Haifaa Younis – Discover the wisdom of Rasoolullah in raising righteous children

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The transcript describes a story where a woman named Sayyidna was given a job by her father, Rasool, to help her
do work. She was
an employee and had children, including Shababi Ahl al-Jannah, who were mastered by Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Shababi
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Shababi
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna.
do work. She was
an employee and had children, including Shababi Ahl al-Jannah, who were mastered by Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Shababi
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Shababi
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna. Sayyidna
the woman was
an employee and had children, including Sayyidna.
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I'm sure most of you know this story.
So, she was getting tired and her hand
was like, shows the marks of cleaning and
cooking and baking.
So, she went to Rasool, peace be upon
him, and said, Ya Rasool Allah, I need
I'm done, I can't do this.
Can't do this anymore.
She had children.
Who are her children?
Sayyidina Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, Sayyidat al
-Shababi Ahl al-Jannah.
They are the masters of the youth of
She is the master of the woman and
they are the master.
What is that?
What family is that?
And her husband was given Jannah, one of
the ten.
SubhanAllah, what a lineage is this?
Now, look how Rasool, peace be upon him,
Many, many lessons.
But let's get the story and then we'll
get the lessons.
Now, this is the part of him.
Didn't we say?
He's part of him.
What did he say?
What did he teach her?
Say what?
He said, say this 33 times.
SubhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wa Allahu
akbar, 34 times.
Before you go to bed and things will
be easy.
What is the lessons you learned?
Again, apply it to your life these days.
We're all busy, we have so many things
to do, we get overwhelmed, so she's not
the only one.
She went to her father, and this is
in Medina, and the father is the Rasool,
peace be upon him.
And couldn't he call anybody and say, just
go once a week, help her?
Can he do that?
Will you rush to help?
Why didn't he do it?
What is he teaching her?
And this is when somebody asked, I think
yesterday, how do we teach our children, Qalb
al-Saleem, right?
Here you go.
What was the lesson?
That he did not send the helper to
Or he said, I'll come and help you.
Don't worry, I'll talk to Ali, and Sayyidina
Ali will help you.
Rely on Allah.
But more important, definitely rely on Allah.
What is he saying to her when he
said, subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wa
Allahu akbar?
No one will make things easy.
Except, number one.
Number two, few words.
It all doesn't take less than two minutes
or three minutes.
These are the adhkar we do after Salah.
This is the adhkar we do before we
go to bed, right?
You all know that.
SubhanAllah, walhamdulillah, la ilaha illallah, wa Allahu akbar.
33 times, and the 34th time, you say
Allahu akbar.
What is he teaching her?
And this is the lesson for everybody.
Myself, number one.
When you need something, the first thing you
do is what?
Turn to him.
Turn to Allah, subhanAllah, wa ta'ala, and
ask him.
Ask him, even if you have all the
means in the world.
Alhamdulillah, he did, he could.
But he taught her that no one will
make your life easy.
No one will help you except Allah, subhanAllah,
wa ta'ala.
What else he's reminding her?
Remember yesterday, Qalb al-Saleem, what did we
One of the signs of Qalb al-Saleem
was what?
He's always a person who has, she or
he, the sound heart.
Always their heart is in constant, what?
Dhikr, remember?
Remembrance of Allah.
What did he teach her?
Remembrance of Allah, subhanAllah, wa ta'ala.
And before you ask anybody, turn to him.
And even if she is the most beloved
person to you, he didn't say, it's okay,
you know what?
But I love her, I can see her,
I can see her hand like this.
Let me just go and help her.
No, what you teach outside, you teach inside.
What you teach the people who are not
related to you, you teach the people that
is closest to you.
What is also the famous statement he said?
When he said, wallahi, if Fatima bint Muhammad
saraqat laqafatu yadaha.
You know this?
When they came to him and one of
the elite of Madinah was accused of stealing.
And this is after the ruling of cutting
the hand.
And they said, we have to cut his
hand, and then this is a dignitary.
So they came to Rasul alayhi s-salatu
wa s-salam.
Maybe he will change his mind because this
is this person, that person.
What did he say?
If it was Fatima, the most beloved, the
peace of me.
But he said, wallahi, if Fatima bint Muhammad
saraqat laqafatu yadaha.
If it was Fatima, will steal or cut
her hand.
You treat everybody the same.
You teach everybody the same.
Not because she's my daughter, I love her,
or this is my son-in-law, this
is whatever.
I will need them in the future.
So, no.
So what he teaches people, he teaches in
his house.
And he practices it, alayhi s-salatu wa