Haifaa Younis – Understanding Surah Al Mulk – Part 2
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The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including the importance of belief in reality and avoiding false assumptions. They emphasize the need for personal growth and preparation for potential visa exams. The importance of belief in oneself and one's ability to change one's behavior is emphasized. The speakers also discuss various actions and events, including a visit to a college, a desire to become a morning person, and a desire to die.
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It is not on my side.
If it didn't work, we'll just record and
then give it to them.
The people on the live will feel sad.
It is not on my side.
The hiccup is I can't go online.
No, it is not.
I don't see you.
Yes, yes, okay.
Just a second.
I have the password.
She sent it to you?
Auntie, did you send it to you?
No, but she called me.
Oh, so you have the password?
Okay, okay.
So sign out.
Yeah, we are alive.
We are alive.
We are alive.
Allah solved it.
Bismillah, walhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah, wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi, wa man wala, Allahumma a
'allumna ma yanfa'una, wa anfa'ana bima
a'allamtana, innaka sami'un, mujeeb al-dua.
So we're going to continue on with our
Quran reflection, living the Quran, understanding the Quran.
So we're going to continue with Surat al
I'm just going to remind you just because
we had some break in between.
So Surat al-Mulk, and this beautiful thing,
subhanAllah, every time you repeat something, you learn
So Surat al-Mulk has four names.
I don't know if I've said it last
time, but it has four names.
The one is al-Mulk.
The other one, Tabarak.
Third, al-Waqiya.
And the fourth, al-Munjiya.
Fifth, this is the noon one, al-Mujadiya.
Yep, and I'll come to you.
This is actually Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas.
So let's start in the beginning, right?
The reason it is called the following, right?
It's number one, al-Waqiya wal-Munjiya, the
Waqiya protector, al-Munjiya, the saver, because it
saves us from punishment of?
Rabbi lakal hamd.
Then it has also al-Mujadiya, the one
who will argue for you.
I love that, will argue for me.
Because it's going to argue against the punishment
of, or tell the punishment, like, just to
Say to the punishment of the grave, don't
do it to her or him, because they
used to read surah al-Mulk.
They used to read me.
So she will defend you.
Are you with me?
She will defend you, or she will defend
me, inshallah.
What is the surah before surah al-Mulk?
What's the chapter before al-Mulk?
Why al-Mulk after?
Raise your hand, remember?
Don't forget that.
Anytime you want to see the connection, right?
And some of the chapters in the Quran
is very clear.
I mean, anybody can check it.
Anybody can say, oh, okay, this and this.
But some you really have to dig in,
and this is one of them.
So if you look at the page before
surah al-Mulk, which is surah al-Tahrim,
the last page, in fact, the last three
verses, Allah speak about two kinds of women.
Yes, you all know the concept.
The wife of Sayyidina Noah and the wife
of Sayyidina Lut, both were wives of prophets,
yet they were disbelievers, and they were in
the hellfire.
Then the next one is the wife of
Fir'aun, yet she has a house and
her neighbor is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
in Jannah.
And the last but not the least, of
course, the woman who Allah always praised her
in the Quran and always praised her in
the highest level of praise.
May Allah praise you and me this way.
So what does this have to do with
So the first word, what is Tabarak?
We said it this last time, but just
a quick review.
Tabarak means glorify him.
But why?
And of course, the hand of Allah is
not yours and mine.
But he has control over everything, and he
control or owns everything we have.
You and I don't own anything.
Don't you say it's my house.
In fact, it's not my house.
Reality is Allah gave it to me.
The house is owned by Allah.
It's not owned by the bank.
It's not owned by you or me.
It's owned by Allah and he gave it
to me.
So what does this have to do with
this woman?
He owns everything.
He can, by his wisdom and power, make
the wife of a prophet kafir and the
wife of a tyrant kafir stays in Jannah.
And he can make the virgin deliver and
be the best woman.
Because if the virgin gets pregnant, usually it
is a major sin, right?
He can do all this.
So when you finish and you're going to
say, wow, really?
And you say, don't say wow and really.
Did you get the point?
If you remove the bismillah between the surahs
and you keep looking and saying, there has
to be a connection.
There has to be a connection.
There's a beautiful book.
I don't know if it is translated.
But those of you who read Arabic, he
gives you the connections.
He gives you not only the connection between
the chapters, but he gives you connection between
the verses themselves.
And sometimes, especially if you're memorizing, this is
usually an issue.
Because it's like, what does this have to
do with this?
Because I don't know what Allah is telling
So this is, the first thing is always,
why it's called al-mulk?
Well, because, Okay, we have said this many,
many times.
The fact that there is the name in
the surah, not necessarily that's the reason.
It's usually the meaning.
What does al-mulk remind you?
Think of dunya.
Think of this life.
What does al-mulk remind you of?
But when you say a king, when you
say king, when you say kingdom, what does
come to your mind?
Power and wealth, exactly.
Authority, right?
Superiority, better than everybody, right?
So when I read al-mulk and I'm
reading the Quran, what should happen to my
It has to be awe.
And who is that mulk?
Who's that kingdom?
Who owns it?
Who has it?
Did you get it?
So when you read al-mulk, your heart
starts to change.
This is how you read the Quran, just
by the names of the surah.
There are surahs which are going to make
you smile.
If you know the Quran, for example, if
you know the story of Sayyidina Yusuf, you're
going to say, don't worry, don't worry.
It's going to end beautiful, right?
If you read, for example, al-Kahf, you're
going to say, you know, don't worry.
Maybe Allah will put you in a very
small place.
But there is a lot of khair, goodness
is going to come out of it, right?
Zumar, the groups, has to be for everyone.
You're going to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to make me of those who are
going to get to Jannah and Jannah is
already open waiting for them.
So the names, and this is very good
for you in Ramadan.
One of the things you may want to
teach yourself this time, this Ramadan, is I'm
going to focus not only how many khatmah
and not only how many times I read,
but I want to see the names, what
does it do to my heart?
If the Quran does not change you, move
you before it changes you, that means you
need to dig deeper.
That means it is way more than just
you are reading.
And by the way, this is to both.
You know Arabic or you don't know Arabic.
Don't you think people who know Arabic, really
knows the Quran?
If you know Arabic, it's easier, but do
I take advantage of what Allah gave me?
Allah knows.
Allah knows.
And you may be somebody who reads the
English, but read the English with focus and
every word means something for you and take
your time.
And then when you read that, will move
your heart way better than somebody who reads
it in Arabic.
So al-mulk, third question, then we will
go to the detail.
Was it revealed in Mecca or Medina?
Did you raise your hand?
Did you raise your hand?
Okay, thank you.
I was hoping them, I know you know,
while she said it and she said very
So everybody, everybody heard it?
Why it is, and you're so confident.
Any chapter, the name of Allah talks about
Allah, I wouldn't say 100%, more than 90
% it was revealed in Mecca.
Did you raise your hand?
So at that time in Mecca, people knew
nothing about the deen, knew nothing about Allah.
Versus the people of Medina, there was Muslims
number one, and there were real Muslims number
Now they know, they know Allah.
You don't need to tell me anymore, but
I need to tell me what do I
need to do?
The question comes to everybody.
Which phase we are living now?
Don't answer me.
Are we living in the Mecca time?
Or we are living in the Medina time?
Really, it depends where are you.
If you're in your school, you're in college,
I'm in the hospital, you're in your work,
you're living in Mecca.
Everybody around you is different than you.
People don't believe in Allah, don't know what
Allah, people have no faith, people do things
absolutely against everything you believe.
Yes or no?
So what do I need?
To stay strong.
Wallahi, it's not easy.
What do I need to stay focused, strong,
on the straight path?
What do I need?
I need my creed, what's in me to
be very strong.
That nothing outside will move me.
And that's what he did, alayhi salatu wasalam,
for 13 years.
You all have to ask yourself this question.
13 years, if you include the three years
where he did not go public.
10 years, he went public.
There was no salli.
There was no, did you perform salah?
There was no hijab.
There was no fasting.
There was no hajj.
There was no zakah.
Only salah came at the end.
In the 8th year or 11th year.
In the isra, in the night journey.
That teaches you something you have to apply
these days.
If you don't know Allah, salah will be
very difficult for you.
If you don't know Allah, hijab will be
Because you will be different than everybody else.
Why should I be?
This is very common question.
Why should I be different?
I'm not like everybody else.
Why do I have to struggle?
Why do I have everybody looking at me
and having all these whatever thoughts about me?
But if Allah is inside me, well, I
know him.
I know he's looking at me.
I know he will take care of me.
I know he's the one who gives me.
I know, my answer will be, so what
if I cover my ear?
So what if I'm gonna get up and
do my salah?
So what if everybody, everyone doing A, B,
C, D, E, F, G, and I am
not doing it because it does not please
Did you get what I'm saying?
So here I am, majority of the time
I am in the Mecca time.
But when I am in the masjid, I
need to be in Medina.
And that's why you see most of the,
if not all, the madani surahs, the surahs
that was revealed in Medina, teaches you how
to believe.
With Allah, with Rasul, peace be upon him,
and the most important one is with community.
And this will be the next chapter we're
gonna cover.
How to deal with the community.
It's sad, but we hear it.
Sometimes you say, and I'm sure most of
you have heard it, or you said it
yourself, dealing with non-Muslims is much easier
than dealing with Muslims.
It's painful.
But unfortunately, it's reality.
And sometimes, I wouldn't say all the time,
and sometimes it is true.
I'm coming at eight, they come at eight.
But if you are dealing with Muslims, I'll
come at eight.
You have to ask Greenwich time, right?
Which time?
PST time?
Central time?
So here you go.
When I, so when I am, now apply
it to your daily life.
When I feel weak, my Iman is weak,
I need to be stronger.
Go and read the Makki Surah.
You go read Al-Mulk, you read Yusuf,
you read any of the ones that you
know well, to move you, to bring you
back, to get you stronger.
If I feel I have Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la, but I'm not practicing
it, maybe I don't know, then learn the
Madani Surah.
Is that clear?
Surah Al-Mulk, what does it talk about?
There is no story in Surah Al-Mulk.
This is also another way that you get
familiar with the Quran.
Ask yourself these questions.
Anytime you're starting to read a chapter, is
there stories of the prophets?
In Al-Mulk, the answer is no.
Is there names of prophets?
The answer is no.
Is there something for me to do, meaning
order, don't do or do?
Directly, no.
Directly, no.
Is there something to teach me how to
pray, how to pay zakah, what about hajj,
any of the pillars of Islam?
The answer is no.
So what does it talk about?
It's two pages and a half.
All of it talks about Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la directly or indirectly.
That's why it's Surah Al-Mulk.
Meaning when you say Mulk, right?
When you say this is owned by ICOI,
so I am referring my brain is going
to come and say, where did you get,
where was the class?
Was it in the ICI new building?
ICOI comes in.
So when I say Al-Mulk, and who
has the Mulk?
Who has the Mulk that has to do
something with Allah?
Come next and say, okay, what is the
Mulk talking about?
Meaning I know now Allah.
This is how you understand the Quran.
Take it very simple, easy, step by step.
It's not going to happen in a day
or two.
But then you're going to say, okay, it's
talking about Allah.
Talking about Allah what?
In which part Allah wants me to focus?
Let's put it this way.
Is about anything and everything related to his
sovereignty and his dominion and his kingdom.
He takes you, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
in Al-Mulk, literally quick, quick, quick, quick.
Move your eyes, move your eyes.
You look up, look down.
Think, look up, look down and think and
look after.
Are you with me?
I'll take you through maybe three or four.
I'm going to spend a little bit more
time than I normally do with others because
this is Surah Al-Mulk.
This is something that we all know, inshallah,
or planning to know, or we know some
of it.
So this is a clear thing.
So number one, it talks about Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, his power, his creation, his
ability, and who is he.
And indirectly who we are, indirectly.
Not by talking to the human being, but
how the human being act in general.
One of the things that you know about
Allah, I want you to put one, two,
three, four, five, as I'm going to go
through the verses, whatever Allah allows today, you're
going to look at this.
What does it talk about Allah?
In which four?
In which parts of Allah subhanahu wa ta
Number one talks about his knowledge.
Talks about his power.
Talks about his ability.
Talks about his creation.
Talks about his might.
And at the same time talks about his
loving mercy.
Hadhal combination is amazing in the Quran.
When he puts one of his names that
should make me, I wouldn't say afraid, but
on my tiptoes, second to it, a name
that makes me smile.
When you hear Ar-Rahman, what happens to
Alhamdulillah, Allah Ar-Rahman, why you're making it
so difficult, right?
When you hear Al-Aziz, all might, what
happens to you?
Al-Aziz, all might.
Some of us will get scared.
Some of us will say, hey, let's be
more serious.
So when he put them together, how he
is introducing himself to me, both.
And you choose, I choose, I love this
I choose which one I want him to
deal with me.
Are you with me?
You have somebody you know in your life,
so generous.
Very generous, very nice, very sweet.
But then they tell you, but you know
With all these good things, but beware, if
he or she gets upset with you, you're
For example, I'm just giving you example.
Do you really want to push the button
of anger?
Or if it happened, what people will tell
Why did you push that button?
Didn't you know?
So with Allah, and Allah is exalted, right?
I don't have to do things.
As we say in Arabic, I bring it
on me.
Why don't I make him deal with me
always with all loving, all Rahman, all merciful.
Because it's all his characters.
But if I keep disobeying him, keep doing
things that he doesn't want, he's still a
Rahman by the way, but his Rahman will
be very different than the Rahman when I
am fully submitting to him.
Is this is clear?
See how I am focusing on Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala because this is what Surah
Al-Mulk is all about.
You need, I need, we need to know
who is he.
And if I ask you who's Allah, I
guarantee you, I don't know how many we
are, a hundred or more.
Everybody will give me his names.
Next time I'm going to put it on
this wall.
So don't answer me, I can read it.
But what does it mean to you?
Who is he to you?
Not to anybody else.
Who is he to you?
When someone asks you, who's Allah?
I know you're going to say, he's my
He's the only one I'm going to worship.
All these that we memorized.
Oh, don't feel it.
Am I right?
Who is Allah to you?
That well, Al-Wadud, yes.
But is it really Al-Wadud in your
That's what I told you.
Everybody will give me the names.
It doesn't matter which name touches your heart.
It's all his names.
But which one you really are living?
Which one you're living?
Which one you're dealing with?
Which one you call upon him?
The more you know him, you know which
name you're going to call it in what
Okay, clear?
The virtues of Surah Al-Mulk, we said
it last time.
I'm going to quickly go through it.
So also dhakkir, remind for everybody.
There's three hadiths about it.
The first one is Al-Tirmidhi.
And he said, May Allah be pleased with
The Rasul, peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him, said, He
said, peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him, There is one chapter, 30 verses.
It will intercede.
Now that's the word.
Sahib in the English language, in the Arabic
language, usually mean friend, companion.
So the hadith says, Question for everybody.
Are you a companion of Surah Al-Mulk?
Is Surah Al-Mulk your companion?
The person who Surah Al-Mulk is their
companion, Surah Al-Mulk is going to stand
for you or for me or for all
of us, if we are all companion of
Surah Al-Mulk.
We'll stand up for you and me where?
In the grave.
Where I really need it.
And not only stand up or intercede, but
Allah will respond.
Because sometimes you come to me and say,
You know what, Dr. Rahifa, you know this
Can you please talk to her to forgive
I did this.
I did that.
So there is a good possibility this woman
will say yes, but there is a good
possibility this woman will say no.
You don't know what she did.
But Surah Al-Mulk, that's not the answer.
You're forgiven inside the grave where I really
need to be forgiven because there's nobody else
with me.
Neither my home, my beauty, my money, my
children, my husband, whoever you have in this
life, none of them is going to come
with me.
I need someone to stand up for me
in the grave, Surah Al-Mulk.
But is it going to stand up for
all of us?
No, because I need to fulfill what he
said, alayhi salatu wa salam.
It needs to be my companion.
How many of you have memorized it?
Show me hands.
Less than 20%.
How many of you know it?
Know it meaning if I hear the imam
reading it, I know it's Surah Al-Mulk,
including those who raised your hand.
Less than 50%.
I need some work.
No problem.
Don't despair.
Don't feel down.
Don't feel bad.
On the contrary, Allah brought me here today.
Allah brought you here today to know this
I didn't know it.
Now I learned it.
What do I need to do?
First advice I'll give to everybody.
Listen to it every night before you go
to bed.
Listening is a very good way of making
you familiar with the Qur'an.
To me, the best muqra that read Surah
Al-Mulk, you will be very surprised.
Most of you maybe don't know him.
His name is Al-Ousi, Abdurrahman Al-Ousi.
I have never heard someone made me cry
from A to Z other than him.
Allah opened his heart, Abdurrahman Al-Ousi.
Again, you may not like the tone, but
I'm talking to you me how I felt.
So the best way to get yourself familiar,
you need to have steps.
Especially those of you who don't know Arabic.
Number one, listen to it every night.
Because the companion of Surah Al-Mulk reads
it every night before he or she goes
to bed.
Now it becomes my friend.
She will stand up for me in the
Now, I don't know it by heart.
I will need time.
No problem.
Put it next to you with all the
gadgets we have.
Put it next to you and let it
You will get familiar to it.
Second step is learn word to word.
It's only two pages and a half.
It's not a long surah.
How long it will take you to know
half a page word by word?
How long?
A week?
A week?
Let's say a week.
It's okay, a week.
That's five weeks.
This is before the end of the year.
So the first is listen to it.
Second is know the meaning before you jump
to the tafseer.
Before you jump to the books of tafseer,
you will get lost.
Well, even those of you who know Arabic,
where I'm going to start, if you don't
have a background on how to read the
books of tafseer, you will get lost.
So take it step by step.
Listen, enjoy it, love it, know the word
to word.
And then for those of you who don't
know Arabic, just because there's not many books
in English in tafseer, pick one and then
make a promise.
Ask Allah till Ramadan.
This is three months now.
It's three months and two weeks.
That by the time Ramadan comes in, when
the imam will read al-mulk, I know
what it is.
Plus this, that is going to give you
an overall idea.
It's clear, easy, possible.
Now nobody is saying anything.
You don't need to raise your hand, just
say it.
We have to stop.
No, inshallah, we agreed.
We agreed on the inshallah, you know.
The Muslim inshallah or the Islam inshallah.
You know what that means?
Inshallah means not going to happen in the
It's not happening.
That's the Muslim one.
Please don't do that.
Mothers, don't do that.
Because it's belittle, it's belittle inshallah.
It's a verse in the Quran.
How I'm going to glorify Allah if I'm
using his orders as belittle?
And then the message I'm delivering to my
children is inshallah means nothing.
I know you don't mean it.
It's a habit.
Some of the culture things that needs to
She said inshallah, meaning it is going to
And if it didn't happen, it means Allah
didn't want it to happen.
That's what inshallah means.
That's the Islamic interpretation of inshallah.
I'm planning.
I'm coming to your home.
I took all what it needs for me
to come.
But if I didn't show up, Allah did
not want me.
But not is like, I'm not planning to
Just say no.
What is the big deal?
Say, please forgive me.
I can't do it.
It's including your children.
I can't.
Or you know what?
Let's talk about it later.
But don't say inshallah.
The other one is Allah Kareem.
That's very common in the Arab world.
My nieces and nephews used to tell their
mom, Allah Kareem, yes or no?
So don't do that.
So the first one we said.
This chapter.
30 verses.
The person who, Sultan Mulk, his friend.
She, if we're going to look at a
surah as a she.
Will stand up, intercede for you in the
And the intercession will be accepted.
And you will be forgiven.
Second one.
Said the following.
And this is in At-Tabarani.
Anas ibn Manik said.
Surah in the Quran.
One chapter in the Quran.
Defended its companion.
Till it will enter him or her to
You know when you hire a very good
And we need that.
And they tell you, just go to that
You will win the case.
And you don't tell me how much you're
going to pay.
That's a different story.
Here you pay nothing.
You don't need anything.
You don't even have to call anybody.
Or get recommendations.
You don't.
It's right here.
Just open the Quran.
And the first.
Or the 29 parts.
The first chapter.
And done.
Because there's two hadiths.
Same meaning.
The concept becomes 100% sahih.
It will take your hand.
And get you to Jannah.
Why I'm not doing?
Third one.
And this is also in At-Tarbani.
This is Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas.
What I told you.
He called it Al-Mani'a Al-Munjiya.
The one that prevent.
The one that saves.
Because it will save you.
Or me.
Or us.
And look at the name he ended in
What did he say?
Al-Aziz Al-Ghafoor.
Al-Aziz Al
He's introducing himself.
To me.
And to you.
By the first.
It's not a name.
What is Tabarak?
We said it before.
From Baraka.
Now why it's called Baraka Cafe?
And the biggest mosque in Southern California?
Because they wanted Baraka.
And where's Baraka?
With a little bit of effort.
Or a little bit of money.
Or a little bit of study.
Or a little bit of thinking.
The result is way more than what you
put in.
You invest ten dollars.
It brings you one thousand.
And you say there's a Baraka.
Don't say I'm smart and I invested in
the right.
Allah put Baraka.
So Tabarak is the sources from Baraka.
But Allah is always blessed.
But this one is Allah is exalted.
Only him brings Baraka.
Only him multiply things.
I always ask people and they all look
at me.
I say one plus one equal.
Because if Allah wills, he's going to make
it a thousand.
That's the Baraka.
That's Tabarak.
So Tabarak is actually glorify.
And then he didn't say Tabarak Allah.
In another places he said it from Quran.
This one introduced him to you and me
by his actions.
Number one.
In his hand and not my hand or
All the sovereignty of this world.
What is the sovereignty of this world?
But I need detail.
This is how I think deeper.
What is the sovereignty of this world?
What is the kingdom of this world?
Don't think of California.
Don't think of the US.
I'm talking about the whole world.
What is this world?
That everything in it is owned by Allah.
Come on.
Say it.
Because that's how you will start having the
The whole universe.
Go deeper.
This building.
Those lights.
The computer.
The camera.
Go out.
All the cars you see when you leave.
Go on the highway.
Everything you see on your right.
Everything you see on your left.
All the cars that's going.
He owns it.
Go higher.
Go on a plane.
Sit on a window seat.
As the plane is getting up.
You start seeing more and more of this
Everything in there.
He owns it.
It's his.
It's his.
It's not I'm giving it.
Or he needs to earn it.
That's you and me.
He owns it.
Especially when you travel.
And from the window seat.
Just look down.
You know how we say.
It's beautiful.
Look at that.
Well, look at this.
Look at that.
Yes, true.
But I need to bring it here.
Everything I have is not mine.
It is his.
Everything on this earth is not ours.
It is his.
And then he said.
And he's able and capable of doing everything
and anything.
We Muslims should never say.
Should never say.
No way this is going to happen.
Then I don't know Allah.
Then I don't know Allah.
I need to know Allah.
Even my patients.
When everything in the result says.
She will never have to.
And I had this case.
21 year old.
No way she will get pregnant.
When I deliver the news to her.
I'm not going to lie.
But the first thing I said.
Allah is capable.
Allah said this in Surah Al-Nahl.
The bees.
He said.
Our matter.
If we want it to happen.
We only have to say be.
And it will be.
But I have to believe in this fully.
With certainty.
So what if this or that.
Even all the atrocities you're seeing.
All the genocide that we are.
Have been seeing for a year.
And now this is the 13 months.
He can change it.
He's not changing it.
Because he's wise.
There is a reason.
I don't know it.
In a minute.
Everything that we are seeing.
Can be changed.
Everything can be changed.
We really need to believe in this.
This is why this is a Makki Surah.
I need this to be my daily companion.
When everything.
If not everything.
Most of the things around me.
Doesn't make sense.
It's very hard to swallow.
Am I correct?
I don't want to get into politics.
But you know what day-to-day is.
And where we're going to end up tomorrow.
Allah only knows.
Both of them are worrisome.
For us as Muslims.
Even my dua.
I need this in my dua.
That I know you hear me.
I know you can change it.
Give me patience.
Let me be forbearing.
Till I see your ability.
With my own eyes.
It changes your relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa
Second thing he talked about.
And this is only in here.
Only in Surah Al-Mulk.
In the whole Quran.
He created death and life.
Why he come to talk about death first.
Or death and life.
Why didn't he talk about all these majestic
things around us.
And he talked about them in other places.
Because he's talking to me reality.
The only reality you and me know.
That nobody can argue with you.
Is death.
It will happen.
I don't know what day.
The only thing I don't know.
The date.
It's already stamped.
I just don't know when the visa will
be issued.
It is.
It's an issue.
A visa will be issued.
To leave this world.
And go to the next one.
Any country we go to visit.
We normally have to get a visa.
Either the visa at the airport.
The visa before.
Even if you don't need a visa.
It's at the airport.
There is somebody who's going to tell you.
Enter or welcome home.
I need a permission.
Death is the permission.
Look at it this way.
As many of the scholars say.
Death is actually moving from one room to
the other.
And the door will be open.
And you're moving from one kind of a
To the other kind of a life.
But we get scared because.
Number one is unknown.
And anything unknown we get scared of.
Number two.
We're not ready.
I love that.
When are we going to be ready?
And there is a deadline.
When I am 40.
When I'm 50.
When I'm 70.
Or whenever is what.
So don't tell me I'm not ready.
I should say.
I know I am not ready.
Because I did not prepare for it.
Yes none of us is ready.
None of us is ready.
But why I'm not ready?
Why when I go to the exam says.
Oh I'm ready.
Don't worry.
I'm not scared.
I'm very ready to go for the exam
Why I'm ready for the exam?
But I'm not ready for the biggest exam.
Because I did not prepare.
And please forgive me.
I didn't take it seriously.
The exam I take it very seriously.
The guests coming.
I take them very seriously.
The wedding.
I'm taking it super seriously.
Whether it is my wedding.
My daughter wedding.
My friend wedding.
When I take things seriously.
I prepare.
I plan.
But death we know.
But it's going to happen to somebody else.
But it's not to me.
I wish I can tell you this.
Everyone upon it.
On it.
It is earth.
It's going to perish.
And then he said.
And life.
He's going to try me and you.
Somebody come to you and says.
She's not your best friend.
And you insist.
She's your best friend.
What do I tell you?
Try her.
And see.
And then you're going to come back.
And says you were wrong.
She was the best friend.
Or you're going to come back to me.
And says you were absolutely right.
She is not the best friend.
Unless I try things.
I'm not going to know.
I can't say I am doing the best
Of anyone in this room can claim this.
But he is doing this to us.
Not only who's doing good deeds.
Pay attention to the word.
Allah says.
The one who created death and life.
Not a good deed.
The best deed.
What is the best deed?
This is for everybody.
Two things.
In Sharia.
In this deed.
Things to be good.
And best.
Has to have these two requirements.
And how good in these requirements.
Now that's the differences.
Number one.
Has to be.
For Allah.
And Allah.
Hadith only a million lines under it.
If you do it because I love you.
And I want to please Allah.
That's not for Allah.
That's not the best deed.
That's not the best.
I want to go to the best college.
Because all my friends went to.
That's not the best deed.
I want to go to college.
Because I want to be.
The smart Muslim woman.
Who's going to change the opinion.
Of other people in here.
About the Muslim woman.
Because that pleases Allah.
Did you get it?
Has to be your intention.
Learn this.
Your intention.
Why you are doing.
Whatever you are doing.
Has to be for Allah.
How are you doing it?
He has these two requirements.
For a good deed.
Why and how.
Why has to be for Allah.
And Allah only.
And you can claim.
I can claim.
Whatever I want to claim.
He knows.
But then how are you doing it?
I love Salah.
I love Salah.
All of us.
So therefore.
I am my best.
And I'm a morning person.
And then I don't talk to me.
So I'm a morning person.
I love Allah.
I am going to do Fajr five rakat.
It's Salah.
It's a good deed.
It's not Ahsan wa Amalah.
Because that's not how we should do it.
Did you get it?
Don't invent the wheel.
Because I like it.
I love it.
It's easy for me.
Everybody else is doing it.
This is not what he told me.
He said do it for me.
And do it the way I'm telling you.
I'll give you an example.
This is somebody.
Said it.
When you love someone.
I love the concept.
You love someone.
And anybody you love.
Doesn't matter who that person is.
If you do.
What they want.
The way they want.
You love them.
If you do.
What they want.
The way you want it.
You're not sincere in your love.
Did you get it?
Did you get it?
And some of you are.
Most of you are smiling.
Because it's clicked.
Don't do what you want to do.
Because that's the best way.
And they should be happy.
If I really love them.
Imagine Allah.
I need to do it the way.
They want me to do it.
Provided this is pleasing to Allah.
Of course.
Is the best deed.
So all of us are sitting in this
I have no idea.
Because all of us externally in a good
All of us externally are doing it the
way pleases Allah.
Where is here?
The first one.
Am I here sincerely for Allah?
You can't answer about anybody.
He knows.
Did you get it?
So my job.
Now take home message.
My job in this dunya is what?
Compete with everybody how beautiful I am.
How smart I am.
How rich I am.
How whatever I am.
Where is my goal should be in this
Knowing for fact 100 percent.
I am gonna die.
What is the goal?
I want to hear it from anyone.
Don't raise your hand.
Just say it.
To be the best.
In everything I do.
Meaning I'm getting to the masjid.
This may hit home to many of you.
I'm coming to the masjid for salah.
Ahsan wa Amala means what?
Best deed.
I'm coming to the masjid.
What is better than that?
No, but there are 100 women coming to
the masjid.
Which one is Ahsan wa Amala?
Think of it in Ramadan.
Because I know the drama that happens in
It's actually not here.
It's all the masjid.
But specifically related to our...
What is Ahsan wa Amala?
Just a second.
I'm coming to the masjid.
Don't tell me why I came to the
Why is between me and Allah.
Assume inshallah all of us are coming to
please Allah.
Now the second one is who is gonna
be better.
How did you behave inside the house of
You're gonna know what I'm gonna say.
Where is your shoes?
It's not funny.
It's painful.
Is it gonna be that hard?
One second extra.
Pick it up and put it in the
thousand spaces around you.
Have you ever came to Jumu'ah a
little bit late?
You need...
I don't know.
I don't know what to do.
I mean, how I'm gonna get into the
masjid with all these beautiful shoes in front
of me?
You're gonna tell me there is no space.
Well, what did you do about there is
no space?
What action you took to change it?
Leave the shoes wherever it is and then
kids comes in and then somebody may fall.
This is the first thing.
I didn't say yet you are praying.
You didn't even enter.
You just went upstairs.
And people are praying and you find your
What happens?
And that's number three.
All the discussions loud.
The imam is reading.
And even if you're not praying, the imam
is reading.
Is that ahsan wa amala?
Then the phone.
Let alone.
I've seen what I'm saying to you.
I've seen it.
It's not something I'm inventing.
Picks the phone.
Look at the message next to me.
Pick the phone.
Look at the message.
Read the message.
And then put the phone in her pocket.
Ahsan wa amala?
Ahsan wa amala?
Praying in salah.
Salah jama'a.
Imam is reading.
Don't say oh as if you are exalted.
Only him tabarak.
See what I'm saying?
Ahsan wa amala.
Now after the class, now we have only
one exit.
And I was waiting to see how we're
going to exit this place.
It's one door.
Ahsan wa amala?
You know what's ahsan wa amala?
You will let everybody go.
Unless you really have something.
You will let everyone go.
Ahsan wa amala.
This is what we need.
This is how communities becomes better.
It's not how many people come to the
It's a good night.
It's a good sun.
But anna to me is how many good
people inside the masjid.
And not by their dress code.
Definitely dress code is part of it because
it pleases Allah in their conduct.
In their conduct.
If I know who's Allah and I say
tabarak, in his hand, all this dominion, all
this masjid, all this whatever I have, that
I'm entering is not my home and yours.
I'm entering his house.
And he is testing me on the spot.
Ayyukum ahsan wa amala.
And then he said, wa huwa al-aziz
wa al-ghafoor.
Now he gave me the two sides of
Al-aziz is what?
The might.
What does might mean?
You better be scared.
You better know who I am.
I have everything.
I'm controlling everything.
I can do whatever I want.
That's Allah.
And then al-ghafoor.
Do you say about somebody, she is really
mean but she's very nice?
She's really hard but she's very soft?
Because we're human.
But Allah, yes.
Scares me, but then tell me don't lose
Scares me, but say, no, I forgive.
Just ask.
Just ask for forgiveness.
Wa huwa al-aziz wa al-ghafoor.
The last one I want to talk about
because I want to talk about the heavens.
Alladhi khalaqa sab'a samawatin thibaqa.
Ma tarahi khalq al-Rahmani min tafawud.
Farja'il basara.
Hal tarah min fatoor?
Thum marja'il basara karratin yankalib ilayka al
-basaru khasi'an?
Wa huwa khasi'an.
What is the sky or the heavens as
we call it?
Ma hi al-sama'u?
It's not what we see above us.
That's one.
What is the sama'u?
What is the sky?
It's beautiful.
Wa al-sama'u maddatun la ya'lamu
haqiqatuhu ila Allah.
It's a thing.
Look at how they defined it.
We never dig deep in this.
It is a thing.
We really don't know what it is.
Because the more you go up, still the
sky is above you.
But you're not there.
People use rockets and everything.
They're still not there.
Number one.
Some says it's actually an open space.
Ya Allah.
Why it's blue?
It's a reflection of?
Of the sea, of the water.
70% of this earth is water.
30% is land.
So it's blue.
So they say it's a substance.
We don't know what it is.
Or they say it's an empty space.
In it, galaxies, planets.
Stars, the sun, the moon.
Now it's not one.
It's seven.
What is tibaqa?
This is the only place in the Quran
Allah described the sky this way.
You know what's tibaqa?
I have to show my hands.
So I'm gonna put this one down.
You know when you bake?
You know milfay?
French pastry.
Very yummy.
Full of calories.
That's why it's yummy.
But you know how it is?
It's a layer, and a layer, and a
layer, and a layer, and a layer.
In between, there is cream.
A layer, a layer, a layer, a layer.
For the sky, it's seven.
One on top of each other.
And what keeps them together, of course, is
Allah's ability and Allah's power.
But actually, it's also they are attached to
each other.
Saba'a samawatin tibaqa.
Only this place Allah described as tibaqa.
It's like a cover on a cover on
a cover.
Or like a plate on a plate on
a plate.
Now look at this.
This, what I'm going to share with you,
you really have to ask yourself, have you
ever looked at it this way?
Ma tara fi khalq ar-Rahmani min tafawud?
You don't see any discrepancy, inconsistency, deficiency.
There's many ways of translating in the creation
of Allah.
Hal tara min fudur?
It's a question.
Do you see any deficiency?
Answer me.
Do we see any deficiency?
And then, but your no is very low.
Because we have not thought of it this
How many of you love animals?
That's it.
I didn't say cats or dogs or whatever.
I said animals.
Everybody loves different things.
You better start.
I wouldn't say love, I can't force.
But start paying attention to the creation of
And the best creation of Allah around us,
we don't have to do anything to see
it, is the animals around us, right?
What do you see commonly here?
Cats, mainly dogs.
If you walk in the streets, a lot
of dogs, right?
And coyotes and birds and squirrels, bunnies.
I love it.
Yeah, our subdivision full of bunnies.
When you look at it, ask yourself the
question Allah is asking.
Do you see deficiency?
Look at the bunny, look at the coyote,
look at the cat, look at the dog,
look at the fish, look at anything.
Just spend two minutes, look at it.
Why the bunny's ear?
This is small.
Why the cat is this?
Why the legs is this?
The dog is bigger.
Because everything is due measure.
For the cat to act as a cat,
we need this.
For a dog to act as a dog,
we need this.
And every animal in this kingdom of him
serve a purpose.
If you want to know more of this
AWI, the art in wilderness, honestly, the way
she explains how animals complete this circle, she
explained it scientifically.
It will blow your brain.
And you keep saying, look at it.
And then Allah knows we are argumentative and
we're too busy.
And I didn't see, look again.
This is what Allah is saying.
How many times you didn't see something, then
you looked again and you found it.
Then how many of you?
All of us, right?
How many times you tell your children, I
can't find it, keep looking.
How many times?
And then they say, I did it.
You come within a second, you find it.
Because you looked.
Allah says, you know what?
You want to go and find deficiencies in
my creation, his creation?
Go and look.
Keep looking.
You will not find it.
Your eyes or eyesight here is going to
come back disappointed and humiliated because there's no
Are you with me?
The first three verses in Surat Mulk or
Tabarak teaches me I need to look for
Allah around me.
I don't need to be a PhD in
Islamic studies to know Allah because not everybody
will do that.
And he didn't want everyone to do that.
Just look around you.
Just look around.
Look at the phone that we all are
glued to it.
In the phone, you will see the miraculous
nature of Allah.
Remember, this life is temporary.
All of us will die.
And the best one I want you to
all leave with it today.
That's what's going to make you better than
It's not how much I know and how
much you don't know.
It means nothing if it does not reflect
on my actions.
Sometimes I will end up with this Imam
And every time I think of this, they
saw him, Imam Ahmed.
I mean, Ahmed bin Hanbal, of course, he
has the Hanbali school of thought.
He's a muhaddith.
He's a master of Hadith science.
Then they saw him learning from Ma'ruf
Ma'ruf al-Karkhi is a saint, almost
like a saint lives in Baghdad.
So the people around him, his students said,
you're sitting in his class and learning from
What does he know?
What did he say?
Enough to me, to him, his actions, his
That's the knowledge I want.
If you learn something, I learn something, let
alone I teach that thing.
And I don't practice it, then I am,
I'm not saying we're all perfect 100%.
But the norm is I practice it.
Then that's not a knowledge.
That's information.
So may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la make us live Tabarak, look around you,
look around you again, look up, look down,
and always when you don't see anything that
moves your heart, ask him to move your
We're not going to pray Isha because I
hope everybody prayed, right?
I don't know what Karima wants to say.
He didn't tell me.