Haitham al-Haddad – Muslim Leader Reacts to General Elections 2024

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary ©
The Muslim community is mobilizing and unifying their political engagements, with a focus on hitting their goals, appointing new candidates, and achieving everything, except for a small margin for the Labour Party. The community is optimistic about their achievement and the potential for change, but there is a need for careful analysis and engagement from the Muslim community. The importance of protecting the election is emphasized, particularly in light of the current political climate. unity and acceptance in politics, particularly in light of the current political climate, is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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I think the results are very promising for

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the Muslim community. I'm really,

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very happy. Many Muslim leaders,

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including the,

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leaders who were involved in some of their

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initiatives such as the Muslim vote,

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as we can see in their website.

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They are very happy. They are very excited.

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Why is this?

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we had a number of aims,

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behind this election

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and behind our involvement. First of all, to

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mobilize the Muslim community more.

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by the way,

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we were not just

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planning to achieve

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in this round.

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Yeah. Mobilizing the Muslim community, it should happen

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or it is happening through stages.

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And this is an initial stage,

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and we have still,

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different we have still the future,

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elections, and inshallah, the Muslim

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the Muslim community will be mobilized more and

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this was

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achieved because

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at least the Muslim community this time was

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more involved.

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Even those who do not want to vote,

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they were involved

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in following up what is happening and,

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you know,

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messaging each other

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and, you know,

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and following the results of the the, elections.

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Circulating some of

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the eclipse, some of the, you know, the

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outcome of the,

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elections. This is 1 thing, the mobilization

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of the Muslim community.

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The second thing is,

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to unify the Muslim community

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in the political engagement.

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This has happened.

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Of course, it is it did not happen

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we wanted it. And, as we dream

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that it should happen, still there were

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in some constituencies,

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split of votes,

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Bethanal Green and and some other areas in

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in Birmingham, etcetera.

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But in general in general, I think the

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Muslim community

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has done very well in terms of

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unifying their,

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and voting strategically.

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The third aim

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was to,

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of course, to punish

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the main parties, the Labour Party, the Conservative

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for because of Gaza.

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And I think this has happened

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this is a point many people think, oh,

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look, the Labour Party won. It was

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landslide. Yeah. Okay?

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And it is they said it is the

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biggest victory for them in since 18 something.

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You can read

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whatever happens

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from 2 different or from different angles.

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Yes. From this side, yes. But do we

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And I think everyone knows that now, that

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the Labour Party

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got the lowest number of votes in this

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Less than

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what the, previous 2 elections when they were

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led by Jeremy Corbyn. Yeah?

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This is this and despite that, they won.

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Of course. Now many people say that the

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political system

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has to change because first pass of the

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post has to change.

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Every system has pros and cons, but the

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point is

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we need to analyze

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what happened

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The point is,

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yes, the

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the the labor party

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the Muslim

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to a big extent.

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Okay? To the fact that

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even, many commentators, non Muslim commentators, even that

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professor on BBC,

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he commented on this. This he said this

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is a proof that the Labour Party lost

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because of Gaza, because of its position,

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okay, on Gaza.

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So this is a 1 for us,

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and let alone some Labour Party

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Not only that, but the biggest achievement is

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those who won from the Labour Party,

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they won with a very small margin.

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I'll give you an example, a very clear

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example. The the Labour Party candidate,

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okay, without mentioning the name,

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okay, won

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by what a minor majority

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over the independent party that we endorsed in

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Bethnal Green. So,

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that is an achievement.

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That is a big achievement.

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Okay. North,

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Elford North. Yeah.

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We should mention the name of Lianne,

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lost by 500

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votes only.

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In front of who?

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In front of 1 of the key

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labor party candidates

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who has been there for years,

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and he he's maybe double of her age.

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Yeah. So that in of itself. And we

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can mention also

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Adnan Hussain. We can mention some other candidates.

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So so,

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so either we won, okay, maybe in 5,

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6 constituencies,

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or we came the biggest second

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in many other constituencies.

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So that is

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that is a big win. And let me

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take, as we mentioned, the name, although I

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am trying to avoid mentioning names. Lianne Mohammed,

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for example.

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How old is she?

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23. What is her political experience?

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Is very minimal. She just won award when

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she was 15, 16.

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to to to win and to lose by

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just 500

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votes in that area,

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that is incredible.

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That is incredible.

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So that shows that the Muslim vote has

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its weight,

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and it can make a difference. And everyone

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is talking about it now. So we should

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not be pessimistic.

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Look at just the the,

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overall picture without deep analysis of what is

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happening. Because in the political process, you cannot

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do that. Yeah?

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So this is so, to be honest with

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you, congratulation

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congratulation for the Muslim community.

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the Muslim votes and other campaigns.

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This is really

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a big achievement, and and this is like

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a shift.

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Okay? And this gives us some confidence that

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we can make a change.

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Finally, I would like to say that, look

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yeah. By the way, some of the the,

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say that if Muslims

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10, 000 votes

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in the right places,

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they would want 20 more

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20 more constituencies.

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20 more seats.

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what, 10, 000 votes. And this is why

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we say that, okay,

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as we say in,

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in in Bethlehem,

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normally the gap between the labor candidate and

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any other labor is around 10, 000 votes.

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Now this time, the gap was 1, 600.

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So the point is this gives us confidence

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that we can make a change, and the

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Muslim vote should not be taken for granted.

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Yeah? And we need now to move to

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the other point. But before talking about the

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other point,

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you know, all of this, once we say

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that, okay, the likes of

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even even,

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Adnan Hussein, not Adnan Hussein, 1 of the

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candidates, 1 of our candidates, he won by

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just less than 200 votes.

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Yeah. So he could have lost.

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Yeah? So what I am saying,

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when I said that it is Wajib to

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this is

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clear. We are talking about evidence here.

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500 votes could have changed the whole

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voting, okay, for many constituencies.

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10, 000 votes, yeah, could have given us

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more 20 seats.

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So that's why every vote counts.

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Let alone the experience that we got, the

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See, for me,

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the biggest issue is for the Muslim community

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to be engaged and to be involved.

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Not to think that they can fix

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the system while they are just criticizing

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the system from outside. This cannot happen. Yeah?

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And this means that they will remain in

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their own bubbles, they will remain in their

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own comfort zone, they will remain in the

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margin, and they will not get into

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the middle of the challenge. And by the

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this is easier for so many people to

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remain in their comfort zone. That's why they

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prefer to remain in their comfort zone rather

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than to to, be involved

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in in some challenging

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and long term processes.

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I would like also to say that some

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people say, oh, what did we achieve?

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Have we ever said that

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this election will

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liberate Gaza?

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Have we ever said that this election

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will stop the war on Gaza?

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Have we ever said that?

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We never said that.

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Okay? But it is 1 of them. It

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is like attending a demonstration.

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So many people in the beginning I remember

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20 years ago when we were attending demonstrations,

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people used to say some people used to

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say, what is the point of attending some

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the demonstrations?

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Have you seen the war ending because of

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that demonstration?

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We said, yeah, maybe not this demonstration,

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but it is all accumulative,

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and it is all a project. We need

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try in every,

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in from every angle.

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But to stay passive,

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this will not help in anything. And just

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talking, talking, talking will not help in anything.

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Now we need to move forward.

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Yeah. We need to move forward. Khalas. Okay.

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The elections have happened.

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We need to learn the lessons.

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We need to be more coordinated,

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more united, more aware.

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We need to produce

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our brothers,

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yeah, who can

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be who can represent us in the parliament.

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Yeah. We cannot

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stay as as a passive community. We are

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part and parcel. We are the second,

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you know, the second largest

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faith community

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in the UK after Christianity.

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It is the Muslim

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community. Okay? Of course, the, the the the,

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I don't know whether we call them faith

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community or not. So we are not a

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small community. We are not a, a minority.

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In fact, in in terms of religions,

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okay, we are the biggest religion

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next to Christianity.

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Okay? So we should be proud of ourselves.

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We should be confident of who we are.

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And see, look look, the labor commune the

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the labor party or the conservative party, how

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long they been in politics?

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Yeah. What?

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200 plus years?

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How long we've been

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in politics? Look, the Muslim vote and other

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initiatives, they started to mobilize maybe 6 months

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and we have achieved this.

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And then we say, we didn't achieve anything.

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Some brothers, unfortunately,

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and sisters,

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they have this negative mindset, and they want

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either they have the black and white mentality.

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Okay? Tunnel vision.

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Either you achieve all or none.

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Okay? Life is not like this. And when

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you raise your expectations,

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you will be always

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because you will never

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see what you expected. Even in our life,

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You know, if you raise your expectations with

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your wife, with your children, with your neighbor,

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with everyone,

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you'll never be satisfied with anything because

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your expectations would be so high. And whatever

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they you see, whatever achievement you see, you

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don't see it as an achievement. So be

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positive, brothers and sisters. I think it is,

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really a very good,

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a very good outcome,

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of of the election,

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and keep it up. And by the way,

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I just want to say that either today,

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tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow is the

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1st year of the hijra year.

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So the hijra year of 1446.

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