Fariq Naik – Which Sword Opened the Hearts of People for Islam
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The speaker discusses the misconceptions that Islam was spread by the sword and the history of the military operation. They also mention the success of Islam in India and the increasing popularity of religion among people. The speaker concludes by discussing the " War of peace" and the " War of peace" movement.
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The fourth misconception is that Islam was spread by the assault.
Islam comes from the root word Salam, which means peace. It is
also derived from the Arabic word sin, which means to submit your
will to Allah subhanaw taala does Islam in space acquired by
submitting your will to Allah subhanaw taala
was spread by the sword piece was spread by the sword it saw the
each and every human being in this world, he is not in the favor of
maintaining peace, there are many who would like to disrupt it for
their own gains.
Therefore, force has to be used in order to promote peace and justice
in the country.
Similarly, in Islam force can use as a last resort in order to
promote peace and justice in the country.
And the best reply to the misconception that Islam was
spread by the sword is given by the famous historian de Blasio,
Larry and the book, Islam at the crossroad on page number eight he
says that history makes it clear that however, the legend of
fanatical Muslims sweeping across the world forcing Islam at the
point of the sword,
over conquered races is the most fantastic absolute myth that
historians have ever repeated.
I would like to repeat the statement the last year Larry
Eberbach Islam at the crossroad on page number eight, he says that
history makes it clear that however, the legend of fanatical
Muslims sweeping across the world, forcing Islam at the point of the
assault is the most fantastic, absurd myth that historians have
ever repeated.
We Muslims, we've ruled Spain for 800 years. We didn't do the job.
Later on. The Christian crusaders came and wiped up the Muslims.
There was not even a single Muslim who could openly give the Adan
that is the call for prayer.
We Muslims, beaver the loss of Arabia for 1400 years. For a few
years the French game for a few years the British escape, but
overall we Muslims. We were the Lords of Arabia for 14 years.
Get today in Arab land. There are 14 million Arabs who are Coptic
Christians. Coptic Christian means Christians since generations,
these 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians, they are giving
shahada they are bearing witness that Islam was not paid by the
We Muslims, we ruled India for 1000 years.
If we wanted, we could have converted each and every non
Muslim on the point of the sod. We didn't do it. Today, more than 80%
of the population of India. They are non Muslims, these AP person
non Muslim, they are giving shahada they are bearing witness
that Islam was not spared, but saw.
Indonesia has the maximum number of Muslims, which Muslim army went
to Indonesia, which Muslim army went to the east coast of Africa,
which Muslim army went to Malaysia
which sought to reply to this. It's given by the famous historian
Thomas Carlo, in his book heroes and hero worship. And he places
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Hero Number One.
He says that the SWOT indeed but where will you get your sworn
every opinion? At its beginning? It is precisely in one man's head.
One man against the whole world believes in it. One man against
all men, that will pick up the SWAT and propagated will do little
for him. You must take your Suad and propagate. Thomas Carlye is
talking about the swamp of reasoning, the swamp of intellect.
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran, incidentally *
chapter 16 was number 125 Although electability a lot bigger Bill
Hikmah while Mao is at the hustler, miletti acid, and invite
all to build dialogue with wisdom and beautiful teachings and argue
with them and Wisdom with them in the ways that are best and most
Even if we had the SWOT of metal and steel, we could not use it as
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Baqarah
Chapter number two was number
256 Like Rafi Dean, let there be no compulsion in religion. Baba
Yaga Ramana Maharshi to stands out clear from error.
Poor Miss Carlye is talking about the swathe of reasoning, the
swabbed of intellect
the swabbed, which conquers the hearts and minds of people.
There was an article published in the Reader's Digest Almanac,
yearbook 1984, and was reprinted in the plain truth magazine, which
showed the statistics of the increase of the major world
from 1934 to 1984. And number one religion, it was a slab which
increased by 230 5%. Christianity only 47% Which war took place
between 1934 to 1984, which caused millions of people to accept
Islam, which was
today, the fastest growing religion in America as a slob. The
fastest growing religion in Europe is Islam, which sod is forcing
these Americans and Europeans to accept Islam in large numbers.
If hijab subjugates the woman if Islam subjugates the woman, then
out of the people who accepting Islam, why are two thirds of them
woman who is forcing them?
Who is forcing these American and European woman to accept Islam?
I would like to end this answer.
With the famous saying of Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson. Dr. Joseph
Adam Pearson rightly says that people worry that nuclear weaponry
will fall in the hands of the Arabs. They fail to realize that
the Islamic bomb the bomb of the religion of peace has already been
propped. It fell. The day Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was