Haifaa Younis – Why we use Allahs blessings to disobey Him

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The speaker describes a situation where they use their phone for a wedding ceremony and eventually become attached to Allah. They discuss the importance of using their eyes and ear for protection and ask the audience to use their phone for things like the wedding, which they later claim disobeyment by the wedding participant. They also mention a person who gives them a job and gives them a house, but they do not know the value of it.
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Major problem, when Allah give us something, we
use it to disobey Him.
Then we are not grateful.
He gives you money, you go and buy,
let's say you go and buy a phone.
A phone is a ni'mah by the way,
All of us made our life much easier.
A lot of things are much easier, more
convenient, right?
But then what do I use the phone
He gives me eyes.
I can see beautiful eyes.
People look at me and say, wow, look
at her.
That's a ni'mah.
Because some people are blind, some people don't
see well, some people don't have beautiful eyes.
What do I do with my eyes?
I watch all the haram.
How am I grateful?
Same thing with the mouth, same thing with
the ears, same thing with my body.
Third, most of us, walillah, alhamdulillah, it comes
And this is good.
But the two others, we need to work
on it.
That's always I'm connected with Allah and I
do my best to use it the way
He pleases Allah.
And I give always this example.
Youth, very much eager to get married.
And they should, inshallah, whether a man or
a woman, right?
It's part of the sunnah, it should actually
protect them, right?
They make dua, they ask everybody, the parents,
the dad, all of it.
Then they get married.
What is the first thing they do?
In the wedding, they disobey Allah.
Dress code.
What happens there?
And you know, sometimes when I see this,
when I say, wallahi ya Allah, wallahi you
are rahim, wallahi you are ghafoor, I'm seeing
Because I think me, me, you, right?
You give, I'm begging you to give me
Like I'm begging you.
Finally, he says, you know what?
Okay, take it.
Take it, alhamdulillah.
The next thing you do, you take it
and you purposefully, not accidentally, planned, and you
throw it on the floor.
What will happen?
Me or you, you will never give it
to me again.
What do you say?
You don't deserve it, right?
You don't know the value of it.
Don't we all say that?
He gives me what I want.
He gives me the job I want.
He gives me the college I want.
He gives me the husband.
He gives me the house, whatever of the
Alhamdulillah, why do I use it to disobey?