Hacene Chebbani – The Treasures of Duaa #04

Hacene Chebbani
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The importance of following one's spiritual path and not allowing anyone to overwhelm them is discussed. The need for forgiveness and having a strong heart is also emphasized. The heart is the only thing important to the operation of one's heart and the importance of practicing behavior and deeds to achieve spiritual success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of developing a strong image of sincerity and avoiding dangerous behavior. The importance of balancing behavior with intentions is emphasized, as well as practicing the act of prayer to purify one's heart and avoid harming others.

AI: Summary ©

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			hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala he was savage may we'll
come back to our program which we started a few weeks ago with explaining the title for program was
the charges of doing so we're talking about that famous two that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam taught shed their videos for the Allahu anhu we said that he was a Sahabi from an answer.
May Allah be pleased with them? And he told him what is we said before what is beautiful about these
two are the cell phone lines I sell them before teaching shuddered. He told him when you see people
collecting golden silver either it NASA is your own available silver fish Matt How old are you
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			kidding Matt? I will definitely be how old I carry Matt so collect the benefits of these two.
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			And then we said it is a long day. Today we'll talk about one party shows for that we were supposed
to do last time, March 30. But the weather conditions were kind of severe. So we had to cancel this,
this halaqa and I felt that it is inshallah important to finish this to Ramadan is coming and we
need to communicate with Allah subhanaw taala Of course you need to communicate with Allah all the
time before Ramadan and after Ramadan. But during the time from other people get closer to Allah
subhanho wa Taala they keep coming. They start coming back to the massage and attending tearaway
prayer and if you move closer to Allah subhanaw taala. So we need to learn some ways of
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			communicating with Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is one of them.
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			So the dog goes Hello, my name is Lucas about affilorama Well, I asked you for firmness upon the
Diem while azima roasted grunt with determination, determination in following your path or Allah His
guidance in general. I said Luca Mooji batty ratiometric and ask you for all I asked you for that
which obligates Your mercy anything that obligates Your mercy so I can do it to bring mercy, your
mercy in my life, of course, Allah subhanaw taala will grant you His mercy. But what are the things
that you can do? And they will be Allah subhanho wa Taala will make them a means for his mercy to
reach you along to Allah as well as Luca Mooji bertera Matic who as a member Verity, can the
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			resolutions of your forgiveness was Luca shukran, aromatic and ask you for the ability or like
granting me the ability to be grateful for your blessings and bounties. shukran aromatic was not
able to take and give me grant me the ability to worship you in the best way in the most beautiful
manner was Erica Calvin
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			selima salaryman, and this Our topic today and ask you for a pure heart or a sound heart when he
said and saw the fun and the truthful tongue so you want to be a truthful in your speech. You don't
want to lie. You want to stay away from lying but you want to last pantalla to enable you to say the
truth all the time and follow the path of truth all the time was to come in Heidi Matalan and ask
you for all goodness which you know that you know of. So it's like method Rasul Allah says Allah
mentioned a couple of good things you want them to happen in your life, but at the end, he wants you
to think that okay, you are a human being a you knology is limited. There could be some other ways
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			of goodness that you are not aware of. So at the end to fall with America a llama you refer all your
efforts to Allah Allah grants me all types of goodness that you know of, and I seek refuge Where are
all the becoming sheremeta element I seek refuge in You from all evil that you know of there are
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			some bad things that you know you're not aware of something could be bad but you're not really sure
about it. So you're asking the last panel data to enable you to stay away from all types of evil was
a Luca Luca at the end he hated metallic, metallic stuff you know carry metallic, seek your
forgiveness from anything that you know of any any mistake anything that I made, that I committed
and not aware. I don't know that it is a sin but you know, the Allah you know that it is a sin. So I
want you to forgive this sin. Because if you don't recognize that it is a mistake. You don't. You
don't ask Allah you don't ask Allah forgiveness for it. You don't make tilbyr because you don't
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			recognize it as a sin. So here you are referring
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			The end all your affairs to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the end in the canta alemu. I'm making these
two because NTR nemu indeed it is you who is the Knower of the unseen. So today we'll focus on this
power to us. Luca Calvin, Solomon will listen on Sadiq Khan, I asked for a sound and pure hearts and
truthful tongue. I'm not going to talk about truthfulness. But I will talk about the first part, I
asked you for a sound or a pure heart. And in sha Allah, we consider this as a preparation for
Ramadan. For suhani, we'll talk in shallow and mate 11, we'll talk about the 15 side, what are the
matters and how to prepare ourselves for Ramadan. But today, since we're talking about our hearts
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			and the diseases of the heart and the state of our heart, so how we need to prepare our hearts for
Ramadan. And this is I think this is a good part of our preparation, maybe it could be the most
important part. When we study about the intention, and about the state of our hearts, and what will
save us on the Day of Judgment, then we will know that this could be the most important thing will
Lota element. And all Muslims call us all Muslim scholars, one, agree on the importance of having a
good intention. There is no disagreement about it. There is no scholar, no Muslim scholar who said
that the matters of the heart and not important, this is something secondary. If you don't have a
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			good intention, if you don't have a pure heart, then you don't have to worry about it, you will be
saved on the Day of Judgment. I don't know this enough to have a good word, a good heart.
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			It is enough to have a good heart. To like for people what you look for yourself to wish for them
well, to be nice to be kind to have a good heart, a soft heart. And that's enough. You That means if
you don't pray, if you don't fast, if you don't give Zakat, you will be fine on the day of judgment
because of the soundness of your heart. And this is a misunderstanding. you're one of those people
might use the other lady that was mentioned by Holly here in the first part, also La Silla. One time
he said a taco hoonah a taco, a taco, and I was pointing to his heart. And he said, peitc peitc
peitc. First of all, like I said them, you know, it was meant that the protocol starts begins from
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			this place, right? But it doesn't mean that piety is here. You don't have to do things you don't
have to do. You know, you don't have to do works of work of righteousness. You don't have to do any
action. So this is a common misunderstanding. And it is triggered either by ignorance or desire.
There are people who are ignorant. We don't know that they have to look at all the Hadith. And it's
an old jamaa Allison nojima. The people who follow the mother's path, who follow the scholars who
follow the meta profile is Sunil Juma.
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			The whenever they study any matter of the denier one, and this is very important, the the don't
choose and select
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			whatever is convenient, whatever fits their agenda, or their ideology or their desires. No, we look
at all the ahaadeeth and the proofs and the combine them together. And they come up with a
conclusion. conclusion that is the believe it is the truth. So they don't agree this head is no no,
we don't want to listen to this. We don't need this hadith here, we have this hadith and this is
enough for us.
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			But the other hand is ignored, has another information that it doesn't serve their agenda. This is
this is tariqa to the main hash of al Qaeda.
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			The people who have a deviation and because they are worried about the deviation to be exposed the
try to ignore some ahaadeeth or some ad from the Quran and the focus only the eight that serve their
agenda. This is a bigger problem. And this is a cause a major cause of division within the Muslim
ummah. But the one who seeks truth, who has a desire to follow the truth, it doesn't matter. If
there is heavy against his opinion against his ideology and the Hadith is authentic and it's coming
from another scholar, then he should accept it he should be willing to accept it. Even if it is
against his opinion, like a machete he would say you know Isa,
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			wait a minute, where are you at copper mill saw when he has a difference when a man whenever he
mammy Shafi has a different opinion than another scholar than the opinion of another school. He
would say I am confident about my HD head. I believe that my opinion is right is good. But there is
a possible
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			Let's see, yeah, terminal copper, or ESRB item in the hopper, there is a possibility, it's possible
that my opinion is wrong.
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			See, he's giving the passive with the possibility therefore, for what for his opinion to be wrong.
It's not a new, this is my opinion. This is the deal philosopher and author, because this is a big
responsibility. When it whenever someone gives a fatwa, he's talking on behalf of Allah and His
Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is a huge responsibility. There are people who take
it easy when it comes to the masters of the DM, we see people sometimes you know, giving photos
right or left. Without You know, this is a burden. This is a huge burden. It's not something easy.
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			So, but and he says the opinion of others, you know, other people who have a different opinion than
his, who disagreed with him is wrong, I believe is wrong, but there is a possibility that it could
be could be right. This is the humbleness of our scholars Rahmatullah. So anyway,
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			here our response here, one, we need to know that the basic principles of our Deen
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			is that Amen. One of the basic principles of our Dean is that a man is composed of three parts.
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			Colin Gillis and Erica cardroom. bilgin am an ARCA. This is the definition of Eman.
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			Total belief and it's a verbal statement. You say believe in Allah say the Shahada. You declare you
make the declares you have to read you believe in the message of our Prophet Mohammed Salim Kowloon
belief and a verbal statement. Second part believe in the heart, you really believe in what you're
saying. Otherwise it would be hypocrisy. You believe in Allah subhanaw taala. And you really believe
that Mohammed Salah was through messenger of God, and he really believe that the Quran is Huck.
Right? So your verbal statement is in line with what is in your heart and the third part of that he
said practicing the Pillars of Islam. practicing the parameter can also save your code. Massoud in
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			the Lahore layover ala assamica wala in a su Oracle, what can young guru ina kulu be Kumar america
he said Rasulullah Sasha Verily, Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire, the way
you look. The way you dress is not important in front of Allah spanner in the sight of Allah
subhanho wa Taala rather he looks at your hearts and your deeds. So as Allah says, combined between
hearts and deeds, and in the area that she had he mentioned at the end of Surah 10 calf pull in
another anniversary or Miss lucam you have in a year. A NEMA Ilaha Camila femen canais or Zhu Li ka
sallyann. Malema alongside whoever hopes in the meeting of his Lord What is he supposed to do? What
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			Allah saying?
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			The intention is mentioned now here at the second at the end. Failure malamala sorry, when are you
Shrek be reverted here A B
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			Milan I'm aluna Suleiman is mentioned First, let him work do right work of righteousness. Salatin
firstly takes care of your salad, you take care of the five daily prayers to give you fasting, you
do things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And when he could be reverted to Europe, the ohana
and he and not to associate is not supposed to associate in the worship of his Lord, anyone. So
anyway, basically, both hearts and deeds are important. The conditions of our hearts is are
important. Our deeds and actions are important. But the conditions of our hearts are more important
because the quality of our deeds and the quality of our actions depend on the conditions of our
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			intention and the conditions of our hearts. And this is an answer for those who use this hadith to
you know,
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			to justify their lack of of actions.
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			Now, what are the main
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			diseases among the hidden spiritual since these are hidden, spiritual since they could be one of
them is greed. One of them is envy, desire for fame and status, lack of sincerity, arrogance, and
grudges towards others. And as I said, I will talk about two of them. I was trying to talk about
three virtually 100 lashes Allah talked about kibble arrogance. So now we'll talk about the
intention, the corruption of the intent facade unia
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			and the old me said our intention. I want you to pay attention to this definition to this basic
principle here. Our intention becomes corrupt
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			It when we do an active Eva that any activity by the solid Zakat, hycm anything, coming to the
masjid, doing anything in the masjid being involved in the community, anything you do, that is xym
deemed as deemed as an activity by the or being involved in the community. If you do it seeking
other other than Allah reward, then the intention is corrupted.
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			Seeking if you do it if your main main intention is to seek other than Allah as a word
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			than to earn a status in the community to maintain a good image in the community to, you know, to be
praised, because there is Javi, who asked us for less SLM. He clearly asked us Allah Selim Sahaba,
were concerned about their team. He wanted to be safe, their intention, their main concern was to be
was salvation on the Day of Judgment, he came to us Allah and that was a reason of revelation for
Aya when an attendee saw
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			that they mentioned now so he said the Rasul Allah, I do think feasability Allah Look, he said, Dr.
sola, I do amarula feasibility, uwajima work, and euro molteni. But I want people to, to see my
position to appreciate my work. I want people to, you know, to recognize what I'm doing. So Rasul
Allah says, Hello kept quiet, he didn't say anything, until this area was revealed, which is the I
110. I mentioned the at the end of surah calf, and it was revealed, obviously, as a response to this
man who said, I do think he said, Allah, but at the same time, I want people to recognize my
efforts. So this I was really revealed as a response to this inquiry from the Sahabi or the Allahu
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			Allah to Allah, Islam, he said women are the hero was less, were more men aiming for Ole Cana.
Sorry, houmous Cora is sort of like this idea in salt. israa is a response to those who don't
believe in the importance of the intention of having good intention. And also it's a response for
those who use know those ahead is about having a good heart to justify the lack of action, because
he said women are the akhirah, a desire whoever have a desire for the home of the after. When
someone desires in a healer that means his main intention is to please the last panel Italia he's
doing things for the sake of Allah for the sake of Allah, He wants to be saved on the day of
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			judgment that is his main concern. whoever desires the hereafter and exerts the efforts due to it.
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			So he does what is required from him to do
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			if he supposed to come to the masjid for the five daily prayers. So he comes to the masjid suppose
it gives like it gives us he exerts the efforts due to while he's a believer, the same time he's
believing in Allah the Day of Judgment. It is those whose effort is ever appreciated by Allah
subhanho wa Taala in the famous Hadith and we are all familiar with this hadith here one enamel Amma
Roubini yet we're in the Cooley Milligan manner.
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			This is a major rule in our Deen in the mill, Mr. Lubin, yet vinly actions are by intentions
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			and for every person is what he intended. Look at what he intended. If you intended brazen, to be
popular and to be covered to be recognized, you might get this recognition but you will lose your
rewards on the Day of Judgment. So for every person what he is what he intended, this is very, very
dangerous Your Highness Allah subhanho wa Taala Salam O Allah
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			and there is a famous Hadith who would like to share it with you. You know, there are many verses
many Hadith about the importance of having but then talk about the solution. Don't worry. I know you
are worried now. Some of you are worried. I'll talk about the solutions, the tips how do we develop
sincerity how do we build this good intention? How do we take care of our hearts inshallah beat me
later at the end? Even if we don't talk about this is enough for tonight if we I mean if we have to
pray sort of on time at night, that's okay. But we will deal with this problem inshallah. But before
that, I would like to share this headache with you and it is a warning, but it is a warning for sure
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			there are people who died in the battle.
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			Bill believing that they were doing this for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala those who have
knowledge and they shared it with others or they learn the Quran and they taught the Quran to
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			Those who had money wealth
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			and they spend it in the waveless panel with data in what appears to people in this dunya. But we
will this hadith is very dangerous one and Abu hurayrah on the Allahu anhu. He's the one who
narrated this hadith. In the version of him avatar meeting, he passed out three times. Before he
recited or narrated this Hadith, he fainted.
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			And to be honest with you, it's a very dangerous Hadith. Everyone has to be concerned about this
hadith. every man, every scholar, every Mufti, everyone who goes to a Jihad visa be the lead
everyone who has money and he's spending his money for the sake of Allah has to be worried about
this head.
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			This head in this head, he said,
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			he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam saying, verily the first the first to be
judged on the Day of Resurrection. So three people, we are the first people to be judged, because
not three people know three people, and the three categories of people. They are group of people,
but they have these qualities, or they have this problem.
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			They said we'll be among the first among them will be a man who had died as a martyr. He will be
brought forward and Allah subhanho wa Taala will remind him of the favours he had bestowed upon him.
He made it easy for him to participate in this Eva, and the men will acknowledge the man will
acknowledge his favorites, he will acknowledge them.
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			And then Allah would ask him, and then the same conversation will take place with the other two
people. Ask him what did you do to express shocker for them
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			to express gratitude for these bounties. And then this man, he said, I fought for your cause till I
was martyred. And Allah will say you have light you fought so that people say, or call you might
call you courageous and brave. And then the and they had done so they called you brave and
courageous and powerful and strong. They have done you got this praise that you want. And then the
head he said, the command will be issued again about him, and he will be thrown in the fire of *.
Of course, if he was a movement, the warhead and he had this problem. Most likely he will at the end
leaves your hands and go to to Jana. And it's a purification for him. Because if someone has to wait
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			which is the basic of this team, most of the most likely all those who have to hate I can am I'm I'm
almost confident about this maloom at this information he anyone who has to eat he's not a mushrik
major chick who doesn't have the problem of major shake, he will end up in Jannah v3 later on. But
this is a big problem. The message of this heavy and the second that it men, he is someone who
acquired knowledge, he taught it to other people, and read the Quran, memorize the Quran and he
thought for and two other people. Right. And last night I will remind him of his favors that he had
bestowed upon him. And these men were recognized alas favors upon him. And then Allah would ask him
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			this, this the same question, what did you do about these favors? What did you do to show shokran
gratitude for them? And he will say, you know, I acquired knowledge I taught it, I read the Quran,
incited the Quran for your sake. And then Allah will say, No, you lied, you're quite not so my
people might say might call you a learned man, a scholar, you read the Quran that the mighty they
might call you a reciter. Now here we are when
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			the message of this hadith will Lota Adam, the reason Allah Subhana Allah will start with these
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			It is a strong Allah Subhana Allah wanted to send a strong through His Messenger because we got it
with this is not current, this is a heavy so we got this knowledge from our prophets of Allah and it
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			So this is a message from Allah through His Messenger sallallahu wasallam, to the oma that if you
are doing things, you have to take care of your agent obligation upon you to purify your heart,
purify your intention, you don't have another option. But the other option, of course, was staying
home and not doing anything.
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			And the justification could be I'm worried about showing off Ria
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			I'm worried about my intention is not an option. So we have only one option here one there are three
options that we do three options that we do.
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			For the sake of earning praise,
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			and maintaining good image in the community,
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			we stay home and do nothing. Out of fear of what? Lack of sincerity, right freer. And the third
option that we do things, we place our trust in Allah.
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			And we ask, pray to Him to grant us a class. And we keep doing them, we don't stop, we do what we
are supposed to do. Because otherwise if we, if it's lack of sincerity, or this concern about
sincerity is a just a justification for us not to do anything, we would stop doing Juma, which is an
obligation, because in a man who stands up and remember his human being right, is human being like
everyone, and he might have this problem like anyone, like any, any Muslim, right? If it was a
justification for us, in this field, if it is the justification was to leave things leave not to do
what we are supposed to do, then we leave Europe but if we leave your mouth, is it a sin or not? It
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			is a measure of sin, we cannot leave your mouth, we cannot stop coming to the mercy. We need to come
to them as you know, pray. We cannot stop learning the Quran and teaching the other No, it couldn't
be a saint could be an obligation for a person in a village, if he is the only one who knows the
Quran, how to recite the Quran, it could be an obligation upon him to teach other people Quran in
his village in his city, right? Because he's the only one. So the first option is not there is not
for us, the second is not an option. And the third is the only option for us that we keep doing what
we are supposed to do. We come to the masjid, we get involved in the community, we help other
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			people, even if I have to give sadaqa in public with the intention of encouraging other people.
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			I do it to encourage other people.
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			There is a risk. But if you don't take a risk, you don't get profits and business. If you take risk,
there is no profit, right? So in the in the dean, you take this risk for the sake of Allah subhanho
wa Taala and Allah will help you because Enter to rob me shaitan you're fighting shaytaan Will you
do this when you don't stay home when you decide to do things for the sake of Allah. But at the same
time, you try to work on your intention, these two obligations go together, you work on your
intention. So how do we solve this problem? We are one, I have some tips here.
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			Number one, you have to develop this feeling of hatred, towards showing off
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			and seeing hatred. This is a stroke you have to hate showing of hate these feelings of fear. These
feelings of trying to impress other people, or maintain or earning the status in their heart. You
hate it between you and Allah. And Allah knows if you have this hatred for a year in your heart.
This is the first step. And the second thing you love sincerity. You have to love sincerity. And you
read about the stories of sincere people what scholar said about sincerity that had the most
acidity, have to love it and ask Allah to include you among sincere people and be concerned, be
concerned about your class, a moment is always concerned about his intention. There are scholars
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			great scholars in our history, one, these
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			the most, the most difficult thing that I struggled with my intention, they are great scholars, I
can tell you about the names of the books, the author, and the contribution and everything but they
said they were humble. And he said the most difficult thing that I struggled with was my intention.
One of them he said, Follow up in an email he left forever and your corner Illa. He said when we
started learning and going to halaqaat and learning about the Hadith and the Quran and everything.
We didn't do it for the sake of Allah. He was honest.
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			You know, he's giving us the conclusion of his experience, the summary of his experience. He said we
didn't do it for the sake of Allah. We didn't have a good intention. But this in this knowledge, he
said ever in any akuna Lila, this drove them towards a class and security. So after they knew the
importance of having good intention in their head, if they said no, we have no option, but to purify
our hearts, and do things with sincerity. So that was the image I had. And this man this collar is
giving us the summary of his experience. So this is the first step you hate this, you know the
character or the behavior of showing off. But of course when I say hate, don't try to look for other
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			people is another problem. And try to see and observe them and see if they are sincere or not. And
you judge them and you pass judgments upon them. Don't do that.
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			What is in their hearts it between them and Allah subhanaw taala. You can talk about sincerity in
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			But don't say I feel that this person is not sincere. And that person is not sincere. I mean, it's
not your problem. Allah will judge them. If you give no say, how about sincerity, but don't judge
don't pass judgments upon other people. Number two, the owner advise us to understand the psychology
of behind showing golf.
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			It is sometimes a feeling of lack of security in security. People feel insecure, they want to
maintain a good image, they are warned about, they're worried about their, their image in the
community. So try, they try to please other people, right? It's a feeling of insecurity. also search
for attention. So when we understand when we understand the psychology behind this behavior, if we
find that we have these problems, then we try our best to make some adjustments accordingly.
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			Number one, read about the importance of sincerity. Read about it, keep reading, remind yourself all
the time. You know these things, we talk about them all the time. But I believe I feel that it is
important to remind ourselves about them all the time. If this is the foundation, if no deed will be
accepted without a good intention. So intention is everything besides our deeds. So it's 151 it
deserves our time and our our attention. So it's okay to remind ourselves to time to time we'll talk
about it and we remind each other
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			number 41 increase, increase your hidden deeds.
00:31:43 --> 00:32:14
			There are things that you have to do them in public like consumer will come to select you to the
same place braids are away together, pray the five daily prayers together. But increase hidden
deeds, your increase them new things. Between you analyst panel attack, try to do a couple of
things. No one knows about them, including your wife and your children. Don't tell them about it
about them. Don't tell your parents about it. Don't share this knowledge with anyone leave it
between you and Allah subhanaw taala
00:32:16 --> 00:32:33
			You know, this is a solution actually for this problem. And remember, one of the Imams one of the
members I forgot his name. One man came to him and he said yeah, amen. I am worried about hypocrisy
about showing off. But my main intention.
00:32:35 --> 00:32:41
			He said, Did you by any chance Did you offer pray by yourself like took us?
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			By yourself? No one was around you. No children, no wife, no one by yourself in your room? privately
you offered to our class? He said yes I did. Then he said don't worry you are not going Africa
because he said Muna hypocrites will never do something in private he do them always in public to
try to go especially those who have problem of major hypocrisy is it Don't worry by the by the at
least you don't have the problem of measure hypocrisy.
00:33:12 --> 00:33:56
			So it is those those actions that you know those hated action that you do them between you and
Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala shook his level of Jamia, he said if you correct your hidden deeds,
subsequently Allah subhanaw taala will correct your artwork outward deeds. And again here we have to
have a balance here. One, it's very important to have a balance as I said, we cannot use this
ahaadeeth is Ed as you say, justification to stop doing things, we cannot we can do that we cannot
do that. And it could be sometimes very rewarding to do certain things in public view are working
your intention, but at the same time, do say things in public. What is the proof? The famous dua in
00:33:56 --> 00:34:15
			Surah four carnia one? The famous do is Surah Furqan. What did Allah tell us about Eva ramen? These
do I always repeat it I tell you I told people about it many times that it is the most important
about family affairs. family issues.
00:34:16 --> 00:34:43
			Do you know the number of the I because I said it many times in my different speeches. I said this
to her is one of the doodads of a better man. And it is the most important to her. It's a beautiful
day is a very powerful to about family issues. And I believe every parent every mother has to do say
these two every day these days especially these days. Do you remember these two are the number of
the I have this to answer for.
00:34:49 --> 00:34:49
			This is
00:34:51 --> 00:34:53
			Gina with Rhea Tina kurata
00:34:55 --> 00:34:59
			Sakina imana. Now what is the number of these to add the number of the higher
00:35:01 --> 00:35:02
			I said it many times one
00:35:08 --> 00:35:49
			it will be an encouragement. Yeah, one if you if you remind me of the number of this iron, we're not
wasting our time preparing for the hotter than the Mahabharata. Because I've been repeating this for
the last two years we'll be talking about these two I whenever I talk about family issues, I talked
about it on different occasions and I always number that mentioned the number of the Aya so people
would easily go back to it sorted for car. If we know the number of the aisle we will be able to
know the driver themselves is I don't have to write it down for them. You don't have to memorize it
is there in the Quran? sold for a 7474 I mean, as far as you know, the reality
00:35:50 --> 00:35:50
00:35:52 --> 00:36:04
			a man what is the part here that is a proof that it's okay you can do things in public to encourage
other people. So people will follow your example. What is the part of this I was
00:36:05 --> 00:36:38
			gonna make as an example for the people of Tacoma It doesn't mean that your example you don't become
an email you're not asking Allah to make you an Imam in the masjid. No, you want to be an example,
if you do, all your actions are hidden, you cannot be an example right. So you have to be in public.
So, we will have to look at you observe you doing things of course, you are working your intention
is your individual responsibility is your business with Allah subhana wa Tada, but people are
looking at you, they are learning from you. So then you will have what you will be rewarded.
00:36:39 --> 00:36:45
			You will be rewarded. One of our show you you want to add Medina, one of our comedian to you
00:36:46 --> 00:36:49
			can add memes he went to the city of Medina was
00:36:50 --> 00:36:54
			the occasion of his and he met with the Imam of Al haram and Nebo.
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			And he he had a discussion with him. And he said, You know,
00:37:00 --> 00:37:22
			you're leading this huge number of people like maybe 250,000 people leading them in prayer, how do
you struggle and purify your intention he wanted to learn from him. He said I am actually you know,
this is something important we have to work on it, but there is a blessing to it. And he said he
will look at the alphabet.
00:37:23 --> 00:37:41
			And he mentioned this two as a proof that it is okay to be to leave people in the path of goodness
to leave people be an example be a role model, positive role model for other people, but at the same
time you have to take care of your intention without
00:37:42 --> 00:37:49
			any when you deviate to the right or deviate to the left, it is a deviation. Islam wants you
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			to follow the moderate path here what is there was a year here in this subject. Regarding this
subject that you do things for the sake of Allah, be motivated to do thing get involved, come to the
massage it help your community but at the same time, work on your intention, try to purify your
heart and this is the best thing I think to do to prepare ourselves in sha Allah for Ramadan be the
light on now there is malice, I have to share this with you the dude
00:38:21 --> 00:38:40
			and I believe that if he keeps saying this to you will be even Illa This is a guarantee will lie
This is a promise from us unless I tell him that if you say this to you will be completely This is
his promise. You will be completely free from shark minor and major shark.
00:38:42 --> 00:38:46
			What do you think about that? This is a promise from us unless I said
00:38:49 --> 00:38:57
			I am about to say it could be an obligation upon every Muslim to memorize this do and say it all the
time. Because there are some nice saying you'll be completely free.
00:38:58 --> 00:39:39
			So Allah will take care of your heart. Allah will take care of your intention. If you keep saying
it, because when you keep saying it that means your concern about your intention. That means you
love sincerity. That means you hate showing off. If you keep saying these two and these two are came
in different versions, they do I wouldn't allow Manero to be cut and oshika Vika and selfie Luca
Lima Allah. There is simply a contract to memorize it. Well, I seek refuge with You least I should
commit check with you knowingly and I seek your forgiveness for what I do unknowingly. This is the
Allahumma inni
00:39:40 --> 00:39:42
			and who Sri kavika
00:39:43 --> 00:39:59
			was sulfuryl columella. Allah and Ursula sillim taught abubaker Bakker here his best friend he said
yeah, abacha. Look at the the description that also Allah says in them used for this problem. He
said yeah, abubaker less sure Kofi Come on.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:14
			I mean the bb nimal. And then he said well Levine fcbd le shilka firming Wb nemen and he said Ella
do Luca ladipo for Adele Buhari, and I do look she in either for alto
00:40:17 --> 00:41:03
			in this hadith and I will finish with this because we have to pray. He said oh I will share among
you among you among the among the Muslim Ummah is not talking about other people. He's talking about
Muslims among you he's talking to Abu Bakar his best friend as Sadiq the best man in this oma the
best human being after all Prophets and Messengers is Abu Bakar This is an agreement between Allison
novel Gemma okay within the mythology reality with the group of Jamal he believes that the worker is
the best after prophets and messengers, so he told him share a common view is more hidden than the
footfalls of ants, Amanda footfalls of ants if there is, if there is an ant around you, does it make
00:41:03 --> 00:41:23
			any sound when it's moving around you? Now, you'll be lucky if you look at it. The only way to
discover that there is an end around you is to see it with your eyes, right? It doesn't make any
sound. So the sulla says lm he said this shirtless problem is more hidden than the footfalls of
00:41:25 --> 00:41:45
			And then he confirmed this meaning he said by the one, making an oath by Allah, by the one My soul
is in his hand, shark is more hidden than the footfalls of ends. And he said, shall I tell you here,
he'll there the medication here, the medication profitec medication
00:41:46 --> 00:42:07
			has been held in Nebo. We This is the solution here we're talking about solution. Allah ado, look,
shall I tell you about something if you do it, then you will be completely completely This is the
promise of our messenger, completely free from sheer minor and major shift. And then he said, You
say this to keep saying this to Allah in me.
00:42:09 --> 00:42:12
			And Sheree kavika what
00:42:15 --> 00:42:46
			Lima le alum, you say it you refer you your affairs to Allah, Allah will take care of your
attention. intention, sorry, Allah will take care of your heart beating Elijah, because he's in
control of everything, and he's in control of your heart, and he has the ability and the power to
purify your heart, if he wishes subhanho wa Taala. She is echolocating they have to finish with
this. As I said we'll talk about it on a different occasion. subhanak alone we have
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			learned Mr. Furukawa