Haifaa Younis – The Strength in Silence I Faith and Feminism – Part 4

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The transcript describes a woman named Sayyida Aisha who was found by her father and mother and later fell into a mistake and became upset. The woman later became upset and became upset, leading to negative community comments. The segment also describes a group of women talking negatively about their for lack of]]
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Last but not the least, it's a story
which really, really moved me.
There is two women in our deen, in
the Qur'an, two women in the Qur
'an, one by name and the other one
not by name, who really tell you, can
faith and feminism live together?
Does anyone know who those are?
One, her name is mentioned, the other one,
her name is not mentioned.
I'm sorry?
Sayyida Maryam.
Maryam's name is mentioned.
And the other one?
The Sayyida Aisha without her name.
What is feminism here and what is faith
All the names you mentioned, you're absolutely right,
especially those without a name, but not in
the context of this.
Let's take Sayyida Maryam.
What is faith and feminism?
This is a single woman, unmarried, virgin, very
pious, everybody knows her, whenever they see her,
she is worshipping Allah, right?
Because Allah described her in Ahlul Imran.
كلما دخ عليها زكريا المحرابة.
Zakaria, her uncle, where does he find her?
In the masjid.
The mihrab is her place of worship.
وجد عندها رزقه.
He found food.
And where is this, Maryam, where did you
get this from?
قالت إنه من عند الله.
This is Allah.
يرزقه ما يشاء.
What happened to this woman?
Come on.
What happened to this woman?
She got pregnant, right?
And gave birth to a boy without marriage.
Imagine this here.
You are a tight community, everybody knows everybody,
You have a single girl here, right?
Comes in the masjid, not pregnant, carrying the
Yes, right?
And what the community said, they expected.
قالوا يا مريمة, ما كان أبوك مرأة سوئن
وما كانت أمك بغية.
Your father was not a bad man.
And your mother was not بغية.
Meaning, she, I can't say the word because
of the age in here, right?
But you all understood.
And if you don't, just go back to
Surah Maryam, you will find it.
Where is feminism here?
Did she stood up and said, it's my
You have nothing to do with it.
Did she said, ya Allah, this is not
Why me?
Did she look at the man and said,
because the community asked her.
Did she looked at the man and said,
that's not your business.
You mind your own business.
Did she, that's what she said?
What did she do?
Pointed to him.
To whom?
Because Allah told her so, through him.
فَإِذَا رَأِيتِ فَإِمَّا تَرَيِّنَّ مِنَ الْبَشَرِ أَحَدًا فَقُولِ
إِنِّي نَذَرْتُ لِلرَّحْمَانِ صَوْمًا فَلَنْ أُكَلِّمَ الْيَوْمَ إِنسِيًّا
When you see anybody, don't speak.
صوم, fasting from speech.
And say, he's talking, baby, newborn, just delivered.
Say, don't speak, don't answer.
Rather say, I'm fasting, right?
فَلَنْ أُكَلِّمَ الْيَوْمَ إِنسِيًّا I am not going
to talk to anybody.
How many of us will believe this?
And bring the baby and don't speak a
word because Allah told you.
And then you point to the baby and
you don't know if the baby will speak
to defend you.
That's faith and that's feminism.
Did you get my point?
Faith and feminism.
And by the way, there is a lot
of the same story for the men, but
the subject is feminism.
Second one, which you all need to know,
that story is very strong, very powerful and
very impactful.
You all know it.
What happened to Sayyida Aisha and how they
accused her.
And then 40 days no Qur'an and
everybody is talking about her.
I'm going to end up with just this.
Because see how feminism and faith.
Was Sayyida Aisha strong?
Yes or no?
Was she very knowledgeable?
Was she the most beloved to Rasul ﷺ?
Absolutely, he said it.
She did not brag about it.
There is no hadith.
She's bragging about, I'm the most beloved.
No, but he said it.
So here you go.
End of the story.
She came to find out that all the
town is talking about her.
Imagine this.
I really want you to feel this because
also you're a tight community, but a good
size community.
Everybody is talking about you or you or
you and talking in the most negative way.
And your father is not Abu Bakr and
your mother is not Umar Oman and your
husband is not Rasul ﷺ, which means I
can easily fall into mistake.
And you are not living in a house
where the Qur'an is being revealed and
you are not at that point the Qur
'an stopped.
So the husband comes in.
Who's the husband?
Rasul ﷺ.
He said one word.
And you read the hadith.
This hadith you have to all read it
because she said it.
She said, from the moment I know the
whole community is talking about me.
This I did not.
This I did not.
There's not a drop.
My eye would never dry.
This is actually the word she said.
And then she said, I was in my
parents' house crying and sobbing.
Will you?
I'll be dead actually before that.
He comes in ﷺ.
Now think Rasul ﷺ.
He sat in front of her.
Looked at her.
Her father on her right her father on
the Rasul ﷺ right and her mother next
to her.
And he said, Ya Aisha.
If you have done it, say it and
Allah will forgive you.
What happened?
Look at your faces now.
This is 1400 years ago.
You know what she said?
Just at that moment not a single drop
of tears came out of my eyes.
I didn't say anything.
I looked at my father and I said,
answer Rasulullah ﷺ in her top anger and
quote unquote because his question implies what?
There is a doubt.
And we women know this.
When the man is doubting his wife or
you women know this when the wife is
doubting you.
It hurts because when you don't have when
you don't trust me it hurts whether it
is the man or the woman.
So she, no, not a single drop of
Respond to Rasulullah ﷺ.
What Sayyidina Abu Bakr will say?
Now imagine your father did not defend you.
Looked at her mother.
You answer him.
What do you think your mother will defend
Who is going to defend you against Rasulullah
Not a single word.
No one.
You are alone.
Talk about feminism now.
You are alone.
In that room the whole town talking about
Talking very negatively about you and now your
husband is doubting you.
She said, I am not going to say
I am only going to say what the
father of Yusuf said.
Patience is beautiful.
Beautiful patient.
Allah is my helper against what you are
And look at now feminism.
She said, I turned my back to Rasulullah
ﷺ and to my parents.
Is that feminism?
But that's feminism with faith.
That's why absolutely they live together.
Two seconds, two minutes.
Very soon her mother said, because the description
is the face of Rasulullah ﷺ changed in
the way that Qur'an is being revealed.
So her mother looked at her.
He said, Ya Aisha Abshiri.
Good news Ya Aisha.
Your innocence came from the sky.
She didn't say a word.
She didn't turn.
Ya Allah.
And then her mother, go and hug Rasulullah
Your innocence came.
Father, no.
You know what she said?
I am not going to be grateful to
anyone but to the one who send my
innocence to Allah.
That's feminism and that's faith.
You stand up for your right but the
way pleases Allah is not by following everything
outside there because majority of outside there is
not pleasing to Allah.
And as a woman of faith, you will
be tested.
Doesn't mean when I obey Allah, life will
be smooth.
No, you will be tested, all of us.
But my response always has to be the
way pleases Allah.
And what she did to Allah that he
sent Qur'an till this day is revealed,
is being read about her innocence.
So when you want to be like Sayyidah
Aisha, build the relationship with Allah so when
you are tested, He sent you the right
action, the right words that pleases Him.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
like Sayyidah Aisha.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make all
the brother.
I can't say like Rasulullah ﷺ.
I wish.
But I'm gonna say, not because you are
not, but because who is he.
But I will say on his footsteps, exactly
on his footsteps.
And we are on the footsteps of him
as a woman, but also on the footsteps
of his wives.
May Allah be pleased with them all.
Subhanakallahumma wa bihamdik.
Ash'hadu an la ilaha ila anzal astaghfiruka
wa atubu ilayh salallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa
ala alihi wa ashabihi tasliman kathira.
Any questions?
I think we have some time for questions
or no?
You tell me brother.
It's your masjid.
Five minutes.
Can I ask the sisters, because I'm doing
the topic tomorrow and we have two hours.
If there's any question from the brother's side,
I'll start with it.
Yes, please.
I love that.
Oh, okay, okay, okay.
These two?
So there is two also, two verses, two
hadiths of Rasulullah ﷺ.
Second one is, لَوْ كُنتُ آمِرًا بَشَرًا أَن
يَسْجُدْ لِبَشَرٍ لَأَمَرْتُ الْمَرْءَ أَن تَسْجُدْ لِزَوْجِهَا That's
another one is used.
Jazakallah khair.
He said, if I have the authority for
a human being to prostrate to another human
being, I would have ordered the woman to
prostrate to her husband.
You need to know Arabic.
You know Arabic?
Because then I can explain very easy.
Because he said, لَوْ لَوْ is a term,
is a tool in Arabic.
They said, حَرْفُ امْتِنَاعٍ لَمْتِنَاعٍ It's a tool
that is used for something will never happen.
Will never happen.
It's not, can happen if this thing, but
it will never.
If you want to change, if you said,
in, then that may not happen, but if
this happen, it can.
So that's number one.
So why did he say that?
He was telling the woman.
Now, when you take this hadith, you have
to say, okay, what did he tell the
husbands also?
Islam, and this is why really important that
you study the social, the social components or
the social makeup of the Muslim society.
It is not what we have outside there.
It is not what we have back home
He is telling the woman, the husband has
a lot of rights upon you.
At the same time, he looked at the
man and says, خَيْرُكُمْ خَيْرُكُمْ لِأَهْلِهِ The best
among you is the best to their wives.
And he said, وَأَنَا خَيْرُكُمْ لِأَهْلِهِ And that
was in the last sermon he gave.
خُطْبَةِ الْوَدَى So when you look at these
hadith, you cannot just give the hadith by
Like you get, لا تَقْرَبُوا الصَّلَاةِ Don't get
close to salah.
وَأَنْتُمْ سُكَارًا When you're intoxicated.
He talked to the woman.
I'll tell you what, this probably gonna make
it easy.
One of my friends, she had always issues
with her husband.
But not major issues.
And I said, what did you do?
She said, I always remembered my mother advice.
I said, what is it?
She said, whenever things goes bad, but not
bad, bad.
You know, different opinion.
Think of one thing he did good for
What a wise mother.
And I said, and she said, once I
think about it, I become calmer.
It's not like it's not an issue anymore,
but I become calmer.
So what is he saying, عليه الصلاة والسلام?
He wanted to calm the woman, to remind
her, because we can say it's not fair,
whatever, or I tell you it is not
He's trying to calm me down.
And he's trying to remind me that marriage
is give and take.
There is rights you have to fulfill.
Then he looks at the man and say
the same thing, brings the balance to the
If I keep telling the woman, you need
to prostrate to your husband.
Now this is going to be impossible.
And if I keep telling the man, you
need to be very good to her with
no rights.
There is no balance.
Islam is a deen of balance.
And unfortunately, we are tilting the balance, whether
we women tilting the balance or the men
tilting the balance.
Jazakum Allah Khayran.
Subhanak Allahuma wa bihamdik.
Ashhadu an la ilaha ila amin.
Astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaih.