Fariq Naik – Woman’s Rights in Islam & in the Western Civilisation

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the women's rights in Islam, emphasizing the importance of women being equal to men in terms of their roles and responsibilities. They mention that the focus of the discussion is on the spiritual, educational, legal, and political rights of women, rather than the overall rights of men and women.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while Ali was happy at

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my mother's house bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R

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Rahman r Rahim

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in non Muslim MENA well Muslim man well meaning in a minute while on

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cual she in our caution while Mozart the painter well Mozart was

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saw me in our saw image will have it in a photo Jehan will have a

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lot was that green Allah cathedral was accurate. The Allahu La

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rubbish only surgery were silly, Emery, Washington log data

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melissani You have Coco Lee,

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my spected elders and my dear brothers and sisters, I welcome

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all of you with the Islamic greetings. Assalamu alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala of

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Almighty God be upon all of you.

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The topic of my talk is woman's rights in Islam, modernizing or

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woman's rights according to the Oxford Dictionary means the rights

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that promote a legal and social equality of for men with men. I'm

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not so much concerned about the categorical remarks and statements

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made by scientists and inexperience, armchair experts

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that how a light should be led by a woman. I'm going to base my

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conclusions on experience, which is based on truth. For factual

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analysis and experience is the shore test between the gold of

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truth and the glitter of theory.

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We have to check our minds many a time our minds go or stay, we have

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to check it with reality. There was a time when great men thought

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that the world was flat.

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Today if you agree with the Western media, how they portray

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the woman's rights in Islam, we have no option but to agree that

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the woman's rights in Islam they are not modernizing and outdated

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to Western civilization, claiming to uplift a woman they have

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actually degraded her to a status of concubines Mr says society

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butterflies which are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers

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and * marketeers, which are hidden behind the colorful screen

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of art and culture.

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The woman's liberalization that is promoted by the Western media is

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nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of a woman's body,

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the preservation of honor and degradation of soul.

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Islam gave women their due rights 1400 years ago, in the yarmulke

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Helia in the days of ignorance, the population of the world is

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more than 6 billion, out of which more than 1/5 of the population

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are Muslims. We should not judge the woman's rights in Islam, based

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on what an individual Muslim does, or what the Muslim community does,

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it should be based on the authentic sources that is the

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Glorious Quran and the authentic Hadees.

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Many times this callers they differ, they go to one verse and

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neglect the other verses.

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If you take the Quran as a whole, many of these differences will be

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In Islam, men and women are all equal. Equality does not mean

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identic ality men and women are overall equal, but they're not

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I have divided today's talk woman's rights in Islam into six

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headings, the spiritual rights of women and slum the economic rights

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for men and Islam, the social rights, the educational rights,

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the legal rights and political rights.

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