Haifaa Younis – Ya Allah, I need to Leave

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a situation where Sayidna indeed left Mecca and is now doing tawaf and a man's name is "the smart one" as a way to leave. The speaker warns that leaving means nothing and that it is a time for change. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of taking the opportunity to change the focus and leave early in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Remember what Sayidna Abdullah ibn Abbas said. He

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was doing the dua. That's it. He's leaving.

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He didn't stay in Mecca, by the way.

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Although he is from Quraish, he's the cousin

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of Rasul alaihis salatu wa salla. He was

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so scared.

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He was so scared to live in Makkah

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because he didn't wanna disobey Allah in his

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house. Where

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where their hearts were.

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So he was doing tawaf and one someone

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heard him

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saying you Allah

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this is my place

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and this is the time

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I have to leave. Look how he spoke

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to Allah,

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It's a time I have to leave.

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It's not my choice.

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You want me to leave. I'm gonna leave

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but there will not there will be nothing

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that replaces you.

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And I'm not leaving because I don't wanna

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stay, but because you told me to leave.

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And he before he said that, he said,

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you brought me,

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and you facilitated things for me, and you

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helped me to do all my monastic,

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all what you wanted me to do.

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And this is the time for me to

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What is this dialogue?

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This dialogue of love?

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When you leave someone

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you love,

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for us,

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some people I heard,

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I'm glad I'm going back.

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Yeah, when it gets very tough.

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This was 1 year when there was this

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rain and the whole tent was washed

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And that's when Allah test us and test

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us here with our luxury, with our comfort.

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So here you say to Allah, when the

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Eid finish,

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you have to feel this feeling, I've done

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another 8 months. Allah knows what is gonna

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happen this 8 months till Ramadan comes in.

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So remember this, you will be able to

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do Hajj whether you want or whether you

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are here.

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the compass,

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change the focus

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and take the opportunity,

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be the smart investor

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and you will see it on the day

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of judgment, you're gonna say Alhamdulillah,

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I was the smart one.

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