Fariq Naik – Unlike Jesus (pbuh), Prophets Muhammad and Moses (pbut) were Born Naturally
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If you analyze, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Prophet
Moses peace be upon him. Both of them, they were born naturally,
they had a mother, and they had a father, where Jesus Christ peace
be upon him. He was born miraculously, without any male
intervention. He had a mother, whereas he did not have a father.
And it is mentioned in the Glorious Quran in surah Al Emraan.
Chapter number three was number 47, that Jesus Christ is upon he
was born miraculously, without any male intervention. The same
message is given the Bible.
If you read the Bible dimension, the Gospel of Matthew chapter
number one was Tim 18. And the Gospel of Luke chapter number one
was 45, that Jesus Christ peace be upon him, he was born
miraculously, without any human intervention. So, Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him was like Prophet Moses peace be upon him, and
Prophet Jesus Christ peace be upon him. He was unlike Prophet most
peace be upon him.