Fariq Naik – Why are the Muslims divided
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The speaker discusses the importance of holding fast to the Glorious Quran and not divided into sects. They stress the need to follow the instructions and not make divisions in Islam. The speaker also mentions a woman in a room who claims to be a Muslim, but denies being a Christian.
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We will take the last question why are the Muslims divided?
Unfortunately, we Muslims, we are divided into sects. Allah subhanaw
taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Al Imran chap number
three was number 103 Why tosee movie habla Hey Jamie I will add
to Roku hold fast to the rope of Allah strongly and be not divided
the rope of Allah. It is the Glorious Quran. So we should hold
fast to the rope of Allah the Glorious Quran and we should not
be divided. There is double emphasis and this was the first is
hold fast to the rope of Allah that is the Glorious Quran and the
second is be not divided. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Nisa,
chapter number four wisdom 59 Yeah, you have already in men who
are to Allah how to Rasool or you believe, obey Allah and obey the
messenger. So we need to follow the Glorious Quran and the
teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Allah
subhanaw taala same Surah Anam chapter six was the 159 in a lady
in for Rocco de now whom were can who Shia, less than vishay those
who have divided the religion and made it into sect, or profit, you
have nothing to do with them.
So we should not make * and slab we should not make divisions in
Islam. And whenever anyone asks Who are you, you should say that
you are Muslim. And whenever our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon he sent letters to different rulers of the world, he mentioned
was of the Glorious Quran from Surah Al Imran Chapter number
three was Psalm 64. For interval if then they turn back for Kulu
shadow, say a bear witness be and obviously moon that we are
Muslims, bowing our will to Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw
taala season so the first pillar chapter 41 was the metallic three,
one man acid or cola MONDAI Allah wa mela soil Johan Wirkkala in
liminal Muslimeen, who is better in speech than the one who calls
us towards Allah subhanaw taala works righteousness and sees that
I am a Muslim. So our identity is that we are Muslims. There is a
Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him,
instructed me the Hadith number 171. When Abdullah Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him, he said, my own Allah will be divided
into 73 sects. All of them will be in hellfire, except for one so the
Sahaba they asked which one a prophet of Allah. So our beloved
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, the one that follows me and
my companions after me. Now many people unfortunately they
misunderstand this Hadees and the thing that the Prophet peace be
upon him he commanded to make sects in Islam to make divisions
in Islam, the Prophet peace be upon him. He never commanded us to
make divisions to make sects in Islam, the Prophet peace be upon
only predicted there will be 73 sects, that does not mean that we
need to make sects in Islam and making sects in Islam. It is
completely prohibited. So whenever anyone asks you, who are you, you
should say that you are a Muslim?