Haifaa Younis – The Real Muslim #01

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The importance of leadership and excellence in religion adds value to people, and practicing Islam is crucial for achieving practical acts and achieving goals. It is important to act with people in a way that is seen as a positive experience, and to show one's Muslim deity during election celebrations. It is crucial to practicing Islam, including showing one's Ihsan and being a Muslim until you see Allah in action. It is crucial to show one's leadership and be a leader in a way that is seen as a positive experience.
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Can I be and this is for both
genders can I really be
the real Muslim Allah wants me
and the real leader as successful
person in India?
Yes or no? Yes. Yeah. How many say
So how many say,
really? Are you kidding me? No.
How many say I don't know?
It has to be because you didn't not
all of you.
So it's only 3 choices. Yes, no, or
I don't. So let's start with the people
who said yes. Let's start with any one
of you who said yes.
Why do you think yes and you said
it's right for you?
Let's start with ladies first.
So I believe that, Ihsan is something that's,
really encouraged for us in our religion. So
starting for excellence, that comes with leadership. What
is your Ihsan? Exams. In medical student. Don't
tell me that I know.
You will worship Allah if you see him.
If you don't see him, he see you.
I know this very well. What does it
mean you're a medical student in Georgetown,
and you are acting with Islam? Give me
one example.
Being the top of your class, being a
leader, and be the president of multiple interest
groups. Just a sec. You're on top of
your class. A lot of non Muslims are
on the top of the class.
I'm I'm playing the w because I I
need to I need you all to go
So number 1 on top of the class.
Like, I didn't I'm not different because there
is harmony on top of that class. 2nd.
You said it. You said 3 things. Being
just a leader, like, Canvas leader being selected
Can be full of arrogance. Please forgive me.
Any leader is full of arrogance. That's all
absolutely opposite, Shay.
Adding value to people's lives for.
You you and silence enough.
But that oh, this is gonna add value
to people.
You know why I'm asking? I'm not interrogating
her. But because we've no. Only what we
do, and a lot of us, even us,
we throw
words and statements we've heard.
Reality, I know what it means.
Right? Okay. Fine. Smile. I'll take it.
I'd also have to say,
as a if you want to be the
best physician you can be,
treating others
for free. For example, needing a free clinic.
You'll never do it by the end.
It's possible. Very unlikely.
Very, very much. It's possible in the tree.
Absolutely. It is possible.
What is a Hassan?
This is all beautiful. I mean, these are
lofty goals. May Allah give it to you.
Absolutely. But he didn't give me with this
where is the Hassan?
I think one of them, one of you
raised your hand. Nobody wants to speak.
I'm just confused.
And that's exactly my goal. I need you
to think.
You really have to think different. Yes.
I think to help others without
accepting any reward back from them. So don't
save all that to me. All I have.
That's not a challenge.
Charity. I don't want any reward from you.
So thank you.
I really don't care.
Hassan is different.
That's why one of the highest level
of a Muslim is Hassan. That's why the
hadith the famous hadith say, did you believe
you or no? Right? When he came to
tell me about Islam, tell me about the
iman, tell me about the Islam. He answered
him, and ta'uduwalaqaq and nakatara, you worship Allah
as if you see him and if you
don't he's seeing you. Now bring this on
This is the combo,
the combination
everything you told me is a duniya
is not a Muslim because non Muslims will
do the same. They go I know a
lot of people, lot of Muslims, not non
Muslim. They go to different parts of the
world and they volunteer and do all this,
But what does it mean to be a
and act in Islam?
I have to do as a Muslim things
different than the non Muslims.
That's what I'm looking for.
What is
it? What is it?
Come on.
Work for?
What yeah. Had a title. He's trying for
That's a title.
When he asked him,
so you can always combine your Islamic knowledge
with reality. When the man came to Rasool
alaihi salatu alaihi salam, and he said I
the meaning of I love you, I wanna
be with you in Jannah. What did he
tell me
you to achieve your goal by a lot
of salah.
He didn't tell him
sure, there's always practical solutions
and practical acts.
So what is the practical acts? A Muslim
a Muslim
has to do to bring its soundness.
Did you get my point now? That's what
when you told me. These are great, but
all my Muslims do that. I think I
misunderstood. I think you're asking, like, as a
doctor, how can you be? No. No. No.
As a student, you're still a medical student.
You're still a because I can be a
Muslim with Ihsan at age 5 or 10
or 50 or leader or CEO of a
and I can be the opposite.
What is
number 1?
Our creator.
Our? Our salah. Yeah. No.
Wait. People don't see you in your salah.
And I'm talking about general.
What is it now? When I came to
this place, first thing came to my this
place was done with their son.
The first thing I noticed,
Number 1,
you pay attention to details
that 99%
of people will not see it, will not
pay attention to
it. What you tell me non Muslims do
that, now I'm coming as understand.
Everything you do or say or don't do
or don't say it.
There's only one question before I decide.
Is this is a pleasing to Allah?
Then you are applying the
Smile in the face of your
let's say even non Muslims is an act
of worship. Right or no? Right? But did
you do it for Allah?
Did you think of Allah?
So hisan is when I do everything
small, big, including cooking, cleaning, picking up your
child, dropping your child, driving
driving in the street when you follow the
rules, not because the policeman is behind you.
That's not a Hassan. You're not seeing Allah.
You're seeing the policeman.
But when I drive because I'm a Muslim
and I need to people to have a
good opinion about Islam,
than I am seeing a lot. I'll give
you one example happened to me. Maybe 6
months ago when I moved to California. So
if you come see California is a beautiful
state and world hiking. So I was going
for hiking, taking youth on Sunday morning, and
I parked my car. And I made sure
when I parked my car, I'm not blocking
anybody because that's not the right thing to
So I came back,
and then the woman was standing in on
her driveway,
and she was furious.
And then I was coming,
looked at me.
The first thing she said is what?
You blocked my truck. I would I wish
I would be smiling. Mhmm. Do you speak
Now if Sam is on
on on the test,
Am I gonna act like Allah is seeing
me or I'm gonna act as how dare
you do this to me? Don't you know
who I am?
Right? And you have to decide in 2
And I said looked at her. What do
you think I said?
Some lady.
I must I'm gonna. Sorry.
My apologies. You're gonna throw her in the
ocean. She's gonna especially, it was furious.
Say sorry,
She asked me, do you speak in Yes.
I do.
I said sure.
Then one went back
furious even more,
blocked my driveway, came around my car. It
was not.
Absolutely not. But I know.
Please forgive me. Typical racist.
And I said, okay. 2 seconds, you have
to decide.
Are you gonna be confrontational?
Pick up my phone, let her speak,
record, put it on your social media. She's
She doesn't know who I am.
She's done. Can I do that? You can.
And I said, see how I am treated
as a woman in California. She's done.
or act with her son
pleasing to Allah. It will be in my
good deeds on the day of judgment and
it will change her mind. Are you all
with me?
This is how you act as a because
I told you it's a Muslim. I'm not
a non Muslim. Always the thought is what
is the best for Islam as you are
And I looked at this and says, I'm
What do you think she answered?
Move your car.
I wish.
She said, no. You are not.
I've never had this in my life.
Honestly, I mean, I worked with you name
it. I mean, I trained in Washington University
in Saint Louis. Everyone is Jewish from top
to bottom.
And I looked at her and said, I'm
Absolutely. No. You are not. You moved this
car before the tow company is gonna come
and remove. Mhmm.
I need to tell her I'm firm.
I'm not scared of her, but I'm looking
at her last.
I looked at her, and I said, listen.
I'm sorry,
and I mean it,
and I won't.
I didn't even let her answer.
The reason I'm giving this because I had
all the youth with me, and I just
gave them all lectures
as we were hiking. That's how Allah test
you on the spot.
You say I'm a good Muslim, show me.
I love Allah, okay. Come on, show me.
This is
is if you wanna put one circle under
it as Ihsan is you think of Allah,
number 1, in every step you love. You
don't see people. You see you and your
relationship with Allah and Islam.
So, of course, you're gonna be dressed as
a Muslim, everybody know. Of course, you're gonna
not gonna do what other non Muslims do
because you're a Muslim. That's obvious. But I'm
talking about the simple ones. When I am
a leader, why you are special? Why you
are a and you are a leader?
There's a lot of Muslim leaders.
You know
how good they are.
Right? And I'm being sarcastic.
But what's gonna make a Muslim leader?
Whether you are the MSA
leader, whether anything, what is gonna make you
as a Muslim leader?
Have you ever met a Muslim leader, not
politics politics? I'm talking general. A Muslim leader,
you look at him or her, and you
his son is walking.
Yes. Accountability?
What do you mean? I mean,
wouldn't wouldn't it be wouldn't as a Muslim
leader, one person would be, like, being accountable
if he wants to act in a way
that is We're all gonna be accountable.
Yeah. But to But what's when I look
at let's say, we have, what, 20, 25
students. Right? And let's say I have followed
you in
whatever you do on daily life, and after
a week I come back and says, Imam
Hendi, I met
from this group.
There is a potential leader with Hassan. What
did I see in them? This is what
I want you to know.
Number 1,
everything Allah told and I mean it because
you're talking about Hassan.
Those who act with Ihsan,
they have a Husna. Husna here, the goodness,
here is Jannah.
When one of the names of Jannah is
a Husna was Yada, the extra seeing Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And scholars tells you look at this. It
gives you usually goosebumps when I remember this.
They said because you are seeing Allah,
not physically, but
you are seeing Allah in your actions in
dunya, you will be rewarded by him showing
himself to you in Afro.
All the rewards is equal to what you
are doing.
So if you are a Muslim student,
right, again, I gave you this example, but
I'm sure many of you have been exposed
to something like that,
or you had somebody who really was very
nice to
you. So if you are nice to them,
of course, you're nice to them because they're
nice to you. But how are you gonna
show them your Ihsan
as a result of their goodness to you?
Every word you say,
2 or 3 combined with this now, and
they have to see it in your in
before they see it in lectures.
You know when they say action speaks more
than 1,000 words, what did you do?
That's what you have to ask yourself.
So number 1, I need to know my
dean first.
As all of you
10, 15 years, most of you all of
you will be leaders.
As I said in the beginning of the
talk, leaders in in your corner where Allah
you where Allah put you are a leader.
But what
is the what do you know about Islam
to practice
in your leadership?
I have one of my closest friend who
became a Muslim.
You know when she became a Muslim? She's
a non Muslim. She became a Muslim, you
talk about in the seventies.
She worked as secretary with a Muslim,
business. I don't I don't remember.
There was 2 incidents with Muslims. That's it.
She said I'm becoming a Muslim, and she
is almost the the Muslim.
Number 1, she said he was a he
was his secretary or something like that. It
was so surprising for me. Certain time of
the day, he closed the door, and he
said, for the next 5 minutes,
no phone call. Don't knock on the door.
I'm trying. So I go to the office,
and I see this at that time, she
didn't know that. I said there's something small
on his look like a rug. I don't
know what it is, and there's a book
on top of it.
And she is from
so that was when she's that's the first
time I I
way to affect that she was living in
New York In the,
3 Muslims
were with her mom, and she worked in
a kitchen, and it's in the summer. And
she said, I can't believe these people are
not eating.
What? We're drinking. We're eating in the restaurant,
and they tell her it's Ramadan.
So number 1
is your practice,
not when you are alone.
For example, have you invited non Muslims to
come here to see, I'm sure you did.
Right? Now when you are praying, you're not
only praying good, but you're praying and you're
explaining it in your action. That's 1. Number
2, your Islam manners
hardly when we fail as Muslims.
Islam manners is the most important thing that
will change human beings.
If you look at,
what is the most impressive thing that you
hear all over from non Muslims?
Their perseverance,
their patience.
Right? And so what faith is this?
What faith is this that gives people this?
That's it.
Muslim leader. You have to be a Muslim
and then you are a leader. If you
say I am a leader and you're focusing
on leadership,
the Ihsan will go because it is not
to be an Ihsan. You will lose a
lot of things if you're gonna practice Ihsan
on every single level
because, unfortunately,
we live in a very corrupt world,
and every day you're seeing the real corruption
every single day. You and you need to
stay on your principles,
it's not easy
so number 1 you have to be the
Allah once or you're struggling to be. Not
everybody will reach that goal, especially at this
age. We all wish when I was your
age, of course, I was struggling,
but I'm struggling, and I'm focused on being
the Muslim Allah wants me. So every night,
I say this to all of you before
you go to bed. Ask Allah one question.
He's not gonna ask him to give you
Are you happy?
You look at me and you say,
what a servant he or she is. They
always return to me meaning, almost think of
Allah. That's Ihsan.
Did you all get it? That's ihsan. Allah
is always when he test you,
test you hard,
and you say, you're okay. I know this
is fair,
but it's very difficult on
you. Make it easy. You're acting in Hassan
with Allah.
So when you get here, then you know
what you just shared in the bit. I
wanna be a leader. I wanna treat people
well. I wanna show them the good face
of Islam.