Haifaa Younis – Building My Eternal Abode – Part 1 I I UK Tour – Twenty6

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The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the meaning behind popular culture and the success of Islam in bringing people toecca. They emphasize the importance of working on one's heart to achieve success and finding one's own person to be seen and praised. They also discuss the weight of a river and the importance of not giving too many false assumptions and finding one's own person to be seen and praised.
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As-salamu alaykum, bismillah wa alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu
ala rasulillah, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
man wala.
Allahumma alimna ma yanfa'una wa anfa'na
bima a'allamtana innaka sami'un mujeebu ddu
Allahumma inni ya'udhu bika min almin la
yanfa' wa qalbin la yakhsha' wa nafsin la
tashba' wa du'a'in la yusma' wa
rabbana la tuziq qulubana ba'da idh hadaytana wahab
lana min ladunka rahma innaka anta alwahab rabbish
rahli sadri wa yassal li amri wahlul aqtatan
min lisani yafqahu qawli.
Jazakumullah khair.
It's another gloomy day in England, of course,
May Allah reward you all for really being,
ya rabbi ameen, sincere in your quest to
Some of you, I saw them walking to
the area.
I was told it's the traffic.
So may Allah reward you.
Please forgive us for being late.
Normally I'm not, but sometimes logistics play a
So what I want to share with everybody
is the following.
That's why I would love to see you.
So maybe after the break we'll see.
Because I want to talk to you.
I don't want you just to listen to
I want to listen from you also.
The question is, and I always ask this
anytime I speak about the pure heart.
Two questions for everybody.
Don't answer me because I can't see you,
but write it down.
And then maybe in the questions and answers
we can discuss.
Do you have a pure heart?
Don't say yes, don't say no.
Just put a question mark.
The next one is going to come, what
is a pure heart?
Third one is two parts.
If I have it, inshallah we do.
How did I do it?
And if I don't or maybe 50%
or maybe less, what do I need to
Anything, and most of you know I'm by
profession, I'm a physician.
So if you come to my office or
you come to my clinic and you have
a problem, I can't help you unless I
know what is going on.
So I have to listen to you, you
tell me, I put it in my mind,
come to a conclusion.
I said, okay, we will need A, B,
C, D, E, or 1, 2, 3, 4,
So the first thing, and I start with
this quickly, is why do I need, why
do we focus on this pure heart?
Or where did it even come from?
And the answer is, it came from, can
I hear it from somebody?
Everything comes from Allah, for sure.
But where did it come from?
How did he send it to us?
Let's put it this way.
Now I gave you a clue.
Okay, I don't hear an answer which makes
me worry, but also makes me happy.
That means you need this subject.
It's in the Quran.
The pure heart, sound heart, healthy heart, again,
it depends on how you translate, Al-Qalbu
Salim is actually in the Quran.
I did not invent it, or the organizers,
or somebody else.
It's in the Quran.
Mainly in two places.
Both related to Sayyidina Ibrahim.
One, he made dua, that he has this.
And the second one came after, where Allah
And he described him, Allah described Sayyidina Ibrahim,
that he came to Allah with the sound,
Al-Qalbu Salim.
I'm going to keep the word Salim.
And you see which translation hits your heart
So in the first one, it was in
Surah Ash-Shu'ara, the poem, the poets,
where he said, Ya Allah, don't disgrace me.
After he was talking to his people, who's
And he said, Ya Allah, don't disgrace me.
He's making a dua.
On the day, and he didn't say the
day of judgment.
He didn't say Yawm al-Qiyamah.
He said, on the day that nothing will
come to avail.
Nothing will help me.
Nothing will protect me.
And he said it, specifying two things.
We all in this room, and whoever is
listening to me, will be listening.
We all disobey Allah because of them.
There are two.
Yawma la yanfa'u maalun wala banoon.
The day no children and no wealth will
be of benefit.
He didn't say the day of judgment.
He described what will not happen, but what's
the reality of that day.
And by opposite, which is something very common
in the Quran.
Sometimes Allah teach me what He wants to
teach me by describing the opposite.
So when Allah, for example, you see in
some chapters, describe Jahannam.
May Allah protect us all.
The hellfire, with no description of Jannah, just
a little bit of it.
Because you're going to say to yourself, Wow,
I don't want to be there.
Because if that's there, what is the opposite
of it?
And the same when he speaks in detail
about Jannah, but very little mention about Jahannam.
Because you're going to say, I don't want
to be but this.
I don't want to be on the other
So here he's telling you, and me, and
the Muslims, that people in this dunya, in
all of us, I will not say majority.
I'm going to say everybody.
Either both or 50%.
We focus on these two.
And I'm more than happy if anyone in
this room disagree with me.
We disobey Allah.
Because the goal is the children or the
I am not going to get the job
if I put my hijab.
So I don't do it.
That's wealth.
My child will not be, doesn't like me,
or if I'm going to go and get
her or him from the school, they will
feel uncomfortable with me, the way I dress.
I'm not going to do it.
That's for the children.
And I just give you a quick example.
So he's telling Allah, يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ
وَلَا بَنُونَ Neither wealth nor children will be
of avail, of benefit.
So what will benefit me then, Ya Rabbi?
He tells me, إِلَّا except.
That's what I need.
Because that's the only thing, when Allah put
إِلَّا, it's in the Arabic language, a tool,
we call it in Arabic, أَدَاتُ حَصْر Meaning,
everything going to come after, is only this
Nothing before.
Except the person who comes with a pure
Sound heart.
إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٌ It has
to be my and your goal.
You want to go to Jannah, and again,
if I can see you all, I'm going
to ask you, raise your hand.
I have no doubt everybody will raise, not
one hand, two hands.
Of course, I want to go to Jannah.
This is temporary.
How long I'm going to live here?
How long we will live here?
I want to be there.
I want Rasul A.S. to be my
I want to see Allah.
I want to be in a place where
there is no sorrow, no worry, no pain.
I'm not going to worry about what I'm
going to eat.
I'm not going to worry where is the
food coming from.
I'm going to be in non-ending bliss
from Allah SWT.
But what do I need to do here?
Focus on only this, because we all say,
what do I need to do?
This is this, this is this, this is
Put one goal at the end.
In this dunya, I need to work on
my heart, and many of us don't do
Oh, my salah, that's very important.
That's one part that brings me to the
Qalb al-Saleem, but not all.
Oh, my dress code, absolutely, but that's not
My fasting, my charity, all these are, look
at them so you will never forget me,
you have a big lake, and the lake
is al-Qalb al-Saleem.
And there is many rivers that feed this
The more rivers comes to the lake, the
bigger and the purer is the lake.
The lake is al-Qalb al-Saleem.
The rivers is everything.
Allah told me, these two things pay attention.
The rivers, everything Allah told me to do,
but that's not it.
And we Muslims, in general, don't pay a
good attention to the next, everything He told
me not to do.
These are the lakes.
I pray, walillah al-hamd, I pray on
time, I pray tahajjud, I pray long, alhamdulillah,
that's a beautiful river.
But I lie.
I am not helpful.
I'm mean.
I backbite.
This will counter this.
The lake at the end is gonna be
not big, because that's the end, in the
Day of Judgment, is the scale.
فَمَنْ ثَقُلَتْ مَوَازِينُهُ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ That's what
Allah said in Surah al-Mu'minun, the believers.
Whomsoever the scale is heavy, they are the
What makes my scale heavy, or the opposite,
what do I put in the scale?
All the good deeds, perfect.
It's very heavy.
But the bad deeds, it's gonna make it
So, القلب السليم, the heart that is that
lake, pure, heavy, every river, every river, that
can end in that lake, I am the
first one to do it.
And honestly, I don't care whatsoever if I
am the only one in that river.
All this dunya, all these people, all these
Muslims, non-Muslims, humanity, is not doing it.
But I know with no doubt that that's
what Allah wants from me.
I'm gonna be the only one in that
stream, because it's not a river yet.
But the weight of this stream, when I
come as the only one, way heavier than
the thousands doing this here.
Because the Rasul said this, جاء الإسلام غريبة
وسيعود غريبة فطوبى للغرباء Islam came as a
Think of, in the beginning of the da
'wah, the beginning of calling to Allah, how
many Muslims were in Mecca?
How many Muslims went to Medina after the
first bay'ah, the first covenant?
How many?
And at the end, 100,000 went with
him, عليه الصلاة والسلام, for hajj.
What is 100,000 for now?
I came from hajj last week.
It was 1.9 million.
جاء الإسلام غريبة came as a stranger.
How many people prayed in Mecca?
How many people bear witness there is no
God but Allah in Mecca?
You count them.
And then he said, وسيعود غريبة is going
to come back as a stranger.
Now walk in the streets of Birmingham and
you are way better than us in the
Is every woman dressed the way that pleases
Is every Muslim woman dressed the way pleases
Is every Muslim man and a woman act
and behave the way pleases Allah?
I would love to say yes.
Then I'm going to be a big liar.
But it doesn't matter.
I want to be that stranger.
I want to be that person.
In every step, not pick and choose.
Not pick and choose.
Not when I am in this gathering, I
am the best Muslim.
And then I go tomorrow to work, or
I go even shopping, and I'm a completely
different person.
Then again, remember the reverse.
غريب, I'm stranger because I am the Muslim
woman that Allah wants me in every spot
He puts me.
As a wife, as a mother, as a
daughter, as a friend, as a cousin, anywhere,
as a colleague.
So القلب السليم, now connected together.
If you have القلب السليم, you are that
It will never come out of your mouth.
Everybody else is doing it.
What is the big deal?
Allah is غفور رحيم.
Of course Allah is غفور رحيم.
Of course Allah is all forgiving, all merciful.
If He is not, I'm not going to
be standing here.
If He is not, you will not be
here because we all don't deserve it.
But you need to be this.
And the first step, and this is very
easy to do, but extremely difficult for many
of us.
And to be, what we call it, sincere.
Everything you do, everything.
Again, this, Dean, is not what I like
It's your constant.
Everything you do, everything you don't do, again,
the Dean is do and don't.
Everything you say, everything you don't say, for
only one reason, and one and one only,
and that is, for Him only.
And Him, capital H, for Allah only, why
you are here.
Renew your intention.
It's not because I'm speaking.
May Allah make me better than what you
think of me.
Because I want to get closer to Him.
Because this is a gathering where the angels
are surrounding us.
And Allah descend and Allah send or engulf
us with His rahmah.
And Allah will remember us or mention us
in a better gathering.
That's all for Him.
Not because, oh, it's, you know, Saturday, and
I, why not?
Oh, all my friends are going, why not?
Oh, I see her all the time online.
Let me see her in person.
They are halal reasons.
But that's, there is no, they have no
place in any of the rivers.
Because it's not for Allah.
Remember this.
This is the essence of this Dean.
Al-Ikhlas, they call it.
Any book of Tazkiyah, you're gonna read, they
tell you the first step for a pure
heart to be connected to Allah is you
have to be sincere.
And Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, it's an
amazing hadith, it's a hadith Qudsi, where He
says, ana aghna ash-shuraka'a ana ash
-shirk I am Allah.
The most, not in need, let's put it,
this is easier translation.
I am not in need, Allah, of any
partner Whomsoever put a partner with me, Allah,
I will leave him to his partner or
When you say, I can do it.
As simple as cooking, to the biggest project
you wanna do.
And say, I can do it.
I planned, I did my homework.
Look how many times I said I.
I did my homework, I planned, I consulted,
I spent three, four years doing it.
And there is no Allah in this, in
between these words.
He made me think of the idea.
He facilitated the people to help me.
He gave me the strength to do it.
He kept me going, although I failed.
If none of He is in that conversation,
remember this hadith, He will leave you.
Even if you are successful.
Because sometimes Allah give us what we want.
Although we are sinners, He gives us.
That's because He is Ghafoorun Rahim.
Anything you do, you have to be sincere
to Allah.
I ask many of the sisters all the
time, why do you wanna get married?
They look at me, like, what is she
And I mean it.
Everybody else is getting married, I know.
I love this man or I love this
woman, I know.
But that's not for Allah.
You really need, the first thing you do
in your quest, in your path, you decided
today, you are leaving, bi-idhnillah, and you
want to be a person, when you meet
Allah, when we all gonna meet Him, or
before I leave this dunya, either I reach
the goal, bi-idhnillah, by His help, or
I am on the process, I am on
the path, it doesn't matter.
If I am on the path, and He
took me, He decided to take me back,
to take me back, He will take me
back as if I reached, achieved the goal.
Because that's what Allah said in the Quran.
One of the most beautiful to me, verses
in Surah An-Nisa, in the chapter, the
And he's talking about hijrah.
And he said, وما يهاجر في سبيل الله
يجد في الأرض مراغم كثيرا وسعا.
Whomsoever, whomsoever, migrate, يهاجر في سبيل الله, for
the sake of Allah.
You moved to Birmingham from wherever, simply because
there is a very good Islamic school.
I don't know, I'm just giving example.
Or there is a better Muslim community.
Something related to Allah, I can practice my
deen better, that's hijrah.
You left a place where you are more
challenged in your deen, to a place that
you are less challenged in your deen, that's
That's migration.
Yes, he said, alayhi salatu wasalam, لا هجرة
بعد الفتح.
There is no physical hijrah, like from Makkah
to Medina, after the conquer of Makkah.
But every single day, we need to migrate
or we are migrating.
So what is he saying?
يهاجر في سبيل الله You left, you loved
to watch that show, loved it, addicted to
Then you learned that this show is taking
you away from him.
Your path for the lake is becoming more
And you decide you are not going to
do it.
You just migrated.
You migrated from disobedience to obedience.
وما يهاجر But, has to be the second
three words.
في سبيل الله For the sake of Allah.
Not because I love Birmingham.
Not because it is less expensive.
Not because my family lives here.
Or whatever other dunya reason.
Has to be for Allah.
And you have to be honest.
Because if you are not honest, it doesn't
He knows.
يعلم السر وأخفى He knows the hidden and
that that is not even hidden yet.
So وما يهاجر في سبيل الله I left
the disobedience of Allah.
I left those friends because every time I
am with them, I am going to end
up backbiting.
I am not going to go out with
That is hijrah.
Although I love it, I like it, I
really feel good.
You left it.
Because it is disobedience to Allah.
What is going to happen?
يجد في الأرض مراغما كثيرا وسعا You are
going to see in this world, or in
this land, or in this earth مراغما كثيرا
وسعا A lot of opportunities.
A lot of خير.
A lot of giving and expansion.
And then وما يخرج من بيته You left
your home.
This is physical hijrah.
إلى الله ورسوله مهاجرا إلى الله ورسوله You
All the examples I gave.
And then you died.
You didn't reach.
You are not yet in قلب السليم.
You barely left one thing.
What will happen?
What is going to happen يا ربي?
I didn't finish it.
I just started.
فقد وقع أجره على الله Allah will give
him the reward of the full migration.
وكان الله غفور ورحيم.
And Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.
So the first step, my beautiful sisters, to
take the journey to reach القلب السليم you
need to start analyzing everything you do.
You need to start looking inward, I call
And you need to start this conversation with
yourself and with Allah سبحانه وتعالى.
I'm doing it for you and you only,
يا ربي.
And talk to him and say if I,
and this is another common scenario, if it
changes during the process bring me back.
Pull me back.
Remind me.
Because we do this.
And people start praising us.
And we praise each other for no reason,
just, you know, it's real, it's true.
And what happens inside me?
I start loving it.
And I start doing it so people praise
Now, ikhlas left.
Sincerity left.
Everything has to be for him and him
And he tests us almost every time.
Is it true?
Or you are a claimer?
Or I am a claimer?
So the first step is القلب السريم.
Because what is القلب السريم?
And in the next session I'll take you
through the science of it.
But in general.
So you start thinking of that lake.
That lake has nothing in it but Allah.
There's no fish.
There is no trees.
There is no leaves.
There is no boats.
There's nobody swimming.
There's nothing.
Stand still clear.
That's the heart.
قلب السريم.
No attachments but to Allah.
Everything else I love, I want.
But if it's not gonna get me close
to him, I don't want it.
If my beauty is taking me away from
Allah, I don't want it.
And you mean it.
If my spouse, my children, my job, my
home taking me away from Allah, the person
she or he of القلب السريم don't want
it at all.
It's taking me away from you, ya Allah.
So the first step, learn something called sincerity.
There's a beautiful story in the books of
Tazkiyah, you'll read this.
And again, majority of these stories has no
names because the issue is not the person.
The issue is the act.
And it said that there is this person
who for 40 years 4-0 prayed in
the first row in the masjid.
40 years.
One day, he arrived late.
One day.
And as he was praying in the second
row, this thought came to him.
What will people say about me today?
They will see me in the second row.
Then he start talking to himself after the
Woe on you.
For 40 years you have been praying in
the first row.
So people will say you pray in the
first row.
All those 40 years are gone.
Because Allah does not accept a partner.
So when we do things to be seen,
when we do things to be praised, and
how do we know we are doing things
to be praised?
When you get upset when nobody praises you.
Why do you get upset?
As simple as when you cook something.
And this is daily life.
You cook something.
You put it on the table.
And the children just ate and moved.
And you kept asking.
You keep asking them.
Till they tell you.
Because you are looking for the praise.
Then you did not cook for the sake
of Allah.
You did not cook to feed your children
because that's what pleases Allah.
Whether it's a food, whether it's anything you
do for the others.
And not necessarily for the children.
For anybody.
You help somebody.
And if they don't say Jazakallah khair.
Thank you.
This was very nice of you.
It's nice to say these things.
In fact, Islam teaches me this.
That's a hadith of Rasulallah.
If you do not pray, if you do
not say, if you are not grateful to
people, you are not grateful to Allah.
It's true.
It's part of the etiquettes of Islam.
But I don't do it for that reason.
And I know I'm doing it for that
reason when I get upset.
So sincerity, And Rasulallah was asked.
He said, Ya Rasulallah, what do you say
about somebody who went out for jihad?
Physical jihad.
For fighting.
For Allah.
And to be remembered or to be known
as courageous.
I'm just rephrasing the hadith.
What reward he will get?
And this is he because he was a
And he said, Are you ready?
He went for jihad.
But he wants people to praise him.
You put a partner with Allah.
And this deen is based upon what?
When somebody, non-Muslim, come and accept Islam,
what is the first thing you tell them?
Declare the shahada.
What is the shahada?
We all know it.
We all say it five times a day,
Actually ten times a day.
And we don't know what are we saying.
What do you say?
And we put our finger like this.
Why do we put our finger like that?
We have ten.
Why one?
I bear witness there is no god but
And I'm Muhammad Rasulallah.
What does it mean when you bear witness
there is no deity worth of worship except
You're saying you are here, ya Allah.
And everything else is here.
I'm saying it.
Reality, daily life, may Allah forgive me before
anybody else.
Most, I'm not going to say everything, most
of the things are here, if not here.
I delay my salah because I'm on my
I hear the adhan.
And I don't stop talking.
Oh, I'm talking with my friend.
So the most important thing, and we all
have to have this goal, is non-optional
I say this to myself.
Because I want to go to Jannah.
And all of us wants to go to
And we should have this desire.
Because what is Jannah?
What's in Jannah?
What's in Jannah no one have ever seen.
What's in Jannah no one have ever heard.
And look at the next one.
And in Jannah nobody can imagine.
Not even a thought in your mind can
Every time I see beauty, especially when I
travel and I'm looking at the earth down
and you see beautiful things.
And you say, Ya Allah, what is more
beautiful than this?
And the hadith comes in.
And you cannot even think of or comprehend
how it's going to look.
I wanted it and everyone of us in
this room should want it.
And I'm sure you all do.
But what did you do for it?