Haifaa Younis – How do you feel when others point out your flaws

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The transcript appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
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So Allah here said فَلَمَّا رَأُوهُ زُلْفَةً سِيئَتْ
وُجُوهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَقِيدَ هَذَا الَّذِي كُنْتُمْ بِلِكَ
الدَّعْمُ This is verse 27 فَلَمَّا رَأُوهُ زُلْفَةً
When they saw the punishment coming close سِيئَتْ
وُجُوهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا Their face changes Changed The
disbeliever And said to them this is what
you were asking for And it's repeated in
the Quran Where Allah SWT says They ask
for the punishment when they see it Look
at what's going to happen to them Now
for me I don't want to be scared
But I want to be reminded There is
a difference between scare And reminder ذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ
الذِّكْرَةَ تَنْفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ A reminder Because reminder benefit
The believers He didn't say benefit the kafir
Even me, even you Even us Alhamdulillah we
are believers When we get distracted We forget
How many times something you have done So
many times It's still after a week or
two Let me see You haven't done it
for six months Let me pull it out
I haven't done it in a while Reminder
is good So when someone reminds you Don't
get offended Alhamdulillah Allah is giving you a
free reminder There is two ways Allah remind
us One is Somebody say something to you
Many of us don't like it Second He
hits me on the head I call it
He test me with something I don't like,
tough, hard, whatever And then I thought So
which one is easier Absolutely Someone comes to
you and says Don't do that It's not
pleasing to Allah We all get offended Majority
of us Who is she to tell me
this Who is he to tell me that
Let him look at himself We become defensive
and we attack Versus Even if it is
not true I was like Alhamdulillah Let me
think about it So hear what Allah says
You denied, you mocked Fine When you see
the punishment Like when I was reading this
Again I don't want to scare you It's
a holiday season, we need to be happy
But you always have to remember The moment
of death Have you seen people dying The
last breath Before the last breath comes out
It's very scary But when I was reading
this What the person who is dying And
he or she knows they are dying And
Allah knows what they see What do they
say They didn't say anything Allah said okay
here you go That's what you were denying
And then they mocked Rasul Alayhi Salatu Wasalam
in the verse 28 Because they mocked him
They said to him Fine, okay You think
Allah will Actually not only mocked him They
made dua Go may Allah Perish you And
then he responded What a beautiful answer Someone
looks at you or someone looks at him
Right And say go may Allah And they
made dua against you What do we normally
do May Allah forgive you in that meaning
Or in the other meaning No because it
has another Meaning in the culture And the
culture has another meaning If you said may
Allah forgive you that's alhamdulillah You're a beautiful
heart But when he responded He never took
things personal May Allah teach us this He
never took anything personal They said Go may
Allah perish you He said okay If Allah
will take me away And the people who
believed in me Will you be saved from
the punishment That's the verse Did you see
the answer It's not about me It's not
personal I'm telling you Believe so you will
be saved Fine, I'm gonna die Is that
gonna save you Basically why you're doing this
It's not gonna benefit you Something I learned
Something I learned When someone attacks me How
I'm gonna respond It's a lot of learning
subhanAllah As you go deeper and deeper And
then he tells them This is what we
all have to learn at the end One
point when someone is Arguing with you, debating
with you You really need to know when
to stop And you need to stop In
a beautiful way Look at number 29 I'm
gonna give This is what it is I'm
gonna give you the last Summary of everything
Say He is the most merciful We believe
in it And we rely on him And
you will know You will know Who is
the one who is going against Somebody looks
at you Imagine do we respond this way
Someone is looking at you You do this,
you don't do that You dress like this
You're going completely I don't know what happened
to you Sometimes we hear this, am I
correct And there's way harder words I don't
wanna share it Normally what do we do
We get upset Right, and if it's somebody
I can respond, I will respond And if
it's somebody I can't respond, what do I
do I get sad and cry Right, and
I get weak and people are mocking What
do you respond Even they use the word
The name of Allah Didn't say It's also
right Right, he's the most merciful I believe
in him I rely on him Right, and
you will know who's going wrong You know
who's right and wrong What is this Strength
Faith Manners Honor Honor, you know They go
low, you go up