. Hajj and Umrah
at a glance, we did that. Jameel.
So pillars and obligations of hajj, we're almost
So now they go back in the books
of fiqh, now they want you to go
back and realize that
there are things that are
right? Okay. There are things that are pillars.
What does it mean?
If you, if you miss it your hajj
is gone. Just like in salah, there's some
things that are arkan.
If you don't do it, your salah, your
rakah doesn't
count. So from the arkan of salah is
al Fatiha. If you don't read al Fatiha,
the rakah doesn't count. Okay?
And so in hajj, there are arkan that
you have to do them. If you don't
do them, your hajj doesn't count. And then
there's a wajibat.
If you don't do them, you have to
do you have to pay a compensation of
fidya but your hajj will still count. Okay?
So now we're gonna go through
the the pillars. So whatever is not mentioned
is gonna be sunnah. So you have
and then there's the sunnah. There's the sunnah
things that we mentioned. Okay? Like fraying behind
makam Ibrahim etcetera. These are recommended things these
are recommended things. So from the pillars,
we mentioned if they are not done then
the hajj is invalid. Number 1 is haram.
Without haram your
your your hajj is invalid. Standing in arafah,
remember you have to. If you come before
Magrib, you have to stand until Magrib and
then leave. So this is something that is
a rukun. Okay?
And then tawaf,
you have to do your tawafil ifadah,
uh-uh and then you have
a saih from Safa and Marwa, you have
to do that as well. So those are
the 4 pillars of hajj. So there's 4
arkan of hajj, A haram, standing in Araha,
and then
These are the 4 pillars you have to
do them in hajj. Then we have the
The wajibat are the ones that if you
don't do, okay, then you have to pay
a fidya, you have to pay a compensation.
What are they? They're starting ihram from the
right? Because you can actually do ihram from
after the mikat but you have to pay
But your Hajj will still be valid. Okay?
So that's why it's important to know your
fiqh. Okay? Because if someone
when people are stressed they panic and they
just lose it and they don't know what
to do. And so subhanAllah knowledge gives you
that confidence. And so you know if you
made a mistake, you passed the mikat, you
did your ihram there, your haj or your
umrah will still be valid, okay? But you'll
have to be do pay ifidya.
What's easier, you just go back okay and
then you do you do your niya from
there. So starting ihram from the mikhaat point
for those outside of
it. Okay.
Then standing in Arafah at least one moment
of the night that you have to stand
there. This is from the obligations. This is
from the obligations
of of hajj. Okay, you must stay there
until at least one moment after Maghrib.
You have to do that. Okay? If not,
you have to pay a fidya spending the
night in musdalifa if you reach there before
midnight. Okay? If you get there before midnight
we say, this is from the wajid to
stay there until until midnight. If you reach
before midnight, you must stay there at least
until the middle of the night has passed.
If you reach after middle of the night,
you don't have to wait. And you don't
have to wait any whatever until fajr or
whatever the time is. But staying the nights
of a tashriq and minna. Okay. This is
from the wajibat. If you wanna do the
when you do those 3 days or 2
days if you're in a hurry, then you
have to do them, you have to be
in in minna. You have to stay in
Mina and throwing the stones in order, okay.
In the in the right order, right? From
the kubra and the usda and the suhra,
the jamarat.
So you can't start with the, the wrong
order and then shaving or trimming the hair,
this is from the wajibat.
So this is important to know why because
if you don't do that, your Hajj is
valid but what?
You have to pay a fidya, you have
to pay a fidya, a compensation. And then
you have to offer
that you do this at the end and
it's recommended that this is the last thing,
that you do. If you don't do it
then you have to do your fidya. So
there's 7 obligations
for hajj.
The pillars and obligations of umra. These are
very short, very easy. So for umra really,
it's just ihram, tawaf and sa'ih.
These are the things that you have to
do. If you don't do them, there's no
umrah for you. Your ihram, your tawaf and
your sai. Remember, what's missing the 4th one?
It's it's it's shaving the hair and so
that one is a wajib obviously. That one
is a a wajib. So if you don't
do it, you just pay a fidya. If
you don't do it, you just pay the
fidya. There is difference of opinion. I'm telling
you this is the opinion of of
uh-uh the Imam Ahmed and the the the
hambali malham.
So shaving or trimming the hair.
So now, what about missing arafah? If you
miss arafah, what happens?
Okay. If you miss arafah, it's yeah, it's
it's a problem. And that's why you appreciate
that that
that condition when you made the haram. Right?
That's why it's recommended to make that condition
that if I'm oh Allah, if something stops
me, some I'm stuck, there's an emergency
then I can get out of the haram
forever I am, from wherever I am. So
it says following should be done if you
do not make the conditional intention. So if
you do it then it's easy to get
out of the haram from the place that
you are. Otherwise, you can just become free
from ihram without doing uh-uh anything. So first
have to understand that your hajj is gone
Yeah. And if you miss Arafah
then you you have missed the hajj but
you still have to make it up the
following year taban if you are able to
if you are able to. If If you
missed it because of your own mistakes, so
you can miss it because of
something that you did or something that is
out of your control. If you miss it
because of something you did, then you basically
have to get out of the haram. How
do you do that? You do the rights
of umrah instead, okay? So you complete like
a umrah and then you have to slaughter
an animal as compensation because it was something
out of your fault. Okay?
If you cannot do that then you will
Okay. Remember, if someone can't afford the animal
then they will fast the way we mentioned.
If you missed it because of something that's
not your fault, okay, then all you have
to do is just complete it as umrah
and then you're out of ihram. Then you're
out of ihram and then you have to
come the following year or whenever you are
able to. Whenever you are able to. We
said we wanna cover sacrifice, hamdullah, I think
we can do it. Maghrib is in
5 minutes?
3 minutes. 3? Yeah. InshaAllah. We can cover
it. InshaAllah. Sacrifices. So, the sacrifices stuff and
we have,
the the
the that we sacrifice
and we also the ulama also include the
atika. What is the atika?
If you have children, you should know what
atika means. What is atika?
Yeah. It's it's it's the sacrifice you make
for a newborn. Okay? Out of gratitude to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So let's talk about
because is something practical that we will be
doing insha'Allah
very soon. But let's talk about very fast.
So this is something in in the in
the DC culture they call what? What is
it called?
Qurbani. Right? It's called Qurbani. Why? It comes
from the word
You do it to get close to Allah
wa ta'ala. Okay? Uh-uh. And it's mentioned in
Surah Al Maidah when talking about the story
of Habil and Qabeel. Okay?
So it's done to get close to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. It is something that is
Some of the ulama said it's wajib if
you have the money. Okay? But it's highly
recommended and it's this slight
for you to not do it if you
are able to do it. Okay? And we
said, today you mentioned in the khuba that
it is the the most beloved act of
worship on the day on the day of
8. For someone to go and and slaughter
an animal for the sake of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Obviously it's done with camels, cows, domesticated animals.
And you can't go do it with a
I don't know. A deer. Yeah. A deer
or something like that. Yeah. So you do
it with domesticated animals. Okay? But,
Jimmy, so camels, cows, sheep, goats, etcetera. Domesticated
animals. So the time. So it begins immediately
after 8 prayer. So you cannot do it
before 8 prayer. So you do it after
8 prayer and it lasts until
the end of the day of 12th of
Dhul Hijjah. The end of the day of
of Dhul Hijjah. It ends immediately after 13th
of Dhul Hijjah enters. So the night after
the Maghrib. The Maghrib of 12th day which
will be what? 10. 11th will be Thursday.
12th will be Friday. So the night of
Friday is like the last time. That will
be the last time for you to do
it. Tayjimid,
uh-uh. Doing it before or after its time
is not valid. So if you do it
before salah or like Saturday, next Saturday,
it's a it's a it's a it will
just be counted as a charity, and as
a normal and a normal sacrifice for Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. But it'll now be counted
as the uthiyyah,
that is done in dulhijja.
If you live in a place where there's
no 8 prayer basically, you just yeah. Assume
duha time
then you can do it. Okay?
This is important. Nothing from the from the
from the animal.
If you go to a butcher and he
does it for you or he cuts it
for you, you're not allowed to compensate him
from anything from the
animal. Yeah. So you cannot be like, Okay.
I need for just for you cutting it
from me, you can have the leg. Okay?
Or you can have the the shoulder. You
can't do that. You have to pay him
from from from your own money,
and not give him from the,
from the from any parts of the of
the of them. But you're allowed to gift
it to him. You're allowed to gift it.
There's no problem with gifting. And you wanna
give him like a piece of it,
But that's not it can't be the compensation.
You cannot sell the skin or any part
of it.
Even if you wanna give it to the
poor. Okay?
But what's the solution?
So you cannot sell and then gift it.
What's the solution?
You give it to the poor and he
sells it.
A lot of people throw their heads. I
remember when I last year when I went
to the farm, everybody like just throws the
heads and the legs. They just take the
thing and leave. And those any some other
people like will love to eat them. Like
people go pay money for them in the
in the stores. So I mean you could
the You can give it to the poor
people and they can sell it and they
order of preference, obviously camel is the highest
preference. Then comes the cow, then there's the
sheep and goat. Obviously the price is any
How much is a cow? Like a $1,000?
Anybody know?
I mean it's enough for 7 7 people.
Right? So it's like maybe a $1,000. I
don't know. A calf is probably like $800.
With inflation now probably more. But
So those are the order of preference. Age
requirements. So you can't just grab anyone. Okay?
So there's some fiqh when it comes to
slaughtering. So
for a camel has to be 5 years
old. I don't think there's any camels here
unless you go to the zoo. And if
you go to the zoo you can't get
those, okay? So insha'Allah we'll stick to the
to the cows and the the sheep and
goats. So it has to be 5 years
old. Cow has to be 2 years old,
uh-uh or older. Uh-uh. And I don't know
if there's buffalos here but that would include
like the male.
Goats, 1 year old. Let me just finish
this one. And the sheep 6 months old.
The sheep has to be 6 months old.
This is important to know, right? And you
ask the farmer or wherever you're going to,
and they should know. And subhanallah, all the
farmers here, they know. Like they know if
you go there, they know the etiquette of
the Muslims, they know what to do, they
know how to do it, they know how
to sharpen the knife. They have they they
know the fiqh of of slaughtering. Okay? And
they can even do it for you. You
can tell them you can use the yourself
in front of them and then you do
it. We're almost done. So one sheep is
enough for the household. So if you have
if you live in a household and there's
like 10 people with you, if you take
care of all of them, then one is
enough for all of you. Okay?
If someone else wants to do it in
the house, then that's that's okay. That's fine
with, that's fine to do it. Now if
you want to do a cow or a
camel, it's actually enough for 7. It's enough
for for 7 people. Even if the other
6 are non muslims, you can still be
part of that 7. Okay? Someone might ask
that. So following animals do not suffice, it
cannot be used to slaughter for idul akhah.
So when you pick a goat or a
sheep or a or a cow, it cannot
be a weak animal because now we wanna
sacrifice for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So we
have to get something that is good. You're
right? Something that this is has to be
something that with ihsan. So So it cannot
be a weak animal. It cannot be an
animal that is either blind or
it can't see. It cannot be an animal
that that's sick. It cannot be crippled. And
you can tell when it's crippled.
It cannot be if its front teeth are
missing. So all these are that the mentioned
that the people shouldn't pick those ones to
sacrifice for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because you
know like I'm sure you get like a
50% off, right? If the eye is missing
or the ear is missing. Yeah. I've never
had to go through that but of course
when we sacrifice, we sacrifice the best for
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Or Yeah. So those those are the
So how do you slaughter? Most of us
will be doing sheep.
Okay. And the sheep or the cow usually
you lay it down. Okay.
It's from the sunnah and from the mercy
that you don't do it in front of
the other sheep. Because they have
and they have emotions. Alright? And so you
don't wanna do it in front of them.
So you take it away to a separate
area, okay? And
if you can't cover its eyes, put it
down, lay it down. Usually they will do
it. If you do it probably, they will
they will calm down. And then of course
you sharpen your knife, right? The prophet told
us that when you when you do the
dabiha, you do it with ihsan. So you
sharpen your knife, it's sharp. Right? And you
you say
and you do it. But the camels are
different. The camels are harder. Right? And so
the camels they're usually done standing and one
of its legs are are tied. And you
can YouTube it. It's very interesting how it's
done. And then it's it's it's stabbed basically
on the side of the neck. Okay. Anybody
done camels before?
That should be on your bucket list. So
recite So then you say, Bismillah
This is from you and for you. This
is from you and for you. And you
you make the intention that this is for
my house, this is for my household. If
you're paying someone to do it overseas which
is allowed if there's more need there,
you make sure you tell them that they
make the intention for you. Right? And then
they say that and they make the intention
for you and they follow the rules. They
do it after
So the distribute the distribution of the meat,
it is recommended that you eat a third
and you give a third to your family
and friends and you give a third to
charity. This is what the ullamaah
recommend. Even if it's for non muslims, you
know, to give to charity. Even if it's
for non muslims. And of course the ulema
mentioned that it is,
taban. Once you slaughter now, it's okay to
it's sunnah to shave your hair and whatever
but it's uh-uh some of the ulema say
it's haram to
shave your hair or trim your nails if
you've intended to do to slaughter. So some
of you now have intended to slaughter on
the 10th day, then you shouldn't shave or
trim or cut your nails. You should hold
on to that until until you slaughter. Once
you slaughter, then you do it right away.
This is from the from the sunnah.
And then the last one is aqihah. Okay?
We are done. The aqihah basically is something
you do for a sacrifice for a newborn.
And so when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blesses
you with a newborn which is a great
blessing, okay? We thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
by sacrificing. So it is something that is
and you do 2 sheep for a boy
and you do what? 1 for? 1 for
a girl. 2 sheep for a boy and
1 for girl. You can do more. You
can do 5 if you like.
But that is the what is the sunnah.
Okay? It's recommended to do it on the
7th day, the slaughtering.
If you can't, do it on the 14th
day. If you can't, you do it on
the 21st day. If you miss the 21st
day, you don't do 28th, just what whatever
day works. Okay? This is from the recommendations.
It's it's very similar to old hiya. The
aqika, that's why the ulama put them together,
It's very similar to old Haya. Okay? Most
of it is the same that you don't
do like the sick animals.
You do the same kinds of animals.
The method of slaughtering, the distribution of the
meat, it's the same thing. And you do
a 3rd, 3rd, 3rd.
One of the main differences for example is
if you have a child,
you cannot do it like a 7th of
a of a cow. Like if you have
a child and you wanna do a cow,
the whole cow will be for
for If you wanna do a camel, the
whole camel will be the whole animal. Yeah.
You sacrifice the whole animal for for Allah
and that's really
we were able to cover it.
I don't know if there's any questions we
can do some questions after
weeks on the 40 hadith on on wealth,
in Islam.