Fariq Naik – Why Was Prophet Jesus Born without a Father

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of worshiping one God alone, including healing and blending prophets with different milkings. They also mention the importance of watching social media and praying for peace in Israel. The speaker concludes by expressing the need to address oppression and acknowledge those who have lost their lives into the ain't the way, and to pray for peace in the coming days.
AI: Transcript ©
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I am AI Abdulla,

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11 years old. I'm in 6th grade from

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central province, Natalie, Sri Lanka. Prophet Isa alaihi

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salam was born without a father. What is

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the reason for that?

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prophets of God with miracles.

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And why did Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless

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the prophets of God? Or why did Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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bless the messengers with miracles?

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It's so that people, they realize

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that this person, he's a messenger of almighty

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God. And they realize

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that you need to worship only one God

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alone. Prophet Isa alaihis salami performed several miracles

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by the permission of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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For example, healing the lepers,

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giving life to the dead,

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healing those born blind.

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These miracles are performed by Isa alaihi salam

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by the permission of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And one of the miracles that Isa Alaihi

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Salam was gifted with that he was born

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miraculously without any male intervention.

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And we know Mariam alaihis salam. She was

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a chaste woman.

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So this was one of the miracles. So

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that people, they realize that Isa Alaihi Salam,

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he's a messenger of almighty God. And

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Allah when he sent out messengers, the messengers

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they performed miracles. And Allah

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can do what he wishes. So he blesses

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different prophets with different milkings. So that it

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is a clear indication

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for the people

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to whom messengers have been sent that they

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need to follow. So that they realize that

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this person is a messenger of almighty God.

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And so that they realize

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that they need to worship

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one God alone.

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So even Isa alaihis salam, he was blessed

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with miracles.

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one of the miracles

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was that he was born miraculously

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without any male intervention.

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We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that

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may he give us the best in this

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world as well as the best in the

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hereafter, and may he save us from the

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torment from the punishment of the * fire.

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we always should see to that we remember

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our Palestinian brother and sisters,

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this is a crucial time.

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They are undergoing

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a great test,

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may Allah

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grant them patience

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and perseverance. May Allah

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reward them.

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And may

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Allah admit those who have lost their lives

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into the highest level in Jannah, into

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several 1,000 of Palestinians,

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people in Gaza

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have been killed over

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more than 2 months.

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In fact, close to 3 months. And we

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know that Israel

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is committing a genocide

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to our Palestinian brother and sisters.

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And duha, it is the weapon of a

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believer. We need to constantly do to Allah

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and at the same time, see to that

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we raise more and more awareness on social

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media regarding this.

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And Allah

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says in the glorious Quran. And I would

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like to end with this verse of Surat

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Al Ibrahim chapter 14 wherein

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and do not think that Allah is

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of what the oppressors do.

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That Allah delays their punishment

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for a day when they will see it

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in horror. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he is aware of what oppression is happening

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to the Palestinian brother and sisters.

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He's aware of what oppression happens around the

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but it is a test for a Palestinian

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brother and sisters. Will they be patient

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or will they lose hope and will they

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lose despair in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So

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our Palestinian brothers and sisters, they have been

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chosen for this great

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And if they pass in this test,

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they will be rewarded inshallah with the highest

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level in that is and pray to Allah

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that may

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Allah admit them into

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into the gardens of paradise

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without accountability, and we pray to Allah

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that may give us the best in this

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world as well as the best in the

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hereafter. And may he admit us into the

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of paradise and may he save us from

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the torment of the * fire.

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