Haitham al-Haddad – Zakat Simplified in 5 Easy Steps

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the process of giving Z booked items and the risks of giving them at the time of Zika. They stress the importance of avoiding these risks and note the safe attractiveness of gold and silver. They also discuss the deduction of deductions from retirement income and the deduction of deductions from assets and debt payments. The conversation ends with a brief advertisement for Z effort.
AI: Transcript ©
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I wanted to ask you about Zika I'm quite confused about it. There's too many variables could you simplify it for me?

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Yeah. Let's see let us make it simple because so many people are confused about Zika let us simplify it

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first of all set a date for your Zika Don't worry about the issue of nisab the threshold are my above that am I below that don't worry about that set a date many people give that Zakah and Ramadan, so let us say 15th of Ramadan you give your Zeca This is number one, okay. Then

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calculate the following types of wealth number one, the cash money that you have all types of cash money you have whether in pound in dollar in any other currency, whether here or whether abroad. Okay calculate it all and make it in one currency. How much in pounds later say you calculate it and it became 7000 pounds. Number one, number two, golden silver, gold and silver. Whether you are holding it as gold and silver or in terms of jewelry is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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That lady that was not giving the zakah the prophesy Selim gave her a warning. And there are two views regarding giving the account on jewelry but we say to be on the safe side, give Zakah on your golden jewelry and silver as well. Okay, and because also, we're Latina canoes, una Dabhol. If you go to a law enforcement officer vilella just to cut it short. And the Prophet SAW Selim gave the example of those who do not give the zakah of golden silver and it will be made into sheets as it is

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mentioned in the Quranic verse, okay. So to be on the safe side, give it and this account will purify yourself and you will increase your wealth so don't worry about your gold and silver that it will just run it will

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it will be decreasing. Okay, so gold and silver. And I would like also to warn our sisters be on the safe side and give Zika on your jewelry. Okay, so check the price of pure gold and pure silver that you have at the time of giving Zika if you could not to check the time of pure gold and silver, no problem, even if it is not if it is 18 karat because this means that you are giving a little bit more Don't worry about the calculations. Yeah. Or even if it is 11 carats, not 24 carats, don't

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worry about this, okay. The third type is is stocks and shares. Now the issue of stocks and shares is long is quite long, it doesn't mean that I approve stocks and shares in fact I say to people avoid okay it has so many problems some of it even is haram, but let us imagine that you have stocks and shares. Now there are two main types here of stocks and shares, stocks and shares that are saleable that you buy today to sell tomorrow, and so on. And stocks or shares that you have as part

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of a business so you are expecting the dividend, you're not buying and selling them that quickly. Okay. The dividend

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is the longest story I'm not explaining it out, but the dividend pot, but the stocks and shares that you buy and sell like, I don't want to mention certain companies that are well known anyway, yeah. Then you add the price of the stocks and shares that you have if you were to sell them at the time of Zika which we said 15th of Ramadan. So, this is the third type of wealth, the fourth type of wealth is

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saleable items. So if you have a shop and in that shop, you are selling the spare parts, for example, or you have online shop and you are selling laptops, or mobile phones or a clothes, estimate the price of the stock you have if you were to sell it on the time of Zika not how much you bought it. Ya know? How much if you were to sell it today or the time of the car, how much you will get? Yeah. Now if you have a shop of course the fixed assets are not the collectible because the

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prophets are Selim says Lisa Allen moment out

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alone Muslim fee Pharisee he, well, he's occur. So, from this the scholars taken that fixed assets are not as accountable, but the saleable items and canonical USADA coming man or doodle Bay, yeah, they the one of the companions said we used to give sadaqa from the saleable items, okay. So, this is the fourth type of wealth what is the total amount let's say the total amount came to be 17,000 pounds, okay. Then you can you can if you want deducted from this money that you owe others the

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debts that you have to pay within the coming loaner year before the second 15th of Ramadan or before 15th Ramadan next year. So, you deduct that Yeah. So that you can deduct it from your what from the sum that you had it before? Okay, so we had the sum of the four items and then you deducted from them any debt that you have to pay within the coming 12 months 12 lunar months as we said before, 15 of Ramadan next 15 Ramadan now see, for example, if a person has a mortgage, now I'm not talking

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about mortgages it allowed or not, but the mortgage you might have, you might need to pay 260,000 pounds you cannot say that all of this is a debt and therefore you ducked you deducted from the total amount which makes you which makes you having negative equity. Yeah. Which makes you according to some misunderstanding of people a person who is illegible for Zika No, no, okay. You deduct what you need to pay this month this year. Although brothers and sisters for mortgage in particular, I

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don't think that you should deduct it from Zakah I believe strongly against it okay, you should not deduct it because actually it is for for a house that makes you above others that who do not own houses okay. So don't deduct the mortgage, but if you have a debt any other debts that you have to pay part of it now and then at the point maybe next year, you deduct what you have to pay before the next 15th of Ramadan okay. And then you add to it the money that others all you Yeah, they have

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taken from you as a loan and they will pay you to you as soon as possible or within the coming 12 years 12 months okay within the coming Zeca year okay. You add to it, how much they are going to pay you 1000 5000 etc, but the money that they are going to pay you later then that is not acceptable for this year. So, the four things

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and what you are going to get this year and deduct what you are going to pay this year as well. My Manoharan one of the early scholars he was 40 he mentioned it somewhere some somehow like this Yeah. Okay which is very

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which is very simple, very straightforward. I hope that it is clear inshallah for everyone. This to

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be them

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