Haifaa Younis – Beautiful reflection from the month of Muharram
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Why this month
changed history?
Why Muharram? And I'm not talking about Muharram
itself. I'm talking about what happened
when when we remember
the first day of Muharram,
the beginning of the year,
we remember
the immigration
when Rasul alaihi sata wasalam decided to move
from Mecca to Medina.
And this is what I wanted to focus
on more today and bring it to our
this is
not new.
We we see so many immigrants
these these days. We see we see,
pictures. We see video clips talking about something
happened in this in this country in this
country, and people are leaving.
Leaving your place
to another place
in the Islamic history. And the best example,
Number 1.
Number 2 is why we are
Why? And if you look at the Rasool
alaihi salatu wa salam and what Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala said in the Quran, I'll share
with you in a minute. Rasulullah
Salam left Makkah
to Madinah,
not for a better life.
Not because there's a better education.
Not because there's more freedom.
Not because I can do whatever I want,
and nobody knows me.
He left his home,
he left his beloved
he left his people
there was no more chance
for him
to spread the word of Allah subhanahu wa
And he said it
when he left Makkah.
He looked back at Makkah
and he said the meaning of alayhis salatu
wa salam.
by Allah.
You are the most beloved
place on this earth to me.
This is Rasool alaihi salatu wa salam, looking
at Mecca,
and he said, you are the most beloved
place to me
on this earth,
and if it was not for your people,
if it was not for your people
who forced me to leave, I will never
So when I decided to move from one
city to the other as a Muslim,
the hijrah,
the immigration of Rasool alayhi salatu wa sallam
should be my example.
Why did he leave? Why should I leave?
I should leave because I can practice my
deen better.
I can be a better Muslim.
I can spread the Islam
My niyyah, because the famous hadith that we
all know of Rasool alaihi salatu wa salam
when he said,
Deeds are judged and rewarded
by intention.
This is
the basic,
the principle,
one of the principles
the deen
Islam is based. Why I am doing it?
And and I why I will be judged
and I will be rewarded according to my
Miya, not according to what I did.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminded me and
and this applies to you and me, and
I'm gonna come later in a second
And to where do we immigrate these days?
Should I pack and go, and where do
I go?
Or what is really immigration
in this day and age?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in Surah Al
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, this verse, Surah
Whomayuhad your fee Sabillah,
you and me and anyone
immigrate, yuhajir.
Allah used the word hijrah.
Wama yuhajir, he leaves.
Immigrate. What is immigrate? You leave your place
and go somewhere else, definitely,
Woman yuhajur, whoever leaves,
that's the word.
For the sake of Allah.
What will happen?
SubhanAllah. He didn't say go where?
It's the main thing is why.
the sake of Allah,
what will happen you Allah.
He will find
on this earth
ex that he will find the earth expansive,
and he will find a lot of goodness
and care
Even if I don't see it,
even if I think there's a lot of
difficulty, I need to remind myself, I am
for the sake of Allah.
will make my place where I am going
larger, more welcoming. And then this is what
I really love in this ayah.
You can apply it in everywhere in your
life. Umayyahujmin
Beiti Muhajuran
Allahi wa Rasooli,
whomsoever leave his house,
and he said specifically Beiti, his house, Muhajuran
to Allah in his Rasul alayhi salaam.
I am leaving my comfort zone, and I'll
come to this in a second, for Allah
because it's more pleasing to Allah.
And then what happens and I die?
And I die,
what would happen?
If I couldn't finish it, but that was
my intention. Allah will reward me as if
I finished it.
The concept of immigration
is an Islamic concept,
but the reason for the immigration,
we have to look for the Islamic reason.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have said to
Rasul alaihi salat wa salam, and this is
actually fisurat al Muzammil. In al Muzammil, he
be patient about what they tell you.
Stay away from them.
from them.
and the and and it's only it's not
only Rasul alaihi wa sallam who immigrated.
Sayyidna Ibrahim also left and immigrated.
so what the
the first day of the new year, the
Islamic new year reminds me, should remind me
of couple of things. But number 1, the
concept of immigration or migration.
The concept of immigration is an Islamic concept,
but why I leave is a different thing.
Why I am leaving? Arasul alaihi sata wasalam
immigrated. Sayidna Ibrahim
Sayidna Musa
when you are in a place,
where you are in a in in a
place in general,
that you find yourself.
You cannot obey Allah. There is too much
There is so much tests around you.
Leave and go.
Immigrate. And that's what the Rasulullah
But then after you, of course, you have
prayed istiharu with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
wait till Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala show you.
But the concept,
the Muharram
remind me, number 1,
number 1, that
I need to be in a place where
I can practice my deen. I where I
can see that it is easier, it will
flourish, it's much better for me. That's number
Now comes to the fact that, well,
there is no more hijrah to adina. I
cannot. I mean, even if I want, it's
not easy. This is not something I can
and that's exactly another Islamic concept. Look at
this hadith of Sayida Aisha.
She said,
She said I'm sorry. She said, Arasul alaihi
salatu of salam said, and this is actually
in Al Bukhari and Muslim. He said, no
more immigration
to Madinah.
Once they conquered Mecca,
there is no more Hijra. There is no
more immigrating to Madinah.
So how do I migrate?
What do I do? And look what says.
what's equal to immigration
what's equal to immigration is the struggle
that we go through for the sake of
Allah and intention.
Struggle we do for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and intention.
So here I am, 1st day of this
and I'll come in a second. I will
end up with that. It is a sacred
month, shahoor haram.
But the first, this day, today remind me
remind me that immigration
is a constant concept. It's not only today.
It's not only 14, 400 years ago.
It is a constant daily,
if not every minute concept.
And how is that? Look at this hadith
of Rasulullah, he saw at the wassulullah.
Look at this hadith of Rasulullah, he saw
at the wassulullah. It's also an al Bukhari
and Muslim. And he said and this is
what actually narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn
al Haas. He said,
The real Muslim
the real Muslim
is not the Muslim who
just say or just pray. Nope. The
real Muslim
is the Muslim
feel safe
from his tongue and his hand.
The real Muslim is the Muslim who? The
are safe from his hand and his tongue.
Meaning, if I am around this person or
that person, I know that person. She or
he, young or old, will not hurt me
with their tongue.
I know they will not hurt me physically.
And Muslim, the real Muslim,
the one who other Muslims feel safe from
his or her tongue and from his or
her hand.
Where is the immigration here? And now he
And the real one who immigrate,
the the the the immigrant
the immigrant
is not the one who goes to Madinah.
Well, not everybody can do that.
And Muhajur, the immigrant,
The immigrant is the one
who migrate away
migrate away
from what Allah
has made it forbidden.
The the the immigrant
is the one
who stay away from what or migrate away
from what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
made it haram.
Suhaabi came to Rasul Islam later
on in Madinah,
and he says, you Rasul Allah, I want
to give you covenant that I will migrate
with you. This is after he migrated to
Madinah, And the Rasul alaihi wa sallam,
he said,
The migration to Madinah was done by its
So you and me this applies to you
and me. We cannot migrate to Madinah with
the Rasool alaihi wa sallahu wa sallam, but
don't give me covenant to migrate to Madinah,
rather give me covenant
to submit to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, to
struggle for his sake and to do a
good deed, and to do a good deed.
What does that mean for me in this
day and age?
How do I migrate?
How do I struggle?
leaving your place,
going to another country, going to another city
is something not easy. It's something full of
and a lot of people feel uncomfortable doing
it, and it will take time to settle
and feel at ease. So there is a
lot of struggle.
What Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants from you
and me, when I live today, the first
day of the new year, and I remember,
and I should remind myself, I should tell
my family
14 days, alayhis salaam,
where he and Abu Bakr only,
Sayyidna Abu Bakr,
And because of this migration,
you and me now are Muslims
living safely as Muslims.
There is billions of Muslims. When Rasul alaihis
salatu wa salam did his last hajj,
100,000 people were with him.
people were with him. After that,
in in in the Yani,
because of the migration.
This number, when when the people migrated with
maybe a1000.
Before him and with him is only he
and Abu Bakr. But the at the time
of Hajj, 9 years later, 100,000.
Now we are 1,600,000,000.
gave Rasool alayhi salatu wa salam a safe
the start of the Muslim nation,
for you and me,
in my home,
in the comfort
of my home, in the comfort of my
home, I can migrate to Allah
without moving,
without leaving, without packing.
By leaving,
migrating away
from 2 things.
Migrating away from the disobedience
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in my own
home, in my own small
in my own small
place or or community.
And number 2, I need to
migrate from my own,
from my own desires,
from my own
what I want.
I migrate away
and and and not or I struggle for
the sake of Allah.
The one who struggle, the one who migrate,
there's a lot of struggle in it, is
the one who migrate for the sake of
Allah. Hijra,
the new year,
reminds me
of my history,
what Rasul alayhi salatu wa sallam went through
so you and me
can practice my deen
with no problem.
You and me can say I'm a Muslim,
you and me can go to mosques, can
build mosques, especially for us living in in
the west.
He went through all this difficulty
for you and me to to live as
in comfort.
So this deen becomes the second growing,
or the second,
followers number of followers in the world is
religion is Islam. He went through all this
for you and me. A question comes to
you and me, and that question is to
myself, number 1.
What did I do for this deen? What
did I migrate
for this deen? Did I leave my comfort
zone for this deen?
Did I sacrifice for this dean?
So, Hijra, new year is the month that
changed the world,
changed the world. Morality changed. Look at
from the time, our Rasool alaihi salatu wasalam
migrated to Medina till the be peak of
the Islamic civilization. You're talking about 100 years
later. Look what happened to the world.
Look at the advancement in everything.
Change the world.
Many I'm not gonna go to this, but
many of you know this. Many
a lot of things, morality,
worshiping Allah
changed the concept. Lot of concepts changed
because of this move.
Come to me anew,
and I will say,
he migrated for me alaihis salaam,
so you and me become Muslims and live
as Muslims. What did I do for him
alaihis salaam?
So another thing I need to remember,
that yes, I cannot migrate, maybe most of
us can't migrate to Madinah physically, and it's
not the same as they did, but I
can migrate
or immigrate
in my home
in my home. And I'll give some simple
When we are sitting in front of that
TV and most of us, or that,
phone, and we are looking into the Internet
and looking at things, and then things comes
and immediately comes to me, it's the first
day of the new year. He migrated for
my sake. He left the most beloved city
for me.
Can I just lower my gaze and turn
it off?
If he did this for me, what did
I do for him? I think we Muslims
need to go back and remember these basics.
Maybe what I'm sharing with you today is
not something you don't know, but we need
to remember the basics.
We need to do at least minimum. What?
Minimum from what he did for me.
The concept of al hijra.
So the 1st day of the new year
reminds me of the concept of hijra, not
only the hijra, the migration of Rasool alaihi
salatu wa salaam, but
the concept of the local, if you wanna
call it, the local hijra.
The local Hijra inside me, the local immigration
inside me is an individual and I am
alone. When I there's nobody else. I'm not
moving anywhere.
But it reminds me of me migrating
from the disobedience of Allah to the obedience
of Allah.
Moving away from what I love and like
to what Allah loves and like. I need
to practice
as an adult, then my
my children, the youth will know this. They
see it on me, and then they will
do that.
So migrating,
remind me
of this. The first day of the new
year remind me of this.