Fatima Barkatulla – Raising a Hafiz

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The importance of learning the Q booked of Success is emphasized, as it is the book of success for everyone and the entire humanity. It is also discussed the use of Qur-AN in various fields, including government, business, and politics. It is emphasized that practicing and learning the Qwork is crucial for personal growth and achieving success. The speakers also emphasize the importance of memorizing the Q booked and learning the Qwork for success in various fields.
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Don't say that, oh, we don't need more
No, who said that?
We don't need more Huffa.
Bismillah, alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalam ala hasulillah.
Dear brothers and sisters, assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh, dear parents, and welcome to this
bonus session that we're having for the Raising
a Hafidh Masterclass course.
Alhamdulillah, I'm really pleased that today we have
with us Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad.
Thank you so much, Sheikh.
Sheikh Haitham is very difficult to book, I
think, usually, so we're really lucky, you know,
we're really fortunate that he, alhamdulillah, made some
special time for us, especially, you know, since
he goes to the masjid for each of
his salats and all of that, you know,
it's hard to fit these kinds of things
in, but Sheikh, we really appreciate you being
with us, and really, we wanted you to
please, Sheikh, share with us, because the brothers
and sisters who are joining us, they are
parents, all of them have high aspirations for
their children, you know, they want to raise
their daughters or their sons as hufadh, the
next generation of hufadh, so we wanted to
ask you, Sheikh, to please give us some
words of exhortation, advice, about what you see
as the vision for the next generation of
hufadh, and if I could just make one
more point, you know, Sheikh, in our previous
generation, it was the norm for people to,
like our parents' generation, they used to learn
the Qur'an, but maybe they read the
whole Qur'an from cover to cover, they
might have had tajweed, or maybe not, you
know, sometimes, and they wouldn't really understand the
Qur'an, and then maybe our generation, many
of us, maybe we studied Arabic later, you
know, and stuff like that, but now we
have this new generation, how do we raise
the hufadh of this new generation, and how
can we raise them in a holistic way?
Okay, JazakAllah Sayyid.
Okay, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
First of all, it is my honour, sister
Fatima, to be invited to one of your
workshops, and I think I am honoured, really,
to be invited to this workshop that is
talking about the Qur'an, and may Allah
honour us all by the book, by his
book, by the Qur'an, and as Umar
ibn al-Khattab says that this book, yeah,
raises some people and puts down some other
people, and the Prophet ﷺ said the best
of you is the one who learns the
Qur'an and teaches the Qur'an, and
may Allah make us among the best of
people who are learning the Qur'an and
teaching the Qur'an, and the Prophet ﷺ
said that Allah has his own people, his
own private people, and the people of the
Qur'an are the people of Allah ﷻ,
they are close people to Allah ﷻ.
May Allah ﷻ make us among those, and
of course, I am sure that you have
spoken about the merits and the virtues of
memorization of the Qur'an, and it is
enough to say to the parents that on
the day of resurrection, that as it was
authentically reported that the parents of the hufadh,
they will be given the garments and the
crown, not only the crown, but there is
another narration about that they will be given
the garments of the honour and the crowns
of honour, and they will be surprised, and
they will, it will be said to them
because your son has memorized the Qur'an,
in some narration, because of what you did
in order for your son to memorize the
And the Qur'an, as we all know,
comes to intercede on behalf of the person
on the day of resurrection, the Prophet ﷺ
says that the and fasting, they will intercede
for the person on the day of resurrection.
So, this is, we are talking about the
greatest thing.
In fact, the Qur'an is the greatest
matter that we have in our life.
Allah ﷻ, it is one of the attributes
of Allah ﷻ, is if Allah ﷻ is
our Supreme Lord, and Allah ﷻ is everything
in our life, and success lies with Allah
ﷻ, happiness lies with Allah ﷻ, all good
things go back to Allah ﷻ.
Then we are talking about the words of
Allah ﷻ, all good things go back to
the Qur'an, all success go back to
the Qur'an, success in the dunya and
success in the akhira.
In fact, I defined once the Qur'an
as the book of success.
I said it is the book of success
in the dunya and in the akhira, the
book of success for individuals and communities, the
book of success for the entire humanity in
all aspects, spiritual aspects, political aspects, you name
So, if we really attach ourselves to the
Qur'an, we are attaching ourselves to the
strongest weapon that exists on earth.
We are attaching ourselves to the strongest means
of success in this dunya and in the
So, if we give our children Qur'an,
we have given them everything, we have given
them the means of success.
And according to, as one of the early
scholars said, teach your children Qur'an and
Qur'an will teach them everything else.
Teach your children Qur'an and the Qur
'an will teach them everything else.
In fact, my dear brothers, my dear sisters,
the benefits of the Qur'an, yeah, go
back, go beyond the benefits of the akhira
or tawfeeq in the dunya, go beyond that.
And I remember one of our teachers, he
said that, he used to be a linguist,
he has PhD in linguist.
He said, if children learn Qur'an from
the beginning, they will become eloquent speakers.
Yes, because especially with tajweed, it trains all
their muscles, vocal muscles, and they will be
able to talk clearly.
Yes, let alone that their ability to distinguish
between words increases.
Their ability to, of course, those who understand
Arabic, and I will come to that point,
those who understand Arabic, once they study the
Qur'an, the ability to have to memorize
more vocabularies, yeah, is higher.
So that helps them to be more intelligent,
more eloquent people.
This is one thing.
But brothers and sisters, subhanAllah, there are some
side important issues that your children will gain
when they memorize the Qur'an.
First of all, one of the biggest problems
of children now is they want just to
follow their desires by spending their time on
social media, on games and social media.
Now, when you start a journey for them
to memorize the Qur'an, you are transforming
them from this worthless life from being controlled
by their desires to something serious from the
early age.
In fact, you will teach them also to
have a vision.
Because when they are young, and you are
trying to tell them to encourage them that,
oh, you will become hafidh.
So now he will be vision motivated, not
just a spontaneous person who is acting according
to his own desires.
You will build in them practically not by
talking, not by just lecturing them, you will
teach them commitment.
Because imagine if a child stays for five
years committed to memorize Qur'an, he will
be able to be committed to do something
So these are side issues that we might
not think about them.
When we teach our children Qur'an, it
will teach them sabr, it will teach them
self control.
In fact, if you do it with them,
it will build the strength in the relationship
between you and them, my dear brothers, my
dear sisters.
Now there are here a few points.
In the early stage, I recommend
that the children memorize the Qur'an.
Yeah, if they can, they memorize the entire
And maybe just some basic meanings of the
Qur'an to be taught to them.
So for example, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
What does it really mean?
In fact, before that, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
What does it really mean?
What are the benefits of the Basmala?
And let them get used to this Basmala
in the beginning of anything that they do.
And also when you teach them Basmala, make
sure that you teach them these main two
names of Allah Jalla wa Ala, Ar-Rahman
and Ar-Raheem, and the impact of those
two names on themselves.
And then when you teach them Surah Al
-Fatiha, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen just the basic meanings.
What does Alhamdulillah mean?
And show to them that we are using
Alhamdulillah or we use Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen frequently
in our life.
It is the same thing that we see
after food, after we receive good news, etc.
Ar-Rahmanirrahim Maliki Yawm Al-Din Iyyaka Na
'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen.
Yes, just the basic meanings.
And let them, when they read it, when
they hear it in the Qur'an, when
they read it in the Salah, when they
hear it in the Salah, they just understand
what does it really mean.
And SubhanAllah, brothers and sisters, when you teach
your children Qur'an, their ability to understand
Arabic language will become much higher.
In fact, for them to learn Arabic language,
it will be a very easy and a
quick job.
So the effort you put in teaching them
Qur'an, it will pay back in different
And one of them is learning Arabic language.
When you, when they memorize the last Juz
'ah, when they start with the short Surahs
of the last Juz'ah, for example, Qul
A'udhu Bi Rabbi Al-Nas, Maliki Al
-Nas, Qul A'udhu Bi Rabbi Al-Falaq.
The three Quls, Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad.
Again, I strongly recommend, even if they are
children, to teach them what does Qul A
'udhu Bi Rabbi Al-Falaq.
What is Falaq?
What does Qul A'udhu Bi Rabbi Al
And teach them the merits of those two
And we know that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam used to seek refuge in Allah by
reciting those two Surahs on himself and these
Surahs on Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn.
And Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, the grandchildren
of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, as you
know, they were very young when the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam passed away, which means that
he was teaching them these Surahs to learn
and to see the impact on themselves.
So this is something that I really recommend
to do when you teach your children Qur
'an and when you try to make them
Now, beyond that point, it is so important,
even if your children are young, to teach
them the status of the Qur'an, the
status of themselves when they become Hufadh.
Not to become arrogant, not to show off
in front of their colleagues and peers that
we are Hufadh.
What we mean is that to teach them
that once you become Hafidh, you become closer
to Allah and you become a person of
spirituality, a person of Ibadah, a person of
So my son, just be careful.
Don't use bad language.
Don't use bad behavior because you are a
person of Qur'an.
However, let me say that carefully.
You need to make sure that your son
absorbs these things and these things will not
become counterproductive because you don't know the children,
how they react.
Sometimes they might feel that this is a
burden and it is better for me not
to become a Hafidh in order to become
free, yeah, and do whatever I want to
Like a number of children, they said the
reason for us not to be religious people
because we want to be free to do
whatever we want to free, yeah, whatever we
want to do.
So, and you know, these children, now they
have peer pressure, they have social media pressure,
they have different types of pressure.
So we don't know what kind of pressure
they are exposed to.
And hence, we really need to be careful
when we teach them Qur'an.
Also, let me mention something that is very
Each child, please, brothers and sisters, children have
different abilities.
Yeah, I have two granddaughters.
They are the children of my daughter, of
their dad.
However, you see clear differences between the eldest
one and the youngest one, clear differences.
And even the ability of one to memorize
more than the other is higher.
So this is something that we need to
be aware of.
And I know sometimes we as parents, we
want our children to be huffadh.
But our children might struggle to become hafidh.
We need to be very careful in how
to deal with our children, to deal with
them carefully, because we don't want it to
be counterproductive.
I am not saying that, okay, don't push
them to or don't encourage them or don't
help them to become huffadh.
But don't think that the son of so
and so or the child of so and
so completed this surah in one month, and
your son is struggling to memorize one page,
or maybe a few lines in one month.
And you become frustrated.
And you start comparing between him or between
her and others.
And that will, that might have a negative
impact on your child.
So please, please, brothers and sisters, in fact,
I have, if I may say I have
a ruling that in tarbiyah, whenever you listen
to anyone who is speaking about anything in
tarbiyah, please, please, try to customize it on
your situation.
Don't think that, yeah, I can take and
apply what has been said, apply it as
it is on my children.
No, brothers and sisters, you might make a
huge mistake if you, if you do that.
Children are different, their ability is different, the
tarbiyah process, even, even brothers and sisters, even
your, your ability to convey some tarbiyah elements,
yeah, is not like my ability.
Your method is different than my method.
So don't just take it for granted.
And don't take it, don't just apply it
irrespective of customizing on your situation.
Okay, these are just, yani, very quick points
about, about, about raising hufadh.
Yeah, I would like also to add one
point, which is, it is very unfortunate that,
or fortunate or unfortunate, or this is a
reality, that now children, subhanAllah, you can feel
that as if it is a virus, yes,
going on.
They like to play, they like to mess
around, and they see us spending good, good
amount of time on mobile phones.
So the children now are different from children
maybe 10 years ago, 20 years ago, let
alone they are completely different from the children
of the Salaf, the early people of the
So we need to take that into consideration
whenever we teach them Islam, whenever we encourage
them to practice Islam, and of course, whenever
we teach them Qur'an.
JazakAllah khair Sheikh, I really appreciate that.
Can I ask a quick question?
And brothers and sisters, if you have any
questions, please do either raise your hand or
you can post them in the chat.
In the meantime, I'm going to ask Sheikh
some questions.
Sheikh, you know, what would you say is
the benefit of somebody, a child, memorizing Qur
'an with this new generation, is the big,
is the long-term aim that they become
Is the long-term aim, you know, that
it will benefit them whichever field they go
You know, like what, in other words, what
is the benefit of us having lots of
hufadh in the Muslim?
This is a very good question.
This is a very good question.
First of all, brothers and sisters, let me
tell you this story, this incident, not a
story, just a small incident.
One time, I was in East London Masjid,
then a brother came to me and he
said, salam alaikum, salam Sheikh, you don't know
I am like a director of a charity,
but the charity is outside London.
I used to live in London now and
we are coming to collect some, to raise
some funds in East London mosque, etc.
So, I said, mashallah, jazakallah, khair kada.
Then, that was before Salah.
Then I said to him, maybe as you
are waiting for Salah, yeah, maybe it's good
that you stay and just read Qur'an,
revise your Qur'an.
And then the discussion continued and he said
to me, Sheikh, I ask him and I
do ask people, yeah, especially duaat, I do
ask them.
And I like to embarrass them sometimes because
I cannot imagine a da'ia who is
not attached to the Qur'an, yeah, who
doesn't know how to read Qur'an, who
is, his Qur'an is broken.
Okay, hafidh, not this is something else, but
at least a da'ia who gives da
'wa just to memorize some of the Qur
So, I asked him, he said, oh, Sheikh,
you know, I'm not a scholar.
And, you know, since I was young, I
was not planning to be a scholar.
That's why the only Qur'an I know
is the Fatiha and the three quls.
I said, brother, seriously?
You are in your 40s and being in
the field of da'wa for 10-15
years, and only the three quls?
He said, I know, Sheikh.
I said, brother, there is no excuse.
No excuse.
Sometimes we think that we are memorizing Qur
'an to be scholars.
No, Qur'an is for everyone.
Qur'an is for everyone.
And Qur'an is not just for knowledge
to become a scholar.
Qur'an, my dear brothers and sisters, to
go to Jannah, first of all.
Qur'an, as we said, that Qur'an
intercedes for you on the Day of Resurrection.
Qur'an intercedes you in your grave.
The Prophet ﷺ said that on the Day
of Resurrection, it will be said to the
person who has memorized the Qur'an, read
and ascend, read and ascend, read and ascend.
The one who memorizes Qur'an knows the
basic meanings and practices the basic meanings.
This is what this scholar said.
So read and ascend, read and ascend, read
and ascend.
And his status in Jannah, according to the
number of verses that he has memorized in
the dunya, provided that he's acting upon that.
So whether you are an engineer, a doctor,
a politician, yes, you should be a person
of the Qur'an.
We are the ummah of the Qur'an.
Allah ﷻ honored this ummah by sending his
No ummah is honored by what?
By giving them the speech of Allah.
Allah ﷻ and preserve it for them.
Allah ﷻ revealed the Torah.
It is the speech of Allah.
The Injil, it is the speech of Allah.
But Allah ﷻ took it from them.
They don't have the Torah now.
They don't have the Injil now.
The Bible and the Old Testament, the New
Testament is not the Kalam of Allah ﷻ.
The only Kalam that exists on this dunya
is what?
Is the Qur'an.
Allah ﷻ honored us, at least out of
respect, out of showing love for Allah ﷻ,
glorifying love.
We should respect the Qur'an.
We should honor the Qur'an.
We should memorize the Qur'an.
Whether you are, as I said, businessman, politician,
engineer, you are looking after your children at
You are not working outside.
You are working inside.
Whatever you do, okay, the Qur'an is
for your akhirah.
And see, brothers and sisters, please, yeah, wallahi,
wallahi, when you get older, when you get
older and you see that people left you,
if you have the Qur'an, you don't
need people around you except the need of
the human beings.
But when you are, when you get older
and you don't have the Qur'an with
you, wallahi, you will go crazy.
You will go crazy because you don't have
someone next to you.
Your children will leave you, your friends will
leave you, everyone will leave you.
And my dear brothers, my dear sisters, listen
to this.
The Qur'an is the easiest and the
quickest way, easiest and the quickest way to
earn reward.
Yeah, I saw one time an old person,
yeah, he said to me, wallahi, brother, I
can't fast.
Fasting is difficult.
I am big.
I'm trying to control myself.
But yeah, he finishes Qur'an, yeah, once
every three days.
He has a big book of the Qur
'an, and next to him is key and
just keeps reading, wakes up in the morning
and keeps reading, and the evening keeps reading.
Yes, so he keeps reading Qur'an.
And if he was a hafidh of the
Qur'an, I know some of the hufadh
of the Qur'an, yes, because they were
hufadh, one of our mashayikh, yeah, he was
a hafidh of the Qur'an, he memorized
the Qur'an a long time ago.
In fact, one of the imams, what's his
Majuli, Sheikh Majuli, I don't know whether you
know him.
He memorized the Qur'an, and he reads
the Qur'an subconsciously.
Yeah, they can read the Qur'an, yeah,
they can finish 10 juzu a day easily.
When you become old, brothers and sisters, your
desires, they will come, they will come down,
and then you will be thinking more about
your akhira.
And the easiest, the easiest and the quickest
way to earn hasanat is what?
Is through the recitation of the Qur'an.
So don't say that, oh, we don't need
more hufadh.
No, who said that?
We don't need more hufadh.
And so this is for your benefit.
Moreover, wallahi, I strongly believe that Allah jalla
wa'ala is saving countries like Syria now.
Alhamdulillah, Allah jalla wa'ala saved Syria from
this tyranny.
May Allah jalla wa'ala save other countries
from tyranny.
I believe that Qur'an plays a major
role in protecting them.
Even the people of Gaza, yeah, the Qur
'an is protecting them.
Brothers and sisters, one of our biggest problems
is that we think that life will go
as we are expecting.
We don't imagine that there will be calamities,
there will be challenges, we might lose our
homes, we might lose.
Some people say, no, we are living here
in the UK, it is secure, safe.
Who told you?
Who told you that you will live like
Moreover, who told you that you will be
that you will be healthy all the time?
Yeah, who told you that you will be
healthy all the time?
And on the other from another perspective, subhanAllah,
now the mental illnesses are increasing dramatically.
Yeah, now we have, I was a brother
who is a psychiatrist and he said, you
know, now the age of dementia reduced to
from 60 something to 50 something.
We see people who is 50 something are
suffering from dementia.
Yeah, you see that he's a strong person
and but he doesn't know what is happening.
Yes, because of dementia, subhanAllah.
Qur'an helps you against all of these
These are benefits in the dunya, let alone
brothers and sisters benefits in the akhira.
I do agree that, yes, memorize the Qur
'an, memorize the Qur'an.
But, okay, if you can go beyond memorization
by understanding the basic meanings of the Qur
'an, reflecting upon the basic meanings of the
Qur'an, this is nurun ala nur, this
is light upon light.
And this will transform your life more and
But it doesn't mean that, oh, yeah, I'm
not going to be a scholar.
I'm not, I might not learn the basic
meanings of the Qur'an.
Then why do I need to learn the
And, in fact, I wanted to say something,
you know, I was planning, I wrote it
here to maybe conclude the session.
Brothers and sisters, please, one of the biggest
deceptions that we have is, yes, I want
my children to memorize the Qur'an.
What about me?
What about me?
Yes, why don't you start to memorize Qur
You, yourself, don't say, well, oh, it's difficult
for me.
I don't know Arabic.
My tongue is this.
I am busy.
I'm doing this work.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a businessman.
I am whatever, whatever, whatever.
I am sure that if you save every
day 30 minutes to memorize the Qur'an,
wallahi, you'll be able to do it.
Okay, give it five years.
Give it 10 years.
10 years.
How old are you now?
By the age of 50, you will become
You will die by the age of 60.
10 years you have been a hafidh of
the Qur'an and you are reciting Qur
In fact, you died while you are still
memorizing the Qur'an.
You will be resurrected on the day of
resurrection with the intention to memorize the Qur
That is far better for you not to
have that intention.
Allah will give you the reward of your
intention, even if you did not achieve what
you intended, what you intend to achieve.
So, brothers and sisters, please kick this idea
that, oh, do we really need more hafidh?
And when we have more hafidh, then definitely
there will be more religious people, more people
who wish to become scholars, more the atmosphere
of the country will be a religious atmosphere,
will be an atmosphere of the Qur'an.
Instead, do we want our community to be
a community of Qur'an?
Or do you want our community to be
a community of singing?
Because if you don't busy yourself with something
that is useful, something that is beneficial, something
that you like to hear, you will be
busy with by listening to something that is
Which one we want?
And a final point, brothers and sisters, by
the way, by the way, the first step
to raise a hafidh is for your children
to see you keen to memorize the Qur
Or you say to your children to make
it clear, Wallahi see my children, I wish
if I was a hafidh, this is one
of my mistakes, my one of my shortcomings.
That's why I am trying to help you
to become a hafidh.
Be honest with you.
But when they see that, oh, you are
pushing us to become a hafidh, and you
are just spending your time on social media,
on watching films on TV, etc., they will
not be encouraged.
They will, they might see this hypocrisy.
They might do, trying to do hafidh in
front of you and behind your back, they
will, they will not do it.
Jazakallah khair, Sheikh.
Sheikh, we have some questions here.
So I have a question from sister, she's
saying, how can we achieve the goal of
everyone in our household reading or memorizing the
For instance, sometimes children are reading and memorizing
with one parent, but the other parent and
other elders in the house, they, you know,
they're not really maybe doing it or they're
not interested in it.
Yeah, yeah.
Also, Sheikh, someone else asked a question the
other day that what if the grandparents are
discouraging, you know, like they think, oh, you're
putting so much burden on this child.
You know, sometimes there's a lot of pressure
from, that's one question.
Yeah, these are valid questions.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
These are valid questions.
See, first of all, especially for our sisters,
you need to be reasonable, sisters, okay, in
your approach.
In your, that in terms of the quality
and the quantity.
Yeah, the quantity, how much time you spend
with your child, okay, and the equality, which
means to be that strict with your child.
You need to be careful.
I know of a sister that is spending
two plus hours every day with her child
to memorize Qur'an.
She said to me, this is what I
I said to her, sister, between me and
you, just think about it carefully.
I'm not encouraging you.
I'm not discouraging you.
I'm not approving that.
Yeah, I'm not approving that.
Okay, I'm not disapproving that.
But, okay, yeah, and you just be careful
your child not to be tired.
Okay, watch out carefully.
We don't want this to be counterproductive.
Yeah, Sheikh, actually, one of the things that
I usually advocate is start with 10 minutes
a day, you know, with a small child,
start with 10 minutes a day and build
upon that because you can, after that, you
can see what is, what are they capable
Exactly, yes, and evaluate the progress.
Yeah, yeah.
And again, brothers and sisters, if you hear
that, oh, this sister is one hour every
day with her children, okay, and you are
unable to do that, please, okay, don't just
take what she's doing and apply it on
your children.
As sister Fatima, you did not go through
a gradual process with them.
Be careful with this.
This might be or likely to be counterproductive.
Okay, this is one thing.
The other thing is, you know, you need
to, uh, you need to play a smart
role, okay, with your grandparents, okay, or sorry,
with the grandparents of the children, a smart
role in terms of the amount of time
if they have a negative impact on your
children, okay, you need to evaluate that negative
impact because maybe, yes, they might have a
negative impact on the children from one direction,
but they have a positive impact on the
For example, normally, the grandparents give a parent,
give a grandchildren, give them more love, they
show them more love.
Yeah, sometimes they might spoil them, but you
as a parent, you need to, to strike
that balance, okay, because the grandparents, they are
enjoying their grandchildren and they just, they want
to spoil them.
Sometimes they can help you by passing some
of the wisdom to your, uh, to your
Don't think negatively of the grandparents all the
time of your children.
And along with that, okay, some of the
goals that you want to achieve with your
children, and if you see that the grandparents
are against that, especially not your parents, especially
your in-laws, which is normally the, which
is it, the point of tension, uh, you
need to play a smart role in maybe,
uh, in maybe helping your children, the goals
you want them to, uh, to achieve away
from the grandparents.
Don't make it a big issue in front
of the grandparents.
Achieve with them away from them, and when
they go to the grandparents, the grandparents just
enjoy, enjoy them by playing with them, etc,
etc, etc.
Okay, some of our sisters, yeah, they, when
they take the children to their grandparents, to
their in-laws, there they want their children
to be disciplined.
They don't want the children to eat chips
or sweet that was given to them by
They don't want their children, they want their
children to memorize Qur'an.
Okay, you are doing these things in front
of their, their grandparents.
Their grandparents, they want to enjoy them now,
and that's why they, they, they, they might
be put off from what you, uh, want
to achieve with them.
They might think that you are too, uh,
what is it, too extreme with them.
Anyway, these are, uh, quick points, and see,
let me be practical at the end.
If you, sister, if you saw that, well,
we are coming to a deadlock, either with
the grandparents, with the in-laws, or even
with your husband, yeah, with your husband, you
are teaching, let us say, you are teaching
your children Qur'an, sending them to a
madrasa or whatever, and your husband is completely
against that, and you could not win your
Let us imagine the extreme scenario, okay?
At that time, you need to evaluate whether
it is better to push your children to
do something against the desire of their father,
which is going to create rift, tension, negative
atmosphere at home, or maybe it is better
to delay that goal for some time until
you come, uh, up with your husband, or
you agree with your husband on common terms,
I'm not saying that, do it irrespective of
the, uh, the reaction of your husband.
Sometimes the reaction of your husband, it goes,
or it is worse, or it has a
worse impact on your children, so that is
not a good idea, really.
And sometimes, Sheikh, wouldn't you say that sometimes
when we have a desire or a vision,
we have to enroll other people into that
vision as well?
Exactly, yeah, absolutely, absolutely, and of course, sisters,
and brothers, if there is any, make sure
that you ask Allah to help you, yeah?
Please, please, don't just look at it from
just materialistic perspective, uh, plotting perspective, planning perspective.
Allah is there, and Allah, if He sees
that you are sincere, Allah will help you,
I will put two questions together.
One says, um, Sheikh, can you touch briefly
on Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam's approach when
teaching the young Sahaba, okay?
What can we learn from that?
And also, uh, some people are saying, you
know, sometimes we fear that, you know, what
is the sin if you forget the surahs
that you memorize?
This sometimes prevents people from wanting to memorize,
and they worry, what if I do hifth
with my child, and then, so, Sheikh, as
an example, uh, you know, some Muslim chaplains,
they told me that when they went to
prisons, they noticed that there's a number, not
an insignificant number of of young men who've
memorized the Qur'an.
For example, right?
So, just, you know, maybe to speak about
these elements.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
See, okay, let me mention the second point,
which is, okay, uh, this is, it reminded
me of a young girl one time, yeah?
Still, I remember that young girl, and when
she, she said to me, um, I stopped
saying the evening and morning adhkar, because I,
uh, understood that if you say them, and
you forget them one time, then a calamity
will befall you, yeah?
So, she said, if that is the case,
oh, I don't want to say, yeah, in
the first place.
I said, who told you this?
See, brothers and sisters, yeah, yeah, if you
teach your child to memorize the Qur'an,
don't, always, don't, don't, uh, imagine that the
wrong thing will happen.
Please, it is a matter of thinking.
Many of us think of the negative, uh,
the negative consequences all the time.
There, we are, we become negative people.
We think of, uh, the bad things before
we think of the good things.
There is a difference between planning, yeah, and
taking precautions, and just having anxiety, or exaggerating
in terms of what may happen, yeah?
These are two things, brothers and sisters.
So, we need to have a balance.
Otherwise, we will not do anything that is
good, yeah?
So, do it, and maybe, when you teach
your children to memorize the Qur'an, this,
inshallah, will help them to remain a practicing
people, to remain religious people, to remain good
people, okay?
Even if they forgot the Qur'an, they
can go back to the Qur'an easily,
much easier, yeah?
At least, you have done your job.
But if they did not try to memorize,
wallahi, when they become older, by the way,
brothers and sisters, I am sure that if
you ask yourselves, you know, when you see
some people who are, uh, who are huffar,
and when you become yourself more religious and
understanding of the reality of this life, you
will blame your parents why they didn't push
you to memorize Qur'an, yeah?
So, don't do the same mistake with your
Do your job, and, okay, everything is under
the control of Allah, Jalla A'la.
So, this is the first part of the
The second, uh…
Tarbiyah of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
with the Sahaba.
See, there is, I don't know of a
specific method, yeah, that the Prophet, salallahu alayhi
wa sallam, used, okay, to do, or used
to use with the children in terms of
the memorization of the Qur'an.
I don't know.
Maybe there is, okay, I don't know.
And maybe Shari'ah left this for our
But let me say the following.
Brothers and sisters, from my own study and
survey, and subhanAllah, some sisters who are specialized
in children development, yeah, she agreed with me.
She said, even from non-Islamic perspective, we
have the same, almost the same, the same
timeline for children in terms of their learning
Okay, so, the timeline and the stages of
human beings from educational perspective or learning perspective,
yeah, is the following, or are the following,
the stages are the following.
From zero to two, two plus to seven,
seven plus to ten, ten plus to puberty,
and puberty, and more.
Okay, now, in brief, let us talk about
the main two stages, from zero to seven,
and from seven to ten.
From zero to seven, the children have not
developed their ability to study or to learn.
Yeah, that's why many, you know, what is
it, northern countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, yeah,
yeah, who are, they say they have the
best educational systems.
They don't, they don't admit the children into
schools before the age of seven.
There are play groups, play groups.
And, okay, just to cut it short, from
zero to seven, what is the learning mechanism?
From zero to seven, the children just copy.
From zero to seven, children just copy.
So, you keep, try it, brothers and sisters.
Read this in front of the children.
Yes, after maybe some time, they will say,
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, exactly the way you said it.
They did not sit to memorize it.
Okay, it just was sent to their mind.
Okay, a few times, they copied that.
So they copy, which means, and all, you
know, those who are working in this field,
and helping the children to memorize the Qur
'an, they say the same thing.
For children from zero to seven, just repeat,
repeat, repeat, repeat, and then they let them
listen and find a way that they read.
Yeah, this is the hafidh.
This is how they become hafidh.
That's why, don't let them, don't expose them
to the entire Qur'an, they will be
For example, when you drop them to school,
yeah, have on your mobile phone or whatever,
just surah, the first two or three verses
of surah Fatiha in the beginning, right in
the beginning, when they are at the age
of three or four.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
And it goes back again.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
After some time, it depends on your child,
he will just subconsciously, please do remember this
Subconsciously say, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
They memorized it subconsciously.
This is how you do the hafidh with
your children up to the age of seven,
seven around.
After the age of seven, you can develop,
okay, the hafidh mechanism, and you can ask
some of the teachers, they can help you.
By the way, after the age of 10,
the process becomes more difficult because now your
child has more desires to spend time playing,
watching games, social media, etc.
So, catch your children, my dear brothers and
sisters, at way before the age of 10
to help them to memorize the Qur'an.
One of the sisters is saying, you know,
sorry, let me just find the question, that
her 10-year-old son, he's memorized Juz
Amma, and basically, now he's finding it difficult
to continue after Juz Amma.
So, she's thinking, should she stop for a
while and just translate the Qur'an and
let him do it later in his life?
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
The general ruling, of course, there are exceptions.
With these things in Tarbiyah, there are always
exceptions, but the general ruling is, even if
he continues to memorize even one verse every
day, or every two or three days, yeah,
let him do that.
In other words, keep the muscle of memorization.
Keep the muscles of the mind.
Keep the tongue.
Keep the mind aware of the Qur'an.
The minute you leave it, the minute it
will become very difficult for them to come
back to it.
Let alone, they will lose confidence.
They might develop kind of, they distance themselves
from the Qur'an.
So, no, no.
The general ruling is...
So, the sister is asking, what if, like,
you know, you can really see that you
are continuing one verse.
So, in other words, you've reduced the amount
of memorization, but you're finding that you're having
to force this child now.
See, sisters, this is the issue.
Because you did not start with them when
they were young, and you started at the
wrong age, which is 10, yeah, you face
these difficulties.
This is the problem.
Like, you know, we say to sisters, you
neglect your daughter in terms of hijab.
And then when she reaches the age of
13, 14, yeah, or puberty, you ask her
to wear hijab.
By that time, she got used to a
different chemical or a different system.
Her chemistry is not used to this.
So, be careful.
One of the things that can help, isn't
it, is to have a class.
Because sometimes, I feel like in the West,
especially, we are expecting our children to do
things that is against the, you know, obviously,
what majority people are doing.
So, in that sense, we need more of
a jama'ah, you know, we need...
Something to keep the motivation.
Yeah, excellent.
I was going to come to that point,
Sister Fatima, excellent.
Which is, now, what happened, happened.
That, okay, you, whatever you neglected, your child,
Sister, try to find, yeah, a good club
for him.
Yeah, a good group for him.
Some friends that he enjoys being with, yeah,
who are doing the hifaf.
And that might motivate him.
Try to find a way to motivate him,
even if sometimes, you need to be firm
with him.
That, okay, you can't do this unless you
do your hifaf.
And you have half an hour to do
your hifaf.
And after that, you can do whatever you
want to do.
Something like this, yeah, with a bit of
discipline, you need to find what works for
your child.
But I agree, it will be a challenge.
It will not become, it will not be
an easy job.
Yeah, but I don't want, I don't want
the sister to get discouraged.
You know, sister, masha'Allah, even if you
started a bit later than, you know, maybe
is the ideal.
The fact that you're still, you know, your
son has memorised juzamma, that's beautiful.
That is, ah, if he memorised juzamma, that
is a great achievement.
But that's why, just continue.
Has the ability.
It means he has the ability.
So, and he got used to it.
He's not like the one who doesn't know
So now continue with him, even if it
is what, even if it is just one
verse every two days also.
And Sheikh, you know, with the Arabic language,
now, one of the things that I'm actually
advocating is Sheikh that, you know, when children
are young, it's the best time to learn
And even in the West or everywhere in
the world, you know, we learned French or
we learned German, we learn an extra language
because people know that your brain will never
learn a language like in your childhood, you
So I'm actually, one of the things I'm
encouraging parents to do, and especially because now,
you know, the world is smaller, you know,
in some ways, there's a lot of ability
to communicate and have Arabic teachers and, you
know, even online, right, is to bring children
up with Arabic as a language.
Inshallah, could you please give us your thoughts
on that?
Yeah, see, see, see, okay.
I was, one time I was speaking about
this, I said to the brothers, okay, see,
until now, I said, until now, you can
mix between ha and ha.
And they said, well, to be honest with
you, even some brothers who learned Arabic when
they were senior, they said, yeah, they said,
I said, but if you teach your children
from a very young age, especially the Quran,
their ability to distinguish between both is high,
is very high, is higher than you.
In fact, you might find the children, when
they speak, subhanAllah, Arabic, they don't speak with,
they don't, they don't speak the accent.
You feel that, oh, subhanAllah, they are like
Have you been in Egypt?
Have you been in Syria?
Inshallah, Syria will open and then, inshallah, we'll
send our children.
Okay, they have good madrasas there.
Have you been to Arab countries?
So, what it is, the Quran.
And my own observation, although it is not
scientific, those who are huffar and they come
to the UK, their ability to learn English
with the proper accent is higher.
Can you say that again, Sheikh?
Those huffar who come to the UK, for
example, you know, some huffar, they come to
the UK to lead salah, yeah, from Egypt
or from some other countries.
And if they stay in Egypt, their ability,
sorry, if they stay in the UK, their
ability to learn English, yes, and to fix
some of the, maybe, some of the, what
is it, sounds like P and B, etc.,
yeah, is higher than others, yeah, because Quran,
subhanAllah, develops the linguistic ability in our minds,
So, I think, you know, this, one of
the visions I'm trying to encourage people with,
if you could just give us your final
thoughts, Sheikh, is, you know, this new generation
of, regardless of what profession they go into,
a generation that know the Quran, know the
Arabic language as well, you know, I'm trying
to make everyone aspire, you know, if possible,
inshallah, yeah, because then I believe that they
will have a deeper ability to ponder, you
know, yes, and to analyze, exactly, you know,
as you said, well, I, one time, I
was in, actually, I'm going to the same
masjid tomorrow, this masjid, I spoke about the
importance of Arabic language, and I said to
them that, look, if you know Arabic language,
any dua that I can say to you,
yeah, you will pick it up easily, so,
for example, the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam,
says, whoever says, لا إله إلا الله، لا
شريك له، له الملك، وله الحمد، وهو على
كل شيء قدير، hundred times every day, Allah,
jalla wa ala, will give him five things,
yes, among them, that no one will be
better than him in the akhirah, So, one
brother came to me, young brother, yeah, okay,
in his maybe late thirties.
And he said to me, what was the
dua that you mentioned?
I said, which dua?
He said the dua, you said five things.
I said, that was adhikar, la ilaha illallah,
the simple one.
He said, I know the first part, which
is la ilaha illallah, but I don't know
the rest of it.
I said, brother, this is kalimatul tawheed.
He said, and then he asked me to
record it for him because he doesn't know
Brothers and sisters, wallahi, if you don't learn
Quran, which will open the doors of Arabic
language for you, you are depriving yourself from
a lot of khair, a lot of khair.
Yeah, and subhanAllah, learning Quran and through it,
through the Quran, learning Arabic language, subhanAllah, opens
the doors of all types of goodness.
As I said, irrespective of your profession, and
in fact, one of the barriers, subhanAllah, one
of the barriers between people and the deen
in general is language.
Because when people find that this is an
alien language, they automatically feel that this is
an alien culture.
This is an alien paradigm.
But when they know the language, yeah, you
see yourself, okay?
If you go to a country and you
know Arabic language, you feel attached to them.
If you go to a country, when you
go to Turkey and people are talking in
Turkish, you feel you don't feel that much
closer to them.
So the language, the language actually is the
main means of communication and bringing people together.
And similarly, this, the Quran is one of
the main doors of Arabic language, and it
will open your heart, your mind to communicate
with the Arab world, which is the Muslim
JazakAllah khair Sheikh.
Thank you so much for your time and
for your advice.
I think you've motivated us all to memorize
Quran as well, more than maybe even our
children, you know.
Yeah, yeah.
See, this is what I said, don't use
this as an excuse that, oh, I want
my children to teach Quran and then, to
learn Quran and then you forget yourself.
But, but then again, Sheikh, sometimes when our
children have done the hifth, like my sons
have done the hifth, now they can help
me, you know.
Yeah, yeah.
I have a teacher in the house who
can, I can revise with, so.
Sometimes you feel embarrassed that, oh, I'm their
parent and I'm the one who encouraged them
and I'm not a hafidh, oh no, I
should be a hafidh, yeah?
JazakAllah khair Sheikh.
JazakAllah khair.
JazakAllah khair.
And inshaAllah, with that, we will end our
I'm sure you really benefit from that, brothers
and sisters, let me know what you thought
about it.
And inshaAllah, with that, we will bid farewell.
Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika ashhadu an la ilaha
illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika.
Salam alaikum.
Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.