Fariq Naik – Why Polygyny and not Polyandry
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The speaker discusses the issue of polyandry in Islam, including the restriction of marry marriage and the potential for genetic testing to identify a woman with multiple h married children. They also mention that certain people may argue that the idea of "ma'am" in Islam is inaccurate, but it is not the only reason.
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The sixth most common question or misconception that is there in the
mind is non Muslims is that if Islam allows a man to have more
than one wife, why can't a woman have more than one husband?
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah missa
Chapter Four summer 24. Well maxing out when we saw that the
woman who's already buried it's prohibited to marry her. So, let
us analyze what are the logical reasons why polyandry is
prohibited in Islam. From the Glorious Quran, we understand
polyandry is prohibited. The first is that if a man has more than one
wife, you can easily identify the mother as well as the father of
the child.
But if a woman has more than one husband, and if a child is born,
then you will be able to identify the mother but it would be
difficult to identify the Father. And if you happen to admit the
child's school, and then they asked what is name of the father
of the child will have to give two names. I'm aware that certain
people might argue and see that there is DNA and genetic testing.
Previously, it wasn't there. But even if I agree that there's
gender identity testing, it is not accurate, but even if I agree that
it is accurate, this is not the only reason why Islam prohibits a
Muslim woman from having more than one husband. There are several
other reasons