Haifaa Younis – Islamic New Year 2024 – Let Us Prepare

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the Islamic calendar and its history, including the birth of Rasool alaihi heads and the shift from Makkah to definition. They emphasize the importance of history and the need to remember the shura of the day. The speaker also reminds the audience of the upcoming shura and the importance of remembering the shura and leaving behind one with beauty.
AI: Transcript ©
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7th is actually the first day of the

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Islamic calendar.

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The Islamic calendar actually started not at the

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time of Rasool alaihi salatu wa salam,

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Rather, it started

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at the time of Sayidna Umar. May Allah

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be pleased with him.

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was asked

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by 1 of the companions

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that we are receiving

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letters from you, but we don't know the

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date of it.

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Then he gathered, as said, no, Omar

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do and take

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opinion of the others, which is the sunnah

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for Rasul alaihi salatu wasalam. And there was

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many ideas was given to him. Let's do

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the birth of Rasool alaihi salatu wa sallam

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to, start the Islamic

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calendar. Another said, well, it's badr since we

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had the victory.

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And at the end, they decided

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the day that Rasul alaihi salatu wa sallam

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from Makkah to Madinah

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should be the

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or the that we start the Islamic calendar.

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And why is that? Because if you look

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at the Islamic history,

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there is many changing points

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as we can say, but the 1 that's

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really changed

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and a lot of lessons learned from it

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is when he moved, Alaihi Salaatu Wa Salam,

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left everything behind him, left the most important

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or the most beloved thing to him, which

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is Mecca,

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for only 1 reason. Number 1, and the

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reason because Allah told him.

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And the second and the third, as we

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know from the history, that Islam changed completely

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when he moved alaihis salatu alsalam

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Medina. Islam changed in the way it became

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much stronger.

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The the real Islamic

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build, became much stronger

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in Medina.

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For us living these days, we need to

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know the followings.

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Number 1, let's not forget our heritage.

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Let's not forget

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our history.

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Yes, we don't use it on a daily

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basis, but we need to remind ourselves. That's

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number 1. Number 2, in 10 days from

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there will be a shura, which is the

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best day to fast. And, the most important

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thing for me and for everybody to remember,

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that when we move and when we leave,

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sometimes what we love and what is dear

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for us for the sake of Allah, Allah

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will give us much better. May Allah Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala make it a blessed year for

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all the Ummah. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala

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lift the suffering of the people

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of Gaza. Give them full victory. May Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala bring us to him back

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in the best way, and may Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala always

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keep reminding us

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of the beauty of this deen.

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