Haifaa Younis – If you truly know Allah you will never disobey Him

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The speaker discusses the meaning of "naught" in the Arabic language and how it relates to division. They explain that "naught" refers to something that cannot be divided and that "naught" is a division. The speaker also mentions that "naught" is a division and that "naught" is a division.
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Oh, oh, tell them what?
So, every time there's two things in the
Qur'an, you really, once you read them,
both of them are dhameer.
One is al-amr qul and the other
one is dhameer.
When you see qul, wait.
And what is he telling me?
Because qul, Allah is saying to Rasulullah ﷺ,
tell her, tell them, right?
And then huwa.
That's another frequent word is used in the
Qur'an, huwa.
He, capital H.
He, it means what?
Meaning, it's used in the placement of Rabbul
You say he, you're referring to Allah.
But what does that mean when he say
Because he's saying it.
Like when I say me, I am talking
about myself.
I'm talking about myself.
I'm telling you something you probably don't know.
Or you probably forget.
It's an emphasis.
It's an emphasis, huwa.
So, whenever you read, and if you want
to see qul and huwa, go to Surat
Surat al-An'am, much longer, much, much
It's almost one part of the Qur'an.
He alternates, subhanAllah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
between say and huwa.
قُلْ مَنْ يُنَجِّيكُمْ مِنْ ظُلُمَاتِ الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ قُولُ
قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ There is always these two.
When I say, when I read qul, I
am going to say Allah is talking to
me, telling me something specific.
While all the Qur'an is Allah is
talking to me.
But I am, there's something he's saying, I
want you to listen.
Pay attention.
And then huwa, now pay attention about what?
About him.
Meaning, when I say huwa, when I say
qul, could be Allah is talking to me
about dunya, Allah talking to me about this
life, about the akhira, about do this, don't
do that.
But when he say huwa, two letters only,
he's talking about himself.
You better sit properly, this is how I
say to myself, you better sit properly and
read this because he is teaching you who
is he.
And my problem, and maybe not yours, is
I don't know who is he.
Truly, reality, who is he?
I don't know.
You know why?
Because if I know who is Allah 100
% all the time, 24x7, what will happen?
I will never disobey him.
I can't.
I can't.
Just do this one time and may Allah
make you remember and do it even more.
You want to focus on your salah?
Do the following.
In your ruku, don't ask me why, but
I don't know why in ruku is more
than sujood.
At least for me.
Just for a second, think Allah is looking
at you.
Just a second.
Allah is looking at you.
What is going to happen?
You will freeze.
Try it.
That's what I told you.
You are not going to feel it until
you try it.
Just a second.
Think Allah is looking at you.
You will freeze.
You can't.
Even the word doesn't come out of your
Because at this moment, one second, you are
knowing who is he.
So he introduced himself to me.
The issue with this is it is translated
to one.
There is an issue in this translation.
Because he didn't say ...
He didn't say ...
is one.
He said ...
And it is very difficult to translate it
because there isn't unless what I felt if
I put the before it.
Say he is the one.
Are you with me all?
What is the big deal?
Why are you making it too complicated?
What is the difference?
You have to know there is a reason
every word in the Quran has a reason.
All of you know the surah, right?
How many times you have read it?
Don't even ask me.
I have no idea.
I can't remember.
Have you ever thought why it's ahad?
There is three reasons he used.
And this is if you just read anywhere.
I'm not giving you an information I imported
from the moon.
It is not.
Every book of tafseer will tell you this.
Wahid is one.
Ahad as I translated the one.
There is three reasons.
And the most important one is you cannot
say the one, the second.
Ahad in the Arabic language, there is no
number two after it.
In the language there is no number two.
Wahid there is number two and three and
Are you all with me?
Even the non-Arab here?
So when I say wahid then that means
that's number one.
There is number two and number three.
But when I say ahad it's not a
There is no two.
So that's one reason.
Second, it means ahad there is nothing comparable
to him.
And three is the best part.
You can never divide him.
When you say ahad, the word itself means
something that cannot be divided.
Did you see the words in the Quran?
So Allah I can be divided.
Each one of us can be divided.
Alive I can be divided and may Allah
avoid protect us but if I'm dead I
can be divided.
Even now you're looking at me and say
she has head, she has arms, she has
legs, she has body.
This is division.
Not Allah.