Haifaa Younis – Understanding Surah Al Falaq

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The transcript discusses various hadiths and verses in the Quran, including the importance of protecting others, the relationship between Islam and religion, and the use of backwards language. The speakers emphasize the need for education and learning to be safe during quarantine and the importance of finding the best thing for one's mental health. They also discuss the use of rulings and the importance of remembering to say things when sick and not celebrating the New Year. The importance of practicing and learning to be beneficial for everyone is emphasized.
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As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
JazakumAllāh khayr for coming, al-ḥamdu liLlāh wa
-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
This will be the last one for this
And we're going to take off for three
weeks, in shā'a Llāh.
Allah give us life and we'll be back
mid-January, in shā'a Llāh.
So we're going to go with Sūrat al
How many of you know Sūrat al-Falaq?
What a question, right?
I was like, come on.
It's okay, dhakkar fainna dhikratan.
Some people did not raise their hand.
Either what are you asking about or you
really don't know Sūrat al-Falaq.
Well, don't be surprised, subḥāna Llāh.
Not exactly, not everyone is blessed.
I mean, some people, they know Arabic, they
don't know it.
Some people don't know Arabic, they don't know
It's four āyāt, it's five verses only, but
it's not easy, it can be confusing very
easily, unless you really know the meaning.
It's interesting, it's the last chapter before the
end of the Qur'ān.
So it's qul a'ūdhu bi-rabbi l
-falaq and then qul a'ūdhu bi-rabbi
And it ends.
So I'm gonna give you more about the
There's a lot of ḥadīth about it.
There is a reason why it was revealed.
And then we're gonna come and see what
does it mean.
Before I start, everyone knows what it talks
What does it talk about?
Okay, so she said magic.
The break of the day, that's part of
But what does it talk about?
And if you are teaching a five-year
-old or a seven-year-old and you're
gonna say, you know, you need to use
this chapter for the following.
It's one thing.
As a protection from evil and harm.
It's absolutely right, but missing the most important.
Well, bismillah.
All everybody jumped on ḥasad.
If you wanna bring the attention of women
or people, talk about ḥasad.
And talk about marriage and talk about children.
Everything you are saying is right.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it is
not the main.
One thing that you're gonna say to somebody,
yes, Allah is the protector.
You want to get protected?
Seek protection from Allah.
That's what it is.
The other name for it, what?
Who are the two?
And Mu'awwidhat, we call it.
What's a Mu'awwidhat?
From A'udhu.
What is A'udhu?
I seek protection?
From Allah.
From Allah.
When you say A'udhu, I don't say
I say A'udhu bika.
I say A'udhu minka.
I seek refuge from you.
Meaning, I'm seeking refuge from?
Usually, iyaka na'budu wa iyaka nasta'in.
The first thing Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la said in the Qur'an is,
A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
I seek refuge in Allah.
Seeking refuge for protection, it's only from Allah
should be.
Everything else is when Allah allowed it.
Or I say, ya Allah, protect me by
not letting this person harm me.
Or ya Allah, protect me by sending someone
to protect me.
Are you all with me?
Yes, people can protect me, but unless Allah
allows it.
And the same thing is the opposite.
Nobody can harm me unless Allah allows it.
And this is the famous hadith.
One day, inshallah, we will do it for
It has a lot of principles of this
being, which Rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam taught Sayyidina
Abdullah ibn Abbas when he was a young
And he said, Ya abunayi inni ma'allimuka
A young boy.
He called him, he was behind him.
And he says, come on in, boy.
Come, come.
Come next to me.
They were arriving.
And he said, come to me.
And looked at him and says, I'm gonna
teach you words.
It's a long hadith.
You know, some of you may know what,
ihfadallah, yahfadak, guard Allah.
Allah will guard you.
But at the end, he said to him,
And this is very important for us, living
in this day and age.
And in general, know, lawanna al-umma jtama
If the whole nations gathered to hurt you,
they will not be able to do it
unless they will hurt you with something Allah
already have, already permitted.
Not only permitted, katabahullahulak.
It's already written for you.
And the opposite is true.
No good is gonna come to you, even
if the whole nation.
If we only live with this hadith, why
you get afraid from people?
And why you are so hopeful in people?
Did you, yes, we look from things, from
people, but they are not the main ones.
They are the means.
So go back to qul a'udu bi
rabbil falaq.
It was revealed.
There is a different opinion.
Was it revealed in Mecca or was it
revealed in Medina?
It's two very strong opinions.
Good number of the well-known Sahaba said
it was revealed in Mecca.
And another good group says, or major group
says it was in Medina.
The author said it probably was in Medina.
Because what happened to Rasul alaihissalaatu wasalaam happened
in Medina.
And it was revealed.
So that's number one.
It's only five verses.
So it's very short.
But if I can just show you how
many hadiths about it, you will know that
this chapter, and subhanallah, I'll put it, Allah
put it to the end.
And in general, when we read a book,
most of us, especially what?
You read the beginning and what is gonna
happen at the end.
And subhanallah, and Allah will put things, especially
in the Quran, in general, but especially in
the Quran, there is a reason.
And sometimes we know the reason.
Many of the times we don't know the
But Allah is the wise.
So why it's called al-Falaq?
The name of the surah is al-Falaq.
What does al-Falaq mean?
In general, the urf everybody knows is the
But anytime you learn something in this deen,
you need to know what does the word
mean itself.
So al-Falaq is, in general, is when
something breaks from something.
That's falaq.
And Allah used it in the Quran in
many of these, in general, when something breaks
up from something.
So this, which most of us knows, almost
everybody, is when the night or the day
breaks from the night.
So al-Falaq, if you read, even I
looked up how the Quran translates, and it
says is when the dawn breaks.
But the origin of the word is anything
breaks from anything.
This is the beauty of it.
They say when, I loved it when they
say, they say falaq, meaning when you see
in the middle of the mountains, you see
some water flowing.
The water broke from the mountain.
That's falaq.
When the plant, when you, especially for those
of you who plant or who garden, when
you put, especially if you put seeds, right?
Or you put the tulips.
SubhanAllah, I did it this year.
And I put the, if you plant tulips,
you get the bulbs and they tell you,
put the bulbs and cover it.
You see nothing.
And then within two to three weeks, you
see it, falaq.
So remember, every time you see this, when
something breaks up from something, that's al-Falaq.
So the name al-Falaq in general is
about this, but it is not only this.
It's anything breaks up from anything.
Allah said, it's faliqul habbi wal-nawa.
He used it fil-an'am in the
chapter of the cattle.
He said, faliqul habbi wal-nawa.
He talked about himself and he said, he's
the one who breaks the seeds and the
pits from the earth.
So al-Falaq in general, when something breaks
from something, even you'll say, but it has
to be part of it.
So usually it separates or break up in
general, right?
So the seeds from the earth, the water
from the mountains, and I loved when, I
never thought of it this way.
When the water breaks from the clouds, it's
It's the rain.
SubhanAllah, I was driving, it was a very
light rain.
Just very, very light.
What is before it?
What we did two weeks ago.
Qul huwa allahu ahad.
What is after it?
Qul a'udu bi rabbil nas.
What is the relationship?
So qul huwa allahu ahad, when we did
it two weeks ago, what did we talk
Just whatever stayed in your mind.
We talked about, is all the chapter talks
about Allah.
And how we have to glorify him because
who he is.
Ahad, Samad, lam yalid, wa lam yumlad.
The one and only, never been born, never
gave or had children.
Why now?
Qul a'udu bi rabbil falaq.
So the first thing is, I seek refuge
in the Lord of al-falaq.
I loved it.
This is really nice when you start looking
into this.
Again, for Ramadan, I give you a lot
of homework for Ramadan.
Don't cook too much.
Alhamdulillah, there's a lot of ladies who love
to cook and they need help.
So do it and you will get double
Don't invite people.
Very few.
I really mean it.
Very few people.
Family's a different story.
That's family.
And make it simple.
And make it with the spirit of Ramadan.
Not the spirit of what we made Ramadan.
The reality of the spirit of Ramadan.
And instead of two or three hours getting
ready for this or that, you get two
or three hours learning about the Quran.
It's the month of the Quran.
So they say, subhanAllah, when I was reading,
it's like, subhanAllah.
They said, suwat al-falaq, you're seeking refuge
in Allah.
But how do you seek refuge from someone
if you don't know really who is he?
So he introduced himself before that.
And yes, if he is the one, if
he is the one who never had delivered,
he didn't, he was not born, he was
not, he didn't have children, and no one
is equal to him, then yes, I am
gonna go and seek refuge in him because
nobody is like him.
Did you see the point?
How it is flows?
And then first is al-falaq, general.
Anything that will break up.
An-naas is people.
The finale of the Quran is, is know
who's Allah and beware of people.
The finale of the whole Quran, right?
Know who's Allah, seek refuge with him from
And we do the opposite.
We know everybody, focus on everybody, and Allah
when we have time.
And may Allah forgive me for anybody.
So this is the, what basically is in
And then of course is the evil, which
we're gonna come to it, is the evil
of the people.
So basically, seek refuge in Allah.
Take home message number one.
Seek refuge in, don't seek refuge with anyone
before Allah.
Anything, anything.
Even let's say, you see an animal coming
toward you.
You're scared from that animal, right?
Immediately, ya Allah, protect me from this.
And before you start thinking what I'm gonna
So seek refuge in Allah to protect you
from every evil that exists on this earth.
And how many evils, including, why did he
say specifically the night and magic?
This is the two things specifically he talked
First, everything that breaks up.
Qula audhu bi rabbil khalaq.
I seek refuge from the Lord of anything
that breaks up.
Min sharri ma khalaq.
From the evil that exists in the creation,
And then he comes to the details.
Wa min sharri ghaseqin idha wa qab.
Ghaseq is when the night becomes so dark.
Wa qab became very dark.
Wa min sharri naffathati fil aqad.
What they blow in the knots.
We'll come to it in a second.
Wa min sharri hasidin idha hasad.
And from the evil of magic.
From the evil of the person who does
So general, seek refuge.
And three things.
The night and magic, as you all said.
And hasad.
So magic and the person who does magic.
Coming to that, this here, the two quls,
or the two mu'awwidah, has a lot
of virtues.
And I'm gonna just share, there's a lot
of hadiths about it by Subhanallah.
Imam Muslim, he said, Rasulullah, peace and blessings
be upon him, said to Uqba ibn Amr,
a Sahabi, a companion.
He said, Rasulullah, peace and blessings be upon
him, said to him, or he said, Alam
tara ayatun unzilat hadihin layla lam yora mitlahunna.
Qul a'udhu bi rabbil khalaq, qul a
'udhu bi rabbil nas.
He heard the Rasulullah, peace and blessings be
upon him, says, don't you see?
There were verses revealed today.
So obviously he was there when they were
No other verses like them.
How many verses in the Quran?
More than 6,000.
What does that make you?
The issue we have, because we learn it
from when we are young, because everybody thinks
they know it, and we do, it's like,
oh, qul a'udhu bi rabbil khalaq, right?
I'll just say the two quls.
So we need to bring ourselves back.
I was like, yeah, the reason everyone knows
it and the reason, not because it's short
or it's at the end of the Quran,
but it's because of this, and many of
us are losing this, is no verses like
That's what he said.
Alam tara anna allaha anzala ayatin lam tara
Nothing like it, subhanAllah.
And that includes Ayatul Kursi.
That includes all the other verses in the
Quran, subhanAllah.
And he said, at the same Sahabi, he
said, amarani Rasulullah an aqra bil mu'awwida
dhubura kulla salah.
Before I translate, how many of you read
it after every salah?
If you don't, alhamdulillah, we are learning.
That's why we're doing this.
It's not, as I said from the beginning,
it's not a tafsir like academia.
It's, I need to practice what I'm learning
and how long it takes you to read
How long?
How about five minutes?
Absolutely, I'm sorry, please forgive me.
Maybe two minutes, maybe two minutes, right?
Even less than two minutes, let's assume two
And he said, amarani, he ordered me.
This is his companion, he said, Rasulullah alayhi
salatu wassalam.
Why does Rasulullah alayhi salatu wassalam ordered us
to do anything?
Usually it is beneficial for us.
And especially when he points this thing or
that thing.
Amarani Rasulullah an aqra bil mu'awwida dhubura
kulli salah after every salah.
Do me a favor, train yourself not to
reach to that phone after salah.
The best is put it far away.
And just sit down.
And it's very difficult in the beginning, but
Allah will make it easy.
And just read it.
Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, at least.
And then all the, there is the adhkar,
all what we should say after salah.
But at least these because you know them.
You don't have to go and learn something
This is, make it a habit.
So again, when you come to Ramadan, this
becomes a habit.
Now, the other one.
It's also, this is Uqba ibn Amr, subhanAllah.
This was the sahabi, he was with him
when all this.
This is the third hadith.
And he said, baynama ana aqudu bi rasulillah
I was guiding Rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam, meaning
he was riding.
And I was pulling, or I was guiding
the animal, right?
Fee naqabin min tilkan niqab In a place
from those places.
Ithqala liyaa uqba la tarkab He said to
me, uqba, come, you ride.
Can you imagine?
So he said to himself, fa ashfaqtu an
takuna maasiyah Look at the adab with the
rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam.
He said, I was worried.
If I am not gonna go up, I
will ride and he will walk.
That will be disobedience to Allah.
So I did it.
See, the reason he hesitated, because he will
ride and the rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam will
So he was a little bit hesitant, but
then he said, fa ashfaqtu an takuna maasiyah
If I'm not gonna do it, that's gonna
be disobedience to Allah.
Fa nazala rasulullahi wa rakabtu haniyya He came
down and I rode for a little bit.
Here, he said to him, tumma qala yaa
uqab He used like a nickname.
He said, yaa uqab, qala u'allimuka suratani
min khayri suratani qara bihuma an-naas Do
you want me to teach you two chapters?
The best ever that people will read.
Qultu bala, yaa rasulullah Of course.
Yes, yaa rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam Fa qaraani
He taught me.
Qula awudu bi rabbi falaq Qula awudu bi
rabbi an-naas Now listen to this.
Tumma uqimat al-salat When, after he taught
him, the salah time came in.
And Rasulullah alayhi salatu wasalam led them in
the salah.
And what did he read?
Qula awudu bi rabbi falaq Qula awudu bi
rabbi an-naas After the salah, he looked
at them.
He said, kaifa ra'ita yaa uqab He
said, what do you think about them?
He said, kaifa ra'ita How do you
Meaning, what do you think?
Now the second order.
Iqraa bihima kullama nimt wa kullama qumit Read
them every time you're going to bed and
every time you wake up.
So two orders in one hadith.
These two, which we all agreed is not
going to take two minutes.
When I said five minutes, you all looked
at me and went, five minutes?
Alhamdulillah, two minutes.
So two minutes before we go to bed.
Two minutes when we woke up.
And two minutes after every salah.
Calculate it to 14 minutes a day.
If you did it religiously, it's 14 minutes
a day.
What is 14 minutes a day?
Now, the other one.
This is another sahabi.
An-Abdullah ibn Aabis al-Juhani and the
Nabiya alayhi salatu wassalam he said, ya ibn
Aabis Rasulallah alayhi salatu wassalam used to call
them in different names.
This is actually a sunnah.
They call somebody the son of or the
father of.
He didn't call them always by their first
He said, ya ibn Aabis, meaning the son
of Aabis.
Ala adulluka, you want me to tell you?
Ala ukhbiruka bi afdhali Now memorize this.
The third virtue of this.
Ala ukhbiruka bi afdhali ma yuta'awwadu bihi
muta'awwidun You want me to tell you?
Meaning, you want me to teach you?
Of course.
Do you want me to teach you the
best thing?
Now, we all look for best things, right?
The best thing which those who seek refuge
with Allah should use.
And he said, al mu'awwidatin.
So, anytime, apply it now.
Let's bring it to our real life.
You're scared.
You're afraid.
You're hesitant.
You're anxious.
I don't know what is going on, but
I'm so worried about tomorrow.
Something may happen.
We all go through this.
Sometimes we know why.
Sometimes we don't.
May Allah protect you.
Somebody has a court date tomorrow.
Somebody, let's say, somebody is getting married and
she's a little bit anxious or he's anxious.
So, whenever you are, when do I seek
refuge in Allah?
In general, when?
When I'm scared, when I am worried, right?
When I think an imminent danger is coming,
I need a protection in general.
It doesn't matter what it is.
Maybe it's not a big deal for you,
but it's a big deal for me or
vice versa.
The best thing is these two.
Did you know these?
I can see the faces.
Now, another hadith.
And here it's Abu Umam al-Bahri.
He said to him, Now he said to
him, that's a different companion.
He said, I'm going to teach you.
Do you want me to teach you three
Do you want me to teach you three
Neither in the Torah nor in the Bible
nor in the Gospel nor in the Quran,
anything like them.
Now the three quids.
Do we underestimate them?
Do we underestimate them?
Do we really know the value of them?
I don't think so.
Alhamdulillah, Allah is teaching us.
Really, I really enjoyed this.
I learned even more than probably all of
you because I was like, sometimes things you
know but you need a reminder and sometimes
things you don't.
Look at this one.
When we get sick, when you get sick,
what do you normally do?
Complain and complain and complain and find a
reason and go for the best physician.
Nothing wrong with looking for the best physician
but shouldn't be number one.
Complain shouldn't be.
But do you know that you use them
when you are sick?
And this is what it is.
And this is actually in Al-Bukhari.
That there is hadith about using them for
Sayyida Aisha said, she says, I am the
Prophet, peace be upon him.
Every night when he goes to bed, he
puts his hands like this.
You all can see me, right?
He puts his hands like this.
Then he breathes in them.
Blow in it.
In them.
And then he starts reading.
Say, that's three.
Then he wipes over as many parts of
his body.
He starts with his head and his face.
And whatever he can reach from his body,
especially the front.
And he does that three times.
So remember when he taught him, read it
before you go to bed, now Sayyidah Aisha
is describing how he read it, because Sayyidah
Aisha is his wife, so she did see
So let's make it also a habit.
Before we go to bed, make sure you
sleep with wudu, inshallah, yarabbi ameen, and then
on your right side, and then before you
actually, that he used to even like pad
and clean his bed, and then you are
in bed, put them together, your two hands,
read them, add to it, qul huwa allahu
ahad, will be two minutes and a half,
And then wipe all your body, it's a
protection, because you are seeking refuge in Allah
from every evil that exists in his creation.
You have no idea, you don't have any
idea, or me or us, what evil is
there, out there, human, jinn, and animals.
We don't.
I'm seeking refuge in the one who knows
where is the evil, and the only one
who can protect me.
Why it was revealed, does anyone know?
Do you know that there was magic done
against the Rasul, now everybody will be awake
Yes, it was, right?
And it was actually a man, his name
is Lubayd, and he was a Jewish man,
Lubayd ibn al-Asum, in Medina, and some
narration says his daughters did it, and some
says it was him, right?
And basically, that Sayyid Aisha reported, he was,
the magic was, in what?
I'm sorry?
In the well?
In the well.
They found it in the well.
But what did he use, or they used?
The comb.
Did you?
Did anybody?
Yes, please.
The comb.
The comb.
And what was in the comb?
So there was hair, and there was comb,
and there was three things.
And there were knots, exactly, right?
So there was a comb, and there was
hair stuck in the comb, that's what he
found in the well, right?
And the skin of palm tree, there was
three things in it.
Who told him about it?
Yes, he told Sayyid Aisha.
He felt he is not his normal, there's
something not right about him.
And some says, he used to do things,
and he forget of dunya things, not from
And then he said to Sayyid Aisha, I
asked Allah to show me what is going
on with me.
And this is something we all need to
Yes, we are not the Rasulullah, we need
to learn to what?
Turn to Allah and everything, anything, ask him,
don't say he's not gonna, who am I?
Yes, who am I, for sure, but he's
So he said to her, I felt that
there is something not right about me.
I asked Allah to show me, and he
showed me.
Two men came to me, one on my
head, and one on my leg, and they
were talking.
And the one, the head, if I remember
well, was talking to the one that is
next to his leg.
He was seeing them, but he didn't know
what it is.
And he said, what is wrong with this
The one in the next head, magic had
happened to him.
And he said, where is that?
And then they said, the skin, the comb,
the hair, and the skin of the tree.
And where is it?
He said, the Waban, or it's a place
far where some Jewish tribes used to live.
And he went there, and he took it.
And in another verse, there was this 11
knots were there.
Because that's what, There were knots, and they
said, the two daughters have blown into this.
So this was, this was revealed because, so
yes, magic, now everybody is going to tell
me, everything happens to you is magic.
Magic is true, is there.
But don't blame everything on magic, to the
point where you get, come on guys, there
has to be something else.
I mean, some, some people really is like
obsessed with this.
But we cannot deny it also.
We are, we are a nation in the
Yes, it is.
It's there.
It's in the Quran.
There's verses in the Quran about it, including
this one, and we believe in this.
But that doesn't mean everything not good happens
to me because somebody had did magic against
And I hear this so frequent, I was
like, okay, Bismillah.
Let's, let's take it step by step.
So basically what Allah is telling him, Seek
refuge in the Lord who had broke up
things, including the dawn.
Before this was revealed, and this is another
I told you, there's so many hadiths about
Ultimately, he said, He used to seek refuge
from the followings.
From the evil eye of the jinn.
The evil eye of the human.
I'm sorry.
When the both was revealed, he stopped saying
He just only say these two chapters in
the Quran.
So even if you think that there is
magic, use it.
Say it with the most important thing is
when you use Quran for Ruqya.
When you use Quran for cure, what is
the most important thing in it?
You believe it cures.
Not let me try.
You know, somebody told me, I've tried everything,
didn't work.
Let's see if it's going to work.
This is not how it should be.
As you say it, and you know it
will work.
You know Allah is hearing you.
You know Allah is the one who will
be able to cure whatever eye on you
So remember this, yes, Ruqya, which basic Ruqya
is cured with the Quran, is absolutely part
of my religion.
But how many of us use it?
How many of us?
We run to this and this and that
or alternative medicine.
That's okay.
That's also creation of Allah.
But how many of us truly when you
have anything, including headache, that you really use
Quran for cure?
And it should be, because I have it.
Subhanallah, if you don't know how to say
it, you know what?
Put the reciter and let him read it.
And I'll share with you a couple of
things about this.
Rasulullah, now listen to this.
Qala Rasulullah alayhi salatu wa salam idha ishtaka,
whenever he feels sick.
Rasulullah alayhi salatu wa salam.
What did you think he did?
Number one.
Yaqra ala nafsihi bil mu'awwidatani, he reads
the two qols on himself.
Meaning, Now Sayyida Aisha is saying, when he
really became sick, meaning the last sickness that
he passed alayhi salatu wa salam.
I said, she said, he couldn't read it
I used to read it.
And I used to read it.
And then I wipe his body after I
read it.
Use Quran, ladies.
Use Quran.
And the best person to do ruqya to
you is who?
Don't ask people to read it for you.
The best ruqya is you.
Because you are the one who is feeling
whatever you are feeling.
And I'm talking about the two kinds of
illness a human being can go through.
Physical illness and mental illness.
Because both are illnesses.
And just put it, read it, and you
are, you have like this yaqeen, this certainty
in it.
That these are definitely a cure.
So three things, as I said to you
in the beginning, there's three things.
He said, general, I seek refuge from the
Lord of the, who broke up everything in
this world.
From the evil in what he created.
He didn't create evil per se.
But there was evil in human beings.
And it's my choice and yours to use
this evil or fight this evil.
And then the three things, darkness and the
night, meaning I'm alone in the house.
And I'm scared.
You read it.
You get lost.
Read it.
Anytime you feel, especially in the night, and
they say, why the night?
Why didn't he say during the day?
Because most of the dangers are in the
When does thieves usually attack homes in general?
Usually in the night.
You say, wow, can you imagine?
It was in the middle of the day,
which is not very usual.
Animals, most of the scary animals.
Like we live in a city where what's
the most one we see?
When does the coyotes come out?
Usually after sunset.
And they are very active one dawn time.
If you walk in parks and you see
signs, it says be careful at that time.
So usually the night, scary.
If at any day you go in the
night and drive or stand by the ocean,
most scary thing.
Especially if the tides are high and you
hear the voice or the sound.
It's scary.
So darkness is number one.
Evil, we talked about.
I mean magic, we talked about it.
And the people who does magic.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable around
someone, and some people they have this evil
eye, then I'm going to teach you a
couple of the du'as of the Rasul.
He said, number one, and he said, Ibn
Abbas, Sayyidna Abdullah Ibn Abbas, كان الرسول عليه
الصلاة والسلام يعوذ الحسن والحسين.
He used to read to protect al-Hasan
wa al-Hussein, his two grandchildren.
They were very beautiful, especially al-Hasan.
That's why his name is al-Hasan.
He was very beautiful.
So you get, and they are the grandchildren
of the Rasul and the father is Ali.
May Allah be pleased with him.
Her mother is Fatima.
So he was worried and he was, he
wanted to protect them.
There's nothing wrong with that.
That's for all of us.
And he used to say, He
used to say this du'a.
I seek refuge in Allah for protection.
You too.
The perfect words of Allah.
From what?
What are you worried about them?
From every evil, whether through shaitan or through
anything else.
And from every evil eye.
Say it.
Say it.
You are worried this may be, right?
Instead of talking to this person or that
person, just say it.
Even if you have this uncomfortable feeling, don't
say it to anybody.
Just you say it.
And by the way, sometimes the worst person
to have an evil eye is who?
Is you.
Is me on me.
I mean it.
And that's why you have to say this.
You don't mean it.
By the way, many people don't mean it.
I mean, yeah, there is some.
But in general, some people, their eye, it
will attack.
And most of the time it is you
or me.
Whatever I think, this is beautiful.
So always make this dua.
I think it is in Muslim.
I'm sure it is.
So you will find it there.
Now, for, and this is the last thing
I'm going to say, is during sickness.
Because I don't think many of us use
them for sickness.
And this is a couple of them.
And he said, when he used to get
sick before the last year, Jibreel used to
come and do Ruqyah for him.
And he used to say, It's beautiful.
Of course, it rhymes.
I seek refuge.
By the name of Allah, I will do
Ruqyah for you.
Meaning, I am asking Allah to cure you
from anything that will hurt you.
And Allah is the one who cures.
He used to say this till, till this
was revealed.
When this was revealed, this is what he
used to say.
A couple of duas.
Do you know any dua that you say
to yourself when you are sick?
Or when you visit someone who is sick?
Don't say it to me, but you all
know a dua.
A supplication.
Show me hands if you know.
Well, that's less than 50%.
I'm glad I'm saying this.
Memorize at least one.
At least one.
You don't know anything?
Ya Allah, please cure them.
You are the only one who cures.
Who had the most common one?
Allahumma dhaw al-baas, Rabb al-naas.
Ashfee wa antashafee.
Ya Allah, remove the illness.
You are the Lord of the people.
Ashfee, cure.
Wa antashafee.
You are the one who cures.
Others, he said, Whenever we are
in pain, or we have fever, he used
to teach us to say, by the name
of Allah, the Honorable.
I seek refuge in thee, again, great, honorable
From the pain or the evil of every
Irq is the blood or the veins in
And from the heat of the hellfire.
See, what I want you to go home
with today is don't underestimate what we already
don't know the value of.
Which is the two qulis.
It is not just because it's the end
of the Quran short, we have to memorize.
A lot of virtues.
Protect yourself from evil by the Quran.
One, learn to ask Allah when you're sick,
you do ruqya for yourself.
Wherever it hurts, you put your right hand
on that place and say which all of
you know is al-fatiha.
It's al-shafia, one of the names of
Is the cure.
Or this dua.
You don't know anything, ya Allah, please cure
You're the only one who can cure.
Stomachache, fever, whatever.
Headache, anything, right?
And he says, Rasool alayhi salatu wassalam, and
he said Uthman ibn al-aas, a sahabi
said, I came to Rasool alayhi salatu wassalam
and I was in pain.
And the pain almost crippled me.
It was crippling me.
So Rasool alayhi salatu wassalam said he saw
him, put your right hand on where it
And say, same concept.
Always you say the name of Allah.
I seek refuge in Allah and His might
from what I am feeling and what the
pain I have.
Again, memorize the meaning of it.
Even say it in your own language.
And perfect if you can say it the
way Rasool alayhi salatu wassalam said it, but
say it in your language.
The most important thing is your yaqeen.
Certainty that Allah is listening and Allah is
And the last thing I will end up,
Sayyida Aisha also she said, when he was
sick, Rasool alayhi salatu wassalam, he reads these
And he blew it in his hand and
then he touched the place that hurts.
So what we are going to be taking
home with us today is the following.
Don't underestimate what Allah gave us in the
It's so sad that I'm talking about myself,
not anybody here, is that we really don't
know the value of the Quran.
We know it's the Quran, but we really
don't know the gems inside the Quran.
And especially the simple ones that we all
And when you teach your children, don't just
teach them to memorize it.
Especially though, especially in the beginning.
Teach them what they are learning.
Like all of you now, you all knew
Qul a'udhu bi rabbil falaq.
Did you know what I just shared with
you in the last 15 minutes?
Did it change your way looking at Qul
a'udhu bi rabbil falaq?
That's the point.
That's the point.
Because when you teach a child or you
teach anyone learning about the Quran, do you
know what you are learning?
Do you know what's the value of this?
They will look at it differently.
So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala teach
us what is beneficial for us and may
He subhanahu wa ta'ala make us practice
what we are learning.
Subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika ashhadu an la ilaha illa
anna astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaih Sallallahu ala sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi tasliman kathira.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless all
the time that's coming.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala anytime time
Yes we do not celebrate or we don't
This is not the issue.
But these times when they change, it's a
reminder for us.
When people are celebrating New Year, let them
But what do we learn from it?
I was like haram, don't celebrate.
I'm not celebrating.
It's a reminder.
You know what it reminds me number one?
I'm closer to my grave.
Regardless of my age.
Still I'm closer.
Second, what did I do in the last
You know the New Year resolution everyone talks
For me, I need a New Year resolution.
But with Allah and for my Akhir.
And third is look back evaluate the year.
You've seen that you've changed.
You've learned.
You're better.
If not, don't despair because He showed you.
Anytime you see your shortcomings or I see
my shortcomings don't get upset.
It's ni'mah.
It's a blessing that He's showing me what
I need to change.
Because if I don't know it I'm not
going to change.
So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us see the value of the time that
we are still living.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make next
year better than the last year.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala remove all
the sufferings of everybody in this world.
Put barakah.
Jazakumullahu khairan.
Subhanakallahumma wa bihamdik.
Ashhadu an la ilaha ila anta astaghfiruka wa
atubu ilaih.
Sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa alihi wa sallam.