Fariq Naik – What If One Forgets an Essential Part of Salaah
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The speaker discusses the importance of missing a featured photo in a culture. They suggest that missing the photo means they miss something, but it is unclear what. The speaker also mentions a practice of missing a featured photo in a culture and how they should take action based on the situation.
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If we miss our hooking in our salah, out of forgetfulness so in
this situation what should we do if we miss a rockin deliberately
but naturally we are ascending but if we miss a rockin out of
forgetfulness for example in the second car we forget to perform
one such that instead of two sides does we perform only one such
time. So, in this situation we need to repeat this whole raka
because we have missed a broken and after we repeat this whole
raka then we perform salute a soul. So, for example in the Zohar
Salah if we miss in the second raka one such data and after we
complete a Salah we remember the need to repeat this raka again and
we perform subdued a sound before the slim or after the skin