Fatima Lette – Exploring The Quran For Women Surah Yusuf #13
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AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of avoiding giving things for better chances of finding them or finding them. It also touches on the negative impact of feeling emotional and the importance of trusting oneself and others. The segment emphasizes the need for people to find time and effort to develop a true relationship with Allah and find reward in one's life. It also touches on the struggles faced by the Prophet units and the importance of forgiveness and taking responsibility for one's actions. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of forgiveness and the need for people to trust oneself and others.
AI: Summary ©
Allah is the one who is all-living
and all-powerful and forever everlasting not these
humans that we have here that are doing
a terrible job at their one job and
so it's important for us, taking the advice
of Yaqub alayhis salaam, to not lose hope
in Allah because when we lose hope in
Allah, we then resemble disbelievers and we're not
disbelievers so we go on from there and
the sons, they then return and they go
back to Yusuf and it says, falamma dakhalu
alayhi, when they entered and they went to
Yusuf alayhis salaam qalu ya ayyuha al-aziz,
they then went and they talked to him
in the name of his title so they
called him the Aziz because he was and
he was the one who was distributing the
food and they say, massana wa ahlana durru,
that difficulty has touched us in our family
and we've fallen upon hard times wajitna bidaatin
muzjaatin fa ofi lana alqayla wa tasaddaqa alayna
so they said, so please, we have come
to you with things that are, like in
order for us what we need to pay
you is not a lot, we don't even
have good things to exchange and what that
means is, for instance, if someone comes and
they go to a different country to exchange
money whenever you go to a different country
to exchange money, they tell you, we want
your new dollars they don't want the old
dollars so what they came with was like
goods, random merchandise to be able to exchange
for some more food but they're saying that
we don't even have the best things we
actually have a lot of counterfeit money, we
have a lot of things we scraped along
the way but what can you do to
give us the measure wa tasaddaqa alayna and
just be charitable to us and the nature
of charity is that it's something somebody does
not have to give you so give us
a measure that you don't even have to
give us inna allaha yajizan mutasaddaqeen why?
because Allah swt rewards those who are charitable,
who give to others so the response that
they get is Yusuf alayhissalam then responds to
them and says qala hal alimtum ma fa
'alitum bi Yusuf he doesn't answer their question
of giving them something he says do you
guys know what you did to Yusuf?
akhihi wa akhihi and his brother id'antum
jahilun when you were in a time of
ignorance do you know what you did to
Yusuf and his brother when you were in
a time of ignorance?
now remember way back when when Yusuf alayhissalam
says one of you guys stole something one
of you guys, he didn't tell them they
stole he says one of you guys has
something that belongs to the king and then
they find it in being a mean stuff
and then he says well this must be
the one who took it because according to
what you guys said whoever we find it
in the belonging of is the one who
took it so we should keep that person
and then they said well he didn't get
that from our side of the family he
got it from Yusuf, his brother was a
stealer before that's what they said, his brother
was a thief before he used to do
this you remember way back when?
so can you imagine now you're facing off
with that same person that you've made accusations
about and not realizing you made that accusation
to that person and now that person is
asking you hey do you remember way back
when when you used to do things that
was not so great but brothers were always
brothers, siblings were always siblings this response that
Yusuf alayhissalam gives them is a very sibling
response oh you want something from me now
but you remember back in the day what
happened, but they don't realize who they're talking
to but Allah swt told Yusuf alayhissalam when
he was in the well he said to
Yusuf alayhissalam don't worry why because there's going
to come a time where you're going to
meet them again and they're not even going
to know who they're talking to they're not
going to know the situation and Allah swt
doesn't even say like they won't know it
he says they won't even perceive it like
they won't even pick up on the hints
that are around them and so Yusuf alayhissalam
says هل علمتم ما فعلتم بيوسف وأخيه إذ
أنتم جاهنون and then he says to them
when you guys were in the time of
ignorance which kind of like it's nice it's
kind because he's not holding them to what
they did right and it's important because people
grow and people make terrible decisions and they
do terrible things in the heightened emotion the
brothers of Yusuf alayhissalam were in immense levels
of jealousy and the nature of hasad is
that it makes what is illogical logical all
of a sudden you've convinced yourself that this
is the way to deal with x, y,
and z situation when truly that's not the
case all of a sudden you've convinced yourself
that this person's life revolves around you when
truly that's not the case but that's what
heightened emotion does it makes a person really
believe something that's not true and it's even
in good things like when people are very
very happy it's as if they never experienced
difficulty before but that is also a quality
of jannah when people go to jannah and
they're asked have you ever went through life
has it ever been difficult have you ever
suffered trial and tribulation in jannah they don't
know what is that I don't even know
what I was stressed about what never I
don't even know what the word stress means
and may Allah give us all jannah for
those but that's the nature of heightened emotion
and when a person's really sad and life
is very difficult it's as if they've never
experienced happiness before this is why gratitude is
very important shukr reminds you that even in
the thick of difficulty of hardship of trial
and tribulation there's still something to be grateful
for there has been still some good there's
been something that I've enjoyed there is something
that I can really benefit from even in
this situation that is not so great but
Yusuf alayhis salaam he doesn't hold his siblings
to this he doesn't tell them like oh
do you remember what you did to Yusuf
and his brother and you guys are terrible
people he didn't say that he said when
you were in times of jahiliya when you
were in times of ignorance when you were
in times where you weren't really able to
fully use your mind because your mind was
overpowered by the emotion that you were feeling
qalu, they then responded as if a lightbulb
goes off on them and they said a
'innaka la'anta yusuf are you Yusuf?
but it's more so like you can't be
Yusuf that is more so the response like
there's no way so they say a'innaka
la'anta yusuf you can't be Yusuf qalu,
Yusuf alayhis salaam then responds to them and
said ana yusufu wa hadha akhi he says
I am Yusuf and this is my brother
he points to bin yameen qad amanna allahu
alayna and then he says surely Allah has
favored us he has bestowed favor upon us
innahu min yattaki wa yasbir fa inna allaha
la yudia'u ajar almuhsineen and know that
the one who fears Allah who has this
God consciousness and this awareness of God right
God consciousness and awareness of Allah the reason
why taqwa gives the understanding of fear it's
not necessarily being scared right scared is like
you know guys I do my jump scare
all the time right hope that's like being
scared but taqwa is like awareness it is
to know that Allah swt's punishment is real
but to also know that Allah swt's power
is real as well and Allah swt's compassion
is real and His rahma is real but
also knowing that Allah will be there for
you and Allah will take care of you
and when Allah swt gives you a command
to do something as illogical as it may
seem you know that following Allah swt's command
will bring barakah it will give you way
more than what you thought was the logical
way when you think of the story of
like taaloot and jaaloot you have a portion
in Surah al-Baqarah where Allah swt is
telling that they give the command to Banu
Israel because they're following they're trying to go
and they're trying to fight David and Goliath
the whole thing we're not going to go
through that story but we'll go through one
part of it and the narration it talks
about how it's like a hot day they're
going to face off with Jaaloot and it's
very hot and then taaloot which is the
one who's like leading this army against Goliath
is telling them we're going to come across
a river when we come across this river
nobody drink from it don't drink from it
because this is what God has demanded now
in the case that you feel like you're
so thirsty and you can't you won't be
able to survive then drink a little bit
and a little bit means a handful okay
if people drink from it till they're full
from this river you're not from us if
you don't drink from it and you drink
just a little bit you're from us that
is the pure line of it now for
us we're people we're human it's hot you
think drink more water you won't need no
more water later might as well drink till
you're full so that you can fight later
so that was allegedly their claim they get
there some people follow directions they drink very
little a majority of them drink a lot
now it's time to face off against Goliath
and it's actually more intense than they anticipated
and those who drank more they look at
the situation and they say that we have
no power we're not going to make it
but those who drank a little they say
how many nations have come before that have
been very little in number and they have
been the one to win what makes us
think that we want to be a part
of the people who won't win you don't
develop trust in Allah by means of big
moments in your life you develop the trust
in Allah first by the small things when
you can follow directions in the little things
that God tells you to follow directions in
when bigger things come in life you're just
calling upon muscle memory at that point it's
not even as difficult as like lifting up
a weight you know when one goes into
the gym and automatically starts benching 100 nobody
should be benching 100 or something in here
but nobody goes into the gym and starts
doing that you start little by little and
that's how you get to that point so
Yusuf alayhis salam he's sitting here and he's
telling them that that whoever has taqwa it
is this awareness that even though this doesn't
seem logical for them drink more water so
that you can have more energy you'll be
able to go but God consciousness tells you
that even if I drink a little bit
of water or no water the fact that
God commanded me to do this means I'm
going to see the other side that's what
God consciousness tells you what is Ali radiyallahu
anhu doing the night that the prophet is
making hijrah he's sleeping in the prophet's bed
in the prophet's bed and we're like what
a beautiful bed to sleep in the man
was about to die he literally tells Ali
there are people there who are coming to
kill me and when they come to kill
me just give them their stuff and can
you imagine Ali doesn't say oh I was
scared he brings up about that night after
someone asked him how did you sleep because
logically we're all thinking the same thing how
did you sleep but the prophet salallahu alayhi
wa sallam has hope in Allah and Allah
swt tells him Ali is going to see
you on the other side and he tells
Ali I'll see you in Medina and so
Ali says well the prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam said he'll see me in Medina so
I knew I'll see him there that's a
different type of trust that you have in
God it's a different level of trust to
see the enemy right there and to know
that this is not going to touch me
that's a different type of trust but that's
where taqwa gets you taqwa gets you to
tawakul being able to be God conscious and
aware of Allah allows you to be able
to trust him you cannot trust someone you
do not know if you do not know
that person you do not trust them if
you do not know of them you do
not trust them so how can we automatically
expect to wake up and feel this immense
level of trust though Allah is there if
we don't take out the time to get
to know Allah it doesn't work that way
we also have a responsibility of tying our
own camel so Yusuf alayhi salam first gives
this first quality he says that the one
who has taqwa the second quality he gives
is wa yasbir and they have sabr they
are able to endure because the path of
life is not an easy path there is
ease in it there is happiness along the
way but there is many trials and tribulations
that people face along the way and difficulties
don't have to be huge things they don't
only have to resemble grief they don't only
have to resemble loss of family members or
loss of wealth it doesn't only have to
resemble that that sometimes everyone is okay and
everything is moving in the way that it
should be moving but you're not okay and
I'm telling you that's okay why?
because that's life it happens but in that
moment what are you doing?
are you someone who says you know what
I give up on this I give up
on Allah I don't know if Allah is
going to be there for me no you
can't sabr is not letting go of Allah
in your path that is why Yaqub alayhi
salam says for sabrun jameel that he's going
to be patient but be patient in the
most beautiful way possible and that is constantly
being in the remembrance of Allah and what
does he say when he gets so overwhelmed
and so tired he says I complain to
Allah I complain only to Allah about this
how exhausted I am how tired how emotionally
overwhelmed I am and at that point they're
okay but he's still facing that difficulty that
grief of having lost his child but Yusuf
alayhi salam says these are the two qualities
that people have to have you have to
have taqwa and you have to have endurance
you have to be able to push through
you have to have that strength that keeps
you connected to Allah fa inna allaha la
yudir or ajran almuhsineen because Allah will not
let go to waste the reward of those
who try their best muhsineen you have all
of these cards that God deals you in
life all of them you don't get to
choose your family and we love our families
I was just complaining about going to Atlanta
150 times I was like I'm never going
back to that place again so you don't
get to choose that you don't get to
choose 99.9% of your life and
the 0.1% that you think you
get to choose you don't get to choose
that either the circumstances that you're in the
situation that you're in is because Allah put
you there and guess what as long as
you do your best in that situation that
is what Allah is going to ask you
of Allah is not going to ask you
to be perfect Allah is not going to
tell you come out of here with no
battle scars why?
because battle scars build character so Allah is
going to say what did you learn from
that and how great were you in that
in terms of your own scale your scale
is not going to be on my scale
how I am or what I do and
how I do for my family no one
is going to be judged like that not
even my own sibling because what I've been
dealt in life they have not been dealt
that and what they've been dealt I have
not been dealt that so a person who
has ihsan not only does what they're supposed
to do but they beautify it they carry
themselves in such a beautiful way that it's
almost as if man this person has so
much trust in Allah I want to be
just like them when we think about the
Prophet and the types of difficulties that he
faced and we've talked about this quite a
bit but the types of things that he
faced in his life if people face just
one of them in their lifetime it becomes
their entire lifetime it becomes the trauma of
their life but when you see how the
Prophet ﷺ deals with these difficulties how he's
dealt with these trials and these tribulations it's
in such a beautiful way you still find
him to be personable you still find him
to be loving you still find him to
be there for people but you still find
him to grieve and you find him to
take care of himself the Prophet ﷺ in
the night time was his time between him
and Allah nobody got in between that you
know he was known to be someone who
when people would come and do Ibadah with
him he would take it easy but there's
a companion who's like I want to see
how the Prophet ﷺ prays in the night
the Prophet ﷺ says this is between me
and God this is my time with God
so I'm not going to change my schedule
for you he's like I got this he
did not have it he did not he
goes he stands with the Prophet ﷺ to
pray and he's narrating that the Prophet ﷺ
stood for so long that he would like
his legs were shaking like the man, the
companion he's like I wanted to go down
by to feel embarrassed like I'm waiting for
him and then his ruku was longer than
his standing and then the sajdah was even
longer you know like he's like the prayer
was so I never did it again but
what does that show us?
the Prophet ﷺ had his time because we
always talk about pouring into our cup and
I'm not, I'm going to come for our
little take care of yourself girlies just a
little bit self care girlies, just a little
bit because we'll spend thousands and thousands and
thousands of dollars to feel better not knowing
that what we really need to feel better
is just some time between us and Allah
thousands of dollars we'll pour into it spa
here, this there here I believe in girls
trips girls trips here, welcome to Costa Rica
clothes trips here, doing this, doing that right?
thousands and thousands of dollars when really really
ultimately honest to God what we need is
to carve out time to develop a true
and honest relationship between us and Allah, we
need that time every single time difficulty arises,
what does the Prophet ﷺ do?
he has a conversation with God, not just
salah he has a conversation with Allah and
every single time you find these big moments
in the life of the Prophet ﷺ you
find ta'if you have the battle of
Badr, you have the battle of Uhud you
have the battle of the trench you have
the delegations, you have the hypocrites turning against
the Muslims you find these big moments you
don't find the same dua you don't find
it, why?
because dua is a conversation dua is a
conversation Musa ﷺ, every time he's sitting outside
Median, he's there by himself, trying to figure
out where do I go, is lost you
find one dua he goes, now he's in
the desert he's by himself, he's moved away
from his family, it's like a very interesting
situation, dua but different dua you find different
duas that they're making, why?
because these are conversations that they're having with
Allah they're recognizing that Allah ﷻ is the
one who's going to help them through it,
and that is how they're able to do
ihsan to their day to day, they're doing
ihsan not by their own ability by the
ability that Allah ﷻ gives them, we put
so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect
when that's not even what God is asking
from you right, you try so hard to
be perfect, you break things, that's just the
reality of it, when you want everything to
be a certain way, you're annoying, it's just
you become nagging and this and that and
like nobody wants to be around, that's just
the reality but when you say it is
what it is this is what I can
do, but you make sure that you're beautiful
in that moment, in how you talk in
how you interact, in how you take care
of it, guess what, no one has anything
to say, why?
because you are trusting Allah you're trusting God
you're doing the best with what Allah ﷻ
has given you and so the response to
that is that but even if it seems
like you only did a little bit even
if it seems like it's only a drop
of water in the ocean then guess what,
there's not a single good deed, a single
reward, a single effort that a Muslim a
person who has ihsan puts forward that Allah
ﷻ lets go to waste, He will not
let it go to waste and perhaps maybe
you're not seeing the benefit of it right
now, but that's actually better, because you see
the reward of it in the hereafter and
what better place to get reward than some
place that is everlasting that will never end
this world is temporary so to reap everything
we sow here Abdurrahman bin Al says it
best to reap everything you sow here is
not what you want, he's literally crying eating
food because the food that comes out in
what he prefers in what he prefers like
we have preferences so many of them but
he's seeing the food in what he prefers
and he says I'm afraid that all the
good deeds I put forward, I'm getting them
here when the likes of me like Musa
bin Umair and Hamza r.a is in
the hereafter reaping the good that they've done
and that's where I want to be but
you cannot be ready to meet Allah until
you tell yourself I'm ready to meet Allah,
and you're not ready to meet somebody you
don't know that's just the reality of it
so how are you going to be there
okay Allah, this is what you gave me
this is the best I can do, and
then reminding yourself that Allah will not leave
me empty handed then, Qalu, they then said
Tallahi laqad aatharakallahu alayna, they said that we
swear by Allah that Allah has certainly preferred
you over us, wa in kunna la khati
'in, and we have been those who have
done wrong, and we have made mistakes, and
they just kind of own up to their
situation right, they say you know what this
is why you were favored you know, you
see something on the surface, it doesn't make
a lot of sense, sometimes because this is
where jealousy is someone gets something you've been
praying for, somebody has something you've been looking
at, somebody has a life that you want,
and you're thinking to yourself, why did I
get this, why did I get that why
did I, you don't know the day to
day you don't know the in and out
for the brothers of Yusuf, they're like our
dad is spending so much time with him
and now they see the responsibility that Yusuf
alayhis salaam has, they have one job, come
to the city get the food, take your
brother back home, they can't even do that
how do they think they're going to run
a whole city they don't have that capability
and it's okay everyone has a job to
play a role in life play your role,
oh people are like oh elevate, everybody should
be an entrepreneur, no no, some people like
taking direction, it's really not that hard because
when you know the role you're supposed to
play in life, you play it well but
when you're so busy counting somebody else's plate,
when Allah asks you about what was on
your plate, what are you going to say
I was doing so and so's job Allah
does not care, He didn't ask you to
do that, so they're here and they're seeing
this, they're seeing Yusuf alayhis salaam still be
fair to them knowing what they did to
him, knowing that he knows what they did
to him and his brothers come to him
for food and he was still more than
fair to them more than fair, knowing that
they tried to kill him and he was
fair to them, why?
because when you live by the rules of
Allah, it does not matter what somebody did
to you when you live by the boundaries
that God has placed there you know that
on the day of judgment I will be
asked about what I did not about what
somebody else did to me and they're looking
at this and they're thinking to themselves we
don't know we can live up to that
we just don't know, so they say surely
you have been the one who's the chosen
one, you're the one who Allah has put
favor on and we were people who made
mistakes, we were sinners we did the wrong
thing and then Yusuf alayhis salaam says something
so beautiful, and we'll talk a little bit
about the conquest of Mecca, but Yusuf alayhis
salaam then said to them he says there's
no blame for you on this day as
in like water under the bridge, he tells
them it's all good, we don't have to
rehash the past that may Allah forgive you
all and he is the one who is
the most merciful of the merciful think about
mercy and know that Allah is even more
merciful than that the Muslims are facing the
Quraysh for years years, even in Medina they're
dealing with the mental note that the Quraysh
is always trying to come and attack them
and it's important that we understand the type
of torture that the Muslims went through, it
wasn't just like taunting even though that's bad
enough excuse me, it wasn't just being annoying
it wasn't just those things, it wasn't just
trade, it wasn't just those things, it was
immense levels of torture you have Sumayya radiya
Allah the Prophet ﷺ was walking by the
family of Yasir right now, us currently, we're
seeing things happening around the world and we
feel like our hands are tied we feel
like there's nothing we can do we try
to send money for aid, it gets blocked,
we're trying our best, but there's we are
just stuck, and perhaps we feel like dua
is the only thing dua is powerful, it's
very powerful, right?
but the Prophet ﷺ can you imagine he's
walking past the family of Ammar, he's walking
past Sumayya and Yasir and Ammar and they're
tied to these pillars and it's hot, and
it's not like wooden pillars, that would be
bad enough but they're like metal rods in
the middle of the summer, in the desert
and they're being tortured, and the Quraish are
walking around saying yeah we're making an example
out of your people, because you decided to
give them rights but we want them to
know they have no rights, this is what
they're saying this is how they're treating them
the Prophet ﷺ is watching Bilal ﷺ be
dragged through the streets of Mecca, and he's
not just being dragged, that's bad enough, but
he has hot plates on him and the
torture is so difficult that he can't even
say la ilaha illallah, the only thing he
can get out of his mouth is ahad
un ahad ahad un ahad you have Ammar
bin Abu Bakr Siddiq ﷺ they're telling him
since you're Muslim, fine you come from a
noble lineage, don't be public about it Abu
Bakr Siddiq is like I don't have to
listen to you guys he's like I'm going
to pray he starts to pray, they tell
him okay if you're going to pray, pray
in your home he starts praying outside of
his home right at his home's door, they
say no we don't want to see you,
he says no you can't do that, then
they tell him you need to get out
of here, if you don't leave, then know
that something bad is going to happen to
you, Abu Bakr Siddiq ﷺ who tries to
leave they find him on the journey and
they beat him into a coma and he
wakes up and the first thing he asks
about is the Prophet ﷺ the first thing
he asks about is the Prophet ﷺ and
Abu Bakr Siddiq came from a notable lineage,
he came from a notable lineage, can you
imagine all the rest of the companions who
didn't who didn't come from like money, who
didn't come from that background Khattab bin Arath
had scars on his back to the point
that in Medina in Medina Amr bin Khattab
ﷺ he's sitting down and he's saying when
we started to get too free with life
sometimes life is good and you're enjoying a
little bit and it feels a little too
comfortable, so Amr bin Khattab says when we
started to feel a little too comfortable with
life, I would tell Khattab come here and
show me your back but this is 10
plus years later and the scars are still
there, that is the torture that the Muslims
endured in Mecca, that is the difficulty that
they endured in Mecca and it didn't get
no better in Medina, sure they had mental
capacity, yes but when they went for battle
and they finished the battle of Uhud, what
did Abu Sufyan say that you're going to
walk on this battlefield today and you're going
to identify your family members, not just people
that you know through religion you're going to
identify your family members and you're going to
find that their bodies have been mutilated and
I didn't tell people to do it but
I didn't stop them either and when the
Prophet goes and he looks at Hamza radiyallahu
ta'ala he finds that his organs have
been removed, his organs have been removed, when
he goes to cover Musa bin Umair his
limbs are disfigured they're all around the battlefield,
they have to gather them together, this is
the difficulty that the Muslims endured and they
went through at the hands of the Quraish
so can you imagine the Prophet riding into
Mecca for the conquest of Mecca and Abu
Sufyan coming to him and saying I know
you guys are coming I'm just asking for
leniency if I was in that situation if
you were in that situation what would be
your response the Prophet's daughter passes away and
the Prophet's not even there because he's at
battle fighting the Quraish he makes it just
in time what would be your response Hamza
radiyallahu ta'ala who is one of the
closest people to the Prophet and he passes
away at the hands of like an assassination,
it was like even outside of what was
considered to be okay with war, what would
be your response Musa bin Umair was the
one who single handedly had 120 people, over
120 people enter into Islam without having seen
the face of the Prophet and he's there
on the battlefield at the hands of the
Quraish, what would be your response what would
be your response, would you be able to
be lenient would you be able to be
merciful we don't know but the Prophet enters
into Mecca with his head down on his
sword and when he gets inside of Mecca
and he makes his first talk, he says
to them Alhamdulillah he says all praise is
due to the one who deserves praise and
all praise is due to Allah who has
fulfilled his promise his promise was truly true
and he helped his servant he doesn't say
he helped the one who should be on
top, he doesn't say he helped those who
have victory he says he helped his servant
and then he says and he granted this
victory to allow for these for this army
to be the ones to win and then
he says to the people what do you
think I'm going to do to you today
O Quraish and they responded and they said
we think you're going to be good why
they said because you are a noble person
and you come from a noble lineage you're
the son of someone noble you're the brother
of someone noble and we just know that
you have power over us but before remember
back then when they knew him to be
a noble person and they used to call
him the one who's so trustworthy and so
truthful and when he told them the mission
and the message and they said oh actually
you're majnoon, you're crazy but now that he
has to overhand, oh you're the son of
someone who's noble and you're a noble man
but what will we be in that situation?
Clearly you can tell by my tone where
I would be oh now I'm great how
about I be crazy because I was crazy
before but what is the Prophet's response he
says the type of nobility that you guys
are talking about is not the nobility that
I'm talking about he says I will say
to you all like my brother Yusuf said
yeah I come from a noble place but
it's not lineage in terms of the Quraysh,
it's this lineage in terms of the fraternity
the brotherhood of prophethood so I will say
to you all like my brother Yusuf that
there is no hard feelings today, water under
the bridge, now this is usually where the
narration stops but there's a longer narration that
talks about the response of Omar bin Khattab
r.a and Omar bin Khattab r.a
he says he says that I
frequently think about this word the Prophet said
and I get embarrassed I feel a little
bit embarrassed ذلك أني قد قلت لهم حين
دخلنا المكة because the Prophet said to them,
because I had said to them when we
entered into Mecca اليوم ننتقم منكم ونفعل that
today we're going to take revenge on you
guys and we're going to do what you
did that was Omar bin Khattab's mind, he
says today we're going to deal with you
guys how you dealt with us in the
past and then he says فلما قال رسول
الله صلى الله عليه وسلم what the Prophet
said to them, what he said استحيت من
قولي I became embarrassed about what I said
but we're not even Omar why?
because at least Omar still feels that level
of forgiveness after hearing what the Prophet said
so Yusuf a.s. is in this situation
and now he has the upper hand and
he shows his nobility even when he has
the upper hand by telling his brothers, listen
it's all good we're family and from here
on out we're going to keep that as
water under the bridge but what does he
attribute it to?
he doesn't attribute it to himself he says
وَيَغْفِرُوا اللَّهُ لَكُمْ and may Allah forgive you
all why?
because هو ارحم الراحمين because Allah is the
most merciful of those who are merciful and
like the Prophet tells us that if we
want Allah to have mercy on us, we
have to have mercy on people there's not
a lot of things, there's a lot of
terrible things that people can do to you
in life not a lot of people trying
to kill you there's not a lot of
people trying to kill you and by having
mercy on people doesn't mean you enter them
in your life in the same way doesn't
mean that, doesn't mean giving them access to
you in a way that they shouldn't doesn't
mean that, it means let go of the
grudges, don't hold things so heavy on your
heart that it makes you difficult to turn
to Allah because at the end of the
day holding a grudge it doesn't do anything
to the other person it does everything to
you you're the one who cannot sleep at
night, they're sleeping fine, you're the one who
cannot sleep at night, you're the one who
feels disgust, you're the one who are not
feeling okay, because them best believe they're living
their life they're going about their life in
whatever way they want to but you're constantly
thinking about what this person has done and
they haven't apologized and they haven't done this,
and I'm not saying I'm not saying it's
okay for people to violate rights, I'm saying
if you cannot control someone else's actions why
spend your time thinking about them Yusuf A
.S in the prison and throughout this entire
moment until we get to his brothers coming
to him you don't hear him talk about
his brothers you don't hear it you don't
hear when Zuleika tried to do what she
did, she tried to seduce him, you didn't
hear him say man my brothers did this
and then she's doing this I'm like everybody
I love, they're so annoying but no, you
don't hear that you hear him deal with
the situation as it comes this is a
situation, deal with it when it's done, you
box it up you put it to the
side after he becomes the Aziz, do you
hear the story of the Aziz again?
no, you don't hear it, why?
it's done, you move on it is not
until the brothers of Yusuf come back that
you hear the story again why?
because it's time to wrap it up now
but what is he able to do?
he's able to look at the blessing that
Allah has given him and actually take that
opportunity but when we're so busy revisiting the
past, there's so many things that Allah has
given you right then and there that you
don't have the capacity or the mental space
to be able to use you don't have
the capacity or the mental space to be
able to take it as an opportunity because
you're so busy revisiting what someone has done
to you leave it to Allah you believe
Allah is just you believe Allah is almighty
you believe Allah is all powerful then Allah
will take care of it but remember what
the prophet says a believer does not get
bit by the same snake twice so you
let it go you keep it pushing, you
make your boundaries and you move about your
business and you know that Allah will protect
you that is how you have mercy on
people and then he says to his brothers
because Yusuf a.s. in the shirt we
should have called this class the shirt he
says اذهبوا بكميسي هذا go back to my
father and take this shirt, take my shirt
فألقوه على وجه أبي and put it over
the face of my father يأتي بصيرا واتوني
بأهلكم أجمعين he says when you go there
and you put it over his shirt then
his eyesight will come back and bring me
your family all together meaning you guys are
married, you have children now you guys have
like moved on with life they have moved
on with life they did what they did
and sure maybe they thought about it here
and there but they did what?
they moved on with life you guys moved
on with your life you got your families,
you have your kids you have all of
these things so go there, put this shirt
over my father's eyes and bring it back
his eyesight will come back and bring your
family all together so they went ولما فصلت
العير when the caravan left when the caravan
departed it did not get to Yaqub a
.s. when the caravan left it left Egypt
and it was on its way Yaqub a
.s then said إني لأجد ريح يوسف he
says man, the scent of Yusuf has reached
me I can smell him I know Yusuf
is alive لولا أن تفني دون that if
only you if only you guys didn't think
I was senile you guys think I'm senile
and that's why you're not going to believe
me but I know that Yusuf a.s
I know that he's alive and they respond
to him and they said they said we
know, we swear by Allah that you're old
and senile like you're old and you're wrong
you're in your own type of wrong they
didn't just say you're in dalal like you're
in wrong they're like you're in a special
boat of being wrong like you're in your
old man wrongness and we're going to stop
at this verse because if we keep going
we might as well finish the surah but
we're going to stop at this verse but
it's important to realize something right here and
we've talked about many different things but this
is where I want to stop because sometimes
remember we've been talking about trust and ihsan
and being a good person and all these
things but also having this personal relationship between
you and Allah and sometimes when you have
a level of trust in Allah that other
people do not understand they're going to call
you crazy they're going to look at you
and they're going to say that you have
no sense why are you doing this, you
should be doing this this is the next
move you need to make you need to
go make this, you're not doing enough how
do you expect this to turn out but
you know your relationship between you and God,
you know it and you know the answers
that Allah is giving you this is why
you go on a journey in life with
Allah you make your istihara you make your
duas you make your prayer you walk in
with God and you make the decision that
Allah SWT is leading you to make and
whatever outcome of that decision is not in
your hands it's in the hands of Allah
it does not matter if everyone around you
thinks you're crazy because guess what, that's what
the prophets went through everyone around them Nuh
A.S. is building an ark in the
middle of the desert yeah, even his wife
told people that he was senile they asked
his wife how's your husband at home, he's
crazy but what did Allah SWT say about
them you can be in the house of
the most righteous and until you make your
decision of faith for yourself it's not going
to benefit you so for us each and
every single one of us in this room
and online we make our own we have
our own relationship between us and Allah and
the guidance that Allah SWT gives us, we
need to be confident in it, we need
to have trust in Allah, we need to
be firm in our trust in God, because
though someone may think we're crazy to be
still speaking out about wrongs and atrocities even
though it seems like the world has forgotten,
maybe someone thinks you're crazy for getting up
and praying in the middle of your work
day maybe somebody thinks you're crazy because you
spend time making dua to Allah maybe somebody
thinks you're crazy because you made a better
decision for your children for their relationship between
them and God, and maybe it has nothing
to do with dunya but it has everything
to do with their relationship between them and
Allah and someone's telling you well you're messing
up your kids life and you're doing this
and how are they going to do that
guess what, you have to let that be
noise because that is exactly what it is
if you trust Allah and you trust that
this is the decision and the way that
God is guiding you to then guess what,
you're making the best decision, not just the
right one, you're making the best decision this
is why the Prophet SAW tells the companion
when he asked him like, when I have
trouble making decisions what should I do?
if your heart is in the right place,
your heart where reasoning and logic lies your
heart where your fitra is if it's in
the right place, if you're feeding it iman,
it will give you the right answer, so
that's why the Prophet SAW says consult your
heart because if your heart doesn't feel good
about it then maybe Allah is telling you
this is not it but you have to
do what?
you have to feed it, you have to
give it what it needs, you have to
purify you have to cleanse it, you have
to make sure that you are embedding within
it that God consciousness and that awareness of
Allah so I pray that Allah SWT allows
us to benefit from everything that we heard
here today I pray that Allah SWT forgives
us of our shortcomings, that Allah SWT allows
us to be people who have a close
relationship with Him, I pray that Allah SWT
allows us to gather in the gathering much
better than this that Allah SWT allows us
to be people who are always on the
right side of history that Allah SWT allows
us to be people who are a part
of the saving of our brothers and sisters
around the world and that Allah SWT allows
us to drink from the blessed hands of
the Prophet Muhammad SAW