Haifaa Younis – Smile when you hear a bomb coming

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a scene where they hear a disturbing noise and realize they are living in a quiet environment. They express fear and confusion as to what will happen next. The speaker also mentions a disturbing noise from a drone and advises people to be careful.
AI: Transcript ©
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When you are there and you see day

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in, day out,

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for 8 days,

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you live with this sound,

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And I was like, what is this?

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Because my bed was exactly next to the

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And they say it's so casual. Oh, this

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is the drones.

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don't be scared. I said drones. They said,

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oh, no. As long as you hear it,

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then you're safe. It's when it's quiet

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you need to

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be careful.

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And if you hear the sound of bombing

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you need to smile. Listen to this.

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If it is coming to you, you will

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feel nothing. Either you will feel nothing because

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you're dead,

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or the next thing you'll see, everything is

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in your head. You will not hear the

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sound of the warming.

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Almost everyone I spoke to, will this end?

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What will happen? Nobody can predict but they

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have this faith that it will end.

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